GOS :: Volume #8

#778: Bringing in new blood dawn

A violent rumbled sound, the battleship spreads the vibration suddenly, as if somewhere was falling fully, the sad explosive of bang. 一阵猛烈的轰鸣声,战舰突然传出抖动,似乎在某处落足了,轰的一声沉闷的爆响。 Day firm, in darkness, Shi Yan fiercely awaking revolutions, the eye is bright, if stars. 天牢中,黑暗内,石岩猛地醒转,眼睛亮若星辰。 fleshly body restores such as beginning, bone lou, veins and flesh and blood not only does not have a damage, but also has reached the new tenacious altitude likely. 肉身重新恢复如初,骨髅、筋脉、血肉不但没有一丝损伤,还像是达到了新的坚韧高度。 In the dark day is firm, he cannot see own condition, only then induces with Divine Sense. 黑暗的天牢内,他看不见自身的状况,只有用神识来感应。 Closes one's eyes, he is looking at carefully silently, he grinned to smile gradually, the laughter was initial, gradually the expansion, finally has become carefree laughing wildly, was firm loud and clear reacted in the day. 闭着眼睛,他默默端详着,渐渐地,他咧嘴笑了起来,笑声初始极小,渐渐扩大,最后成了畅快的狂笑,在天牢内洪亮震动 He has a feeling, quenching of this fleshly body, is simply unquantifiable to his advantage. 他有种感觉,这次肉身的淬炼,对他的好处简直难以估量。 The thought moves, whole body is firm, if the iron stone, like does not have anything to fall shatter. 念头一动,浑身坚若铁石,像是没有什么可以破碎掉。 He does not know that just God Body of stomach, is any condition, but he thought that even if achieves God King Realm, is precise God Body Expert, fleshly body tenaciously broken, perhaps was this. 他不知道甫胃的神体,是什么一种状况,可他觉得,就算是达到神王境,凝炼出神体强者,肉身之坚韧不破,也或许便是他这样了。 Let him laugh wildly, solely is not only the change of body, Immortal Devil Blood that the Essence Qi old tree, new comes out precise. 让他狂笑的,不单单只是身体的变化,还有精元古树,还有新凝炼出来的不死魔血 Kills the magnetism to explode after this accidental darkness, he was seriously battered, however, through the help of mystical Martial Spirit, he not only restores such as beginning, enormous harvest. 经过这次意外的暗殛磁爆,他本是遭受重创,然而,通过神秘武魂的帮助,他不但恢复如初,还有了极大的收获。 The Essence Qi old tree is full, each clear trunk and branches, as if has been full pure energy, bright like the jade, a knottiness maliciously, likely is by pure Essence Qi precise, is containing torrential energy reacted. 精元古树爆满,每一根晶莹的枝干,都似乎充盈了精纯能量,剔透如玉石,一狠狠的枝节,都像是由纯粹的精元凝炼而成,蕴含着滔滔能量震动 How he does not know Realm, but he affirmed that by his present condition, Essence Qi should be the True God peak Warrior intensity. 他不知道境界如何,但他肯定,以他现在的状态,精元应该达到真神巅峰武者的强度了。 In other words, his Essence Qi climbed up the new peak to be able the breakthrough next Realm situation. 也就是说,他的精元攀上新的高峰到了能够突破下一个境界的地步。 Immortal Devil Blood. 还有不死魔血 Remoulded fleshly body to make him consume ten drops of Immortal Devil Blood, this thinks that this time has owed, however after Divine Sense examined, he discovered that Immortal Devil Blood many counter- many, had about 50 drops! 重塑肉身让他耗费了十滴不死魔血,本以为这次亏了,然而神识内检以后,他才发现,不死魔血不少反多,有了近50滴! 50 drops of Immortal Devil Blood, this is he has not seen essence that the scene, it seems like these dead have, to his help really enormously unexpectedly after being full his Essence Qi old tree, but also made him leave that many Immortal Devil Blood. 50滴不死魔血,这是他不曾见过的的场景,看来那些死者产生的精气,对他的帮助果然极大居然在充盈他精元古树之后,还让他多出了那么多的不死魔血 On Grace Mainland, hunts and kills several hundred Sky Realm and Warrior of God Passage boundary, only then precise several drops of Immortal Devil Blood. 神恩大陆上,猎杀数百天位通神境的武者,也只有凝炼几滴不死魔血罢了。 After True God and God King Realm Expert dies , the essence that has, really compares many many of that two Realm, making his unquenchable excited get up. 真神神王境强者死后产生的精气,果然比那两个境界的多的多,让他难以抑制的〖兴〗奋起来。 Initially Bao Ao and Jie burnt, the blood of fleshly body said by the action of bringing in new blood the Immortal Devil Blood substitution was conducted, his buddha-nature must be unattainable. 当初暴骜、桀辣所说的,将肉身的鲜血以不死魔血取代进行的换血之举,他本觉得遥不可及。 