GOS :: Volume #8

#781: Great talent tested in a small task( asked monthly ticket ~~~)

The good wine delicacies, the beautiful woman surrounds, crystal falls Xuan Diannei who the jade builds, Kashewen and Shi Yan drinks to heart's content repeatedly. 美酒佳肴,美人环绕,水晶落玉砌成的宣殿内,卡修恩石岩频频畅饮。 Kashewen of five big feudal lords, is addicted to alcohol actually such as the outstanding person of life, the good wines of various different types, he is familiar with, is Shi Yan explains unceasingly. 五大诸侯的卡修恩,倒是个嗜酒如命的妙人,各类不同种类的美酒,他如数家珍,不断地为石岩讲解。 Which type of good wine is mellow, which type of good wine roaring flame like the fire, the different good wines must put with any special household utensils, how to drink the law, as if there is quite a lot art. 哪种美酒香醇可口,哪种美酒烈焰如火,不同的美酒要用什么特殊的器皿来盛放,如何饮法,似乎都有颇多讲究。 Shi Yan is not the person of too tasteful detail, but in agreement is nodding once for a while, in the heart is secretly vigilant, does not know that this person seeks him, has any matter to inquire. 石岩不是太讲究细节的人,只是附和着时不时点点头,心中则是暗自警惕,不知道此人寻他,有什么事情询问。 Kashewen and he is not familiar, today first met with, according to the truth, should not care to him. 卡修恩和他一点不熟悉,今天只是初次会面,按照道理而言,不该对他那么眷顾。 After all, to the Dark Sky God Country proposal, his Shi Yan is a stranger, the reputation does not reveal purely. 毕竟,对天涅神国来言,他石岩纯粹是个陌生人,名声不显。 Even if known as the character of reputation in Dark Sky God Country, compared with Kashewen this kind of five big feudal lord , cannot amount to something, is not worth him so receiving cordially warmly. 即便是在天涅神国素有声名的人物,和卡修恩这类五大诸侯相比,也是上不得台面的,不值得他这般热情款待。 The safe does everything to please, non- deceitful is robber, Shi Yan, Kashewen decides however has the profound meaning. 无事献殷勤,非奸即盗,在石岩来看,卡修恩定然另有深意。 Really, the liquor to the midway, Kashewen fair such as the cheek of female flood red, delicate and pretty exceptionally, in the wine glass the hand puts down slowly, sprinkles however smiles, I have two matters to be puzzled, but also looks at the little friend to dispel doubt.” 果然,酒至中途,卡修恩白皙如女子的脸蛋泛红,俊美异常,缓缓将手中酒杯放下,洒然一笑,“我有两件事不解,还望小友解惑。” The Shi Yan back , the manner puts positively, „, if can explain below, will not conceal inevitably, looks in Sir the share of good wine, will know says all.” 石岩背脊微挺,神态放正,“如果在下能够解答,必然不会隐瞒,就看在大人的美酒的份上,也会知无不言。” Good.” A Kashewen face is happy, in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, I heard that blood slaughter Ka Tuo has talked with you alone, afterward, Ka Tuo flees Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, hence vanishes, has not continued to twine you and Zi Yao, I want to know very much that what you and blood slaughter Ka Tuo did discuss?” “那好。”卡修恩一脸欣悦,“在日星爆碎场内,我听说血屠卡托与你单独交谈过,事后,卡托遁走日星爆碎场,至此消失,没有继续缠绕你和紫耀,我很想知道,你和血屠卡托都谈了些什么?” The Shi Yan complexion swiftly changes, in heart one cold. 石岩脸色倏然一变,心中一凛。 