GOS :: Volume #8

#800: Broken imaginary!

The blockade of Space Deep Meaning! 空间奥义之封锁! Entire world suddenly peaceful, the wind stopped, the sound stops, energy fluctuates is imprisoned, all, such as was stopped suddenly. 整个世界忽然安静了下来,风停了,声音止住,能量波动被禁锢,所有的一切,如被突然停下来。 Side Shi Yan, another with his exactly the same person, on face strange smiling face, was framed. 石岩身旁,另外一个和他一模一样的人,脸上诡异的笑容,也被定格了。 In the peripheral region, dozens Aranza and Tie Mu, simultaneously stop motionless, the complexion was imprisoned. 周围区域内,数十个亚兰、铁牧,同时止住不动,脸色都被禁锢了。 Shi Yan puts out a hand, fingertip Divine Light splits, the lightning is common, thorn to that person. 石岩伸手,指尖一点神光绽出,闪电一般,刺向那人。 duo! 咄! That person of body explodes to break to pieces, changes into the boundless ash-gray smog, hunchback Divine Sense to twist, is elegant, dodges to pass. 那人身体爆碎开来,化为茫茫灰色烟雾,其中一偻神念扭曲着,从中飘逸出来,一闪而逝。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The fingertip point goes, the side with his same youth, vanishes does not see, the transpiration leaves together the remnant soul. 指尖点去,身旁和他一样的青年,一个个消失不见,流逸出一道残魂。 The distant place, the imaginary body of Tie Mu and Aranza, Shi Yan does not dare to act rashly. 更远处,铁牧和亚兰的幻身,石岩不敢轻举妄动。 Each imaginary body, has the life to fluctuate, aura is obvious, even if purgatory command token of his waist, appears the life form, making him unable to distinguish the genuine and fake. 每一具幻身,都有着生命波动,气息明显,即便是他腰间的炼狱令牌,也都显现出生命形态,让他辨别不出真假来。 Does not know the genuine and fake, Shi Yan then does not dare to act rashly, for fear that the accidental injury arrives at Aranza and Tie Mu true body. 不知道真假,石岩便不敢轻举妄动,生怕误伤到亚兰和铁牧真身 Among responsibility deep meaning!” “责间奥义!” An incisive sound, has made a sound from the side jungle immediately, the cruel old man appears quite panic-stricken, gloomy called getting up for these years, not to bump into one to understand that really Space Deep Meaning fellow, rare, rare, I must have a look at Space Deep Meaning but actually, whether then can break my God the imaginary domain!” 一个尖锐的声音,顿时从旁边丛林内响了起来,阴损的老头显得颇为的惊骇,阴森森的叫了起来“这么多年来,还没有真的碰到一个懂得空间奥义的家伙,难得,难得,我倒要看看空间奥义,是否便可以破掉我的天幻领域!” His voice falls, moves fast shadows from, is similar to phantom-like evasive, drifts from place to place, simultaneously wells up in the Shi Yan direction. 他声音一落,从附近飘忽出一道道影子,如同鬼魂般不可捉摸,飘忽不定,同时朝着石岩的方向涌来。 These shadows have not approached, the region that Shi Yan Space Deep Meaning covers, the change of the seasons, the scene had the huge change suddenly. 那些影子尚未靠近,石岩身旁空间奥义覆盖的区域,突然物换星移,场景发生了巨大的变化。 He cannot see Tie Mu and Aranza immediately again. 他顿时再也看不见铁牧、亚兰。 He at an alone island, in the islands has dry mountains, by Wang Yangfu surrounding, he even can hear the sea water murmur the mobile sound. 他处在一个孤零零的小岛,岛屿上有一座座枯山,被汪洋夫海给包围着,他甚至可以听到海水的潺潺流动声。 That ghost, early vanished does not see, has become surrounding scene part, cannot to his Divine Sense inducing as for Tie Mu and Aranza, then in Illusion, was not similar to is transferred stiffly, the purgatory now the sign cannot perceive. 那一道道鬼影,早已经消失不见,成了周围场景的一部分,不能给他的神识给感应出来至于铁牧和亚兰,则是不在幻境中,如同被硬生生的挪移了出去,就连炼狱今牌也觉察不出。 Old man, as if extremely familiar purgatory command token characteristics, his day imaginary Divine Realm, once launches, the purgatory command token sensation life characteristics were confused, cannot render Shi Yan any assistance. 那老头,仿佛极其熟悉炼狱令牌的特性,他的天幻神域一旦展开,炼狱令牌的感知生命特性被迷惑了,不能给予石岩任何的帮助。 Discovered that this exceptionally, Shi Yan without hesitation pouring into Divine Sense in purgatory command token takes back, no longer relies on the instruction response that it gives. 