GOS :: Volume #8

#783: Slap in the face mutually

Silent meditation of Shi Yan in Gravity Room, with Aranza only Tie Mu when leisure, then chatted said extremely the condition in purgatory field, through these two, the understanding of his antipode purgatory field were getting more and more. 石岩重力室内默然苦修,和亚兰只铁牧每当闲暇之时,便聊一聊极道炼狱场的状况,通过这两人,他对极道炼狱场的认识越来越多。 Aranza and Tie Mu they, in discovering him by True God Realm cultivation base, can after Gravity Room has displayed, did not have taunting to him actually, has not regarded the subordinate thing him, no longer contempt. 亚兰和铁牧两人,在发现他以真神境修为,也可以在重力室有所表现以后,对他倒是没了冷嘲热讽,没有将他当成个小人物,不再轻视。 His auspicious day, how long has not maintained. 他的好日子,没有维持多久。 On this day, his cultivation exhausted time, asked suddenly calls out: Who is Shi Yan 这一天,他修炼的筋疲力尽的时候,突问一声暴喝:“谁是石岩 The next quarter, a fluctuation of terrifying, transmits not to wait for him to respond from outside broad plaster field that Aranza and Tie Mu expression changes, immediately sat, a face with amazement. 下一刻,一股恐怖的波动,从外面的广垩场传来还未等他反应过来,那亚兰和铁牧神色一变,马上坐了起来,一脸骇然。 Who is?” Shi Yan has gawked, busy inquiry. “是谁?”石岩愣了一下,忙询问。 Sir Ao Guduo.” The Tie Mu facial expression is disturbed, what does he ask you to make? Looks at his expression, as if must condemn you, did you offend him?” 奥古多大人。”铁牧神情忐忑,“他找你做什么?看他的语气,似乎要问罪你,你得罪了他?” Shi Yan shook the head, is not clear.” The speech time, he has stood, frowns Gravity Room, arrived at outside. 石岩摇了摇头,“不清楚。”讲话时候,他站了起来,皱着眉头出了重力室,来到了外面。 In the liberal broad plaster field, a height two meters guy, wears a Dark brown armor, formidable like the deity, a huge fierce flavor, side this guy, on two is hanging purgatory command token Warrior, in addition, in the Zi Yao star has seen Ao Gela, is standing in his side. 阔大的广垩场上,一名身高两米的大汉,着一身暗褐色的铠甲,威武如天神,一股庞大的凶悍味道,在这大汉身旁,还有两个身上挂着炼狱令牌武者,除此之外,在紫耀星见过的奥格拉斯,也在他身旁站着。 Kashewen and Rochester and Da Lei these three feudal lords, that crown prince Dù Tiān also has braved happily, Dù Tiān happy is Dark Sky God Country your majesty Du Tianji younger brother, is, handsome middle-aged person who is responsible for receiving all feudal lords who Shi Yan sees. 卡修恩和罗切斯特、达勒这三个诸侯,还有那亲王镀天乐也冒了出来,镀天乐是天涅神国陛下镀天奇的弟弟,就是石岩所见的,负责接待各方诸侯的英俊中年人。 He is all smile, cups one hand in the other across the chest to say to that guy: „Does Sir Ao Guduo, what you shout?” 他满脸堆笑,拱手冲那大汉说道:“奥古多大人,你嚷嚷什么呢?” Who is Shi Yan?” That formidable such as the Devil God guy, calls out one, an ominous severe eye, sweeps to sweep off in the crowd, by Warrior that he sees, deeply knits the brows, reveals wipes the meaning of deep wicked Nao. “谁是石岩?”那威武魔神的大汉,暴喝一声,一双凶厉的眼睛,在人群中扫来扫去,被他看到的武者,都是深深皱眉,露出一抹深深的恶淖之意。 In his side Ao Gela suddenly bright smiling, distant point to Shi Yan. 在他身旁奥格拉斯忽然灿烂的笑了笑,远远点向石岩 Originally you are that rebel Ao Guduo fierce severe Xiao, puts out a hand to grasp, vast like sea turbulent energy, surges to bind tidal instantaneously the body of Shi Yan. “原来你就是那叛徒”奥古多狰狞厉笑,伸手一抓,一股浩瀚如海洋般的汹涌能量,潮水般涌动出来瞬间将石岩的身子裹住。 