GOS :: Volume #8

#796: God King Realm!

Soul Burial Field that the stars sea and crowded space crack, release, three God's Domain embryonic forms appear, together in hole ** the forming, forms the marvelous sight respectively. 星辰海洋、密集的空间裂纹、释放出来的灵魂葬场,三种神之领域的雏形显现出来,一起在洞**成形,各自形成奇观。 The people condemned to death of these purgatory stars attacks, at this time frames in void, does not dare to move. 一头冲击进来的那些炼狱星的死囚,此时定格在虚空中,不敢动弹。 Side them, space cracks extremely fearsome, every time moves, might be cut God Body by the space crack. 在他们身旁,一道道空间裂纹极其可怖,每活动一下,都有可能被空间裂纹切割了神体 Motionless, does not represent their kiloampere safe. 不动,并不代表他们千安无事。 After Soul Burial Field of Death Deep Meaning forms, the characteristics that this God's Domain is in sole possession of also appear, these people think the soul to be exhausted, thinks gradually the complacent will is depressed, can find from own body, the escape leaves the firefly small luminous spot, is the same with energy that these gather, collects toward the cavern. 死亡奥义灵魂葬场形成之后,这种神之领域独有的特性也显现出来,那些人觉得灵魂疲惫,渐渐觉得意志消沉,可以瞧见从自己的身上,飞逸出萤火虫般的微小光点,和那些聚集起来的能量一样,纷纷朝着洞穴汇集。 In each individual heart, spills over the intense fear to come restlessly, three species God's Domain, have given their enormous shocks. 每一个人心中,都泛出强烈的恐惧不安来,三种属性的神之领域,给了他们极大的震撼。 Lianna and Ao Guduo, in day star advocation of Du Tianji god country, by deep frightening, was realized suddenly, truth that they persevere, is not necessarily correct. 不论是莉安娜奥古多,还是远在天涅星的神国之主镀天奇,也被深深的震慑到,忽然意识到,他们坚守的真理,不一定便是正确的。 The appearance of Shi Yan, opened a new door for these Warrior, as to tell them, a martial arts way fluctuates infinitely, is not only then an outlet, told them, power deep meaning minoring, same can lead to the rays of light main road. 石岩的出现,为这些武者打开了一扇新的门,似乎想要告诉他们,武道一途变幻无穷,并不是只有一条出路,告诉他们,力量奥义兼修,一样可以通往光芒大道。 Nobody knows that hides Shi Yan in the cavern, is any condition. 没有人知道,藏身在洞穴内石岩,到底是什么状况。 But everyone knows that Shi Yan is in the breakthrough most critical important pass, once stepped over this pass/test, will certainly soar, has pressed any so-called talent youth dazzlingly. 可每一个人又都知道,石岩处于突破的最紧要关口,一旦迈过这一关,必将一飞冲天,耀眼压过任何一名所谓的天才青年。 In cavern. 洞穴内。 Before the gate, appears crowded space slit, in the hole three meters place, drops sections of arms and legs and waist, that is two Warrior that before broke. 门前显出更多密集的空间缝隙,洞中三米处,落下一截截手臂、腰腿,那是之前冲入过来的两名武者 They have not thought from the start that has the space slit that already appeared in this cavern, that instant that they are flushing, the body has been split up, fleshly body a large part, was pulled into the space slit, will never gather. 他们压根没有想到,在这洞穴内有着更多早就显现出来的空间缝隙,他们在冲进来的那一霎,身体已经四分五裂,肉身的很大一部分,被扯入了空间缝隙,永远不可能重新聚集。 In crowded space slit, the cavern deep place, Shi Yan is sitting well indifferently. 密集的空间缝隙内,洞穴深处,石岩漠然端坐着。 The energy of pure heaven and earth flows out from the hole, as if has become five colors thunder and lightning, twines on his body, thunder and lightning drill into his body, such as the snake winds to sway from side to side generally. 从洞外流进来的精纯天地之能,仿佛成了一道道五彩雷电,缠绕在他身体上,一条条雷电钻入他身体,如蛇一般蜿蜒扭动着。 This time he, the whole body splashes the brilliant spark, the body such as is placed on stone, by blacksmith who heaven and earth energy turns into, is brandishing the flame iron hammer, strikes to quenching the body. 此时的他,全身飞溅出绚烂的火花,身体如被摆放在石台上,被天地能量变成的铁匠,挥舞着火焰铁锤,敲打淬炼着身体。 To many True God Realm Warrior, God Body is in deep sorrow precise, will suffer with the astonishing pain. 对很多真神境武者来说,神体的凝炼痛不欲生,将会伴随着惊人的苦痛折磨。 However, Shi Yan is not quite same, his complexion extraordinary tranquility, this life challenge limit, endures the average man the unsupportable pain, the nerve tenacious degree, the average person is hard to imagine. 