GOS :: Volume #8

#784: In hundred years, I take on your neck head!

Chapter 760 第760章 In hundred years, I take on your neck head! 百年内,我取你颈上人头 Lianna and Ao Guduo are in sharp opposition, does not show weakness one by one, as if momentarily can make war. 莉安娜奥古多针锋相对,各个不示弱,似乎随时都可以开战。 They are the Dark Sky God Country feudal lords, usually in the mutual battle, Lianna has become the feudal lord soon, presses at one fell swoop Ao Guduo, has become in the feudal lord the influence and strength most formidable, this made Ao Guduo discontented. 两人都是天涅神国诸侯,平日里都相互争斗,莉安娜成了诸侯不多久,一举将奥古多压下来,成了诸侯中势力和实力最强大的一个,这本来就让奥古多不满。 Today, Lianna meddles his matter , helping a at all not famous boy, Ao Guduo, this is the naked provocation! 今日,莉安娜插手他的事情,帮助一个根本不出名的小子,在奥古多来看,这是赤裸裸的挑衅! His status and Earth Realm Expert, cannot be defied, therefore, he seriously was angry, must to know through Lianna that his Ao Guduo was the Dark Sky God Country feudal lord's head. 他这种身份和地位强者,是绝不容被挑衅的,因此,他当真是愤怒了,要通过莉安娜来让所有人知道,他奥古多才是天涅神国的诸侯之首。 These two confrontations, making many people silent. 这两人的对峙,让很多人都沉默了下来。 Even if Kashewen, Rochester and Da Lei, completely temporary calm, looks at silently, does not advise, does not shoulder the contradiction, as to take a look, these two who fiercely. 即便是卡修恩、罗切斯特和达勒,也全部暂时的冷静了下来,默默的看着,不劝阻,也不挑起矛盾,似乎都想瞧瞧,这两人谁更加厉害一点。 In the field the people, can make contact with the words only, only then the crown prince plates the day to be happy, but his Realm is slightly low, God King Third Sky cultivation base, when the two are in sharp opposition, has to give way to traffic temporarily, lives to fear is affected. 场内众人,唯一能够搭上话的,只有亲王鍍天乐,可他境界略低,神王三重天修为,在那两人针锋相对的时候,不得不暂时避让开来,生恐受到波及。 Shi Yan whole body is sore, a face dreary is looking under the body, in the pupil has the deep envy and hate. 石岩浑身酸痛,一脸阴郁的望着身下,眸中有着深深的忌恨。 Under glare of the public eye, he was imprisoned by Ao Guduo, aimed by the fabricated charge desirably, almost cannot live. 在众目睽睽之下,他被奥古多囚禁起来,被莫须有的罪名刻意针对,差一点就不能活下来。 Great shame! 奇耻大辱! From Grace Mainland budding, he by such big insult, the anger of innermost feelings simply has not been indescribable, he knows, by his present Realm, but also difficult to contend with Ao Guduo, asks for does not return to the gathering place. 从在神恩大陆崭露头角起,他还没有受过这么大的侮辱,内心的愤怒简直难以言喻,他知道,以他现在的境界,还难和奥古多抗衡,讨不回场子。 He comes the Lie Yan Star Field date and time to be too short, has not integrated this star territory truly, without own secondary roles influence, Realm was also too low, interposed cannot. 他来烈焰星域的时日太短,尚未真正融入这片星域,没有自己的班底势力,境界也太低了,连插上话都不能。 The looks at body under silently, his look strengthens gradually, the doggedly sincere, was stimulated. 默默的看着身下,他眼神渐渐坚定起来,一腔热血,已经被激发了起来。 He requires the time! 他需要时间! He believes that so long as gives his enough time to grow, some day, he must let all despise shivering, making Ao Guduo pay the deeply grieved price, is today's condemning regret is life-long! 