GOS :: Volume #8

#787: A valued war

A purgatory star corner/horn. 炼狱星一角。 A giant lake, lake water is clear enough to see bottom, such as a bright mirror, appears the bright gloss. 一个巨大的湖泊,湖水清澈见底,如一面明净的镜子,显出剔透的光泽。 The lake surrounding, is towering the cone-shapes mountain peaks, the mountain peak is not too high, only then about the kilometer, above each mountain peak, is setting up the stand, has the maid bodyguard to take care, is carrying the fruit tray and good wine, the intention is serving the powerful official in god country's. 湖泊外围,耸立着一座座锥形的山峰,山峰都不算太高,只有千米左右,每一座山峰上方,都设立着看台,有婢女侍卫服侍着,端着果盘和美酒,用心侍奉着神国的权贵。 At this time, Dù Tiān cheerful Anna, Ao Guduo, Kashewen, Rochester and Da Lei five big feudal lords, sit well top mountain peaks, on the magnificent and expensive stand, is enjoying the good wine delicacies. 此时,镀天乐和lì安娜、奥古多卡修恩、罗切斯特、达勒五大诸侯,端坐在一座座山峰顶部,华贵的看台上,享用着美酒佳肴。 Five big feudal lords have the Entourage standing erect one side, the facial expression is solemn, does not say a word, is enjoying the cooked food good food with the feudal lord. 五大诸侯都有扈从竖立一旁,神情冷峻,一言不发,和诸侯一起享用着菜肴美食。 Dù Tiān is smiling happily temperately, lowers the head to look at the following lake, in the hand an unusual imperial crown is dodging quickly, wave light transmit, injected under lake. 镀天乐温和的微笑着,低头望着下面的湖泊,手中一块奇特的皇冠倏地一闪,一道道波光传递出来,射入了底下的湖泊。 That clear lake only, by different light injections, had been produced the exquisite change suddenly, in the lake, immediately appears clear pictures. 那面澄净的湖泊,被一道道异光注入,忽然产生了精妙的变化,湖泊内,顿时显出一幅幅清晰的画面来。 The purgatory star other aspect side said the purgatory field, has become the image, shone in the broad lake, the mountain range overlapped, the rivers murmur, the forest length and breadth was verdant, one by one reappeared, including the slightest spot, was clear. 炼狱星另外一面的极道炼狱场,成了影像,映照在广阔的湖泊内部,其中山峦重叠,河流潺潺,森林广袤青翠,都一一浮现出来,连最细微的部位,都清清楚楚。 The lake likely is a giant mirror warning, will say seriously extremely the purgatory field transferring, on outside mountains, everyone, has been able to understand clearly clearly says the fight detail of purgatory field extremely. 湖泊像是一面巨大的镜鉴,当真将极道炼狱场给挪移了过来,在外面的山川上,每一个人,都可以明明白白洞悉极道炼狱场的战斗细节。 At this time, on the bright mirror on lake surface, several fierce fights has launched slowly, the participant represented by Ao Gela, started to carry on to encircle to person condemned to death to hunt and kill. 这时候,在湖面上的明镜上,有几处凶猛的战斗已经徐徐展开,以奥格拉斯为代表的参赛者,开始对其中的死囚进行围剿猎杀。 Middle, Ao Gela and two Warrior under Ao Guduo demon, in a at the foot of the hill, manner faint gets rid to hunt and kill two people condemned to death. 当中,奥格拉斯和奥古多魔下的两个武者,在一处山脚下,神态淡漠的出手猎杀着两个死囚。 That two people condemned to death, are God King Second Sky Realm cultivation base, at this time had carried the severe wound obviously, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence the dispersion to escape. 那两个死囚,都是神王二重天境界修为,这时候明显已经身负重伤了,苟延残喘着分散逃逸。 Ao Gela is calm and composed even in press of work, in the look appears towering lowly chuckled, as if a greedy person, violent roar, stares at one of them not to put. 