GOS :: Volume #8

#794: King's heart

In Dark Sky God Country grand imperial palace. 天涅神国雄伟的皇宫内。 Du Tianji feels the chin, a face smiles, sprinkles however says with a smile: Boy acts recklessly.” 镀天奇摸着下巴,一脸莞尔,洒然笑道:“小子不知死活。” The Zi Yao black eyebrows deep lock, clenches the teeth secretly, groans in a low voice:, This fellow, really does not know to think anything, bright clearly know said the bad risk of purgatory field extremely, but also acting unreasonably so.” 紫耀黛眉深锁,暗暗咬紧牙关,低声哼哼:,“这家伙,真是不知道想些什么,明明知道极道炼狱场的凶险,还这般的乱来。” Are same as Ao Guduo, Rochester and Anna, they also saw the Shi Yan crisis, saw dozens people condemned to death gather, outside the Shi Yan cultivation cavern, such as the wolf is ordinary, is gazing at that direction secretly. 奥古多、罗切斯特、lì安娜一样,他们也看出了石岩的危机,见到了数十个死囚聚集过来,都在石岩修炼的洞穴外面,如豺狼一般,暗暗注视着那个方向。 In these people, does not have one friendly kind, is the felon in god country's, the misdeeds stained, blood-thirsty. 这些人中,没有一个善类,都是神国的重犯,劣迹斑斑,嗜杀成性。 To imprison these people, five big feudal lord flower have also given many cares, some people, have the enormous ominous name in Lie Yan Star Field, two moistened bloody completely. 为了将这些人囚禁起来,五大诸侯也都huā费了不少的心思,其中一些人,在烈焰星域都有着极大的凶名,两手沾满了血腥。 Any person who they concentrate, puts outside, will make many Warrior fearful and apprehensive. 他们集中的任何一个人,放到外面,都会让很多武者胆颤心惊。 Today, they gather at one, is only for a goal, for together purgatory command token. 今天,他们聚集在一处,只是为了一个目的,为了一块炼狱令牌 The purgatory star, is the empire biggest prison, only then must die the talented person to be detained, once falls to the purgatory star, everyone gave up any idea of that ran away the birth day. 炼狱星,是帝国最大的囚牢,只有必死之人才会被关押进来,一旦落到炼狱星,谁也休想逃出生天。 This place, not only has Expert year to year to guard, in the day is firm is to have terrifying restriction and barrier exists, the impact, only will end rashly up to turn out the relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish fate. 此地,不但有着强者常年驻守,天牢内更是有着恐怖禁制结界存在,冒然冲击,只会落得个形神俱灭的下场。 Reason that they are living, had not been cut to kill , because the empire needs to use them, lets have a value point that they die, each time side said the purgatory field, was their stages, was the destiny of their blood and fire. 他们之所以活着,没有被斩杀,是因为帝国需要用他们,让他们死的更有价值一点,每一次的极道炼狱场,都是他们的舞台,是他们血与火的命运。 The condition that must die, they have life force, that is purgatory command token. 必死的境况,他们只有一线生机,那就是炼狱令牌 Only then obtained purgatory command token they before purgatory star to be separated, regardless of made many sins, wrote off, the god country will not inquire about again. 只有得到了炼狱令牌他们才可以从炼狱星脱离不论之前造下多少罪孽,都一笔勾销,神国不会再过问。 Purgatory command token means a life together, together hope dawn. 一块炼狱令牌意味着一条命,一道希望曙光。 But at this time, in their at present, then has such together hopes the dawn, is extremely easy to obtain wisp of light. 而此时,在他们的眼前,便有这么一道希望曙光,还是唾手可得的一缕光。 Who can not be excited? 