GOS :: Volume #8

#779: Purgatory star

The pitch-black day, does not see stars sun and moon, in the vault of heaven, 乌黑的天,不见星辰日月,苍穹内, As if winding around thick ink, has been cut off all luminous, ice-cold gloomy bleak aura, fills all around. 似乎缭绕着浓稠的墨汁,阻隔了一切光亮,冰冷阴森荒凉的气息,弥漫四周。 The look looks into the distance, the mountain peak that the distant place has towering, was carved the Devil ghost the appearance, appears extremely fierce, such as the great antiquity Ferocious Beast evil spirit, making the person soul tremble. 眼神眺望,远处有一座座耸立的山峰,被雕刻成妖魔鬼怪的模样,显得极其狰狞,如洪荒凶兽厉鬼,让人灵魂震颤。 The Blood Dripping Gem earth, has the garnet blood clot, is flooding the crazy Bloodthirsty fishy smell. 血淋琳的大地,有着暗红色的血块,充斥着疯狂的嗜血腥味。 Anna stands before the deck, such as the evil spirit of this purgatory star, seems waiting for anything. lì安娜站在甲板前,如这炼狱星的一个厉鬼,似乎在等候着什么。 Shi Yan is secretly discrete, arrives at her behind sluggishly, deep looks at her back, said: Sees the oversized person.” 石岩暗暗谨慎着,慢吞吞的来到她身后,深深看着她的背影,道:“见过大人。” Anna has not turned around, still the looking out into the distance front, „does your body rest what kind of?” lì安娜没有转身,依然远眺前方,“你身休怎么样?” Restores such as beginning, does not have a damage, drags the luck of Sir.” Shi Yan bows slightly, look staring on her, tranquil reply. “恢复如初,没有一丝损伤,拖大人的福。”石岩略略躬身,眼神凝视在她身上,平静的回答。 In Anna's side, three youth, God King Second Sky, two First Sky of God King Realm, three people wear the jet black long unlined close-fitting gown, behind the long unlined close-fitting gown, the badge of dark Sun, likely is the Anna's exclusive symbol. 在lì安娜的旁边,还有三个青年,一名神王二重天,两个神王一重天之境,三人穿着漆黑的长衫,长衫背后,有一个黑暗太阳的徽章,像是lì安娜的独家标志。 That achieves Warrior of God King Second Sky boundary, is a Underworld Clan woman, the look is not outstanding, the stature nephew is slender moving, on the form fitting, has terrifying aura. 那名达到神王二重天境的武者,是一个冥族的女人,相貌并不出众,身材侄是窈窕动人,可身上,却有着非常恐怖气息 The other two, are the youth of person clan, the look are similar, should be the brothers, rests strongly wealthy, the manner is haughty. 另外两人,都是人族的青年,相貌还非常相似,应该是兄弟,休壮腰粗,神态狂傲不羁。 Reason that three people gazes of 3 Shi Yan, not because of their Realm, is not their appearance is special, because of their waists, is leaving command token, on command token has the design of Blood Dripping Gem imperial crown, that is purgatory command token. 三人之所以3起石岩的注视,并不是因为他们的境界,也不是他们模样特殊,而是因为他们的腰间,都别着一个令牌,令牌上有着血淋琳皇冠的图案,那是炼狱令牌 Very obviously, these three people, are the same with him, must participate says the purgatory field extremely. 很显然,这三人,和他一样,也是要参加极道炼狱场的。 When he sizes up that three people, the opposite party is also visiting him, expression quite disdains, has one of the very obvious contempt. 在他打量那三人的时候,对方也在看他,神色都颇为不屑,有着很明显的轻视之一。 Especially is the Underworld Clan woman of head, has pulled the corners of the mouth, shouted lightly lightly, True God Realm, waste, to extremely said purgatory field Ran, was the share of bringing death.” 