GOS :: Volume #8

#795: Creation miracle!

Compels in Larkey and Furlow's liquor, two God King First Sky Realm Warrior, likes a stone dropped into the sea, has not splashed ignition flower to come out. 在拉基和弗洛的酒迫下,两名神王一重天境界武者,就那么石沉大海,没有溅出一点火huā出来。 Suddenly, hoodlum, person condemned to death and madman who crops up, calm, the complexion is ugly. 一时间,冒出头来的暴徒、死囚、狂人,都冷静了下来,脸色难看。 Such one, Larkey and Furlow's forcing, feared that was the effect, nobody's silly bringing death. 这么一来,拉基和弗洛的胁迫,怕是起不到效果了,没有人傻的送死。 The person who does not worry to leave, abandoned the mouth to look at a while in the hole, retreating silently, recently time also quick, dodged, then lost the trail. 不着急离开的人,在洞弃口看了一会儿,默默的退走,比来的时候还快,一闪间,便失去了踪迹。 Still remains to freeze, only the remaining 50% people, these people, worry to depart, have the reason that must insist. 依然留在原地不动的,只剩下一半人,这些人,都是着急离去,有要坚持的理由。 In outside world, has the person who they care about, or has the Blood Sea deep enmity, must anxiously departure, therefore, that cavern revealed the danger that has not retreated in fear really they. 外界,有他们关心的人,或者有血海深仇,都要急着离开,所以,那洞穴显露出来的危险,没有真的吓退他们。 Larkey and Furlow, are this kind of person, therefore also there. 拉基和弗洛,都是这一类的人,所以还在那儿。 These two God King Second Sky Realm Warrior, the surface appearance peeps, complexion cloudy clear uncertain. 这两个神王二重天境界武者,面面相窥,脸色阴晴不定。 After a while, Larkey spoke suddenly: „The boy is in the cavern, certainly supposed any method, a person went, possibly was a little dangerous. However, if everybody is together thorough, I think that he supposes a bad risk, decides however cannot collect the effect completely.” 过了一会儿,拉基突然讲话:“那小子在洞穴内,一定设下了什么手段,一个人进去,可能有点危险。不过,如果大家一起深入,我想他设个的凶险,定然不能全部凑效。” , He looked to Furlow, how did you say?” 顿了一下,他看向弗洛,“你怎么说?” Snort, you know that I must depart, I easily will give how up.” Furlow clenches teeth, „, regardless of he is how fierce, when breakthrough, will be weak. So long as we can breakthrough that checkpoint, see his true body, naturally can kill him easily.” “哼,你知道我必须离去,我岂会轻易放弃。”弗洛咬着牙,“不论他如何厉害,在突破之时,都会非常虚弱。只要我们能够突破那关卡,见到他的真身,自然可以轻易干掉他。” His view, obtained the approvals of many person. 他的说法,得到了很多人的认同。 These people condemned to death discussed result quickly: With joint forces impact. 这些死囚很快商量出了结果:合力冲击。 Has gawked for several seconds, sees only these bystanders to stick out suddenly suddenly, turns into person's shadows, launches God's Domain respectively, shoots at the cavern loudly. 愣了数秒,只见那些围观者突然暴起,化成一道道人影,各自将神之领域展开,轰然射向洞穴。 Anna and Ao Guduo of purgatory star, are the two in day star imperial palace, once more came the interest, the vision to gather in that. 不论是炼狱星的lì安娜和奥古多,还是天涅星皇宫的两人,都又再次来了兴致,目光汇聚在那一块。 Before person's shadows know the bad risk therefore, power promoted the pinnacle, God's Domain spread to come. 一道道人影自知凶险所以前将力量提升到了极致,神之领域扩散开来。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Suddenly, in the direction of cave entrance, void appears the crack, cracks such as are fluctuating the sharp sword of space, glittering the dazzling gloss. 突地,在洞口的方向,虚空显出裂缝,一道道裂缝如浮动着天上的利剑,闪烁耀目的光泽。 Breaks in three Warrior first, with enough time has not shouted to be torn to pieces by cracks including the pitiful yell, flesh and blood vanishes in the crack quietly such by easily obliterate. 最先冲入其中的三个武者,连惨叫都没有来得及呼出来就被一道道裂缝撕烂了,一身血肉悄然消失在裂缝内就这么被轻易抹杀 Many people call out in alarm sad and shrill, attempts retreat, does not dare to continue to forward. 很多人凄厉的惊叫起来,试图后退,不敢继续向前。 However, a these space seam mark emergence, then spread comes, cavern outside energy condensation place, each corner, has similar space slit. 