GOS :: Volume #9

#801: Counter-attack

After breakthrough to God King Realm, this is the Shi Yan first time true uses fully. 突破神王境以后,这还是石岩第一次真正动用全力。 Before, he battled dozens times, the match who ran into also had the God King Second Sky Realm ominous person, however, even if were that kind of role, cannot arouse his all potential, did not have flower to spend his many power, was cut to kill to slaughter by him. 之前,他交战数十次,遇到的对手也有神王二重天境界的凶人,然而,就算是那类角色,也没能激起他一切潜力,并没有huā费他多少的力量,便被他斩杀屠戮。 Only then this old man, because achieves God King Third Sky, in addition the power deep meaning is unusual, makes him display Rampage,[ body] in all energy burst out. 只有这老头,因为达到神王三重天,加上力量奥义奇特诡异,才让他施展出暴走,把〖体〗内的所有能量迸发出来。 The people on the icy earth, Shi Yan are narrowing the eye, pair of scarlet Blood Pupil, ice-cold like knife point, looks indifferently to that old man. 人在冷冰冰的大地上,石岩眯着眼睛,一双猩红的血瞳,冰冷如刀锋,冷眼看向那老头。 Three Bone Thorn howling sounds, such as the evil spirit sob, heard that it lets person mind entirely to crack. 三根骨刺的呼啸声,如厉鬼哭泣,闻之让人心神俱裂。 Attaches to obstruct Bone Thorn of deep meaning, does not have the shade invisible, only then the howl, could not find the direction, Divine Soul is hard to lock. 附有窒间奥义的骨刺,无影无形,只有啸声,找不到方向,神魂难以锁定。 Even if the God King Third Sky old man, in the roar sad and shrill sound, is at wit's end, has to branch out part of power, momentarily is careful the surprise attacks of three Bone Thorn. 即便是神王三重天的老头,在厉啸的凄厉声中,也是无计可施,不得不分出一部分力量,随时小心三根骨刺的突袭。 Heart imaginary thousand packs!” “心幻千叠!” The old man lowers the sound, suddenly calls out one, the thin and small withered body, increases to rise suddenly in vain. 老头压低声音,突然暴喝一声,瘦小干瘪的身子,徒然增大暴涨开来。 An instant, the old man turns into a height ten meters giant, is indomitable spirit, the thin body inflates, seems containing infinite power. 只是一霎,那老头变成一个身高十米的巨人,顶天立地,消瘦的身子膨胀起来,似乎蕴藏着无穷的力量 He face upwards to roar, arm falls, in the skeleton explosive sound, a huge hand imprint, the void oppression comes, the distant cover to Shi Yan, covers the region that he was. 他仰天一声怒吼,臂膀摔出,在骨骼爆炸声中,一个巨大的手印,虚空压迫而来,遥遥罩向石岩,将他所在的区域都笼罩住了。 In his control, the energy Dragon Snake god electricity congealments of innumerable fining, evolve a piece of brand-new space immediately. 在他手心,无数精炼的能量龙蛇神电般凝结,顿时衍化成一片崭新的空间。 Shi Yan looks up the day. 石岩抬头看天。 Sees only that giant palm, appears person's shadows, has Shi Jian and Brother Shi Tie, has Yang Qingdi and Yi Tianmo also to have Xia Xinyan, He Qingman, Bing Qingtong and other females. 只见那巨大的手掌心,显出一道道人影,有石坚石铁兄弟,有杨青帝奕天漠还有夏心妍何青曼冰晴彤等女。 In his palm, these people who he knew well the care suddenly has become mortal enemy yin cold the face, flushed fiercely crazily. 在他手掌心内,他所熟识关心的那些人突然成了死敌一个个阴寒着脸,猛地狂冲下来。 Each familiar character, became wanted his life the evil star, was rolling torrential energy, from killed in all directions. 每一个熟悉的人物,都成了要他性命的煞星,滚动着滔滔能量,从四面八方扑杀而来。 His Soul Altar, as if suddenly was affected, Divine Soul was confused, in the heart spills over a deep pain, disappointed and bitter suddenly. 