GOS :: Volume #9

#803: Deterrent force!

Purgatory star corner/horn n 炼狱星一角n Anna, Ao Guduo and the others, all frown, under looks at lake, expression surprise. lì安娜、奥古多等人,皆是皱着眉头,看着底下的湖泊,神色诧异。 Aranza and Tie Mu have appeared, the after fight of Shi Yan and old man subsides, scene that they see with own eyes, returned to normal. 亚兰和铁牧已经显现出来,石岩和老者的战斗平息后,他们眼见的场景,又恢复了正常。 The under region of that fight, gets sucked into the pit, understands clearly, beyond the thousand li(500 km), Aranza and Tie Mu whisper, seemed saying. 那一处战斗的区域,深陷底下的坑,清晰明了,千里之外,亚兰、铁牧交头接耳,似乎在说些。 Shi Yan?” Kashewen knit the brows just had fight occurrence, who did they and fight? None who does not becomes, can be Shi Yan?” 石岩呢?”卡修恩皱眉“刚刚有战斗发生,他们与谁交手了?莫不成,会是石岩?” Possibly.” Did Rochester grin may that boy go to where? Aranza and Tie Mu, if fights with Shi Yan, who will win?” “可能吧。”罗切斯特咧嘴“可那小子去了何处?亚兰和铁牧如果和石岩交手,谁会取胜?” Evenly matched.” Da Lei is narrowing eye „, but, looks like, Aranza and Tie Mu as if won, since Shi Yan vanishes, should be killed?” This is he result that wants to see. “势均力敌。”达勒眯着眼睛“不过,看起来,亚兰、铁牧似乎胜了,石岩既然消失,应该被杀了吧?”这是他想要看到的结果。 Kashewen, the two under your place, very makes every effort to succeed, Hehe.” Ao Guduo also grinned to smile getting up Shi Yan that boy, these days has killed many people actually, now takes the consequences for own actions, was killed, was natural.” 卡修恩,你座下的两人,还是挺争气的啊,嘿嘿。”奥古多也咧嘴笑了起来“石岩那小子,这段时间倒是杀了不少人,如今自作自受,被人所杀,也是理所当然。” „Have you incited Aranza and Tie Mu?” the Anna's complexion, gloomy gets down in vain, the dark green eye pupil deep place, appears hostility. “你指使了亚兰、铁牧?”lì安娜的脸色,徒然阴沉下来,暗青色的眼眸深处,显出一丝戾气 Kashewen had a scare, possibly shakes the head again and again „? I favor Shi Yan that boy very much, I have also entertained him, he in my Gravity Room, has exchanged with Aranza and Tie Mu, in my opinion, they will not begin.” 卡修恩吓了一跳,连连摇头“怎么可能?我很看好石岩那小子的,我还招待过他,他在我的重力室内,与亚兰、铁牧交流过一番,依我看,绝不会他们三人动手。” Gave him such an explanation, Anna snort|hum, the nephew had not continued anything. 给他这么一解释,lì安娜哼了一声,侄也没有继续多说什么。 Just scene had been covered up by some power, does not know that actually to have anything, but in my opinion, they will not compete mutually.” Dù Tiān touches the chin happily, not affirmative saying. “刚刚的场景被某种力量遮掩了,不知道究竟发生了什么,但依我看,他们三人不会相互争夺。”镀天乐摸了摸下巴,不肯定的说道。 What exactly had?” Kashewen from attending to whisper, in heart curious awfully. “到底发生了什么?”卡修恩自顾的嘀咕了一句,心中好奇的要命。 Similarly. 同样的。 In day star Du Tianji, is saving this doubts, he is startled however looks to that giant bright mirror, gawked some little time muttered: God country has not had the country masters for a long time, I know that the beforehand country master, was extremely saying in the purgatory field to live, there as if has their inheritance. Evidently, this smelting trial ended is the time the country searches a country master to the god, what kind of that your previous matter manages?” He looks to Zi Yao. 在天涅星的镀天奇,也是存着这个疑惑,他怔然看向那块巨大的明镜,愣了好一会儿才喃喃自语:“神国许久不曾有国师了,我知道,以前的国师,都在极道炼狱场内生活,那儿似乎有着他们的传承。看样子,这次试炼结束是时候给神国寻觅一个国师了,你上次事情办的怎样?”他看向紫耀 Zi Yao black eyebrows twists, beautiful pupil lightens the strange gloss, hesitated for a long time, shook the head he not to plan to hold the post of country master.” 