GOS :: Volume #8

#785: The one person alone goes

Shi Yan does not know that Anna spoke good the unrestrained gambling with him and Ao Guduo, the gambling stake was star of the life, was really rare. 石岩并不知道lì安娜拿他和奥古多讲行了豪赌,赌注为一颗生命之星,实属罕见。 Departs after that mountain range peak, he changes into one bunch of star light, is relying on the instruction of purgatory command token, toward said extremely the purgatory field illness clashes, in his behind, Aranza and Tie Mu followed fast, is a face astonished looks to him. 从那山峦顶端离去后,他化为一束星光,依循着炼狱令牌的指示,朝着极道炼狱场疾冲,在他身后,亚兰、铁牧快速跟了上来,都是一脸惊异的看向他。 Quickly, the God King Second Sky Aranza and Tie Mu, flushed from the rear area, speeds along with him shoulder to shoulder. 很快地,神王二重天的亚兰和铁牧,已经从后方冲了上来,与他并肩飞驰。 , Your boy insane inadequate? Ao Gela in God King Second Sky Realm, even if both of us, does not dare saying that can kill him, you True God Realm?” Tie Mu side looks to him, the look is strangeyou to mump, shouldn't bring to light quickly? This did not clarify must make Ao Gela say extremely the purgatory field did cope with you?” ,“你小子疯了不成?奥格拉斯在神王二重天境界,就算是我们俩,也不敢说能够干掉他,你才真神境啊?”铁牧侧头看向他,眼神古怪”“你就算是要斗气,也不该那么快挑明啊?这不是摆明了要让奥格拉斯在极道炼狱场对付你吗?” Shi Yan knitting the brows head, sinking sound track:, I believe that I was saying in the purgatory field extremely, can let Ao Gela to live departure.” He has his self-confidence. 石岩皱了皱眉头,沉声道:,“我相信我在极道炼狱场内,可以让奥格拉斯不能活着离开。”他有他的自信。 , In hundred years, take in Ao Guduo head, you can think really!” Aranza expressed admiration, shook the head, unthinkable saying: Let alone you, in our Dark Sky God Country, besides your majesty, I could not have thought that really who dares to leave this brave words. Even if Sir Anna, perhaps does not have this energy.” ,“百年内,取奥古多的项上人头,你真敢想啊!”亚兰啧啧称奇,摇了摇头,匪夷所思的说道:“别说你了,在我们天涅神国,除了陛下之外,我还真想不到有谁敢出此豪言。就算是lì安娜大人,恐怕也没有这个底气啊。” This makes Aranza not dare to believe. 这本是让亚兰不敢置信的。 Ao Guduo is one of the five big feudal lords, in the god home, under one person above ten thousand people, the strength and influence is abundant, the subordinates ominous person are countless. 奥古多乃是五大诸侯之一,在神国内,一人之下万人之上,实力和势力都是雄厚之极,麾下凶人无数。 Even if Realm achieves Ao Guduo cultivation base, does not have one crazily happy, since, gave up any idea of that defeats Ao Guduo, do not raise kills him. 就算是境界达到奥古多修为,没有一股疯狂的喜从,也休想将奥古多击败,更不要提杀他了。 Source God Realm Expert, each has method of self-preservation ”, even if not beatwants to leave is also easy. 源神境强者,每一个都有自保的手段”即便是不敌”想要离开也是轻而易举。 Ao Guduo or Source God Second Sky Realm Expert, wants to kill him, only if the opposite party achieves Source God Third Skyalso is higher than entire Realm, has the successful possibility. 奥古多还是源神二重天境界强者,真想要杀他,对方除非达到源神三重天”也只有高出整整一个境界,才有成功的可能性。 Big god country, existence of Source God Third Sky Realm, only then your majesty Du Tianji trivial person. 偌大一个神国,源神三重天境界的存在,只有陛下镀天奇区区一人。 