他的灵魂祭台,似乎忽然被影响,神魂被迷惑了,心中忽然泛出一股深深的苦痛、失望、酸涩。 In the soul confuses, these people, came to see in him[ really] reality became must the god of death that he executed. 在灵魂迷惑中,那些人,在他来看成了〖真〗实成了要将他格杀的死神。 Heart imaginary technique! 心幻之术! This is old man's deep meaning unusual strange place, as if can affect the will of the people, making the person intelligence confuse, believes that in the eye sees is[ really] reality. 这是老头的奥义奇特诡异之处,似乎真的可以影响人心,让人神智迷惑,相信眼中所见便是〖真〗实。 The eye looks at familiar friend family member, explodes in abundance, wants his life, cold Lao Shi Yan, the innermost feelings have always filled losing, by the innermost feelings affecting restraint, huge energy stubbornly was suppressed by him, for fear that explodes, has injured his family member. 看着熟悉的朋友亲人,纷纷爆出来,要他的性命,历来冷酪的石岩,内心充满了失落,被内心给影响束缚了,一身庞大的能量都被他死死压制住,生怕爆开,伤害了他的亲人。 „Did you have the auspicious day already to forget us?” “你过着好日子早已忘记我们了吧?” Why hasn't returned? You do not know that Grace Mainland energy dries up, do we struggle on the blind alley?” “为什么还不返回?你难道不知道,神恩大陆能量枯竭,我们在死路上挣扎?” You outside can natural, still remember us? In your heart, whether has forgotten us?” “你在外面过的潇洒,可还记得我们?在你心中,是否已将我们遗忘?” Time that the family member friends, swoop, but also was recounting anything, was more confused his heart, making his soul confuse, does not know how to deal. 一个个亲人朋友,飞扑过来的时候,还在述说着什么,更加迷乱他的心,让他灵魂迷惑,不知道如何应对。 Mentally confused, is demoralized, is then impossible complete power to release, everywhere is restrained. 心乱了,意志消沉,便不可能将全部的力量释放出来,处处受制。 This time he, is in the so difficult region. 此时的他,便处于如此艰难的境地。 Great body that the old man transforms, on the face splits the gloomy and cold smiling face, another hand has also pressed, evolves all sorts of marvelous scenes once more, has the poisoning people's minds different functions. 那老头幻化出来的巨身,脸上绽出阴冷的笑容,另外一只手也按了下来,再次衍化出种种奇妙场景,有着蛊惑人心的异能。 Person's shadows that swoops, all sorts of attacks pound loudly, the person's shadow turns into the swift and fierce attack, pure energy, entire tribe to him on. 飞扑上来的一道道人影,种种攻击轰然砸下来,人影变成凌厉的攻击,精纯的能量,全部落到他身上。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 Shi Yan is standing erect body, fiercely by rumbling shrinks into the earth directly, enters the truth ten meters, the region that he is, presents a giant gulf. 石岩屹立着的身子,猛地被轰的直接缩入大地,进入地底数十米,他所在的区域,出现一个巨大的深坑。 illusion vanishes immediately. 幻象顿时消失。 In hundred meters giant gulf, the Shi Yan single knee is well-grounded, whole body fresh blood drip flowings, the skeleton transmits clearly explodes the broken sound, eye of zi completely cracks. 在百米巨大的深坑内,石岩单膝着地,浑身血淋漓,骨骼传来清脆的爆碎声,目眦尽裂。 He sobers immediately. 他顿时清醒过来。 The whole body transmits the stabbing pain, power so wild strikes, comes to the disorder of bang,[ body] in various power such as thunder and lightning stirs up da to shoot, is mutually unbalanced, makes his sad awfully, the ache that the veins transmit, making flowing of his power be restrained, was no longer smooth. 