紫耀黛眉一拧,美眸闪出奇异的光泽,沉吟了许久,才摇了摇头“他不打算担任国师一职。” His heart knot, has not untied, evidently, I must go to one personally.” Du Tianji nodded, as if already knows that can be this result is not accidental that fellow, the present is the formidable Alchemist master who Lie Yan Star Field is a rear survival, if he is willing to accomplish Expert to come out for the god country output god country. Yeah, if god state-owned country master, were saying extremely the purgatory field obtains the first several inheritance, the god country then had the direction, what a pity, was I ashamed right he.” “他的心结,还是不曾解开啊,看样子,我要亲自去一趟了。”镀天奇点了点头,似乎早就知道会是这个结果一点不意外“那家伙,如今是烈焰星域硕果仅存的强大炼药师,如果他肯为神国出力神国将会造就更多强者出来。哎,如果神国有国师,在极道炼狱场得到前几任的传承,神国便有方向了,可惜,是我愧对了他。” Zi Yao is silent, the complexion is complex, her still not clear past years had anything not to know Du Tianji said that has been guilty related the death of in her parents. 紫耀沉默不语,脸色复杂,她依然不清楚当年发生了什么不知道镀天奇所说的愧疚有没有关于她父母的死亡在内。 flash, you were old, has the genuine pleasing object?” Du Tianji came one suddenly. “耀儿,你年龄不小了,有没有真正中意对象?”镀天奇突然来了一句。 The Zi Yao tender and beautiful cheek, spills over one wisp to match slightly shy shaking the head, `( I do not think these red temporarily. ” 紫耀娇艳的脸蛋,泛出一缕配红略显羞涩的摇了摇头,‘(我暂时不想这些。” A while ago Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Old Fan, had said a marriage to me. “前段时间九星商会梵老,曾经向我说过一门亲事。 The Old Fan only son, you have also listened, Fan Tianpo, the Realm back influence, is only not weaker than Ao Gela. That Fan Tianpo in Lie Yan Star Field is also illustrious, the conduct is also good, the person is also handsome, it is said in front of all parties is very outstanding, Old Fan in the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce status and Earth Realm, you also knows, if Lie Yan Star Field who can be joined to you, that Fan Tianpo was one, interested? ” 梵老唯一的儿子,你也听过,梵天破,不论是境界还是背后的势力,都比奥格拉斯只强不弱。那梵天破烈焰星域也是赫赫有名,品行也不错,人也英俊,据说各方面前很出众,梵老九星商会的身份和地位,你也知道,如果说烈焰星域真有谁配得上你,那梵天破算是一个了,有没有兴趣?” Does not have.” Zi Yao has hesitated, shook the head I not to consider this kind of matter temporarily.” “没。”紫耀沉吟了一下,摇了摇头“我暂时不考虑这类事。” Also good, making me also consider, um, you also diligently.” The Du Tianji eye shone quickly „the Void God boundary is an enormous threshold, was I, does not dare saying that can step over well. But I must such do, once I had the accident, you should better look for Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field that fellow, I think that he will arrange you properly.” “也好,让我也好好考虑考虑,嗯,你自己也努力点。”镀天奇眼睛倏地亮了一下“虚神境乃是一个极大门槛,便是我,也不敢说能够无恙迈过。可我又必须这么做,一旦我有了意外,你最好找日星爆碎场的那个家伙,我想他会妥善安排你。” Father, you, if had the accident, god country what to do?” The Zi Yao forced smile five big feudal lords support the soldier dead weight, each influence is strong, without you, who can suppress them?” “父王,你若是有了意外,神国怎么办?”紫耀苦笑“五大诸侯拥兵自重,各个势力强大,没有你,谁能压制他们?” Du Tianji gets down silent, for a long time, indifferently said: I believe their loyalty to the god country's.” 镀天奇沉默下去,许久后,才淡然说道:“我相信他们对神国的忠诚。” But Da Lei......” Zi Yao starts to speak but hesitates. “可达勒……”紫耀欲言又止。 „It is not no need saying that when” Du Tianji scolds one, the face reveals scowl my breakthrough, will have arrangement “不必多说”镀天奇呵斥一声,脸显怒容“我突破之际,自会有安排” Zi Yao is helpless, the nod, line of sight falls into that bright mirror Center silently, does not have the reason, start is Shi Yan is worried that does not want to see him to have any accident. 紫耀无奈,默默点头,视线重新落入那块明镜〖中〗央,没来由的,开始为石岩担心起来,不想看到他有什么意外。 As for Nine Star Chamber of Commerce Fan Tianpo, her nephew early has hearing, knows that the opposite party absolutely is a character, why does not know, she could not raise an interest. 至于九星商会梵天破,她侄是早有耳闻,知道对方绝对是个人物,可不知为何,她就是提不起一点兴趣来。 Said the purgatory field extremely, in forbidden land. 极道炼狱场,一处禁地内。 That understood that using old man who illusion confuses the will of the people, expression is indifferent, in two overlapping brook places, static looks at following sea-monster. 那懂得运用幻象迷惑人心的老头,神色淡然,在两条交叉的溪流处,静静的看着下面的游鱼。 „Are you very familiar with here?” Shi Yan walks step by step, not anxiously not slow, tranquil fearfulness. “你对这儿很熟悉?”石岩一步步走来,不急不缓,平静的可怕。 Good, here I am familiar, reason that I can, in several times said in extremely the purgatory field smelting trial lives, has taken advantage of here.” The old man bent the waist, skims water, acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner has drunk several, did not visit him, lowered the head chuckled getting up I indeed injured, but you were also same. What is most important is here, you do not have the helper, had not understood that you have gotten sucked into the dangerous situation. You can come, my happy dot this means very much that I can obtain your purgatory command token, can leave since then, retrieval[ from] by.” “不错,这儿我非常熟悉,我之所以能够在几次极道炼狱场试炼中活下来,都是依仗了这儿。”老头弯腰,掬了一口水,旁若无人的喝了几口,也不看他,低着头嘿嘿笑了起来“我的确受了伤,可你也是一样。最重要的是在这儿,你没有帮手,还不了解你已深陷险境。你能过来,我很高兴丶这意味着,我可以得到你的炼狱令牌,能够从此地离开,重获〖自〗由。” Right?” Shi Yan grinned to smile my five to have a look, did you obtain purgatory command token of my waist? Good, is the same with you, we carry the severe wound, but a little, you forever compare me, I am younger than you, my resiliency, you thinks that is quicker than?” “是吗?”石岩咧嘴笑了“我伍要看看,你怎么得到我腰间的炼狱令牌?不错,和你一样,我们都身负重伤,但有一点,你永远比不过我,我比你年轻,我的恢复力,比你所想中快很多?” Young? Young is not useful!” The old man has stood finally, faces up to him boy, is you must seek the blind alley, do not blame me not being impolite.” “年轻?年轻有个屁用!”那老头终于站了起来,正视他“小子,是你自己要寻死路,别怪我不客气。” „Do you want together purgatory command token?” Shi Yan has gawked, suddenly said: Actually, your this wish is very easy to come true, if I help you, the secret that if you can know you shares with me, trivial purgatory command token, I guaranteed does together to you.” “你只是想要一块炼狱令牌?”石岩愣了一下,忽然说道:“其实,你这心愿很容易实现,如果我帮你的话,如果你可以将你所知的秘密与我共享,区区一块炼狱令牌,我保证给你搞到。” An old man face difference, interesting smiling of does together purgatory command token for me, what this means that can you know? I do not know that whose person you are, but this means that you must massacre the participant, is the youth talent in god country's, will the five big feudal lord favorites, you such do for me?” 那老头一脸异样,有趣的笑了笑“为我搞到一块炼狱令牌,这意味着什么,你可知道?