GOS :: Volume #9

#804: forbidden land marvelous sight

I want to know why you can evade locking of purgatory command token, can concealing your life magnetic field? Also, this forbidden land, why can you easily enter?” “我想知道,为什么你可以躲过炼狱令牌的锁定,能够隐匿你的生命磁场?还有,这个禁地,为什么你可以轻易进入?” Shi Yan stands firm by the brook, is calm and composed even in press of work, will not be worried about this old man once more under killer, him, this old man, if will understand what has to done, should have own understanding. 石岩在溪流旁边站定,好整以暇,并不担心这老者会再次下杀手,在他来看,这老头如果识时务的话,应该有自己的认识。 Really, the old man does not dare to start, is the same with him, slowly relaxes you to know that is related with this stone.” 果然,老头没有敢下手,和他一样,也慢慢的放松下来“你想知道的,都和这一块石头有关。” During the speeches, he takes out a square shape from the sleeve cuff the stone, in that stone has the natural flower mark, likely is natural formation, is containing marvelous energy, looks from afar that flower mark is moving faintly, is sending out the misty pale light. 说话间,他从袖口取出一块方形的石头,那石头上有着天然的huā纹,像是天然阵法,蕴藏着奇妙的能量,远远看去,那huā纹隐隐在活动,散发着蒙蒙淡光。 The old man grins to smile, Square Stone in hand throws under foot you to try again?” 那老头龇牙笑了笑,将手中方石扔到脚下“你再试试?” Wisp of Divine Sense pours into purgatory command token, unusual, the life magnetic field of old man comes out all of a sudden clearly obviously, appears in purgatory command token, induction that can be clear about to his life strong and weak degree. 一缕神识注入炼狱令牌,奇特的,老者的生命磁场一下子清晰明显出来,在炼狱令牌内显现,可以明确的感应到他的生命强弱程度。 The Shi Yan eye has shone in vain, looks with rapt attention to that Square Stone, said with amazement: On this stone, then can isolate the induction of purgatory command token, making my Divine Sense not perceive your existence?” 石岩眼睛徒然亮了起来,凝神看向那块方石,惊讶道:“就这一块石头,便可以隔绝炼狱令牌的感应,让我神识觉察不到你的存在?” Good. “不错。 Old man smiles proudly, together also rapid treasures that Square Stone received to have him, entered said extremely purgatory field, cannot seek for me through purgatory command token. Had it, said extremely purgatory field 99 forbidden land, I can enter with ease, does not need to be worried that was blocked by barrier.” ”老头傲然一笑,又迅速将那一块方石珍重的收起“有了他,进入极道炼狱场者,根本不能通过炼狱令牌找寻到我。有了它,极道炼狱场99处禁地,我都可以轻松进入,不用担心被结界挡住。” That Square Stone, vanishes in his sleeve cuff together, Shi Yan to his induction, has confused once again, cannot lock him with purgatory command token, face-to-face is standing, he lets loose Divine Sense, induction the life fluctuation of old man. 那一块方石,在他袖口消失,石岩对他的感应,又一次迷惑了,不能用炼狱令牌锁定他,面对面站着,他放开神识,也感应不出老头的生命波动。 Square Stone, as if can trough Divine Soul and Soul Altar one and concealing, be mysterious not measured seriously. 方石,似乎可以槽神魂灵魂祭台一并隐匿,当真是神奇莫测。 „Can you come from where?” Shi Yan comes the child interest. “你从何处得来?”石岩来子兴趣。 Hehe, this cannot tell you, I can only say, similar Square Stone, several. Besides me, has the person to obtain Square Stone, is the purgatory star fiercest madmen, experiences several times to say the purgatory field extremely, this secret, we strictly observe, advocation of Du Tianji god country, does not know this matter.” The old man grins why this is also, I participate in five times saying the purgatory field extremely, the reason that a time not killed, really meets to fight fellow extremely, I will hide forbidden land, seeks asylum.” 嘿嘿,这个不能告诉你,我只能说,类似的方石,还有几块。除了我之外,另有人得到过方石,都是炼狱星最厉害的狂人,经历过几次极道炼狱场,这个秘密,我们严守,就连神国之主镀天奇,也不知此事。”老头咧嘴“这也是为什么,我参与五次极道炼狱场,一次没有被杀的原因,实在遇到战不胜的家伙,我会躲藏进禁地,避难。” Shi Yan eye one bright, nodded no wonder, it seems like you were extremely saying the purgatory field, not small opportunity. Here has 99 similar forbidden land, is the same with here, barrier numerous?” 