GOS :: Volume #9

#806: Calming the mind broken

Ao Gela, Da Meng, Aranza, Tie Mu and the others, three all come, under the Dù Tiān happy summon, gathers. 奥格拉斯、达蒙、亚兰、铁牧等人,三个个现身,在镀天乐的呼唤下,聚集起来。 Shi Yan has not appeared throughout. 石岩始终不曾出现。 the Anna complexion was even more ugly. lì安娜脸色愈发难看了。 For a long time, enters participant, arrives in full completely, only misses Shi Yan one. 许久过后,进入其中的参与者,全部到齐,只差石岩一个。 Ao Guduo has smiled suddenly, Anna, our gambling makes, kept a promise?” 奥古多突然笑了起来,“lì安娜,我们的赌约,是否算数?” Rochester, Kashewen, Da Lei and the others, looks to Anna, expression is strange, Rochester and Da Lei, a little take pleasure in others'misfortunes obviously. 罗切斯特、卡修恩达勒等人,也都看向lì安娜,神色怪异,其中罗切斯特和达勒,明显有点幸灾乐祸。 Yeah, this thinks that Shi Yan will triumph, has not thought that unexpectedly dies, really misjudged. I also want to wait for him to come out, flatters this god country people with newly acquired wealth well, what a pity.” Rochester shook the head, as if regret quite. “哎,本以为石岩会得胜,没想到居然死在其中,真是失算了。我还想等他出来,好好巴结巴结这个神国新贵呢,可惜了。”罗切斯特摇了摇头,似乎颇为的遗憾。 If Shi Yan died, some people obtain purgatory command token inevitably, I am having a look. “如果石岩死了,必然有人得到炼狱令牌,我在看看。 , Anna coldly snorted, shot a look at complacent Ao Guduo one, he died, I naturally can offer star of this life life *** quick Ao Guduo laughs. ,lì安娜冷哼一声,瞥了得意奥古多一眼,“他真死了,我自然会奉上一今生命之星***快”奥古多哈哈大笑。 When they spoke, in Du Tianji of day star, silent, said suddenly: We walk.” 在他们讲话时,远在天涅星的镀天奇,沉默一下,忽然说道:“我们走吧。” The Zi Yao complexion is gloomy, in the beautiful pupil spills over the sorrowful color, has stood silently. 紫耀脸色灰暗,美眸中泛出悲哀之色,默默的站了起来。 In front of a Du Tianji point bright mirror, the Divine Light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the center appears a crack, he and Zi Yao, suddenly disappearance in. 镀天奇一点面前的明镜,神光万丈,中央显出一道裂缝来,他和紫耀两人,忽然消失其中。 The next quarter, can see in purgatory star that said in extremely purgatory field scene lake, Du Tianji and Zi Yao reveal immediately that distinguishes a direction, the Du Tianji thought moves, bringing Zi Yao to stretch across several thousand li (0.5km), directly especially now the places of five big feudal lord accumulations. 下一刻,在炼狱星那一处可以见到极道炼狱场场景的湖泊内,镀天奇紫耀顿时显露出来,辨别一个方向,镀天奇念头一动,带着紫耀横跨数万里,直接特现在五大诸侯聚集之处。 Your majesty “陛下” Including Dù Tiān happy, five big feudal lords one and single knee is well-grounded, simultaneously respectful sigh. 包括镀天乐在内,五大诸侯一并单膝着地,同时恭敬的呼道。 These participants, Ao Gela and the others, two knees fall to the ground, the whole face worship awe, lowers the head to express own humbleness. 那些参赛者,奥格拉斯等人,两个膝盖落地,满脸崇拜敬畏,垂头表示着自己的谦卑。 Gets up.” Du Tianji nodded, the manner tranquil nature, who is a winner?” “都起来。”镀天奇点了点头,神态平静自然,“谁是胜者?” Rika.” Dù Tiān stands up happily, under point to Anna demon that female, she kills people many.” “丽卡。”镀天乐率先站起,点向lì安娜魔下的那名女子,“她杀人最多。” Du Tianji shows a faint smile, „the good fortune of god country.” 