Entire Lie Yan Star Field, achieves the Source God Third Sky terrifying character, is few, each is the character of ruling a region by force, or the concealing innumerable years, do not know whether also living old monster thing. 整个烈焰星域,达到源神三重天恐怖人物,也屈指可数,每一个都是雄霸一方的人物,或是隐匿无数年不出,不知道是否还活着的老怪物。 Exists compared with these, True God Realm Shi Yan, frail such as the ants are common, in his front vault of heaven, does not know is also containing many unknown bad risk. 和那些存在相比,真神境石岩,孱弱如蝼蚁一般,在他前方的苍穹内,不知道还蕴藏着多少的未知凶险。 He spoke frankly that needs in hundred years to kill Ao Guduo, this is not extremely arrogant, but is ignorant! 他直言要百年内干掉奥古多,这已经不是狂妄了,而是无知! Therefore, how Aranza looks at Shi Yan high, does not believe the wild language that he spoke has anything to act according to the nature, when only he talks irresponsibly, has been wild with rageignorant spouting rhetoric that Ao Guduo compels. 因此,不论是亚兰如何高看石岩,都不相信他所说的狂话有什么依据性,只当他信口雌黄,被奥古多逼的气疯了”才会无知的大放厥词。 That Tie Mu, hears the view of Aranza, is the whole face forced smile, shakes the head secretly, although he has not spoken the ridicule, but the manner and complexionalso fully showed that the idea of his innermost feelings, actually with Aranza is completely consistent, does not believe that Shi Yan can cash the pledge. 铁牧,听到亚兰的说法,也是满脸苦笑,暗自摇头,他虽然没有出言讥讽,可神态和脸色”也足以说明他内心的想法,其实和亚兰是全然一致的,都不相信石岩可以兑现誓言。 Had not explained that the Shi Yan calm face, the look is calmcontinues to pick up the speed, toward said in the purgatory field to catch up extremely. 并没有解释,石岩沉着脸,眼神冷静”继续加快速度,朝着极道炼狱场内赶。 The bunch imprisoned person condemned to death, was being towed by some power, invested in abundance said in the purgatory field extremely, side Shi Yan and Aranza and Tie Mu, stream of light passed over gently and swiftly once for a while obviously, by far shot at the purgatory star other one side. 一团团被囚禁的死囚,被某种力量牵引着,纷纷投入了极道炼狱场内,在石岩和亚兰、铁牧身旁,时不时可见一道流光掠过,都远远射向炼狱星的另外一边。 Said extremely purgatory field was enormous, occupied purgatory star 50% regions, its Zhongshan 11 lakes, the forest length and breadth, was containing all sorts of bad risks. 极道炼狱场极大,占据了炼狱星一半的区域,其中山11湖泊,森林广袤,蕴藏着种种凶险。 Through Aranza and Tie Mu, Shi Yan knows, in said in the purgatory field extremely, all sorts of restriction, barrier and formation that Human Realm created, it is said that that said extremely the purgatory field naturally was marvelous formation, seized the good fortune of heaven and earth, afterward by the artificial enhancement, it may be said that was a Dark Sky God Country most bad risk region. 通过亚兰、铁牧,石岩知道,在极道炼狱场内,还有人位造成的种种禁制结界阵法,据说,那极道炼狱场天然就是一个奇妙的阵法,夺天地之造化,后来又被人为的增强,可谓是天涅神国最为凶险的一个区域。 Even if no battle, does not have these Lie Yan Star Field ominous people and hoodlums, Warrior thorough in, also will be very difficult, must deal with the danger that makes desirably carefully. 就算是没有争斗,没有那些烈焰星域的凶人、暴徒,武者深入其中,也会很艰难,要小心应付刻意弄出来的危险。 There, many region well terrifying, wants fearful many compared with dark ice-cold Outer Territory. 那儿,很多区域井恐怖,比黑暗冰冷的域外还要可怕的多。 However, the place of most bad risk, is often containing the big chance, said extremely the purgatory field is such a place. 