GOS :: Volume #8

#793: Startled changes

The purgatory star, lake, Dù Tiān grasps the scarlet imperial crown happily, lowers the head under looks at. 炼狱星,湖泊处,镀天乐手持血色皇冠,低头看着下面。 Suddenly, his complexion appears a dignified astonished color, cannot bear shout lightly: Well 突然,他脸色显出一丝凝重惊异之色,忍不住轻呼起来:“咦” Anna also suddenly has a sleep, cannot help but also earnestly looks to under lake, in the dark green eye pupil, flashes through the pleasant surprise that wipes unable to stop. lì安娜也忽有所觉,不由得也认真看向底下湖泊,暗青色的眼瞳内,闪过一抹止不住的惊喜。 What's the matter? That region, heaven and earth power had the strange fluctuation, this situation, none who does not becomes, did some people want breakthrough?” Dù Tiān Le Leng, suddenly has as if remembered anything, Shi Yan in that.” “怎么回事?那一个区域,天地力量有了诡异的波动,这情况,莫不成,有人要突破了?”镀天乐愣了一下,仿佛忽然想起什么,“石岩在那一块。” The people facial expression shakes. 众人神情一震。 Rochester and Kashewen and Da Lei three people, stare slightly, the vision shines the extraordinary splendor suddenly, stares fiercely to that. 罗切斯特和卡修恩达勒三人,略略一愣,目光突放异彩,猛地盯向那一块。 Only the Ao Guduo complexion is ugly, cannot bear coldly snorted one, appears is not feeling well extremely. 只有奥古多脸色难看,忍不住冷哼一声,显得极其不爽。 In the lake, bare mountain peak cavern, why does not know the reason, gathered huge energy, these energy are dusky, such as not can see body crossed the lacing, was gathering unceasingly, different light stirred up the plaster to shoot, these different light as if were carrying on the purification of power. 湖泊内,一座光秃秃的山峰洞穴处,不知道因何原因,聚集了庞大的能量,那些能量灰蒙蒙的,如被看不见的身子过束紧了,不断地聚集着,一道道异光从中激垩射开来,那些异光似乎在进行着力量的净化。 Time from the beginning, dusky energy only then room general size, gradually, energy continues to attract pulls, gathers nearby heaven and earth energy, energy that each how long, there has gathered, had ten mu place to be big. 一开始的时候,灰蒙蒙的能量只有房间一般大小,渐渐地,其中能量继续吸扯,将附近的天地能量聚集起来,每过多久,那儿聚集的能量,已经有十亩地大了。 The unusual energy fluctuation, appears from that region, once for a while, can see star light, can discover together the small space slit. 奇特的能量波动,从那区域显现出来,时不时的,可以见到一点星光,可以发现一道微小的空间缝隙。 From their this regions, can only see energy that gathers unceasingly, cannot see the scene in cavern, is hard to know that Shi Yan makes anything. 从他们这个区域来看,只能见到不断聚集的能量,看不见洞穴内的场景,也难以知道石岩做些什么。 However, after these days observation, they knows in the participant, can use Strength of Space, making the space appear crack, has one person, that is Shi Yan. 然而,经过这段时间的观察,他们知道参赛者中,能够动用空间之力,让空间显出裂纹者,只有一人,那便是石岩 Therefore, even if cannot see the Shi Yan appearance, they also affirmed that creates this giant sound, was he without doubt. 因此,即便是不能看到石岩的模样,他们也肯定,造成这番巨大动静者,便是他无疑了。 Precise heaven and earth energy that does not live, energy purifies spontaneously mutually, forms strange change fleshly body unusual power, this is True God Realm Warrior breakthrough to the God King Realm most obvious indication. 不住的凝炼天地能量,能量自发相互净化,形成诡异的改变肉身的奇特力量,这是真神境武者突破神王境的最明显的征兆。 Very obviously, this time Shi Yan, was in the breakthrough region. 很显然,这时候的石岩,处于突破的境地。 Among three months of long time, is very short, he can arrive this step, is really not easy, fierce.” Kashewen was lost in thought that has gawked a while, slowly opened the mouth, subconscious looked to Anna. “三个月多时间,很短暂,他能走到这一步,实属不易,厉害。”卡修恩怔怔出神,愣了一会儿,才缓缓开口,下意识的看向lì安娜。 Anna remains unmoved, on the contrary, she is very calm, in the look, has color of the obvious anticipation. lì安娜不为所动,相反,她很冷静,眼神内,有着一丝明显的期待之色。 