GOS :: Volume #8

#792: True colors

Three months, Shi Yan has killed many people, has obtained not the poor success, however, compared with another five power, he was weak much....... 三个多月的时间,石岩已经杀了不少人,取得了不菲的战绩,然而,和另外五股力量相比,他还是弱了不少……。 He the person of killing, is God King First Sky, cannot kill God King Second Sky Realm Expert, moreover after each fight, he will disappear on the several th, will then come. 他所杀之人,都是神王一重天,没有能够真的将神王二重天境界强者干掉,而且每一次战斗过后,他都会消失几日,然后才会现身。 Like other five power, must know exhausted kills greatly kills especially, as if forever not weary general. 不像别的五股力量,会不知疲惫的大杀特杀,仿佛永不会疲倦一般。 The determination was saying extremely the purgatory field obtains many meritorious services, by killing people many weights, but must look at Realm of person of killing. 判定在极道炼狱场得到多少功勋,并不是以杀人多少衡量,还要看所杀之人的境界 According to custom that Du Tianji supposes, kills God King Second Sky Realm Warrior, can be equal to ten First Sky Realm, that Anna subordinates and Ao Gela, the person of killing, several in God King Second Sky, this intensity, are current Shi Yan does not compare. 按照镀天奇设下的规矩,杀死一个神王二重天境界武者,可以等同十名一重天境界,那lì安娜麾下和奥格拉斯,所杀之人,有几个在神王二重天,这个强度,是目前的石岩比不上的。 His essence Realm, because in True God, therefore has limited, God King Second Sky Realm, he has not dared to challenge temporarily. 他的实质境界,因为在真神,所以有所限制,神王二重天境界,他暂时还不敢挑战。 Only then anticipated that breakthrough God King Realm, he can jump the ranks the challenge, after winning, can not fear the self-confidence that others strike to kill. 只有期待突破神王境界,他才可以越级挑战,获胜后,才可以不惧别人击杀的自信。 He now, could execute God King Second Sky Warrior, but will not be definitely relaxed, will be injured, may also receive the severe wound, said extremely the purgatory field each has the bad risk, will not have the peace time. 他现在,或许可以格杀一个神王二重天武者,但肯定不会那么轻松,将会受伤,可能还会受到重伤,极道炼狱场每一刻都有着凶险,不会有太平的时间。 When Warrior battle, will create the fluctuation of terrifying, will attract the surrounding person condemned to death to gather. 武者交战时,会造成恐怖的波动,会吸引周围的死囚聚集过来。 Once others saw you to reveal the weary condition, was seriously injured, will not speak any custom, instead will be injured to want your life while you. 一旦别人看到你露出了疲态,受了重伤,不会讲什么规矩,反而会趁着你受伤要你的命。 Therefore, has accurate judgment Shi Yan to the situation, until now, does not dare to challenge God King Second Sky easily. 因此,对局势有着准确判断的石岩,直到现在,也不敢轻易挑战神王二重天 Does not fear the defeat, but feared that will suffer to hang creates, the gain does not equal the loss did not discuss, will also become the game of ambush. 不是怕败,而是怕会遭受垂创,得不偿失不谈,还会成为潜伏者的猎物。 He has his conduct criterion, perhaps also because of his being careful, therefore he can live well, gradual enters the step formidable, is accumulating power, is waiting for the breakthrough turning point. 他有他的行事准则,或许也是因为他的小心谨慎,所以他可以活的好好的,逐步的强大进阶着,积累着力量,等候着突破的契机。 But today, under his March's bearing patiently accumulation, that breakthrough turning point, came finally slowly. 而今天,在他三月的隐忍积累下,那一丝突破契机,终于姗姗来了。 A purgatory star corner/horn. 炼狱星一角。 Anna and Ao Guduo and the others, are overlooking under lake fainily, looks at in the people who each region battles, the complexion ice-cold, did not have formerly bickering taunt. lì安娜和奥古多等人,俯视着底下的湖泊,看着在各个区域交战的众人,脸色淡漠冰冷,都没有了先前的斗嘴嘲讽。 Fights the present, understood gradually, was not out of the anticipation the words, three people of Anna subordinates, with the Ao Gela three people, will gain the final victory, became that killed people are most. 战斗到了现在,已经渐渐明了,不出意料的话,lì安娜麾下的三人,和奥格拉斯三人,将会取得最终的胜利,成为杀人最多的一股。 As for Aranza, Tie Mu and two of Rochester subordinates, including that Da Meng and one person, although is also very relaxed, happy has not bumped into the difficult situation now, may currently speaking, they be very difficult to achieve the final success. 