GOS :: Volume #9

#802: Rushes bans

Five directions have the life trend!” “五个方向都有生命动向!” Aranza feels purgatory command token, frowns, looks all around, saying that a little has a headache about. 亚兰摸着炼狱令牌,皱着眉头,环顾四周,有点头疼的说道。 Tie Mu also with a worried look, scolded: This old ghost does not know how can affect purgatory command token, making us unable to distinguish the genuine and fake, now five positions transmit his aura, does not know that is his true body in the position.” 铁牧也是愁眉不展,骂道:“这老鬼不知道怎么就可以影响炼狱令牌,让我们分辨不出真假,如今有五个方位传来他的气息,不知道那一个才是他的真身所在位置。” Shi Yan whole body fresh blood drip flowings, arrives by two people, cleans the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, sneers saying: aura of five directions, are not the real plaster is solid, this old ghost is sly.” 石岩浑身血淋漓,也来到两人身旁,将嘴角的血迹擦拭掉,冷笑道:“五个方向的气息,都不是真垩实,这老鬼狡猾着呢。” Aranza and Tie Mu they, cannot help but deeply look to him, has gawked for several seconds, Aranza said: Your this fellow is really fierce, after breakthrough to God King Realm, suddenly formidable in this way!” 亚兰和铁牧两人,不由得深深看向他,愣了几秒,亚兰才说道:“你这家伙真是厉害,突破神王境以后,遽然强大如斯!” This war, Shi Yan is a main army, his power deep meaning made the old man stagnate, such, let Aranza and Tie Mu has the opportunity, then true wound to that old man. 这一战,石岩才是主力军,他的力量奥义让老者停滞了一下,就那么一下,才让亚兰和铁牧有可乘之机,进而真正伤到那老头。 If no Shi Yan to involve, they are impossible to work loose quickly from Illusion, naturally is unable to injure to that old man. 如果没有石岩牵扯,他们不可能那么快从幻境中挣脱出来,自然也无法伤害到那老头。 The fight of Shi Yan and that old man, they watch, engage in introspection, even if they, does not have the means to cope with the old man, but Shi Yan actually achieved. 石岩和那老头的战斗,两人都看在眼里,扪心自问,就算是他们,也没有办法对付老头,可石岩却做到了。 But melt, real plaster solid Realm, wants on high to plan compared with Shi Yan, is still actually at wit's end to the old man. 而化们,真垩实的境界,比石岩还要高上一筹,却依然对老头无计可施。 Shi Yan shows power to come truly, had a scare them seriously. 石岩真正展现出力量来,当真将两人吓了一跳。 Follows me, I know that his position, motherfucker, this old ghost a lot of dirty tricks, sowed dissension before, hopes that we massacre mutually, is good to clean up the aftermath slowly, saw us not to be swindled, confused him not to plan to let off our any with Illusion from the start.” Shi Yan snort|hum, said: I in his Sea of Consciousness, have left behind Divine Sense, I can grasp his position accurately, the induction of purgatory command token is he desirably for it, not real.” “跟我走,我知道他的方位,妈的,这老鬼一肚子坏水,之前挑拨离间,希望我们相互残杀,然后好慢慢收拾残局,见我们不上当,又用幻境迷惑他压根没打算放过我们其中任何一个。”石岩哼了一声,道:“我在他识海之内,留下了一道神念,我可以准确把握他的方位,炼狱令牌的感应全是他刻意为之,一个不真。” Your God King First Sky can Realm, leave behind together Divine Sense in his Sea of Consciousness? Did you affirm?” The Aranza eye pupil shone in vain got up fully is inconceivable. “你神王一重天境界,可以在他识海之内留下一道神念?你肯定?”亚兰眼眸徒然亮了起来满是不可思议。 Tie Mu also publicized. ” Can't? Is separated by two small social strata, he leaves behind Divine Sense also to have the possibility in your Sea of Consciousness, you how? ” 铁牧也是张大了。”不会吧?相隔两个小阶层,他在你识海留下神念还有可能,你怎么可以?” My cultivation deep meaning is special, in Space Deep Meaning is mixing with wisp of Divine Sense can the short time evade his sensing. However could not insist how long, we must a bit faster find him, if late were eliminated that wisp of Divine Sense by him, we really again could not find him.” Shi Yan rapid say|way. “我修炼的奥义特殊,空间奥义中夹杂着的一缕神念可以短时间避过他的感测。不过也坚持不了多久,我们必须快点找到他,若是迟了被他清除了那一缕神识,我们就真的再也找不到他了。”石岩急促道。 Aranza Tie Mu hear of his such saying responded that repeatedly nodded, no longer wordy anything. 亚兰铁牧听他这么一说才反应过来,连连点头,不再啰嗦什么。 