奥格拉斯好整以暇,眼神内显出一丝峥嵘嘿嘿低笑着,仿佛一头饿狼,暴啸而出,盯着其中一人不放。 Under another two Ao Guduo demons, is collaborates to cope with another fugitive quite unflustered, looks like the condor stares at the sheep in Shangdi appears is very relaxed. 另外两个奥古多的魔下,则是联手对付另外一个逃逸者都是颇为的从容不迫,就像是秃鹰盯上地上的绵羊显得很是轻松。 long time, the two then have not caught up, the method is cruel, by the bunch ominous fierce light, that person of escape route thorough blockade, slowly suffers it lethal. 多时,那两人便赶了上来,手段残忍,以一团团凶烈的光,将那人的后路彻底的封锁,慢慢的将其折磨致死。 That side the Ao Gela present, the fight also quickly ended, his God's Domain spread comes, ripples spread all around that people obvious radiant golden light such as in the water ripples. 奥格拉斯那一边,战斗也很快结束,他神之领域扩散开来,众人可见一圈璀璨的金光如水中荡漾出来的涟漪蔓延四周。 That golden light place visited, destroys the hardest defenses simply, the old tree, giant stone and rivers explode, swift and fierce golden energy sweeps across all, easily accomplished general, wreaking havoc four directions. 金光所过之处,简直无坚不摧,古树、巨石、河流都爆炸开来,凌厉的金色能量席卷一切,摧枯拉朽一般,肆虐四方。 By that he stares at with his Realm equal Warrior, won by striking only after the enemy has struck by his God's Domain, by golden light restraint, tenacious Divine Sense, was presented the innumerable say|way alarmed blood mark instantaneously all round, that person revolted also to display to produce wave of energy God's Domain vigorously to extrude. 被他盯上的那一名和他境界相等的武者,被他神之领域后发制人,瞬间被金光团团束缚,坚韧的神休,出现了无数道触目惊心的血纹,那人极力反抗也将神之领域施展开来产生了一波能量挤压。 Ao Gela face upwards roar, whole body golden energy such as a handle handle sharp golden color sharp sword, projects from the space, such as the crowded rain curtain all inserts to below. 奥格拉斯仰天厉啸着,浑身的金色能量如一柄柄锋利的金色利剑,从天上抛射下来,如密集的雨帘全部插向下面。 Displays true power Ao Gela, whole body shining to the person one type can crush all, lets any material smashing cut-throat swift and fierce, the golden energy light beam that his body releases, the bang falls, God's Domain of that person condemned to death is torn to pieces, the whole body blood mark also explodes broken. 施展出真正力量奥格拉斯,浑身金灿灿的给人一种可以碾压一切,让任何物质粉碎的凶狠凌厉,他身上释放出来的金色能量光束,轰落下来,那名死囚的神之领域支离破碎,满身的血纹也爆碎。 Shortly, that person has become a Blood Dripping Gem skeleton, such as put to death by dismemberment by Wan sword seriously, the dead shape makes people horrible to look. 顷刻间,那人成了一具血淋琳的尸骨,当真如被万剑凌迟了,死状让人惨不忍睹。 Ao Gela is always indifferent, looked that has not looked at that person of skeleton one, but also lowered the head to spit spit, whispered a anything, at once the person's shadow dodges, converged with another two companions , to continue to hunt and kill nearby person condemned to death. 奥格拉斯始终淡然,看也没看那人尸骨一眼,还低头吐了一口吐沫,嘀咕了一句什么,旋即人影一闪,和另外两个同伴汇合,继续对附近的死囚进行猎杀。 The similar fight, is occurring under lake, three youth who Anna sends out, whole body bloody aura, the look crazy bloodthirsty, same is similar to the ghost of hell with her, the bloody malignant influences shoot up to the sky. 同样的战斗,在底下的湖泊内发生着,lì安娜派出的三个青年,满身的血腥气息,眼神疯狂嗜杀,和她一样如同地狱之鬼,血腥煞气冲天而起。 