然而,石岩则是不太一样,他脸色出奇的平静,他这一生挑战极限,忍受常人所不能忍受的痛楚,神经坚韧的程度,一般人难以想象。 What is main, his foundation was too solid, this body was already repeatedly tempered, various kinds suffered have tasted. 更主要的是,他基础实在太扎实了,他这具身体早已千锤百炼,各类折磨都尝过了。 In comparison, now precise of God Body, is not hard to accept specially, therefore he and most Warrior are different, in the God Body precise process, is still calm, even was a little numb. 相比之下,如今神体的凝炼,并不是特别难以接受,所以他与大多数武者不一样,在神体的凝炼过程中,依然冷静,甚至有点麻木了。 heaven and earth energy that spontaneously forms, is containing in world mystical power true meaning, such as a handle mysterious burin, leaves behind the deep mark on his body , helping on his body First Level building. 自发形成的天地能量,蕴藏着世间神秘力量真谛,如一柄神奇的刻刀,在他的身上留下深深的印痕,助他的身体更上一层楼。 From Zi Yao obtained , helping God Body concise medicinal pills, already took, the medicinal pills efficacy has promoted the heaven and earth energy intensity, forms violent energy mighty currents, making him gather to absorb the heaven and earth energy speed to be quicker. 紫耀那儿所得的,帮助神体凝练的丹药,早已服用了,丹药的药力提升了天地能量的强度,形成一股股猛烈的能量洪流,让他聚集吸收天地能量的速度更加快捷。 His whole body flesh and blood, skeletons, five main internal organs (entrails) and veins, are seeped by heaven and earth energy that these spontaneous comes out precise, these energy as if have the mystical effect extremely, is full his whole body, strengthens his skeleton intensity, the toughness of veins, the solid degree of flesh and blood. 浑身血肉、骨骼、五脏六腑、一根根筋脉,都被那些自发凝炼出来的天地能量渗透,那些能量仿佛有着极其神秘的功效,充盈他全身,增强他骨骼强度,筋脉的韧性,血肉的坚实程度。 Likely has become God Weapon, was plowed power to quenching, little becomes must be firmly indestructible, becomes tenacious like the mountain, is containing the terrifying fine energy. 像是成了一件神兵,被耕中力量淬炼着,一点点的变得牢不可摧,变得坚韧如山,蕴藏着恐怖精能。 His change, solely is not only the external flesh and blood, Soul Altar also as if sublimated. 他的变化,不单单只是外在血肉,就连灵魂祭台也仿佛升华了。 In Third Level Soul Altar, that power deep meaning level, such as was covered the First Level mystical halo, the stars, spaces and life and death three deep meanings, as if can see, in the power deep meaning with Divine Soul achieves marvelous echoing, lets his essences to these three power deep meanings, had the understanding of deeper First Level. 三层灵魂祭台内,那力量奥义层,如被蒙上一层神秘的光晕,其中星辰、空间、生死三种奥义,仿佛可以看见,和神魂内的力量奥义达成奇妙的呼应,让他对这三种力量奥义的本质,有了更深一层的认识。 He then such sits, to the quenching congealment of God Body, soul Ethereal is peaceful, is guiding three power deep meanings. 他便这么坐着,任由神体的淬炼凝结,灵魂空灵安静,引导着三种力量奥义。 Divine Soul and three power deep meaning even more fusions are one, in the three power deep meanings of his Divine Soul deep place, marvelous appears, each power becomes one group of chaos gloss, releases the misty halo. 神魂和三种力量奥义愈发融合为一,在他神魂深处的三种力量奥义,奇妙的浮现出来,每一种力量都成一团混沌光泽,释放出蒙蒙光晕。 These wind around the halo in power profound truths imprint surrounding, is development of God's Domain, when he to power profound truths imprint understands clearly, these halo slowly spread, are having the marvelous surface change, in the soul fluctuation of halo, responded outside his body. 那些缭绕在力量奥义烙印外围的光晕,便是神之领域的展现,他对力量奥义烙印洞悉之时,那些光晕慢慢扩散,发生着奇妙面变化,灵魂内光晕的变幻,反应到了他身外。 The space cracks outside these reappearing holes, flash before are more, the spread range was also bigger. 以至于,那些浮现洞外的空间裂缝,闪现的更多,扩散的范围也越大了。 The death power deep meaning left the dissipation halo, two, First Level full of vitality, First Level deathly silence ice-cold, the life force level bound his profound truths imprint, protected his Divine Soul God Body, death level spread expunges, affects all people, making the enemy soul be extracted. 