镀天奇微微一笑,“神国之幸。” Imaginary Space Ring, fell off from his fingertip, flies to Rika, five good fortune Spirit Pill, took when your breakthrough Source God, the effect was best, can give the strength of your soul continuously. A Divine level fourth rank armor, can agree with such as one with your Divine Sense, lets your strength promotion.” 一枚幻空戒,从他指尖脱落,飞向了丽卡,“五枚造化神丹,在你突破源神时服用,效果最佳,可以给你源源不绝的灵魂之力。一件神级四品铠甲,和你神休可以契合如一,让你战力提升。” The Rika whole face wild with joy color, received Imaginary Space Ring, expressed gratitude again and again, thanked your majesty gracious gift, must do one's best for the god country, until my heart stops beating.” 丽卡满脸狂喜之色,接过了幻空戒,连连道谢,“谢陛下恩赐,必会为神国鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。” Does not need to thank me, this is you earns.” Du Tianji smiled, the line of sight falls to Dù Tiān is happy, a while blockade said the purgatory field extremely, um, this time wheted is finished.” “不必谢我,这是你应得的。”镀天奇笑了笑,视线落向镀天乐,“一会儿封锁极道炼狱场,嗯,这次磨砺便算是结束了。” Also misses one person.” Dù Tiān happy reply. “还差一人。”镀天乐回答。 He arrived.” Du Tianji turns head, looks to behind, shouted to clear the way: Comes out, has resulted in purgatory command token, naturally exempts from you, from now on, hugely big, whatever you gallop, you from plaster by.” “他已经到了。”镀天奇扭头,看向身后,喝道:“出来吧,得了炼狱令牌,自然豁免你,从今之后,天大地大,任由你驰骋,你自垩由了。” Anna and Ao Guduo and the others, simultaneously look to behind. lì安娜和奥古多等人,同时看向身后 Jiang Ge reveals the body slowly, the complexion tranquil single knee is well-grounded, many thanks your majesty gracious gift.” 江戈缓缓显身,脸色平静的单膝着地,“多谢陛下恩赐。” Was you have killed Shi Yan?” Zi Yao loses one's voice to scream fiercely that a face is ominous, the beautiful pupil spills over the cold cold brightness, lets the person palpitation. “是你杀了石岩?”紫耀猛地失声尖叫起来,一脸凶厉,美眸泛出冷冽的寒光,让人心悸。 Anna is also coldly snorted one, the dark green eye, such as the poisonous snake, making the person soul drag the fear. lì安娜也是冷哼一声,暗青色的眼睛,如毒蛇般,让人灵魂摇曳恐惧。 The Jiang Ge complexion changes, at once calms down, was not I have killed him, he intruded forbidden land, was torn the smashing by energy, I picked his purgatory command token.” 江戈脸色一变,旋即冷静下来,“不是我杀了他,他闯入了一处禁地,被其中的能量撕裂成粉碎,我只是将他的炼狱令牌捡到了。” forbidden land?” The Du Tianji knitting the brows head, has not actually closely examined, waves, did not wait for Zi Yao and Anna to say anything, put down purgatory command token, you leave now, from now on, some people will not inquire about your crime again.” 禁地?”镀天奇皱了皱眉头,却没有追问下去,挥挥手,也不等紫耀、lì安娜多说什么,“放下炼狱令牌,你现在就离开,从今之后,不会再有人过问你的罪行。” Jiang Ge without demur, places the ground purgatory command token immediately, toward the Du Tianji respectful ritual, shoots up to the sky immediately, as if for fear that remains to meet anything to scold that vanishes to disappear quickly. 江戈二话不说,马上将炼狱令牌放在地上,朝着镀天奇恭敬一礼,顿时冲天而起,似乎生怕留下来遇到什么责难,很快消失不见了。 Anna and Zi Yao, stubbornly is staring him, the hatred in vision is extremely obvious. lì安娜和紫耀两人,死死的瞪着他,目光中的恨意极其明显。 