GOS :: Volume #8

#797: Domain wearing in!

The Shi Yan sleep is only refreshing, has not looked like now stain formidable. 石岩只觉神清气爽,从没有像现在渍般强大过。 God King Realm, on Grace Mainland is existence of most peak, he in that Continent many years, in addition has not seen one person, can truly achieve God King Realm. 神王境,在神恩大陆上乃是最巅峰的存在,他在那块大陆多年,尚且没有见过一人,可以真正达到神王境 Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Kante, even Xuan Ming, the lifetime pursue, is God King Realm, but because Grace Mainland energy has dried up, oneself received the P butterfly, cannot breakthrough, harbor regret throughout lifelong. 暴骛桀棘坎特,甚至玄冥,一生的追求,都是神王境,可因为神恩大陆能量枯竭了,自身受到了P蝴,以至于始终未能突破,抱憾终身。 He arrives at the Lie Yan Star Field time not to be long, only then trivial 89 years, but such short time, he enters the step from True God Realm, suddenly the cross-domain this checkpoint, breakthrough, had God King Realm power at one fell swoop, has formed God's Domain. 他来到烈焰星域的时间并不长,只有区区89年的时间,可就这么短的时间,他从真神境一路进阶,突然跨域了这关卡,一举突破,拥有了神王境界的力量,形成了神之领域 Three big God's Domain! 还是三大神之领域 Paces to say in the purgatory field extremely, he makes Heavenly Flame return to Soul Altar, did not need to guard carefully. 踱步在极道炼狱场内,他让天火都返回灵魂祭台,不用小心防备了。 He has this self-confidence, believes that the present side says in the purgatory field, perhaps only then God King Third Sky Expert, can bring troublesome to him, but impossible to execute him. 他有这股自信,相信如今的极道炼狱场内,或许只有神王三重天强者,才可以给他带来麻烦,但也绝不可能将他格杀。 Is walking step by step, he indulges in the God's Domain marvelous pleasant sensation, mood unprecedented good. 一步步走着,他沉溺在神之领域的奇妙快感中,心情前所未有的好。 The intention moves, God's Domain that Life and Death Deep Meaning forms forms suddenly, centered on him, in the surrounding 20 meters regions, is the Life and Death Deep Meaning God's Domain coverage scopes, old tree withered and yellow, hundred flower zero alignments, the insect cut off life force. 心念一动,生死奥义形成的神之领域突然形成,以他为中心,周围20米区域内,都是生死奥义神之领域的覆盖范围,古树枯黄,百huā调零,虫豸被斩断生机 The thought changes, the stars sea appears, the marvelous stars luminous spots, by his power, scatter all around precise, tall and pleasing to the eye, not measured magnificently. 念头一变,星辰海洋显现出来,一个个奇妙的星辰光点,以他力量凝炼而成,散落四周,美轮美奂,瑰丽莫测。 A Soul Altar revolution, Space Deep Meaning also forms God's Domain slightly, a marvelous ability of imprisoned space, starts suddenly. 灵魂祭台稍稍一转,空间奥义也形成神之领域,一股禁锢空间的奇妙能力,突然间发动。 20 meters region, the wind stopped, all flower grass trees such as were framed the imprisonment, motionless, heaven and earth energy, by restraint, was stopped the spontaneous circulation. 20米区域,风停了,所有huā草树木如被定格禁锢,一动不动,就连天地能量,都被束缚,停止了自发的流转。 Life and death, stars and space three deep meanings, so long as his Divine Soul fluctuates, will form God's Domain that is in sole possession. 生死、星辰、空间三种奥义,只要他神魂变幻,都会形成独有的神之领域 Three God's Domain, have the marvelous place respectively, his line, repeatedly attempts, always enjoys. 三种神之领域,各有奇妙之处,他一路行来,反复尝试,乐此不疲。 In Life and Death Deep Meaning God's Domain, he can absorb the surrounding vitality, formidable, strengthen power, lets surrounding life gradual weakening, was extracted soul energy. 生死奥义神之领域内,他可以吸收周围的生命力,强大自己,增强力量,让周围生灵逐渐的消弱,被不知不觉间抽取灵魂能量 God's Domain that the stars power deep meaning forms, the stars are densely covered, his stars power becomes incomparable keen, during the Divine Sense changes, silhouette can integrate in any stars luminous spot, goes against the common sense immediately concealing to get up. 星辰力量奥义形成的神之领域,繁星密布,他的星辰力量变得无比的敏锐,神念变动间,身影可以融入任何一个星辰光点内,违背常理的顿时隐匿起来。 In 20 meters region, he can fluctuate unceasingly, appears in any stars luminous spot, lets each stars luminous spot full energy, launches the fearful attack for him. 