然而,最凶险之地,往往也蕴藏着大机缘,极道炼狱场就是这么一个地方。 Purgatory command token in hand has glistened swiftly, in a ash-gray aperture, he changes into together the light, such as had been pulled maliciously, a bump into in. 手中的炼狱令牌倏然闪亮了一下,在一个灰色的光圈内,他化为一道光,如被狠狠的扯了进来,一头撞入其中。 The body presents that same place, his Soul Altar fiercely shakes, in the look appears together astonished rays of light, the corners of the mouth appear a wisp of happy expression. 身子才出现那一块,他灵魂祭台都猛地一震,眼神中显出一道惊异的光芒,嘴角显出一缕喜色。 Rumor really not empty! 传言果然不虚! The people, he do not have use slight energy, has not comprehended the space, the stars and Life and Death Deep Meaning, why does not know, the strange place of suffering injustice, he as if becomes to the power deep meaning incomparable is sensitive. 人在其中,他没有动用丝毫的能量,没有去领悟空间、星辰、生死奥义,可不知道为何,不见天日的诡异之地,他仿佛对力量奥义变得无比的敏感起来。 The purgatory field extremely, as if contained a naked eye unable to see, including mystical energy that the soul sense of touch did not arrive, under the encirclements of these energy, any Warrior, can have the profound understanding to the cultivation base power deep meaning. 极道炼狱场内,似乎蕴藏着一种肉眼看不见,连灵魂也触觉不到的神秘能量,在那些能量的环绕下,任何武者,都可以对所修为力量奥义有着深刻的认识。 Holds the breath with rapt attention, his subconscious sinks to the power deep meaning level the soul, suddenly discovery in that soul, 屏息凝神,他下意识的将灵魂沉入力量奥义层,忽然发现在那灵魂, In the sacrificial altar region, three power deep meanings emit the marvelous fluctuation. 祭台区域内,三种力量奥义散溢出奇妙的波动。 That fluctuation, as if said some power in purgatory field to achieve the resonance extremely, was only the flash, he connected to the induction of life and death and Space Deep Meaning, plants 那种波动,似乎和极道炼狱场内的某种力量达成共鸣,只是一霎那,他对生死、空间奥义的感应就连接起来,有种 In interplanetary magnetic storm Center, nine was counted the feeling of Strength of Space distortion. 处于空间磁暴〖中〗央,被九数空间之力扭曲的感觉。 Birth and death Intent Domain, does not have guiding of soul, on own initiative from his body[ body] in emits, he returned to Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field likely, makes Zi Yao restore by Life and Death Deep Meaning such as beginning. 生与死的意境,没有灵魂的导引,主动从他身〖体〗内散溢出来,恍惚间,他像是回到了日星爆碎场,以生死奥义来让紫耀恢复如初。 This place does not see Sun and Moon Stars, backdrop becomes the grey dark color, however, he[ body] in Stars Martial Spirit actually marvelous activity. 此地不见日月星辰,天幕成灰暗色,然而,他〖体〗内的星辰武魂却奇妙的活动开来。 The induction, sifts in the soul Stars Martial Spirit with rapt attention, he as if has a good swim in the vast starry sky, can keen perceiving to the activity paths of stars. 凝神感应,将灵魂飘入星辰武魂之内,他仿佛畅游在浩瀚星空内,可以敏锐的觉察到一颗颗星辰的活动轨迹。 In this marvelous place, his anything does not think, but closes one's eyes to realize from experience, discovered that he approached the basis of deep meaning infinitely, as if has seen clearly among heaven and earth the most mysterious change, if can calm the mind to realize from experience silently, this regarding his nowadays Realm, has the immeasurable profit! 