一发现这个异常,石岩毫不犹豫地将注入炼狱令牌内的神识收回,不再依赖它给予的指示反应。 The opposite party domain is extremely special strangely, as if can affect Divine Soul Sea of Consciousness, therefore, under this condition, he also no longer releases the strength of Divine Sense, any in the life that in the space domain presents, he regards the enemy to regard. 对方的领域极其特殊诡异,似乎可以影响神魂识海,因此,在这个境况下,他也不再释放神识之力,任何在空间领域内出现的生灵,他都当成敌人看待。 The surrounding scene continues to have fluctuation, in that island has fresh flower to be in full bloom gradually, each fresh flower tender and beautiful desire drops, starts to have the stars to embellish the curtain of night, starts to have the plant luxuriant appearance. 周围的场景继续发生着变幻,渐渐地,那小岛上有鲜huā盛开,每一朵鲜huā都娇艳欲滴,开始有星辰点缀夜幕,开始有植物茂盛的出现。 The icy island, has as if been full infinite life force, making people shocking. 冷冰冰的小岛,仿佛充盈了无限生机,让人为之惊艳。 In this vigorous life force, the Shi Yan comfortable feeling, he faintly has not perceived that a bad risk of not being able to see, is approaching toward him quietly, may launch the fierce attack to him anytime. 在这勃勃生机内,石岩没有一点舒适的感觉,他隐隐觉察到,一种看不见的凶险,正朝着他悄悄逼近,随时都有可能对他发动凶猛的攻击。 A tiny difficult fluctuation, dodged in this Illusion quickly. 一丝微细难查的波动,倏地在这幻境内闪了一下。 Quickly, fresh flower and trees on this island, were similar to are exerted the evil mystique, flew fiercely. 倏地,这小岛上的鲜huā和树木,如同被施加了邪恶的秘法,猛地飞了出来。 Fierce fluctuations, raid loudly! 一股股凶猛的波动,轰然袭来! Trillion tons sea water, concise becomes Demonic Beast in various seas, makes threatening gestures, crazy was roaring, was only an instant, then arrived at within eyesight. 亿万吨的海水,凝练成各类海中的妖兽,张牙舞爪,疯狂的咆哮着,只是一霎,便来到视野之内。 Space domain that he establishes, unexpectedly is unpreventible! 他建立的空间领域,居然不可阻止! These old tree flower grass, including Demonic Beast that the sudden wind shoots, as if after some time growth fermentation, has been familiar with the characteristics of his space domain, once launches the attack, then no longer receives the space the seal. 那些古树huā草,包括突然飙射出来的妖兽,仿佛经过一段时间的生长酝酿,已经熟悉了他空间领域的特性,一旦发动攻击,便不再受空间的封印。 In his heart bright as snow, knows in way to see, is the virtual image, the looks like of illusory naturally cannot receive the Space Deep Meaning seal, but in these virtual images is containing energy, is actually the essence exists, is a power congealment of God King Realm Expert. 他心中雪亮,知道眼中所见,皆是虚像,虚幻之像自然不会受空间奥义的封印,可那些虚像中蕴藏着的能量,却是实质存在,乃是一个神王境强者力量凝结。 This power, once does not deal well, may let his severe wound, even was executed at the scene. 这种力量,一旦应对不好,真有可能让他重伤,甚至被格杀当场。 Sees with own eyes the bad risk attack, his manner is still tranquil, Soul Altar turning round rotation, God's Domain in vain mutation. 眼见凶险来袭,他依然神态平静,灵魂祭台滴溜溜的转动了一下,神之领域徒然异变。 The innumerable radiant stars, such as gem appears, he is similar to the gem sea, the whole body was shone by the star light shining. 无数璀璨的星辰,如宝石般显现出来,他如同在宝石海洋内,周身被星光照耀的明晃晃的。 Stars Deep Meaning starts, broken stars extremely fast revolving fluctuates, he is similar to places oneself vast Star Sea, in flies in circles to roam through smoothly, the body shuttles back and forth in stars unceasingly, has not determined the nature. 星辰奥义发动,身旁的碎星辰极速旋转变幻,他如同置身浩瀚星海,在其中畅翔遨游,身子在一颗颗星辰内不断地穿梭,没有定性。 The innumerable bad risk attacks, fall in person Star Sea, then cannot feel the trail, is hard to search him, cannot his silhouette and soul locking, making to consume power by Star Sea. 无数凶险来袭,一落人星海之内,便摸不着踪迹,难以寻觅到他,不能将他的身影和灵魂锁定,被星海给弄得消耗着力量 Is God's Domain!” “又是一种神之领域!” Old man's cry resounds through among heaven and earth, he was shocked obviously, the expression trembles, in sound central, a vast mighty current, is condensed by turbulent energy, breaks in Star Sea central fiercely. 