But today, he realized suddenly that in Lie Yan Star Field, in that many True God and God King Realm Expert the body his action of bringing in new blood, is not perhaps difficult. 而今天,他忽然意识到,在烈焰星域,在那么多真神神王境强者的身上他的换血之举,说不定一点不困难。 With the Immortal Devil Blood substitution blood, will reach a new altitude, he listened to Bao Ao and Jie Ji to say carefully, he believes that they were not the nonsense. 不死魔血取代鲜血,将会达到一个新的高度,他听暴骜桀棘仔细说过,他相信两人绝不是胡说。 Because, he as the Devil Blood carrier he compared with two clearer Devil Blood mystical and great strength, if some day, he really can make the whole body be full Immortal Devil Blood he to believe that he will certainly have a huge change. 因为,他身为魔血的携带者他比那两人更加清楚魔血神秘和强大,如果有朝一日,他真的可以让周身充盈不死魔血他相信,他一定会有一次巨大的变化。 Sat slowly got up eyes to be bright, hesitant, drop of dark red Immortal Devil Blood exploded to shoot from the fingertip. 缓缓坐了起来双眸晶亮,犹豫了一下,一滴殷红的不死魔血从指尖爆射出来。 A thought flashes through, the soul emerges in Immortal Devil Blood, by the mystique catalysis, in Divine Soul only appears a face of person, is Shi Jian. 一个念头闪过,灵魂涌入不死魔血内,以秘法催化,神魂内只浮现一个人的面孔,是石坚 Immortal Devil Blood combustion gets up, a marvelous fluctuation,[ stirs up] shoots, such as the tearing space, to be hard the speed of imagining to speed along in Outer Territory. 不死魔血燃烧起来,一股奇妙的波动,从中〖激〗射出去,如撕裂空间,在域外以难以想象的速度飞驰着。 Between he and Shi Jian, as if achieved the relation, that type relates partly visible, as if has hindrance layer upon layer. 他和石坚之间,似乎达成了联系,那种联系若隐若现,似乎有层层的阻碍。 long time, that Tao Immortal Devil Blood did not burn through, energy does not remain. 多时,那一涛不死魔血燃尽了,一点能量不剩。 But he, cannot achieve the relation with Shi Jian finally, will induce in Grace Mainland the grandfather. 而他,也最终并没有能够和石坚达成联系,将远在神恩大陆的这个爷爷感应到。 He not dejected disappointed, instead eye brightly in this way, chuckled with a forced smile. 他并没有颓然失望,反而眼睛明亮如斯,嘿嘿干笑 Drop of Devil Blood, naturally is unlikely to cross the endless space, breaks down several star territories continually, goes directly to Grace Mainland. 一滴魔血,自然不太可能越过无尽空间,连垮数片星域,直达神恩大陆 But if isn't one drop? If dozens drops of Immortal Devil Blood, urges to send together, can position accurate finding of Shi Jian, and can know the Shi Jian recent situation, even carries on the soul communication with Shi Jian? 可如果不是一滴呢?如果说是数十滴的不死魔血,一起催发起来,会不会将石坚的方位准确的找到,并且可以知晓石坚的近况,甚至和石坚进行灵魂沟通呢? He grins to smile, oneself have affirmed this guess. 他咧嘴笑着,自己肯定了这个猜测。 The suggestion that initially Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame gave, him, definitely had the feasibility. 当初九幽噬魂焰给的建议,在他来看,绝对有可行性。 Once his Space Deep Meaning to new Realm, by Immortal a family member on Devil Blood and Grace Mainland achieved the relation, had determined there position, he can use the big supernatural power, achieved space passage directly, then the relatives and friends on Grace Mainland, led into Lie Yan Star Field with space passage at one fell swoop completely, the reverse is puzzled by a Grace Mainland many years of difficult problem. 一旦他空间奥义到了新的境界,以不死魔血神恩大陆上的一个亲人达成联系,确定了那儿的方位,他可以用大法力,直接达成空间通道,进而一举将神恩大陆上的亲朋好友,用空间通道全部带入烈焰星域,扭转困扰神恩大陆多年的难题。 Isn't energy dries up? 不就是能量枯竭么? Lie Yan Star Field, not worst is the star of life, the star of any this life life, can make Warrior continue cultivation to get down, forms God Body by huge heaven and earth energy, breakthrough to God King Realm. 烈焰星域,最不差的便是生命之星,任何一今生命之星,都可以让武者继续修炼下去,以庞大的天地能量形成神体,突破神王境 Various kind of medicinal pills, have the deep meaning to inherit the source, here all, to the family member on Grace Mainland, will be the biggest turning points, can let their breakthrough to the new altitude, will become his solid secondary roles, will base Lie Yan Star Field, even one day can with three big influence chamber protection, become a side fierce and ambitious. 