GOS :: Volume #8

#791: Gradually is formidable!

Shi Yan does not know that Lyan and Ao Guduo for him, carry on the T unrestrained gambling, he does not know that in day star the Lord of god country, is looking at carefully to pay attention to him in secret. 石岩并不知道利安娜和奥古多为了他,进行T豪赌,他不知道远在天涅星的神国之主,在暗中端详注意着他。 In said in the purgatory field extremely, after having executed three Sea Clan God King First Sky Realm Warrior, he beyond the far escaping thousand li(500 km), sought a secluded mountain peak cavern immediately, silently a three God King Realm Warrior essence, to thorough digestion absorption. 在极道炼狱场内,格杀了三名海族神王一重天境界武者以后,他立即远遁千里之外,寻了一处僻静的山峰洞穴,默默的将三个神王境武者的一身精气,给彻底消化吸收。 Since breakthrough to True God peak Realm, his acupoint had been developed, can hold the absorption negative energy, had the archery target to fly upwards. 自从突破真神巅峰境界,他穴窍被拓展过,可以容纳吸收的负面能量,有了质的飞升。 Not only so, he discovered that his oneself after little will fall into crazily, by Negative Emotions pulling into unconscious situation. 不但如此,他发现他己经很少会陷入疯狂,被负面情绪给扯入神志不清的地步。 The occurrence of this change, is before very early, had, in the past in the meteorite sea, he used all spirits in mining, the heart not gets off one's main subject, Divine Soul can empty bright. 这个变化的发生,很早之前就有了,当年在陨石海洋,他将所有精神都用在采矿上,心无旁骛,神魂得以空明净化。 He discovered that so long as his dedicated matter, maintains the brightness of spiritual platform, goes to the stable mind desirably, In general, will not accidentally discharge Bedevilment easily. 他发现,只要他专注一件事,保持灵台的明净,刻意去稳固心神,一般来说,是不会轻易走火入魔的。 Initially, the homicide fell that Underworld Clan Expert, Soul Gathering Bead and forehead mark adds inner world 5 Devils to fuse together, turns into new Soul Altar, at that time, he perceived that formed the time in sacrificial altar, mental became the even more tenacious corner/horn is bright. 当初,他杀掉那名冥族强者,聚魂珠和额头印记加心海五魔一起融合,变成新的一处灵魂祭台,那时候,他就觉察到,在祭台形成时候,心智变得愈发坚韧角明。 He thought that reason that he will not accidentally discharge Bedevilment easily, the formation with that spiritual platform is inseparable. 他觉得,他之所以不会轻易走火入魔,和那灵台的形成密不可分。 In the jet black dim cavern, he sits cross-legged to be well-grounded, taking advantage of the slit of cave entrance stone, whole focuses on the feeling settling the change in body plaster. 漆黑昏暗的洞穴内,他盘膝着地,借着洞口石块的缝隙,阖着眼感安着体垩内的变化。 The mystical different strength that this time purifies, has not pasted to the Essence Qi old tree, his fine tooth, the old tree has been full the pinnacle, only if breakthrough, achieves God King Realm again, expands several times, otherwise cannot income once more. 这次净化出来的神秘异力,没有流转向精元古树,他的精牙,古树已经充盈到了极致,除非再一次突破,达到神王境界,扩展几倍,不然不会再次的收益。 This mystical different strength, is divided into two parts to integrate his body, part changes into unusual energy, emerges his whole body flesh and blood, is in each muscle, strengthens the flesh and blood skeleton, quenchings to the body once again. 此次神秘异力,分成两部分融入他身体,一部分化为奇特的能量,涌入他浑身血肉,处于每一块肌肉内,增强血肉骨骼,对身体又一次淬炼。 Many mystical different strength, under his transformation desirably, were given to be precise Immortal Devil Blood by him, three God King First Sky Sea Clan Warrior essence, were used to turn into Immortal Devil Blood most probably. 更多的神秘异力,在他的刻意转化下,被他给凝炼出不死魔血,三个神王一重天海族武者的精气,大半被用来化成不死魔血 Altogether obtains twenty drops of Immortal Devil Blood, was preserved by him in a flesh and blood corner/horn, can be used to oppose the enemy at crucial moments. 一共得到二十几滴不死魔血,被他储藏在血肉一角,可以在关键时刻用来对敌。 In Kashewen that Gravity Room, power that tries Immortal Devil Blood to stimulate, he sets firm resolve, in said in the purgatory field extremely, must through hunt and kill Expert unceasingly, came little accumulation Devil Blood, is good the bureau of bringing in new blood carried on him to expect. 卡修恩重力室,尝试过不死魔血激发出来的力量,他就下定决心,在极道炼狱场内,要通过不断地猎杀强者,来一点点的积累魔血,好进行他期望的换血之局。 