老头的叫声响彻天地间,他显然被震惊到了,语气抖颤,在声响中垩央,一股浩瀚洪流,由汹涌的能量凝聚而成,猛地冲入星海中垩央 Bang! 轰! Shi Yan God's Domain such as was hit hard. The surrounding area the space within ten meters is torn to pieces, exposing of broken stars sound soughings of wind, Stars Deep Meaning energy is scattered in disorder. 石岩神之领域如遭重击。方圆十米内的空间支离破碎,一颗颗碎星辰索索的抖落,星辰奥义能量散乱起来。 All illusion all vanish, energy is one, turns into the mighty current, turns into huge facial features faintly, is just the same as him, embezzles loudly, wanting to eat him. 所有的幻象皆是消失,能量为一股,变成洪流,隐隐化成一张巨大的面容,和他一模一样,轰然吞没下来,想要一口将他吃下去。 The island also explodes, the turbulent sea water rolling is flowing, rushing to the island must submerge him, the end destroys the Heaven Destroyer scene, is occurring in his side, gives him by trembling of soul. 小岛也爆裂开来,汹涌的海水滚滚流动着,冲上海岛要将他淹没掉,末日般的毁天灭地场景,在他身旁发生着,给他以灵魂的震颤。 Seal of Death!” 死印!” God's Domain again changes, huge being in charge condense void, Death Deep Meaning displays, covers the four directions. 神之领域再变,一块块巨大的掌印虚空凝聚起来,死亡奥义施展开来,笼罩四方。 Each Seal of Death, toward void pats, suddenly, side him, is Seal of Death, around the transverse cutting, covers the surrounding all regions. 每一个死印,都朝着虚空拍去,一时间,在他身旁,都是死印,横切四面,将周围一切区域笼罩。 negative energy crazy injection in, his God Body such as inflates, in the veins the energy tumbling continuous, whole body gushes out wild energy, each Seal of Death, has hill size, sees to give the bombardment to be stave him. 负面之力疯狂的注入其中,他神体如膨胀开来,筋脉内能量翻滚不休,浑身涌出狂暴之极的能量,每一块死印,都有小山大小,将他所见一切给轰击破碎。 Evil Death Deep Meaning spreads, making energy that wells up large scale be restrained, he lives the deep meaning to have the function, keen perceiving, the seabed, ambushes hunchback the unusual life fluctuation. 邪恶之极的死亡奥义蔓延开来,让涌过来的能量都大幅度受制,在此期间,他生之奥义发生作用,敏锐的觉察到,海底内部,潜伏着一偻奇特的生命波动。 Found you!” “找到你了!” Shi Yan sneers, the complexion is dignified, huge Seal of Death combine spontaneously precise, turns into the towering superhuman hand, goes toward the seabed bang maliciously. 石岩冷笑,脸色凝重起来,一块块巨大的死印自发凝炼组合起来,变成参天巨掌,狠狠朝着海底轰去。 If the mirror was shattered, the innumerable Illusion fragments stir up the plaster to shoot, not the real plaster solid scene, this was struck to break, Shi Yan stands there, returns to the real plaster to be solid. 如镜子破碎,无数块幻境碎片激垩射开来,不真垩实的场景,被这一击震碎,石岩站在那儿,重返真垩实。 Nearby Aranza and Tie Mu, with illusion battles, these with illusion of their battle, have life force similarly, has the fluctuation of life. 旁边的亚兰和铁牧,和一道道幻象争斗,那些与他们争斗的幻象中,同样有着生机,有着告命的波动。 However, Shi Yan is living the killing intent boundary shape God's Domain Paute, is in his domain to cover central all lives, the strong and weak of life fluctuation, all of a sudden becomes obvious. 然而,石岩神之领域保特着生死意境形态,处于他领域覆盖中垩央的一切生灵,生命波动的强弱,一下子变得明显起来。 He cannot see that Aranza and Tie Mu illusion has what difference with them, may in his God's Domain, these illusion life signs, actually obviously be inferior to them. 他不能看出亚兰和铁牧幻象与他们本身有何不同,可在他神之领域内,那些幻象的生命迹象,却明显不如他们。 This enough. 这就够了 He has been able partly to break the real plaster to be solid. 他已能半断出真垩实。 Nearby land, appears a deep cavern, the cavern by his Seal of Death bombardment, its average was overflowed the dusky smog. 旁边的一块土地,显出一个深深的洞穴,洞穴被他死印轰击而成,其中流溢出灰蒙蒙的烟雾。 In dusky smog, together thin and small silhouette, rickets body, little appears. 在灰蒙蒙的烟雾中,一道瘦小的身影,佝偻着身子,一点点的显现出来。 That is a sloppy dirty old man, the hair is chaotic, is tying crazily, wears grey to cover entirely the mud the long unlined close-fitting gown, on the face also full is the dust, dishevelled hair and dirty face, is only a eyes eyeball, is fiery, the none remaining reveals completely. 