在20米的区域内,他可以不断地变幻,在任何一个星辰光点内出现,让每一个星辰光点充溢能量,为他发动可怕的攻击。 God's Domain that Space Deep Meaning forms, was inferior when the breakthrough space slit is like that fearful, he knows, is even more energetic to Space Deep Meaning, the understanding to God's Domain is getting more and more profound, he can form space slits in the whole body, making anybody not dare to approach him easily, does not dare to sneak attack. 空间奥义形成的神之领域,不如突破时的空间缝隙那般可怕,他知道,只有对空间奥义愈发精神,对神之领域的认识越来越深刻,他才可以在周身形成一道道空间缝隙,让任何人不敢轻易靠近他,不敢偷袭。 His Space Deep Meaning God's Domain, has mysteriously, the God's Domain area coverage, can lock the imprisoned space. 他的这个空间奥义神之领域,另有神奇,神之领域覆盖区域,能够锁定禁锢空间。 So long as stimulates to movement power, Divine Soul fluctuates, all things in his God's Domain region, including the air, energy, stone and vegetation, besides him, can be imprisoned by the space. 只要催动力量,神魂变幻,在他神之领域区域内的一切事物,包括空气、能量、石块、草木,除了他之外,都可以被空间禁锢。 Imprisonment, this is Space Deep Meaning base Ben Te drafts, is one of the Space Deep Meaning radical evolving. 禁锢,这是空间奥义的基本特征,是空间奥义的根本衍变之一。 He believes when with the person battles, suddenly displays Space Deep Meaning, forms God's Domain, match the flesh and blood, even the soul, will be imprisoned fiercely by him, locks in the space, cannot move. 他相信,与人交战之时,突然施展出空间奥义,形成神之领域,对手的血肉之躯,甚至灵魂,都会被他猛地禁锢住,锁定在空间之内,动弹不得。 Only if the opposite party comes prepared, or power powerful to can eradicate the imprisonment, once otherwise cannot work loose, will be executed by him easily. 除非对方有备而来,或者力量强悍到可以破除禁锢,否则一旦挣脱不得,会被他轻易格杀。 God King Realm breakthrough, making him form three God's Domain, made the Essence Qi old tree expansion several fold. 神王境突破,令他形成了三种神之领域,令精元古树扩展数倍。 Advantage that he obtains, not solely only then these. 他得到的好处,不单单只有这些。 The quenching congealment of God Body, is he obtained another big advantage, after the God Body congealment, the Immortal Martial Spirit resiliency once more increases a altitude, Petrification Martial Spirit was also enhanced, on the body of powerful, quenchinged after the mystical wash of that heaven and earth energy, it may be said that achieved one has been possible be called the abnormal situation. 神体的淬炼凝结,是他得到了另外一大好处,神体凝结之后,不死武魂的恢复力再次攀升一个高度,石化武魂也增强了,本来就强悍的身体,经过那天地能量神秘洗涤淬炼,可谓是达到了一个堪称变态的地步。 He has tried, by his present God Body, after Petrification, three Bone Thorn that he quenchings, want to break his fleshly body defense, needs him to use is fully good. 他试过,以他现在的神体,石化之后,就连他淬炼的三根骨刺,想要破掉他的肉身防御,也需要他动用全力才行。 General God King Realm Warrior, if dares not awfully with his close combat, absolutely will become by his crush the smashing, the bone dregs not remaining. 一般的神王境武者,如果敢不要命的和他近战,绝对会被他碾压成粉碎,骨头渣都不剩下。 Because the foundation is too solid, the fleshly body condition is too good, precise God Body, far from ordinary God King Realm Warrior may compare. 因为基础太扎实,肉身的条件实在太好,凝炼的神体,也远非普通神王境武者可比。 He has a premonition, even if God King Third Sky Realm Warrior, perhaps the God Body formidable degree, is inferior to him. 他有种预感,就算是神王三重天境界武者,神体的强大程度,或许都不及他。 power promotion of doubled and re-doubled, lets his self-confidence unprecedented upsurge, he believes that if in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, he had present Realm in the past, even if not imperial moves the solar flame meteorite, may with a blood slaughter Ka Tuo frontage war, such as the past years like that not be distressed. 力量的成倍提升,让他自信心空前高涨,他相信,如果当年在日星爆碎场内,他有如今的境界,即便不御动太阳火焰陨石,也可与血屠卡托正面一战,不会如当年那般狼狈。 After Realm promotion, his vision also widened, the self-confidence of crazily rising, making him no longer hunt and kill God King First Sky Realm Warrior. 境界提升后,他眼界也开阔了,狂涨的自信,让他不再只是猎杀神王一重天境界武者 God King Second Sky person condemned to death and hoodlum, has become his goal, is the essential target! 