至于亚兰、铁牧和罗切斯特麾下的两人,包括那达蒙和一人,虽然也很轻松,喜今没有碰到棘手的情况,可从目前来看,他们很难获得最终的胜利。 The people, three months of fight, indicates that the final result, the winner, decides however can be the Anna's subordinates three people, or is the Ao Gela three people. 在众人来看,三个月的战斗,预示着最终的结果,获胜者,定然会是lì安娜的麾下三人,或者是奥格拉斯三人。 Also makes the people take to heart, is Anna and Ao Guduo unrestrained gambling, is Shi Yan. 还让众人耿耿于怀的,便是lì安娜和奥古多的豪赌,是石岩 They are anticipating silently, hopes that Ao Gela and Shi Yan were saying in the purgatory field to meet extremely, a war that anticipated these two. 他们都默默的期待着,希望奥格拉斯和石岩在极道炼狱场内碰面,期待这两人的一战。 Said extremely the purgatory field is enormous, is having purgatory star 50% areas, vast boundless, in opportunity that the two meet, is not very big. 只是,极道炼狱场极大,拥有着炼狱星一半的疆域,辽阔无际,在其中两人碰面的机会,并不是很大。 Only if, only if they seek on own initiative. 除非,除非他们主动寻找。 Ao Gela now, in doing this matter, whenever he executes one person, before letting that person at the point of death, will inquire that Shi Yan news, hopes to obtain the Shi Yan position as soon as possible, is good to carry on his bloody slaughter not to have to kill. 奥格拉斯如今,就在做着这件事,他每当格杀一人,在让那人临死之前,都会询问石岩的消息,希望尽快得到石岩的方位,好进行他的血腥屠冇杀。 He records the Ao Guduo excuse sincerely, his hatred to Shi Yan, makes him every day in angry. 他谨记奥古多的说辞,他对石岩的仇恨,也让他每日都在愤怒着。 However, with Shi Yan meeting, almost by his heartless execution, is so, Ao Gela is unable to learn of the Shi Yan news, irritable quite. 然而,与石岩碰面者,几乎都被他无情的格杀,也是如此,奥格拉斯无从得知石岩消息,颇为的急躁。 On this day, the Ao Gela opportunity came, he bumps into that Dark Spirit Clan God King Second Sky Realm Warrior that Shi Yan has met first, with is God King Second Sky, Heaven's Chosen Child Ao Gela power, originally strong he, let alone, Ao Gela also solely is not only one person. 这一天,奥格拉斯的机会来了,他碰到了石岩最先遇到的那个暗灵族神王二重天境界武者,同为神王二重天,天之骄子奥格拉斯的力量,本来就强过他,更何况,奥格拉斯还不单单只是一人。 That person of destiny, was doomed very early in the morning. 那人的命运,一早就注定了。 Disastrous defeat, severe wound, was imprisoned the soul and body. 惨败,重伤,以至于被禁锢了灵魂和身体。 At this time, Ao Gela anxiously starting, the manner is not indifferent, said: Can have a news of True God Realm participant? That person is in our participants, Realm weakest two, he will not summon Demonic Beast to come out, if you know that his position, told me, I kept your entire corpse.” 此时,奥格拉斯没有急着下手,神态冷漠,道:“可有一个真神境参赛者的消息?那人是我们参赛者之中,境界最弱的两人,他不会召唤妖兽出来,如果你知道他的方位,告诉我,我留你全尸。” Was imprisoned the soul and God Body Dark Spirit Clan Expert, a face despairs, he has listened to the name of Ao Gela, knows the savage method of opposite party, therefore, is only slightly one hesitant, he then said: I know his position.” 被禁锢了灵魂和神体暗灵族强者,一脸绝望,他听过奥格拉斯之名,知道对方的凶残手段,因此,只是略一犹豫,他便说道:“我知道他的方位。” The Ao Gela eyes have shone in vain, changes countenance terrified, „, so long as you told my approximate position, you can make you not die by the pain, making your God Body be able to be complete.” 奥格拉斯眼睛徒然亮了起来,悚然动容,“只要你告诉我的大致方位,你可以让你不受痛苦死去,让你神体得以完整。” I three months ago after having seen him, has ambushed some time in secret, his approximate position, indeed knows.” This person silent several seconds, knew that is very difficult to escape Ao Gela execution, even if obstinate argumentative, if the opposite party his soul carrying, searches for the soul with the mystique, he still cannot preserve the secret, therefore, he is very honest, the position explanation of Shi Yan. “我三个月之前见过他以后,暗中潜伏了一段时间,他的大致方位,的确知道。”此人沉默了几秒,自知很难逃过奥格拉斯的格杀,就算是嘴硬,对方如果将他灵魂给拎出来,用秘法搜魂,他依然不能保全秘密,因此,他很老实的,将石岩的方位说明。 Bang! 