Just cultivation exhausted Shi Yan, a leeway of counter-attack directly had not been bound to hang by that energy, high fluctuation on audiences head, whole body was imprisoned, dot power cannot use. 刚刚修炼的筋疲力尽的石岩,没有一点反击的余地被那股能量直接裹住悬了起来,在众人头上高高的浮动着,浑身被禁锢了,一点丶力量都不能动用。 Ao Guduo is one of the five big feudal lords, the supernatural power is boundless, Source God Realm cultivation base. 奥古多乃是五大诸侯之一,法力无边,源神境修为 Compared with him, only then True God Realm Shi Yan, has differed two Realm fully, such began by him, Shi Yan links hitting back energy not to have. 与他相比,只有真神境石岩,整整相差了两个境界,被他这么一动手,石岩连一点还手的能量都没有。 Was being imprisoned the Essence Qi old tree in Shi Yan body plaster by that power as if by the seal, power pasts, Soul Altar, as if covering unable to rotate by the membrane that First Level could not see. 被那一股力量禁锢着石岩体垩内的精元古树似乎都被封印了,一丝力量都流转出来,就连的灵魂祭台,似乎都被一层看不见的膜给覆盖了转动不起来。 This is genuine god Soul Restriction runs metal into cracks! 这是真正的神魂禁锢! Ao Guduo face ruthless severe violent anger, smiles severely: Boy, you dares to construct Outer Space Robber blood slaughter Ka Tuo, plots to murder Your Highness Princess Zi Yao, reason that I late have selected, is investigating thoroughly this matter, now finally has ravelled, I must make you know that dares to start to pay any price to Your Highness Princess Zi Yao 奥古多一脸狠厉暴怒,厉笑着:“小子,你胆敢构建域外掠夺者血屠卡托,谋害紫耀公主殿下,我之所以迟了点过来,便是在彻查此事,现在终于弄明白了,我要让你知道敢对紫耀公主殿下下手要付出什么代价” Ao Guduo, are you up to mischief?” Kashewen knits the brows, complexion one cold, suddenly scolds saying: Shi Yan this boy had purgatory command token I to inspect, was Your Highness Princess Zi Yao grants personally. Princess Zi Yao will give him purgatory command token none who does not becomes does not know Thaksin, you little talked irresponsibly 奥古多,你搞什么鬼?”卡修恩皱眉,脸色一寒,忽然呵斥道:“石岩这小子有炼狱令牌我检查过了,是紫耀公主殿下亲自赐予的。紫耀公主会将炼狱令牌给他莫不成不知道他信不过,你少信口雌黄了” Nearby Da Lei, frowns, has not spoken, the complexion is dreary, does not know that thinks anything. 旁边的达勒,皱着眉头,没有讲话,脸色阴郁,不知道想什么。 Another of five big feudal lords, Nara Chester, is being calm and composed even in press of work of face, interestinging is looking, meaning that obviously do not meddle. 五大诸侯的另外一位,那罗切斯特,则是一脸的好整以暇,饶有兴趣的望着,显然没有要插手的意思。 Dù Tiān also called happily, „did Sir Ao Guduo, you make a mistake? Shi Yan has purgatory command token, this explained that he not possibly obtained the trust of Zi Yao, Zi Yao purgatory command token plotting to murder her person, you definitely made a mistake.” 镀天乐也叫了起来,“奥古多大人,你是不是弄错了?石岩有炼狱令牌,这说明他得到了紫耀的信任,紫耀绝不可能将炼狱令牌给谋害她的人,你肯定弄错了。” Hehe, I make you be sincerely convinced Ao Guduo to grin fiendishly, suddenly puts out a hand a move. 嘿嘿,我让你们心服口服”奥古多狞笑着,突然伸手一招。 The extremely far place, person's shadow by some power restraint, was being flushed toward here together suddenly, is only one mildew that person appears in the people eyes, with Shi Yan face-to-face float void. 