周身传来刺痛,一身力量被如此狂暴的一击,给轰的紊乱开来,〖体〗内各种力量雷电激龘射,相互失衡,让他难过的要命,筋脉传来的疼痛,令他力量的流动受制,不再流畅。 Old man the great body, in heaven and earth, outside hundred meters gulf, the lowering the head bird's eye view he, in the eye is revealing an astonishment swiftly and fiercely boy, your God Body unexpectedly broken!” 老头所化的巨身,凌厉在天地间,在百米深坑外部,低头俯瞰着他,眼中露出一丝惊异“小子,你神体居然不破!” His Third Sky of God King Realm, so strikes, generally God King First Sky Realm Expert, God Body already could not endure, will explode to break to pieces under his power, only then Soul Altar can escape. 神王三重天之境,如此一击,一般神王一重天境界强者,神体早已吃不消,会在他的力量之下爆碎开来,只有灵魂祭台能得以逃生。 Him, this strikes, Shi Yan should oneself die. 在他来看,这一击,石岩应该己经死亡了。 What a pity, he misplaced Shi Yan God Body powerful to be abnormal, this struck, but made Shi Yan cause heavy losses, cannot make Shi Yan God Body explode to break to pieces. 可惜,他错估了石岩神体强悍变态,他这一击,只是让石岩受到重创,并不能真的让石岩神体爆碎开来。 Old ghost, I will not make you feel better.” The Shi Yan whole face blood, the corner of the eye also drops out two drops of bloodstains, the manner fiercely fearsome I most hates to transform the family member friend, you so shameless sinister, do not blame me similarly to the line you.” “老鬼,我不会让你好过的。”石岩满脸鲜血,眼角也滴出两滴血痕,神态狰狞可怖“我最恨幻化亲人朋友,你这般无耻阴险,也别怪我同样对行你。” The words fall, Shi Yan such as a handle sharp sword, shoots from the gulf implosion. 话语一落,石岩如一柄利剑,咻的从深坑内爆射而出。 In the God's Domain coverage scope, is full death, desperate, hate and Bloodthirsty all sorts of Negative Emotions, precise becomes the torrential negative great waves, is containing all sorts of negative evil energies, barbarism that such as runs away, galloping, Milky Way, covers to the region of that old man. 神之领域覆盖范围内,充盈着的死亡、绝望、怨恨、嗜血种种负面情绪,凝炼成滔滔负面的浪涛,蕴藏着种种负面的邪能,如脱缰的野蛮,奔腾而出,天河般,也覆盖向那老者的区域。 Poisons people's minds, confused mental mystery, by no means only then old man knows, in his God's Domain, has this mystery similarly. 蛊惑人心,迷乱心智的奥妙,并非只有老头一人知晓,在他神之领域内,同样有此奥妙。 Three Bone Thorn that a cavity indignation, Shi Yan Divine Soul imperial moves, flash before finally from the space crevice. 一腔愤慨,石岩神魂御动的三根骨刺,终于从空间夹缝内闪现出来。 Three Bone Thorn appearances, then crop up with the back of the head in that old man two eyes, such as three silver-white lightnings, the straight thrust gets down. 三根骨刺一出现,便在那老头两眼和后脑勺冒头,如三道银白色的闪电,直刺下来。 The old man changes color in vain, had not expected that he attaches Space Deep Meaning Bone Thorn, unexpectedly so strange cunning, when to the Bone Thorn visualization, fiercely stimulates to movement[ body] in power, forms stream ray to cover the whole body. 老头徒然变色,没有预料到他附有空间奥义骨刺,竟是如此的诡异刁钻,待到骨刺显形,才猛地催动〖体〗内力量,形成一圈圈流光覆盖全身。 These stream ray, such as small fish, gather round him high and low about to patrol, three Bone Thorn raid maliciously, all by that stream ray twining, Bone Thorn such as falls into swamp, not can see string holds on, immediately was stagnated. 那些流光,如一条条小鱼,围着他上下左右游弋着,三根骨刺狠狠袭来,尽数被那一条条流光给缠绕住,骨刺如陷入沼泽,被看不见的绳子拉住,顿时被停滞了。 