他坚信,只要给他足够的时间成长,有朝一日,他要让所有轻视着颤抖,让奥古多付出惨痛的代价,为今日的问罪后悔终生! In the fight is ready to be set off, the crown prince plates the day to be happy, suddenly drinks to call: Wait a moment!” 就在战斗一触即发之时,那亲王鍍天乐,突然喝叫起来:“等一下!” The people cannot help but look to him, including Lianna and Ao Guduo that must battle, suspends, knits the brows to look to his direction, waits for him to speak. 众人不由得看向他,包括要交战的莉安娜奥古多,也都暂停下来,皱眉看向他的方向,等他讲话。 Your majesty has the command, does not get battle.” Plates the day to grasp a non- gold/metal Feiyin unusual metal happily, portrays the chart shape of scarlet imperial crown, he feels that imperial crown, extends a finger point. “陛下有令,不得争斗。”鍍天乐手持一枚非金非银的奇特金属,刻画着血色皇冠的图状,他摸着那皇冠,伸指头一点。 A marvelous soul fluctuation, emits from that imperial crown, is divided into two, simultaneously has shot at Ao Guduo and Lianna. 一股奇妙的灵魂波动,从那皇冠内散溢出来,分为两股,同时射向了奥古多莉安娜 Two who been in sharp opposition, simultaneously was silent, narrows the eyes to focus slightly, is bending the body, seems listening respectfully to the instruction of that soul. 正针锋相对的两人,同时沉默了下来,微微眯着眼,弓着身子,似乎在聆听那灵魂的吩咐。 Not long time, the soul fluctuation that from plating day musician in the imperial crown passes on, dissipated gradually, was at this time, Lianna and Ao Guduo have straightened up the body, neglected one, simultaneously coldly snorted. 多时,从鍍天乐手中皇冠内传出来的灵魂波动,渐渐的消散了,也是这时候,莉安娜奥古多都挺直了身子,忽视一眼,同时冷哼一声。 Plates day of happy Hehe to smile, five big feudal lords get together, that said extremely the smelting trial of purgatory field, can start.” 鍍天乐嘿嘿一笑,“五大诸侯齐聚,那极道炼狱场的试炼,可以开始了。” His speaker roar, the imperial crown in hand was projected by him suddenly to the day, a marvelous power dissipation comes, falls to purgatory command token of surrounding all participant Warrior waists, at the same time, in the mountains of surrounding Devil Ferocious Beast shapes, projects bunch of rays of light suddenly. 他忽然扬声厉啸,手中的皇冠被他抛射向天,一股奇妙的力量散逸开来,落向周围所有参赛者武者腰间的炼狱令牌,与此同时,在周围一座座妖魔凶兽形态的山川之内,突然射出一团团光芒 In each group of rays of light, is imprisoning a ferocious person condemned to death, these people condemned to death were bound by rays of light, uncontrolled flies toward the extremely far place. 每一团光芒中,都囚禁着一名穷凶极恶的死囚,那些死囚被光芒裹住,不受控制的朝着极远之处飞去。 Shi Yan looked sketchily that discovered person condemned to death who escape comes out, more than 200 people, Realm, is at least worst, is God King First Sky Realm, has to achieve the God King Third Sky Realm ruthless person, was being towed by some power, seemed pulled to said the purgatory field extremely. 石岩粗略一看,发现飞逸出来的死囚,至少有200余人,境界不等,最差的,也是神王一重天境界,其中还有达到神王三重天境界的狠人,都被某种力量牵引着,似乎被拉扯向了极道炼狱场。 Purgatory command token of his waist, spread the marvelous fluctuation, some type of seal seemed relieved. 他腰间的炼狱令牌,传出了奇妙的波动,某种封印似乎被解除了。 