GOS :: Volume #8

#780: Undercurrent

Not merely Shanxian audiences famous middle-aged person startled longevity, besides Da Lei and Da Meng, stands here numerous Warrior, reveals puzzled expression, suddenly pays attention Shi Yan. 不单单县众名中年人惊寿,除了达勒达蒙外,立在这儿的众多武者,都流露出不解的神色,忽然都留意起石岩来。 Ao Gela has a good uncle, he does not need to say the quota of purgatory field extremely worries, Zi Yao gives others the quota, for empire cultivation newborn power, surprisedly what has?” Anna manner nature, the line of sight has swept on mountain range prominent peak these Warrior, coldly said. 奥格拉斯有个好舅舅,他不用为极道炼狱场的名额发愁,紫耀将名额让给别人,也是为帝国培育新生力量,有什么惊讶的?”lì安娜神态自然,视线在山峦主峰那些武者身上扫过,冷冷说道。 The middle-aged people give a calm smile, nodded, „, so long as has purgatory command token, can participate says the purgatory field extremely, this is the custom, who has to rest is, I did not care actually.” 中年人淡然一笑,点了点头,“只要有炼狱令牌,就能参加极道炼狱场,这是规矩,具休是谁,我倒是并不关心。” „The Shi Yan little friend, has been well since last meeting, has not thought such quickly, we met.” Da Lei of five big feudal lords, go forward suddenly one step, a face smiling face, he he has smiled. 石岩小友,别来无恙啊,没想到这么快,我们又见面了。”五大诸侯的达勒,忽然上前一步,一脸笑容,呵呵笑了起来。 In his Da Meng, has hesitated, grins Hehe to smile, toward Shi Yan nodded. 在他身旁的达蒙,沉吟了一下,也咧嘴嘿嘿一笑,朝着石岩点了点头 Shi Yan wrinkled the brow, at once the facial expression stretches, nods toward them smiles, as if relational good appearance. 石岩皱了一下眉头,旋即神情舒展开来,也朝着两人点头一笑,似乎关系不错的样子。 Da Lei, do you recognize this boy? What background?” Wore the cotton garment, the facial features rough man, the speaker has smiled, I remember that in the Zi Yao follower, as if did not have one fellow who called Shi Yan? None who does not becomes, recently followed Zi Yao?” 达勒,你认得这小子?什么来路?”一个身穿布衣,面容粗犷的男子,扬声笑了起来,“我记得,在紫耀的追随者中,似乎没有一个叫石岩的家伙?莫不成,最近才跟随紫耀的?” Such remarks, many people also reveal the difference expression to come particularly Da Lei, the complexion obviously is not slightly comfortable, matter that his son Da Meng admits defeat, he naturally cannot say to others that chuckled with a forced smile two, said: Zi Yao passed by there me time, once and Shi Yan was a guest together on the several th, recognized is also normal. The Shi Yan little friend is not weak, he he, and cultivation base enters the step to be extremely quick, two years ago , he only then True God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, has not thought meets once more, has achieved Third Sky of True God Realm, seriously is the luck of Zi Yao, the luck of empire.” 此言一出,很多人也都露出异样的神色来尤其是达勒,脸色略显不自在,他儿子达蒙吃瘪的事情,他自然不会向别人说,嘿嘿干笑两声,道:“紫耀路过我那儿的时候,曾经和石岩一道做客几日,认得也是正常。石岩小友可不弱啊,呵呵,并且修为进阶极快,两年前,他只有真神二重天境界修为,没想到再次相见,已经达到了真神三重天之境了,当真是紫耀之福,帝国之福啊。” Da Lei these words, somewhat are actually earnest. 达勒这番话,倒是有几分认真。 In field numerous Expert, recognizes Shi Yan truly, and knows on him mystical, few people, that Anna, does not know that Shi Yan can display Soul Burial Field. 