Does not need to be anxious, I am curious, as one wishes inquired that does not want with you, did not interrogate you.” Kashewen beckons with the hand, hints him should not be too surprised, I can have today's status Earth Realm in the god country, wants to come you also to listen with some Outer Space Robber relations very much, I am stepping on these Marauder corpse superiors. Also so I gives special attention to these Marauder, naturally, I in many Marauder, has placed the manpower. Also there are many Marauder, can give the message with me, is hopes that I do not stare at them, I know your matter, is normal.” “不必紧张,我只是好奇,随便询问并非想要拿你,也不是审问你。”卡修恩摆手,示意他不要太惊奇,“我在神国能够有今天的身份地位,和域外掠夺者很有关系想来你也听过,我是踩着那些掠夺者尸首上位。也是如此我特别关注那些掠夺者,当然,我在不少掠夺者中,也安插了人手。也有很多掠夺者,会与我传递消息,就是希望我不要盯着他们,我知道你的事情,也是正常。” Shi Yan feels relaxed slightly, inspired, frowns the expression heavy say|way: Sir, if you asked that other matter, I decide however will not conceal. But this matter, was sorry very much I am very difficult and you explained truthfully.” 石岩稍稍释然,吸了一口气,皱着眉头神色沉重道:“大人,如果你问别的事情,我定然不会隐瞒。可这一件事,很抱歉我很难和你如实说明。” Carthew article narrows the eye slightly, in the look is flashing through together lightning, „, this matter I no longer asked that trades another.” 卡修文微微眯着眼睛,眼神中闪过一道电光,“也罢,这件事我不再问,换另外一件吧。” Sir please say.” “大人请讲。” I understand Anna very much, person who she does not like minding others'business, I am not clear, why she will take the battleship you.” Kashewen complexion slightly sank and said: As far as I know, before Anna comes this, the battleship damages, there are several hundred Warrior casualties. Why could you tell me to be able like this? What relations has with you?” “我很了解lì安娜,她绝不是喜欢多管闲事的人,我不明白,为什么她会将你带上战舰。”顿了一下卡修恩脸色略沉又道:“据我所知,lì安娜来此之前,有一艘战舰损坏,有数百武者伤亡。你能否告诉我为何会这样?和你有什么关系?” Shi Yan brow deep lock, has hesitated a while tranquil saying: Sir Anna exploding of battleship is broken, is truly related with me?” 石岩眉头深锁,迟疑了一会儿平静的说道:“lì安娜大人战舰的爆碎,确实与我有关?” Un? Hope hear Qixiang?” “嗯?愿闻其详?” I from the Zi Yao star, amethyst War Chariot that I ride in the Lunar Star place, has the violent explosion,...... Resembled is laid aside has killed the magnetism to explode, explosion energy that formed darkly, the Anna's battleship will explode broken.” “我从紫耀星出发,我乘坐的紫晶战车月星处,发生猛烈爆炸,其中……似被人放置了暗殛磁爆,形成的爆炸能量,将lì安娜的战舰爆碎。” Kills the magnetism to explode darkly?” “暗殛磁爆?” The Kashewen terrified color deterioration, the body slightly shakes, said with amazement: That gadget, only then Nine Star Chamber of Commerce will refine, terrifying, cannot withstand including the star of small life extremely, will be stirred the smashing. Does not arrive at Source God Realm Expert, was pulled into to kill the magnetism to explode darkly, Soul Altar and Divine Sense will be torn to crush. Even if I, if in explodes the dead center, will cause heavy losses! On amethyst War Chariot that you ride, how to have that thing?” 卡修恩悚然变色,身躯微震,骇然道:“那玩意只有九星商会才会炼制,极其恐怖,连小型的生命之星都承受不住,会被搅成粉碎。不到源神境强者,被扯入暗殛磁爆内,灵魂祭台神休都会被撕裂粉碎。即便是我,如果处于爆炸正中心,也将会重创!你乘坐的紫晶战车上,怎会有那东西?” This I then do not know.” Shi Yan forced smile. “这我便不知了。”