GOS :: Volume #8

#788: Rips the day!

Stems from Shi Yan to anticipate, after he comes, that three people condemned to death also want compared with him excitedly excited. 出乎石岩意料,当他现身以后,那三名死囚比他还要兴奋激动。 Three only remain a Sea Clan person condemned to death of eye, the imprisoning mark on face twists, in abundance laughs wildly, excited inexplicable. 三个只剩一只眼睛的海族死囚,脸上的囚纹都扭曲起来,不由地纷纷狂笑起来,激动莫名。 Heaven take care of our three brothers “老天照顾我们三兄弟啊” Yes, was really the heaven has enlarged ones vision, first time bumped into, was such one completes the order form, had the True God Realm fellow “是啊,真是老天开眼了,第一次碰到的,就是这么一个落单的,还是只有真神境的家伙” Ha Ha, good, this time our three brothers, the person has been able to run away finally the birth day “哈哈,太好了,这次我们三兄弟,终于有一人可以逃出生天了” Three Sea Clan people condemned to death, facial expression are encouraged, discovered him, only then True God Realm cultivation base, excited, is crying out strangely, has not waited for Shi Yan to restrain the body potential, unexpectedly first crazy, but achieves God King Realm Expert, can have God's Domain, these three people are not similarly exceptional. 三名海族的死囚,神情振奋,一发现他只有真神境修为,都激动了起来,嗷嗷怪叫着,还不等石岩勒住身势,居然先一步狂冲而来达到神王境界的强者,都能拥有神之领域,这三人同样不例外。 Three people are Sea Clan, but Sea Clan most Warrior, can the power of deep meaning cultivation water, their God's Domain, naturally are the attributes of power of deep meaning water, once displays, the whole body spreads murmur the running water sound. 三人都是海族,而海族大多数武者,都会修炼水之力量奥义,他们的神之领域,自然都是水之力量奥义的属性,一旦施展开来,周身传出潺潺的流水声。 Moist aura, fills the air immediately, layer upon layer the naked eye obvious watermark winds around around them, they as if are in the rapid current of water, silhouette is fluctuating, gave to manifest the Sea Clan superiority. 潮湿的气息,顿时弥漫开来,层层肉眼可见的水纹缭绕他们四面,他们仿佛处在湍急的水流内,身影浮动着,将海族的优势都给体现了出来。 In God's Domain of water, Sea Clan like a fish in water, power and God's Domain perfect fusion, let their speeds, power and explosive force doubled and re-doubled has promoted, a turbulent fluctuation, such as the torrential flood, swept across toward Shi Yan directly. 水之神之领域中,海族更加的如鱼得水,一身的力量神之领域完美的融合,让他们三人的速度、力量和爆发力都成倍的提升了,一股汹涌的波动,如滔滔洪水,朝着石岩直接席卷而来。 Mildew that Shi Yan such as by the sea water submerging, power has layer upon layer been blocked, moves, received domain of water hindrance energy, the hands tied feet tied, is hard completely the power stimulation. 一霉那间,石岩如被海水给淹没了,力量层层受阻,活动起来,也受到了水之领域的阻碍能量,束手束脚的,难以将全部力量激发。 God's Domain that any person, he alone is will bring the enormous help to oneself, different God's Domain meet the mutual interference influence, if three people of cultivation power deep meanings are different, once collaborates if cannot disperse, God's Domain mutually will flush, power will instead reduce. 任何一人,他独属的神之领域都会给自身带来极大的帮助,不同的神之领域会相互抵触影响,如果三人修炼力量奥义不一样,一旦联手如果不能分散开来,神之领域就会互冲,力量反而会消减。 But these three people, are Sea Clan, cultivation is the power of deep meaning God's Domain water attribute completely is consistent. 可这三人,都是海族,修炼的都是水之力量奥义神之领域的属性全然一致。 