在这奇妙之地,他什么都不想,只是闭着眼睛体悟,就发现他无限接近了奥义的根本,仿佛洞察了天地间最玄妙的变化,若是能够静下心来默默体悟,这对于他现今的境界,将有着无可估量的益处! Cow Xiu! 咻! Two silhouette, fall suddenly on his side, Shi Yan turned head, discovers person Aranza and Tie Mu. 两道身影,忽然在他身旁落下来,石岩回过头来,发现来人正是亚兰和铁牧 These two belong to Kashewen Warrior, a face sinking pupil color side him, is the same with him, is the closing one's eyes secret experience. 这两个属于卡修恩武者,在他身旁一脸沉眸色,和他一样,也是闭着眼睛暗暗体会。 Really is a marvelous place, the outside world rumor seriously is not empty, if can continuously here cultivation, we understanding to Realm extremely profound. Ha, I do not want to leave. “真是个奇妙之地,外界的传言当真是不虚啊,如果可以一直在这儿修炼,我们对境界的认识会极为的深刻。哈,我都不想离开了。 Tie Mu has smiled loudly, a face is happy:, Thanked Sir Kashewen, unexpectedly has given us two quotas, Ha Ha, this time from said the purgatory field extremely, if can live coming out, I thought me certainly to be able breakthrough to Third Sky of God King Realm.” 铁牧大声笑了起来,一脸欣悦:,“感谢卡修恩大人,居然给了我们两个名额,哈哈,这次从极道炼狱场若是可以活着出来,我想我一定可以突破神王三重天之境。” , You want to obtain beautiful.” Aranza light snort|hum, „do you know that said extremely the purgatory field every other 50 years do open one time? Each time time of opening, only then short three years. You may know that in three years, how many commodities the god country can consume?” ,“你想得到美。”亚兰轻哼一声,“你知不知道极道炼狱场每隔50年才开启一次?每次开启的时间,只有短短的三年。你可知道,在三年之间内,神国要耗费多少物资?” , „?” A Tie Mu face is bewildered. ,“嗯?”铁牧一脸莫名其妙。 Shi Yan has also gawked, temporarily stopped has sensed with rapt attention, looked earnestly to Aranza. 石岩也是愣了一下,暂时停下了凝神感悟,认真地看向亚兰。 , It is said that this said extremely the purgatory field is incomparable mystical formation, can reverse energy of heaven and earth. But here maintenance, actually needs huge energy and commodity, I heard in any case each year, the light is Divine Crystal must consume about ten thousand! middle grade above Divine Crystal! In addition, but also needs various class materials, many materials are rare, only then Divine Punishment Grounds has.” ,“据说,这极道炼狱场乃是一处无比神秘阵法,能够扭转天地之力。可这儿的维持,却需要庞大的能量和物资,我反正听说每一年,光是神晶都要耗费近万!还是中品以上的神晶!除此之外,还需要各类的材料,有很多材料都是稀罕之极,只有神罚之地才有。” Langton, said suddenly:, Sir comes time, you are also seeing you, is carrying the massive commodities. You think that these commodities do transport where? Told you, finally will consume is saying in the purgatory field extremely!” 亚兰顿了一下,忽然说道:,“大人过来的时候,你也见着你,携带着大量的物资。你以为那些物资输运到何处?告诉你吧,最终都会消耗在极道炼狱场内!” Such remarks, Shi Yan also had a scare. 此言一出,石岩也是吓了一跳。 He realizes battleships before Anna immediately, on the battleship is transporting the huge commodity, should also to maintain says the revolution of purgatory field extremely. 他马上意识到lì安娜之前的一艘艘战舰,战舰上输运着的庞大物资,应该也是为了维持极道炼狱场的运转。 Each year, the light is Divine Crystal must consume ten thousand, various rare materials, this great formation maintains for three years, how many treasures can consume? 