At this time, in Immortal Devil Blood that in his body plaster preserves, already seventy drops, although to bringing in new blood also to have very long section of road, but he saw the hope dawn. Every one time restores to control one's breathing, quenchings to the body plaster, he will calm the mind, is realizing the space, life and death and stars silently three and power deep meaning. Every one time hands over in the play, will display these three and deep meaning, spreads out in the fight turns with according to Divine Ability Martial Skills that the tactical situation creates, gradually, his understanding to three and power deep meaning, even more profound. 此时,在他体垩内储藏的不死魔血,已有七十几滴,虽然离换血还有很长一段路,可他已经见到了希望曙光。每一次恢复调息,对体垩内进行淬炼,他都会静下心来,默默的体会着空间、生死、星辰三和力量奥义。每一次交戏中,都会施展这三和奥义,在战斗中衍变成和和依据战况创造出来的神通武技,渐渐地,他对三和力量奥义的认识,愈发的深刻。 It is not quite same as other Warrior, he when enters step True God Realm, in Soul Altar, three and deep meaning forms together. 和别的武者不太一样,他在进阶真神境的时候,灵魂祭台内,三和奥义一起形成。 Perhaps so, he has not advocated the explicit division of deep meaning and auxiliary deep meaning, him, these three and deep meaning is broad and profound, does not have that and deep meaning is small and weak, any one and deep meaning, has the enormous help for him. 或许正是如此,他没有主奥义和辅奥义的明确划分,在他来看,这三和奥义都博大精深,没有那和奥义弱小,任何一和奥义,对他来说都有着极大的帮助。 With three, Sea Clan Expert that war, makes him realize that three and deep meaning has brought the what kind help to him. 和三个,海族强者的那一战,也让他认识到,三和奥义给他带来了何等帮助。 If he does not have Space Deep Meaning, impossible three people of terrifying strikes melting, later is also hard to defeat that three people, if no Death Deep Meaning, three people of souls will not be affected, finally unconscious goes. 如果他没有空间奥义,不可能将三人恐怖的一击给化解,之后也难以击败那三人,如果没有死亡奥义,三人不会灵魂受到影响,最终神志不清的去赴死。 He can neat achievement, the different deep meanings be concerned with his cultivation, three and accurate utilization of deep meaning in battle time, are the keys that he wins. 他能干脆利落的获胜,和他修炼了不同的奥义有关,三和奥义在交战时候的精准运用,才是他取胜的关键。 For him, these three and deep meaning, is the main deep meaning, does not want to fall, he believes that these three and deep meaning can grow together, in the future, making his battle efficiency promote to the extremely high region. 对他来说,这三和奥义,都是主奥义,一个不想落下,他坚信,这三和奥义能够一起成长,在未来,让他的战斗力提升到极高的境地。 The looks at front silently, Divine Sense is reserved, is feeling the change of body, injects sacrificial altar the soul, actually careful experience. 默默的看着前方,神识内敛,感受着身体的变化,将灵魂注入祭台,却仔细的体会。 Some little time, he mouth silent smiling, came out from the cavern, has traced purgatory command token, suddenly flew. 好一会儿,他哦嘴无声的笑了笑,从洞穴内出来,摸了一把炼狱令牌,突然飞了出来。 Divine Sense pours into purgatory command token together, the surroundings life fluctuation within ten li (0.5km), will appear in purgatory command token, making him one clear-sighted. 一道神识注入炼狱令牌内,周围十里之内的生命波动,都会出现在炼狱令牌中,让他一眼明了。 He is shuttling back and forth in the wooded mountain of length and breadth, does not have the accurate goal direction, but to seek for possible fight. 他在广袤的山林中穿梭着,没有准确的目的方向,只是为了寻找可能出现的战斗。 A weak fluctuation, passed from purgatory command token suddenly, induces with rapt attention, his chuckled, the speed of speeding along, sped up quickly suddenly, plunders in a direction of lake. 一丝微弱的波动,突然从炼狱令牌内传了出来,凝神感应一下,他倏地嘿嘿笑了起来,飞驰的速度,骤然加快了起来,朝着一处湖泊的方向掠去。 After half double-hour. 半个时辰后。 The fight ended, a God King First Sky Realm person condemned to death, is floating in the lake, life force cuts certainly. 战斗结束,一名神王一重天境界的死囚,在湖泊内浮着,生机斩绝。 He narrows the eyes to focus, stayed in lake silently a while, sets off the journey once more. 他眯着眼,在湖泊处默默呆了一会儿,再次踏上征程。 He has become, hunter, ambushes in the death of each region I imprisons, is his game, naturally, role relative, some people condemned to death, once discovers him, will regard the delicious game him. 