Such one, they display God's Domain to come, not only not mutual influence, but can also strengthen mutually, making the God's Domain coverage scope broad. 这么一来,他们施展出神之领域来不但不会相互影响,还可以相互增强,让神之领域的覆盖范围更加的广阔。 Shi Yan such as fell into the mire, hands and feet power is weakened, eye looks at that three people condemned to death attacked crazily, the complexion was suddenly dignified. 石岩如陷入泥沼,手脚力量都被消弱了,眼看着那三个死囚疯狂冲击过来,脸色突然凝重起来。 His a little rough estimate the great strength of opposite party, with the mystery of God's Domain mutually overlay, has put in an appearance, has been at leeward. 他有点粗估了对方的强大,和神之领域相互叠加的奥妙,一照面,就处在了下风。 Saw that the torrential tide in God's Domain is rolling, he calms down the look fiercely changes, all distracting thoughts were removed, like the well, the ripple does not moisten calm. 眼看神之领域内的滔滔浪潮滚动着,他猛地冷静下来眼神一变,一切杂念被排除,心静如古井,波纹不沾。 forehead Soul Altar gyrates suddenly crazily, bunches of marvelous flame, two intraocular appear from him. 一点眉心灵魂祭台突然疯狂旋动起来,一簇簇奇妙的火焰,从他两眼内显现出来。 Extremely burning hot aura, rises suddenly from his body plaster, he such as had been covered by the flame sea in the flash, the bunch of flame dazzling winds of shoot, all round lives in his binding. 一股极其炎热气息,从他体垩内暴涨开来,他在一瞬间如被火焰海洋覆盖了,一团团的火焰炫目飙射出来,将他团团的裹住。 This is the solar source fine flame energy! 这是太阳源精的炎能! In Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, he derived numerous solar flame strength, so long as Stars Deep Meaning moves these to contain in the solar flame of chest cavity, then instantaneously will be stirred up the plaster to shoot. 日星爆碎场内,他汲取了众多太阳炎力只要星辰奥义一动那些蕴藏在胸腔的太阳火焰,便会被瞬间激垩射出来。 He also draws support Vermilion Bird True Flame and Earthcore Flame the strength of Heavenly Flame. 他还借助于朱雀真火地心火天火之力。 Shortly, he has become flame odd person, the burning hot hot variety covers the whole body, spreads unceasingly toward the surroundings. 顷刻间,他成了火焰怪人,炎热的火簇覆盖全身,不断地朝着周围蔓延开来。 That energy of turbulent water is released by three person condemned to death God's Domain has not moved his true body, then emits the white mist, massive water supple strength by roaring flame to melt, has become the fog, becomes the air/Qi that lost remnantly, spread comes, cannot be again precise. 那股由三个死囚神之领域释放出来的汹涌水之能量尚未碰触他真身,便冒出白茫茫的雾气,大量的水之柔力被烈焰给消融了,成了雾,成了残失的气,扩散开来,不能再一次凝炼。 Vermilion Bird True Flame and Earthcore Flame are one of the Heavenly Flame, after the innumerable year of purifications, has become most burning hot firm flame energy, they pour into power, enabling the Shi Yan solar flame to strengthen doubled and re-doubled. 朱雀真火地心火都是天火之一,经过无数年的净化,都成了最为炙热阳刚的火焰能量,他们将力量灌注进来,让石岩的太阳炎能成倍的增强了。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Strong white hazy comes, suddenly, Shi Yan and three people condemned to death were covered, the image vanishes immediately. 浓烈的白色烟雾弥漫开来,一时间,石岩和三个死囚都被覆盖了,影像顿时消失。 Ao Guduo and that Anna and other feudal lords outside watches, at this time could not find the real plaster solid scene, has revealed the surprised color. 