GOS :: Volume #8

#786: Seek battle!

The purgatory field extremely. 极道炼狱场内。 Aranza and Tie Mu frown, deeply looked that to direction that Shi Yan departs, silent some little time. 亚兰和铁牧皱着眉头,深深地看向石岩离去的方向,沉默了好一会儿。 , Sir makes us pay attention him, having a look on him to have the place of any mystical, it seems like that the Sir also misjudged.” Langton for a long time, saying of face difference:, Big humanities think him to be able with us together, but the Sir underestimated his arrogance, perhaps, that is ignorant fearless.” ,“大人让我们留意他,看看他身上到底有什么神秘之处,看来大人也失算了。”亚兰顿了好久,才一脸异样的说道:,“大人本以为他会与我们一道,可大人小看了他的傲气,或许,那是无知无畏。” , You said that he can know our intentions? Therefore isn't willing with us together?” ,“你说,他会不会知道我们的意图?所以才不愿意与我们一道?” Tie Mu inquired. 铁牧询问。 Aranza shook the head, I do not know, but this fellow is not definitely simple, the body has the enormous secret. Otherwise, by his True God Realm cultivation base, impossible to dare to be so domineering decidedly, Gravity Room situation...... You also know.” 亚兰摇了摇头,“我不知道,但这家伙肯定不简单,身上有着极大的秘密。要不然,以他真神境修为,断然不可能敢如此跋扈,重力室的情况……你也知道。” The Tie Mu eye flashes through together the different light, good, he is not very simple, I have not seen fleshly body such powerful True God Realm Warrior. If he can rapid breakthrough arrive at God King Realm, precise God Body in his present foundation comes out, perhaps Ao Gela also really must have a headache.” 铁牧眼睛闪过一道异光,“不错,他很不简单,我从来没有见过肉身这么强悍真神境武者。如果他可以迅速突破神王境,在他现在的基础上凝炼神体出来,说不定奥格拉斯还真的要头疼。” Ao Gela this person is truly hateful, if we bump into him, must give him to be attractive!” Aranza coldly snorteddoes not know why really Zi Yao accommodated below him, none who does not became settled on his behind Ao Guduo?” 奥格拉斯此人确实可恶,若是我们碰到他,也要给他好看!”亚兰冷哼一声”“真不知道紫耀为何容的下他,莫不成是看中了他身后奥古多?” Perhaps, as prince princess, there are their bother to worry. Your majesty thoughts, nobody can understand, he as if must let suffering extreme distress that the son female puts together, chooses the appropriate successor. Can press other brothers and sisters, finally exposes toweringly, perhaps your majesty, can have the god country trend more prosperous future.” Tie Mu shook the head, sighs, present the prince and princess under your majesty tacitly consenting to, is accumulating own power, tries to press the opposite party ” the competition of empire, does not know that is good is bad. ” “也许吧,身为王子公主,也有他们的烦愁。陛下的心思,没有人看得懂,他似乎就要让儿子女子拼的死去活来,从中挑选合适的接班人。能够将别的兄弟姐妹都压下去,最终展露出峥嵘的,在陛下来看,或许才能够带着神国走向更昌盛的未来。”铁牧摇了摇头,叹息一句,“在陛下的默许下”现在的王子和公主,都在积累自己的力量,试图压过对方”帝国的这种竞争,也不知道是好是坏。” , I looked that Shi Yan will not have any good end. It is said Prince Du Feng has been missing, Your Highness Zi Yao after is the daughter body, in god country, but also does not have the daughter body to be able the superior, the future of Your Highness Zi Yao will be worrying.” Aranza is quite resentful, the heavy male light friends to god country's quite loathes. ,“我看石岩不会有什么好下场。据说镀封王子已经失踪了,紫耀殿下毕竟是女儿身,在神国,还没有女儿身可以上位的,紫耀殿下的未来堪忧啊。”亚兰颇为愤懑,对神国的重男轻友颇为的厌恶。 , We are only the subordinate thing cannot control that many, but hopes that the Sir can choose correctly. ,“我们只是小人物”管不了那么多,只是希望大人能够选择正确。 Otherwise, we will also be affected. ” Tie Mu forced smile. 要不然,我们也会受到波及。”铁牧苦笑。 Aranza has not continued, they have adjusted, enters purgatory command token of waist Divine Sense leisurely, surveyed, to depart with the Shi Yan opposite direction. 亚兰也没有继续多说,两人调整了一下,将神识逸入腰间的炼狱令牌,探测了一下,以和石岩相反的方向离去。 The great side said that purgatory fieldmountain 11 continuous, the innumerable lake rivers, in the forest various old tree plants are extremely luxuriant. 广阔无垠的极道炼狱场”山11连绵不绝,无数湖泊大河,森林中各类古树植物极其茂盛。 Shi Yan about hundred meters forests, does not have the goal is walking, his Divine Sense also fell into purgatory command tokento induce. 石岩在一株株近百米的森林中,没有目的的行走着,他的神识也落入了炼狱令牌”来感应着。 Said extremely purgatory field it is said is ancient great formation, here, Divine Sense was limited, his Divine Sense, attached Strength of Space, seemed also not can see powerhas only been able to induce to restraint to the surroundings life force within one li (0.5km). 极道炼狱场据说乃是古老的大阵,在这儿,神识受到限制,就连他的神识,附有了空间之力,好似也被看不见的力量束缚了”只能感应到周围一里内的生机 Might as well purgatory command token. 还不如炼狱令牌 Each has the purgatory command token participant, can survey the surrounding life fluctuation through purgatory command token, the range covers five li (0.5km). 每一块拥有炼狱令牌的参与者,都可以通过炼狱令牌来探测周围的生灵波动,范围覆盖五里。 In five li (0.5km) ”, so long as has the life magnetic fluctuation, the participants can survey from purgatory command token, this is farther than the induction of his Divine Sense, therefore he regards the survey purgatory command token the main rare treasure. 五里内”只要有生命磁场波动,参与者都可以由炼狱令牌探测到,这比他神识的感应还要远,所以他将炼狱令牌当成探测的主要秘宝。 Naturally, this and does not include other participant. 当然,这并不包括别的参与者。 Has purgatory command token, can isolate others' Divine Sense survey, in other words, he can only induce to these people condemned to death, cannot induce to has purgatory command token Aranza, Tie Mu and Ao Gela and the others similarly. 拥有炼狱令牌者,可以隔绝别人的神识探测,也就是说,他只能感应到那些死囚,不能感应到同样持有炼狱令牌的亚兰、铁牧奥格拉斯等人。 They after all are the participants, enters this place, mainly for cultivation own Realm, hunts and kills these people condemned to death. 他们毕竟是参与者,进入此地,主要是为了修炼自己的境界,对那些死囚进行猎杀。 The god country did not advocate that the participant preys mutually, naturally, does not have the definite orders to forbid, if really runs into the foe, slaughters in the purgatory field, the god country will not go to manage. 神国不提倡参与者相互搏杀,当然,也没有明文禁止,真要是遇到仇敌,在炼狱场内大开杀戒,神国也不会去管。 The winner is a king, this is always the consistent objective of god country's, the god country can prosperous now, is because the internal competition is brutal, everyone is maintaining bloody and desire of fight, can with Nine Star Chamber of Commerce and Hidden League chamber protection. 胜者为王,这向来是神国的一贯宗旨,神国能够昌盛如今,也是因为内部竞争残酷,每一个人都保持着血腥和战斗的欲望,才可以和九星商会幽盟分庭抗御。 Wisp of Divine Sense, falls into purgatory command token throughout, forms a line of not being able to see with his soul. 一缕神识,始终落入炼狱令牌,和他的灵魂形成一条看不见的线。 His line, slowly paces in the forest of length and breadth, sound that has not realized the person condemned to death. 