那是一个邋遢肮脏的老头,头发乱糟糟的,结着痴,着一身灰色布满泥巴的长衫,脸上也满是灰尘,蓬头垢面,只是一双眼睛,则是炯炯有神,精光毕露。 Three power deep meanings, three God's Domain, the boy, do you form? Takes turn by three power deep meanings, breaks my day imaginary domain, has to be convinced obsolete, I want to know very much, your how achievement three domains?” Thin and small old man, vicissitude in dusky smog central, as if together ghost, gloomy, line of sight straight condensation on him. “三种力量奥义,三种神之领域,小子,你怎么形成的?以三种力量奥义交替,破我天幻领域,老朽不得不服气,我很想知道,你如何成就三种领域?”瘦小的老头,浮沉在灰蒙蒙的烟雾中垩央,仿佛一道幽魂,阴森森的,视线直直凝聚在他身上。 I do not know that these three domains form soon, with your this war, I knows that the accurate fluctuation domain, really can have the effect. “我也不知,这三种领域才形成不多久,和你这一战,我才知道精准的变幻领域,果然可以发生奇效。 , Shi Yan is indifferent now you , to confuse me by the day imaginary domain, feared that is not easy, once any life falls into my God's Domain, I can distinguish genuine and fake immediately ,石岩淡然“现在你若想以天幻领域迷惑我,怕是不容易,任何生命一旦落入我神之领域内,我立即可以辨别出真假” Weird deep meaning that old man whispered, snort|hum have not thought that breaks my God the imaginary domain, then can exceed me, you only then God King First Sky, I only true power and God Body, ate steadily. Reason that does not reveal the true body main body, but does not want to waste the energy, but you, since can break my God's Domain, I then have to make you experience, my Third Sky and your First Sky some big being away from “邪门的奥义”那老头嘀咕了一句,哼了一声“别以为破掉我的天幻领域,便可以胜过我,你只有神王一重天,我单凭自己真正的力量神体,也稳稳吃定了。之所以不显露真身本体来,只是不想多浪费精力,但你既然可以破掉我的神之领域,那我便只好让你见识见识,我的三重天和你的一重天到底有多大的距离了” The words, he then wants to begin. 话罢,他便欲动手。 The Shi Yan facial expression enforces suddenly, does not wait for him to make first move and get control, the thought flashes through together, the roar sound has made a sound immediately. 石岩神情突然严肃起来,不等他先发制人,一道念头闪过,厉啸声顿时响了起来。 Three Bone Thorn do not have the mark to seek, only then the howl is grating, shuttles back and forth in the space band, gathers power unceasingly. 三根骨刺无迹可寻,只有啸声刺耳,在空间夹层穿梭,不断地聚集力量 The old man is suddenly vigilant, the complexion changes, narrows the eyes to focus, seems seeking for the origin of sound. 那老头突然警惕,脸色微变,眯着眼,似乎在寻找声音的来源。 Immediately enters the boundary of Rampage, Shi Yan pair of Blood Pupil appears, whole body negative energy spews out, in each acupoint, as if there is tentacle to extend. 顿时进入暴走之境,石岩一双血瞳显现出来,浑身负面能量喷涌而出,每一个穴窍内,都似乎有触手延伸出来。 After achieving God King Realm, this is first time urges to send the fleshly body potential, Rampage gets up. 达到神王境之后,他这是第一次将肉身潜力催发,暴走起来。 God Body fining such as steel and iron jade, when draws in the strength of flesh and blood witheredly, the whole body pasts scarlet bloody glow, adds his strange intimidated bloody wild energy with eye pupil Zhao mutually, such as the volcanic eruption is common, shoots from his God Body plaster implosion, with death Intent Domain marvelous fusion amplification, the Soul Burial Field coverage scope, the violent increased three times! Is the astonishing 30 meters! 神体精炼如钢铁玉石,在干瘪收拢血肉之力的时候,全身流转出猩红血光,和眼眸相互昭更添他的诡异怖血腥狂暴的能量,如火山喷发一般,从他神体垩内爆射出去,和死亡意境奇妙的融合增幅,灵魂葬场的覆盖范围,暴增三倍!达到惊人的30米! In Soul Burial Field, desperate, bloodthirsty and fear, hate all sorts of Negative Emotions to multiply, derive the vitality the characteristics also to obtain amplification. 灵魂葬场内,绝望、嗜杀、恐惧、怨恨种种负面情绪滋生,汲取生命力的特性也得到增幅 This moment Shi Yan, is similar to Devil that hell lowest level crawls, destroys aura, his existence, as if then must destroy world all lives. 这一刻的石岩,如同地狱最底层爬出来的妖魔,一身毁灭气息,他的存在,似乎便是要摧毁世界一切生灵。
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