谁能不激动? Evidently, we could not wait for him and Ao Gela have battled, when any Warrior breakthrough, may not divert attention, he was also no exception.” Du Tianji gives a calm smile, grins saying:, Has been a pity, the potential is indeed good, was too impulsive a point.” “看样子,我们等不到他和奥格拉斯交战了,任何一名武者突破之时,都不可分心,他也不会例外。”镀天奇淡然一笑,咧嘴说道:,“可惜了,潜力的确不错,就是太鲁莽了一点。” Zi Yao clenches teeth, in the heart is a little icy cold secretly anxious. 紫耀咬着牙,心中有点冰凉暗暗焦急。 Why does not know, she is not willing to see Shi Yan to have an accident extremely, this reading thinks the intensity, even has surpassed the Ao Gela life or death. 不知道为何,她极其不愿意见到石岩出事,这种念想之强烈,甚至超过了奥格拉斯的存亡。 Eye looks at these hoodlums and ominous people more gather, and tries to have in the motion Zi Yao mind, cannot help but appears pictures. 看着那些暴徒、凶人越聚越多,并且试图要采取行动紫耀的脑海中,不由得浮现出一幅幅画面。 Fighting of Shi Yan and Da Meng, frightens Da Lei, maintained for her imperial family is respectable, in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, they on amethyst War Chariot becomes a fugitive the critical moment he to condense the solar meteorite wild, in unusual forbidden land, in bleak deathly silence region is constantly together a word language, Shi Yan teased all sorts of uninhibited actions...... 石岩达蒙的交手,震慑达勒,为她保持了皇室威严,日星爆碎场内,两人在紫晶战车上的逃亡关键时刻他凝聚太阳陨石的狂暴,在奇特禁地内,荒凉死寂区域内的朝夕相处一言一语,石岩的调侃种种不羁的举动…… That picture, appears one after another, playbacks in her mind unceasingly, can hardly be removed. 那一幅幅画面,接连显现出来,在她脑海内不断地回放,挥之不去。 A wisp of bitterness and astringency, ripples in her heart lake, spreads the whole body, in the beautiful eye pupil of Zi Yao, lightens obvious worry and anxiety, this has been never abundant. 一缕苦涩,在她心湖内荡漾出来,蔓延全身,不知不觉间,紫耀的美丽眼瞳内,闪出明显的担忧和紧张,这是从来不曾丰过的。 For these years, does not have a man, can make her so miss, lets her such caring, is worried about the life and death, for fear that runs into dead boundary Ao Gela, stands in her behind many years firmly, she does not have so to feel. 这么多年来,从没有一个男子,可以让她如此挂念的,让她如此的在意,担心生死,生怕遇到死境就连奥格拉斯,坚定站在她身后多年,她也没有过如此感受。 Suddenly, Zi Yao realized that this never well-known clamps the land sudden man, in her heart deep place, was in a very important position forcefully, possibly can never reject. 忽然间,紫耀意识到,这个从不知名夹陆突然出现的男子,已经在她的芳心深处,强行占据了一个很重要的位置,可能永远剔除不掉。 You were mentally confused.” Du Tianji knitting the brows head, ice-cold heartless saying: „Becoming important matter, not bothers about trifles, cannot for anything disorder mentality. Anybody, is only the sword in your hand, is power that you lead the way, but you must record sincerely, the sword in your hand forever is only artifact, cannot stab itself!” “你心乱了。”镀天奇皱了皱眉头,冰冷无情的说道:“成大事者,不拘小节,不会为任何事情紊乱心态。任何人,都只是你手中的刀剑,是你前行的动力,但你要谨记一点,你手中的刀剑永远只是器物,决不可刺伤了自己!” The Zi Yao facial expression shakes, from awakes to turn around, is startled however half sound, is smiling bitterly shaking the head, no longer talks too much anything. 紫耀神情一震,从恍惚中醒转过来,怔然半响,苦笑着摇了摇头,不再多言什么。 „Haven't the callous feelings, how survived in the brutal competition? Insufficiently calm, will only injure someone to cause self infliction, making you lose the judgment, lets you and your person, will be affected.” Du Tianji coldly snortedthis point, you were inferior that your elder brother Du Jia, the girl, you were too tenderhearted, how can succeed?” “没有冷酷的心肠,如何在残酷的竞争中生存?不够冷静,只会害人害己,让你失去判断力,让你和你身边的人,都会受到波及。”镀天奇冷哼一声”“这一点,你不如你哥哥镀伽,丫头,你太心软了,如何能成功?” , My that elder brother, for the superior, can strikes a vicious blow to me and younger brother, this is superior must quality?” The Zi Yao beautiful pupil appears a not indignationfather, in the past you, none who does not became, was then same as the elder brother?” ,“我那哥哥,为了上位,可以对我和弟弟下毒手,这就是上位者必须的品质么?”紫耀美眸显出一道不忿”“父王,当年你,莫不成,便和哥哥一样?” , I do compared with him certainly.” Du Tianji expression is callous, grinningyou and Du Jia, are not biological brother and sister, is not a mother lives, he can start, is very normal. In the past I, let alone half-brothers, even if the blood brother , the photo killed does not harm! Who is keeping off my say|way, I then kill anyone, whether or not blood brother!” ,“我比他做的更绝。”镀天奇神色冷酷,咧了咧嘴”“你们和镀伽,并非亲兄妹,不是一母所生,他能够下手,很正常。当年我,别说异母兄弟,就算是亲兄弟,也照杀不误!谁挡着我的道,我便杀谁,不管是不是亲兄弟!” Zi Yao changes colors with amazement. 紫耀骇然失色。 , „, if makes me re-enter, I will still do, for martial arts ultimate, for the prosperity of god country's, the world may kill the person all!” Du Tianji coldly snorted, a face completely simply. ,“如果让我重回过去,我依然会那么做,为了武道终极,为了神国的昌盛,天下无不可杀之人!”镀天奇冷哼一声,一脸绝然干脆。 Said the purgatory field extremely. 极道炼狱场。 The ice-cold ash-gray mountains, in a dark cavern, the strange energy fluctuation is obvious, thick heaven and earth energy gathers, dozens mu area, its medium baking temperature flower splash, energy mutually[ stirs up] shooting. 冰冷的灰色山川,一个幽暗的洞穴内,诡异的能量波动明显,浓稠的天地能量聚集起来,数十亩的面积,其中火huā飞溅,能量相互〖激〗射着。 One continuously becomes clean pure energy of heaven and earth, pasts from that energy region, likely is brooks, receives the hauling of some power to pull, gathers toward the cavern. 一缕缕变得干净精纯的天地之力,从那能量区域内流转出来,像是一条条溪流,受到某种力量的牵引拉扯,纷纷朝着洞穴内聚集。 Side, in the forest, by the rivers, the bottom deep place, is ambushing the person condemned to death and hoodlum cannot repress gradually, appears in abundance, as if a leader greedy person, is staring cave entrance with raw hate. 旁边,森林内,河流旁边,地底深处,潜伏着的死囚、暴徒渐渐按捺不住,纷纷显现出来,仿佛一头头饿狼,凶狠地瞪着洞口。 , Furlow, you looked was so long, why hasn't begun?” Achieves the God King Second Sky Realm Ghost Mark clan old man, casts aside to look to the side, cannot bear shout to clear the way. ,“弗洛,你看了这么久,为何还不动手?”一名达到神王二重天境界鬼纹族老者,撇头望向身旁,忍不住喝道。 These people, year to year were detained, many people recognize mutually, can name the number. 这些人,常年被关押起来,许多人相互认得,叫得上名号。 What is called Furlow is Sea Clan Warrior, has been short of an arm, similarly has God King Second Sky Realm cultivation base, he snort|humLarkey you, if wants that purgatory command tokento be able first a past. Hehe, relax, Inow do not go in you who you fight for then am. ” 被称为弗洛的是一个海族武者,少了一只臂膀,同样有着神王二重天境界修为,他哼了哼”“拉基”你要想那炼狱令牌”可以先一步过去。