石岩苦笑。 Kashewen is suddenly silent, he deeply looks to Shi Yan, has gawked for a long time, knits the brows saying: If explodes because of you, you can live, but also was really the miracle. This I am actually surprised, what I am surprised, why can you also live?” 卡修恩忽然沉默,他深深看向石岩,愣了许久,又皱眉说道:“如果爆炸因你而起,你能活下来,还真是奇迹了。这倒是我惊奇的,我惊奇的是,为何你还能活着?” Said?” “怎么说?” Anna this person is not the softhearted generation, otherwise, will not have today's achievement. I have felt strange, although is not your leadership, but exploding of her battleship is broken, because of you, by her temper, cramps you medicinal preparation skin is normal, why you...... Also can live now?” “lì安娜这人绝不是心慈手软之辈,若不然,也不会有今日的成就。我就奇怪了,虽然不是你的主导,可她战舰的爆碎,也是因你而起,以她的性子,将你抽筋剂皮都是正常,为什么你……还能活到现在?” This matter, you should ask Sir Anna. Until now, I am also perplexed, curious awfully.” “这事,你该去问lì安娜大人。至今,我也不明所以,也好奇的要命。” Kashewen was out of sorts a while, suddenly strange smiling, my two issues, you have not given me very good explanation.” 卡修恩失神了一会儿,忽然怪异的笑了笑,“我的两个问题,你都没有给我很好的解答啊。” He He, Sir whether thought has wasted good wine in vain?” The Shi Yan calm reply, expression is confident, performance that has not dreaded actually. “呵呵,大人是否觉得白白浪费了一顿美酒?”石岩从容回答,神色坦然,倒是没有畏惧的表现。 Kashewen shook the head, „a good wine person drinks alone, always lost an interest, the share, is the moral excellence of drinking wine.”, He has waved, optional saying: You stay me for the time being, when Ao Guduo arrives, said extremely the purgatory field smelting trial started, you then must participate, although you have not dispelled doubt to me, but I like that will not be mean-spirited, here good wine delicacies, you enjoy at will, does not need to be polite.” 卡修恩摇了摇头,“美酒一人独饮,总是失了点趣味,分享,才是饮酒的美德。”顿了一下,他挥挥手,随意的说道:“你暂且在我这边住下,等奥古多到来,极道炼狱场试炼开始了,你便要参加了,虽然你没有给我解惑,但我也不会那般小气,这边的美酒佳肴,你随意享用,不必客气。” That first apologizing Sir.” “那就先谢过大人了。” Minor matter.” “小事。” Shi Yan then temporarily fell in the Kashewen palace really fully. 石岩真的便在卡修恩宫殿内暂时落足了。 This place has various cultivation rooms, hundred times of Gravity Room , he no matter the outside world situation, enters in Gravity Room, meditation. 此地有各类修炼室,有百倍的重力房,他不管外界情况,进入一间重力室内,独自一人苦修 Achieves Third Sky of True God Realm, the general gravity affects small to him, but here hundred times of Gravity Room, are extremely effective, other people takes a walk, will think that takes a step difficultly. 达到真神三重天之境,一般的重力对他影响甚微,可这儿百倍重力室,却极其有效,他人在其中走动,都会觉得举步艰难。 The limits of his body quenching, making his fleshly body hard like the iron stone, fleshly body also want serious dozens times compared with the same level gold/metal iron, the weight is bigger, in Gravity Room, the gravity also corresponding violence that will withstand. 他身体的一次次极限淬炼,令他肉身坚硬如铁石,肉身比同等的金铁还要沉重数十倍,重量越大,在重力室内,承受的重力也会相应的猛烈。 Gravity Room has not the natural law stone, in the stone has the scoop channel, can twist with the hand, that stone, is heavy, some stones are not obviously big, actually like mountain, heavy scary. 