GOS :: Volume #8

#798: Cruel old man

Chapter 774 第774章 Cruel old man 阴损的老头 Aranza and Tie Mu are God King Second Sky Realm, the Kashewen subordinates, follows Kashewen to go on an expedition for many years, the fight experience richly, is , are they who can force so distressed? 亚兰和铁牧都是神王二重天境界,卡修恩的麾下,跟随卡修恩征战多年,战斗经验丰富之极,是什么人,可以逼迫的他们如此狼狈? Stops!” “停!” Shi Yan calls out one suddenly. 石岩突然暴喝一声。 That Aranza and Tie Mu, not only has not stopped, on the contrary, saw that his silhouette appears, unexpectedly sticks out suddenly launches an attack, suddenly releases the deep meaning. 那亚兰和铁牧,不但没有停下来,相反,一见到他的身影出现,居然暴起发难,忽然将奥义释放开来。 Aranza cultivation earth deep meaning, God's Domain launches, she tumbles fiercely in the land of region, strength of the boundless earth, changes into the dark misty dust suddenly, immediately cover to Shi Yan. 亚兰修炼大地奥义,神之领域一展开来,她所在区域的土地猛地翻滚起来,一股磅礴的大地之力,忽然化为暗蒙蒙的灰尘,顿时罩向石岩 Tie Mu not slightly hesitant, the whole body strong winds sweep across, torn to pieces that the wind blade edge such as the shining knife, four sides several hundred old trees will devastate. 铁牧也没有丝毫犹豫,浑身狂风席卷,风刃如明晃晃的刀子,将四面数百颗古树摧残的支离破碎。 These two, have after a period of time being together in Gravity Room with Shi Yan, he understands to their power deep meanings clearly, the deep meaning of earth deep meaning gentle breeze, once forms God's Domain, can coordinate, to let the person ascending the sky admission passage mutually, enters does not have the gate, is extremely fearful. 这两人,在重力室内与石岩有过一段时间的相处,他对两人的力量奥义非常清楚明白,大地奥义和风之奥义,一旦形成神之领域,相互可以配合,让人上天入路,入地无门,极其可怕。 This also why Kashewen makes them collaborate to enter says the reason of purgatory field extremely. 这也是为何卡修恩让他俩联手进入极道炼狱场的原因。 Two different deep meanings, a detonation comes, the dusky air mass is tumbling in the earth, coordinates hurricanes, submerged the Shi Yan body instantaneously. 两种不同的奥义,一起爆开来,灰蒙蒙的气团在大地翻滚着,配合一道道飓风,瞬间就将石岩身子淹没了。 In that ash-gray air mass, the Shi Yan sensation consciousness is greatly affected, cannot distinguish their position, hurricanes, tearing wild energy, eradicates the old tree, the fierce fluctuation, resembles to his body cutting smashing. 在那灰色气团内,石岩感知意识都受到极大影响,不能分辨出两人的方位,一道道飓风,撕裂的狂暴能量,将古树连根拔起,凶猛的波动,似要将他身体切割粉碎。 Different with the person condemned to death who Shi Yan bumps into, with is God King Second Sky, Aranza and Tie Mu power terrifying, the understanding the heaven and earth deep meaning is also more profound. 石岩碰到的死囚不一样,同为神王二重天,亚兰和铁牧力量更加恐怖,对天地奥义的了解也更加深刻。 Their God's Domain coordination with each other, after Shi Yan was covered, suddenly from the start cannot work loose, the hurricane wells up, his God Body by cling, cannot help but is circling in flight void, immediately has a dizzy spell. 他们的神之领域相互配合,石岩被覆盖后,一时间压根不能挣脱出来,飓风涌来,他神体被卷住,不由自主的在虚空飞旋,立即头晕目眩。 Aranza and Tie Mu outside go on a punitive expedition against many years of Expert, has swallowed many medicinal pills, the God Body fining is formidable, power is vigorous, deep meaning also wonderful uncommon. 亚兰、铁牧都是在外征伐多年的强者,吞服了不少丹药,神体精炼强大,力量浑厚,奥义也神妙不凡。 Shi Yan in their God's Domain, has to concentrate on, immediately the God's Domain release that Space Deep Meaning forms. 石岩处在两人神之领域内,也不得不全神贯注,立即将空间奥义形成的神之领域释放。 An instant, these earth can with the hurricane, such as be framed, stagnated completely for three seconds. 只是一霎,那些袭来的大地之能和飓风,如被定格,全部停滞了三秒。 Also merely is only three seconds. 也仅仅只是三秒。 After three seconds, these two power deep meanings, work loose the space unexpectedly , to continue to sweep across. 三秒过后,这两股力量奥义,居然挣脱空间,继续席卷过来。 But three seconds, to Shi Yan this kind of God King Realm Expert, were actually quite long, particularly fought, enough he handled a lot. 