嘿嘿,放心,我不会和你争抢的”你现在进去便是。” He and Larkey, are in the field in numerous crowds, only two achieve True God Second Sky Realm Expert, knows well mutually, knows opposite party hard to deal with very ruthless. 他和拉基,乃是场内众多人群中,唯一的两个达到真神二重天境界强者,相互熟识,都知道对方的难缠的狠辣 They have worry mutually. 他们相互有顾忌 , Hehe, I do not worry temporarily, was closed in any case was so long, not anxiously exiting.” ,“嘿嘿,我暂时不着急,反正被关了那么久,也不急着出去。” Larkey grins, full mouth yellow toothyou, I remember actually you have a son, as if in outside world unusual is pitiful. Since you were imprisoned, my nephew, has eaten probably much painstakingly, now is living, did not say certainly.” 拉基咧嘴,满口的黄牙”“倒是你,我记得你有个儿子,似乎在外界过的非常凄惨。自从你被囚禁后,我那侄儿,好像已经吃了不少苦了,现在是不是还活着,都说不准啊。” Such remarks, Furlow complexion micro beautiful, could not bear snort|hum one. 此言一出,那弗洛脸色微娈,忍不住又哼了一声。 Truly, he cannot wait, he in the outside world son, because he suffers distress, crosses is unpleasant, has been bullied, soon breakthrough to the Sky Realm boundary. 确实,他等不及,他在外界的儿子因为他受难,过的非常不如意,一直被欺压,算起来,也快要突破天位境了。 Furlow knows that the breakthrough Sky Realm boundary needs many chances and financial resource, if there is Spirit Pill[ medicine] helps one another, will reduce few risks, can find good deep meaning inheritance source comprehension deep meaning ” the Sky Realm boundary, is essential bottleneck. 弗洛知道,突破天位境需要很多机缘和财力,如果有神丹〖药〗品相助,会减少很少风险,也能够找到好的奥义传承源领悟奥义”天位境,是个关键的瓶颈 He must leavemust help his son breakthrough, therefore he worries very much. 他要离开”必须帮助他儿子突破,所以他很着急。 , Strength wood!” Furlow has hesitated, suddenly manner fierce ominous severe, the point to God King First Sky Realm Warrior, said: You go advanced, search the situation, if you can help me obtain purgatory command token, I promise you, after exiting, must be able well take care of your daughter.” ,“力木!”弗洛沉吟了一下,突然神态狰狞凶厉,点向身旁一个神王一重天境界武者,道:“你先进去,探探情况,若是你可以帮我得到炼狱令牌,我答应你,出去之后,必会好好照顾你女儿。” Was selected Warrior that arrives by him, hears the instruction, the complexion one coldly, noon the point shrinks. 被他点到的武者,听到吩咐,脸色一寒,午点畏缩。 , You , if not go, does not take it ill me not to be impolite!” Furlow stares, ominous condition revealed completelyopportunity I to give you, you must understand the assurance!” ,“你若是不去,休怪我不客气!”弗洛一瞪眼,凶态毕露”“机会我给你了,你要懂得把握!” That strength wood, in heart ice-cold, was staring by Furlow's vision, as if thought that has the poisonous snake to spit the wick in neck, spills over a fear. 那力木,心中冰冷,被弗洛的目光盯着,仿佛觉得有毒蛇在脖颈内吐着信子,泛出一股恐惧来。 He hesitant, thinks that his outside world daughter's condition, clenches teeth fiercely, said:, Furlow Boss, you promises me, if I died, you can live exiting , helping my well take care of good my daughter.” 他犹豫了一下,想想他外界女儿的境况,猛地一咬牙,道:,“弗洛老大,你答应我,如果我死了,你能够活着出去,帮我好好照顾好我女儿。” , I promise you.” Furlow nodded„, if I can live.” ,“我答应你。”弗洛点了点头”“如果我真能活着出去的话。” The strength wood is no longer wordy, clenches teeth, clashes from numerous bystander first, cavern that direction of fire that Shi Yan hides. 力木不再罗嗦,咬咬牙,从众多围观者第一个冲出去,一头射向那石岩藏身的洞穴。 