This boy, if this time can live coming out, has boundless prospects seriously.” Silent some days Da Lei, spoke suddenly, his line of sight has swept the people, dignified saying: Three years ago, I and he have seen, that time he, had True God Second Sky Realm cultivation base.” “这小子,如果此次可以活着出来,当真前途无量。”沉默了有些日子的达勒,突然间讲话了,他视线扫过众人,凝重的说道:“三年前,我和他见过,那时候的他,只有真神二重天境界修为。” He will not misread, three years ago that wars, in his mind, have formed the deep mark, lifelong does not forget. 他绝不会看错,三年前那一战,在他的心中,形成了深深的印记,终身不忘。 He will not forget that in three years ago, True God Second Sky Realm Shi Yan, has pressed his son Da Meng, enabling Da Meng to win. 他不会忘记,在三年前,真神二重天境界石岩,将他儿子达蒙压了下去,让达蒙都不能获胜。 That war, his understood on Shi Yan, has a shadow of person, that shadow vanished together the innumerable years, still makes him awe, making him deeply frightened. 那一战,他知道了石岩身上,有着一个人的影子,那一道影子消失了无数年,依然让他敬畏,让他深深地恐惧。 Also is so, although vexed and ashamed angry, although wants to execute Shi Yan, but he actually does not dare to begin, can only playing tricks secretly. 也是如此,虽然恼羞愤怒,虽然想要格杀石岩,可他却不敢自己动手,只能偷偷的耍手段。 He feared that feared the Shi Yan behind that shadow, is afraid oneself miscalculation together, is afraid and family brings in the total destruction for oneself. 他怕,怕石岩身后的那一道影子,害怕自己估计错误,害怕为自己和家族引来灭顶之灾。 That person, is a Lie Yan Star Field Immortal legend, any has listened to the person of his fact, will not be calm, does not dare to face his point. 那个人,是烈焰星域一个不朽的传说,任何听过他事迹的人,都不会淡定,不会敢面对他的锋芒。 An indifferent explanation of Da Lei, captured the attention and attention of all people suddenly. 达勒的一声淡然解释,突然吸引了所有人的注意和目光。 Ao Guduo could not sit still, has stood from the seat quickly, is difficult to cover the panic-stricken color on face, Da Lei, haven't you made a mistake? Three years ago, does the boy, really have True God Second Sky Realm cultivation base?” 就连奥古多都坐不住了,倏地从座位上站了起来,难掩脸上的惊骇之色,“达勒,你没搞错?三年前,那小子,真的只有真神二重天境界修为?” Rochester expressed admiration, the sigh was inexplicable, Zi Yao was the fate came seriously, I understand finally why she must the Ao Gela quota, give Shi Yan, I understood, this girl, unusual.” 罗切斯特啧啧称奇,感叹莫名,“紫耀当真是运道来了,我终于明白,为什么她要将奥格拉斯的名额,让给石岩了,我真的明白了,这丫头,不同寻常啊。” Kashewen also loudly shakes, eye in this way, deeply inspired brightly, said: Three years, from True God Second Sky Realm breakthrough to Third Sky, if before him, accumulated many years, is not worth actually surprisedly. But his True God Third Sky Realm, definitely achieves in these three years, in other words, in these three years, he from True God Third Sky, has achieved the threshold to God King Realm directly. Three years, have only used the trivial three years, the monster, seriously is monster one 卡修恩也轰然一震,眼睛明亮如斯,深深地吸了一口气,道:“三年时间,从真神二重天境界突破三重天,如果他之前积累了许多年,倒是不值得惊奇。可他的真神三重天境界,肯定在这三年内达成,也就是说,在这三年内,他从真神三重天,直接达到了通往神王境的门槛。三年,只用了区区三年时间,怪物,当真是怪物一个” Kashewen one was clear-sighted. 卡修恩一眼明了。 Perhaps them, Shi Yan of True God Second Sky time, accumulated many power and comprehensions, breakthrough in three years to True God Third Sky, does not make people be hard to accept specially. 在他们来看,真神二重天时候的石岩,或许已经积累了很多的力量和领悟,在三年内突破真神三重天,并不是特别让人难以接受。 Thinks in them, before this, Shi Yan should have long cultivation. 在他们所想,此前,石岩应该已经有了一段漫长的修炼 But now is different. 但现在却不同。 True God Third Sky Realm, to the God King Realm breakthrough turning point, can determine that Shi Yan has used less than three years. 真神三重天境界,到神王境突破契机,可以确定,石岩用了不到三年时间。 What concept is this? 这是什么概念? Five big feudal lords and Dù Tiān are happy, was frightened, suddenly completely silent. 五大诸侯和镀天乐,都被震慑住了,突然全部沉默了下去。 