石岩眼睛一亮,点了点头“难怪,看来你在极道炼狱场,还有不小的机遇了。这儿有99个类似的禁地,都和此处一样,结界重重?” Un, 99, according to my estimation, should be forms says the eye and key position of purgatory field extremely. Existence of that 99 forbidden land, maintained said the balance of purgatory field extremely, with mysterious effect, only then in Square Stone through my hand, can safe and sound entry.” The old man deeply looks to him, look is a little strange makes me feel what is strange, why can you enter? As far as I know, even if I, if no Square Stone, in Third Sky of God King Realm, do not want to enter into easily.” “嗯,共有99处,据我猜测,应该是形成极道炼狱场的阵眼和枢纽。那99处禁地的存在,维持了极道炼狱场的平衡,和神奇的功效,只有通过我手中的方石,才可以安然无恙的进入。”老头深深看向他,眼神有点怪异“让我觉得奇怪的是,为什么你可以进入?据我所知,即便是我,若是没有方石,在神王三重天之境,也别想轻易迈入。” I cannot tell you.” Shi Yan gives a calm smileeach to have own secret, you had are not willing saying that I naturally also had.. “我也不能告诉你。”石岩淡然一笑“每一个都有自己的秘密,你有不愿意多说的,我自然也有。、。 I lead you to go to a place.” Old man silent, suddenly has smiled that place, you will be perhaps interested, was right, I called Jiang Ge, you?” “我带你去一个地方。”那老头沉默了一下,忽然笑了“那个地方,你说不定会有兴趣,哦,对了,我叫江戈,你呢?” Shi Yan.” 石岩。” You and I come, I lead you to look at the place responsibility.” “你和我来,我带你看个地责。” Says the Jiang Ge old man, no matter also a blood stain, came the interest likely suddenly, walks from this thatched hut, makes great strides forward toward the mountain valley deep place. 自称江戈的老头,也不管一身的血污,像是突然来了兴致,从这茅草屋走出来,朝着山谷的深处迈进。 The stone is not in addition wordy, nodded, follows silently. 石另也不罗嗦,点了点头,默默跟随。 The mountain valley that fresh flower blooms, all various grassy plants Yinyin, running water murmur, the fish patrols, serene quiet, just like wonderland. huā绽放的山谷,百草茵茵,流水潺潺,鱼儿游弋,安详静谧,宛如人间仙境。 How whatever the person imagines, cannot guess, in the bloody brutal side said in the purgatory field, the so marvelous place, seemed like terrifying bad risk forbidden land, actually actually had heaven and earth. 任凭人如何想象,都猜测不出在血腥残酷的极道炼狱场内,还有如此奇妙的地方,看似恐怖凶险的禁地,其实竟然另有天地 Jiang Ge as if is quite familiar, marches forward toward the mountain valley, while explained lightly: „Like me, other obtains similar Square Stone, stretch of own territories, um, was forbidden land. 99 forbidden land, including five, quite marvelous, a while your then understood.” 江戈对此地似乎极为熟悉,一边往山谷行进,一边淡淡解释:“和我一样,其他的得到类似方石者,也有一片属于自己的领地,嗯,就是禁地了。99处禁地,其中有五处,颇为的奇妙,一会儿你便知道了。” Shi Yan is listening earnestly, has hesitated, suddenly said: If said extremely three years of purgatory field wheted had ended, but you also kept in forbidden land, can be discovered?” 石岩认真听着,迟疑了一下,忽然道:“如果极道炼狱场的三年磨砺结束了,而你还留在禁地内,会不会被发现?” Jiang Ge has not turned head, Ha Ha smiled getting up you to go ahead and guess?” 江戈没有回头,哈哈笑了起来“你猜猜看?” „Won't outside world discover?” Shi Yan indefinite saying. 外界不会发现吧?”石岩不确定的说道。 Naturally cannot discover. My truth told you, after I every time had ended, will exit according to the normal flow, but other four fellows, have not gone out, kept in forbidden land completely. “自然不会发现。我实话告诉你吧,我每一次结束后,都会依照正常的流程出去,但其余四个家伙,一个不曾外出,全部留在禁地内。 The Lord of god country, when they died, actually does not know they not only live, everyone has the harvest well, I am because has own insistence, has reason that must exit, that four fellows, soon have regarded their family|home forbidden land, from the start does not want to go out. ” Jiang Ge has not turned head, explained one at will, from giving a thought to vanguard. 神国之主,当他们已死,却不知道他们不但活的好好的,每一个人都有收获,我是因为有着自己的坚持,有必须出去的理由,那四个家伙,已经快要将禁地当成自己的家了,压根不想外出。”