他一路行来,在广袤的森林缓缓踱步,并没有察觉到死囚的动静。 Was invested said extremely the person condemned to death in purgatory field, is God King Realm, from First Sky to Third Sky, several hundred people, the quantity was extremely numerous. 被投入极道炼狱场的死囚,都是神王境,从一重天三重天不等,有数百人,数量算是极多了。 May say extremely the purgatory field is extremely broad, several hundred people were dispersed, wants to bump into all of a sudden, is not a very easy matter. 可极道炼狱场却极其宽阔,数百人被分散开来,想要一下子碰到,也不是一件很容易的事情。 Shi Yan does not worry, wisp of Divine Sense falls into purgatory command token, is maintaining in five li (0.5km) the survey of life to the surrounding area, oneself let loose Divine Sense, the dissipation spreads, induces the recent change. 石岩也不着急,一缕神识落入炼狱令牌,保持着对方圆五里内生命的探测,自己将神识放开来,散逸蔓延开来,去感应最近的变化。 His expression is special, is containing Space Deep Meaning, once so long as has the slight power fluctuation, keen perceiving. 他的神色特殊,蕴藏着空间奥义,只要一旦有细微的力量波动,都会敏锐的觉察到。 He slowly marches forward, had been discovering that at least in six regions, has light weak energy, he listened to Tie Mu and Aranza saying that knows that said in the purgatory field to have the places of many bad risk extremely, person condemned to death and participant, if were not careful, rushed by mistake, will annoy to be greatly troublesome, even met divine soul entirely extinguished. 他一路慢慢行进着,已经发现至少有六处区域内,有着淡淡的微弱能量,他听铁牧、亚兰说过,知道极道炼狱场内有很多凶险之地,死囚和参加者如果不小心,误闯了进去,将会惹来大麻烦,甚至会神魂俱灭 Therefore, once perceived that unusual fluctuation, he initiative gives way to traffic, does not take risk. 因此,一旦觉察到不同寻常的波动,他都会主动的避让开来,不去冒险。 Arrives on a barren hill, he stopped temporarily, sits well in the mountain peak, visual front. 来到一座秃山上,他暂时停了下来,端坐在山尖,目视前方。 Unusual designs, were portrayed in his, that is many restriction and barrier that he grasps, must come in Refiner's Secret of Success that from Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, he comprehended many marvelous Array Diagram portray arrangement methods, some barrier and restriction naked eye is difficult to see, only then special Divine Sense can the sense of touch. 一个个奇特的图案,在他脚下被刻画出来,那是他掌握的不少禁制结界,从暗磁雾瘴得来的炼器要诀中,他领悟了不少奇妙阵图的刻画布置方式,有的结界禁制肉眼难见,只有特殊的神识可以触觉到。 He these Array Diagram arrangement in mountain 11 edge, person, actually not can see dark smog binding, if here the outside world person stares, will discover that this place is only dimcannot give the accurate discovery with the naked eye him. 他将那些阵图布置在山11边缘处,人在其中,却被看不见的暗色烟雾给裹住,如果外界的人凝视这边,会发现此地只是一片昏暗”不能用肉眼将他给准确的发现。 Sits in the summit, his looks at distant place, sees only mountain peaks to reach to the sky indifferently, cloud cluster that ash-gray and brown, gloomy sinks, winds around in each region, such as dark arrange groups. 坐在山顶,他漠然看着远方,只见一座座山峰高耸入云,灰色、褐色、阴沉沉的云簇,缭绕在各个区域,如一块块暗色的布团。 A forehead, the soul enters Heavenly Flame Altar leisurely, he spreads the thought to come„here, your Soul Consciousness, whether one and was affected?” 