在外面观看的奥古多和lì安娜等诸侯,这时候都瞧不见了真垩实的场景,都露出了惊讶之色。 That Ao Guduo has gawked, cannot help but was foul-mouthed: motherfucker, what this boy unexpectedly cultivation is the power of deep meaning fire, no wonder dares with that three person condemned to death head confrontations, really to walk dog shit luck.” 奥古多愣了一下,不由得骂骂咧咧道:“妈的,这小子竟然修炼的是火之力量奥义,难怪敢和那三个死囚正面交锋,真是走了狗屎运了。” The power of deep meaning fire, always is the power of water difficult adversary and natural enemy, has the contradiction of instinct, if Shi Yan Fiery Flame is exuberant enough, can definitely suppress Ao Guduo not to know about Shi Yan the God's Domain deep meaning, therefore, saw that his whole body emits the boat Tao flame, immediately takes for his cultivation main deep meaning, was the power of deep meaning fire. 火之力量奥义,向来便是水之力量的克星和天敌,相互间有着本能的抵触,如果石岩火炎够旺盛,完全可以将神之领域的奥义压制下来奥古多石岩并不了解,因此,一看到他浑身冒出舟滔火焰,立即误认为他修炼的主奥义,便是火之力量奥义了。 Anna expression calms down, look is quite unusual, deeply frowns, in the same core is astonished however. lì安娜神色冷静下来,眼神却颇为异样,深深地皱着眉头,同样心中讶然。 She and Shi Yan have the contact, to secret that the Shi Yan body hides, has the original understanding. 她和石岩有过接触,对石岩身藏的秘密,有着独到的认识。 And Anna is considering secretly. 并安娜暗暗思量着。 If, the mark of his forehead exists, his power deep meaning, shouldn't be able to be this? Did I misread? 如果,他额头的印记真的存在,那他的力量奥义,不应该会是这样?难道我看错了? Kashewen and Rochester, subconscious thinks that Shi Yan cultivation main deep meaning, was the flame deep meaning, revealed expression that was suddenly enlighted, the selecting person who dark to praise this fellow understood, looked for Sea Clan of deep meaning of cultivation water to fight specially, clarifies with using repelling one another of power deep meaning, lets that several Sea Clan people condemned to death suffer a loss. 卡修恩和罗切斯特,也都下意识的认为石岩修炼的主奥义,便是火焰奥义了,也都露出恍然大悟的神色,暗赞这家伙真懂的挑人,专门找了修炼水之奥义的海族来战,摆明了是用利用力量奥义的相克,来让那几个海族死囚吃大亏。 Has Da Lei, does not believe like them, in the people, he is only one sees Shi Yan to display Soul Burial Field. 只有达勒,不像他们那么认为,众人中,他是唯一一个见过石岩施展灵魂葬场者。 He believes that understood that kind of evil deep meaning, will not regard main deep meaning cultivation other deep meaning, in his heart has thought over, is in secret surprised, high looked at a Shi Yan point. 他坚信,懂得那类邪恶奥义者,绝不会将别的奥义当成主奥义修炼,他心中掂量了一下,暗中惊讶,不由地高看了石岩一分。 In the god country king of day star, reveals surprised, is staring at front giant bright mirror, turns the head to look to Princess Zi Yao, flash, you said that boy cultivation deep meaning...... Is Death Deep Meaning?” 远在天涅星的神国帝王,也露出一丝惊讶,盯着面前巨大明镜,别头看向紫耀公主,“耀儿,你说那小子修炼的奥义……是死亡奥义?” Zi Yao affirmative nodded, smiles at once, father, the fellow secret are many, in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, once by the Stars Deep Meaning communication too Yangyuan essence, had harvested flame of energy Sun. His present power, is the previous savings, was not cultivation the power of deep meaning fire.” 紫耀肯定的点了点头,旋即嫣然一笑,“父王,那家伙身上的秘密多着呢,在日星爆碎场内,曾以星辰奥义沟通太阳源精,收获了太阳之炎能。