重力室有很多不规则的石块,石块上有凹槽,可以用手拧起,那一块块石头,都非常沉重,有的石块明明不大,却如山岳般,重的骇人。 He in Gravity Room, whets himself by these stones. 他就在重力室内,以那些石块来磨砺自己。 Is sitting well on the stony soil, narrows the eye slightly, the whole body perspiration mark is appearing, long time, then wild, does not put out a hand deeply to prick in the stone scoop channel, does not utilize in the body plaster the Essence Qi different strength, by the fleshly body recommendation stone, clashes in hundred times of Gravity Room purely crazily. 端坐着石地上,微微眯着眼睛,浑身汗迹显现,不多时,便狂暴而起,伸手深深刺入石头凹槽内,不运用体垩内精元异力,纯粹以肉身推举石头,在百倍重力室内狂冲。 In a while, he is then exhausted, whole body such as by blood congestion, was angry, the earthworm is wriggling on him, manner fierce fearsome. 没过多久,他便筋疲力尽,浑身如被充血,青筋暴露,蚯蚓般在他身上蠕动着,神态狰狞可怖。 He wants to have a look, the limit of his body where, these heavy such as the stone of mountain, under the Gravity Room gravity, becomes serious dozens times, even if achieves True God Third Sky him, imperial moves, a little will be strenuous. 他想看看,他身体的极限在何处,那些沉重如山的石头,在重力室的重力下,变得沉重数十倍,就算是达到真神三重天的他,御动起来,也会有点吃力。 Also is so, his fleshly body potential, was stimulated, the muscle veins are containing energy, by shivering of gravity oppression. 也是如此,他肉身的潜力,也被激发出来,肌肉筋脉蕴藏着的能量,会被重力压迫的颤抖不已。 Also is crazy tempering, his whole body strength does not have, lying down of being exhausted on the ground. 又是一番疯狂的磨砺,他浑身一点劲道没有,软塌塌的躺在地上。 Whole focuses, feels in body plaster in the flesh and blood is containing vigorous life force, in the mind thoughts flashes through, quickly, he had sought the idea. 阖着眼,感受着体垩内血肉内蕴藏着的勃勃生机,脑海中一道道念头闪过,倏地,他有了一牟想法。 Sat suddenly, he with rapt attention, will hide the dozens drops of Immortal blood in resting earnestly, by soul flowing toward left arm. 霍然坐了起来,他认真凝神,将藏匿在休内的数十滴不死之血,以灵魂流动向左手臂。 pā pā pā 啪啪啪 His left hand arm skeleton hears the rumbled sound, the muscle inflates fiercely, such as is dormant terrifying Ferocious Beast, transmits a scary fluctuation. 他左手臂骨骼传来轰鸣声,肌肉猛地膨胀起来,如蛰伏着一头恐怖凶兽,传来一股骇人的波动。 Immortal Devil Blood substituted for a blood in left hand arm section of blood vessel, the veins has transmitted the extremely fearful stabbing pain, his small arm place, appeared astonishing blood-red, such as has dropped out the blood, that arm, likely was the boiled prawn, red scary. 不死魔血取代了左手臂一截血管内的鲜血,筋脉传来极其可怕的刺痛,他小手臂处,显出惊人的血红色,如滴出了鲜血,那手臂,像是煮熟的大虾,红的吓人。 Gets up loudly, in his section of arm, gushes out a wild fluctuation, such as Ferocious Beast works loose from the abyss. 轰然而起,他那截手臂内,涌出一股狂暴的波动,如凶兽从深渊挣脱。 Such as the small a mountain dark golden stone, under catching up of his left hand arm, was lifted from the ground together fiercely, garnet stream ray, pasts from his arm, had one to rupture crazy fierce energy extremely. 一块如小山般的暗金色石头,在他左手臂的发力之下,猛地从地上被举了起来,一股暗红色的流光,从他手臂内流转出来,产生了一股极其爆裂狂猛的能量 The Shi Yan facial expression rouses, the innermost feelings have been full wild with joy, cannot bear Ha Ha laugh wildly. 