但三秒时间,对石岩这类神王境强者来说,却是颇为漫长了,尤其是战斗中,足够他做很多事情。 He withdraws from Aranza and Tie Mu deep meaning domain, but dodges, then arrives by two people, the angry sound shouted to clear the way: „Are you up to mischief?” 他从亚兰、铁牧的奥义领域内脱身出来,只是一闪,便来到两人身旁,怒声喝道:“你们搞什么鬼?” Calls out, Stars Deep Meaning that his precise God Body power, whole body is in sole possession of pasts, radiant such as the stars luminous spot of broken drill, the densely covered whole body region, splits dazzling rays of light. 暴喝中,他凝炼神体力量,浑身独有的星辰奥义流转开来,一颗颗璀璨如碎钻的星辰光点,密布全身区域,绽出耀目的光芒 Stars Deep Meaning!” Tie Mu calls out in alarm one immediately, as if suddenly awoke to transfer, shouted to clear the way hurriedly: Aranza, he real!” 星辰奥义!”铁牧顿时惊叫一声,仿佛忽然醒转了过来,急忙喝道:“亚兰,他是真的!” Aranza was also startled, stared at Shi Yan deeply to look at several, suddenly said: In Gravity Room, you and I have talked, do I have several brother and sister?” 亚兰也怔住了,盯着石岩深深看了几眼,忽然道:“在重力室内,你和我交谈过,我有几个兄妹?” „An elder brother, a younger sister.” Shi Yan knits the brows, saying of doubts: What do you do?” “一个兄长,一个妹妹。”石岩皱眉,疑惑的说道:“你搞什么?” Aranza relaxes suddenly, shouted the one breath, unexpectedly is really you.” 亚兰忽然放松下来,呼了一口气,“居然真的是你。” Tie Mu also feels relieved, puffs, said: I also think and come one time, motherfucker, by quick spirit break that ghost fellow does, innumerable illusion, I soon could not distinguish clearly anything am real, anything was illusory.” 铁牧也如释重负,喘着粗气,道:“我还以为又来一次,妈的,被那鬼家伙搞的快精神崩溃了,无数的幻象,我已经快要分不清什么是真实,什么是虚幻了。” Shi Yan is astonished however, what have you bumped into?” 石岩讶然,“你们碰到了什么?” They take back power, God's Domain also vanishes does not see, the flash, this returned to normal. 两人将力量收回,神之领域也消失不见,一霎那,这一块重新恢复了平静。 Your breakthrough?” Tie Mu is sharp-eyed, cannot bear call out in alarm, „were you saying purgatory field breakthrough extremely?” “你突破了?”铁牧眼尖,忍不住惊叫起来,“你在极道炼狱场突破的?” Aranza also reveals the panic-stricken color, shouted the freak continually. 亚兰也露出惊骇之色,连呼怪胎。 Frowns, Shi Yan slightly obviously does not bear, good, my truly breakthrough, but has not related with your matters, what you have met, why can run away? In said in the purgatory field extremely, who can compel so the region you? Is Ao Gela they, is Entourage of Sir Lianna?” 皱着眉头,石岩略显不耐,“不错,我确实突破了,但和你们的事情没有关系,你们遇到了什么,为何要逃?在极道炼狱场内,有谁可以将你们逼到如此境地?是奥格拉斯他们,还是莉安娜大人的扈从?” „It is not.” Aranza and Tie Mu simultaneously smile bitterly. “都不是。”亚兰、铁牧同时苦笑起来。 Is these people condemned to death? Were you besieged?” Shi Yan surprised, saying that does not believe: These people condemned to death and hoodlums, although is not weak, but your each has fought many battles, does not know how many bad risks experienced to whet, will you suffer a loss? How matter?” “难道是那些死囚?你们被围攻了?”石岩惊讶了一下,不相信的说道:“那些死囚、暴徒虽然不弱,可你们各个都是身经百战,不知道经历了多少凶险磨砺,你们会吃亏?到底怎么一回事?” „A God King Third Sky Realm old man, the cultivation deep meaning is strange, can continually make illusion. illusion of person, scene illusion, old trees, stones, mountains wait / etc. illusion, are the same with the real world.” Tie Mu shows the expression that has a lingering fear, in his illusion, we experienced the sneak attacks of many friend, was transformed including Sir Kashewen, almost makes us be deceived is cut to kill. To afterward, both of us, once separates, will meet opposite party illusion, incautiously will be sneak attacked to attack, this was being ambushed the pursuit by that person, we are tired out by dealing with, was seriously exhausted.” “一个神王三重天境界的老头,修炼的奥义诡异,能不断的制造幻象。人的幻象,场景的幻象,古树、石头、山川等等幻象,和真实世界一样。”铁牧露出心有余悸的表情,“在他的幻象中,我们经历了不少朋友的偷袭,连卡修恩大人都被幻化出来,差点让我们受骗被斩杀。