神王二重天的死囚、暴徒,也成了他的目标,还是主要目标! Once in purgatory command token, appears the God King Second Sky Expert life magnetic field, he will attack on own initiative, carries on the accumulation of his Immortal Devil Blood. 一旦炼狱令牌内,显出神王二重天强者的生命磁场,他会主动出击,进行他不死魔血的积累。 Said above extremely the lake of purgatory field, the Shi Yan complexion is callous, in the look appears a bloody color, during the Divine Sense changes, the innumerable stars circle in flight in his side, the stars arrange the marvelous lineup, suddenly clashes to go toward one person at present crazily. 一处极道炼狱场的湖泊上方,石岩脸色冷酷,眼神中显出一丝血腥之色,神念变动间,无数星辰在他身旁飞旋,星辰排列成奇妙的阵形,突然朝着眼前一人狂冲而去。 That is a Sea Clan God King Second Sky Realm villain, has battled half sound with him, this thinks that had found the soft persimmon, can obtain purgatory command token together. 那是一个海族神王二重天境界的凶徒,和他已交战半响,本以为找到了软柿子,可以得到一块炼狱令牌 May in that instant of fighting, he then realize that Shi Yan is far from a soft persimmon, but is P has not revealed Ferocious Beast of fang! 可在交手的那一霎,他便意识到石岩绝非软柿子,而是P头没有露出獠牙的凶兽 The Stars Deep Meaning God's Domain formation, Shi Yan silhouette is partly visible in the stars luminous spot, once for a while thorough disappearance, aura does not have. 星辰奥义神之领域形成,石岩身影在星辰光点若隐若现,时不时的彻底消失,一点气息都没有。 Comprehended the Sea Clan villain of deep meaning of water, spread God's Domain, a lake ten thousand tons lake water under body, the flying volume heaven, turned into thick long giant water dragons unceasingly, bites from each direction winding to Shi Yan. 领悟了水之奥义的海族凶徒,不断地扩散神之领域,身下的湖泊万吨湖水,飞卷上天,变成了一条条粗长巨大的水龙,从各个方向缠绕咬向石岩 Hehe!” Shi Yan is sneering, when breaks in stars God's Domain to these water dragons suddenly, on the side of the thought that Space Deep Meaning transformed, has formed Space Deep Meaning God's Domain. 嘿嘿!”石岩冷笑着,待到那些水龙突然冲入星辰神之领域,念头一边,空间奥义转换,形成了空间奥义神之领域 Clear water dragons, the giant main item collects to him, suddenly was imprisoned, strange framing locates before his body, motionless. 一条条晶莹的水龙,巨大的龙头才凑向他,突然被禁锢住,诡异的定格在他身前处,一动不动。 Powder!” “散!” Shi Yan puts out a hand, together the different rice flies to shoot, chops above that water dragon. 石岩伸手一点,一道异米飞射出来,劈在那一条条水龙之上。 Crash-bang fluent sound gets up, these water dragons turn into the current of water, fell into under the lake completely. 哗啦啦的水流声响起,那些水龙化成水流,全部都落入了底下湖泊。 His silhouette moves, the person in region, the lake water stops flowing, the wind stops, the energy imprisonment, besides him, any material was blocked by the space, does not move. 身影移动,人在区域,湖水停止流动,风停,能量禁锢,除他之外,任何物质都被空间封锁,活动不了。 That Sea Clan Expert, the complexion is extremely ugly, by soon spirit break that Shi Yan three God's Domain stir, each time he thinks to go well, will discover that Shi Yan God's Domain turns into another type suddenly, making his attack fail completely. 那一名海族强者,脸色极其难看,被石岩的三种神之领域搅的快要精神崩溃了,每一次他觉得可以得手,就会发现石岩神之领域突然变成另外一种,让他的攻击全部落空。 On the framing lake surface, the Shi Yan steps, explode slowly suddenly roar, in such as Ferocious Beast, vanishes in luminous spots. 在定格的湖面上,石岩缓缓踏步,突然爆吼一声,如一头凶兽,在一个个光点内消失内。 The next quarter, he appears side that Sea Clan Expert directly, God's Domain receives, rumbled by the fleshly body wild strength in the past. 下一刻,他直接出现在那名海族强者身旁,神之领域一收,以肉身狂暴之力轰了过去。 Peng! 嘭! The shocking explosive, the clear wall barrier transmits from that Sea Clan Expert precise water, that clear such as the defense circle of jade, the disruption, a water glare splutters loudly. 震天的爆响,从那海族强者凝炼的水之晶莹壁障传来,那晶莹如玉的防御圈,轰然碎裂,点点水光溅射出来。 Shi Yan is laughing pushing directly into, with that Sea Clan Expert, battles in his God's Domain, the wanton bombing, all sorts are evolved the law of becoming to decide by Stars Deep Meaning, such as stars, turning round falling to this person. 