GOS :: Volume #8

#782: Hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent

Chapter 758 第758章 Hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent 藏拙 They stand in the entrance, Gravity Room of looks at crushed stone, is everywhere difficult to cover amazed on face, the look is strange. 两人站在门口,看着满地碎石的重力室,难掩脸上的惊诧,眼神怪异。 That giant gold/metal stone, falls certainly is situated, appears the innumerable underground crushed stones, the close crack like the spider web, extends from that giant stone place, almost occupied entire Gravity Room, alarmed. 那一块巨大的金绝石,落地处,显出无数地下碎石,细密的裂纹如蜘蛛网,从那巨石处延伸出去,几乎占据了整个重力室,触目惊心。 Very obviously, that is because the gold/metal stone falls certainly loudly, holocaust that the formidable impulse causes, they and Shi Yan are different, regarding this place Gravity Room has the clear understanding, knows the gold/metal certainly stone the terrifying weight. 很显然,那是因为金绝石轰然落下,强大的冲击力造成的大破坏,他们和石岩不同,对此地的重力室有着清晰的认识,知道金绝石的恐怖重量。 True God Realm Warrior, can carry unexpectedly certainly such gold/metal stone, but also has created the so fearful scene, originally to two who Shi Yan despised, is in vain dignified, looks at Shi Yan again time, the look has the panic-stricken meaning that wipes to avoid mentioning. 一个只有真神境武者,居然可以将那么一块金绝石拎起来,还造成了这般可怕的场景,本来对石岩有所轻视的两人,徒然凝重起来,再看石岩的时候,眼神有着一抹隐讳的惊骇之意。 Shi Yan whole body is exhausted, lying down of being exhausted on the ground, motionless, frowns to take a look at them, does not start talking first. 石岩浑身疲惫,软塌塌的躺在地上,一动不动,皱着眉头打量着两人,也不先开口讲话。 He knows that the opposite party comes Gravity Room, should also be whets own, perhaps does not know him also just in time in cultivation. 他知道,对方来重力室,应该也是磨砺自己的,或许并不知道他也正巧在修炼 Purgatory command token of opposite party waist, mentioned by name their status, must participate said extremely purgatory field, is the Kashewen subordinates, extremely outstanding new character. 对方腰间的炼狱令牌,点名了他们的身份,也是要参加极道炼狱场的,是卡修恩麾下,极其出众的新崛起的人物。 Perhaps, in Dark Sky God Country, these two is illustrious. 或许,在天涅神国内,这两人都是赫赫有名。 „Is here scene, you creates?” Has gawked half sound, that straightforward guy, cannot bear opens the mouth, called surprisingly said: Is a little fierce, your this fellow only then True God Realm cultivation base, can create sound so unexpectedly, good, is very good, no wonder can participate says the purgatory field extremely. I also think that Your Highness Princess Zi Yao, is makes you make up the number.” “这里的场景,是你造成的?”愣了半响,那名粗豪的大汉,忍不住率先开口,啧啧称奇道:“有点厉害啊,你这家伙只有真神境修为,居然可以造成这般的动静,不错,真的很不错,难怪可以参加极道炼狱场。我本来还以为,紫耀公主殿下,是让你凑个数呢。” Won't have used other power?” Appearance delicate female, smiles cold, the color of look somewhat suspicion, „, if draws support the strength of Essence Qi, even if twists the gold/metal certainly stone, was not the great matter. I have not known really that True God Realm Expert, God Body has not become, the strength of only fleshly body, can such a gold/metal certainly stone raising.” “不会是用了别的力量吧?”模样清秀的女子,冷然一笑,眼神有几分怀疑之色,“如果借助于精元之力,就算是拧起了金绝石,也不是什么了不起的事情。我还真的不知道,一个真神境强者,神体未成,单凭肉身之力,可以将这么一块金绝石给提起来。” She suspected very much, the facial expression on face also quite disdains, the corners of the mouth have the meaning of light ridicule. 她很怀疑,脸上的神情也是颇为不屑,嘴角有着淡淡的嘲弄之意。 Each can participate said extremely the character in purgatory field, in the respective influence, is the outstanding character, is these days budding eminent. 每一个能够参加极道炼狱场的人物,在所属的势力内,都是出类拔萃的人物,都是这段时间崭露头角的翘楚。 Everyone, has own proudly, thinks subconsciously one are strongest, suddenly sees a outstanding character, their first responded that is not the approval, but is the suspicion. 每一个人,都有自己的自傲,下意识的认为自己才是最强的,忽然见到一个比自己出众的人物,他们第一反应不是认同,而是怀疑。 Gave her such a saying, that look straightforward guy, has gawked, as if also started to suspect. 