GOS :: Volume #8

#799: Thousand imaginary territory field

Said outside the purgatory field extremely, clear lake, the Dù Tiān cheerful five big feudal lords, frown, puzzled looked to under. 极道炼狱场外面,澄清的湖泊处,镀天乐和五大诸侯,都皱着眉头,不解的看向底下。 The lake corner, had been covered by the First Level light ash-gray smog, cannot find scene, position that region, Shi Yan, Aranza and Tie Mu three people of institutes are. 湖泊一角,被一层淡淡的灰色烟雾覆盖了,瞧不见其中的场景,那一块区域,正是石岩、亚兰、铁牧三人所在的位置。 Kashewen gloomy the face, the look is splitting none remaining with amazement, looked that shouted to clear the way to Dù Tiān happily: How matter? Three days ago starts, I then cannot see my two subordinates, that ash-gray smoke cloud, came from where, why can isolate our lines of sight?” 卡修恩阴沉着脸,眼神绽出骇然的精光,看向镀天乐喝道:“怎么一回事?从三天前开始,我便不能见到我的两个麾下,那灰色烟云,到底来自于何处,为何能够隔绝我们的视线?” Dù Tiān frowns happily, is quite puzzled, is not clear. Should have any person, the mystery of antipode purgatory field had own understanding, can therefore hinder the line of sight of outside world, during making us unable to see the real scene.” 镀天乐皱着眉头,也是颇为不解,“不清楚。应该有什么人,对极道炼狱场的奥妙有了自己的认识,所以才可以阻碍外界的视线,让我们看不见当中的真实场景。” „Who can be?” Kashewen coldly snorted, my two subordinates how?” “会是什么人?”卡修恩冷哼一声,“我的两个麾下到底怎么了?” Shook the head, Dù Tiān is happy, but replied: „ I do not know that this said extremely purgatory field not by me precise, there is secret formation that forms naturally, agrees without consultation the heaven and earth highest good. 摇了摇头,镀天乐无奈回答:“我也不知道,这极道炼狱场又非由我凝炼而成,那儿本来就是一处天然形成的秘阵,暗合天地至理。 Before your majesty takes over, said extremely the purgatory field existed, is the most marvelous region of my god country's, I cannot grasp mystery. ” 在陛下接手之前,极道炼狱场就存在了,是我神国的一处最奇妙区域,我可不能真的掌握其中的奥妙。” Now was good, Shi Yan also arrived at that same place, does not know that had anything.” Rochester spreads out the hand, shrugs saying: I most pay attention, is this boy, now anything cannot see, seriously was senseless.” “现在好了,石岩也到了那一块,不知道发生了什么。”罗切斯特摊开手,耸肩道:“我最为关注的,便是这个小子,如今什么都看不到,当真是无趣了很多。” That Aranza Tie Mu should be able to meet with Shi Yan, does not know that among these three people, can have anything.” Da Lei smiled in a low voice, Aranza and Tie Mu, although is uncommon, may achieve God King Realm Shi Yan, these days, may kill many such Realm, I really am curious awfully.” “那亚兰铁牧应该会和石岩碰面,不知道这三人之间,会不会发生点什么。”达勒低声笑了笑,“亚兰、铁牧虽然不凡,可达到神王境界的石岩,这段时间,可杀了不少此等境界者,我真是好奇的要命啊。” The Kashewen complexion, is even more ugly. 卡修恩的脸色,愈发难看起来。 He knows certainly that hard to deal with Shi Yan, this period of time, they look at carefully earnestly, almost Shi Yan each war, paid attention, each time after fight, Shi Yan the utilization of power and domain, is getting more and more profound. 他当然知道石岩的难缠,这段时日,他们认真端详,几乎石岩的每一战,都留意了,每次战斗过后,石岩力量和领域的运用,都越来越精深。 Jumps the ranks the challenge, has been unalarmed by strange sights on Shi Yan, generally God King Realm Second Sky Warrior, almost does not have one to escape his chasing down, for the six months, at least has ten people, in his hands died a tragic death. 越级挑战,在石岩身上已经见怪不怪了,一般神王境二重天武者,几乎没有一个可以逃过他的追杀,半年来,至少有十人,在他手中惨死。 Shi Yan the person of killing, has surpassed Da Lei and Aranza Tie Mu, including Rochester two Warrior, only compared with the Lianna subordinate and Ao Gela three people inferior. 不知不觉间,石岩所杀之人,已经超过了达勒和亚兰铁牧,包括罗切斯特的两个武者,只比莉安娜的手下和奥格拉斯三人逊色一点。 The meritorious service that if according to the nowadays situation, Shi Yan the person of killing accumulated before long, then can catch up with Ao Gela. 如果按照现今的形势,过不了多久,石岩所杀之人积累的功勋,便能够赶上奥格拉斯了。 Most essential time, he had been covered by the ash-gray smoke cloud with Aranza and Tie Mu silhouette, cannot find internal scene, making the people sad awfully. 