石岩大笑着长驱直入,和那名海族强者,在他的神之领域内交战,狂轰滥炸,种种由星辰奥义衍变而成的法决,如一颗颗星辰般,滴溜溜的落向此人。 The luminous spot that the strength of his fleshly body, the infinite development, the breakage crystal wall splashes, thorn maliciously on his God Body, has not taken to him any injury. 肉身之力,无限的拓展,破裂晶壁溅出来的光点,狠狠的刺在他神体上,没有带给他任何的伤害。 Space imprisonment!” “空间禁锢!” When battles to be luxurious, Shi Yan grins, suddenly drinks lowly. 交战正酣之际,石岩咧嘴,忽然低喝。 At that person of his God's Domain range, stagnates fiercely, such as locked by the strings of innumerable not being able to see, in void motionless. 处在他神之领域范围的那人,猛地凝滞住,如被无数看不见的绳子锁住,在虚空一动不动。 Shi Yan not slow does not go forward with a smile anxiously, puts out a hand a racket, this person of gigantic head explodes to break to pieces, the blood brain fluid splashes together. 石岩笑着不急不缓上前,伸手一拍,此人硕大的头颅爆碎开来,鲜血脑浆一起飞溅。 Receives God's Domain, his essence absorption completely, Shi Yan grinning chuckle, long body. 收掉神之领域,将他身上的精气吸收殆尽,石岩咧嘴轻笑着,长身而起。 Six months, unknowingly passes. 半年时间,不经意间流逝掉。 Shi Yan was saying in the purgatory field extremely, has become Slaughter God, good person condemned to death hoodlum who the region, any was induced, has become his Immortal Devil Blood source. 石岩在极道炼狱场内,成了一个杀神,行过的区域,任何被感应到的死囚暴徒,都成了他的不死魔血源泉。 These days, he through fights, accumulated rich God's Domain to oppose the enemy the experience, to three God's Domain characteristics, had a more profound understanding. 在这段时间,他通过一场场的战斗,积累了丰富的神之领域对敌经验,对三种神之领域的特性,有了更加深刻的认识。 Each time after fight, he will calm down, the earnest introspection, seeks for the God's Domain superiority and deficiency, the new fight, he will make up each time insufficient, the God's Domain fearful place displaying. 每次战斗过后,他都会冷静下来,认真反省,找寻神之领域的优势和不足之处,每次新的战斗,他都会将不足弥补,将神之领域的可怕之处给发挥出来。 A half year of fight, making the transformation of his God's Domain, again not have the jerky feeling adeptly, how three power deep meanings coordinated, can obtain the maximum might, he also gradual touching to know-how. 半年的战斗,让他神之领域的转变娴熟之极,再没有了生涩感,三种力量奥义相互间如何配合,才可以取得最大的威力,他也逐渐的摸到了窍门。 Dies the person condemned to death and hoodlum in his hands, solely is not only God King First Sky Realm, at least ten God King Second Sky Realm people condemned to death, by heartless obliterate life. 死在他手中的死囚、暴徒,已经不单单只是神王一重天境界了,至少十名神王二重天境界的死囚,也被无情的抹杀了生命。 Immortal Devil Blood that he accumulates, arrived at about 1000 drops, to a new altitude. 他积累的不死魔血,也到了近1000滴,到了一个新的高度。 By Immortal Devil Blood substitution present blood, him, became more and more near, he thought that so long as the time were enough, so long as said the villain quantity in purgatory field to be much extremely enough, perhaps his here, he can complete the action of bringing in new blood. 不死魔血取代如今的血液,在他来看,变得越来越近了,他觉得,只要时间足够,只要极道炼狱场内的凶徒数量够多,他这儿,他说不定就可以完成换血之举。 Said the purgatory field extremely, worthily was a Lie Yan Star Field most mysterious place, here, he understanding to the power deep meaning was sensitive, in each fight, after the fight, had the new harvest feeling. 极道炼狱场,不愧是烈焰星域最为神奇的一个地方,在这儿,他对力量奥义的认识敏感非常,每一次战斗中,战斗后,都有新的收获感受。 His understanding and comprehension to three power deep meanings, is strengthening every day. 他对三种力量奥义的认识和领悟,每天都在增强着。 On this day , to continue to search for the game he, suddenly saw the acquaintance. 这一天,继续搜寻猎物的他,突然见到了熟人。 Aranza and Tie Mu. 亚兰和铁牧 These two conditions are not quite obviously good, the body is scarred, seems avoiding any person, the complexion is a little distressed, being able choose the exact way because of flurry flushed toward him. 这两人的状态明显不太好,身上伤痕累累,似乎在躲避什么人,脸色有点狼狈,慌不择路的朝着他冲了过来。 Shi Yan stares, a face is astonished however. 石岩微愣,一脸讶然。
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