然而,那些空间缝纹一出现,便扩散开来,洞穴外面能量凝聚处,每一个角落,都有类似的空间缝隙。 These space slits are long and narrow, not specially broad, makes the entrant meet a cruel death sufficiently, sediment does not remain. 那些空间缝隙狭长,并不是特别的宽阔,却足以让进入者粉身碎骨,一点渣滓都不剩。 The person of escaping, had not been expecting anxiously when their escape route also by space slit covering entirely, body across, strange, the arm neck hands and feet disappears suddenly, but also some are having bad luck, withdrawing time, the head also baseless vanishes. 急着逃开的人,没有预料到他们的后路也被空间缝隙给布满了,身子穿过时,诡异的,胳脖手脚忽然不见了,还有的倒霉着,退后的时候,头颅也凭空消失。 Suddenly, there are six God King First Sky Realm worry, died a tragic death directly. 一时间,又有六名神王一重天境界的着急者,直接惨死了。 motherfucker, is space power!” 妈的,是空间力量!” Heaven, is cultivation space power enters the step unexpectedly, *** having bad luck of!” “老天,居然是修炼空间力量者进阶,***的倒了血霉了!” Damn, carried, I know that is not easy!” “该死,太背了,我就知道没那么容易!” „......” “……” The different cursing shouting sound, resounds through in the crowd, everybody face pale, frightened being terror-stricken. 不同的咒骂叫嚷声,在人群内响彻出来,人人面无血色,被吓的心胆俱裂。 Larkey and Furlow, is the facial expression fears, by space slit that appear frightening, suddenly stagnates the body, moves does not dare to move. 就连拉基和弗洛两人,也是神情恐惧,被那一道道显现出来的空间缝隙给吓到了,突然将身子凝滞住,一动不敢动。 Anna is long-drawn-out is eating the verdant clear fruit, shot a look at complexion pale Ao Guduo one, ridiculed: „Do you work as the person is a fool? He dares to say in purgatory field extremely breakthrough, naturally knows how should preserve itself, these and is you equally silly person, what fate at this time?” lì安娜悠哉的吃着青翠晶莹的果实,瞥了脸色铁青的奥古多一眼,讥讽道:“你当人都是傻子?他敢在极道炼狱场内突破,自然知道该如何保全自己,那些和你一样傻的人,此时都是什么下场?” power deep meaning breakthrough, inspires the space change, this boy, none who does not becomes the cultivated main deep meaning, can be Strength of Space?” Kashewen has been startled, suddenly, I said suddenly, he like the impulsive person, does not have the reason barrier not to suppose, such vigor meditation breakthrough?” 力量奥义突破,引动空间变动,这小子,莫不成所修的主奥义,会是空间之力?”卡修恩怔了一下,忽然恍然了,“我就说嘛,他不像那么鲁莽的人,没理由一点屏障不设,就这么一头劲的苦修突破啊?” „When cultivation space power deep meaning, breakthrough, whole body God's Domain initially becomes, will form the crowded space slit. It seems like that we have neglected this point completely, he was no wonder secure.” Rochester was also suddenly enlighted, grins to smile, vicious boy, it seems like early had to plan, the person condemned to death who these wanted to capture his life, got what one deserves to have bad luck.” 修炼空间力量奥义,突破之时,周身神之领域初成,会形成密集的空间缝隙。看来,我们全部忽视了这一点,难怪他有恃无恐了。”罗切斯特也是恍然大悟,咧嘴笑了起来,“狠毒的小子,看来早有算计了,那些想要夺取他性命的死囚,活该倒霉了。” Here people jokes, were saying in the purgatory field extremely, hole ** space slit that the place, appeared, was getting more and more crowded. 这边众人笑谈着,极道炼狱场内,洞**处,显现出来的空间缝隙,越来越密集了。 Warrior that all clashes, thorough was scared, the body stagnates in the space slit not in the region, does not dare to move, is guarding cautiously. 所有冲过来的武者,一个个彻底傻眼了,身子凝滞在空间缝隙不在的区域,不敢动弹,小心翼翼的防备着。 In this time, is marvelous Intent Domain, braves quickly from the cavern, as if these cover heaven and earth energy of their top of the head to achieve echo. 就在此时,又是一种奇妙的意境,倏地从洞穴内冒出来,似乎和那些覆盖他们头顶的天地能量达成呼应。 deathly silence aura, little overflow, under the seepage of that Death Deep Meaning, remains to freeze, suddenly thinks the spirit to be exhausted, discovered soul power, such as not can see hand maliciously is entraining, little was pulled into the cavern. 死寂气息,一点点的外溢,在那死亡奥义的渗透下,留在原地不动着,忽然觉得精神疲惫,发现灵魂的力量,如被看不见的手狠狠的拽着,一点点的被扯入洞穴。 