The smiling face of Ao Gela whole face sunlight, moves toward Zi Yao on own initiative, well-mannered bowing, „is your highness all right?” 奥格拉斯满脸阳光的笑容,主动走向紫耀,彬彬有礼的躬身,“殿下没事吧?” The Zi Yao look is quite complex, looks at Ao Gela that such as in the past bright smiling face, why did not know, thought that in the heart was very uncomfortable, but Ao Gela was her Entourage, followed her many years, for she can give up all, she really had no reason to launch an attack, nodded, she said: „ I am all right, but Shi Yan has saved me after all, he suffers the accident, I truly a little do not feel better. 紫耀眼神颇为复杂,看着奥格拉斯那一如往昔的灿烂笑脸,不知道为何,觉得心中很是不舒服,可奥格拉斯是她的扈从,跟随她多年,为了她可以放弃一切,她实在没有理由发难,点了点头,她说道:“我没事,只是石岩毕竟救过我,他遭受意外,我确实有点不好受。 Shi Yan colludes with blood slaughter Ka Tuo, tries to plot to murder the princess, the princess does not need to be sad for him, is unworthy.” Ao Gela said earnestly. 石岩勾结血屠卡托,试图谋害公主殿下,公主不用为他难过,不值得。”奥格拉斯认真地说道。 Zi Yao complexion one cold, I how, no matter others said that but in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, he has saved me! Between he and Ka Tuo, should a little small origin, but he is actually far from categorical that colluding she said. 紫耀脸色一寒,“我不管别人怎么说,但在日星爆碎场内,他救了我!他和卡托之间,应该有点小渊源,但他却绝非勾结者”她说的斩钉截铁。 Your highness said is, that walked, I believe your highness.” The smiling face on Ao Gela face stagnated, has gawked, along with. Answered one, him, Shi Yan died in any case, necessity that also has not investigated. “殿下说是,那就走了,我相信殿下。”奥格拉斯脸上的笑容一滞,愣了一下,才随。答了一句,在他来看,反正石岩已经死了,也没有追究下去的必要了。 Anna, our gambling makes, whether can select presently?” Ao Guduo laughs, personality and good. “lì安娜,我们的赌约,是否可以点现?”奥古多哈哈大笑,性情及佳。 Left the purgatory star, you send for my territory, I will cede star of the life to give you.” the Anna complexion, snort|hum, the look was ugly icy. “等离开炼狱星,你派人去我领地,我会割让一处生命之星给你。”lì安娜脸色难看之极,哼了一声,眼神冷冰冰的。 Matter had ended, why should, not need to continue the stay purgatory star.” Du Tianji told indifferently, to Anna nodded, said: Comes a day star with me, I had the matter and you said.” “事情结束了,该干什么干什么,不用继续逗留炼狱星了。”镀天奇淡然吩咐了一句,冲lì安娜点了点头,道:“和我来一趟天涅星,我有事情和你说。” Good.” Anna nods. “好。”lì安娜点头。 You and Ao Gela return to the Zi Yao star, prepares, after a period of time starts Nine Star Chamber of Commerce, sees Old Fan, completed the matter that I confess.” Du Tianji looks to Zi Yao. “你和奥格拉斯回紫耀星,准备一下,过段时间启程去九星商会,去见梵老,将我交代的事情办妥。”镀天奇看向紫耀 Zi Yao nods silently, the mood quite loses, father, I must stay for several days in the purgatory star, then starts.” 紫耀默默点头,情绪颇为失落,“父王,我要在炼狱星呆几天,然后启程。” Un, you know fairly well on line, although Shi Yan is your primary assistant, but he died then died, do not think, the important matter of god country's were too many, do not divert attention too for a long time.” Du Tianji has arranged, toward Anna nodded, left at once, through that lake, returns to the day of star. “嗯,你心中有数就行,石岩虽然是你得力助手,可他死了便死了,不要多想了,神国的要事太多,别分心太长时间。”镀天奇安排了一下,朝着lì安娜点了点头,旋即离开了,通过那湖泊,重返天涅星。 