尤其是为首的冥族女人,更是扯了扯嘴角,淡淡轻呼,“才真神境,废物一个,到了极道炼狱场冉,也是送死的份。” Anna coldly snorted. lì安娜冷哼一声。 That three youth, suddenly silent, look one positive, bows slightly, seems waiting for her admonishing. 那三个青年,都忽然沉默了下去,眼神一正,微微躬身,似乎在等候着她的训话。 I, no matter after you enter, how to do, in brief, murder many, if one of your three people.” Anna turns around suddenly, the dark green eye, transferred in three people spookily, person, if lost my, even if were you are living, I must begin personally, cut to kill you, destroys completely your clansmen!” “我不管你们进入之后怎么做,总之,杀人最多者,要是你们三人之一。”lì安娜突然转身,暗青色的眼睛,在三人身上幽幽转了一圈,“若是丢了我的人,就算是你们活着出来了,我也要亲自动手,将你们斩杀,灭掉你们的族人!” Three people keep silent, immediately single knee is well-grounded to kneel down, lowers the head, does not dare to talk too much. 三人噤若寒蝉,当即单膝着地跪下,垂着头,不敢多言。 This person, must participate says the purgatory field extremely, you pay attention to me.” Anna aims at Shi Yan, told fierce: In the purgatory field, you have met him, can get rid to kill him. But you to me, him are dying, must die in your hands, if other people dare to move him, skins to me pulls out the bone! The captivity soul suffers until death!” “这个人,也要参加极道炼狱场,你们给我留意。”lì安娜指向石岩,厉声吩咐:“在炼狱场内,你们碰见了他,可以出手杀他。但你们给我记着一点,他就算死,也要死在你们手中,其余人若是敢动他,给我剥皮抽骨!囚禁灵魂折磨至死!” Three people nod hastily, look to the Shi Yan vision, is full the flavor of bloodthirsty. 三人连忙点头,看向石岩的目光,充盈着嗜杀的味道。 In Shi Yan heart one cold, complexion is suddenly cold, lowers the head Hehe to smile. 石岩心中一凛,脸色突然冷冽下来,低头嘿嘿一笑。 „If seeing the Ao Guduo person, should not be forgiving to me, is ruthless! Especially Ao Gela , he if appears, will have the soul to bring to me, I come to come personally to him.” Anna drinks lowly. “若是见着奥古多的人,不要给我留情,赶尽杀绝!尤其是奥格拉斯,他若出现,将起灵魂给我带来,我来亲自来对他。”lì安娜低喝。 Three people of facial expressions shake, excited, the look as if becomes scarlet, has been full of the fighting spirit. 三人神情一震,兴奋了起来,眼神都似乎变得猩红起来,充满了斗志。 When Anna spoke, front heard the grating howling sound, long time, did not see only length ten meters black iron War Chariot to appear, on War Chariot of front line, a delicate and pretty Warrior speaker shouted loudly: See Sir Anna.” 在lì安娜讲话之时,前方传来刺耳的呼啸声,不多时,只见一艘艘长十米的黑铁战车显现出来,最前方的战车上,一个俊美的武者扬声高呼:“参见lì安娜大人。” the Anna slight bow, deeply shot a look at Shi Yan one, puts out a hand to pull void, bones of the dead War Chariot flew, she falls to War Chariot on leisurely, shouted to clear the way lowly: Comes up.” lì安娜微微点头,深深瞥了石岩一眼,伸手虚空一扯,一艘白骨战车飞了过来,她慢悠悠落到战车上,低喝道:“上来。” Three belong to Entourage of her bloody regiment, said extremely the participant in purgatory field, did not say a word, flew War Chariot. 三名属于她血腥军团的扈从,极道炼狱场的参与者,一言不发,都飞上战车 Anna knit the brows, has swept Shi Yan one. lì安娜皱眉,扫了石岩一眼。 Shi Yan expression is faint, nodded, above understanding arriving War Chariot. 石岩神色淡漠,点了点头,也会意的来到战车之上。 On War Chariot, his line of sight is broader, discovered that appears in the purgatory star, only then such a bones of the dead battleship, other, did not know where. 