他现在的力量,都是上次的积蓄,并非修炼了火之力量奥义。” A Du Tianji face smiles, strange cracks into a smile, „a martial arts way does not have the limit, sometimes cultivation too heterogeneous, not necessarily is the good deed. We hope that this boy knew this point, if acts willfully, wanting each minoring to be skilled, will accomplish finally only nothing.” 镀天奇一脸莞尔,怪异的咧嘴一笑,“武道一途没有止境,有时候修炼太驳杂了,不见得便是好事。希望这小子已经认识了这一点,要是一意孤行,想要各个兼修精通,最终只会一事无成。” Father should not be worried that I think he knows his direction.” Zi Yao including saying with a smile. “父王别担心,我想他知道他的方向。”紫耀含笑道。 Du Tianji nodded, no longer talks too much , to continue in the looks at bright mirror to fight. 镀天奇点了点头,不再多言,继续看着明镜内战斗。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Thick thick white fog spread comes, the craziness of three Sea Clan people condemned to death attack, ends in failure. 浓稠的白雾扩散开来,三个海族死囚的狂攻,以失败告终。 That three Sea Clan people condemned to death, could not bear scold, shouted darkly bad luck, when also the Shi Yan cultivation main deep meaning was the strength of flame, under the power instinct repelled one another, they cannot strike to collect the effect, cannot help but angry. 那三个海族死囚,忍不住都骂了起来,暗呼倒霉,也当石岩修炼的主奥义便是火焰之力,在力量的天性相克下,他们不能一击凑效,不由得愤怒起来。 Four sides three people of God's Domain cover as before, had not planned to use full them, neglects one, disperses fiercely, assumes the triangle to approach toward Shi Yan. 三人神之领域依旧覆盖四面,本来没有打算动用全力的他们,忽视一眼,猛地分散开来,呈三角形朝着石岩逼近。 In the white mist, three length several hundred meters rivers, receive the hauling of their power, was pulled forcefully by them from ten li (0.5km). 白茫茫的水雾中,三条长数百米的河流,受到他们力量的牵引,从十里之外被他们给强行拉扯过来。 Three rivers like Milky Way, are carrying trillion tons sea water gravity, rapid throws from the day, such as three whips, brush maliciously to Shi Yan. 三条河流如天河,携带着亿万吨的海水重力,湍急的从天抛落下来,如三条鞭子,狠狠地抽打向石岩 These three people, are the fellows of being careful, they when a region, will clarify whether first has the rivers lake together, is good, when encounters the danger, opposes the enemy with the aid of power of rivers lake. 这三人,都是小心谨慎的家伙,他们每到一个区域,都会先弄清楚那一块是否有河流湖泊,好在遇到危险的时候,借助河流湖泊的力量对敌。 Therefore, the region that they present, in ten li (0.5km), has the rivers lake inevitably. 因此,他们出现的区域,十里之内,必然有着河流湖泊。 Three Milky Way, several hundred meters, the river water the straight sound, precise becomes the clear bolt of white silk, has flung from the day, old trees cannot bear the weight impact of sea water, suddenly explodes to break to pieces, the dead wood branches and leaves were provoked by the river water, has become the material weight of river water. 三条天河,数百米长,河水哗哗直响,凝炼成晶莹的匹练,从天甩了过来,一株株古树承受不住海水的重量冲击,都突然爆碎开来,枯木枝叶被河水挑动起来,也成了河水的物质重量。 And a fellow, is the hidden ominous machine, his rivers adsorbed numerous stones desirably, the stone were rolling in the river water, the momentum was extremely scary. 其中一个家伙,更是暗藏凶机,他的河流刻意吸附了众多石块,石块在河水内滚动着,声势极其骇人。 Milky Way flings from the three parties, is containing power terrifying, the region that Shi Yan is, by the huge strength covering, a fearful extrusion pressure, must shock his body to rest simply. 