Bone Thorn that he refines personally, by 11 levels of Demonic Beast skeleton to attach most importance materials, attached dozens types of enhancement tenacious and sharp auxiliary materials, is the Divine level First Rank intensity. 他亲手炼制的骨刺,由11级妖兽骨骼为主材,附加了数十种增强坚韧、锋利的辅材,达到神级一品的强度。 Then is the God King Third Sky defense line, must deal with three Bone Thorn hastily, has to put forth the entire energy. 便是神王三重天的防线,要仓促应付三根骨刺,也不得不使出全部精力。 The old men when displaying to defend energy, forms stream ray hinders three Bone Thorn, cannot continue to exert the imaginary field, such one, the influence of Shi Yan and Tie Mu and Aranza, all of a sudden vanishes. 老者在施展防御能量,组建流光阻碍三根骨刺之时,根本不能继续施加幻场,这么一来,石岩铁牧、亚兰的影响,都一下子消失。 Shi Yan by all sorts of Negative Emotions precise negative sea, spreads instantaneously, covers all of a sudden the old man. 石岩以种种负面情绪凝炼的负面海洋,瞬间蔓延过来,一下子将老者覆盖住。 Not slightly hesitant, two gather ten, the palm innumerable star light condensation unite, a handle dozens meters star light Divine sword forms immediately, the portable huge star light Divine sword, the Shi Yan void transverse cutting gets down, pricks the negative sea fiercely, in toward old man forehead. 没有丝毫犹豫,两手合十,掌心无数星光凝聚合一,一柄数十米长的星光神剑顿时成形,手提巨大的星光神剑,石岩虚空横切下来,猛地刺入负面海洋,朝着老头眉心内盏来。 At the same time, Aranza and Tie Mu that from Illusion extricates, displays God's Domain, the strong winds wreak havoc, the earth is changing, if wild energy beyond the innumerable days Divine Light sways, changes into the meteor to be ordinary, fires into that old man maliciously. 同一时间,从幻境解脱出来的亚兰、铁牧,也纷纷施展出神之领域,狂风肆虐,大地翻动着,狂暴的能量如无数天外神光挥洒下来,化为流星一般,狠狠地冲向那老头。 Three sharp Bone Thorn, were hindered by stream ray, has the intelligence to withdraw slightly, vanishes in the space band once more. 三根锐利之极的骨刺,被流光阻碍,拥有灵性般稍稍后撤,再次消失在空间夹层。 But at this time, the negative sea has covered that old man, in the innumerable evil Negative Emotions sea, excels at him who confuses the will of the people, was affected, is similar to is pulled into without a gap the hell, sees, is the evil spirit blood, gives to submerge him. 而此时,负面海洋已经将那老头覆盖,在无数邪恶的负面情绪海洋中,擅长迷惑人心的他,也受到影响,如同被扯入无间地狱,所见的,都是厉鬼鲜血,将他给淹没其中。 His Divine Soul was affected, Illusion that excels is hard to be short the time formation, but at this time, that handle star light Divine sword fell, making him have to suspend God's Domain Illusion evolving, gathers power to form the innumerable stream ray defense lines, hinders the whole body region to be broken. 神魂受到影响,擅长的幻境难以短时间形成,而此时,那一柄星光神剑又已落下,让他不得不暂停神之领域幻境衍化,聚集力量形成无数流光防线,阻碍周身区域被破掉。 The star light Divine sword falls loudly, stream of light explodes together shoots the splash, composes the star light of Divine sword, flies to shoot, turns into several thousand star point, flies to fall to his body. 星光神剑轰然落下,一道道流光爆射飞溅,组成神剑的星光,也飞射开来,变成数万的星点,飞落向他身子。 The tornado of wreaking havoc, make use to come, the old man body will submerge, his foot even earth, under the Tie Mu deep meaning, agitates fiercely, strength of the heavy earth imprisonment, presses his body stubbornly on the ground, making him unable to shoot up to the sky. 