我不知道你是谁的人,可这意味着,你要杀掉参与者,也是神国的青年才俊,五大诸侯身边的红人,你会为我这么做?” Why can't?” Shi Yan grins I not to begin, others will also start, here, I have to kill the person, he fully will also kill me.” “为何不会?”石岩咧嘴“我不动手,别人也会下手,在这儿,我有个必杀之人,他也会全力杀我。” The old man does not worry, very comfortable stretching oneself, shot a look at his one eyes to say to look, how matter?” 老头不着急了,很舒服的伸了个懒腰,瞥了他一眼“说说看,怎么一回事?” „Have you listened to Ao Gela?” Shi Yan has hesitated, asking of probe. “你听过奥格拉斯?”石岩沉吟了下,试探的问道。 Old man look one cold, coldly snorted naturally has listened, the Ao Guduo nephew, the talent of god country's, you must kill the person, none who does not becomes is he?” 老头眼神一寒,冷哼一声“自然听过,奥古多的侄儿,神国的天才,你要杀之人,莫不成是他?” The Shi Yan nod „, you were saying extremely the purgatory field stayed that many years, how to know Ao Gela. Looks at your appearance, seems extremely unhappy he, what's all this about?” 石岩点头“咦,你在极道炼狱场呆了那么多年,怎会知道奥格拉斯。看你的模样,似乎极其不喜他,这是怎么回事?” I have not exited, may say extremely purgatory field once in a while, will be detained many people, naturally knows the outside world condition through these person of me.” Person who the old man snort|hum, complexion was cold and Ao Guduo has the relations, I do not like, because he sends in me says the purgatory field extremely. Ao Gela is his nephew, moreover displays outstanding, I especially will naturally pay attention, early knows that he was saying the purgatory field extremely, I will then search him, regarded the goal him, lets matter that Ao Guduo was not feeling well, I wanted thousand!” “我没有出去过,可极道炼狱场每隔一段时间,都会被关押进来不少人,通过那些人我自然知道外界的状况。”老头哼了一声,脸色冷冽“和奥古多有关系的人,我都不喜欢,因为正是他将我送入极道炼狱场的。奥格拉斯是他侄儿,而且表现出众,我自然会格外留心,早知道他在极道炼狱场,我便会寻觅他,将他当成目标了,让奥古多不爽的事情,我都愿意千!” „Did Ao Guduo capture you? Hehe, interesting interesting, it seems like we were a little common languages.” Shi Yan chuckled getting up by the way, what you had done in the past, was closed into this place?” 奥古多擒拿了你?嘿嘿,有趣有趣,看来我们算是有点共同语言了。”石岩嘿嘿笑了起来“顺便问一句,当年你干了什么,被关入此地?” Has nothing to do with you!” Old man coldly snorted. “与你无关!”老头冷哼 Shi Yan smiled, does not care, he stands firm in that old man body first hundred meters place, suddenly the clothing will untie, the bloodstained clothing was discarded by him conveniently, then in the investment brook, scrubs bloodstain. 石岩笑了笑,也不在意,他在那老头身前百米处站定,忽然将身上衣衫解开,血衣被他随手扔掉,便投入溪流内,洗刷身上的血迹。 Old man eyes blows out Divine Light suddenly, immediately condenses on him. 老头双眸霍然爆出神光,顿时凝聚在他身上。 A bloodstain, was flushed by the da clean mountain stream, does the Shi Yan whole body fining like the steel and iron, where have a scar crack? 一身的血迹,被龘干净的溪水冲洗掉,石岩浑身精炼如钢铁,哪里有一丝的伤痕裂缝? He and an old man's war, passed half double-hour merely, before the old man, clarity that looks, knows his Divine Sense, although has not exploded to break to pieces, but has also covered entirely the innumerable scars, otherwise is also insufficient whole body fresh blood drip to flowing. 他和老头的一战,仅仅过了半个时辰,那老头之前看的清清楚楚,知道他神休虽然没有爆碎掉,但也布满了无数伤痕,不然也不至于全身鲜血淋漓。 But now, Shi Yan whole body Blood Qi exuberantly, a wound does not have, in the body plaster contains the energy circulation to be insightful, Divine Sense is sending out the halo, is in the boundary of peak obviously, where is the person of severe wound? 