死亡力量奥义出散逸的光晕,有两层,一层生机勃勃,一层死寂冰冷,生机层裹住他奥义烙印,护住他神魂神体,死亡层扩散开去,去影响所有人,让敌人灵魂被抽取。 This also directly causes, outside hole ** person condemned to death and hoodlum who does not dare to move, the speed of body life luminous spot class Zhejiang is getting more and more fast. 这也直接导致,外面洞**不敢动弹的死囚、暴徒,身上生命光点流浙的速度越来越快。 By these people of death level coverage, a life luminous spot point sucked to win over, gathers the life force level, immediately makes the Shi Yan life fluctuation even more intense, within the body power also obtains the promotion, this also directly causes, he died level the strength of deriving, even more fearful astonishing. 被死亡层覆盖的那些人,生命光点一点抽入拉拢,聚集到生机层,顿时让石岩生命波动愈发强烈,体内力量也获得提升,这也直接导致,他死亡层的汲取之力,愈发的可怕惊人。 The death level extracted the life force soul, once fell into the life force level, Shi Yan God Body soul income, strengthened power once more, joined the death level energy to let, making " the Soul Burial Field of perishing deep meaning might more formidable. 死亡层抽取生机灵魂,一旦落入生机层,石岩神体灵魂收益,又再次增强力量,加入死亡层的能量让,让死」亡奥义之灵魂葬场的威力更加强大。 Both complement one another, strengthens power mutually, biggest must benefit, is he. 两者相辅相成,互相增强力量,最大的要益者,便是他本人。 Reappearing Star Sea, is external appearance of Stars Deep Meaning imprint, the Star Sea vicissitude, the little luminous spot flashes before, such as radiant stars. 还有浮现的星海,乃是星辰奥义烙印的外在显现,星海浮沉着,一点点光点闪现,如璀璨繁星。 Different with Death Deep Meaning, the Star Sea deep meaning will not attack the life of surrounding on own initiative, needs Shi Yan my soul imperial to move, this time Shi Yan, but also in the breakthrough checkpoint, naturally is hard to stimulate to movement, this also directly causes the Star Sea God's Domain mystery, showing. 只是,和死亡奥义不一样,星海奥义不会主动对外围的生命进行攻击,需要石岩本人的灵魂御动,此时的石岩,还在突破的关卡,自然难以催动,这也直接导致星海神之领域的奥妙,没有给展现出来。 Even if this, that Space Deep Meaning Ji Xi, with the Death Deep Meaning deriving vitality, makes him safe and sound sufficiently, does not fear anybody to sneak attack. 即便这样,那空间奥义的纪隙,和死亡奥义的汲取生命力,也足以让他安然无恙,不惧任何人偷袭过来。 God's Domain initial forms time, the sound that creates will be enormous, will agree without consultation some heaven and earth natural law to echo, causes the domain coverage and might strengthens, what is main, his Space Deep Meaning will form the space slit, immovability, has the fearful defensive power. 神之领域初始形成的时候,造成的动静会极大,会暗合天地某种规则呼应,导致领域的覆盖面和威力都增强,最最主要的是,他的空间奥义会形成空间缝隙,不动如山,也有着可怕的防御力。 But evil strange Death Deep Meaning, the unique attribute can attack on own initiative, so long as the side has the life to make an appearance, Death Deep Meaning will show the essence, takes away life force. 而邪恶诡异的死亡奥义,独特的属性可以主动出击,只要身旁有生灵露面,死亡奥义就会展现本质,将生机抽掉。 In the cavern, Shi Yan is comprehending safely, clearly becomes aware to three profound truths imprint, realizes God's Domain mysterious formidable, basic, no matter outside world situation. 在洞穴内,石岩安然领悟着,对三种奥义烙印明悟,体会神之领域的神奇强大,根本不管外界的情况。 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 , These stay in hole quickly ** person condemned to death and hoodlum, does not dare to move, because life force in within the body passes excessively, dizziness vertigos, already intelligent ignorant. 很快地,那些停留在洞**,不敢动弹的死囚、暴徒,体内的生机因为流逝过度,一个个头晕眼花,不知不觉间,已经神智浑浑噩噩 Carelessly, some people fall into the space crack, immediately died a tragic death. 一个不慎,有人落入空间裂缝内,当即惨死。 Each sudden dead, an essence will not dissipate, is the same with energy of that accumulation, gathers in into the cavern rapidly, pours into Shi Yan body acupoint, has become his power part. 每一个突然死亡者,一身的精气也不会消散掉,和那聚集的能量一样,迅速汇集入洞穴,注入石岩身体穴窍,成了他力量的一部分。 Warrior, fall into the space slit tragic death one after another, before dying, their life force were weak. 