到了后来,我们俩一旦分开,都会遇到对方的幻象,一不小心就会被偷袭攻击,这一路被那人潜伏着追击,我们疲于应付,当真是筋疲力尽了。” Aranza is a face is also bitter and astringent, „, although knows that said in the purgatory field extremely, there is God King Realm Warrior, but we collaborated, poured does not fear. But that fellow, the cultivation deep meaning is special, until now, we have not seen his true colors, can only hear his sinister laughter.” 亚兰也是一脸苦涩,“虽然知道极道炼狱场内,有神王境武者,可我们联手,倒也并不是真的惧怕。可那家伙,修炼的奥义特殊,直到现在,我们还没有见过他的真面目,只能听到他阴险的笑声。” Shi Yan expression cannot help but dignified, God King Third Sky? Understood that continually makes the illusion world and life? Your Divine Soul consciousness, resolution?” 石岩神色不由得凝重起来,“神王三重天?懂得不断制造幻象世界和生灵?你们的神魂意识,也分辨不了?” Realm is inferior to him, cannot force broken illusion, the illusion character who he forms, has the life to fluctuate, we cannot branch out the genuine and fake.” Tie Mu shook the head, has a headache inexplicably, „the deep meaning of that fellow is special, but the striking power should not be what kind, otherwise, we are impossible to live now. Even but if so, by he such repeated doing, our energy of also making did not have, was really bad luck.” 境界不如他,不能勒破幻象,他所形成的幻象人物,都是有生命波动的,我们根本分不出真假。”铁牧摇了摇头,头疼莫名,“那家伙的奥义特殊,不过攻击力应该不怎样,要不然,我们不可能活到现在。可即便如此,被他这么反复的搞来搞去,也弄的我们一点精力都没有了,真是倒霉。” It seems like you trouble are not really young.” Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly smiled, „, since has bumped into, then together dealt with, old man also in?” “看来你们麻烦果然不小。”石岩沉吟了一下,忽然笑了笑,“既然碰到了,便一起应付好了,那老头还在么?” So was saying, his Divine Sense pays attention purgatory command token of waist, has felt carefully, discovered that a life has not fluctuated, cannot help but relaxed vigilantly. 这般说着,他神识留意腰间的炼狱令牌,细心感受了一下,发现并没有一丝生命波动来,不由得放松了警惕。 Definitely in the, this old man is haunted by the ghost, has not left. motherfucker, he is settles on us to be at wit's end, wants with our lives, escapes by purgatory command token!” Tie Mu shouted abuse, face upwarded the anger to exclaim: Old bastard, has to plant a frontage war, stealthy, what interest has?” “肯定就在附近,这老头阴魂不散,从来就没有真的离开。妈的,他是看准我们无计可施,才想要拿我们两人的性命,以炼狱令牌逃生!”铁牧破口大骂,仰天怒吼道:“老混蛋,有种出来正面一战,鬼鬼祟祟的,有什么趣味?” Hee hee, my this person is to like revealing only part of the truth, does not dare to see the person, you take on much.” A sound of drifting from place to place, is swaying in the forests of length and breadth, not qualitative, such as the wind is common, letting the person to catch the accurate position. “嘻嘻,我这人就是喜欢藏头露尾,不敢见人,你们多多担待点。”一个飘忽不定的声音,在广袤的林间晃荡着,没有定性,如风一般,让人不能捕捉到准确方位。 Really interesting, many a game, is God King First Sky Realm, the assurance that hee hee, it seems like I exit was bigger.” That sound continues to be faintly recognizable, as if near ear , is extremely as if remote, confuses the will of the people. “真有趣,又多了一个猎物,还是神王一重天境界,嘻嘻,看来我出去的把握更大了。”那声音继续飘渺着,似乎就在耳边,又似乎极其遥远,迷惑人心。 Shi Yan changes color suddenly. 石岩突然变色。 He has prospected purgatory command token once more, the complexion is suddenly serious, astonished said in a low voice: „Can he avoid the life induction of purgatory command token?” 他再次勘察了一下炼狱令牌,脸色突然沉重起来,惊异的低声道:“他可以躲避炼狱令牌的生命感应?” Tie Mu and Aranza smile bitterly together the nod. 铁牧和亚兰一起苦笑点头。 How does he achieve?” Shi Yan panic-strickenly, „, in this said in the purgatory field extremely, my this purgatory command token has not made a mistake, can't the old man in the, why understand clearly his life trace obviously?” “他怎么做到的?”