In three people, that female pupil appears dark green white with amazement, does not know that the cultivation what kind mystique, the place visited, the whole body bloody malignant influences concentrate for the essence, has become length dozens meters scarlet great qi, the great spider is lifelike, face upwards to spit the letter, spreads the energy fluctuation of terrifying. 三人中,那名女子瞳仁显出骇然的苍白色,不知道修炼何种秘法,一路所过之处,周身血腥煞气凝为实质,成了一条长数十米的血色巨蛴,巨蛛栩栩如生,仰天吐信,传出恐怖能量波动。 This once spoke to ridicule the Shi Yan female, two shrink in the sleeve cuff, such as the flower garden after oneself strolls, such sluggish with scarlet great spider. 这个曾出言讥讽过石岩的女子,两手缩在袖口,如在自家后huā园闲庭信步般,就这么慢吞吞的跟着血色巨蛛。 Great bee truthfully electron particle materialization Demonic Beast, once perceived that the life sign, then goes crazy to flush away, that bloody crazy meaning, making the person condemned to death fearful and apprehensive, runs away continually cannot escape, long time, three people condemned to death stiffly were not embezzled by scarlet great qi. 巨蜂如实质化的妖兽,一旦觉察到生命迹象,便发狂冲去,那种血腥疯狂之意,让死囚心惊胆颤,连逃都逃不掉,不多时,就有三名死囚被血色巨蛴给硬生生吞没。 After half double-hour, great spider then meets opened mouth to put out a skeleton of Blood Dripping Gem, flesh and blood likely was shaved by the butcher, bloody scary. 半个时辰后,巨蛛便会张口吐出一具血淋琳的骨架,一身血肉都像是被屠夫剃掉了,血腥骇人之极。 This female line, simply does not have gathering, not to get rid from beginning to end, depends on the scarlet great bee that her precise bloody malignant influences come out only, then able to move unhindered invincible, making people condemned to death in the mouth of scarlet python the dessert. 这女子一路行来,简直没有一合之将,从始至终都未出手,单靠她凝炼血腥煞气出来的血色巨蜂,便纵横无敌,让一个个死囚成为血色巨蟒的口中点心。 Kashewen and Expert under Rochester demon, has not run into the enemy temporarily, these two teams of four people of places visited, several Realm profound people condemned to death, have early avoided, as if knows that these four people are not affable, does not meet as far as possible. 卡修恩和罗切斯特魔下的强者,暂时没有遇到敌人,这两队四人所过之处,几名境界高深的死囚,早早避开了,似乎知道这四人不好惹,尽量不碰面。 Child of Da Meng Da Lei, True God peak Realm cultivation base, Demonic Beast that but in his Soul Altar the escape comes out, terrifying is incomparable, walks, he begins needlessly, so long as finds these Demonic Beast, in abundance escapes. 达勒之子达蒙,真神巅峰境界修为,可他灵魂祭台内飞逸出来的妖兽,却恐怖无比,一路走来,他不消动手,只要瞧见那些妖兽者,也都纷纷逃逸。 With Shi Yan with is True God peak Da Meng, the opportunity of smoothly, not having gotten rid. 石岩同为真神巅峰达蒙,一路顺顺当当,一直还没有出手的机会。 The lake surrounding, surrounding Warrior on mountain peak, stare to look to, is paying attention the following fight. 湖泊外围,一座座山峰上的围观武者,都凝视看向底下,留意着下面的战斗。 Well “咦” Dù Tiān shouted one happily suddenly lightly, in the look flashes through different light, looked with rapt attention to a remote region. 镀天乐忽然轻呼一声,眼神内闪过一丝异光,凝神看向一处偏僻的区域。 Scarlet imperial crown slightly glittering in his hand, his line of sight the region of place of seeing, suddenly such as was enlarged did not have the several fold, all of a sudden becomes incomparable clear. 他手中的血色皇冠略一闪烁,他视线所见之处的区域,忽然如被放大了无数倍,一下子变得无比的清晰。 