GOS :: Volume #8

#790: Selects hard starting!

Three Sea Clan god 1 boundary Warrior, were burnt down bear Tanjin by flame hard, has place bone dregs remaining. 三个海族的神1境武者,被火焰硬甘甘焚烧熊炭烬,只有一地骨头渣剩下。 da Yang of Shi Yan in the torrential flame, draws in Death Deep Meaning additional negative energy, is narrowing the eye, three God King Realm Warrior essence income[ body] , the complexion is indifferent, does not have exhausted after fierce combat. 石岩在滔滔火焰中龘央,将死亡奥义附加的负面之力收拢,眯着眼睛,把三个神王境武者一身精气收入〖体〗内,脸色淡然,没有一点激战后的疲惫。 He truly has not consumed too many energy. 他也确实没有消耗太多的能量 The help of Earthcore Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame, enabling him to break the opposite party power of deep meaning domain water easily, his Space Deep Meaning, gives to embezzle three people of most strength from the beginning, this fights the victory also stems from neat that he anticipates. 地心火朱雀真火的帮助,让他可以轻易破掉对方的水之力量奥义领域,他的空间奥义,一开始又将三人的大多数力多给吞没,以至于这一战胜利的也出乎他意料的干净利落。 In the turbulent flame, he does not have the too much relieved tranquil time, he then deeply frowned quickly, coldly snorted. 在汹涌的火焰中,他没有太多安心平静的时间,很快地,他便深深皱起眉头,冷哼一声。 Purgatory command token of waist, spreads the eight-part essay life to fluctuate, his battles with these three Sea Clan Warrior, the person condemned to death who nearby obvious letting had perceives, quietly collected toward here. 腰间的炼狱令牌,传出八股生命波动,他与这三个海族武者的交战,明显的让附近存在的死囚觉察到了,都悄悄朝着这边汇集了过来。 A purgatory star corner/horn, but also falls into the shock the da Yang's five big feudal lords, keen perceiving to the new change, is the facial expression shakes, under stares once more. 炼狱星一角,还陷入震惊中龘央的五大诸侯,也敏锐的觉察到新的变化,都是神情一震,再次凝视下方。 Hehe!” Ao Guduo grins fiendishly, did not speak, but his expression, explained his chuckling to oneself and complacent. 嘿嘿嘿!”奥古多狞笑起来,也不讲话,可他的神色,说明了他的窃喜和得意 Shi Yan experiences one to struggle hard, Ao Guduo , he although struck to kill three Sea Clan, but he also consumed certainly really in a big way. 石岩才经历过一番苦战,在奥古多来看,他虽然击杀了三个海族,可他一定也消耗甚大。 At this time, suddenly had more people condemned to death to close up, achieved God King Second Sky Realm, by his experience, he believes that person definitely could not repress, will stick out suddenly absolutely launches an attack, through executing Shi Yan, gains purgatory command token together, can run away the birth day from purgatory star, had a new lease of life. 这时候,忽然有更多死囚靠拢,其中还有一名达到神王二重天境界,以他的经验,他相信那人肯定按捺不住,绝对会暴起发难,通过格杀石岩,来获取一块炼狱令牌,得以从炼狱星逃出生天,重获新生。 Kashewen and Rochester are also same as his thoughts, knit the brows to look at carefully below earnestly. 卡修恩和罗切斯特也都和他心思一样,皱了皱眉头认真端详下面。 Only then Anna manner still tranquil cold Lipie Ao Guduo and the others one, coldly snorted one, full is the meaning of ridicule. 只有lì安娜神态依然平静冷厉瞥了奥古多等人一眼,冷哼一声,满是讥讽之意。 He ended.” Ao Guduo spreads out the hand, with a laugh, is very happy, you prepare to cede the star of life to me.” “他完了。”奥古多摊开手,笑呵呵的,很是欣悦,“你就准备将生命之星割让给我吧。” Kashewen has pulled the corners of the mouth, looked at Ao Guduo, visits Anna, has not spoken, the manner is strange. 