江戈没有回头,随意的解释了一句,自顾前行。 The Shi Yan eye lightens the strange gloss, secret amazed, if were really defers to the old man saying that in said in the purgatory field extremely, with his same also four people, similarly obtained similar Square Stone, disregarded this place 99 forbidden land, in five special forbidden land settled down, passed through continuously said repeatedly extremely the smelting trial of purgatory field, that another four people of Realm and age, were not absolutely small, decide the character who however extremely make things difficult entangled. 石岩眼睛闪出奇异的光泽,暗暗惊诧如果真是按照老者所说,在极道炼狱场内,和他一样还有四人,同样得到类似的方石,无视此地99个禁地,在其中五个特殊的禁地内安家,连续经过了多次极道炼狱场的试炼,那另外四人的境界和年岁,绝对不小,定然都是极为难缠的人物。 Because harbors Square Stone, Du Tianji does not know that their situations, can evade purgatory command token, was saying extremely the purgatory field one dull is several hundred years, what attempts? 因为怀有方石,就连镀天奇都不知道他们的情况,能避过炼狱令牌,在极道炼狱场一呆就是几百年,到底图什么? He had quickly[ answered] case. 他很快就有了〖答〗案。 Jiang Ge stopped suddenly, hand refers to the front, canyon end, shouted to clear the way lowly: To.” 江戈突然停了下来,手指前方,深谷尽头,低喝道:“到了。” Shi Yan stops the body potential fiercely, stares to look, on the face immediately appears the extremely stunned color. 石岩猛地止住身势,凝视去望,脸上顿时显出极度错愕之色。 A grand palace. 一座雄伟的宫殿。 Mountain valley end, a palace between two mountain peaks, the mountain peak slanting heaven, conceals the palace, the palace above thick cloud is densely covered, the ink that such as cannot melt, has hindered all. 山谷尽头,一座宫殿在两个山峰之间,山峰斜斜上天,将宫殿掩饰住,宫殿上方浓云密布,如化不开的墨汁,阻碍了一切。 The palace is sending out misty Divine Light, such as the gold/metal iron jade builds, tall and pleasing to the eye, Center is standing erect towering stone pillar, on stone pillar has to look at the natural flower mark, sends out energy to fluctuate, towering stone pillar, palace hold-up, such as void fairyland. 宫殿散发着蒙蒙神光,如金铁玉石堆砌而成,美轮美奂,〖中〗央竖立着一根根参天石柱,石柱上有看天然的huā纹,散发着能量波动,一根根参天石柱,将宫殿托浮起来,如虚空仙境般。 At this time, they in a recent towering stone pillar place, are then looking up at that palace group, has a oneself incomparably tiny feeling. 此时,他们便在最近的一根参天石柱处,仰视着那宫殿群,生出一股自身无比渺小的感觉。 An intermittent marvelous fluctuation, braves from that palace foundation stone pillar, the dissipation comes, forms marvelous watermarks, watermark at least several, each First Level is barrier, incomparable mystical is unpredictable, seems containing the prestige of heaven and earth, lets the person palpitation. 一阵阵奇妙的波动,从那宫殿根基石柱上冒出来,散逸开来,形成一圈圈的奇妙的水纹,水纹至少数十层,每一层都是一个结界,无比的神秘难测,仿佛蕴藏着天地之威,让人心悸。 Shi Yan subconscious must go forward. 石岩下意识的要上前。 Jiang Ge calls out one suddenly: Be careful!” 江戈突然暴喝一声:“小心!” Shi Yan stops immediately, turning the head of surprise looks to him. 石岩顿时停止,诧异的别头看向他。 „The ripple of that First Level level, is gadget awfully, I stayed that many years in this place, has not eradicated, don't take risk?” Jiang Ge grins, strangely chuckled other four people, with me almost, in their forbidden land, have a palace, with my similar. Reason that they departure, is not attempting anxiously why, do you understand now?” “那一层层的波纹,都是要命的玩意,我在此地呆了那么多年,也没有破除,你可别冒险?”江戈咧嘴,嘿嘿怪笑一声“其余四人,和我差不多,他们的禁地内,都有一处宫殿,和我这儿类似。他们之所以不急着离开,所图为何,你现在明白了?” Palace?” Shi Yan stunned. “宫殿?”