一道道肆虐的龙卷风,趁势而来,将老头身子淹没,他脚平的大地,在铁牧的奥义下,猛地鼓动起来,一股沉重的大地禁锢之力,将他身子死死按在地上,令他不能冲天而起。 Aranza and Tie Mu are God King Second Sky, is the Kashewen subordinates, fight experience richly, and excels at the technique of double hit, once they extricate from Illusion, power will explode completely, terrifying scene that creates, not inferior Shi Yan. 亚兰和铁牧都是神王二重天,又是卡修恩的麾下,战斗经验丰富之极,并且擅长连击之术,两人一旦从幻境解脱,将全部力量爆出来,造成的恐怖场景,一点不逊色石岩 Xiu! 咻! Divine Light flashes through together, Shi Yan arrives at side that old man, the soul moves, God's Domain again changes. 一道神光闪过,石岩来到那老者身旁,灵魂一动,神之领域再变。 Two condense, forms a marvelous response, his space God's Domain space, is similar to by him is gripped in the control, forms an incomparably mysterious space to be mysterious, congealing is huge ball of light, immediately falls to the old man. 两手凝聚,结成一个奇妙的反应,他空间神之领域的空间,如同被他攥在手心,形成一股无比玄奥的空间奥妙,凝为一个巨大的光球,顿时落向老头。 Space seal!” Shi Yan calls out. “空间封印!”石岩暴喝。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” The old men in the region, the space transmit the resounding, such as by real seal imprisonment, however, Aranza and Tie Mu the deep meaning and the earth deep meaning wind, were actually exempted, energy comes as before. 老者所在区域,空间传来脆响,如被真的封印禁锢,然而,亚兰和铁牧的风之奥义和大地奥义,却被豁免,依旧能量汹涌而来。 The body of old man, suddenly stop, surroundings innumerable sea-monster stream ray also strange stagnates. 老者的身体,突然停顿,周围无数游鱼般的流光也诡异的凝滞起来。 Aranza and Tie Mu power, twines instantaneously raids to come crazily, a series of explosives, are clamping countless brilliance, from that old man god[ body] in blooms. 亚兰和铁牧力量,瞬间缠绕狂袭而来,一连串的爆响,夹着数不尽的光华,从那老者神〖体〗内绽放出来。 An instant, the old man is the same with Shi Yan, fresh blood drip flowings, such as was divided to chop by several hundred swords, the manner is distressed, a chaotic hair, is scattered about, appears is very funny. 只是一霎,那老者和石岩一样,也鲜血淋漓,如被数百刀剑劈砍过,神态狼狈,一头乱糟糟的头发,都七零八落的,显得很是滑稽。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 The Bone Thorn roar sound begins, three Bone Thorn towering visualizations, separately prick in the old man chest and back of the body. 骨刺厉啸声再起,三根骨刺突兀显形,分别在老者胸口和后心刺入。 Puchi! 噗哧 His God Body, transmits the blood splashing bone scraps the sound, old man blood wind shoots, on the face has the strange blood flushes, among eyes innumerable illusion multiplies, the flash, the person's shadow vanishes, such as loses the trail phantom-like. 他的神体,传来血溅骨碎的声响,老头一口鲜血飙射出来,脸上有着诡异的潮红,双眸间无数幻象滋生,一霎那,人影消失,如鬼魂般失去踪迹。 All aura, all fluctuations, all life magnetic fields, in this moment, simultaneously concealing get up, the trail may not look up. 所有气息,所有波动,所有生命磁场,在这一刻,同时隐匿起来,一点踪迹不可查。 Aranza and Tie Mu walked, after old man silhouette vanishes, frowns the search, feels purgatory command token, is inducing anything unceasingly. 亚兰和铁牧走了过来,在老者身影消失之后,皱着眉头搜索,摸着炼狱令牌,不断感应着什么。
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