Anna, Ao Guduo, Kashewen, Rochester and Da Lei five big feudal lords, came the interest, vision like lightning, straight perpendicular incidence to that region. lì安娜、奥古多卡修恩、罗切斯特和达勒五大诸侯,也同时来了兴致,一个个目光如闪电,都直直射向那一块区域。 There, appears Shi Yan silhouette, at this time, he was flying crazily from the barren hill, goes toward three Sea Clan people condemned to death who Yin Spirit Ghost Flame induces. 那里,将石岩身影显现出来,这时候,他正从秃山上狂飞下来,朝着阴灵鬼火所感应到的三个海族死囚而去。 He He, star of the life, interesting, interesting, is attractive.” Rochester grinned to smile carefree, Yin and Yang odd shouting, the line of sight has walked randomly in Anna and Ao Guduo body. “呵呵,一颗生命之星啊,有趣,有趣,要好好看看。”罗切斯特咧嘴畅快的笑了起来,阴阳怪气的嚷嚷,视线在lì安娜和奥古多的身上游走了一圈。 The Da Lei also facial expression shakes, the anticipation that in eye has avoiding mentioning, as if wishes one could Shi Yan to be buried in this place, never from say in the purgatory field to live extremely coming out. 达勒也神情一震,眼中有一丝隐讳的期待,似乎恨不得石岩葬身此地,永远不要从极道炼狱场内活着出来。 Carthew article knits the brows slightly. 卡修文略略皱眉。 Ha Ha, the boy luck is unsatisfactory, it seems like does not need Ao Gela to begin, calculates that his luck is good, if has bumped into Ao Gela, he can die was more miserable Ao Guduo to receive the strong liquor that nearby maid handed over, rumble has filled several fiercely, the mood was extremely good, grins to laugh to continue. “哈哈,那小子运气不佳,看来不需要奥格拉斯动手,算他运气好,如果碰到了奥格拉斯,他会死的更惨”奥古多接过旁边婢女递上来的烈酒,咕噜咕噜猛灌了几口,心情极佳,咧嘴大笑不止。 Anna expression is cloudy, was vision like the ice skates, gloomy sneering, your eye in a low voice blind? None who does not becomes you cannot see, driving getting rid is, Shi Yan?” lì安娜神色阴厉,目光如冰刀,低声阴森森的冷笑,“你眼睛瞎了?莫不成你看不见,主动出手者,是石岩?” Good, the boy gets rid unexpectedly on own initiative, is by an enemy three, the opposite party, is three God King Realm. Did he none who does not become insane? Really has relied on?” Dù Tiān said that drinks wine silently, said leisurely, look difference. “不错,那小子竟然主动出手,还是以一敌三,对方,可是三个神王境啊。他莫不成疯了?还是真的有所凭仗?”镀天乐接过话,默默饮酒,悠悠说道,眼神异样。 He is the lunatic, Hehe, dares to say the boastful talk to need in hundred years to kill me, what wasn't insane is?” Ao Guduo strong liquor drinks up, throws conveniently, that wine pot explodes void broken, transmits rumbled, his sweet tooth grins, crazy condition Bi Xian, god home, who dares saying that hundred years do kill me? My able to move unhindered world many years, what character has not seen, a he ants thing, dares to contend with me? Real da his motherfucker joke “他本来就是疯子,嘿嘿,胆敢口出狂言要百年内杀我,不是疯了是什么?”奥古多一口烈酒喝干,随手一抛,那酒壶虚空爆碎,传来一声轰鸣,他甜牙咧嘴,狂态毕现,“神国内,谁敢说百年杀我?我纵横天下多年,什么样的人物没有见过,他一个蝼蚁般的东西,也敢和我抗衡?真龘他妈的笑话一个” In his heart, still takes to heart to the Shi Yan wild fainting word, cannot put. 他心中,对石岩的狂放厥词依然耿耿于怀,怎么也不能真的放下来。 I must kill you, does not take hundred years, so long as your majesty nods, I can kill you the Anna evil spirit to sneer densely, forcing up of gratefully. “我要杀你,不需要百年,只要陛下点头,我就能杀你”lì安娜厉鬼般森森冷笑起来,毫不客气的顶了上去。 You can try the Ao Guduo loudly violent anger, the whole face is fierce, Hehe, do not think that you rank before, really can exceed me? My Ao Guduo becomes feudal lord's head time, you desperately are still struggling for the feudal lord quota, if not your majesty take care of you, your da his mother early died in my hands.” “你可以试试”奥古多轰然暴怒,满脸狰狞,“嘿嘿,别以为你排名在前,就真的可以胜过我?