卡修恩扯了扯嘴角,看了看奥古多,也望望lì安娜,并没有讲话,神态怪异。 Gives you star of life? Ao Guduo your eye blind saw clearly carefully!” obviously Anna sneers constantly, the person who will not admit defeat easily. “给你生命之星?奥古多你眼睛瞎了仔细看清楚吧!”lì安娜冷笑不迭,显然不会轻易认输的人。 Zi Yao has chosen a good follower actually, this boy, if can pass says the smelting trial of purgatory field extremely, future achievement simply unquantifiable.” Dù Tiān happily quite sigh with emotion, True God Third Sky, jumps the ranks the challenge, one time to three God King Realm, but also agile achievement, I look in our god homes, few juniors can achieve.” 紫耀倒是挑选了一个好的追随者,这小子,如果能够通过极道炼狱场的试炼,将来的成就简直难以估量。”镀天乐颇为感慨,“真神三重天,越级挑战,一次对上了三个神王境,还利落的获胜,我看在我们神国内,也没有几个小辈可以做到。” Rochester also nodded, saying of approval: Boy is really a little method no wonder Zi Yao for him, lets the Ao Gela quota. Un, it seems like that this time, Zi Yao looked right, this girl, the vision was truly sinister.” 罗切斯特也点了点头,赞同的说道:“小子果然是有点手段难怪紫耀为了他,将奥格拉斯的名额让出来。嗯,看来这一次,紫耀又看对了,这丫头,确实目光毒辣。” Fart!” Ao Guduo looks angrily at him, calls out one, my nephew Ao Gela does not want to struggle, knows that can obtain a quota from my hand, will give him. Snort, I must have a look but actually, whether he can go on living really!” “放屁!”奥古多怒视他,暴喝一声,“我侄儿奥格拉斯是不想争,知道可以从我手中获得一个名额,才会让给他。哼,我倒要看看,他是否真的能够活下去!” You are attractive.” Rochester raises head, does not fear looks to him, said easely: Why does not know, I believe suddenly that the boy can live from was saying extremely the purgatory field came out.” “那你就好好看看吧。”罗切斯特仰头,不惧的看向他,悠然说道:“不知道为何,我突然相信,那小子可以活着从极道炼狱场出来了。” Rochester, you want to say that my nephew will die?” The Ao Guduo facial expression is fierce, saying of coldly. “罗切斯特,你是想说,我侄儿会死?”奥古多神情狰狞,冷冷的说道。 nodded, Rochester is grinning, good, if Shi Yan can short time breakthrough arrive at God King Realm, I believe that he can live, your nephew, really could die, Ha Ha.” 点了点头,罗切斯特笑嘻嘻的,“不错,如果石岩可以短时间突破神王境,我相信,他能活下来,你侄儿嘛,可能真是会死,哈哈。” The Ao Guduo complexion is extremely ugly, hot tempered is groaning, the vision is ominous, seemed aroused the violent disposition. 奥古多脸色极其难看起来,暴躁的哼哼着,目光凶厉,似乎被激起了狂性。 However, Kashewen or Rochester, with his same feudal lord, naturally cannot fear him, but also taunted 1-2 once for a while, let his violent anger even more. 然而,不论是卡修恩还是罗切斯特,都是和他一样的诸侯,自然不会惧怕他,还时不时冷嘲热讽一两句,让他越发的暴怒。 His that eyes eyeball, looks stubbornly to the lake boat place, if the vision can penetrate the past, perhaps by his Realm cultivation base, can assassinate by the look Shi Yan directly stiffly. 他那一双眼睛,死死看向湖舟处,如果目光可以穿透过去,以他的境界修为,说不定可以直接将石岩给硬生生以眼神刺死。 What a pity, the lake is Du Tianji makes specialist refine, is containing enormous marvelous mystical, even if he, cannot penetrate directly with the soul. 可惜,湖泊乃是镀天奇让专人炼制而成,蕴藏着极大的奇妙神秘,就算是他,也不能用灵魂直接穿透进去。 Good.” The day star, the god country your majesty Du Tianji nodded, feels the chin, has met one: Really good.” “不错。”