Quickly, Ao Guduo and Rochester, Kashewen and Da Lei four big feudal lords , the respective arrangement, starts, as if there is important matter to be encumbered, has not stopped over is too long. 很快地,奥古多和罗切斯特、卡修恩达勒四大诸侯,也各自安排,重新启程,似乎都有要事缠身,并没有逗留太久。 Dù Tiān Le Jiangji said that purgatory field each access has blocked, insists one side various today of purgatory star firmly and ensure will not have the accident, left since then. 镀天乐将极道炼狱场各个出入口都封锁了,将炼狱星的各今天牢坚持一边,确保不会有意外了,也从此地离开了。 Zi Yao stayed for seven days in the purgatory star, was saying extremely purgatory field each exit / to speak is walking silently, seems anticipating anything. 紫耀在炼狱星呆了七天,在极道炼狱场各个出口默默走着,似乎在期待着什么。 She has not made Ao Gela be invited along, a person, around said extremely the purgatory field walks, for seven days, without any discovery, is expression is gloomy every day, mood lowly. 她没有让奥格拉斯作陪,一个人,绕着极道炼狱场走,一连七天,没有任何发现,每天都是神色灰暗,心情低落之极。 Does not have the miracle to occur. 没有奇迹发生。 Seven days later, are filled with grieved helpless Zi Yao, moved shakes the flowering fern to open from the purgatory. 天后,满心酸楚无奈的紫耀,伤感的从炼狱晃蔷开。 She does not know, that she once surrounded arrived at the close access place, nearly is extremely extremely near in forbidden land to Shi Yan, nearly jumps to speed along to her, a while then can see Shi Yan. 她并不知道,她曾经环绕的一处被到闭的出入口处,离石岩所在禁地极近极近,近到她纵身飞驰,一会儿便可以见到石岩 What a pity, forbidden land has to isolate the marvelousness that all lives induce, her sense of touch does not arrive at the Shi Yan life trend, finally can only have the deep regret, leaves from purgatory star. 可惜,禁地有着隔绝一切生命感应的奇妙,她根本触觉不到石岩的生命动向,最终只能带着深深的遗憾,从炼狱星离开。 The time in a hurry, the purgatory star restores the peace, Expert that arrives at already vanished, was said the purgatory field by the close side, piece of deathly silence. 时间匆匆,炼狱星重新恢复太平,降临的强者早已消失,被封闭的极道炼狱场,一片死寂 Internal, 99 forbidden land, vanished 94, still has and has in infinite marvelous forbidden land, Shi Yan in mountain valley most deep place, layer upon layer in restriction, cuns (2.5cm) is marching forward difficultly. 内部,99个禁地,消失了94个,其中一个依然存在并且有着无穷奇妙的禁地内,石岩在山谷最深处,层层禁制中,一寸寸的艰难行进着。 That grand grand palace, concealing in forbidden land most deep place, had been isolated by the mountain peak, was concealed by the rich cloud layer, any outside world person, does not know is hiding anything. 那雄伟壮阔的宫殿,隐匿禁地最深处,被山峰隔绝了,被浓郁的云层掩饰,任何外界的人,都不知道其中隐藏着什么。 He leaves huge towering stone pillar, is getting more and more near. 他离其中一根巨大的参天石柱,越来越近。 Two years passed by. 两年时间过去了。 In these two years, he has been explaining the barrier mystery, covers barrier of palace, four ten Ninth Level, until now, he has explained 20. 在这两年内,他一直在破解结界的奥妙,笼罩宫殿的结界,共有四十九层,至今,他已经破解20层。 Each barrier, is marvelous precinct formation, is containing among heaven and earth big mysterious. 每一个结界,都是一个奇妙无比的阵法,蕴藏着天地间的大神奇。 