石岩愕然 nodded, the Jiang Ge complexion is dignified tells you who I can be clear, said extremely the five palaces in purgatory field, should be the Dark Sky God Country beforehand fifth generation country masters constructs, Du Tianji should know, but should not really be clear. That front fifth generation country master, as if intends to conceal any matter, does not want to make the hosts of god country know, will therefore let the Lord of not clear secret god country, I do not know that they hide anything, but us, in each palace, definitely has any thing, other four people of ideas are the same with me, departure, is not being wants to understand clearly this secret anxiously.” 点了点头,江戈脸色凝重起来“我可以明确的告诉你,极道炼狱场的五个宫殿,应该是天涅神国以前的五代国师所建,镀天奇应该知道一点,但应该也不甚清楚。那前面五代国师,似乎有意隐瞒什么事情,不想让神国之主知晓,所以才会让神国之主不清楚此间的隐秘,我不知道他们隐藏什么,但在我们来看,每一个宫殿内,肯定有着什么东西,其余四人想法和我一样,不急着离开,就是想要洞悉这个秘密。” Shi Yan changes colors with amazement. 石岩骇然失色。 Reason that if not I have having no other choice, I will not leave this place, will break that outside defense, enters in the palace, looked actually attractively to have anything.” Jiang Ge expression is solemn and respectful boy, I lead you to come, wants to tell you, if you give me purgatory command token, I can in Square Stone the hand give you, I could not complete, you can complete, because I really could not wait, I must exit, considered the exchange, you definitely did not owe.” “若非我有不得已的理由,我绝不会离开此地,会破掉那外面的防御,进入宫殿之内,好看看其中究竟有着什么。”江戈神色肃穆“小子,我带你过来,是想告诉你,如果你将炼狱令牌给我,我可以将手中方石给你,我完成不了的,你可以完成,因为我实在等不及了,我必须出去,就当是交换吧,你肯定不亏。” You have Square Stone, can't enter?” Shi Yan has not complied, but is the person of same belief of doubts. “你有方石,都不能进入?”石岩没有答应,而是疑惑的同道。 That stone, can only enter outer layer forbidden land me, cannot enter the palace, I have tried innumerable, is only my power and experience, is really hard to explain. Perhaps, my Realm is insufficient.” Jiang Ge forced smile. “那石头,只能将我进入外层禁地,不能进入宫殿,我试过无数次了,单凭我的力量和见识,实在难以破解。或许,我境界还是不够。”江戈苦笑。 Your can't Third Sky of God King Realm, how I?” Shi Yan cannot help laughing, shook the head on my not your working as, wants to make me spend one's last years this place effortlessly, by secret restraint I, good plan that you do hit?” “你神王三重天之境都不能,我怎么可以?”石岩哑然失笑,摇了摇头“我不会上你的当的,想兵不血刃的让我终老此地,以一个秘密束缚我,你打的好算盘?” You do not want to know that what inside has?” Jiang Ge knits the brows. “你难道不想知道里面有什么?”江戈皱眉。 Thinks, but I do not want to do not studiously, does not want to waste the time in vain, dies in the place that such a bird does not defecate?” Shi Yan shakes the head. “想,可我不想做无用功,不想白白浪费时间,死在这么一个鸟不拉屎的地方?”石岩摇头。 Place that bird does not defecate?” Jiang Ge does not know whether to laugh or cry boy, you really do not know your fate.” “鸟不拉屎的地方?”江戈哭笑不得“小子,你真是不知道自己的运道啊。” Said?” “怎么说?” Three years of side said the purgatory field smelting trial, once finished, in said in the purgatory field extremely, that keen induction to heaven and earth energy, will then vanish. Why has the three-year to limit? Then is one time can only support is so long, that is, three years, had said extremely the purgatory field will be the same with other region, cannot bring any help to Realm. “三年的极道炼狱场试炼一旦结束,在极道炼狱场内,那种对天地能量的敏锐感应,便会消失。为何有三年期限?便是一次只能支撑这么久,也就是,三年过了,极道炼狱场会和别的区域一样,不能给境界带来任何的帮助。 99 forbidden land, other 94 forbidden land , is the same, will lose power temporarily, then vanishes, only then has five forbidden land of palace, even if were the three-year limits to finish, will not vanish, that keen induction to heaven and earth energy, will exist throughout! ” Jiang Ge light shout. 99处禁地,其余94个禁地,也是一样,会暂时失去力量,进而消失掉,只有拥有宫殿的五处禁地,即便是三年期限结束了,也不会消失,那种对天地能量的敏锐感应,会始终存在!”江戈轻喝 The Shi Yan facial expression shakes fiercely, understood suddenly, knows chip that the old man gives, some big components. 石岩神情猛地一震,霍然明白了过来,知道老者给出的筹码,到底有多大的份量了。
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