Has purgatory command token, can pass to participate, purgatory command token of your waist are the keys that enters, once enters says the purgatory field extremely, before the time has not arrived, you are impossible to come out.” Plates the day to raise head happily explained slowly that was saying in the purgatory field extremely, did not have natural law, you can kill anybody! The prisoners, the participant, even your companions, can kill! Finally kills people many, will obtain your majesty sees, obtains your majesty granting. In purgatory command token of your waist, has power that the life induces, you can induce to the positions of your game, the Realm height, you do what one can.” “拥有炼狱令牌者,可以过去参赛了,你们腰间的炼狱令牌是进入的钥匙,一旦进入极道炼狱场,时间没有到之前,你们不可能出来。”鍍天乐仰头缓缓解释,“在极道炼狱场内,没有规则,你们可以杀任何人!囚犯,参与者,甚至你们的同伴,都可以杀!最终杀人最多者,将会获得陛下的亲见,得到陛下的赏赐。在你们腰间的炼狱令牌中,有着生命感应的力量,在其中,你们可以感应到你们的猎物的位置,境界的高低,你们量力而行。” Including Lianna and Ao Guduo, has not spoken, silent is listening to the explanation of Du Tianji. 包括莉安娜奥古多在内,都没有讲话,沉默的听着鍍天奇的讲解。 Also does not know that Dark Sky God Country Du Tianji, used soul theory to them anything, the two of original at daggers drawn, ceased all activities, anything does not say. 也不知道天涅神国鍍天奇,对他们用灵魂说了什么,本来剑拔弩张的两人,都偃旗息鼓,什么都不说了。 Condemning of Lianna to Ao Gela, framing of Ao Guduo to Shi Yan, as if has not occurred, vanished into thin air. 莉安娜奥格拉斯的问罪,奥古多石岩的陷害,似乎没有发生过,烟消云散了。 Rochester and Kashewen and Da Lei three people, told in the arrangement, the participant who lets their subordinates pays attention anything, the Shi Yan attention watches, discovers in the waist of Da Meng, is leaving together purgatory command token similarly, obviously, he is also a participant. 罗切斯特和卡修恩达勒三人,已经在安排吩咐了,让他们麾下的参赛者留意什么,石岩注意观看,发现在达蒙的腰间,也同样别着一块炼狱令牌,显然,他也是参与者。 Da Lei is his father, Da Lei had two quotas, he gives the subordinates from the beginning two outstanding Warrior, he has other arrangements for Da Meng, schemes a Zi Yao quota. 达勒是他父亲,达勒本来就有两个名额,他一开始是交给麾下两个出众的武者的,他为达蒙另有安排,图谋紫耀的一个名额。 After the failure, the pain loves son's Da Lei, does not have the means that only then lets subordinates have handed over purgatory command token, enabling his son Da Meng to participate, in said in the purgatory field to whet itself extremely. 失败后,痛爱儿子的达勒,没办法,只有让其中一个麾下交出了炼狱令牌,让他儿子达蒙可以参赛,在极道炼狱场内磨砺自己。 Besides Da Lei, that Ao Gela is also same, there is a number and route plate together. 除了达勒外,那奥格拉斯也是一样,也有一块腰牌。 His number and route plate, from his uncle Ao Guduo, the Ao Guduo three quotas, divided one to give him, because of his quota, had been given Shi Yan by Zi Yao. 他的腰牌,得自他舅舅奥古多,奥古多三个名额,分了一个给他,因为他的名额,被紫耀让给了石岩 Five big feudal lords, Lianna and Ao Guduo merit is biggest, has three quotas, other three big feudal lords, person of two quotas, Zi Yao has a quota, participates said extremely purgatory field, altogether has 13 people. 五大诸侯,其中莉安娜奥古多功劳最大,拥有三个名额,其余三大诸侯,一人两个名额,紫耀有一个名额,参加极道炼狱场者,一共有13人。 At this time, participants, are grasping purgatory command token, started the activity. 此时,一个个参赛者,手持着炼狱令牌,已经开始活动起来。 Lianna manner ice-cold, is exchanging with three Warrior of her subordinates in a low voice, dark green eyes of cold severe bloodthirsty, look once for a while to Ao Guduo and his participant, looked with emphasis to Ao Gela. 