Reason that Jiang Ge 200 years cannot break through, are because Jiang Ge is not Refiner Master, his oneself has the limitation, by his God Realm cultivation base, takes Divine Sense to explain these barrier as the line, the nature is slow. 江戈之所以200年不能冲破,是因为江戈并非炼器师,他自身有局限性,以他神境修为,以神识为线来破解那些结界,自然缓慢无比。 Shi Yan is different. 石岩不同。 He has the natural superiority, in the past in Refiner's Secret of Success the comprehension studies of all sorts of marvelous formation, gave him to accumulate the experience and wealth that has been hard to imagine. 他有着天然的优势,当年炼器要诀内种种奇妙阵法的领悟钻研,给他积累了难以想象的经验和财富。 First Level barrier, is by the innumerable small Array Diagram combinations, although exquisite mysterious, but achieves Divine level Refiner Master, the investment that is absent-minded explains, although same not too fast, but the direction was right. 一层结界,是由无数小阵图组合而成,虽然精妙神奇,可一个达到神级炼器师,忘神的投入进来破解,虽然一样不太迅捷,可方向却是对了。 If Jiang Ge knows that God King Realm then has such terrifying power Shi Yan, is Divine level Refiner Master, does not know that initially can make Shi Yan remain, with these barrier restraint he. 江戈若是知道,神王境便有如此恐怖力量石岩,还是一名神级炼器师,不知道当初会不会让石岩留下来,用那些结界束缚他。 barrier of First Level level, each time explaining, his resting to Refiner becomes aware will then reach a new altitude, Array Diagram that these barrier form, is containing among heaven and earth the most marvelous highest good, in the process of explaining, his Realm is stable, can wash to purify, the soul also sublimated. 一层层的结界,每一次的破解,他对炼器的休悟便会达到一个新的高度,那些结界形成的阵图,蕴藏着天地间最奇妙的至理,在破解的过程中,他的境界稳固,得以洗涤净化,灵魂也升华了。 This place, can more sensitive perceiving to the essence of heaven and earth deep meaning, wholly absorbed explaining barrier, give the advantage that he Realm brings, is simply unquantifiable. 此地,本来就能更加敏感的觉察到天地奥义的精髓,专心致志的破解结界,给他境界带来的好处,简直难以估量。 First Level barrier breaks, his Realm then meets a fining point, Soul Altar one and profits, three power deep meanings, when he rests becomes aware in barrier the heaven and earth energy mystery, is having the subtle change. 一层结界破开,他境界便会精炼一分,灵魂祭台都一并受益,三种力量奥义,在他休悟结界天地能量奥妙之时,不知不觉间,发生着微妙的变化。 He has already put behind framing of Jiang Ge, the total involvement invests, indulges, eradication of barrier, regards a martial arts way most marvelous journey. 他早已忘却了江戈的陷害,全身心投入,沉溺其中,将结界的破除,当成武道一途一次最奇妙的旅程。 The mentality changed, the profit that he obtains was bigger, the speed of explaining, in gradual speeding up. 心态变化了,他得到的益处更大了,破解的速度,也在逐步的加快。 On this day, four ten Ninth Level barrier, he explained four ten Second Level, suddenly the sleep obtained in that palace, as if transmitted marvelous reacted. 这一天,四十九层结界,他破解到了四十二层,忽然觉得到那宫殿内,似乎传来一股奇妙的震动 At the same time, said in extremely other purgatory field in all directions forbidden land, is making same matter Expert of other four Third Sky of God King Realm with him, has discovered exceptionally, the facial expression shakes fiercely. 同一时刻,极道炼狱场另外四处禁地之内,和他做着同样事情的其它四名神王三重天之境强者,也都发现了异常,神情猛地一震。
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