石岩神情振奋,内心充盈了狂喜,忍不住哈哈狂笑起来。 This dark golden giant stone, in this Gravity Room is big one, is gold/metal certainly stone that Lie Yan Star Field is in sole possession, renumbers hundred times compared with the ordinary stone! 这块暗金色的巨石,在这重力室算是较大的一块,是烈焰星域独有的金绝石,比普通的石块重数百倍! The giant stone in his hand, the true weight, endures ratio kilometer high mountains really! 他手中的巨石,真正的重量,真的堪比一座千米高的山川! In hundred times of Gravity Room, the weight of this giant stone, was promoted dozens times! 在百倍重力室内,这块巨石的重量,又被提升数十倍! Even if general God King Realm Expert, wants lifting this stone, is almost impossible, only if achieves God King Third Sky, perhaps may try. 就算是一般的神王境强者,想要将这块石头给抬起来,也几乎不可能,除非达到神王三重天,或许才可一试。 Before, he had attempted, tried to depend upon the strength of fleshly body, this giant stone lifting, however, attempted repeatedly multiple, he made the giant stone shiver unable. 之前,他曾经尝试过,试图依靠肉身之力,将这块巨石给抬起来,然而,反复尝试多次,他连让巨石颤动一下都不能。 But today, with Immortal Devil Blood full left hand arm, turbulent energy that erupts, has twisted the giant stone unexpectedly stiffly directly, so the terrifying explosive force, making him frighten. 而今天,用不死魔血充盈左手臂,其中爆发出来的汹涌能量,居然硬生生将巨石给直接拧了起来,如此恐怖的爆发力,让他自己都吓到了。 Suddenly, his action that Bao Ao to the bringing in new blood and Jie Ji said that had the understanding of deeper First Level. 突然间,他对暴骜桀棘所说的换血之举,有了更深一层的认识。 If, if he can use Immortal Devil Blood, in the blood in blood vessel the body plaster substitutes for completely, that time he, will the fleshly body explosive force, reach the what kind altitude? 如果,如果他可以用不死魔血,将体垩内血管内的鲜血全部取代,那时候的他,肉身的爆发力,将会达到何种高度? He does not dare to imagine simply. 他简直不敢想象。 Bang! 轰! The giant stone explosion falls, the hard incomparable stony soil, is centered on the giant stone fall kgunneryk point, crushes suddenly, appears naked eye obvious giant cracks. 巨石爆炸般落下,坚硬无比的石地,以巨石落地点为中心,突然粉碎起来,显出一道道肉眼可见的巨大裂纹。 The crack expands unceasingly extends, giant stone stay place, is transmits huge rumbled to explode broken, crushed stones splash, forms swift and fierce stone classes, explodes toward four sides eight powerful explosion. 裂纹不断地扩大延伸,巨石停留地,则是传来巨大的轰鸣爆碎,一块块碎石飞溅出来,形成一道道凌厉之极的石流,朝着四面八方轰炸过去。 I depend “我靠” A straightforward sound, conveys from the Gravity Room entrance fiercely, a waist is hanging the purgatory command token guy, two obviously make a debut a glare, these crushed stones crushing, a face is strange. 一个粗豪的声音,猛地从重力室门口传来,一个腰间悬着炼狱令牌的大汉,两手显出道道强光,将那些碎石给粉碎掉,一脸怪异。 Side him, a delicate female, is confused, coldly looks to Gravity Room, looked that to by the giant stone is sitting down exhausted Shi Yan. 在他身旁,还有一名清秀的女子,也是一头雾水,冷冷的看向重力室,看向在巨石旁边瘫坐着的石岩 Similarly, in she slender slender waist place, is leaving together purgatory command token. 同样的,在她窈窕纤细的腰肢处,也别着一块炼狱令牌 These two, are under the Kashewen demons, is participates says the outstanding character in purgatory field extremely. 这两人,是卡修恩的魔下,也是参加极道炼狱场的出类拔萃人物。
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