轰! This person of body by innumerable golden rays of light tearing the smashing, the blood splash, such as drizzle scatters place, the smell of blood is rich. 此人身体被无数金色光芒给撕裂成粉碎,鲜血飞溅,如蓬蓬细雨散落一地,血腥味浓郁。 Ao Gela has not kept his entire corpse, on the contrary, he is sneering lowly, vented general, golden lightning glow stirred up not to have to shoot from his God's Domain, put to death by dismemberment that person stiffly, the flesh and blood was stirred the meat to stick. 奥格拉斯没有留他全尸,相反,他低低冷笑着,发泄一般,一道道金色电芒从他神之领域内激冇射出来,将那人给硬生生凌迟,血肉都被搅成肉糊。 Finally found you.” Ao Gela lowers the head, the look is cloudy, suddenly said: Changes the position, was the time receives the life of that boy.” “终于找到你了。”奥格拉斯垂着头,眼神阴厉,忽然道:“改变方位,是时候将那小子的性命收掉了。” Warrior of that two Ao Guduo subordinates, early knows that his disposition, is unalarmed by strange sights, nodded, indicated to understand. 那两个奥古多麾下的武者,早知道他的心性,见怪不怪,点了点头,表示明白。 One line of three people, according to the position that person of institute said that went far away rapidly. 一行三人,按照那人所说的方位,迅速远去。 „This child disposition is cruel, does not have touch of humanity, did not speak the custom, even/including Bi died the person to deceive, was very good, I liked.” The day star, the god country Lord Du Tianji lowly chuckled, purity that the Ao Gela method looks. “此子心性残暴,没有一点人情味,不讲规矩,连必死之人都骗,很好,我喜欢。”天涅星,神国之主镀天奇嘿嘿低笑,将奥格拉斯的手段看的一清二楚。 Zi Yao, in the beautiful pupil flashes through one to confuse actually, the black eyebrows deep lock, the complexion obviously is not slightly comfortable. 倒是紫耀,美眸中闪过一丝迷惑,黛眉深锁,脸色略显不自在。 Since the corpse has been straight, Ao Gela before her, well-mannered that displays, gives her one type temperately such as to wash the feeling of spring breeze, she has never seen the Ao Gela other aspect. 尸直以来,奥格拉斯在她面前,都表现的彬彬有礼,给她一种温和如沐春风的感觉,她从来不曾见过奥格拉斯的另外一面。 Today, here, she clarity that the Ao Gela savage method looks, also understands finally that Ao Gela before her is a person, when she cannot see, will turn into another person. 今天,在这儿,她将奥格拉斯的凶残手段看的清清楚楚,也终于明白,奥格拉斯在她面前是一个人,在她看不见的时候,又会变成另外一个人。 She, in heart lake, such as was invested a pebble, ripples the ripples of faint trace, the secret train of thought gets up. 她,心湖内,如被投入一颗小石子,荡漾起丝丝的涟漪,暗暗的思绪起来。 The fellow, did not camouflage himself desirably, from beginning to end, displays unfeelingly, compared with Ao Gela, he as if, „... Can accept. 那家伙,一直不刻意伪装自己,从始至终,都表现出冷酷无情,和奥格拉斯相比,他似乎,“…更能接受一点。 Her silently is thinking, facial expression is a little absent-minded, is the Ao Gela method is a little fearful. 她默默的想着,神情有点恍惚,为奥格拉斯的手段有点心寒。 The hosts of god country give a calm smile, not to care completely, flash, thought with a laugh a little loses? Ao Gela in god country originally ominous illustrious, but after having become your Entourage, desirably has restrained much, haven't you seen him of this appearance?” 神国之主淡然一笑,满是不在意,笑呵呵的,“耀儿,是不是觉得有点失落?奥格拉斯在神国本来就凶名赫赫,只是成了你扈从后,才刻意收敛了不少,你是不是没有见过这个模样的他?” Zi Yao bitter and astringent nodded, he and my time together, is well-mannered, to the person very kind enthusiasm, my Zi Yao star has handled to him, all mortals also very much trust love him, said that his sunlight is temperate.” 紫耀苦涩的点了点头,“他与我一道的时候,都是彬彬有礼,对人很亲切热情,我那紫耀星一直给他打理,各方凡人也都很信赖爱戴他,说他阳光温和。” Du Tianji is astonished however, my silly daughter, that is because Ao Gela must pursue you, therefore in your front, will show best side. You do not know, before he has not run into you ominous name? Desirably was neglected by you?” 镀天奇讶然,“我的傻女儿啊,那是因为奥格拉斯要追求你,所以才会在你的面前,展现出最好的一面来。你难道不知道,他没有遇到你之前的凶名?还是被你刻意忽视了?” Zi Yao silent, half sound, helpless saying: Possibly is I in the same place, he displays outstanding was too temperate, I do not believe that outside rumor is true.” 