场内众多强者,真正认得石岩,并且知道他身上神秘的,没有几人,就连那lì安娜,也不知道石岩可以施展出灵魂葬场来。 Many years ago, that mystical presents Lie Yan Star Field Expert, showed in this star territory has been possible be called invincible power, let star of life extinguish this life life, so long as has heard that person of legend, once thought that Shi Yan was related with him, looked at Shi Yan inevitably high. 许多年前,那个神秘出现烈焰星域强者,在这个星域展现出了堪称无敌的力量,让一个今生命之星生灵涂炭,只要听过那人传说的,一旦觉得石岩和他有关,必然高看石岩 Shi Yan can arrive with Zi Yao together, and is living coming out in that Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, in the Da Lei eye is extremely lucky fierce. 石岩能够和紫耀走到一块儿,并且在那日星爆碎场活着出来,在达勒眼中是极其幸运厉害的。 He is the sincerity envies Zi Yao, can have such a follower of mystical backstage, because knows the inside story, therefore he is unhappy Shi Yan, even hatred, he does not dare to take lightly Shi Yan. 他是真心羡慕紫耀,能够有这么一个神秘后台的跟随者,因为知道内情,所以他就算是不喜石岩,甚至有一丝恨意,他也不敢看轻石岩 The people when pay attention him in secret, Shi Yan is also sizing up these Warrior, secret discrete. 众人在暗中留意他的时候,石岩也在打量着那些武者,暗暗谨慎。 Besides Anna and Da Lei, in him, is responsible for saying the middle-aged person of purgatory field entertainment at present extremely, is God King peak Realm cultivation base, because the look and Du Feng is a little similar, he guesses that the side opposite party should be a crown prince, is the Dark Sky God Country king Du Tianji brothers. 除了lì安娜和达勒外,在他眼前的,负责极道炼狱场招待的中年人,也是神王巅峰境界修为,因为相貌和镀封有点相似,他猜侧对方应该是一名亲王,是天涅神国的王镀天奇的兄弟。 Also two, almost fall the full that mildew on him, 3 have resulted in his attention. 还有两人,几乎在他落足的那一霉,就3得了他的注意。 One of them, then wears the cotton garment, the rough middle-aged person who from the beginning replied, Realm aura did not have the mark to seek, was the same with Anna, Da Lei, should also be Source God Realm. 其中一人,便是身穿布衣,一开始答话的粗犷中年人,境界气息无迹可寻,和lì安娜、达勒一样,应该也是源神境 By his understanding of five big feudal lords, this person should be Rochester, ranks behind Ao Guduo, is very fierce terrifying fellow. 以他对五大诸侯的了解,此人应该是罗切斯特,排名奥古多后面,也是个非常凶悍恐怖的家伙。 Another person, the elegant bearing, looks like very handsome young, the facial features are fair, the figure is slim, should then be another of five big feudal lords, Kashewen. 另有一人,风度翩翩,看起来非常的英俊年轻,面容白皙,身材修长,应该便是五大诸侯的另外一个,卡修恩 Similarly is Source God Realm Expert, in five big feudal lords, there iswheat flour blood, Expert of name, besides the Anna, in feudal lord youngest, is a Dark Sky God Country big legend. 同样是源神境强者,在五大诸侯中,有“白面血手,之称的强者,是除了lì安娜外,诸侯中最年轻的一位,也是天涅神国的一大传奇。 The Kashewen it is said youth is in power, birth was very ordinary, was a child of star of ordinary mortal family|home this life life, because the first time, when the deep meaning inheritance source inheritance deep meaning, has then shown the talent, entered the empire plaster military headquarters, year to year went on an expedition the four directions, displayed dazzling rays of light, emerged, reaches the feudal lord treasure position. 