天涅星,神国陛下镀天奇点了点头,摸着下巴,又接了一句:“真的不错。” A Zi Yao face likes, I said that this fellow mystical, will not be easy to lose, he he.” 紫耀一脸欢喜,“我就说嘛,这家伙一身的神秘,决不会那么容易输掉的,呵呵。” Your this girl, the vision has been very good, I am very gratified.” Du Tianji deeply looks to her, half sound, sighed, was a pity that what a pity you were not a man, if were not so, I will not have a headache.” “你这丫头,眼光一直很好,我很欣慰。”镀天奇深深看向她,半响,才叹息一声,“可惜,可惜你不是男儿身,若是不然,我也不会那么头疼了。” Zi Yao complexion one dark, the innermost feelings spill over one bitterly and astringently helpless, sighed, no longer talked too much. 紫耀脸色一暗,内心泛出一股苦涩无奈,叹息一声,不再多言。 Increasing that in the flaming flame, the high temperature does not live, nearby old tree helps even more ominously rose the fierceness of flame, combustion severe, in sea of fire, Shi Yan manner nose, if, such as the javelin is standing erect, the look looks into all around. 熊熊的火焰中,高温不住的攀升,附近的古树助涨了火焰的凶猛,燃烧的愈发凶厉,在火海内,石岩神态鼻若,如标枪般竖立着,眼神眺望四周。 Not far away jungle deep place, is ambushing eight people condemned to death, including person obtains God King Second Sky Realm, the life magnetic field compared with others more prosperous prestige many, these people, was responded obviously by purgatory command token of his waist. 不远处的密林深处,潜伏着八名死囚,其中有一人得到神王二重天境界,生命磁场明显比别人更加旺威许多,那些人,都被他腰间的炼狱令牌反应出来了。 Shi Yan does not dare to act rashly, seven God King First Sky, God King Second Sky, this power, even if he again is extremely arrogant, does not dare to say the victory. 石岩不敢轻举妄动,七名神王一重天,一名神王二重天,这股力量,就算是他再是狂妄,也不敢言胜。 Especially, he just experienced a war, has absorbed three Sea Clan essence, but also needs to restore to purify some time, at this time fights, to him is extremely not Litt. 尤其是,他刚刚经历一战,吸收了三个海族的精气,还需要一段时间来恢复净化,此时战斗,对他是极其不利特的。 He does not dare to reveal a weary condition. 他不敢露出一丝疲态。 He believes that these ambushes in greedy person in secret, once discovered that he shows the weak sign, definitely crazily will rush ahead, becomes the smashing to the crush him, captures purgatory command token of his waist. 他相信,那些潜伏在暗中的饿狼,一旦发现他露出不支的迹象,必然会疯狂的冲杀上来,将他给碾压成粉碎,夺取他腰间的炼狱令牌 At this time, he instead calmed down, has hesitated a while in the torrential sea of fire, suddenly face upwarded to laugh wildly, in the grating howl, he began unexpectedly. 这时候,他反而冷静下来,在滔滔火海内沉吟了一会儿,突然仰天狂笑起来,在刺耳的啸声中,他居然率先动手。 Bunch flame fine energy, is tumbling from his side precise, as if beyond day flame meteorites, accurate ambushes the wild bang to go toward these. 一团团火焰精能,从他身旁凝炼翻滚着,仿佛一块块天外的火焰陨石,准确的朝着那些潜伏着狂暴的轰去。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The flame falls to the ground, ambush launches God's Domain, or immediately suddenly to retreat, either resists by own power. 火焰落地,潜伏者一个个将神之领域展开,要么立即暴退,要么以自己的力量来抵御。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 The sad and shrill howl, punctures the eardrum, the implosion on the scene comes fiercely. 凄厉之极的啸声,刺破耳膜,猛地在场内爆开来。 Cannot see the howling sound to originate, can only perceive Bone Thorn that swift and fierce incisive power, three quenching, such as three evil spirits, contain Space Deep Meaning, speeds along without a trace, but leaves behind the terrifying howl. 