GOS :: Volume #9

#805: Silent vanishes

Chapter 781 第781章 Silent vanishes 无声消失 If can, enjoy said extremely the mystery of purgatory field, does not need to slaughter, daily understands clearly heaven and earth energy to be mysterious, one is intelligence bad Warrior, accumulates over a long period of time, can have the profound understanding to Realm. 如果可以不出去,一直享受极道炼狱场的奥妙,不用厮杀,天天洞悉天地能量奥妙,一个就算是资质再差的武者,日积月累,也能对境界有着深刻的认识。 Here forbidden land, is one can constantly promote the Realm marvelous place, stays here, he can have more and more deep understanding to Realm, 此处禁地,便是一处能够不断地增进境界的奇妙之处,留在这儿,他能对境界有着越来越深的认识, So the enticement, is nothing less than big, therefore Shi Yan has moved, heart also chaotic such instant. 如此诱惑,不可谓不大,所以石岩动心了,心也乱了那么一霎。 On mentally confused of such instant, making him absent-minded a small meeting, the Jiang Ge imaginary deep meaning, had the function in vain! 就那么一霎的心乱,让他恍惚了一小会,江戈的幻之奥义,徒然发生作用! Jiang Ge waited for that this opportunity, as if waited for a long time, to see the look to be absent-minded, immediately seizes the opportunity to sneak. 江戈等待这个时机,似乎已经等候许久,一见到眼神恍惚,立即乘虚而入。 The day imaginary domain launches, Jiang Ge deep looks to him, the eye emits the marvelous gloss, goes directly to the will of the people ordinary. 天幻领域展开,江戈深深的看向他,眼睛冒出奇妙的光泽,直达人心一般。 On the Shi Yan face appears confuses, immediately cannot distinguish clearly real illusory, in his eyes, the side appears said innumerably Jiang Ge silhouette, the barrier watermark of that First Level level, vanishes to disappear suddenly. 石岩脸上显出一丝迷惑,顿时分不清真实虚幻,在他眼中,身旁出现无数道江戈身影,那一层层的结界水纹,霍然消失不见了。 Attractive Li's silhouette, appears in his eyeground together suddenly, that is Xia Xinyan, many person's shadows, connect the appearance...... 一道倩丽的身影,忽然在他眼底显现,那是夏心妍,更多的人影,接连出现…… Shi Jian, Yang Qingdi, Yang Zhuo, Yang Mu, Yi Tianmo and the others, appears, be with smile on the face, seemed summoning him, had any important words to him to say. 石坚杨青帝杨卓杨暮奕天漠等人,也都一个个出现,面带微笑,似乎在召唤着他,有什么重要的话想要对他讲。 His ignorant, the innermost feelings were confused, Divine Soul was towed, walks toward that person's shadow flickering place. 浑浑噩噩,内心被迷惑,神魂被牵引,不知不觉间,朝着那人影幢幢之处走去。 Cameroon! 喀! His body, pricks in that First Level level watermark immediately, such as was imprisoned, cannot move, complexion great change. 他的身子,顿时刺入那一层层水纹内,如被禁锢,动弹不得,脸色巨变。 Also is at this time, he discovered that he by palace next towering stone pillar, barrier of First Level level his restraint, Divine Soul was also being suppressed, innumerable chaotic energy condense, these marvelous barrier just like bright, is moving. 也是此时,他发现他处在宫殿下一根参天石柱旁边,一层层的结界将他束缚,神魂也被压制着,无数纷乱的能量凝聚起来,那些奇妙的结界宛如鲜活,都在活动着。 Jiang Ge has smiled suddenly, Shi Yan, you were too tender a point, here I was too familiar, making you come, some where that many good thoughts?” 江戈忽然笑了,“石岩啊,你还是太嫩了一点,这儿我太熟悉了,让你过来,哪有那么多好心思?” Was bound by layer upon layer barrier, the Shi Yan whole face scowl, is actually at wit's end, these barrier are marvelous, likely is the innumerable say|way strings, gives to tighten his body, cannot work loose. 被层层结界裹住,石岩满脸怒容,却无计可施,那些结界非常奇妙,像是无数道绳子,将他身子给勒紧,怎么也挣脱不掉。 The thought moves, he and Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle achieve the relation, how to break?” 念头一动,他和流云破天梭达成联系,“如何破掉?” Your power is insufficient.” “你力量不够。” What?” “什么?” This place barrier mysteriously was too fierce, even if takes away all your energy, is hard to break forcefully. Only if, you can find the method, or you achieve the God King peak boundary, I borrow your completely power, can realize. I do not know that constructs here barrier person anything Realm, but the marvelousness of this place, has exceeded my imagination limit, in the past was precise my person, is only Sacred level Refiner Master, his Realm is insufficient, my equivalent is also limited, therefore......” “此地结界太神奇厉害了,就算是抽掉你所有能量,也难以强行破开。