石岩惊骇之极,“在这极道炼狱场内,我这炼狱令牌也没有出错过,那老头明明就在附近,为何不能洞悉他的生命痕迹?” We cannot think through, this was location of his fearfulness, had purgatory command token, we can be the hunters, but now, he can know that our positions, we actually cannot clutch him, we in public, him in the hidden place, we have become others game.” Aranza deeply frowns, somewhat worried has clutched the hair, this old fogy, the antipode purgatory field is extremely familiar, probably more than once participates in this place wheted, the topography and special condition of each region, he can bring to form illusion, if not for knows from A to Z, is impossible to go to the so exquisite situation.” “我们也想不通,这就是他的可怕之处了,有炼狱令牌在,我们会是猎人,可现在,他可以知道我们的方位,我们却不能将他揪出来,我们在明处,他在暗处,我们成了人家的猎物了。”亚兰深深地皱着眉头,有些苦恼的揪了揪头发,“这老家伙,对极道炼狱场极其熟悉,好像不止一次参与此地的磨砺了,每一个区域的地势和特殊环境,他都可以拿来形成幻象,若不是了如指掌,绝不可能达到这般精妙的地步。” Good that little girl guesses, this time, participated in five times to say in addition obsolete extremely the smelting trial of purgatory field, each time, obsolete is the game. However, these for 250 years, have been living obsolete, live well. Hee hee, said extremely the purgatory field is a good place, I arrived at breakthrough bottleneck, cannot continue to rely on this place, perhaps does not worry to leave, puts your horse to have the possibility.” Old man's outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted ridicule sound, at the right moment resounding, as if ambushes side them, clarity how regardless of them in a low voice, to listen to by the opposite party. 小丫头猜的不错,加上这一次,老朽已参加五次极道炼狱场的试炼,每一次,老朽都是猎物。不过,这250年来,老朽一直活着,活的好好地。嘻嘻,极道炼狱场可是个好地方,要不是我到了突破瓶颈,不能继续依赖此地,说不定也不着急离开,放你们一马都有可能。”那老头的阴柔讥笑声,又适时的响起,似乎就潜伏在他们身旁,不论他们如何低声,都被对方听的清清楚楚。 His these words, making Shi Yan and Aranza and Tie Mu complete complexion change. 他的这一番话,让石岩和亚兰、铁牧全部脸色一变。 Participated in five times to say the purgatory field extremely, in the purgatory star means that to waiting a moment for 250 years, this was a 250 ten years ago person condemned to death felon, can insist that five times said extremely purgatory field Immortal, absolutely was an extraordinary character. 参加了五次极道炼狱场,在炼狱星意味着至少待了250年,这是一名250十年前的死囚重犯,能够坚持五次极道炼狱场不死,绝对是个了不得的人物。 According to him, if not to God King peak, has achieved the breakthrough wall barrier, will also continue to get down dull. 按照他所说,若非到了神王巅峰,达到了突破的壁障,还会继续呆下去。 Such a character, stared at them, stared at purgatory command token in their hand, Aranza and Tie Mu were very speechless, shouted darkly bad luck. 这么一个人物,偏偏盯上了他们,盯上了他们手中的炼狱令牌,亚兰、铁牧很是无语,暗呼倒霉。 Actually, I am a very good person, I not necessarily want your life, um, you resign together purgatory command token on own initiative to me, I no longer am then staring at you, how?” The old man in that hidden place is grinning, malicious saying: „Your God King First Sky young companion, is Realm lowest, kills him to be very relaxed? Un, has killed him, then vacates together purgatory command token, gives me, I let off you, how?” “其实,我是个很善良的人呀,我不一定非要你们性命,嗯,你们主动让出一块炼狱令牌给我,我便不再盯着你们,如何?”那暗处的老者笑嘻嘻的,刻毒的说道:“你们那个神王一重天的小同伴,境界最低,杀他应该很轻松吧?嗯,杀了他,便空出一块炼狱令牌,交给我,我放过你们,如何?” This old man oral account is good, the sowing dissension advice of offering, is actually cruel, directly must tear relations between Shi Yan and Aranza and Tie Mu. 这老头口说善良,出的挑拨离间主意,却是阴损之极,直接要撕裂石岩和亚兰、铁牧间的关系。 After his these words fall, Aranza and Tie Mu, suddenly silent, look glittering is uncertain. 他这番话落下后,亚兰和铁牧,忽然沉默了下来,眼神闪烁不定。 In Shi Yan heart one cold, cannot bear coldly snorted one, frowns, coldly looks at they, as if are waiting for their decisions. 石岩心中一凛,忍不住冷哼一声,皱着眉头,冷冷看着两人,似乎在等候两人的决定。 The purgatory field extremely, did not have the genuine friend, besides oneself, do not believe anybody, this was Aranza and Tie Mu initially to his guidance. 极道炼狱场内,没有真正的朋友,除了自己之外,不要相信任何人,这是亚兰、铁牧当初对他的教导。 Today, this view, as if likely really will occur. 今天,这个说法,似乎可能真的会发生。 ...... …… : Third! 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