Shi Yan before, the body like rainbow, dodges to pass, shuttles back and forth in the forests, the behind Aranza and Tie Mu closely follow. 石岩在前,身如长虹,一闪而逝,在林间穿梭,身后亚兰、铁牧紧紧跟随。 After half double-hour, he stopped suddenly, is looking at the front mountain valley, waves to shout to clear the way: In here!” 半个时辰后,他忽然停了下来,望着前方一个山谷,挥手喝道:“就在这儿!” Aranza and Tie Mu they, forced immediately in a potential, a face amazed looked at towards the mountain valley, startled called out: Can't?” 亚兰和铁牧两人,顿时勒在了身势,一脸惊诧的看向山谷,惊叫道:“不会吧?” Mountain valley ignorant in gloomy ravine grey shade, including barrier of First Level level, barrier, has Chaos energy aura, is quite special, seems containing the enormous bad risk. 山谷蒙在阴暗的山间灰影中,其中有一层层的结界,结界内部,有着非常混乱能量气息,极为特殊,仿佛蕴藏着极大的凶险。 There, should say forbidden land in purgatory field extremely, in this marvelous region, similar forbidden land has, the participant has bumped into generally, avoidance vigorously, does not dare to penetrate. 那儿,应该是极道炼狱场内的一处禁地,在这个奇妙的区域,类似的禁地有很多,参与者一般碰到了,都会极力的避开,不敢深入。 It is said that these barrier, were initially constructed by this place natural formation, stems from first several generations of country teachers' hand that the god country elapsed, let alone participant, advocation of Du Tianji god country, perhaps not clear these barrier mysterious places. 据说,那些结界,乃是当初以此地的天然阵法构建出来,出自神国逝去的前几代国师之手,别说参与者了,就连神国之主镀天奇,或许也不清楚那些结界的奥妙之处。 Each time side said that the purgatory field whets, before, the director will state clearly that making everybody avoid these forbidden land. 每一次的极道炼狱场磨砺,进入之前,主事者都会言明,让大家避开那些禁地 According to them that these forbidden land are the constitution said extremely the main terminal of purgatory field, is containing many mysterious fearful bad risks, is rashly thorough, perhaps Soul Altar will also dissipate, but may also the destruction say extremely the balance of purgatory field, lets say extremely the purgatory field cannot play the role. 按照他们所说,那些禁地是构成极道炼狱场的主要枢纽,其中蕴藏着诸多神奇可怕凶险,冒然深入,或许也灵魂祭台都会消散,还有可能破坏极道炼狱场的平衡,让极道炼狱场不能发挥作用。 The beforehand many participant, strictly adheres to the view of director, easily will not enter, bold thorough, little can live coming out. 以前的很多参与者,都谨守主事者的说法,不会轻易进入,大胆深入者,很少可以活着出来。 In that mountain valley, the marvelous fluctuation that passes on, extremely said one of the purgatory field forbidden land obviously. 在那山谷内,传出来的奇妙波动,明显就是极道炼狱场的禁地之一。 Before having traded, Shi Yan will not move easily, will leave early, so as to avoid gets sucked, has encountered any mishap. 换了以前,石岩也不会轻易触碰,会早早离开,免得深陷进去,遭遇了什么不测。 But is now different, that old ghost hides obviously in inside, once lets that old ghost restores such as beginning, once more braves, definitely will bring a bigger bad risk to them, is not damaged to destroy completely him while him, letting him to do evil, Shi Yan will be will not give up absolutely. 可现在不同,那老鬼明显躲藏在里面,一旦让那老鬼恢复如初,再次冒出来,必然会给他们带来更大的凶险,不趁着他受创灭掉他,让他再也不能作恶,石岩是绝对不会善罢甘休的。 He dares to go, what do we fear?” Shi Yan shot a look at Aranza and Tie Mu, expression is firm „, regardless of you cannot enter, I must certainly go, this old ghost a lot of dirty tricks, have become enemies with us, naturally cannot be so easy to let off us. His antipode purgatory field is familiar, but can also evade that tracking down of purgatory command token, he is living, to us, forever is the potential threats, must eliminate.” “他敢进去,我们怕什么?”石岩瞥了亚兰、铁牧一眼,神色坚定“不论你们进不进,我是肯定要进去的,这老鬼一肚子坏水,已经和我们结仇了,自然不会那么容易放过我们。