极远之处,一道人影被某种力量束缚着,突然朝着这边冲了过来,只是一霉那间,那人就在众人眼中浮现,和石岩面对面悬浮虚空。 That is a youth of person clan, the look is also delicate and pretty, is only the look is somewhat alarmed and afraid restlessly, after seeing Shi Yan, has gawked, suddenly screamed: Is he! Is he contacts with Ka Tuo, disclosed the news of Your Highness Princess Zi Yao, therefore we can pursue, stopped up Your Highness Princess Zi Yao in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field.” 那是一个人族的青年,相貌还算是俊美,只是眼神有些惊惧不安,看到石岩后,愣了一下,突然尖叫道:“就是他!是他和卡托联系,将紫耀公主殿下的消息透露出来,所以我们才可以追上去,在日星爆碎场内堵住紫耀公主殿下。” Shi Yan complexion one cold, deeply looks to that person, in the heart imposing. 石岩脸色一冷,深深看向那人,心中凛然。 This person, is under the blood slaughter Ka Tuo demon, he in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, had seen with this person, has served for Ka Tuo, has not thought that he will act to accuse itself unexpectedly. 这人,是血屠卡托的魔下,他在日星爆碎场内,曾经和此人见过,一直为卡托服务的,没想到他居然会出面指责自己。 Shi Yan thought in suddenly heart ice-cold, knows that some people are planning themselves in secret, has not massacred itself in that Lunar Star place, came the new sinister strategy. 石岩忽然觉得心中冰冷,知道有人在暗中算计自己,在那月星处没有杀掉自己,又来了新的阴险计策。 His line of sight, cannot help but falls to the Ao Gela present, in the pupil has the anger and hatred that cannot be restrained. 他的视线,不由得落向奥格拉斯身上,眸中有着不可抑止的愤怒和仇恨。 Absolutely and Ao Gela cannot be inseparable from! 绝对和奥格拉斯脱不了干系! In his heart definitely, suddenly, he realized that perhaps Zi Yao is attacked, with this Ao Gela also a little origin, thinks that his heart sinks to the valley, knows that these troubled in a big way. 他心中肯定,突然间,他意识到,或许紫耀遇袭,和这奥格拉斯也有点渊源,这么一想,他一颗心不由地沉入谷底,知道这一趟麻烦大了。 The opposite party comes prepared obviously, witness brought, must drive him obviously to commit suicide! 对方显然有备而来,就连证人都带了过来,明显是要置他于死地啊! He and relations of blood slaughter Ka Tuo, nobody may know, in that Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, he and Ka Tuo dialog, he affirmed that nobody knows. 他和血屠卡托的关系,无人可知,在那日星爆碎场内,他与卡托的对话,他肯定没有一个人知晓。 Some person possibly for fear that matters expose, must kill the counterparts, but he, is the most dangerous factor, must therefore wipe out as early as possible. 有人可能生怕事情暴露,才要将相关者都干掉,而他,正是一个最危险的因素,所以要被趁早拔除掉。 He has become the victim of Zi Yao event, was implicated, in his heart bright as snow. 他成了紫耀事件的受害者,被拖累了,他心中雪亮。 What words did you have to say?” Ao Guduo Hehe severe Xiao, personal testimony here, explained when you with Zi Yao is attacked related, this time I thought how you can also escape?” “你还有什么话说?”奥古多嘿嘿厉笑,“人证在此,说明了你和紫耀遇袭之时有关,这次我看你还能怎么逃脱?” „If really related with me? Why will Your Highness Princess Zi Yao give me purgatory command token? If I must plot to murder the princess, how could she is living from Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field coming out, why will Ka Tuo drop suddenly?” Shi Yan considered calmly, does not fear looks to Ao Guduo, spoke the rebuttal. “如果真与我有关?