最关键的时候,他和亚兰、铁牧身影都被灰色烟云笼罩了,瞧不见内部的场景,让众人都难过的要命。 „, Some person antipode purgatory fields are very evidently familiar, unexpectedly can affect the energy fluctuation in field, then evades our line of sight person to be very experienced crafty juan......” to be have the conflict with Shi Yan. ” Lianna looked at a while, frowns to say. “看样子,有的人对极道炼狱场很熟悉,居然可以影响场内的能量波动,进而躲过我们的视线此人很老练狡狷……”应该会和石岩有冲突。”莉安娜看了一会儿,皱着眉头说道。 The people are even more curious, looks with rapt attention to below, may unable to look at the scene change, sad awfully. 众人越发好奇起来,一个个凝神看向下面,可怎么也瞧不出其中的场景变化,难过的要命。 Not is only they, in day star the Lord of god country, deeply frowned, manner ice-cold. 不但是他们,就连远在天涅星的神国之主,也深深皱起眉头,神态冰冷。 Father, is this matter? Can't see clearly including you?” Zi Yao is astonished however, said extremely opening of purgatory field, doesn't grasp in your hands?” “父王,这是怎么一回事?连你也看不清?”紫耀讶然,“极道炼狱场的开启,不是掌握在你手中么?” The Du Tianji look lightens the unusual luster, has hesitated, slowly said: I know the opening way, but this said the purgatory field extremely, did not leave the self- hand. When I took over the god country in the past, this said extremely the purgatory field then existed, existed for ten thousand years! This region, is our god country country master evolves by purgatory star natural strange formation slowly, contains the formation pinnacle to be mysterious, I am not skilled to this side door evil way, is naturally impossible to understand clearly exquisiteness in this.” 镀天奇眼神闪出异样色泽,沉吟了一下,才缓缓说道:“我知道开启方式,但这极道炼狱场,并非出自我手。我当年接手神国之时,这极道炼狱场便存在了,已经存在了万年!这块区域,乃我们神国一个国师以炼狱星的天然奇阵慢慢衍变而成,其中蕴含着阵法极致奥妙,我对这偏门邪道并不精通,自然也不可能洞悉此中的精妙。” Country master?” The Zi Yao facial expression shakes, god country did not have the country masters for a long time.” “国师?”紫耀神情一震,“神国已经许久没有国师了。” Good, the position of country master, vacant many years. Originally, I want to let him hold the post of country master, what a pity, was rejected by him.” In the Du Tianji eye, loses. “不错,国师之位,空置多年了。本来,我是想让他担任国师一职,可惜,被他拒绝了。”镀天奇的眼中,有一丝失落。 Zi Yao naturally knows that who he said is, that hid in the Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field old person, was one of the Lie Yan Star Field topest Alchemist masters, several hundred years ago, were then well-known this star territory. 紫耀自然知道他所言是谁,那个藏匿在日星爆碎场的老人,是烈焰星域最顶尖的炼药师之一,数百年前,便闻名这块星域。 „Before god country country master, is the outstanding character, has the profound understanding to the essences of various deep meanings. The deep meaning inheritance source of our god country's, stems from these country teachers' hands, what a pity, several generations before me, the country masters then did not have, nobody can reach this position.” Du Tianji sighed, „, the country master in god country's, will be responsible for taking over says the purgatory field extremely, because now does not have the appropriate candidate, I will do for somebody, but I pursued pinnacle power my entire life, the immerse in the side door evil way, the understanding of antipode purgatory field is not insufficient, therefore...... „ Can't you only see the reason?” “神国以前的国师,都是出类拔萃的人物,对各种奥义的本质有着深刻的认识。我们神国的奥义传承源,也是出自那些国师之手,可惜,在我之前的几代,国师便没了,也没有人能够荣登此位。”镀天奇叹息一声,“本来,神国的国师,会负责接手极道炼狱场,但如今因为没有合适人选,我才会代劳,可我一生追求极致力量,没有在偏门邪道上浸没,对极道炼狱场的认识也不够,所以……只“你也看不出原因?” Un, my this Hao deity mirror, is the first generation country masters refines finally, if it cannot respond that said the reality of purgatory field extremely, I am unable.” “嗯,我这块昊天神镜,也是最后一代国师炼制而成,它若不能反应极道炼狱场的真实,我也无法。” „Becoming country master, what condition has?” “成为国师,有什么条件?” „The Alchemist master and Refiner Master are best, must have the unique understanding to various heaven and earth kind of formation and grasps, understands the power essence, can quenching Divine level medicinal pills spiritual tool, portrays barrier, Array Diagram and restriction, and for god state-run under distinguished service.” Shi Yan is also Refiner Master. „„ Refiner Master?” Du Tianji laughs in spite of trying not, shook the head, this boy cultivation really heterogeneous, unexpectedly greedy enough to must every kind bribe, it is estimated that he is also crude person Refiner Master, does not have many achievements.” 