Numerous people condemned to death and hoodlums, facial expression excited gets up, cannot help but collects toward the front, was getting more and more near to the Shi Yan cavern. 众多死囚和暴徒,都神情〖兴〗奋起来,不由自主的朝着前方凑拢,离石岩的洞穴越来越近了。 Meanwhile, Ao Guduo and Anna, Kashewen and the others, is an eye bright, entire god pays attention, wants to have a look, whether Shi Yan can support. 同时,奥古多、lì安娜、卡修恩等人,也是眼睛一亮,全神注意,都想要看看,石岩能否撑过去。 In the breakthrough region, starting of any person, possibly easily goes well, if the opposite party has not guarded. 突破境地内,任何一个人的下手,都可能轻易得手,如果对方没有防范的话。 The strength wooden body like the lightning, person in the midair, God's Domain launches, God Body suddenly wooden, had piece by piece the wood chip, fleshly body such as the rhizome of ten thousand years of old tree, has covered entirely the hard shell, his God's Domain release, nearby ancient Mu also nose moves. 力木身如闪电,人在半空,神之领域展开,神体突然木质化,有了片片木片,肉身如万年古树的根茎,布满了坚硬的壳,他神之领域释放,附近的古木也都鼻动起来。 A maliciously hard branch, kacha break, in his God's Domain attracts tears off, changes into maliciously incisive wooden sword, flies to shoot toward the cavern. 一狠狠坚硬的树枝,咔嚓断裂,在他神之领域的吸扯下,化为一狠狠尖锐的木剑,朝着洞穴内飞射。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 wooden sword power, in the cavern mouth, then in abundance explodes to break to pieces swiftly and fiercely. 木剑力量凌厉之极,在洞穴口,便纷纷爆碎开来。 Strength wooden body, while abandoning explodes broken that moment, dodges to pass, vanishes in the cavern does not see. 力木的身子,也趁弃爆碎的那一刻,一闪而逝,在洞穴内消失不见。 Many people carefully observe looks at, is anticipating anything secretly. 很多人都小心观看着,暗暗期待着什么。 A fluctuation, has not had aura, even has not transmitted including the sound, the strength wooden such as a water drop has poured into the sea, has not swung the ripples, has not caused any change. 没有一点波动,没有一点气息,甚至连声音都没有传来,力木如一滴水注入了大海,没有荡起涟漪,没有引起任何的变化。 Numerous hoodlums, madmen and person condemned to death, suddenly were startled, puzzled looked to the cavern, suddenly spilled over one share inexplicable chill in the air. 众多暴徒、狂人、死囚,都忽然怔住了,不解的看向洞穴内,忽然泛出一股子莫名的寒意来。 Anna is the eye in vain one bright, a manner loosen, takes out a fruit, the looks at under lake, has tasted one. lì安娜则是眼睛徒然一亮,神态一松,又取出一颗果实,看着下方湖泊,品尝了一口。 That strength wooden silent, means that Shi Yan in cavern, does not have a protection, this explained that he knows he makes anything, is so, Anna felt relieved temporarily that knowing Shi Yan should not be easy to be executed. 那力木的无声无息,意味着洞穴内的石岩,并非没有一点防备,这说明他知道自己做什么,也是如此,lì安娜暂时放下心来,知道石岩应该不会那么容易被格杀掉。 , „! You try!” Larkey grinned fiendishlyyou dead, I will also look after your family member, went.” ,“沙鲁!你去试试!”拉基狞笑一声”“你死了,我也会照看你的家人,去吧。” Also is God King First Sky Realm Warrior, under forcing, has to break in the cavern. 又是一个神王一重天境界武者,在胁迫下,不得不冲入洞穴内。 Same does not have the sound, ominous severe fluctuation that has not battled, the entrant, disappears baseless, silent. 一样没有声息,没有交战的凶厉波动,进入者,凭空消失般,无声无息。 The people thought suddenly the back sends coolly, a little scared. 众人忽然觉得背脊发凉,有点胆寒了起来。
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