紫耀公主殿下为何会给我炼狱令牌?如果我非要谋害公主,她岂能从日星爆碎场内活着出来,为什么卡托会突然放手?”石岩冷静的思量了一下,不惧的看向奥古多,出言反驳。 Boy is actually capable in argument, Hehe, you gain Your Highness Princess Zi Yao trust, definitely has a bigger scheme Ao Guduo to sneer, you come the purgatory star, enters says the purgatory field extremely, is you schemes one. You decide however have a bigger plot, is the rebel spy, no matter I also you attempt anything, in brief, has killed you first sure right “小子倒是能言善辩,嘿嘿,你获取紫耀公主殿下的信任,肯定有更大的图谋”奥古多冷笑,“你来炼狱星,进入极道炼狱场,便是你图谋之一。你定然有着更大的阴谋,是叛徒奸细,我也不管你到底图什么,总之,先杀了你肯定没错” Huge energy, tightens Shi Yan instantaneously, in that energy, Shi Yan has to plant by the pain of mountains extrusion. 一股庞大的能量,瞬间将石岩勒紧,在那股能量内,石岩有种被山川挤压的痛苦。 His whole body skeleton, pa pa makes noise, as if immediately wants fleshly body to explode to break to pieces. 浑身骨骼,啪啪作响,似乎马上就要肉身爆碎开来。 Wait a moment Kashewen opens the mouth suddenly, a swift and fierce fluctuation, stirs up the plaster to shoot from him, falls into on Shi Yan instantaneously. 等一下卡修恩突然开口,一股凌厉之极的波动,从他身上激垩射出来,瞬间落入石岩身上。 Covers wild energy on Shi Yan, such as was penetrated, splits the slits of many not being able to see, is so, Shi Yan had not been exploded to break to pieces by fleshly body of instantaneous extrusion. 覆盖在石岩身上的狂暴能量,如被击穿了,分裂出很多看不见的缝隙,也是如此,石岩没有被瞬间挤压的肉身爆碎开来。 Kashewen, what did you shout? I kill the empire rebel, with your what thousand?” Ao Guduo calls out, the manner is ominous. 卡修恩,你喊什么?我杀帝国叛徒,与你何千?”奥古多暴喝,神态凶厉。 Kashewen unperturbed does not fear, smiles cold, he is the person of Your Highness Princess Zi Yao, even if must execute, is Princess Zi Yao starts, Ao Guduo, did you mind others'business?” 卡修恩夷然不惧,冷然一笑,“他是紫耀公主殿下的人,就算是要处决,也是紫耀公主下手,奥古多,你是不是太多管闲事了?” My nephew Ao Gela, is princess's follower, he is the Zi Yao person, I for the Zi Yao elimination rebel, who dare saying that I do mind others'business?” Ao Guduo rashly, Hehe is grinning fiendishly, must begin: „A True God Realm rebel, killed has then killed, Your Highness Princess Zi Yao asked that I will give her a confession.” “我侄儿奥格拉斯,乃是公主殿下的追随者,他就是紫耀的人,我为紫耀清除叛徒,谁敢说我多管闲事?”奥古多不由分说,嘿嘿狞笑着,又要动手:“一个真神境的叛徒,杀了便杀了,紫耀公主殿下问下来,我自会给她一个交代。” Was saying, Ao Guduo hot tempered roared, whole body power such as the mountain avalanche, wanted under the pain the killer. 这么说着,奥古多暴躁的咆哮一声,浑身力量如山岳崩塌,又要痛下杀手了。 Kashewen complexion one white, as if is hesitating, must for Shi Yan, with head confrontation of Ao Guduo in this broad plaster field, flash power a little relax. 卡修恩脸色一白,似乎在犹豫着,要不要为了石岩,和奥古多在这广垩场内正面交锋,一瞬间力量有点放松。 Shi Yan whole body once more one tight, seemed seized neck by the hands of innumerable not being able to see, breathes to be difficult. 石岩浑身再次一紧,仿佛被无数看不见的手掐住了脖颈,就连呼吸都困难起来。 In front of Source God Realm Ao Guduo, his power Realm was too mean, he knows that at this time he took a walk with completely power, is not the Ao Guduo match, is impossible to withdraw by luck. 