卡修恩据说少年便得势,出生很平常,是一今生命之星普通凡人家的孩子,因为第一次在奥义传承源传承奥义的时候,便展露了头角,进入帝国垩军部,常年征战四方,表现出耀目的光芒,脱颖而出,荣登诸侯宝位。 Kashewen is also in an empire, five big feudal lords come basest and lowest one, actually by own power, little climb, finally achievement feudal lord. 卡修恩也是帝国中,五大诸侯出身最卑微的一个,却以自己的力量,一点点的攀登上来,最终成就了诸侯。 That Kashewen, the indifferent chuckle, the manner is temperate throughout, looks like, looks like an ordinary teaching mister, does not have a dangerous feeling, making the person relax subconsciously vigilantly, by his aura confusing. 卡修恩,始终淡然轻笑着,神态温和无害,看起来,就像是一名普通的教书先生,没有一点危险的感觉,让人会下意识的放松警惕,被他身上的气息给迷惑。 But he beside Dark Sky God Country, in other self-seeking attitude, is actually an out-and-out devil, runs amuck Outer Territory for many years, does not know that hunted and killed many Outer Space Robber. 可他在天涅神国之外,在别的势力眼中,却是一个不折不扣的魔鬼,横行域外多年,不知道猎杀了多少域外掠夺者 He can base the god country, was built by the innumerable Marauder countless skeletons, numerous Lie Yan Star Field Marauder, mentioned his name, did not know to how the envy and hate. 他能立足神国,是被无数掠夺者累累尸骨堆砌而成,众多烈焰星域掠夺者,一提起他的名字,不知道要多么忌恨。 In Marauder, there is an unwritten view, if who can kill Kashewen, then can become the Marauder master, mounts Outer Space Robber the position of only leader in that Divine Punishment Grounds. 掠夺者中,有个不成文的说法,谁要是能够杀了卡修恩,便可以成为掠夺者的主人,在那神罚之地登上域外掠夺者的唯一魁首之位。 However, until today, his Kashewen still runs amuck in Outer Territory , to continue to chase down Marauder, robs the commodities of these people, accumulated countless wealth for the empire. 然而,直到今天,他卡修恩依然在域外横行,继续追杀着掠夺者,抢夺那些人的物资,为帝国积累了无数的财富。 His place visited, Marauder is panic at the news, simply will not have gathering. 他所过之处,掠夺者闻风丧胆,根本没有一合之将。 Therefore until now, he lives as before comfortably, plundering sees him is fearful and apprehensive. 所以直到现在,他依旧活得舒舒坦坦,掠夺看见到他则是心惊胆颤。 Snatches the food from the Marauder hand, his method and very ruthless, can be inferred, the average person wants unable to think. 掠夺者手中抢食,他的手段和狠辣,可见一斑,普通人想都不敢多想。 Kashewen is smiling throughout, has not spoken, pair of womanlike slender phoenix eyes, then shoots a look at once for a while to Anna, in the look has different kind expression. 卡修恩始终微笑着,没有讲话,一双如女人般修长的丹凤眼,则是时不时瞥向lì安娜,眼神中有着别样的神色 Shi Yan has sized up a while secretly, in heart thinks strange, looks at that Kashewen manner appearance, imitates the heart......, Has some vague feelings to Anna, as if is very the love. 石岩暗暗打量了一会儿,心中觉得古怪,看那卡修恩的神态模样,仿心……,对lì安娜有着某种隐晦的情愫,似乎很是迷恋般。 The facial expression is startled, he cannot help but turned the head to sweep a woman, intraocular spilled over not the easy detection was strange. 神情一怔,他不由得别头扫了一眼身旁的女人,眼内泛出不易察觉的怪异来。 This woman is the Dark Sky God Country legend, the method is bloody, the status is also honored, but her appearance...... Could be more unattractive than many evil spirit. 这女人是天涅神国的传说,手段血腥残暴,身份也尊贵,可她的外貌……比厉鬼好看不了多少啊。 That Kashewen, becomes the hobby is extremely none who does not special, likes this type? 