一点额头,灵魂逸入天火祭台,他传出念头来”“在这儿,你们的灵魂意识,是否一并受到了影响?” , „.” ,“是的。” Several Heavenly Flame read with Tokii incoming signal, the consciousness was consistent, showed that here indeed quite special, had mystical energy to block soul Divine Sense, their this kind of unusual life, cannot the assurance arrive at the surrounding trend accurately. 几种天火同时井来讯念,意识都一致,说明这儿的确颇为的特殊,有神秘能量阻绝了灵魂神识,就连他们这类的奇特生命,也不能准确的把握到周围的动向。 The knitting the brows head, he shouted to clear the way suddenly:, You disperse respectively, maintains five li (0.5km) with me, pays attention the four directions to me, I want static a while.” 皱了皱眉头,他忽然喝道:,“你们各自散开来,和我保持五里,给我留意四方,我要静一会儿。” Bunches of Heavenly Flame, are elegant the responsibility from his Soul Altar, is only a blink time, then vanished without the shade. 一簇簇天火,从他灵魂祭台内飘逸出责,只是一眨眼功夫,便消失无影了。 Heavenly Flame is his hideaway method, the critical moment, can make him reverse the aspect, even is transferred the victory by the defeat, in addition, he can be his sentry use. 天火是他的一个隐藏手段,关键时刻,可以让他扭转局面,甚至由败转胜,除此之外,他可以作为他的哨兵使用。 Heavenly Flame and his regard are interlinked, once perceived that has the danger to arrive, can his soul direct communication, be able to make him prepare ahead of time. 天火和他心意相通,一旦觉察到有危险降临,能够对他灵魂直接传讯,可以让他提前准备。 Bunches of flame leave, he also gradually relaxes, maintains wisp of Divine Sense in purgatory command token, in this barren hill peak, silently calms down, soul Ethereal, the attention places the power deep meaning level, attempts and here achieves some marvelous resonance by the deep meaning of that deep meaning level. 一簇簇火焰离开,他也渐渐放松下来,保持一缕神识在炼狱令牌内,就在这秃山顶端,默默的冷静下来,将灵魂空灵,注意力放在力量奥义层,试图以那奥义层的奥义和这儿达成某种奇妙的共鸣。 Relaxed, no longer thinks that these worrying matter outside body, his complexion is serene, whole focuses, aura little concealing of whole body gets up, such as a ten thousand years of motionless iron stone, vanished including the life fluctuation gradually. 放松了,不再想身外的那些烦心事,他脸色安详,阖着眼,周身的气息一点点的隐匿起来,如成了一块万年不动的铁石,渐渐连生命波动都消失了。 He knows his short board: Realm woman Di. 他知道自己的短板:境界妇氐了。 By True God Realm cultivation base, to execute Ao Gela, incomparable difficultyparticularly, Ao Gela also will not be a person, if really quick bumping into, his odds of suc­cess will not have. 真神境修为,若想要格杀奥格拉斯,将会无比的艰难”尤其是,奥格拉斯还不是一个人,真要是很快的碰上,他一点胜算都没有。 Reason that dares to say the boastful talk , because he believes that believes one can short time breakthrough, achieve God King Realm. 之所以胆敢口出狂言,是因为他坚信,坚信自己可以短时间突破,达到神王之境 By his talent and foundation, once breakthrough arrives at God King Realm, the power deep meaning can spread out turns into God's Domain, the God Body accomplishment, he believes that trivial God King Second Sky Realm Ao Gela, is far from his match! 以他的天赋和基础,一旦突破神王境,力量奥义能够衍变成神之领域,神体大成,他相信,区区神王二重天境界奥格拉斯,绝非他的对手! He has this self-confidence! 他就是有这个自信! Said extremely purgatory field numerous people condemned to death and participants, can be the resources that he is formidable, here, he will certainly soar, enters a step new altitude. 极道炼狱场众多死囚和参赛者,都会是他强大起来的资源,在这儿,他必将一飞冲天,进阶一个新的高度。 In the silent mountain peak, he closes one's eyes, draws support from in Ji saying that the marvelous place of purgatory field, relaxes the mind, realizes from experience the power deep meaning earnestly fine lou, does not know passing of outside world time. 