我奥古多成为诸侯之首的时候,你还在为诸侯名额苦苦挣扎,若非陛下照顾你,你龘他妈早死在我手中了。” Really hopes your majesty to agree that making me shear your head, made the chamber pot.” Anna Jie Jie roar, shape , if crazy, in the dark green eye pupil, full is ominous severe Bloodthirsty. “真希望陛下同意,让我割了你的脑袋,做成夜壶。”lì安娜桀桀厉啸,状若疯狂,暗青色的眼眸中,满是凶厉嗜血 Everybody, can peaceful, making us see clearly the fight well?” Tracing forehead that Kashewen a little has a headache about, impatient shouts. “各位,可以安静一点,让我们好好看清战斗么?”卡修恩有点头疼的摸了摸额头,不耐烦的嚷嚷起来。 Dù Tiān happily is also the good words persuades, you have bet in any case, might as well the calm point has a look, this may relate star of the life, wants to come you also extremely to care, is patient.” 镀天乐也是好言相劝,“你们反正都赌了,不妨冷静点看看,这可关系一颗生命之星啊,想来你们也极为在意,还是稍安勿躁吧。” Under his such saying, Anna, Ao Guduo simultaneously coldly snorted, actually stopped the quarrel, the line of sight fell into the lake, looked that to clear display that appeared. 他这么一说,lì安娜、奥古多同时冷哼一声,倒是停止了争吵,视线又重新落入底下的湖泊,看向其中显现出来的清晰影像来。 At this time, Shi Yan already and that three Sea Clan person condemned to death to, the vision connection, blew out intense fire flower. 这时候,石岩已和那三个海族的死囚对上了,目光交汇,爆出点点激烈的火huā Day star. 天涅星。 Grand imperial palace deep place, a carriage grand man, wears the brocade clothes, occupies the throne high, visual front. 雄阔的皇宫深处,一名体态雄伟的男子,身穿锦衣,高居皇位,目视前方。 Under his seat, Zi Yao sits cross-legged to sit, beautiful pupil deep staring front. 在他座位下方,紫耀盘膝而坐,美眸深深凝视前方。 In the imperial palace, presents at the same time the unusual bright mirror, bright mirror Center, appears the appearance of Shi Yan and three Sea Clan people condemned to death comes out. 皇宫内,出现一面奇特的明镜,明镜〖中〗央,显出石岩和三个海族死囚的模样出来。 Is he?” Male knitting the brows head, makes noise suddenly, you can affirm that he does have the relations with that person?” “就是他?”那男子皱了皱眉头,忽然出声,“你敢肯定,他和那个人有关系?” Will not be wrong, the deep meaning that displays is exactly the same, Soul Burial Field of Death Deep Meaning.” Zi Yao affirmed. “不会错,施展的奥义一模一样,死亡奥义灵魂葬场。”紫耀肯定。 Male nodded, grinning gives a calm smile, interesting, it seems like must take a look carefully, if this person uses well, can be the handle sharp sword of god country's, hopes that he was really such as you said that the disposition will was outstanding. Is shallow as for cultivation base, might as well actually, can promote slowly, a Warrior most important thing, is the spirit of fight! I am attractive.” 男子点了点头,咧嘴淡然一笑,“有趣,看来要仔细瞧瞧了,此人若是用得好,会是神国的一柄利剑,希望他真是如你所说,心性毅力都出类拔萃。至于修为浅,倒是无妨,可以慢慢提升,一名武者最重要的东西,是战斗的精神!我要好好看看。” Father will not be disappointed.” Zi Yao slightly anxious saying, in the heart prayed secretly that hoping Shi Yan can amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, has attached great importance. “父王不会失望的。”紫耀略显紧张的说道,心中暗暗祈祷,希望石岩能够一鸣惊人,得到重视。 As if, this performance, concerns the life and death, will concern the future 仿佛,他这次的表现,关乎生死,关乎未来
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