卡修恩,莫不成嗜好极其特殊,就喜欢这种类型? He is confused. 他一头雾水。 Ao Guduo has not arrived, everybody must wait on the several th, I receive his communication, most within seven days, he should be able to come, um, he said on the road has the matter to delay.” The middle-aged people smiled in a soft voice, speak to explain. 奥古多尚未到来,大家还需等候几日,我收到他的传讯,最多七天之内,他应该就能来了,嗯,他说在路上有事耽误了。”中年人轻声笑了笑,出言解释起来。 „The Ao Guduo big rack, dares to make me and others he others not say unexpectedly that Anna launches an attack, in the expression ice-cold, dark green pupil, full is sick cruelly. 奥古多好大的架子,居然敢让我等他”别人没有多说,lì安娜则是率先发难,神色冰冷,暗青色的眸中,满是厌烦暴戾。 In people, only then she dares not to attend to other people direct scolding Ao Guduo, because she is more formidable, because of her influence, is Dark Sky God Country bloodiest terrifying, therefore she so does not bear, nobody dares to talk too much. 众人中,也只有她敢不顾旁人直接的呵斥奥古多,因为她更加强大,因为她的势力,是天涅神国最为血腥恐怖的,所以她这般不耐,无人胆敢多言。 Sir Anna appeases anger, Sir Ao Guduo indeed had the matter to delay, he said that, will apologize to everybody.” The middle-aged person hollow laugh gets up, explained again and again. “lì安娜大人息怒,奥古多大人的确有事情耽误了,他说了,到了以后,会向各位赔罪。”中年人干笑起来,连连解释。 How I must have a look at Ao Guduo to apologize but actually.” Anna waves, impatient snort|hum, I rested first, when Ao Guduo came, making him explain with me face to face. Snort, I happen to have the matter to with him discuss.” “我倒要看看奥古多怎么赔罪。”lì安娜一挥手,不耐烦哼了一句,“我先歇息了,等奥古多过来了,让他当面和我说个明白。哼,我正好有事要和他商榷商榷。” Her eye, falls to Shi Yan on suddenly, intent has referred. 她的眼睛,忽然落到石岩身上,意有所指。 Shi Yan has gawked, immediately understands this woman to be possible after Ao Guduo arrives launches an attack, for the matter, should also be Ao Gela framing, her battleship was destroyed. 石岩愣了一下,马上明白这女人或许会在奥古多到来之后发难,为的事情,应该也是奥格拉斯的陷害,以至于她的一艘战舰被摧毁。 The knitting the brows head, Shi Yan realized suddenly that he becomes a witness, when the time comes could come out to accuse Ao Guduo and Ao Gela. 皱了皱眉头,石岩忽然意识到,他将会成为一个证人,到时候可能要出来指责奥古多奥格拉斯。 ............ Is the evidence obviously insufficient? Simply does not have the solid evidence, can show that getting rid is Ao Gela, cannot pull the body of Ao Guduo, none who does not becomes, the woman must make unwarranted criticisms, assigns a responsibility for an offense to be inadequate forcefully? 只是…………证据明显不够啊?根本没有确凿的证据,可以证明出手者是奥格拉斯,更加扯不到奥古多的身上,莫不成,那女人要横加指责,强行给定个罪责不成? Anna in the name of journey tired, is leading the youth under that three her demons, haughty departure, fell the foot to this mountain peak palace. lì安娜以旅途劳累为名,带着那三个她魔下的青年,大模大样的离去,到了这山峰一处宫殿内落足。 In that palace, there is a badge of dark Sun, seems she alone is, she has not greeted Shi Yan, after arriving here, she as if desirably the distance that and Shi Yan becomes estranged, no longer talked anything. 在那宫殿上,有黑暗太阳的徽章,似乎是她独属的,她并没有招呼石岩,来到这儿以后,她似乎刻意的和石岩疏远的距离,不再交谈什么。 