给她这么一说,那个相貌粗豪的大汉,也是愣了一下,似乎也开始怀疑起来。 Engages in introspection, even if he, does not use the strength in within the body Essence Qi, fleshly body energy that only God Body erupts, very difficult gold/metal Jueshi carrying, therefore, careful such one thinks that he a little does not believe. 扪心自问,就算是他,不动用体内精元之力,单凭神体爆发出来的肉身能量,也很难将金绝石给拎起来,因此,仔细那么一想,他也有点不相信了。 Shi Yan lies down on the ground, the expression nature, faint smiling, had not explained that also thought that does not have the explanation necessity. 石岩躺在地上,神色自然,淡漠的笑了笑,没有解释,也觉得没有解释的必要。 The opposite party is the Kashewen person, did not go the same way with him, enters said in the purgatory field extremely, but might also becomes the match, since were the match, hid own strength, in said in the purgatory field extremely, can obtain a better survival. 对方是卡修恩的人,和他不是同路,进了极道炼狱场内,还有可能成为对手,既然是对手,隐藏自己的实力,在极道炼狱场内,才能获得更好的生存。 Let others not know your ability, once has battled, will then neglect to despise you, this will make the war have the subtle change. 让别人不知道你的能力,一旦交战了,便会忽略小看你,这会让战局有微妙的变化。 To experienced Shi Yan, what to do he knows certainly should, therefore has hesitated, then follows the opposite party words, smiled, good that you guess, I have truly used Essence Qi in within the body, because is only the strength of my fleshly body, is really hard raising gold/metal Jueshi. I want to take a look, this gold/metal stone has multiple certainly, I have tried now, is indeed heavy.” 对身经百战的石岩来说,他当然知道该怎么办,所以沉吟了一下,便顺着对方的话,笑了笑,“你们猜的不错,我确实动用了点体内的精元,因为单凭我肉身之力,实在难以将金绝石给提起来。我只是想看看,这金绝石到底有多重,我现在试过了,的确非常重啊。” Overreaches oneself.” “不自量力。” That delicate female, reveals expression that understands clearly, light snort|hum, but the manner on her face, relaxed obviously, perhaps, the acknowledgment of Shi Yan, making her maintain own self-confidence proudly. 那清秀女子,露出了然的神色,轻哼了一声,可她脸上的神态,也明显放松了一些,或许,石岩的承认,让她保持了自己的傲然自信。 If Shi Yan acknowledged really that he by the strength of fleshly body, the gold/metal stone that together she cannot shake raises seriously certainly, this will rout her confidence, making her feel others, will form the heart knot, made her past formidable suffered setbacks self-confidently. 如果石岩真的承认,他当真以肉身之力,将那么一块连她都不能撼动的金绝石提起来,这会击溃她的信心,让她觉得不及别人,会形成心结,让她以往的强大自信受挫。 Hiding one's incompetence by remaining silent of Shi Yan, making her relax, making her self-confidence still formidable, therefore looks at Shi Yan again, although her expression is still indifferent , was actually OK. 石岩的藏拙,让她放松,让她的自信依然强大,所以再看石岩,她神色虽然依然冷漠,却还算是可以了。 Your this fellow.” That straightforward guy, grins to laugh, person who comes Gravity Room to whet, who will use the strength of Essence Qi? If really such, couldn't be inferior? At all impossible to have harvested.” “你这家伙。”那粗豪的大汉,咧嘴大笑,“来重力室磨砺的人,谁会动用精元之力啊?真要是那样,不如不来了?根本不可能有所收获的。” Shi Yan chuckled with a forced smile two. 石岩嘿嘿干笑两声。 Was right, how you do cast aside Ao Gela?” The guy came the interest suddenly, Ao Gela that fellow, in our Dark Sky God Country is illustrious, for these years, his cultivation speed has made god country many people candidly admit defeat, both of us, has to acknowledge, in this aspect compared with his.” “对了,你怎么挤掉奥格拉斯的?”那大汉忽然来了兴趣,“奥格拉斯那家伙,在我们天涅神国可是赫赫有名的,这么多年来,他的修炼速度一直让神国很多人甘拜下风,就连我俩,也不得不承认,在这方面比不过他的。” Who said that I compare him!” Delicate female, complexion one cold, is not feeling well very much, he has a good uncle, has stood the in the right place at the right time person, if he is the same with us, without a formidable backer, I do not believe him to be able strong I!” “谁说我比不过他!”