GOS :: Volume #8

#789: Death Sky

The purgatory field extremely. 极道炼狱场内。 Three God King First Sky Realm Sea Clan Expert, the excited excited mood one does not return, instead thinks all over the body ice-cold, face whiten. 三个神王一重天境界海族强者,兴奋激动的情绪一去不回,反而觉得通体冰冷下来,脸色苍白。 The Shi Yan power deep meaning, stems from their unexpected side doors to be strange, they responded radically without enough time that as a result of the error in judgment, concentrates three Milky Way that in body refining most power breeds, was embezzled by the space crack instantaneously, does not remain. 石岩力量奥义,出乎他们意料之外的偏门诡异,以至于他们根本来不及反应,由于判断错误,凝炼体内大半力量孕育出来的三条天河,被空间裂缝瞬间吞没,一丝不剩。 power that pours into, was pulled into the space slit, can never receive, three people of power large scale subductions. 灌注出去的力量,被扯入空间缝隙内,永远也收不回来,三人力量大幅度消减。 In inverse proportion, the Soul Burial Field deep meaning that Shi Yan already quietly released, secretly took away three people of life force much. 此消彼长,石岩早已悄悄释放出来的灵魂葬场奥义,在不知不觉间,将三人身上的生机已经偷偷抽掉不少。 Three Sea Clan Expert power large scale retrogression, but he, is depending upon the soul Mou Chang mystery, derives the surrounding life luminous spot forcefully, instead the energetic air/Qi is full, whole body is full huge power. 三个海族强者力量大幅度消退,可他,依靠着灵魂牟场的奥妙,强行汲取周围的生命光点,反而精神气饱满旺盛,浑身充盈着庞大的力量 Day star imperial palace. 天涅星皇宫。 The Du Tianji eye glistens slightly, flickers looks at present that giant mirror warning that does not move , the manner has obvious amazed, he has gawked a while, turns the head to look to nearby Princess Zi Yao, „ flash, this boy, but also understands the space power deep meaning?,... 镀天奇眼睛微微闪亮,一瞬不移的看着眼前的那一块巨大镜鉴,神态有明显的惊诧,他愣了一会儿,别头看向旁边的紫耀公主,“耀儿,这小子,还懂得空间力量奥义?,… Zi Yao is a little awkward, she just added that Shi Yan understood studies diligently in a power deep meaning, now suddenly appears Space Deep Meaning to come, making her somewhat embarrassed, father, his cultivation power deep meaning, indeed...,...... A little heterogeneous, but.” 紫耀有点尴尬,她刚刚还说石岩懂得在一种力量奥义上钻研,如今又突然显现出空间奥义来,让她有些不好意思,“父王,他修炼力量奥义,的确…,……有点驳杂了,不过。” Du Tianji waved, has stopped her explanation, brushed the mouth to give a calm smile, said according to you that he knows he made anything, I must have a look at this fellow but actually whether knew this point.” 镀天奇挥挥手,制止了她的解释,刷嘴淡然一笑,“按照你所说,他知道他做什么,我倒要看看这家伙是否真的知道这一点。” The Zi Yao forced smile did not say. 紫耀苦笑不言。 Du Tianji touches the chin, „is really a greedy boy, has changed others, if obtains Death Deep Meaning, will not pay attention to other deep meaning mouth solely Death Deep Meaning, in our Lie Yan Star Field was rarely seen, the average man saw has not seen. Had this high level power deep meaning not to be content, went to other cultivation deep meaning, really how I did not know this child actually to want.” 镀天奇摸了摸下巴,“真是个贪心的小子,换了别人,如果得到死亡奥义,绝不会理会别的奥义口单单一种死亡奥义,在我们烈焰星域便是奇葩了,常人见都没有见过。有了这种高阶的力量奥义还不知足,又去修炼别的奥义,我真不知道此子到底想怎么样了。” He in the space power deep meaning, the attainments is also great.” Zi Yao explained. “他在空间力量奥义上,造诣也不浅。”