I think, after Warrior breakthrough to God King Third Sky, even if eats Spirit Medicine elixir daily, very difficult in three years, Essence Qi ancient Shu being full. Do not propose the deep meaning that needs innumerable days and nights to comprehend to feel, three years, to us dodge to pass, are only the life courses the small ripples, are nothing to speak. But he,......” Rochester is smiling bitterly unexpectedly shaking the head, in the past I had used for about hundred years, found the breakthrough turning point from True God Third Sky, that is quick, many people, have spent for several hundred years, can achieve God King secret realm “我想,一个武者突破神王三重天之后,就算是天天吃灵丹妙药,也很难在三年时间,将精元古数给充盈起来。更不要提需要无数日夜领悟的奥义感受了,三年时间,对我们来说一闪而逝,只是生命历程的一点小涟漪,不值一提。可他,居然……”罗切斯特苦笑着摇了摇头,顿了一下,“当年我用了近百年时间,才从真神三重天找到突破契机,那已经算是快的了,很多人,花费了数百年时间,才能达到神王秘境啊” The people all are silent do not say. 众人皆是沉默不言。 Hot tempered Ao Guduo, at this time shut up, complexion cloudy clear uncertain, does not know that thinks any thoughts. 就连暴躁的奥古多,此时都闭嘴了,脸色阴晴不定,不知道想些什么心思。 If his cultivation speed, can so maintain.” the Anna cloudy sad voice resounded, has stopped, she looked indifferently to complexion ugly Ao Guduo, „that his beforehand boastful talk, perhaps really can realize. In hundred years, marry on the neck of your Ao Guduo head, not necessarily really were the wild languages.” “如果他的修炼速度,可以这般保持下去。”lì安娜阴恻恻的声音响起,停顿了一下,她淡然看向脸色难看的奥古多,“那么,他之前的狂言,说不定真能实现。百年内,娶你奥古多的颈上人头,也不见得就真的便是狂话了。” Such remarks, the people have remembered this, expression strange looks to Ao Guduo. 此话一出,众人都想起了这一茬,都表情怪异的看向奥古多 Under the gaze of people, Ao Guduo that silent did not say, the complexion even more ugly, grand body, reacted, the look fierce fearsome, obviously had been struck the sore spot. 在众人的注视下,沉默不言的奥古多,脸色愈发的难看,雄阔的身子,都不由地震动了一下,眼神狰狞可怖之极,显然被击到了痛处。 I think that I enough look at him high, has not thought that had underestimated his ability......” Kashewen cancould help laughing, suddenly put out a hand to take up the strong liquor from side maid that gu throat has filled several, he he said: „ Can drink wine to make music with this boy, perhaps later can become the capital that I show off, ha, interesting, perhaps I can witness a miracle, saw that a soft nova raises from the god country, brilliance flash eye. “我以为我足够高看他了,没想到,还是低估了他的能力……”卡修恩哑然失笑,忽然伸手从旁边婢女那拿起烈酒,咕咙灌了几口,呵呵道:“能和这小子饮酒作乐,说不定以后可以成为我炫耀的资本了,哈,有趣,我说不定可以见证一个奇迹,见到一个冉冉新星从神国升起,光彩耀目。 It seems like, after he comes out, I must flatter earlier, Hehe.” Rochester also in agreement gets up, the expression is strange. “看来,等他出来以后,我也要早点巴结巴结了,嘿嘿。”罗切斯特也附和起来,表情怪异。 Ao Guduo eyes several want to torch, body shivers unceasingly, complexion gloomy to the extreme. 奥古多双眸几欲喷火,身子不断地颤抖,脸色阴沉到了极点。 Leaves is too excited, in said in the purgatory field extremely breakthrough, not necessarily was a good deed, have you forgotten him where?” Dù Tiān makes noise happily suddenly, deeply frowns, these years, dare to say in the purgatory field extremely breakthrough, can several people, have the good end?” “都别太激动,在极道炼狱场内突破,不见得就是一件好事,难道你们忘了他在什么地方了?”镀天乐忽然出声,深深皱着眉头,“这些年来,敢在极道炼狱场内突破的,有几人,能有好下场?” Such remarks, the Ao Guduo facial expression shakes, severe Xiao gets up fiercely, good, whatever his potential is how infinite, dares not awfully was saying in the purgatory field extremely breakthrough, brought about own destruction, Ha Ha 此言一出,奥古多神情一震,猛地厉笑起来,“不错,任凭他如何潜力无穷,敢不要命的在极道炼狱场内突破,也是自寻死路,哈哈” Anna also suddenly remembered said extremely the special place of purgatory field, the complexion changed, in the look appeared startled palpitates to worry. lì安娜也突然想起了极道炼狱场的特殊处,不由地脸色微变,眼神中显出一丝惊悸担忧。 