战车上,他视线更加广阔,发现出现在炼狱星的,只有这么一艘白骨战舰,其余的,不知道去了何处。 Anna, one group of absolutely dark rays of light, fall into the bones of the dead battleship under her body void. lì安娜虚空一点,一团绝对黑暗的光芒,落入她身下的白骨战舰之内。 The battleship, departs giant prison suddenly, each prison lived by dark thick binding, altogether has 50 prison, static float in airborne, such as small black Sun. 战舰内部,突然飞出一块块巨大的囚牢,每一个囚牢都被黑暗浓稠的裹住,一共有50来个囚牢,都静静的悬浮在空中,如小型的黑色太阳。 Shi Yan Divine Sense moves, two lighten wipes panic-stricken rays of light, deeply stares on the Anna's body. 石岩神识一动,两眼闪出一抹惊骇的光芒,深深地凝视在lì安娜的身上。 He suddenly discovered that in that mildew that Anna begins, from her body, spread the fluctuation of God's Domain, has such one to flicker, the Anna whole body was covered dark, as if vanished thoroughly. 他忽然发现,在lì安娜动手的那一霉,从她的身上,传出了神之领域的波动,有那么一瞬,lì安娜周身被黑暗笼罩,似乎彻底消失了。 Dark domain! 黑暗领域! lightning glow tearing in the mind, the next quarter, he grasped anything together miraculous likely faintly, Darkness Deep Meaning, this was Darkness Deep Meaning! 一道灵光在脑海中电芒般撕裂而出,下一刻,他像是隐隐把握到了什么,黑暗奥义,这是黑暗奥义 The facial expression shakes, he realized suddenly why he thought with some Anna origins, because, opposite party cultivation Darkness Deep Meaning, in War Devil with his ring, was completely consistent! 神情一震,他忽然意识到,为何他觉得和lì安娜有些渊源了,因为,对方修炼黑暗奥义,和他戒指内的战魔,全然一致! War Devil cannot Darkness Deep Meaning achieving so the condition, War Devil is only the puppet, is a dark minute of plaster body of Lao Luo, does not have the soul, will never touch the Darkness Deep Meaning essence. 只是战魔不能将黑暗奥义给达到如此境况,战魔只是傀儡,是烙猡的一具黑暗分垩身,没有灵魂,永远不可能触摸到黑暗奥义的精髓。 Anna is different, she has achieved Source God Realm, to the comprehension and understanding of Darkness Deep Meaning, is not War Devil may compare by far. lì安娜则是不同,她达到了源神境,对黑暗奥义的领悟和认识,远远不是战魔可比。 However, both's deep meaning attribute, aura is actually exactly the same, is only terrifying is infinite, is relatively smaller and weaker. 然而,两者的奥义属性,气息却是一模一样,只是一个恐怖无穷,一个相对弱小很多罢了。 Invited Sir Anna.” Warrior on that black iron War Chariot, respectful bending the waist, simultaneously call. “有请lì安娜大人。”那黑铁战车上的武者,一个个恭敬的弯着腰,同时吆喝起来。 Anna nodded, bones of the dead War Chariot under body speeds along toward the front, in bones of the dead War Chariot behind, 50 dark light groups, prison restraint, such as bunch of dark clouds is following her, receives her dark power to pull the bow. lì安娜点了点头,身下的白骨战车朝着前方飞驰,在白骨战车身后,50来个黑暗光团,将囚牢束缚着,如一团团黑云跟随着她,受着她的黑暗力量牵弓。 These come the person, is meets 3 obviously, in the front guides, Shi Yan and Anna in rear area, silently is following. 那些来人,明显是接3者,在前方带路,石岩和lì安娜则是在后方,默默的跟随着。 Were cut the Devil appearance desirably the mountain peak, height hundred meters several kilometers, fierce terrifying, reveal bleeding rank evil aura, under bones of the dead War Chariot gradual appears, slowly changes is small, was flung rear area. 一座座被刻意切割成妖魔模样的山峰,高百米数千米不等,一个个狰狞恐怖,流露出血腥邪恶的气息,在白骨战车下面逐渐的显现出来,慢慢变小,被甩到后方。 