清秀的女子,脸色一冷,很是不爽,“他不过是有个好舅舅,站了天时地利人和罢了,如果他和我们一样,没有一个强大的靠山,我就不信他能强过我!” Aranza, do not acknowledge that Ao Gela that fellow, this aspect has the talent.” Straightforward man chuckled, we with Sir Kashewen, has benefitted from many, various spirit medicine and resources of Sir, not stingy. In external force aspect, we do not fall behind Ao Gela that fellow, but he, wants to be younger than us.” “亚兰,别不承认了,奥格拉斯那家伙,这方面却有天赋的。”粗豪的汉子嘿嘿笑了,“我们跟着卡修恩大人,也沾了不少光的,大人的灵药和各种资源,也从不曾吝啬啊。在外力这方面,我们并不落后奥格拉斯那家伙,可他,年龄比我们都要小很多啊。” I do not believe!” Is called the delicate female in Aranza, coldly snorted. “我不信!”被称为亚兰的清秀女子,冷哼一声。 Shi Yan cracks into a smile, narrows the eyes to focus on looks at they, thinks quite interesting. 石岩咧嘴一笑,眯着眼看着两人,觉得颇为有趣。 cultivation!” Aranza stared that guy one eyes, seemed disinclined to say anything, clothing sudden ballooning got up, strong energy ruptured from her within the body, at once then fires into nearby giant stone, has lifted single-handed, the arm was waving, flung that giant stone howled. 修炼吧!”亚兰瞪了身旁那大汉一眼,似乎懒得多说什么,身上的衣衫突然鼓胀起来,一股强劲的能量从她体内爆裂开来,旋即便冲向旁边一块巨石,单手举了起来,手臂舞动着,将那巨石甩的呼啸起来。 Straightforward guy, chuckled with a forced smile two, no longer talks too much, moves in Gravity Room, whole body power is tumbling, similarly erupts formidable power. 粗豪的大汉,嘿嘿干笑两声,也不再多言,在重力室也活动开来,浑身力量翻滚着,同样爆发出强大的力量 These two, have not displayed God's Domain, has not used Soul Altar and within the body Essence Qi, taking advantage, is power that in fleshly body contains. 这两人,都没有施展神之领域,没有动用灵魂祭台和体内精元,依仗着的,都是肉身内蕴藏的力量 They are God King Second Sky Realm cultivation base, God Body have quenchinged, when moves, in their God Body, has strength of formidable life force and qi and blood, as if these far Ancient Demon Clan changes are the human form, the strength of fleshly body are fearful. 两人都是神王二重天境界修为,神体已经淬炼成,在活动起来的时候,他们神体之内,有着强大的生机气血之力,仿佛那些远古妖族变化为人形,肉身之力都非常可怕。 Shi Yan lies down on the ground, observes looks at silent, the look is gradually dignified. 石岩躺在地上,沉默观看着,眼神渐渐凝重起来。 Looked at carefully a while secretly, in his heart is very panic-stricken, God King Realm Expert, after precise God Body, in the flesh and blood is containing power, really terrifying. 暗暗端详了一会儿,他心中很是惊骇,神王境强者,凝炼神体之后,血肉中蕴藏着的力量,果然恐怖之极。 He can affirm, God Body that he is repeatedly tempered, with the two if really contends directly, cannot ask for any advantage/cheap, only if, he uses Immortal Devil Blood power, like formerly, making Devil Blood be full the arm. 他可以肯定,就连他千锤百炼的神体,和那两人真要是正面抗衡,也讨不到什么便宜,除非,他动用不死魔血力量,像先前一样,让魔血充盈手臂。 Formidable power that such erupts, can have the confidence to depend on fleshly body power to defeat these two only, is only, Immortal Devil Blood of his within the body, can only make a section of arm attach vigorous life force, cannot be full the whole body. 那样爆发出来的强大力量,才能够有信心将这两人单靠肉身力量击败,只是,他体内的不死魔血,只能让一截手骨附有勃勃生机,并不能充盈全身。 Naturally, by his present way of condition and growth, once his also breakthrough arrives at God King Realm, and they equally precise God Body, he believes that even if not use Immortal Devil Blood, can in the competion of fleshly body, occupy the absolute place above! 当然,以他现在的状态和成长的方式,一旦他也突破神王境,和两人一样凝炼了神体,他相信,就算是不用不死魔血,也可以在肉身的比拼上,占据绝对的上方! His explosive force to own fleshly body, has very strong confidence, same level Realm, Monster Clan and Devil Clan that even if famous for fleshly body powerful, with him to the bang, he have the confidence to win. 他对自己肉身的爆炸力,还是有着很强烈的信心的,同等境界者,就算是以肉身强悍著称的妖族魔族,真和他对轰,他也有信心获胜。 The two of Kashewen subordinates, are wheting themselves in Gravity Room, Shi Yan rested the period of time, has stood, is the same with them, uses the Gravity Room special condition, carries on to oneself is striking to quenching. 卡修恩麾下的两人,在重力室磨砺着自己,石岩歇息了一阵子,也重新站了起来,和他们一样,利用重力室的特殊环境,对自己进行着敲打淬炼。 This time, he has not stimulated Immortal Devil Blood power, only fleshly body power shakes the giant stone. 这一次,他并没有激发不死魔血力量,也单凭肉身力量撼动巨石。 