寂静的山峰内,他闭着眼睛,借助于极道炼狱场的奇妙之处,放松心神,去认真体悟力量奥义的精髅,不知道外界时间的流逝。 Beyond ten li (0.5km), three only remain a person condemned to death of eye, stands shoulder to shoulder, around vigilant looks at. 十里之外,三个只剩一只眼睛的死囚,并肩而立,警惕的看着四周。 These three people are God King First Sky Realm, as if received the grave offense, not only had been dug an eye, on the face also portrays alarmed imprisoning min, mentioned by name their person condemned to death status, Sea Clan that three people really rarely arrive , the neck place is abundant the fish wax. 这三人都是神王一重天境界,似乎受了重罪,不但被生生挖了一个眼睛,脸上还刻画着触目惊心的囚玟,点名了他们的死囚身份,三人都是甚少见到的海族,脖颈处丰着鱼蜡。 Three people of height about three meters, wear the tattered clothing, the eye is green, secret careful all around, while face obviously ominous light. 三人身高近三米,穿着破破烂烂的衣衫,眼睛绿幽幽的,一边暗暗小心四周,一边脸显凶光。 They are very vigilant, know one can be the game of participant, once bumps into the excel participant, will give to execute quickly, becomes the merit of opposite party helps. 他们很警惕,知道自己会是参赛者的猎物,一旦碰到高强的参赛者,将会很快给格杀,成为对方的功助。 Therefore, his line, desirably had evaded will have the place of Expert appearing and disappearing, looks for the remote region to walk specially. 因此,他一路行来,都刻意避过了会有强者出没之地,专门找偏僻的区域走。 They arrive at the range that Shi Yan was, they do not know quite the same as. 不知不觉间,他们来到了石岩所在的范围,他们浑然不知。 Shi Yan purgatory command token, in addition has not spread the life to fluctuate, Yin Spirit Ghost Flame Heavenly Flame, has been ahead of time to detect. 石岩的炼狱令牌,尚且没有传出生命波动,天火之一的阴灵鬼火,已经提前一步发觉了。 Blue tearful flame, binds in an old tree leaf, cannot realize, that three people of God King Realm, has not discovered exceptionally, but also is approaching in the Shi Yan direction. 一朵蓝汪汪的火苗,在一株古树叶子内裹住,根本察觉不出,那三人的神王境,也没有发现异常,还在朝着石岩的方向逼近。 The thought consciousness of Yin Spirit Ghost Flame, diameter has gone directly to Shi Yan Soul Altar. 阴灵鬼火的念头意识,已径直达石岩灵魂祭台内。 Enters the wonderland soon, in addition does not have to realize from experience this place mysterious him with enough time well, woke in vain, what Realm does the facial expression shake„?” 才进入妙境不多久,尚且没有来得及好好体悟此地奥妙的他,徒然醒了过来,神情一震”“什么境界?” , Is fiercer than you, according to the division of your Warrior, should be God King First Sky, but opposite party three, you not necessarily can endure.” Yin Spirit Ghost Flame communication. ,“比你厉害一点点,按照你们武者的划分,应该是神王一重天,可对方有三个,你不一定吃得消。”阴灵鬼火传讯 Three?” Shi Yan has gawked, hesitant, said: Has the bloody battle, can quicker comprehension power deep meaning, these three people, what comes is really prompt. They!” “三个?”石岩愣了一下,犹豫了一下,道:“只有血战,才能更快的领悟力量奥义,这三人,来的真是及时。就他们了!” His long body, deeply inspired, puts out a hand to touch, surrounding barrier and restriction vanished do not see, have distinguished a direction, he anxiously not slow line, the manner was not calm, in the look fighting intent was turbulent. 他长身而起,深深吸了一口气,伸手一摸,周围的结界禁制消失不见,辨别了一个方向,他不急不缓的行去,神态冷静自如,眼神内却战意汹涌。
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