除非,你能够找到方法,或者你达到神王巅峰境,我借用你全部力量,才可以实现。我不知道构建这儿结界的人什么境界,可此地的奇妙,已经超出了我的想象极限了,当年凝炼我的人,只是一个圣级炼器师,他的境界不够,我的等阶也有限,所以……” The Shi Yan complexion is in vain ugly. 石岩脸色徒然难看起来。 This is Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle first time disappoints him. 这还是流云破天梭第一次让他失望。 This thinks that takes advantage of Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle, in the world is not having any barrier not to break, but today, he discovered that he has made a mistake, has misplaced powerful of Dark Sky God Country country, misjudges to be under the control of others. 本以为,依仗着流云破天梭,世上没有任何结界不可破掉,可今天,他才发现他错了,错估了天涅神国国师的强悍,以至于失算受制于人。 Other your Life Qi/angry, I do not have too many evil intentions actually, you keep in barrier, if can force the broken barrier mystery, not only can withdraw, but can also enter in the palace, obtains the secret that my more than 200 years cannot perceive.” Jiang Ge gives a calm smile, in hand Square Stone one bright, together soft such as the ray of cotton, falls to the Shi Yan waist, gives to obtain his purgatory command token with ease together, he he, looked told you, I and Ao Guduo hatred, indeed has not been he imprisoned in the past me, but I was driving, my goal, to enter said the purgatory field extremely.” “你也别生气,我其实没有太多的恶意,你留在结界内,如果可以勒破结界的奥妙,不但可以脱身,还能进入宫殿之内,将我这200多年不能觉察的秘密得到。”江戈淡然一笑,手中方石一亮,一道柔软如棉的光线,落到石岩腰间,轻松将他的那一块炼狱令牌给取得,“呵呵,望了告诉你,我和奥古多没有仇恨,当年的确是他将我囚禁过来,可我是主动的,我的目的,就是为了进入极道炼狱场。” Shi Yan looks at purgatory command token helplessly was seized, means do not have, to be silent, look cold severe. 石岩眼睁睁的看着炼狱令牌被夺,一点办法都没有,沉默不语,眼神冷厉。 The Jiang Ge facial expression, gloomy gets down suddenly, in the past, I, only then the Sky Realm boundary, the entire family was slaughtered, the wife is tarnished in me at present, reason that I am living, then must take revenge! But my enemy is too formidable, I from the start am not a match, even goes on living continually difficultly, although Lie Yan Star Field is big, but can allow my place not to be many, said extremely the purgatory field is one. My two are stained with the full blood, has killed many people, can be captured to enter by Ao Guduo says the purgatory field extremely, because in here, I not only can evade chasing down of opposite party, but can also obtain very good cultivation , to promote Realm. Therefore, I came, one dull is nearly 200 years. Draws support from in Ji to say the purgatory field, I from Sky Realm boundary breakthrough to Third Sky of God King Realm, I have paid these many, only wants to take revenge!” 江戈的神情,突然阴沉下来,“当年,我只有天位境,整个家族被屠戮,妻子在我眼前被玷污,我之所以活着,便是要复仇!可我的敌人太强大,我压根不是对手,甚至连活下去都艰难,烈焰星域虽大,但是能够容下我的地方并不多,极道炼狱场算是一处。我两手沾满鲜血,杀了不少人,才得以被奥古多擒拿进入极道炼狱场,因为在这儿,我不但可以避过对方的追杀,还能得到很好的修炼,提升境界。因此,我来了,一呆便是近200年。借助于极道炼狱场,我从天位突破神王三重天之境,我付出了这么多,只想复仇!” He spoke, complexion fierce terrifying, the facial expression distortion, today's I, finally had revenge power, I could not wait again. You in God King First Sky, Ao Gela in Second Sky, and there is a helper, I do not favor you to help me massacre him, does not want to bet this. Since can through you, obtain purgatory command token easily, I why do take time?” 他讲话的时候,脸色狰狞恐怖之极,神情扭曲,“今天的我,终于有了复仇的力量,我再也等不及了。你在神王一重天,奥格拉斯在二重天,并且有帮手,我不看好你能够帮我杀掉他,也不想赌这一把。