可现在,石岩浑身血气旺盛之极,一道伤口都没有,体垩内蕴藏着能量流转通透,神休散发着光晕,明显处于巅峰之境,哪里是重伤之人? Reviews him, controls one's breathing after the restoration of half double-hour, has little effect, still full is the blood stain, the chests and back three by the spot that Bone Thorn hits, has the obvious blood hole, deep obvious bone, on other waist abdomen both legs arms, there is a close wound, that is the result by the power bombardment of Aranza and Tie Mu. 反观他,经过半个时辰的恢复调息,收效甚微,依然满是血污,胸口和背后三处被骨刺击中的部位,有着明显的血洞,深可见骨,其余腰腹双腿臂膀上,也有细密的伤口,那是被亚兰、铁牧力量轰击所致。 Shi Yan and compared with him, does not have a wound from the start, this discovery, lets the old man who has been ready to make trouble, suddenly peaceful has gotten down he to realize suddenly that the Shi Yan daring one person alone rushes, but also dares to work as his surface quarts to discuss that did not bluster, but had the energy really! 石岩和他相比,压根没有一点伤,这个发现,让一直蠢蠢欲动的老头,忽然安静了下来他忽然意识到,石岩胆敢孤身闯进来,还敢当着他的面夸夸而谈,绝不是虚张声势,而是真有底气! In front of old man, the Shi Yan wash blood stain, has changed a clean clothing, stimulates quickly Immortal Devil Blood power, the full arm, the armored hand pounds at once loudly on the ground. 当着老头的面,石岩洗涤血污,换了一件干净的衣衫,倏地将不死魔血力量激发出来,充盈手臂,旋即铁拳轰然砸在地上。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The earth transmits the fluctuation of terrifying, is centered on him to fall the fist to locate, occupies a land area of several kilometers region, such as beyond the meteorite by the day was hit maliciously, torn to pieces, the earth has the earthquake, tears gullies, deeply does not see the bottom. 大地传来恐怖的波动,以他落拳处为中心,占地数千米的区域,如被天外陨石狠狠地撞击,支离破碎,大地发生地震般,撕裂出一道道沟壑,深不见底。 power that precise Immortal Devil Blood, forms suddenly, pours into the earth, caused that earth earth-shaking, the fluctuation of terrifying, as if the direct link purgatory star deep place, the rumbled sound continues, mountain valley nearby mountain peak creakies, momentum scary. 凝炼不死魔血,突然形成的力量,灌入大地,引得大地内部天翻地覆,恐怖的波动,似乎直达炼狱星深处,轰鸣声不止,山谷旁边的山峰都摇摇欲坠起来,声势骇人之极。 God King Realm that old man, is the peak however changes color, even more does not dare to act rashly. 就连神王境的那老头,都是耸然变色,愈发的不敢轻举妄动起来。 Shi Yan takes back power at once, satisfied looks at gets sucked into dozens meters giant gulf, listens explosive incessantly sound that the touchdown bottom hears, suddenly turns the head, smile Mr. looks at „you have been ready to make trouble, tries to kill me unexpectedly, um, you thought that you can achieve really?” 石岩旋即收回力量,满意的看着深陷数十米的巨大深坑,听着地底传来的爆响不止声,突然别头,微笑看着老头“你一直蠢蠢欲动,试图出其不意杀我,嗯,你觉得,你真的可以达成?” Old man complexion gloomy gets down, does not say a word. 老头脸色阴沉下来,一言不发。 We whether to chat really well?” Suddenly relaxes, the moving toward old man who Shi Yan strolls, no longer worried that was sneak attacked suddenly, expression safely at will. “我们是不是可以真的好好谈谈了?”忽然放松下来,石岩闲庭信步的走向老头,不再担心被突然偷袭,神色安然随意。 Old man, complexion cloudy clear uncertain, stared at him deeply to look some little time, said: Good, you had proven your power, I am very indeed difficult to execute you, good, I will not take risk, what do you want to know?” 那老头,脸色阴晴不定,盯着他深深看了好一会儿,才道:“不错,你证明了你的力量,我的确很难将你格杀,好吧,我不会冒险了,你想知道什么?”
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