紫耀解释。 nodded, Du Tianji said: Can look, can in True God Realm cultivation base, tear the space slit to come out stiffly together, this proves his sharpness sufficiently uncommonly extremely. Once achieves God King Realm, but also so bites off more than one can chew, to his future cultivation base, not necessarily will be the good deed.” 点了点头,镀天奇道:“看得出来,能够在真神境修为,硬生生撕裂出一道空间缝隙出来,这足以证明他的领悟力极其的不凡。只是,一旦达到神王境,还这般贪多嚼不烂,对他将来的修为,不见得就是好事。” Zi Yao also a little has a headache, is this, but he is quite in any case special, the body has the places of many mystical, the father looks at 0 slowly, even if I, to his understanding, is not specially deep, could not see that he hid many.” 紫耀也有点头疼,“是这样的,可他反正比较特殊,身上有着诸多神秘之处,父王慢慢看吧0即便是我,对他的了解,也不是特别深,也看不出他到底隐藏了多少。” Interesting.” Du Tianji nodded, reveals the attention expression. “有趣。”镀天奇点了点头,露出注意的神色 The purgatory field extremely. 极道炼狱场内。 Shi Yan will exert in energy of top of the head takes back, that huge space slit, little being hidden disappears. 石岩将施加在头顶的能量收回,那一道巨大的空间缝隙,一点点的隐没不见了。 looks at three face whiten Sea Clan Expert, he brushes the mouth to smile, not anxiously not slow, paces to walk toward one of them. 看着三个脸色苍白的海族强者,他刷嘴笑了笑,不急不缓,踱步朝着其中一人走去。 The step is firm, the place visited, nearby old trees and innumerable bright flowers and plants, withered and yellow died, the rapid accent please, have hidden the insect in soil, stopped sounding. 步履坚定有力,所过之处,附近的古树和无数鲜艳的花草,一颗颗枯黄死去,迅速的调请了,藏匿在泥土内的虫豸,也都停止了鸣叫。 Da Lei of surrounding, the eye glistens suddenly, the facial expression slightly shakes, in the heart shouted darkly: Came! 外围的达勒,眼睛突然闪亮起来,神情微震,心中暗呼:来了! Soul of Mang Chang Death Deep Meaning, once releases, only then true thorough, can keen perceiving. 死亡奥义之灵魂莽场,一旦释放开来,只有真正深入其中者,才可以敏锐的觉察到。 The outside world person, cannot in the image through lake, come soul Mang Chang to the clear discovery, reason that Da Lei judges Shi Yan to display this deep meaning, purely through the unusuality of hundred flowers, old tree and insect , he because has experienced with own eyes, knows the strange indication that this deep meaning forms, therefore affirmed. 外界的人,是不能通过湖泊内的影像,来将灵魂莽场给清晰的发现到,达勒之所以判断出石岩施展出这种奥义,纯粹是通过百花、古树、虫豸的异常,他因为亲眼见识过,知道这种奥义形成的诡异征兆,所以肯定。 They cannot see, have the small luminous spot, imitates, if raindrop, in abundance toward the Shi Yan gathering. 他们并不能看到,有微小的光点,仿若雨点,纷纷朝着石岩汇聚。 But these bystanders, actually discover Shi Yan the unusuality of mistake, secret surprised, unclear situation. 可那些围观者,却发现石岩所过处的异常,也都暗暗惊奇,不明情况。 Besides Da Lei, a little understands clearly only, was Lianna of five big feudal lords. 除了达勒之外,唯一有点洞悉的,便是五大诸侯的莉安娜了。 She saw that these hundred flowers invited weakly, saw the old tree withered and yellow, dark green eye has shone quickly, stopped severe Xiao, became dedicated, looked at carefully the situation in field earnestly. 她一见到那些百花凋请,看到古树枯黄,暗青色的眼睛倏地亮了起来,停止了厉笑,又变得专注起来,认真地端详场内的局势。 