炼药师和炼器师最佳,必须对天地各类阵法有着独特的认识和掌握,了解力量本质,能够淬炼神级丹药法器,刻画结界阵图禁制,并且为神国立下汗马功劳。”呀,石岩也是一名炼器师呢。““炼器师?”镀天奇失笑,摇了摇头,“这小子修炼实在驳杂,居然贪心到要样样染指,估计他也是半吊子炼器师,没多少成就。” He can refine Divine level artifact to come out.” “他可以炼制神级器物出来。” Divine level!?” Plates the arrow wonderful face to be panic-stricken, endures not to sink to drink one, how is this possible?” 神级!?”镀矢奇一脸惊骇,忍不沉喝一声,“这怎么可能?” I personally see.” “我亲眼所见。” The Du Tianji facial expression changes colors, suddenly was startled, the complexion became incomparable was strange. 镀天奇神情失色,忽然怔住了,脸色变得无比的怪异起来。 Said the purgatory field extremely. 极道炼狱场。 That cruel old man, but also is sowing dissension, you also know that I am only a person, together purgatory command token then foot enough. Were many, I am also useless, so long as I am living exiting, not by the restraint of purgatory star. The transaction that very easy to decide, has killed that boy, gives me his purgatory command token, I no longer tie down you, is simple?” 那阴损的老头,还在挑拨离间,“你们也知道,我只是一个人,一块炼狱令牌便足够了。多了,我也无用,我只要活着出去,不受炼狱星的约束。很容易决定的交易,杀了那小子,将他的炼狱令牌给我,我不再缠住你们,多么简单?” He talked endlessly, the dark green gong centipede has not stopped, has been instigating Tie Mu and Aranza. 他喋喋不休,苍蜈般没休止,一直在怂恿铁牧和亚兰。 You are God King Second Sky, and unusual unity, I must massacre you, needs to consume many power, perhaps also will be selected the wound. He is different, only then God King First Sky, was breakthrough just, you kill him for me, I do not need to use power, you can also extricate, everybody is happy, did you say?” “你俩都是神王二重天,并且非常团结,我要杀掉你们,也需要消耗不少力量,说不定还会受点伤。他却不同,只有神王一重天,还是刚刚突破的,你们替我干掉他,我不用动用力量,你们也可以解脱,大家皆大欢喜,你们说呢?” „......” “……” The old man words are malicious, select the strategic point, the spoken language has the marvelous misleading function, unexpectedly lets Aranza and Tie Mu as if moved, the complexion clearly is cloudy uncertain. 那老头话语刻毒,句句挑中要害,言语有着奇妙的蛊惑作用,居然让亚兰和铁牧似乎动了心,脸色阴晴不定起来。 Shi Yan expression is tranquil, in heart actually secret vigilant. 石岩神色平静,心中却暗暗警惕。 He and Tie Mu, Aranza they, indeed do not have what deep friendship, but has the reasons of several surface, in Gravity Room cultivation, has talked several. 算起来,他和铁牧、亚兰两人,的确没有什么深厚的交情,不过是有着数面之缘,在一间重力室修炼过,交谈过几句。 This friendship, the background is too superficial, two people to maintain a livelihood to kill him, him, is by no means impossible. 这种交情,底子太浅薄,两人为了活命要杀他,在他来看,并非不可能。 He has stood a while, suddenly is narrowing the eye slightly, is working as Aranza and Tie Mu surface, such silently sat, did not say a word, lowers the head, aura was long, was pondering likely. 他站了一会儿,忽然微微眯着眼睛,当着亚兰、铁牧的面,就这么默默坐了下来,一言不发,垂着头,气息悠长安详,像是在沉思。 Aranza and Tie Mu, looks at he, is the same with him, as if also a little puzzles, is indecisive. 亚兰和铁牧,都看着他,和他一样,似乎也有点困扰,在犹豫不决。 The sinister and ruthless old man's misleading sound, is continuing as before, the character character selects the strategic point, is instigating them. 阴毒老头的蛊惑声,依旧在继续,字字挑中要害,在怂恿着两人。 Shi Yan did not say a word, suddenly closed the eye, was similar to falls asleep general, imitated what does not garrison, aura restrained. 石岩一言不发,突然闭上眼睛,如同睡着一般,仿什不设防,气息都收敛起来。 