Anna walks, here numerous Warrior also diverged, Rochester, Kashewen and Da Lei, are leading participant under the demon, went to nearby palace, in this mountain range peak, has the palace that they alone are, reason that they crop up , because expressed the respect to Anna. lì安娜一走,这边众多的武者也都散去了,罗切斯特、卡修恩达勒,都带着自己魔下的参加者,去了旁边的宫殿,在这山峦巅峰,都有他们独属的宫殿,他们之所以冒头,是因为表示对lì安娜的尊敬。 Kashewen does not leave long time, in he goes to the road in palace, suddenly stopped, he has turned around, suddenly smiles is beckoning toward Shi Yan. G little friend, if not shut out, coming here to drink two cups? ” 卡修恩离开不多时,在他去自己宫殿的路上,忽然停了一下,他转过身来,忽然微笑着朝石岩招了招手,。G小友,若是不嫌弃的话,来我这儿喝两杯?” Grand mountain range peak, Warrior diverge respectively, and nobody responds Shi Yan, reception of that middle-aged person, as if do not arrange his meaning. 雄阔的山峦巅峰,一个个武者各自散去,并没有人搭理石岩,就连那中年人的接待者,似乎也没有要安排他的意思。 Zi Yao is not, Shi Yan question do not have, Anna as if not want and he talks too much here, suddenly, he likely has become the bystander. 紫耀不在,石岩连个问话者都没有,lì安娜也似乎不想在此处和他多言,一时间,他像是成了外人。 All alone stands there, does not know what course to follow time, beckoning of Kashewen, making his eye slightly one bright. 孤身一人站在那儿,正不知何去何从的时候,卡修恩的招手,让他眼睛微微一亮。 Looks all around, sees nobody to care about him, the Shi Yan knitting the brows head, has let loose at once, grinning gives a calm smile, no matter how also the Kashewen reputation, then directly walks toward him, cups one hand in the other across the chest by far, that boy is then impolite.” 环顾四周,见无人在意他,石岩皱了皱眉头,旋即放开了,咧嘴淡然一笑,也不管卡修恩名声如何,便径直朝着他走去,远远拱手,“那小子便不客气了。” Might as well.” Kashewen laughs, first makes his follower leave, then brought Shi Yan to go to his palace. “无妨。”卡修恩哈哈一笑,先让他的追随者离开,然后带着石岩去了他自己的宫殿。 In the magnificent palace of crystal blue jade, he reveals the body, then has the servant girl to come out to entertain, is pair of ten time passages, fresh quite beautiful, attire exposition, but is hoodwinking the First Level fine gauze, once for a while obviously faint place. 水晶蓝玉的瑰丽宫殿内,他一显身,便有女婢出来招待,一个个都是双十年华,生的颇为秀丽,衣着暴露,只是蒙着一层轻纱,时不时可见幽妙之处。 The good wine delicacies, place under the arrangement of servant girl, in the palace of crystal blue jade, the Kashewen sitting well seat of honor, the whole face temperate smiling face, carries the wine glass, said: Comes, the little brother accompanies me to drink one cup, you're welcome.” 美酒佳肴,在女婢的安排下摆放出来,水晶蓝玉的宫殿内,卡修恩端坐主位,满脸温和的笑容,端起酒杯,道:“来来来,小兄弟陪我饮一杯,别客气。” Shi Yan a lot of doubts, do not know why this Kashewen must look for him, before coming this, he and Carthew writing Su has not sought a meeting, a friendship does not have. 石岩一肚子疑惑,不知道这卡修恩为何要找他,来此之前,他和卡修文素未谋面,一点交情都没有。 But he is also only a subordinate thing, in this Dark Sky God Country, a roll-call sound does not have. 而他还只是一个小人物,在这天涅神国内,一点名声都没有。 What is main, his imprint Zi Yao that side status, Kashewen is impossible to recruit him. 最主要的是,他身上烙印紫耀那边的身份,卡修恩也不可能招募他啊。 Shi Yan knits the brows secretly. 石岩暗自皱眉。
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