Ao Guduo and Rochester and Kashewen three feudal lords, are happy with Dù Tiān, what in the field has quite the same as unconsciously, but sees that three Sea Clan Warrior, the look is gradually dim, as if the vigor extracted. 奥古多和罗切斯特、卡修恩三名诸侯,和镀天乐一样,浑然不觉场内发生何事,只是看到那三名海族武者,眼神渐渐黯淡下来,似乎精气神都抽取了。 Failure that they mump, can appear, is just in time opposite with them, is the fighting spirit that Shi Yan rushes, in eyes erupts the bright that trembles excitedly, such as Ferocious Beast of wax blood, works loose from the endless abyss, must fill the belly with the flesh and blood. 他们斗气的衰竭,还是可以显现出来的,和他们正巧相反的,乃是石岩澎湃的斗志,双眸中爆发出兴奋震颤的亮光,如蜡血的凶兽,从无尽的深渊挣脱出来,要用血肉之躯来填饱肚子。 Death Sky!” 死亡天幕!” Shi Yan paces slowly, the manner is tranquil, before arriving at three people , a kilometer place, suddenly, has lowered the head to drink one lowly. 石岩缓缓踱步,神态平静淡定,来到三人身前千米之处,忽然顿了一下,垂头低喝一声。 deathly silence bleak desperate aura, fills the air in vain from him, in his acupoint, gushes out cruelly, Jin Sha, hate suddenly wait / etc. scary negative energy, energy change into ash-gray smog, is fiercely precise in his top of the head, turns into a gigantic ash-gray tent. 一股死寂荒凉的绝望气息,徒然从他身上弥漫开来,他穴窍内,骤然涌出暴戾、靖杀、怨恨等等骇人的负面能量,一股股能量化为一条条灰色的烟雾,猛地在他头顶凝炼起来,变成一块硕大的灰色帐幕。 In that ash-gray tent, death aura, as if can give to cut off all life force strongly. 在那灰色帐幕内,死亡气息浓烈之极,仿佛可以将一切生机都给斩断。 This is he comprehends Death Deep Meaning, one of the Martial Skills Divine Ability on the spot creating, is based on Death Deep Meaning, concise negative energy forms the offensive... Is spreading out void turns into together grey Death Sky of slippery fellow, oppresses from the vault of heaven. 这是他领悟死亡奥义,现场创造出来的武技神通之一,以死亡奥义为基础,凝练负面能量形成攻势…在虚空衍变成一块猾头的灰色死亡天幕,从苍穹压迫下来。 By three Sea Clan Expert that Death Sky covers faintly, the complexion is gloomy, expression has short absent-minded. 被那死亡天幕隐隐罩住的三个海族强者,脸色灰暗,神色有着短暂恍惚。 In that ash-gray backdrop, innumerable Negative Emotions multiply, from their eyes, as if was a death world, did not see one to hope life force, thorough ice-cold deathly silence, as if had the countless ghost evil spirits to sob, was summoning them in that death world. 在那灰色天幕中,无数负面情绪滋生,从他们的眼中来看,其中仿佛便是一个死亡世界,不见一点希望生机,彻底的冰冷死寂,仿佛有数不尽的冤魂厉鬼哭泣着,在那个死亡世界内召唤着他们。 Among ignorant, their flood a marvelous thought that thought one were part of that death world, there, is their inevitable ownerships. 浑浑噩噩间,他们泛起一种奇妙的念头,觉得自己便是那死亡世界的一部分,那儿,将会是他们的必然归属。 The appearance of this Negative Emotions, means that their fighting spirit faith were beaten, cannot form the complete consciousness, naturally impossible completely to display power in within the body. 这个负面情绪的出现,意味着他们的斗志信念被击垮了,不能形成完整的意识,也自然不可能将体内的力量全部发挥出来。 The confusedness of look, obviously is more and more profound, three people seemed to be foolish, standing in same place motionless, whatever such Death Sky covers slowly, their bodies covering. 眼神的迷茫,越来越明显深刻,三人仿佛痴傻了,愣愣的站在原地一动不动,就这么任由死亡天幕缓缓罩下来,将他们三人的身子给笼罩。 In Death Sky death energy came out precise, formed huge Seal of Death, came from the ash-gray cloud cluster implosion loudly, maliciously toward that Zhao who they pressed, in the fearful bad risk, they awaking of instinct turned around. 