一个个武者,接连落入空间缝隙惨死,死前,他们的生机已经非常微弱了。 To finally, Larkey and Furlow cannot escape death by a hair's breadth, dizzy heavy, such hits the person space slit mouth. 到了最后,就连拉基和弗洛都不能幸免于难,晕晕沉沉的,就这么一头撞人空间缝隙口。 Two achieve God King Second Sky Realm Expert, was embezzled finally, the body residual essence, pours into the cavern in abundance. 两个达到神王二重天境界强者,也最终被吞没,身上残留的精气,纷纷注入洞穴。 Cave deep place, change of Shi Yan quite the same as unconsciously outside world, still indifferently meditation, quenchings God Body, while forms God's Domain, the Essence Qi old tree in within the body in him, had to develop three times. 山洞深处,石岩浑然不觉外界的变化,依然漠然苦修着,一边淬炼神体,一边去形成神之领域,体内的精元古树在他不知不觉间,有拓展了三倍。 In secret in Expert that each position waits and sees, silent, focuses attention on to look to that dark cave entrance, is waiting for anything. 暗中在各个方位观望的强者,都沉默了下来,注目看向那幽暗的洞口,在等候着什么。 The time is passing quietly. 时间在悄悄流逝。 Seven in the future. 七日后。 On this day, God's Domain that three power deep meanings form, vanishes without the shade quickly, gathered sometimes heaven and earth energy, did not remain. 这一天,三种力量奥义形成的神之领域,倏地消失无影,聚集了有些时候的天地能量,已经一丝不剩了。 Outside the cavern, the remaining place stump residual limbs, do not only have entire corpse. 洞穴外面,只剩下一地残肢,没有一个全尸者。 The people are gazing at secretly, holds the breath with rapt attention, seems anticipating anything. 众人暗暗注视着,屏息凝神,似乎在期待着什么。 Lianna, somewhat anxiously was restless, does not know that the final result is anything. 就连莉安娜,都有些紧张不安了,不知道最终的结果是什么。 Crossed was very long, said in that dark cavern that has emitted silhouette of fining, he knit the brows to look in cave entrance to a stump residual limb of place, strange smiling, paces at once. 过了很久,在那幽暗的洞穴曰,冒出了一道精炼的身影,他在洞口皱眉看向一地的残肢,诡异的笑了笑,旋即踱步而出。 Succeeded! Really success!” Dù Tiān cannot bear call out in alarm happily, shakes loudly, looks like several power minoring, really yes, our cognition, because of the appearance of this boy, must have changes newly.” “成功了!真的成功了!”镀天乐忍不住惊叫起来,轰然一震,“看来数种力量兼修,果然是可以的,我们的认知,因为这小子的出现,要有新的改变了。” Has three God's Domain, three deep meanings balanced such as one, this fellow, is a miracle.” Kashewen is filled with emotion. “身怀三种神之领域,三种奥义平衡如一,这家伙,是个奇迹。”卡修恩感慨万千。 I think that he was saying extremely the true fight of purgatory field, starts now. He He, True God Realm he, can execute God King First Sky, present he, enters the step to arrive at God King Realm, I think that his present match, should be able to trade.” Rochester looks to Ao Guduo, lowly chuckled, meaning in words is self-evident. “我想,他在极道炼狱场的真正战斗,现在才开始。呵呵,真神境的他,可以格杀神王一重天,如今的他,也进阶到神王境,我想,他现在的对手,应该可以换一换了。”罗切斯特看向奥古多,嘿嘿低笑一声,话中的意味不言而喻。 Ao Gela, only then God King Second Sky Realm cultivation base, becomes the game that Shi Yan hunts and kills? 奥格拉斯,也只有神王二重天境界修为,岂不是,也会成为石岩猎杀的猎物? Ao Guduo, you prepare, star of cession a life and I.” Lianna gloomy has smiled, in the look full is gratified, as if thought that has not been mistaken. 奥古多,你准备一下吧,将一颗生命之星割让与我。”莉安娜阴森森的笑了起来,眼神中满是欣慰,似乎觉得没有看走眼。 flash, your fate is good, unexpectedly bumps into such a mysterious kid.” The day star, Du Tianji shot a look at Zi Yao, smiling of expression difference, Ao Gela was miserable, that boy of present, feared that was no longer inferior he, if met one-on-one, who won who lost, I also look do not understand.” “耀儿,你运道不错,居然碰到这么一个神奇的小家伙。”天涅星,镀天奇瞥了一眼紫耀,神色异样的笑了笑,“奥格拉斯惨了,现在的那小子,怕是不再逊色他了,如果单对单碰面,谁胜谁负,我也看不明白了。” Before, he has favored Ao Gela, but now , he also cannot affirm. 之前,他是一直看好奥格拉斯的,可现在,就连他,也不敢那么肯定了。 At this time Shi Yan, reversed losing battle, breakthrough God King, stepped up to a brand-new social stratum. 今时的石岩,已扭转败局,突破神王,跨上一个全新阶层了。
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