紫耀沉默了下来,半响,才无奈的说道:“可能是和我在一起的时候,他表现的太出众温和了,以至于我不相信外面的传言属实。” Was saying, her facial expression moves suddenly, has a new thought. 这么说着,她忽然神情一动,产生一个新的念头来。 The bastard, has thought the same way before me, will not display own perfect sunlight desirably, instead often clenched jaws speaks some irksome words callously,..., Doesn't he have what idea to me really? Therefore won't care about me to her impression? 那混蛋,在我面前一直表里如一,不会刻意的表现自己的完美阳光,反而时常咬牙切齿冷酷的说些惹人厌的话,是不是…,他真的对我没有什么想法?所以才不会在意我对她的观感? Thinks that in her heart has light losing, thinks some angrily, the beautiful pupil flashes through anger. 想着想着,她心中有着淡淡的失落,觉得有些愤然,美眸闪过一丝怒意 This does not have anything, is very normal, your father I pursued your mother in the past time, is temperate courteous, will not look at to her wicked side. Because of caring, therefore attentively will protect the opposite party, although Ao Gela ominous illustrious, but he to you, thinks through a matter actually, this point I can guarantee.” Du Tianji is having a smile, that boy, does not have anything to read to you perhaps actually thinks that will appear the original appearance, so also good, if can use for you, will not conceal other thought that might as well be a good deed.” “这没什么,很正常啊,你父王我当年追求你母亲的时候,也是温和有礼,不会将恶的一面给她看。因为在意,所以才会用心来呵护对方,奥格拉斯虽然凶名赫赫,可他对你,倒是真的用心良苦,这一点我敢保证。”镀天奇含笑着,“倒是那个小子,或许对你没什么念想,才会显出本来的面目,如此也好,如果真能为你所用,又不是暗藏别的念头,未尝不是一件好事。” I do not like others putting on airs before me, is too false, is too false, my rather Ao Gela shows really not to have solid, do not bring the mask to be together with me.” Zi Yao gains ground suddenly, looks to behind the Lord of god country, „ I thought that is together with Shi Yan such person, instead is more relaxed. “我不喜欢别人在我面前装模作样,太虚伪,太假,我宁愿奥格拉斯展现真冇实的自己,不要带着面具与我相处。”紫耀突然抬头,看向身后的神国之主,“我觉得,和石岩那样的人相处,反而更加轻松一点。 Du Tianji silent, as if has remembered anything, the look is complex, the good half sound, he to mutter whispers: „...... Perhaps, in the past I really had made the mistake, your mother, because of this matter, because discovered that my method savage is angry. Perhaps, I do not camouflage myself from the beginning, instead will not make her have a mind to tie.” 镀天奇沉默了下来,似乎想起了什么,眼神复杂,好半响,他才喃喃低语:“……,或许当年我真的做错了,你母亲,也因为此事,因为发现我手段凶残恼怒。或许,我一开始就不伪装自己,反而不会让她有心结。” Zi Yao beautiful pupil glittering, „did father, why mother die?” 紫耀美眸闪烁了一下,“父王,母亲到底因何而死?” The Du Tianji complexion is in vain ugly, snort|hum, has no longer talked too much. 镀天奇脸色徒然难看,哼了一声,不再多言。 In Zi Yao heart disturbed, has not continued to closely examine, but the curious fire in her heart, will not be easy to be put out. 紫耀心中忐忑,也没有继续追问下去,可她心中的好奇之火,绝不会那么容易熄灭。 For a long time after for a long time, Du Tianji opens the mouth once more, flash, if you can choose, Ao Gela and that boy, whom you will choose? Behind the Ao Gela present has Ao Guduo, boy, although cultivation Death Deep Meaning, may look like with that person and independent. From the present, his potential is inferior to Ao Gela, can your help, be inferior, must choose one person to live, you hope to live finally, is who?” 许久许久之后,镀天奇再次开口,“耀儿,如果你可以选择,奥格拉斯和那小子,你会选谁?奥格拉斯背后有奥古多,那小子,虽然修炼死亡奥义,可看起来和那人并无关联。从现在来看,他潜力不如奥格拉斯,能够给你的帮助,更加不及,真要挑选一人活,你希望最终活下来的,是谁?” Zi Yao stunned, expression is absent-minded, the good half sound, to lower the head twittering: I do not know.” 紫耀愕然,神色恍惚,好半响,才低头呢喃:“我不知道。” Actually you do not need to choose, among them, only then a person can live, they can help you decide.” Du Tianji gives a calm smile, the manner is relaxed, does not know that thinks anything. “其实你不用选择,他们当中,只有一人可以活下来,他们会自己帮你决定。”镀天奇淡然一笑,神态轻松,不知道想些什么。
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