每一年,光是神晶都要耗费万块,还有各类稀罕的材料,这个大阵维持三年,要消耗多少宝物? Also no wonder extremely said that the quota of purgatory field is like that scarce, Da Lei two, but noble like Zi Yao , can only obtain trivial seeks the quota. 也难怪极道炼狱场的名额那般稀少,就连达勒都只有两个,而高贵如紫耀,也只能得到区区一牟名额。 Suddenly, he had gratitude of one point of sincerity to Zi Yao, thanked her to give itself an opportunity. 忽然间,他对紫耀有了一分真心的感激,感激她给了自己一个机会。 His quota, fights for from the Ao Gela present hand, perhaps a purgatory command token value, compares an amethyst battleship also to want precious many! 他的名额,是从奥格拉斯手中争抢过来,一个炼狱令牌的价值,或许比一艘紫晶战舰还要珍贵的多! , Shi Yan, you are we together, is the go it alone?” Aranza explained that is lost in thought him, hesitant, said:, Your Realm is too low, all alone was saying in the purgatory field extremely, danger numerous. With us together , many have to take care, at least, Ao Gela must cope with you in a short time, does not have is so easy.” ,“石岩,你是和我们一道,还是单独行动?”亚兰讲解了一番,将他怔怔出神,犹豫了一下,才说:,“你境界太低,孤身一人在极道炼狱场内,危险重重。与我们一道,也多少有个照应,至少,短时间内奥格拉斯要对付你,没那么容易。” Her actually good intention. 她倒是一片好意。 Tie Mu also grinned to smileright, three of us together, here except for Expert of other feudal lord subordinates, these ominous people and hoodlums do not dare to invade one's territory, we were also good encircling slowly, how?” 铁牧也咧嘴笑了”“对啊,我们三人一道,在这儿除了别的诸侯麾下的强者,那些凶人、暴徒绝不敢来犯,我们也好慢慢的围剿,如何?” Aranza and Tie Mu in Gravity Room, have after a period of time exchange with him, knows well, these two, as if also had been told by Kashewen, therefore has sent out the invitation to him, indeed is to maintain him some time. 亚兰和铁牧重力室内,和他有过一段时间的交流,相互间熟识,这两人,似乎也被卡修恩吩咐过,所以对他发出了邀请,的确是想要维护他一段时间。 But Shi Yan had not appreciated kindness rendered, gave a calm smile, to bowtwo good intentions to decline with thanks below slightly, I came to say in the purgatory field extremely, to whet oneself. With you together, the danger was given to detain by you, I then cannot be disciplined truly. Un, said goodbye in light of this, you did not need to be worried, since I dare to come, naturally had the method of self-preservation.” 石岩并没有领情,淡然一笑,略略躬身”“两位好意在下心领了,我来极道炼狱场内,是为了磨砺自己。和你们一道,危险都被你们给拦阻下来,我便不能真正得到磨练。嗯,就此告别吧,你们不用担心,我既然敢进来,自然有自保的方法。” , „Did you affirm?” Tie Mu a little did not feel relieved that Ao Gela wholeheartedly kills you, he is also not a person, another two fellows of Ao Guduo subordinates is not the friendly kind, that three people together, in said in the purgatory field extremely, dares to annoy were not many.” ,“你肯定?”铁牧有点不放心,“奥格拉斯可是一心杀你,他还不是一个人,奥古多麾下的另外两个家伙也不是善类,那三人一道儿,在极道炼狱场内,敢惹的可不多啊。” , „Do you want to show off power really?” Aranza frowned, snort|hum. ,“你真要逞强?”亚兰皱起眉头,哼了一声。 Shi Yan smiled, cups one hand in the other across the chest a ritual, no longer talks too much, immediately changed the direction, all alone left, in two majestic mountain peak slits, dodged to pass, was only a while time, then thorough disappearance. 石岩笑了笑,拱手一礼,不再多言,立即改变了方向,孤身一人离开,在两座巍峨的山峰缝隙内,一闪而逝,只是一会儿功夫,便彻底的消失了。
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