看不见呼啸声来源,只能觉察到凌厉之极的尖锐力量,三根重新淬炼的骨刺,如三条厉鬼,蕴藏空间奥义,飞驰无影无踪,只是留下恐怖的啸声。 Ambush, God's Domain was punctured instantaneously, Bone Thorn appears towering, puts on to enter, goes directly to that person of neck. 一个潜伏者,神之领域被瞬间刺破,骨刺突兀显现,一穿而入,直达那人脖颈 Peng! 嘭! The sad explosive, transmits from that person of direction, that ambush, appears instantaneously, is Dark Spirit Clan Expert, is in ambush Realm highest one. 沉闷的爆响,从那人方向传来,那名潜伏者,瞬间显现,乃是一名暗灵族强者,正是潜伏者中境界最高的一位。 God King Second Sky! 神王二重天 pa pa! 啪啪 Another two Bone Thorn, closely associated, connects the visualization, punctures maliciously. 另外两根骨刺,如影随形,接连显形,狠狠地刺去。 That Dark Spirit Clan Expert, expression, two void unceasingly precise laws decide dignifiedly, split the shining gloss. 那名暗灵族强者,神色凝重之极,两手虚空不断地凝炼法决,绽出灿灿的光泽。 If smoke flower erupts, Bone Thorn and his law shell definitely in together, blooms the most dazzling light, punctures the person retina. 如烟huā爆发,骨刺和他的法决轰击在一起,绽放出最炫目的光,刺人眼膜。 He hasty precise law decides, precise becomes Dark Spirit Clan numbers quietly, such as living creature, three Bone Thorn ominous pricked crazily for blocking, but his body, connected suddenly to retreat, appeared distressed. 他仓促凝炼的法决,凝炼成一个个暗灵族的悄号,如活物般,将三根骨刺的凶狂刺入给挡住了,可他的身体,也接连暴退,显出一丝狼狈来。 The bunch giant flame, tumbling, is going toward the strange seven ambush bang, these people withdraw quietly, does not dare to continue to peep in side. 一团团巨大的火焰,翻滚着,朝着奇异七个潜伏者轰去,那些人一个个悄然后撤,不敢继续在旁边窥视。 God King Second Sky Realm Dark Spirit Clan Expert, the precise law decides unceasingly, that three Bone Thorn, such as the evil spirit follows, cannot throw off, cannot hit, instantaneous stealth, next quarter, explodes to shoot from the most cunning angle, making that person be tired out by being probable to do. 神王二重天境界暗灵族强者,不断地凝炼法决,那三根骨刺,如厉鬼跟随,怎么也甩不掉,一击不中,瞬间隐形,下一刻,又从最为刁钻的角度爆射出来,让那人疲于应行。 , The fellow then takes great pains quickly, looked at Shi Yan one from afar, ice-cold snort|hum, fled suddenly. 很快地,那家伙便不厌其烦,远远看了石岩一眼,冰冷的哼了一声,突然遁走。 Other seven bystanders, see including the God King Second Sky Realm character, has to evade the point temporarily, has almost not thought that also in abundance evacuation not awfully. 其余的七名围观者,一见连神王二重天境界的人物,都不得不暂避锋芒,几乎没有多想,也纷纷不要命的撤离。 The time of a blink, side Shi Yan, did not have ambush again. 一眨眼的功夫,在石岩身旁,再没有了一个潜伏者。 Also was at this time, the Shi Yan forehead revealed the perspiration mark, the tight nerve relaxed slightly, swallowed medicinal pills hurriedly, restored to control one's breathing. 也是这时候,石岩额头显出汗迹,紧绷的神经稍稍放松下来,急忙吞服丹药,恢复调息。 Second Sky of God King Realm, is really formidable, his attachment has Space Deep Meaning Bone Thorn, cannot tear God's Domain suddenly, pricks opposite party God Body in a flash. 神王二重天之境,果然强大,他那依附有空间奥义骨刺,都不能突然撕裂神之领域,一瞬间刺入对方神体 He almost spells to try, to the Space Deep Meaning displays his comprehension, even entered the energy of stars in the Bone Thorn englacial melting, makes the opposite party have one to dread that cannot injure him. 