他对极道炼狱场非常熟悉,还可以避过炼狱令牌的追寻,他活着,对我们来说,永远都是潜在的威胁,必须清除。” Old ghost participated in several times to say the purgatory field extremely, he affirmed incomparably familiar, he dares to enter, perhaps has relied on. But we, did not find that can too the risk radical a point?” Tie Mu the face, was worrying painstakingly very much that does not decide, not having the horse seven to decide two Aranza black eyebrows deep locks, as if with hardship are also considering to struggle, walks to enter, leaves. “老鬼参加了好几次极道炼狱场,他对此地肯定无比熟悉,他敢进入,说不定有所凭仗。而我们,是一点都不了解啊,会不会太冒险激进了一点?”铁牧苦着脸,很是担忧,哦噜不决,没有马七下决定二亚兰也黛眉深锁,似乎在苦苦思量挣扎着,到底走进入,还是离开。 Perhaps, in forbidden land, will have any secret. Will have to concern said extremely purgatory field some and hidden secret, the old man can evade our purgatory command token, possibly is related with this secret, he can learn, why can't we?” Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly shouted to clear the way: I must go.” “或许,在禁地之内,会有什么秘密。会有关乎极道炼狱场的某和秘辛,那老头能够避过我们的炼狱令牌,可能就与这个秘密有关,他可以获知,我们为何不能?”石岩沉吟了一下,突然喝道:“我是非要进去的。” The words, his body such as a handle sharp sword, maliciously the thorn to the mountain valley that barrier covers. 话罢,他身如一柄利剑,狠狠地刺向结界覆盖的山谷。 Bang! If the body that the custom hit on giant rubber ball, under the astonishing ejection force, he overruns, flies upside down to return fiercely, power of rushing, goes directly to his whole body, he who shakes is dizzy the moon/month to be dizzy. 轰!如习撞击在巨大的皮球上,在惊人的弹射力下,他冲过去的身子,猛地倒飞返回,一股澎湃的力量,直达他全身,震的他头晕月眩。 Dizzy, he has stood firm side Aranza and Tie Mu, the complexion against sinks „the barrier very strong disaster broken fiercely, I cannot penetrate the past, motherfucker, why he can »” 昏昏沉沉的,他在亚兰、铁牧身旁重新站定了,脸色猛地防沉下来“结界非常强大难破,我不能穿透过去,妈的,为什么他可以》” He definitely knows the barrier mystery.” Aranza expression is also heavy, hesitant, said: Or, we give up, intrudes rashly, at region battle that he is familiar with, not necessarily can ask for the advantage. On the contrary, if the fight sends the responsibility outside, our joint effort, but also possibly wins.” Tie Mu in agreement Shi Yan, have not take risked, you rigid were too biased, not necessarily can ask for the advantage.” “他一定知道结界的奥妙。”亚兰也神色沉重起来,犹豫了一下,说道:“要不,我们就放弃吧,冒然闯入,在他熟悉的区域交战,不见得可以讨到好处。相反,如果战斗发责在外面,我们三人合力,还可能取胜。”铁牧附和了“石岩,别冒险了,你太执着偏执了,不见得能够讨到好处。” dark becomes important matter, is the paranoia. ” Shi Yan silent one second, sneers suddenly, Hehe said: „It is not barrier, the father does not believe unable to break.” 晦一个成大事者,都是偏执狂。”石岩沉默一秒,突然冷笑起来,嘿嘿道:“不就是结界么,老子就不信破不掉。” The words, his thought moves, Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle in Imaginary Space Ring appears immediately, the soul breaks in together I must break barrier, how many power do you need to stimulate to movement?” 话罢,他念头一动,幻空戒内的流云破天梭顿时显现出来,一道灵魂冲入其中“我要破掉结界,你需要多少力量催动?” You one-third power.” “你1的力量。” Good!” “好!” In the body plaster energy fine classes, the trundle wells up loudly, pours into Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle in abundance. Obtains in his body plaster injection of power, that breaks all barrier and restriction Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle specially, has become stream of light, has torn layer upon layer barrier, goes directly to that forbidden land central. 体垩内一道道能量精流,轰然滚动涌出来,纷纷注入流云破天梭内。得到他体垩内力量的注入,那专破一切结界禁制流云破天梭,成了一道流光,撕裂了层层结界,直达那禁地中垩央 Shi Yan turned head to shoot a look at Tie Mu and Aranza, no matter the amazed colors on their face, in bump into stream ray, silhouette vanished instantaneously. 石岩回头瞥了一眼铁牧、亚兰,不管他们脸上的惊诧之色,一头撞入流光之内,身影瞬间消失。 Broke? Broke unexpectedly? ” The Tie Mu look is unthinkable color, strange shaking the head of „is this boy, what background? How so many marvelous places?” 破掉了?竟然破掉了?”铁牧眼神都是匪夷所思之色,怪异的摇了摇头“这小子,到底是什么来路?