他成了一个,猎人,潜伏在各个区域的死I囚,都是他的猎物,当然,角色是相对的,也有的死囚,一旦发现他,也会将他当成可口的猎物。 He until now is still True God Realm cultivation base, everyone condemned to death, so long as discovers him, will regard the soft persimmon to pinch him, wants through executing him, obtains purgatory command token. 他至今依然是真神境修为,每一个死囚,只要发现他,都会将他当成软柿子掐,想要通过格杀他,获得炼狱令牌 Most of the time, once he comes, is the link talks too much one really without enough time, by game that he stares, will stick out suddenly launches an attack, laughing wildly, is attacking him. 大多数的时候,一旦他现身出来,甚系环来不及多言一句,被他盯上的猎物,都会暴起发难,狂笑着,率先对他进行攻击。 Enters said extremely purgatory field, is the ruthless people, each comes Realm of participant not to be low, True God Third Sky, this is the basic threshold, not compared with True God Realm participant better starting object, therefore, once some people condemned to death discover him, instead will be popular the plaster to exert excitedly. 进入极道炼狱场的,都是狠人,每一个来参赛者的境界都不低,真神三重天,这是入门的门槛,没有比真神境参赛者更好的下手对象了,因此,一旦有死囚发现他,反而会兴垩奋激动。 How long could not want, these people condemned to death will then discover that Realm lowest he, was said in extremely purgatory field participant, a bone that most make things difficult gnawed. 只是,要不了多久,那些死囚便会发现境界最低的他,乃是极道炼狱场参赛者中,最为难啃的一根骨头。 Through purgatory command token, he is searching the game unceasingly, once peaceful presently can starting, will immediately overrun, battles unceasingly, kills the opposite party unceasingly, obtains the opposite party essence, restores power, quenchings the fleshly body skeleton, precise Immortal Devil Blood. 通过炼狱令牌,他不断地搜索着猎物,一旦安现能够下手者,马上会冲过去,不断地交战,不断杀死对方,获得对方的精气,来恢复力量,淬炼肉身骨骼,凝炼不死魔血 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 Suddenly, three months passed by, he does not remember that he experienced many time has fought, does not remember that has killed many people, his fighting will forever the prosperous prestige, power throughout was maintaining peak Realm. 眨眼间,三个多月过去了,他不记得他经历了多少次战斗了,也不记得杀了多少人,他战斗意志永远旺威,力量始终保持着巅峰境界 Through these days fight, Immortal Devil Blood in his body plaster, has achieved the astonishing more than 300 drops! 通过这段时间的战斗,他体垩内的不死魔血,达到了惊人的300多滴! This is never has the thick repeatedly altitude. 这是从来不曾有过的浓屡高度。 300 drops of Immortal Devil Blood, have been able to replace the blood of his two arms, he has attempted, once lets the blood that two arms flow, turns into Immortal Devil Blood, his two hands, as if are containing inexhaustible power, energy that can erupt, tears God King Realm Warrior God Body, compared with tearing a paper difficulty many. 300滴的不死魔血,已经可以将他两只手臂的鲜血换掉,他尝试过了,一旦让两只手臂流淌的鲜血,变成不死魔血,他那两只手,仿佛蕴藏着无穷无尽的力量,能够爆发出来的能量,撕裂一名神王境武者神体,比撕裂一张纸困难不了多少。 Does not annihilate Devil Blood, is containing the evil energy of rushing, fuses with him perfectly, in fight , he in addition has not used. 不歼魔血,蕴藏着澎湃的邪恶之能,和他完美的融合,战斗中,他尚且没有动用过。 But he believes that if at this time some people compel the hopeless situation him, once stimulates completely Immortal Devil Blood power, he can change the situation, even converts failure into victory! 可他相信,此时若是有人将他逼到绝境,一旦将不死魔血力量全部激发出来,他可以扭转局势,甚至转败为胜! Three months of fight, each fight, he realizes three through the match and essence of power deep meaning. 三个月的战斗,每一场战斗,他都通过对手来体会三和力量奥义的精髓。 Said the purgatory field extremely, was really an incomparably marvelous place, here, his understanding and sense of touch to three and power, became the incomparable sensitivity. 极道炼狱场,果然是一个无比奇妙的地方,在这儿,他对三和力量的认识和触觉,变得无比的敏感。 Each war, he executes the match through three and power deep meaning, will have the understanding of new First Level to three and power deep meaning, each time after fight, when precise Immortal Devil Blood, he will summarize the fight the defective part, the comprehension fight to the exquisiteness of power deep meaning utilization. 每一战,他通过三和力量奥义格杀对手,都会对三和力量奥义有新一层的认识,每次战斗过后,在凝炼不死魔血时,他都会总结战斗的欠缺部分,领悟战斗时对力量奥义运用的精妙。 