他几乎拼尽了全力,将他对空间奥义的领悟都施展开来,甚至在骨刺内融入了星辰之能,也只是让对方有一丝忌惮,没有真的能够伤害到他。 Reason that person suddenly to retreat , because supposed that does not permit his[ really] solid power, fear, once battles a mutual wounds with him, made use to chase down by other seven ambush, finally not only cannot attain purgatory command token, instead will cause heavy losses strikes to kill. 那人之所以暴退,是因为估摸不准他的〖真〗实力量,害怕一旦和他交战个两败俱伤,被其余七名潜伏者趁势追杀,最终不但拿不到炼狱令牌,反而会被重创击杀。 In the Shi Yan heart understands, if surrounding ambush that many, have not been only that Dark Spirit Clan Expert one person, he can affirm that the opposite party will not give up, definitely fully will strike to kill him. 石岩心中明白,如果周围的潜伏者没有那么多,只是那暗灵族强者一人,他敢肯定,对方绝不会善罢甘休,必然会全力击杀他。 Reason that the opposite party draws back, displays to surmount Realm formidable power besides him, is main, feared that others sneak attack him, therefore has to temporarily leave. 对方之所以退,除了他表现超越境界的强大力量之外,最主要的,还是怕别人偷袭他,所以才不得不暂时离开。 Choice most Expert begins, really he expects, played the biggest awesome effect, although has consumed enormous power, but person does not dare to stop over now, this showed sufficiently his judgment was accurate, looks for right the method. 挑选最强者动手,果然不出他所料,起到了最大的震慑作用,虽然消耗了极大的力量,可如今身边一人不敢逗留,这足以证明他的判断准确,找对了方法。 If he chooses a God King First Sky Realm fellow to start, finally possibly was not this, not only cannot play the awesome effect, will also strike to execute his opportunity to that God King Second Sky Realm Expert, finally possibly brought ruin and shame upon oneself, tragic death place. 要是他挑选一个神王一重天境界的家伙下手,结果可能就不是这样了,不但不能起到震慑作用,还会给那个神王二重天境界强者一击格杀他的机会,最终可能身败名裂,惨死此地。 Pays attention all around to me, the spread ten li (0.5km), has the life to be close, immediately told me!” “都给我留意四周,扩散十里,一有生灵接近,立即告诉我!” Divine Sense has complied in the purgatory command token inner sense, his decisive issuing order, when departs in the sea of fire to Heavenly Flame quietly, he leaves immediately since then, flies crazily toward the region of more remote danger. 神识在炼狱令牌内感应了一下,他果断的下达命令,待到天火在火海内一个个悄然飞出,他马上从此地离开,朝着更加偏僻危险的区域狂飞出去。 A twinkling time, his image, then happy and the others in the line of sight vanishes from Anna, Ao Guduo, Dù Tiān, does not appear in the lake. 一眨眼功夫,他的影像,便从lì安娜、奥古多镀天乐等人视线内消失,不在湖泊内显现出来。 Is very intelligent, the fight experience, the critical moment is richly calm, is a character.” In day star the Lord of god country, he he has smiled suddenly, nodded, „, is less inferior than Ao Gela, I anticipated very much that treats him and Ao Gela met with, I think that war, should be more interesting.” “很聪明,战斗经验丰富之极,关键时刻冷静自如,是个人物。”远在天涅星的神国之主,突然呵呵笑了起来,点了点头,“果然,不比奥格拉斯逊色,我很期待,斯待他和奥格拉斯会面,我想那一战,应该更加有趣。” The Zi Yao complexion is gloomy, in the pupil flashes through a pain to be helpless. 紫耀脸色灰暗,眸中闪过一丝痛苦无奈。 Ao Gela and Shi Yan, are her Entourage, whoever wins whom to lose, loses, is she. 奥格拉斯和石岩,都算是她的扈从,不论谁胜谁负,损失的,都是她。
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