莉安娜神态冰冷,和她麾下的三个武者低声交流着,一双冷厉嗜杀的暗青色眼睛,时不时看向奥古多和他身旁的参赛者,重点望向了奥格拉斯。 She as if in instructing the person of subordinates, making them say in the purgatory field extremely, kills Ao Gela and another two belongs to Ao Guduo Warrior. 她似乎在指示麾下的人,让他们在极道炼狱场内,杀死奥格拉斯和另外两个属于奥古多武者 Similarly, Ao Guduo Hehe is also grinning fiendishly, does not show weakness looks at each other with her, is very obvious, he and Lianna has the similar thoughts, prepares to say in the purgatory field extremely, vies with each other. 同样的,奥古多嘿嘿狞笑着,不示弱的和她对视,很显然,他和莉安娜有着同样的心思,都准备在极道炼狱场内,一争长短。 Shi Yan, walks.” 石岩,走喽。” Tie Mu laughs, leaves from Kashewen, walks together with Aranza, beckons toward him. 铁牧大笑一声,从卡修恩旁边离开,和亚兰一道走过来,朝着他招了招手。 Shi Yan grinning gives a calm smile, arrives at side Tie Mu and Aranza, but does not have anxiously departure. 石岩咧嘴淡然一笑,来到铁牧和亚兰身旁,不过却没有急着离开。 On the contrary, he stopped, looks from afar to Ao Guduo, looks to Ao Gela, has hesitated, suddenly tranquil saying: Sir Ao Guduo, is insulted today, presented in date certain ten times also!” 相反,他停了下来,远远看向奥古多那边,望向奥格拉斯,沉吟了一下,突然平静的说道:“奥古多大人,今天所受侮辱,在下来日一定十倍奉还!” Ridicule that Ao Guduo disdains, depending on you? What thing are you? Hehe, you at all impossible from extremely to say in the purgatory field to live coming out.” 奥古多不屑的讥笑一声,“凭你?你算什么东西?嘿嘿,你根本不可能从极道炼狱场内活着出来。” Shi Yan expression is calm, does not lose one's temper, puts out a hand a finger of day, said indifferently: My Shi Yan swore in this that within hundred years, will certainly take on your Ao Guduo neck head! If cannot, my Shi Yan in hundred years of deadline, alienate oneself at the scene!” 石岩神色冷静,并不动怒,伸手指天,淡然说道:“我石岩在此立誓,百年之内,必将取你奥古多颈上人头!若是不能,我石岩在百年期限内,自绝当场!” The people complexion shakes greatly, inconceivable looks to him, the look appears the unthinkable color. 众人脸色巨震,都不可思议的看向他,眼神都显出匪夷所思的色彩来。 True God Realm Warrior, such as wants breakthrough to arrive at God King Realm, 100 years appears short, enters into Source God Realm, many people are all year long impossible, but Ao Guduo, as if Expert of Source God Realm Second Sky rank, Shi Yan at this time swore that none who does not becomes was muddleheaded inadequately? 一个真神境武者,如想要突破神王境,100年的时间都显得短暂,迈入源神境,许多人终年都不可能,而奥古多,似乎还是源神境二重天级别的强者,石岩此时立誓,莫不成昏了头不成? Ao Guduo laughs wildly, good, I must have a look but actually, whether you can live hundred years! Hahaha!” 奥古多狂笑起来,“好,我倒要看看,你能否活个百年!哈哈哈!” Shi Yan is not affected, aims at Ao Gela uninhibitedly, said: „The purgatory field extremely, I will take your life, if you dare to enter.” 石岩不受影响,旁若无人地指向奥格拉斯,道:“极道炼狱场内,我会取你性命,如果你真敢进入的话。” People again startled, looked that the fool same looks to him. 众人再惊,看傻子一样看向他。 He has True God Realm, in the participant, he is Realm lowest one, but Ao Gela, is God King Second Sky, in the Lie Yan Star Field reputation illustrious, is young generation of Expert that became famous. 他只有真神境,在参赛者中,他是境界最低的一位,而奥格拉斯,则是神王二重天,在烈焰星域声名赫赫,是出了名的年轻一辈的强者 Today, is being five big feudal lords and crown prince plates the day happy surface, is working as numerous Warrior, he said unexpectedly wants to say in the purgatory field extremely, executes Ao Gela, is this joke? 