既然能够通过你,轻易得到炼狱令牌,我何必多费手脚?” The Jiang Ge manner, calms down gradually, you do not need to hate me actually. I still am exchange with you, I strictly observed many years of secret us to you, if you can force broken barrier, achieved the palace, opportunity that perhaps, you can linked I cannot imagine. If not I anxiously departure, I not such to you, will defend here, is the same with other four people, clarifies the secret leaves, I give to you now, you should thank me actually, you are young, have the time, can toss about slowly.” 江戈的神态,渐渐冷静下来,“你其实不必恨我。我依然算是与你交换,我将我们严守多年的秘密给你了,如果你能够勒破结界,达到宫殿内部,或许,你可以得到连我都想象不到的机遇。若非我急着离开,我不会这么对你,也会守在这儿,和其余四人一样,将秘密弄清楚才离开,我现在转让给你,你其实应该谢谢我,你还年轻,有时间,可以慢慢折腾。” „Sorry that cannot accompany you to stop over, you enjoy slowly, I must exit earlier.” Jiang Ge touches the chin, crosses again more than one year, said extremely the purgatory field will then finish, I walked first, if later is predestined friends says goodbye, I am willing to apologize to you. Un, finally reminded your one, other four fellows, were so good to speak without me, if you can see them, must be careful! They, are the Lie Yan Star Field ruthless roles, can endure, and has achieved God King Third Sky Realm, our five people study for many years, discovered that so long as a palace were broken, other, will have in all directions the change, you put best into it.” “很抱歉,不能陪你多逗留了,你慢慢享用吧,我必须早点出去。”江戈摸了摸下巴,“再过个一年多,极道炼狱场便会结束了,我先走了,以后若是有缘再见,我愿向你赔罪。嗯,最后提醒你一句,其余四个家伙,没有我那么好讲话,你如果能够见到他们,务必小心!他们,才是烈焰星域的狠角色,能忍,并且都达到了神王三重天境界,我们五人研究多年,发现只要其中一处宫殿被破,其余的四处,都会有变化,你好自为之吧。” Jiang Ge these words spoke, has not continued to stop over seriously, Hehe smiled, then left from here. 江戈这番话讲话,当真没有继续逗留,嘿嘿一笑,便从这儿离开了。 He in that thatched hut, stayed a while, roasted several small fish, the sea has eaten, reorganized the thing, left well satisfied. 他在那茅草屋处,停留了一会儿,烤了几尾小鱼,海吃了一顿,整理一下东西,心满意足离开。 After half double-hour. 半个时辰后。 Jiang Ge silhouette, braves suddenly from forbidden land. 江戈身影,忽然从禁地内冒出来。 Is waiting for Aranza and Tie Mu had a scare, face alarmed and afraid careful is guarding, prepares to deal with killing of Jiang Ge at any time. 正等候着的亚兰和铁牧吓了一跳,一脸惊惧的小心防备着,随时准备应付江戈的袭杀。 Jiang Ge looks at they are critical situation, cannot help but smiled, „should not be anxious, I will not put together life and death with you, the thing that I want, has succeeded in obtaining.” The words, he has swayed Shi Yan purgatory command token. 江戈看着他们如临大敌,不由得笑了笑,“别太紧张,我不会和你们拼个你死我活,我想要的东西,已经到手了。”话罢,他将石岩的炼狱令牌摇晃了一下。 The Tie Mu facial expression shakes, calls out: Shi Yan?” 铁牧神情一震,暴喝:“石岩呢?” Naturally died.” Jiang Ge, he acts recklessly with a laugh, must intrude forbidden land, was torn the smashing by forbidden land unusual power, my strength does not have colored, then fell purgatory command token, is really comfortable.” “自然是死了。”江戈笑呵呵的,“他自己不知死活,非要闯入禁地,被禁地的奇特力量撕裂成粉碎,我一点力气都没花,便落了一块炼狱令牌,真是舒坦。” This word, Tie Mu and Aranza complexion is extremely ugly, is even more anxious. 此言一处,铁牧、亚兰脸色极其难看,愈发的紧张起来。 I have said that so long as together purgatory command token then enough, you if not want to annoy troublesome, best not to act rashly.” Jiang Ge smiled, no matter also the Tie Mu Aranza, leaves quietly, he as if also has other matter not to complete, sharply is achieving. “我说过,只要一块炼狱令牌便够了,你们如果不想惹麻烦的话,最好别轻举妄动。”江戈笑了笑,也不管铁牧亚兰,悄然离开,他似乎还有别的事情未做完,急着去达成。 Aranza and Tie Mu looks at helplessly he leaves, does not dare to act rashly. 亚兰和铁牧眼睁睁的看着他离开,不敢轻举妄动。 Jiang Ge has God King Third Sky Realm cultivation base, on that day the imaginary domain also has direct confusing to them, they know to leave Shi Yan, is not the match, has not had a joke backfire. 江戈有着神王三重天境界修为,那天幻领域又对他们有着非常直接的迷惑,他们自知离开石岩,不是对手,就没有自讨没趣。 Their silent half sound, expression complex looks to forbidden land, sighed in vain. 两人沉默半响,神色复杂的看向禁地,徒然叹息一声。 