源神境奥古多面前,他的力量境界太低微了,他知道,这时候他就算走动用了全部力量,也不是奥古多的对手,根本不可能侥幸脱身而起。 His eyes violent is opening the eyes, looks stubbornly to Ao Guduo and Ao Gela, the corners of the mouth bites a drop of scarlet blood, the vision full is the hate is sinister and ruthless. 双眸暴睁着,死死看向奥古多奥格拉斯,嘴角咬出一滴猩红的鲜血,目光满是怨恨阴毒。 Bang! 轰! Destroys the Heaven Destroyer place black Dark Energy, does not know that by what comes, fiercely covering to cover his body. 一股毁天灭地的黑暗能量,不知由何而来,猛地将他身子给覆盖笼罩。 Suddenly, he has the heavy great power firm feeling, anything looks to disappear. 一时间,他有种重回天牢的感觉,什么都看不见了。 However, the body of his severe pain, actually in the darkness, suddenly relaxed, an ache has not dared. 然而,他剧痛的身体,却在黑暗之中,忽然放松了下来,没有一点疼痛敢。 Comes from Ao Guduo huge energy, in the darkness, such as the water is repulsed, fast disappearance, every other how long, Ao Guduo exerts in his aura, does not remain. 来自于奥古多的庞大能量,在黑暗中,如水败退,快速的消失,每隔多久,奥古多施加在他身上的气息,一丝不剩。 Also in this time, outside hears the Ao Guduo hot tempered sound, „don't Anna, this matter with your what Gan, you mind others'business?” 也在此时,外面又传来奥古多的暴躁声,“lì安娜,此事与你何干,你别多管闲事?” I have minded others'business, what kind of?” the sound of Anna ice-cold residual poison, appears suddenly outside the darkness. “我就多管闲事了,怎样?”lì安娜冰冷残毒的声音,突然在黑暗外面显现出来。 The next quarter, Shi Yan heard a Ao Gela pitiful yell suddenly, as if had been flung an ear and area around it. 下一刻,石岩突然听到了奥格拉斯的一声惨叫,似乎被人甩了个耳光。 „Does Anna, you dare to hit my nephew? Can you with my dying war?” Ao Guduo violent anger, rave. “lì安娜,你敢打我侄儿?你要与我死战么?”奥古多暴怒,狂吼不已。 Good, I am wanting to ask for advice.” Anna is calm and composed even in press of work, Ao Gela tries to plot to murder me, I must take him, you as his uncle, perhaps are also the secret murderer, I must link you one and call to account “不错,我正想要领教领教。”lì安娜好整以暇,“奥格拉斯试图谋害我,我要拿他,你作为他舅舅,说不定也是幕后的凶手,我要连你一并责问” The darkness vanishes suddenly does not see. 黑暗忽然消失不见。 power of restraint Shi Yan whole body, shortly without a trace, float in the space, Shi Yan lowers the head looked that discovered Anna and Ao Guduo face-to-face are standing, the body does not have aura to reveal, their looks, combustion the inexplicable flame, fighting intent is infinite. 束缚石岩全身的力量,也在顷刻间无影无踪,悬浮在天上,石岩低头一看,发现lì安娜和奥古多面对面站着,身上没有一丝气息流露,两人的眼神,却燃烧着莫名的火焰,战意无穷。 Ao Gela of golden hair, the corners of the mouth flow out the blood, at the same time the cheeks five Blood Dripping Gem hand imprints, the facial expression is sad and shrill, in the eye full is the hatred, is staring at that shape same evil spirit Anna. 金发的奥格拉斯,嘴角流出鲜血,一边脸颊有五个血淋琳的手印,神情凄厉,眼中满是怨毒,正凝视着那形同厉鬼的lì安娜。 The woman looked that has not looked at Ao Gela one eyes, the corners of the mouth holds the ice-cold Bloodthirsty ominous intent, the whole body such as can swallow luminously, she in the position, got dark gradually, the luminous spot does not remain. 那女人看也没看奥格拉斯一眼,嘴角噙着冰冷嗜血的凶意,周身如能吞噬光亮,她所在位置,渐渐黑了下来,光点一点不剩。
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