死亡天幕内死亡能量凝炼出来,形成一块块巨大的死印,轰然从灰色云团内爆开来,狠狠地朝着他们按下来的那一钊,在可怕的凶险中,他们才本能的醒转过来。 Three people of God's Domain are again precise, strives within the body remaining energy stimulation, in the fluent sound, strength of the be continuous supple water, has formed the white wave mark, the bang goes fiercely upwards. 三人神之领域再一次凝炼出来,勉力将体内残余的能量激发,在哗哗的水流声中,一股绵延柔水之力,形成了白色水波纹,猛地朝天轰去。 `... Burning down! ” ‘…焚烧!” The Shi Yan facial expression remains unmoved, in the soul flashes through together the thought. 石岩神情不为所动,灵魂内闪过一道念头。 Strength of Earthcore Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame, in the flame with his solar source essence can melt is ominous crazy flame, in the violent by his pomelo mouth clashes, as if a flame flood dragon, breaks in the ripple of water three people have formed directly. 地心火朱雀真火之力,与他的太阳源精内炎能融为一股凶狂的火焰,由他柚口内暴冲出来,仿佛一头火焰蛟龙,直接冲入了三人形成的水之波纹。 The terrifying flame flood dragon winds to march forward, these withered and yellow flowers and plants trees flaming combustion get up in abundance, the hard stone melts the strange juice, among instants, in the Shi Yan front several kilometers regions, have become the flame sea. 恐怖的火焰蛟龙一路蜿蜒行进,那些枯黄的花草树木纷纷熊熊燃烧起来,就连坚硬的石头都融化成奇异的汁水,一霎间,在石岩前方数千米区域,都成了火焰海洋。 The flame covers the four directions, while this opportunity, Earthcore Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame dives secretly, releases flame energy in the sea of fire in all directions. 火焰笼罩四方,趁此时机,地心火朱雀真火偷偷潜出来,在火海内四处释放火焰能量 Three people God's Domain that strives to make, to so torrential great fire burning down, the speed of power consumption was even more quick, the Sea Clan instinct fears the fire, such one, their bodies even more do not adapt, started ignorant. 三人勉力弄出来的神之领域,给这般滔滔巨火一焚烧,力量消耗的速度愈发快捷了,海族天性怕火,这么一来,他们身体愈发不适应,又开始浑浑噩噩了。 Death Sky affects Soul Consciousness evil energy, seizes the chance to seep, goes directly to their Soul Altar, affected their Divine Soul. 死亡天幕影响灵魂意识的邪恶能量,趁机渗透进来,直达他们的灵魂祭台,影响了他们的神魂 Pitiful three Sea Clan God King First Sky Realm Expert, continually the error in judgment, to the direct spirit break that the Shi Yan strange evil power deep meaning made, was reversed the intelligence by Death Sky, unexpectedly on own initiative walked toward the backdrop and sea of fire. 可怜三个海族神王一重天境界强者,连番判断错误,给石岩诡异邪恶的力量奥义弄的直接精神崩溃了,被死亡天幕扭转了神智,居然主动朝着天幕和火海内走去。 The Shi Yan complexion is calm, Divine Sense releases, looks at carefully three people of every action and every movement secretly, does not dare to have the slight general idea. 石岩脸色冷静,神识释放开来,暗暗端详三人的一举一动,不敢有丝毫的大意。 Numerous outside bystanders, absent-minded look to the lake, complexions must strangely strange. 众多外面的围观者,失神看向湖泊,一个个脸色要多怪异就有多怪异。 They in inside, have not known that in Death Sky strange evil energy of that influence soul, their angles, that three Sea Clan Expert, was suddenly silly, was insane, unexpectedly gave up the resistance, walks toward the sea of fire, on own initiative by grey smog covering. 