Aranza Tie Mu has struggled difficultly a while, unexpectedly, they neglect one, as if finally set firm resolve, is studying Shi Yan, was sitting same place, the stably affected mind, calms down slowly. 亚兰铁牧艰难的挣扎了一会儿,蓦地,他们忽视一眼,似乎终于下定了决心,也学着石岩,在原地坐了下来,稳定被影响的心神,慢慢冷静下来。 motherfucker, the mean and shameless fellow, the father was almost swindled.” Tie Mu was foul-mouthed, came, if you really had the skill, has executed my three people together, was short of his motherfucker to cause the cloudy move!” 妈的,卑鄙无耻的家伙,老子差点上当了。”铁牧骂骂咧咧,“来吧,你真要是有本事,将我三人一起格杀了,少他妈的使阴招!” Is waiting for silent Shi Yan, closes one's eyes, suddenly grinned to smile, the tight nerve also relaxed. 沉默等候着的石岩,闭着眼睛,忽然咧嘴笑了起来,紧绷的神经也放松下来。 Little stars luminous spot, radiant appears, winds around his surrounding area 20 meters region, splits the dazzling bright, the activities of star point mystical, are moving around him. 一点点星辰光点,璀璨的显现出来,缭绕他方圆20米区域,绽出耀目的亮光,一颗颗星点神秘的活动着,围绕着他旋转起来。 Is maintaining with him Aranza and Tie Mu of optimum distance, releases God's Domain respectively, three people assume the triangle, God's Domain do not conflict mutually, in silently is waiting. 和他保持着最佳距离的亚兰和铁牧,也各自释放出神之领域,三人呈三角形,神之领域相互不冲突,都在默默的等候着。 You must court death, that then could not complain about me, yeah, was really stupid, a matter that was very obviously easy to solve, you must make was so complex, why?” Old man's moving fast sound, right now left, suddenly suddenly near, throughout has not determined the nature. “你们自己非要找死,那便怨不得我了,哎,真是笨啊,明明很容易解决的一件事,你们非要弄的这么复杂,何必呢?”老头的飘忽声,忽左忽右,忽远忽近,始终没有定性。 That instant that his voice resounds, ash-gray smog piece by piece, fills the air quietly, almost shortly, will then cover the Shi Yan three people. 他声音响起的那一霎,一片片的灰色烟雾,悄悄弥漫过来,几乎在顷刻间,便将石岩三人笼罩。 Three people of God's Domain, exceptionally responded without a point, has not thought that obtains the special energy fluctuation, as if these smog, are common cloud cluster, without any marvelous function. 三人的神之领域,没有一点异常反应,也没有觉得到特殊的能量波动,仿佛那些烟雾,就是寻常的云簇,没有任何的奇妙作用。 However, Shi Yan three people of Soul Altar, why do not know, in these hazy that moment, simultaneously spills over one restlessly startled to palpitate! 然而,石岩三人的灵魂祭台,不知为何,在那些烟雾弥漫过来的那一刻,同时泛出一股不安惊悸起来! As if, these smog, are containing unknown ominous...... 似乎,那些烟雾,蕴藏着未知的凶呃…… Soul Altar trembles suddenly, Shi Yan Divine Soul, the complexion imitates his eye to open fiercely quickly fiercely. 灵魂祭台突然一颤,石岩神魂猛地一荡,脸色倏地一充他眼睛猛地睁开。 Side him, presents silhouette, these silhouette sit cross-legged in the place, is Aranza, Tie Mu and his appearance, consistency that God's Domain as if appears, cannot branch out the genuine and fake. 在他身旁,出现一道道身影,那些身影一个个盘坐在地,都是亚兰、铁牧和他的模样,就连神之领域似乎都显现的一致,分不出真假。 In his left hand place, with his exactly the same person, opens eyes greatly, surprised looks at four side, is completely consistent with his manner, making him have to plant in the misconception of looking in a mirror. 就在他的左手处,一个和他一模一样的人,也大睁着眼,一脸惊讶的看着四边,与他神态全然一致,让他有种自己在照镜子的错觉。 Like that person, not far away dozens Aranza and Tie Mu, is sitting well, is looking around in all directions, everyone of body, has the obvious life fluctuation, purgatory command token of his waist, Chaos comes all of a sudden, appears the innumerable life signs comes out. 和那人一样,不远处数十个亚兰、铁牧,也都端坐着,四处张望着,每一人的身上,都有着明显的生命波动,他腰间的炼狱令牌,一下子混乱开来,显出无数生命迹象出来。 He looks to that person of time, that person also in looking to him, when he is panic-strickenly inexplicable, suddenly, with his exactly the same that person of face on, appears a strange smiling face. 他望向那人的时候,那人也在看向他,在他惊骇莫名之时,突地,和他一模一样的那人的脸上,显出一个诡异的笑容。 Shi Yan did not shout darkly wonderfully, was inferior to think that God's Domain changed, immediately blocked the space. 石岩暗呼不妙,不及多想,神之领域一变,立即封锁空间。
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