The fragmentary star light, shines from the heaven and earth energy condensation place once for a while, long time, numerous star point such as the vast galaxy, does not become is even more obvious. 零星的星光,从天地能量凝聚处时不时亮一下,不多时,众多星点如浩瀚星河,变得越发的明显起来。 This extremely said purgatory field, seemed difficult to cover these star light bright, the star light and Outer Territory Star Sea just liked achieves the relation, that star light gradual was bright, formed the beautiful dazzling galaxy. 就连这极道炼狱场,似乎都难掩那些星光的亮,星光和域外星海犹如达成联系,那星光逐渐的明亮起来,形成美丽炫目的星河。 Crowded space crack, is God's Domain that Space Deep Meaning spreads out precise beautifully becomes, Soul Burial Field that releases, is the domain of cultivation Death Deep Meaning, magnificent Star Sea, is the God's Domain shape that Stars Deep Meaning is in sole possession. 密集的空间裂缝,是空间奥义者凝炼衍娈成的神之领域,释放出来的灵魂葬场,乃是修炼死亡奥义者的领域,瑰丽的星海,则是星辰奥义独有的神之领域形态。 Three different power deep meanings, in three directions, appear the God's Domain characteristics together, making the person condemned to death and hoodlum who these break in rashly want to cry but have no tears. 三种不同的力量奥义,在三个方向,一起显现出神之领域的特征来,让那些冒然冲入的死囚、暴徒欲哭无泪。 How whatever they imagine, they cannot guess, hides breakthrough Shi Yan in the cavern, unexpectedly grasped three strange terrifying power deep meanings, most makes them be hard to accept, is three power deep meanings, unexpectedly can form God's Domain completely! 任凭他们如何想象,他们也猜测不出,躲藏在洞穴内突破石岩,居然掌握了三种诡异恐怖力量奥义,最让他们难以接受的,是三种力量奥义,居然全部可以形成神之领域 This simply is unthinkable, has violated the Lie Yan Star Field Warrior cultivation truth absolutely. 这简直是匪夷所思,绝对违反了烈焰星域武者修炼的道理。 Any Warrior breakthrough to the God King hiner, will only have the main deep meaning to form God's Domain, the auxiliary deep meaning is in any event profound, difficultly spreads out turns into God's Domain. 任何一个武者突破神王妨,只会有主奥义形成神之领域,辅奥义无论如何精深,都艰难衍变成神之领域 Why this is also Warrior, almost only had a God's Domain reason, why was also most Warrior, only will choose deep meaning cultivation to dying. 这也是为什么一个武者,几乎都是只拥有一个神之领域的原因了,也是为什么大多数武者,都只会选择一种奥义修炼到死。 The formation of God's Domain, contains heaven and earth to be marvelous, is hiding the heaven and earth highest good, even if again the big wisdom person, cannot explain that actually God's Domain how forms, does not grasp mystery. 神之领域的形成,蕴含天地奇妙,藏着天地至理,就算是再大智慧的人,也不能说明神之领域究竟如何形成,把握不到其中的奥妙。 Shi Yan breakthrough, presented three different God's Domain to form the indication, complexion blanch that the person condemned to death and hoodlum who not only will invade one's territory frightened, purgatory the certain people of star and day star shocking. 石岩突破,出现了三种不同的神之领域形成征兆,不但将来犯的死囚和暴徒吓的脸色发白,也把炼狱星和天涅星的某些人给震惊到了。 Three power deep meanings, form God's Domain completely, the miracle!” Kashewen muttered whispers. “三种力量奥义,全部形成神之领域,奇迹啊!”卡修恩喃喃低语。 How to balance, how can altogether melt, how does he achieve?” Rochester two shine, the whole face is panic-stricken. “如何平衡,如何能够共融,他到底怎么做到的?”罗切斯特两眼放光,满脸惊骇。 Damn it boy!” Ao Guduo clenches jaws. 该死的小子!”奥古多咬牙切齿。 the Anna corners of the mouth appear a strange smiling face, sinks to keep silent. lì安娜嘴角显出一丝诡异的笑容,沉默不作声。 The Lord of god country, Du Tianji has stood from the throne, gaze as if a torch, the deep looks at present mirror warning, does not say a word for a long time, the complexion becomes incomparable is strange. 神国之主,镀天奇从皇位上站了起来,目光如炬,深深看着眼前的镜鉴,许久不做声,脸色变得无比的怪异起来。 Covering mouth that under him Princess Zi Yao, a face does not dare to believe that in the beautiful pupil the extraordinary splendor flow of tears, split the dazzling light beam, the tender body trembles lightly. 