今天,当着五大诸侯和亲王鍍天乐的面,当着众多武者,他居然说要在极道炼狱场内,格杀奥格拉斯,这是笑话么? In hundred years kill Ao Guduo, said in the purgatory field extremely, killed Ao Gela, his arrogance and rampancy, making the people tarry, whole faces strange looked to him, thought that he feared was insane, thought extremely laughable. 百年内杀奥古多,极道炼狱场内,杀奥格拉斯,他的狂妄和嚣张,让众人都呆住了,一个个满脸怪异的看向他,觉得他怕是疯了,觉得极其的可笑。 But the people actually cannot smile, Shi Yan expression firm serious, does not crack a joke obviously, although on him does not have what intense fluctuation and aura, but he gives the feeling of person, is unusual. 可众人却笑不出来,石岩神色的坚决严肃,明显不是开玩笑,虽然他身上没有什么强烈的波动和气息,可他给人的感觉,却不同寻常。 I will be waiting for you in inside.” The Ao Gela look is cloudy severe, Hehe smiles, „, if you have to plant to look for me.” “我会在里面等着你。”奥格拉斯眼神阴厉下来,嘿嘿一笑,“如果你有种找我的话。” Sir Ao Guduo, please first restrain your grief and accommodate change, gives your nephew to prepare the coffin.” Shi Yan sprinkles however smiles, at once strides bravely forward, crosses Aranza and Tie Mu that similarly shocks, toward said extremely the direction of purgatory field flies. 奥古多大人,请你先节哀顺变,给你侄儿准备好棺材吧。”石岩洒然一笑,旋即昂首阔步,越过同样惊呆的亚兰和铁牧,朝着极道炼狱场的方向飞去。 A Ao Guduo face is pale, eyes emits the raging flame, sneers constantly, Ao Gela, if you cannot say in the purgatory field extremely, suffers to me that boy until death, I then do not have your such nephew!” 奥古多一脸铁青,双眸冒出熊熊烈火,冷笑不迭,“奥格拉斯,若是你不能在极道炼狱场内,将那小子给我折磨至死,我便没你这么一个侄儿!” Uncle felt relieved that I will make him taste completely in world all pain, before I will die the scene to engrave by the imaginary stone him, making the uncle attractive.” The Ao Gela manner is relaxed, shows a faint smile, self-confident saying proudly. “舅舅放心,我会让他尝尽世间所有痛苦,我会将他死前的场景以幻石刻印下来,让舅舅好好看看。”奥格拉斯神态轻松,微微一笑,自信傲然的说道。 Goes, I and other good news.” Ao Guduo waves. “去吧,我等你的好消息。”奥古多挥手。 Two Warrior of Ao Gela and his side, bow at once, flies in the Shi Yan direction. 奥格拉斯和他身旁的两名武者,旋即躬身,朝着石岩的方向飞去。 „Does Ao Guduo, will make a bet with me?” Suddenly, Lianna spoke, I use the star of life to bet with you, I will bet your nephew dead, Shi Yan will live.” 奥古多,敢和我打个赌么?”突然,莉安娜讲话了,“我用旗下一个生命之星与你赌,我赌你侄儿会死,石岩会活。” Kashewen, Da Lei and Rochester and plated day of Le Quanbu dumbfounded, inconceivable looked to the woman of that ominous remoteness, was not fully correct, why she will look at Shi Yan high. 卡修恩达勒、罗切斯特和鍍天乐全部呆住了,不可思议的看向那凶名远扬的女人,怎么也猜不透,她为何会高看石岩 None who does not becomes, but purely and does Ao Guduo mump? Even but if so, spends star of the life is the price, was too crazy? 莫不成,只是纯粹和奥古多斗气?可即便如此,花费一个生命之星为代价,也太疯狂了吧? I and you bet!” The Ao Guduo facial expression is fierce, the violent shouted to clear the way. “我和你赌!”奥古多神情狰狞,暴喝道。 ...... …… : At the last minute, the small reverse engineering brothers and sisters support!!! RO :最后一刻,小逆求兄弟姐妹们支援!!!RO
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