Gradually, his understanding and comprehension to three and power deep meaning, is even more profound. 渐渐地,他对三和力量奥义的了解和领悟,愈发的精深起来。 On this day, he hunted and killed five God King First Sky people condemned to death, the consumption are many, looks at five were torn the smashing by him the corpse, in the pool of blood, his expression is everywhere faint, look actually bright such as drill. 这一天,他猎杀了五个神王一重天的死囚,消耗不少,看着五具被他撕裂成粉碎的尸首,在满地血泊中,他神色淡漠,眼神却明亮如钻。 His body trembles to ask gently, in calming the mind was realizing from experience just that war, utilized three and exquisiteness of power deep meaning, the soul as if returns in formerly fight, was realizing secretly. 他身躯轻轻颤求着,在静心的体悟着刚刚那一战,运用三和力量奥义的精妙,灵魂似乎重新回到了先前的战斗中,在暗暗的体会着。 As if has remains the goal light together, brilliantly was fiercely bright in his Soul Altar, he there, the look appears the strange fluctuation, if there is a stars luminous spot to emit, the whole body cannot be restrained revealed the death and life force two and entirely different attribute. 仿佛有一道剩目的光,在他的灵魂祭台内猛地绚烂崭亮了,他愣在那儿,眼神显出奇异的波动,如有星辰光点散溢,周身不可抑止的流露出死亡和生机两和截然不同的属性来。 Slight space slits, chi chi by him in void appears, his whereabouts, the space hand had the riot, becomes uncontrolled gets up. 一道道细微的空间缝隙,也嗤嗤的在他旁边的虚空内显现开来,他所在之处,空间似手发生了暴乱,变得不受控制起来。 Such indifferently is standing, Divine Sense is absent-minded, as if enters some and secret realm. 就这么漠然站着,神识恍恍惚惚,仿佛进入某和秘境 Half sound, he just liked saw any marvelous sight, on the face appeared the color of being enchanted by, suddenly fast escaped, such as the star light, dodged to pass together, seeks meditation. 半响,他犹如见到了什么奇观,脸上显出迷醉之色,突然快速的远遁出去,如一道星光,一闪而逝,觅地苦修 He knows that he grasped the mystery, so long as studied diligently following that route, so long as has harvested, puzzled his for a long time Realm threshold, will open wide for him. 他知道,他把握住了奥妙,只要顺着那一道线钻研下去,只要有所收获,困扰他许久的境界门槛,将会为他敞开。 Once he achieves God King Realm, he believes that in this said in the purgatory field extremely, his game, from God King First Sky Realm, will promote to two, Third Sky, to that time, his Immortal Devil Blood precise speed, rapid speeding up. 一旦他达到神王境,他相信,在这极道炼狱场内,他的猎物,将会从神王一重天境界,提升到二、三重天,到了那时候,他不死魔血的凝炼速度,将会迅速的加快。 Among the flashes, he then disappears to disappear. 一霎那间,他便消失不见了。 A purgatory star corner/horn, on mountain peaks, five big feudal lords and Dù Tiān happy and the others, the scene in earnest looks at lake. 炼狱星一角,一座座山峰上,五大诸侯和镀天乐等人,都认真看着湖泊内的场景。 And, was changed into several regions, in each region, has a ruthless person to be budding. 其中,被化为数个区域,每一个区域内,都有一个狠人崭露头角。 Inside fight occurred, in lake will appear the clear image to come out, therefore, Anna, Ao Guduo and the others, almost saw said each fight of purgatory field extremely. 里面一场战斗发生,湖泊内都会显现出清晰的影像出来,因此,lì安娜、奥古多等人,几乎看到了极道炼狱场的每一场战斗。 In fights, the three youth of Anna subordinates, with the Ao Gela three people, imitate the sharp weapon that if a handle destroys the hardest defenses, the place visited, most people condemned to death will be punctured the smashing, only then God King Third Sky Realm Expert, will evade its point on own initiative, in meeting, by these two power executing. 在一场场战斗中,lì安娜麾下的三个青年,和奥格拉斯三人,仿若一柄无坚不摧的利器,所过之处,大多数死囚都会被刺成粉碎,只有神王三重天境界强者,会主动避其锋芒,没有在会面的时候,被这两股力量给格杀。 Besides these two power, Aranza and Tie Mu of Kashewen subordinates, two Warrior of Rochester subordinates, in addition Da Lei they, has not suffered too many difficulties. 除了这两股力量外,卡修恩麾下的亚兰和铁牧,还有罗切斯特麾下的两个武者,加上达勒两人,也是没有遭受太多的困难。 These three power successes, are well below Anna subordinates and Ao Gela three people, the person condemned to death quantity of kills is limited. 只是,这三股力量的战绩,远远不及菲安娜麾下和奥格拉斯三人,所杀的死囚数量有限。 All alone Shi Yan, is one, the success, can only be the same temporarily. 孤身一人的石岩,也算是一股,战绩,暂时只能算一般般。
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