他们没有在里面,不知道死亡天幕内那影响灵魂的诡异邪恶能量,在他们的角度来看,那三个海族强者,突然傻了,疯了,居然放弃了抵御,朝着火海内走去,主动被灰色的烟雾给覆盖。 Also is at that moment, the bystander realized suddenly that under the Shi Yan strange power deep meaning, that three Sea Clan Expert, feared had been finished, has not reversed the hope that occupies again. 也是那一刻,围观者忽然意识到,在石岩诡异的力量奥义下,那三个海族强者,怕是真的完蛋了,再也没有扭转占据的希望。 Fact also indeed so. 事实也的确如此。 Walks three Sea Clan Expert of Human Flame within the four seas, God Body cannot undergo burning down of Earthcore Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame, long time, three people of God Body do not melt gradually, has become the bloody water, was volatilized the scarlet smog by the flame. 人火海内的三个海族强者,神体也经受不住地心火朱雀真火的焚烧,不多时,三人的神体渐渐融化掉,成了血水,被火焰挥发成血色烟雾。 What is strangest, three people do not know the headache quite the same as, such wooden is standing, as if lost the soul, does not know that they the gradual trend death, were not knowing their God Body, already in gradual dissolution. 最为诡异的是,三人浑然不知头疼,就这么木然站着,仿佛失了魂魄,不知道他们正逐渐的走向死亡,不知道他们的神体,已经在逐渐的溶解。 These in a purgatory star corner/horn, sit well on mountain peaks, in the vision bright looks at lake the scene person, the back sends suddenly coldly, spills over an ice-cold strange fear mood. 那些在炼狱星一角,端坐在一座座山峰上,目光熠熠看着湖泊内场景的人,突然背脊发寒,泛出一股冰冷怪异的畏惧情绪。 The deaths of three Sea Clan Expert, were not bloody, was not cruel, strangely made them feel the scene that strangely saw was the virtual image. 三个海族强者的死亡,不血腥,不残忍,却诡异之极,诡异的让他们觉得看到的场景是虚像。 Who can not treasure own life? What person has not to be been painful by roaring flame burning down whooshes? Who will go to own initiative? 有谁会不爱惜自己的生命?有什么人被烈焰焚烧不痛苦嘶吼?有谁会主动赴死? That three Sea Clan Expert die is tranquil, the bystander is more scared, looks Shi Yan the vision to the field, thinks a little creepy feeling. 那三个海族强者死的越是平静,围观者越是胆寒,看向场内石岩的目光,也觉得有点头皮发麻。 This boy, really thorny fearful, does not know that what method has used, unexpectedly can make the match go to own initiative, does not know the ache, what power deep meaning is this? 这小子,果然棘手可怕,不知道施展了什么手段,居然能让对手主动赴死,不知疼痛,这是什么力量奥义? Ao Guduo, Rochester and Kashewen gloomy the face, in the vision is also having avoiding mentioning the meaning of startled palpitation, secret vigilant, thought that Shi Yan this fellow really easily does not cope, does not know that cultivation the what kind evil evil and cruel deep meaning, had such effect unexpectedly. 奥古多、罗切斯特、卡修恩阴沉着脸,目光内有着隐讳的惊悸之意,暗暗警惕,觉得石岩这家伙果然不容易对付,也不知道修炼何种邪恶歹毒奥义,居然有如此功效。 Da Lei expression cloudy clear uncertain, did not say a word, the brow deeply wrinkled. 达勒神色阴晴不定,一言不发,眉头深深皱起。 Has Lianna, suddenly is tranquil, as if has determined anything, extraordinary relaxation is optional, calm is eating the clear fruit, leisurely, as if has untied the heart knot. 只有莉安娜,忽然平静下来,似乎确定了什么,出奇的放松随意,淡定的吃着晶莹果实,优哉游哉,仿佛解开了心结。 ? First, does obeisance to ask monthly ticket!! ?第一更,拜求月票!!
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