他底下的紫耀公主,一脸不敢置信的捂着嘴,美眸中异彩涟涟,绽出耀眼的光束,娇躯轻颤起来。 I think that this in world has the miracle, I did not believe that today personally sees, I believed.” Dù Tiān has stood on that mountain peak happily, arrives at the mountain peak corner, deeply looks to the lake, said leisurely: He, if can enter step successfully, in Lie Yan Star Field, because he appears the different lusters. If this child can use for god country, perhaps, the area of god country's, can in the nowadays foundation, expand one time!” “我想,这世间真有奇迹,我本不信,今日亲眼所见,我信了。”镀天乐在那山峰上站了起来,来到山峰边角,深深看向湖泊,悠悠道:“他若能成功进阶,烈焰星域内,将会因他显出不同的色泽来。如果此子能够为神国所用,或许,神国的疆域,能够在现今的基础上,扩张一倍!” Nobody dares not to believe. 没有人敢不信。 Anna, Kashewen, Rochester and Da Lei, even Ao Guduo, silent, has not spoken the opposition. 不论是lì安娜、卡修恩、罗切斯特、达勒,甚至奥古多,都沉默了下去,没有出言反对。 breakthrough God King Realm, presents three God's Domain, this means that Shi Yan in the attainments of three power deep meanings, went to the extremely profound excellent situation, and made three power deep meaning marvelous balances, not having a side to be too strong, not having one to be too weak. 突破神王境,出现三种神之领域,这意味着石岩在三种力量奥义的造诣上,都达到了极其精深高超的地步,并且令三种力量奥义奇妙的平衡,没有一方太强,没有一个太弱。 Can have three God's Domain, in Lie Yan Star Field, sees what one never saw before, hears something never heard of before. 能够拥有三种神之领域者,在烈焰星域,见所未见,闻所未闻。 But today, the appearance of Shi Yan, under the testimonies of numerous Expert, has filled in this blank. 而今天,石岩的出现,在众多强者的见证下,填写了这一块空白。 His appearance, as if told the people, a martial arts cultivation way, is not so narrow, tells all people who they think, true remarkable Warrior, can only a cultivation deep meaning, only be able to form God's Domain by no means. 他的出现,似乎告诉了众人,武道修炼一途,并非他们所想的那么狭隘,告诉所有人,一名真正卓越的武者,并非只能修炼一种奥义,只能形成一个神之领域 This rule-breaking miracle, deep imprint in each hearts, as if has lifted the brand-new picture scroll to them. 这打破常规的奇迹,深深的烙印在每一个心间,仿佛给他们掀开了崭新的画卷。 Many people looking pensive. 很多人若有所思。 The Lord of god country, strongest Warrior Du Tianji, was shocked, starts to suspect truth that he believes that for this martial arts shocks mysteriously inexplicably. 就连神国之主,最强的武者镀天奇,也愣住了,开始怀疑他坚信的道理,为这武道的神奇而震撼莫名。 „Did we make a mistake?” Du Tianji muttered whispers, entire Lie Yan Star Field Warrior, innumerable year of cognition general knowledge, wasn't whether comprehensive? Whether we have not understood clearly the mystery of martial arts , the understanding power was short?” “我们是不是都错了?”镀天奇喃喃低语,“整个烈焰星域武者,无数年的认知常识,是否都不全面?是否我们并没有真的洞悉武道的奥妙,对力量的了解有所欠缺?” Father, perhaps, in high grade star territory Continent, is not such as our, only a cultivation deep meaning. “父王,或许,在更高级的星域大陆,并不是如我们这样,只修炼一种奥义。 Shi Yan he obtained that person to inherit, that person, was not our Lie Yan Star Field, he possibly came from the high grade star territory, perhaps there, really knew the deep meaning true meaning. We, superficial a point, at least, Shi Yan has proven, several power deep meaning minoring, can form God's Domain completely. ” 石岩他得到了那人传承,那人,不是我们烈焰星域的,他可能来自更高级的星域,那儿,或许才真的知道奥义真谛。我们,都浅薄了一点,至少,石岩证明了,数种力量奥义兼修,是可以全部形成神之领域的。” Zi Yao deeply looks to him, said in a soft voice. 紫耀深深看向他,轻声说道。 He opened a leafed door to me, this makes me set firm resolve, the necessity works loose, breaks the shackles, has a look at that outside world day, equally is whether brilliant?!” Du Tianji sinks to drink one, vision is firm, as if finally under decided anything to be determined. “他给我打开了一扇门,这让我更加下定决心,必要挣脱出去,打破桎梏,看看那外界的天,是否一样绚烂?!”镀天奇沉喝一声,目光坚定,似乎终于下定了什么决心。
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