怎会有那么多的奇妙之处?” No wonder he can substitute for Ao Gela, is really a fierce character, I understand finally why Sir Kashewen will visit him high.” Aranza has hesitated, is a face astonished color, has she turned head to look to Tie Mu what to do?” “难怪他可以取代奥格拉斯,果然是个厉害的人物,我终于明白,为什么卡修恩大人会高看他了。”亚兰沉吟了一下,也是一脸惊异之色,顿了顿,她回头看向铁牧“怎么办?” This......” Tie Mu is indecisive we not familiar condition, is rashly thorough, not necessarily can ask for the advantage. The opposite party, is Third Sky of God King Realm, there, region that he is familiar with, is not quite good?” “这个……”铁牧犹豫不决“我们并不熟悉其中的状况,冒然深入,不见得能够讨到好处。对方,可是神王三重天之境,那儿,还是他熟悉的区域,不太好吧?” Aranza hesitates for a long time, nodded considers as finished, we Wait a moment, I also thought the region that the first thorough families are familiar with rashly, extremely has take risked a point.” 亚兰沉吟许久,也点了点头“算了,我们先等一下吧,我也觉得冒然深入人家熟悉的区域,太过冒险了一点。” In time that they spoke, that Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle fluctuated stream ray that became, vanished gradually, their roads, have let them certainly are want, could not find the threshold. 在他们两人讲话的功夫,那流云破天梭变幻而成的流光,渐渐消失了,绝了他们的路,让他们就算是想要进去,也找不到门槛了。 The scene fluctuates. Shi Yan at the mountain valley that a hundred flower prestige open, in the mountain valley two brooks connects, the mountain stream sees the bottom clear, small fish cheerful is hovering, long cover weeds, in mountain valley each region healthy growth, such as huge Demonic Beast down. 场景变幻。石岩处在一个百huā威开的山谷,山谷内两条溪流交汇,溪水澄清见底,有一尾尾小鱼欢快的游动着,齐腰长的茂密野草,在山谷每一个区域茁壮生长,如巨大妖兽身上的绒毛。 In the mountain valley the air is fresh, heaven and earth energy is rich, in the valley a piece was eliminated the region of weeds, has a thathed hut, the door is opening wide, an old man face whiten, is swallowing medicinal pills, is controlling one's breathing the restoration. 山谷内空气清新潮湿,天地能量非常浓郁,谷中一片被清除了野草的区域,有着一间茅草房,房门敞开着,其中一个老者脸色苍白,吞服着丹药,正在调息恢复。 That formerly had seen old man. Shi Yan sees his instant, the old man has also found him, the complexion great change, has stood in vain suddenly, startled shout said: Boy, can you come in unexpectedly? These can't barrier, hinder you unexpectedly? How possible?” 正是那先前见过的老头。石岩看到他的那一霎,那老头也瞧见了他,脸色徒然巨变,霍然站了起来,惊喝道:“小子,你居然能进来?那些结界,竟不能阻碍你?怎么可能?” Anything is impossible.” Shi Yan frowns, eye still scarlet-red like blood, as before is maintaining the Rampage condition, power in body plaster turbulent is flowing, aura wild ominous severe. “没什么不可能的。”石岩皱着眉头,眼睛依然赤红如血,依旧保持着暴走状态,体垩内的力量汹涌的流淌着,气息狂暴凶厉。 He walks toward that old man step by step, look Bloodthirsty even more is callous you injured heavily, hides wants to restore such as beginning, then continues to chase down us, the place that Hehe, you choose is extremely really good, looks at this condition, you should treat here had been very long, should be familiar with here all?” 他一步步朝着那老头走去,眼神越发的嗜血冷酷“你受伤不轻,躲藏起来想恢复如初,然后继续追杀我们,嘿嘿,你选的地方果然极佳,看这状况,你在这儿应该待过很久了,应该熟悉这里一切了吧?” The old man stopped restoring to control one's breathing, walked from the thatched hut, before his body, was the brooks of two connection, in the brook has the sea-monster, was tying up by the stockade, as if his Captive edible. 那老头停止了恢复调息,从茅草屋走了出来,在他身前,便是两条交汇的溪流,溪流中有着游鱼,被栅栏拴着,似乎他圈养食用的。 Very harmonious scene, the old man near the brook, lowers the head the looks at sea-monster, was hearing gladdening the heart flower is fragrant, is not anxious, on the face even showed smiling face you to come, I was very happy, purgatory command token, was together steady.” Shi Yan has a smile, shakes the head slightly is not easy.” 很和谐的场景,老者在溪流边上,低头看着游鱼,闻着沁人心脾的huā香,一点不紧张,脸上甚至露出了笑容“你能过来,我很开心啊,一块炼狱令牌,稳了。”石岩含笑,微微摇头“没那么容易。”
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