However, even if so, his fleshly body explosive force may also be called fearful, at least, same level Realm True God Realm Expert, the great strength of fleshly body, cannot be his degree by far. 然而,即便如此,他肉身的爆发力也堪称可怕,至少,同等境界真神境强者,肉体的强大,远远达不到他的程度。 With in Gravity Room, Aranza and that Tie Mu naturally paid attention to him, originally also a little two of contempt, well observation a while, is secret surprised, had the understanding of deeper First Level to Shi Yan. 同在重力室,亚兰和那铁牧自然都注意了他,本来还有点轻视的两人,好好观察了一会儿,也是暗暗惊奇,对石岩有了更深一层的认识。 True God Third Sky Realm Shi Yan, does not use Immortal Devil Blood power, won their respect, making them not dare to look down upon. 真神三重天境界石岩,不动用不死魔血力量,也赢得了两人的尊重,让两人不敢小视。 Shi Yan from these two population, understood said extremely the situation in purgatory field, the antipode purgatory field had the sober understanding. 石岩从这两人口中,也知道了极道炼狱场的情况,对极道炼狱场有了清醒的认识。 So-called said the purgatory field extremely, was the other half of purgatory star, why did not know the reason, in that region, the understanding of Warrior to heaven and earth power deep meaning, can become very sensitive, in that said in the purgatory field extremely, once in a while, will have the marvelous fluctuation from the place bottom deep place. 所谓极道炼狱场,是炼狱星的另外一半,不知道因何原因,在那一处区域内,武者天地力量奥义的认识,可以变得非常敏感,在那极道炼狱场内,每隔一段时间,就会从地底深处产生奇妙的波动。 That fluctuation, covers says the purgatory field entire range extremely, during that Warrior in inside cultivation, to realizing from experience and understanding of power deep meaning, can very clear sensitive. 那股波动,覆盖极道炼狱场整个范围,在那个期间,武者在里面修炼,对力量奥义的体悟和认识,能够非常的清晰敏感。 Naturally, there breakthrough cultivation, is extremely beneficial. 自然而然,在那里突破修炼,是极其有益的。 Whenever at that time, the prisoner in purgatory star another numerous prison, countless ominous people, evil stars and Marauder Dark Sky God Country arrest, will be invested into say the purgatory field extremely, becomes the game of disciplining. 每当那个时候,炼狱星另外一处众多囚牢的囚犯,天涅神国逮捕的无数凶人、煞星和掠夺者,都会被投入到极道炼狱场,成为磨练者的猎物。 Takes these prisoners as the game, participant to they hunt and kill, will utilize own power deep meaning, to the comprehension and understanding of power deep meaning, has the enormous help. 以那些囚犯为猎物,参赛者对他们猎杀的时候,会运用自己的力量奥义,对力量奥义的领悟和认识,有着极大的帮助。 Through hunting and killing these people, the participant fights unceasingly, whets own fight experience, taking the opportunity comprehends the power deep meaning, often can breakthrough oneself, enter into new Realm. 通过猎杀那些人,参赛者不断地战斗,磨砺自己的战斗经验,借机领悟力量奥义,往往能够突破自身,迈入一个新的境界 Naturally, between game and hunter, not explicit division. 当然,猎物和猎人之间,并没有明确的划分。 God state-owned custom, if these prisoners were saying in the purgatory field extremely, the time arrived, had not been killed, instead obtained purgatory command token together, regardless of he has committed any crime, can exempt, has to have a new lease of life a opportunity. 神国有规矩,如果那些囚犯在极道炼狱场内,时间到了,没有被杀死,反而得到一块炼狱令牌,不论他生前犯了什么罪,都可以豁免,有重获新生的一次机会。 So, the participant will hunt and kill them unceasingly, they will also strive to kill the opportunity of entrant, strives to live, has a new lease of life. 正是如此,参赛者会不断地猎杀他们,他们也会争取杀死进入者的机会,争取活下来,重获新生。 Therefore, said extremely the purgatory field is bloody place, started to finish each time, does not know that must die many people, living the person, may be a participant, might is the game, the game can make a fresh start, the participant can obtain most precious fight breakthrough, but can also obtain the reward of god country's. 所以,极道炼狱场是一处血腥之地,每次开始到结束,都不知道要死多少人,活着的人,可能会是参赛者,也有可能会是猎物,猎物可以重新开始,参赛者可以得到最宝贵的战斗突破,还能得到神国的奖励。 ...... …… : Last day, do not remain, throws, today three drop steadily ~~ RO :最后一天了,不要留着了,投上来吧,今日三更稳稳滴~~RO
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