Has been a pity, Shi Yan is a character, I have not seen a fellow, in First Sky of God King Realm, then so fierce. If he can live well, in the future can definitely be the god country most dazzling nova.” Aranza feeling. “可惜了,石岩是个人物,我还没有见过一个家伙,在神王一重天之境,便如此的厉害。如果他可以好好活着,将来必然会是神国最为耀眼的新星。”亚兰感慨。 Tie Mu also nodded, a little heavy saying: Was too harebrained radical, did not listen to our persuasions, if he has not entered, the old man simply did not have what means with him. Three of us together, how can the old man? Yeah, has not thought really that the matter will turn into this.” 铁牧点了点头,有点沉重的说道:“就是太冒失激进了一点,不听我们的劝说,如果他不曾进入,那老头拿他根本没有什么办法。我们三人一道,那老头又能如何?哎,真的没有想到,事情会变成这样。” Ok, road that he chooses, we do not have the means.” Aranza shook the head, is regretting quite, walks, we have the duty that has not completed, first handled own matter says again.” “算了,他自己挑选的路,我们也没有办法。”亚兰摇了摇头,也是颇为的惋惜,“走吧,我们还有未完成的任务,先将自己的事情搞定再说吧。” Tie Mu in agreement, looked at that forbidden land one finally, heavy left, does not know forbidden land quite the same as, Shi Yan still tenacious is living. 铁牧附和,最后看了那禁地一眼,沉重的离开了,浑然不知禁地内部,石岩依然顽强的活着。 After Jiang Ge and Aranza and Tie Mu leave, the one person alone floating goes, without a trace, outside world Ao Guduo they, cannot find him from the start. 江戈和亚兰、铁牧离开后,孤身飘然而去,无影无踪,外界奥古多他们,压根不能瞧见他。 The body has Square Stone together, he as if can the stealth, not only can evade locking of purgatory command token, outside world person, is hard to seek for him through the lake. 身上有着一块方石,他似乎可以隐形,不但能够避过炼狱令牌的锁定,外界的人,也难以通过湖泊找寻到他。 Jiang Ge was saying in the purgatory field to move extremely silently, he altogether went to four places, four forbidden land. 江戈在极道炼狱场内默默活动着,他一共去了四个地方,四个禁地 He with other four people, as if has anything to agree, decides to leave, as if must inform that four people of one, told them, he will not continue to insist, the boy, has substituted for him, will complete the matter that he cannot complete. 他和其余四人,似乎有着什么约定,决定离开了,似乎要通知那四人一声,告诉他们,他不会继续坚持下去了,有一个小子,已经取代了他,会完成他不能完成的事情。 Four forbidden land, have spent his more than half a year time, said the participant in purgatory field extremely, these days, but also was continue chase down the person condemned to death and hoodlum and moistens the madman of full blood. 四个禁地,花费了他大半年时间,极道炼狱场的参与者,这段时间,还在继续追杀死囚、暴徒和沾满鲜血的狂人。 Nobody said goodbye has been to Shi Yan. 没有人再见到过石岩 Ao Guduo and Lianna, are day star Du Tianji and Zi Yao, cannot through the god mirror that the first several generations of country masters refine, in said in the purgatory field to discover Shi Yan extremely. 不论是奥古多莉安娜,还是天涅星的鍍天奇紫耀,都不能通过前几代国师炼制的神镜,在极道炼狱场内发现石岩 That forbidden land, can indeed evade to peep, in all person eyes, Shi Yan died. 禁地,的确可以避过一切窥视,在所有人眼中,石岩已经死了。 The time hastily, said quickly extremely disciplining of purgatory field then arrived at end, the three-year has limited already. 时间匆匆,很快地,极道炼狱场的磨练便到了尽头,三年期限已至。 Ao Gela has not seen Shi Yan, a war that countless people anticipate, has not occurred. 奥格拉斯没有见到石岩,无数人期待的一战,并没有发生。 Said extremely the mysterious effect of purgatory field, lost the function, by plating the day cheerful five big feudal lord joint efforts, takes inventory the battlefield, the person condemned to death and hoodlum who lives by luck, were imprisoned, detains once more. 极道炼狱场的神奇功效,失去了作用,由鍍天乐和五大诸侯合力,清点战场,一个个侥幸活下来的死囚和暴徒,被重新禁锢,再次关押起来。 Plates the day to face upward happily shouts unceasingly, making the participant go to a direction set, participants appear gradually, but Shi Yan has not come throughout, Lianna is waiting silently, complexion gloomy gets down gradually. 鍍天乐仰天不断地呼喊,让参与者去一个方向集合,渐渐地,一个个参与者出现,可石岩始终没有现身,莉安娜默默等候着,脸色渐渐阴沉下来。 ...... 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