Suddenly, by three kilometers mountains, he has found another battleship, the equally long kilometer is built by the platinum, in not luminous purgatory star, but also lightens eye-catching radiant rays of light. 忽然,在一座三千米的山川旁边,他瞧见了另外一艘战舰,一样长千米由白金打造而成,在没有光亮的炼狱星,还闪出夺目璀璨的光芒 It seems like Rochester arrived.” Anna shot a look at that platinum battleship one, then takes back the vision, light saying. “看来罗切斯特已经到了。”lì安娜瞥了那白金战舰一眼,便收回目光,淡淡的说道。 Good Rochester Sir achieves first, stayed half a month.” Smiling of receiving and instructing flatters explained immediately: Besides Rochester Sir, Kashewen and Sir Da Lei, successively arrived, now, only remains Sir Ao Guduo on the road, cannot arrive.” “不错罗切斯特大人最先达到,已经呆了半月了。”接引者讨好的笑了笑立即解释:“除了罗切斯特大人外,还有卡修恩达勒大人,也都先后到达了,如今,也只剩奥古多大人尚在路上,未能到达。” Shi Yan eye different light dodged quickly. 石岩眼睛异光倏地闪了一下。 In the Dark Sky God Country five big feudal lords, besides Anna, Ao Guduo, Da Lei, was Rochester and Kashewen. 天涅神国五大诸侯中,除了lì安娜、奥古多达勒之外,便是罗切斯特和卡修恩了。 Five big feudal lords assume five sides, is Dark Sky God Country opens the territory, all day long the bloody battle has overcome the boundless area, it may be said that is the five towering great columns of god country's. 五大诸侯坐镇五方,为天涅神国开辟疆土,终日血战打下了无垠的疆域,可谓是神国的五根参天巨柱。 In five big feudal lords, counts the Anna's influence to be most abundant, next is under Ao Guduo is Rochester and Kashewen, he had seen Da Lei, end is five big feudal lords ranks on the contrary, the influence is weakest. 五大诸侯中,数lì安娜的势力最为雄厚,其次是奥古多下面是罗切斯特和卡修恩,他曾经见过的达勒,反倒是五大诸侯排名末尾,势力最弱。 The ranks of five big feudal lords, are not forever are invariable, demon Expert according to feudal lord the Realm territory and under the merit , has explicit detailed division way. 五大诸侯的排名,并不是永远不变的,根据诸侯的境界疆土和功劳魔下强者,有着非常明确详细的划分方式。 It is said most starts, Anna ranks end even when becomes the feudal lord also causes the enormous trouble, said that she is unqualified. 据说最开始,lì安娜排名最末甚至在成为诸侯的时候还惹来极大的非议,说她不够资格。 Is Dark Sky God Country Du Tianji supports her, makes her display vigorously, lets she has held on to the feudal lord end the position. 天涅神国镀天奇力挺她,极力让她表现,才让她坐稳了诸侯之末的位置。 She has not disappointed Du Tianji she to make all censure shut up, short hundred years of she in the bloody cruel method, is Dark Sky God Country performs the distinguished service, overcomes the liberal territory, she from the feudal lord end, achieves feudal lord's head at one fell swoop, becomes the Immortal legend of god country's. 她没有让镀天奇失望她让所有非议者都闭了嘴,短短百年时间她以血腥残忍的手段,为天涅神国立下汗马功劳,打下阔大的疆土,她从诸侯之末,一举达到诸侯之首,成为神国的不朽传说。 Until now, she has turned over to the name to reality, in the god country, nobody dares to censure again underestimates her, mentioned her time, could the radical dot heart cautiously, awe fear that was filled with. 时至今日,她已名至实归,神国中,再没有人胆敢非议小看她,提起她的时候,都会刂丶心翼翼,满心的敬畏恐惧。 