天河从三方甩来,其中蕴藏着的力量恐怖之极,石岩所在的区域,被庞大的劲道给覆盖了,一种可怕的挤压力,简直要震破他的身休。 He is still calm, in the eye cannot find the tiny bit flurry, seemed numb, the pupil appears the empty boundless luster. 他依然冷静,眼中瞧不见一丝一毫的慌乱,仿佛麻木了,瞳仁显出一点空洞无际的色泽。 Suddenly, his two like sharp claws, rip toward the top of the head vault of heaven fiercely. 突然,他两手如利爪,朝着头顶苍穹猛地一撕。 Heaven Rend 天裂 Busy void, such as not can see terrifying claw grasping, had been torn a dazzling slit stiffly. 无暇的虚空,如被看不见的恐怖爪子给抓在了,被硬生生撕裂了一道耀目的缝隙。 That is space crack! 那是空间裂缝! The sky was torn! 天空被撕裂! All sorts of space stream ray, appear from that crack, the brilliant, wild flurried Outer Territory mighty current, stirs up the plaster to shoot from the crack, makes the person soul shiver fierce. 种种空间流光,从那裂缝中显现出来,光彩夺目,狂暴慌乱的域外洪流,从裂缝内激垩射出来,凶猛的让人灵魂颤抖。 An adsorption crazy strength of distortion, you emerges immediately from the crack, great whale absorbing water, Milky Way that three fling, carries the giant stone and ancient Mu, sandy soil to give one to embezzle including Milky Way. 一股扭曲的吸附狂力,从裂缝你顿时涌现出来,巨鲸吸水般,将三条甩过来的天河,包括天河内携带着巨石、古木、沙土都给一口吞没下去。 A drop does not remain. 一滴不剩。 By three Sea Clan Expert, the deep meaning of water displays with joint forces, Milky Way surges, such easily, melting cleanness. 由三个海族强者,合力施展出来的水之奥义,天河涌动,就这么被轻易的,给化解的干干净净。 Three Sea Clan Expert, complexion in vain pale a point, they pour into energy in Milky Way, was embezzled by the space slit, has interrupted with their relations immediately, cannot draw in each God King Realm Expert, to exerting power can take and put away freely, their precise three Milky Way, has consumed huge energy, on this day the creek moves strikes, even if cannot collect the effect, can containing to receive in inside energy, then fermentation next turbulent attack. 三个海族强者,脸色徒然苍白了一分,他们灌注在天河内的能量,都被空间缝隙吞没,和他们的联系顿时中断了,怎么也收拢不回来每一个神王境强者,对施加的力量都可以收放自如,他们凝炼三条天河,耗费了巨大的能量,这天河涌动一击,即便是不能凑效,也可以将蕴藏在里面的能量都收回来,然后酝酿下一次汹涌的攻击。 Whatever but how they imagine, guesses that cannot lean, their energy were pulled into the space slit too promptly, precise, they who the space slit appears, even if saw, cannot take back. 可任凭他们如何想象,都猜侧不出,他们的能量被扯入了空间缝隙,空间缝隙出现的太及时精确,以至于他们即便是看见了,也未能收回。 Such, energy in their body plaster, was consumed most probably. 就这么一下,他们体垩内的能量,便都被消耗了大半。 If three people of surface dying embers. 三人面若死灰。 A purgatory star corner/horn. 炼狱星一角。 Lake, mountain peak peaks, five big feudal lord and Dù Tiān Ledu silent, opens the eye, completely inconceivable looks to the picture in lake, unthinkable of face. 湖泊处,一座座山峰顶端,五大诸侯和镀天乐都沉默了下来,睁大眼,全部不可思议的看向湖泊内的景象,一脸的匪夷所思。 Jie Jie! Jie Jie “桀桀!桀桀” , The appearance like evil spirit Anna, cannot bear sharp severe Xiao get up suddenly, acoustic shock vault of heaven. 突地,模样如厉鬼般的lì安娜,忍不住尖利的厉笑起来,声震苍穹。 Ao Guduo clenches teeth, the whole face is fierce, look fearsome, freely was cursing angrily, hot tempered. 奥古多咬着牙,满脸狰狞,眼神可怖,不住地怒骂着,暴躁不已。
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