Just as expected. 果然不出所料。 Falls in the Dù Tiān happy words soon, in cavern region that Shi Yan hides, started to have the new change. 镀天乐话语落下不多久,在石岩藏身的洞穴区域,开始有了新的变化出来。 Nearby surrounding area in hundred li (0.5km), is ambushing much in secret the person condemned to death, is relying on the strangeness of heaven and earth energy, realized that had anything. 附近方圆百里之内,不少暗中潜伏着的死囚,都依循着天地能量的诡异,意识到发生了什么。 Some people were saying in purgatory field extremely, wanted breakthrough new Realm, this discovery, making these people condemned to death such as be hit the chicken blood to be generally excited, the slight hesitation, has not gathered toward the position that Shi Yan was. 有人在极道炼狱场内,要突破新的一个境界了,这个发现,让那些死囚如被打了鸡血一般兴奋起来,都没有丝毫的犹豫,纷纷朝着石岩所在的方位聚集。 Any Warrior, when breakthrough, cannot receive too the disturbance of outside world, particularly, breakthrough big Realm! This needing secret, even needs Expert Protector, once otherwise suffered the power bombardment of outside world, has no time to take into consideration radically, seized the chance to cut to kill not rare. 任何武者,在突破之时,都不能受到太多外界的干扰,尤其是,突破一个大境界!这更加的需要隐秘,甚至需要有强者护法,不然一旦遭受了外界力量轰击,根本无暇顾及,被人趁机斩杀一点不稀罕 Different with True God Realm breakthrough, he arrives at God King Realm, needs to gather heaven and earth energy to quenching Divine Sense, this is not the easy quick matter. 真神境突破不同,他到达神王境,需要聚集天地能量淬炼神休,这可不是容易快捷的事情。 He cannot divert attention, is hard to use the power imperial enemy, needs the entire energy to be centralized, carries on difficult quenching of breakthrough, once the foreign enemy comes, he is in the region that does not garrison radically. 在此期间,他根本不能分心,也难以动用力量御敌,需要全部精力集中,进行突破的艰难淬炼,一旦外敌过来,他根本就是处于不设防的境地。 Everyone condemned to death, knows that at this time begins how smoothly, therefore, cannot help but has welled up completely. 每一个死囚,都知道此时动手会多么的顺利,因此,全部不由自主的涌了过来。 , Before the Shi Yan cavern, then appears the fierce cut-throat hoodlum madmen to come quickly, looks sketchily, unexpectedly dozens people, achieves the God King Second Sky ruthless person many. 很快地,在石岩洞穴之前,便显现出一个个狰狞凶狠的暴徒狂人来,粗略一看,竟然有数十人,其中不乏达到神王二重天的狠人。 Sometimes Hehe, assigns, he is not clear said extremely the danger of purgatory field, unexpectedly dares so to take risk, Hehe.” Ao Guduo expression relaxes, in the heart is hanging a giant stone, was similar to vanished, has shown the smiling face. 嘿嘿,时也命也,他太不清楚极道炼狱场的危险了,居然胆敢如此冒险,嘿嘿。”奥古多神色放松下来,心中悬着的一颗巨石,如同消失了,又重新露出了笑容。 Rochester and Kashewen and Dù Tiān are happy, looks dignified, frowns, dark abundant sigh, thought that Shi Yan is extremely harebrained, was too not careful that 3 came that many ominous people to observe the situation unexpectedly. 罗切斯特和卡修恩镀天乐,也都神情凝重,纷纷皱着眉头,暗丰叹息,也都觉得石岩太过冒失,太不小心了,竟然3来了那么多凶人环视。 Anna, quite agitated restless, in the heart cursed angrily, thought that Shi Yan was extremely extremely arrogant, clearly know said the bad risk of purgatory field extremely, but also dares in this place breakthrough. 就连lì安娜,也颇为的烦躁不安,心中怒骂,觉得石岩太过狂妄,明知道极道炼狱场的凶险,还敢在此地突破 Her worry, not solely because of star of the life, other...... 她的担心,不单单是因为一颗生命之星,还有别的…… The life and death survival of Shi Yan, is concerning on her a secret, will concern her future, she has to be anxious, when she does not want looks at Shi Yan helplessly by these hoodlums and people condemned to death while breakthrough, to easy harvesting life. 石岩的生死存活,关乎着她身上的一个秘密,甚至关乎她的将来,她不得不紧张,她可不想眼睁睁的看着石岩被那些暴徒、死囚趁着突破时,给轻而易举的收割掉性命。
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