long time, ten thousand meters high, the continuous hundred li (0.5km) mountain range does not appear, that mountain range such as crawls in place terrifying Ferocious Beast, the sharp cliff such as the dense fang, was disclosing ominous severe arbitrary aura, but looked at one, was then frightening. 多时,一座万米高,连绵百里的山峦显现出来,那山峦如匍匐在地的恐怖凶兽,尖利的峭壁如森森獠牙,透露着凶厉蛮横之极的气息,只是看一眼,便让人心惊胆颤。 The unadorned palace that the mountain range prominent peak place, the Blood Dripping Gem stones build, the mountain peak, was forced, some dark caverns, in many caverns, spreads the sad and shrill hatred the roaring sound. 山峦主峰处,有一座座血淋琳石头堆砌的朴实无华的宫殿,山峰内部,被凿空,有一个个黑暗的洞穴,其中很多洞穴内,传出凄厉怨毒的咆哮声。 after Anna arrives at this, dark domain moves, in her behind float dark prison, such as the black rubber ball is common, tumbles toward these caverns. lì安娜来到这一块后,身上的黑暗领域一动,在她身后悬浮着的一个个黑暗囚牢,如黑色的皮球一般,朝着那些洞穴内滚落。 In these holes **, was already standing Warrior bows to wait, received these prisoner's cages the criminal. 在那些洞**,早就站立着的武者躬身等候着,接收那些囚笼内犯人。 She looked that has not looked at the cavern, in the bones of the dead War Chariot upper extreme, the line of sight is falling to a prominent peak grand broad plaster field, in that broad plaster field, several people was waiting. 她看也没看洞穴,在白骨战车上端着,视线落向主峰一处雄阔的广垩场,在那广垩场上,有几人已经在等候了。 Shi Yan following his vision, looked toward that broad plaster field that has found Da Lei and Da Meng fathers and sons, in addition, looks like the age not big respective youth, aura ominous severe huge, the waist is also leaving purgatory command token, is participates says tempering of purgatory field extremely. 石岩顺着他的目光,往那广垩场一看,一眼瞧见了达勒达蒙父子,除此之外,还有一个个看起来年龄并不大的各自青年,一个个气息凶厉庞大,腰间也都别着炼狱令牌,也是来参加极道炼狱场的磨砺的。 Hahaha, Sir Anna arrived finally, waited for long time.” A wear magnificent and expensive clothing, the handsome extraordinary middle-aged person, has several points of similar to Du Feng, suddenly steps from these people, frank laughs. 哈哈哈,lì安娜大人终于到了,等候多时了。”一个穿着华贵衣衫,英俊非凡的中年人,和镀封有着几分相似,忽然从那些人中迈出来,爽朗的大笑起来。 Anna remains unmoved, nodded, imperial moved bones of the dead War Chariot to go to that broad plaster field slightly. lì安娜不为所动,微微点了点头,御动着白骨战车去了那广垩场。 Well!” The middle-aged person shouted one lightly, the vision has swept one in the Anna behind four people, saying of doubts: „It is not right, doesn't your bloody regiment, have three quotas? How to leave one suddenly?” “咦!”那中年人轻呼一声,目光在lì安娜身后四人扫了一眼,疑惑的说道:“不对啊,你们血腥军团,不是只有三个名额么?怎么忽然多出了一个?” This middle-aged person, as if extremely said that one of the purgatory field heads, he is clear to the custom, therefore is surprised. 这中年人,似乎是极道炼狱场的负责人之一,他对规矩清清楚楚,所以惊讶。 He is not the person of my bloody regiment.” Anna snort|hum, putting out a hand point to Shi Yan, he is the Zi Yao person, I have bumped into on the way, made him come together.” “他不是我血腥军团的人。”lì安娜哼了一声,伸手点向石岩,“他是紫耀的人,我途中碰到了,就让他一道过来了。” Zi Yao person?” The middle-aged people were more surprised, isn't decided but not yet announced Ao Gela? How to change players suddenly? Strange.” 紫耀的人?”中年人更加惊奇了,“不是内定的奥格拉斯么?怎么突然换人了?奇怪。”
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