还有各类丹药,有奥义传承源,这里的一切,对神恩大陆上的亲人来说,将会是最大的契机,能让他们突破到新的高度,成为他的坚实班底,立足烈焰星域,甚至有一天可以和三大势力分庭抗御,成了一方枭雄。 When his strangely chuckled, dark day firm beside, has transmitted loudly shout:, Comes out.” 就在他嘿嘿怪笑之时,黑暗天牢之外,传来了一个喝声:,“出来吧。” In the pitch-dark darkness, appears wipes spooky luminous, is door that opens. 伸手不见五指的黑暗中,显出一抹幽幽的光亮,是打开的门。 Shi Yan has gawked, at once stopped laughing foolishly, walked from that leafed door, comes in that Anna's Entourage at present. 石岩愣了一下,旋即停止了傻笑,从那一扇门内走了出来,在那个lì安娜的扈从眼前现身。 The guy of that black heavy armor, prepares to turn around, suddenly stayed, two appear unthinkable rays of light, flickers looks to him who does not moveyou, you, your body?” 那名黑色重甲的大汉,才准备转身,突然呆了,两眼显出匪夷所思的光芒,一瞬不移的看向他”“你,你,你的身体?” Shi Yan smiles, ka ka is moving the neck arm, slanting did his eyeshave the issue?” 石岩莞尔一笑,咔咔活动着脖颈手骨,斜了他一眼”“有问题?” , Your his motherfucker is a monster!” The guys whispered, selfish shaking the head , a face is panic-stricken, received that heavy wound, unexpectedly can restore to come? Even if has God Body Expert, was rumbled such, will discard the fleshly body, chooses to lodge or the rebirth, can you restore unexpectedly?” ,“你他妈的是个怪物!”大汉嘀咕了一句,自顾自的摇了摇头,一脸惊骇,“受了那么重的伤,居然可以恢复过来?就算是拥有神体强者,被轰成那样,也会舍弃肉体,重新选择寄宿或重生,你居然能恢复?” Shi Yan knows certainly that his specialness, smiled, luck is good, I have the wonder drug of therapy, can restore is also normal.” 石岩当然知道他的特殊,笑了笑,“运气好,我还有疗伤的神药,能够恢复也是正常。” , Wonder drug?” The guy has gawked, look glittering a while, nodded that this pushes someone take on a difficult job ” „ no wonder, indeed has that Lou's medicinal pills, can make God Body restore such as beginning. ,“神药?”那大汉愣了一下,眼神闪烁了一会儿,这才勉为其难的点了点头”“难怪,的确有那一娄的丹药,可以让神体恢复如初。 But do you, have True God Realm cultivation base? Also is not quite normal? ” 可你,只有真神境修为啊?也不太正常啊?” Shi Yan smiles not to speak. 石岩笑而不语。 The guys stared at him to look at a while, could not look at a reason why to come, no longer said anything, snort|hum:, Sir must see you, I anticipated that the Sir ordered to kill you, I will begin personally.” 大汉盯着他看了一会儿,瞧不出个所以然来,也不再多说什么,哼了一声:,“大人要见你,我期待大人下令杀你,我会亲自动手。” , Cannot.” The Shi Yan facial expression is faint, not fear Sir Anna, if kills me, I will not live now, you possibly wanted disappointedly, I not only will not die, but can also live well.” ,“不会。”石岩神情淡漠,没有一丝的畏惧”“lì安娜大人若要杀我,我不会活到现在,你可能要失望了,我不但不会死,还会活的好好地。” Why does not know, he always thinks him with that female butcher some origins, although he has not ravelled temporarily, but he affirmed, reason that he lives now, should in the scarlet mark with Divine Soul be related, but that female butcher had not explained that he is not good to closely examine, in the heart has also been full of the doubts. 不知道为何,他总觉得他和那女屠夫有些渊源,虽然暂时他还弄不明白,可他肯定,他之所以活到现在,应该和神魂内的血色印记有关,可那女屠夫没有说明,他也不好追问下去,心中也充满了疑惑。 Under guy's leadership, he is walking in the day firm interior, the look moves fast, cannot help but looks dark front doors to the day firmly unit, on each front door, portrays the min principle of tedious mystical, some are fire min, some are Yun Min, some are water min, these min wind to have some effect, such as barrier and restriction, seal the world after gate. 在大汉的带领下,他在天牢内部走着,眼神飘忽,不由得看向天牢地部旁边一个个黑暗的大门,每一个大门上面,都刻画着繁琐神秘的玟理,有的是火玟,有的是云玟,有的是水玟,那些玟络有着某种功效,如结界禁制,封印了门后的世界。 He cannot induce to dark front door behind has anything, may associate to have his situation, he is indistinct realized that in each leaf of dark front door, seems imprisoning one person. 他不能感应到黑暗大门后方有什么,可联想起他自己的处境,他隐约间意识到每一扇黑暗大门内,似乎都禁锢着一人。 Has hesitated, he is trying questioning suddenly:, In that what has?” 沉吟了一下,他忽然试着追问:,“那里面,都有什么?” What has?” Guy grins to grin fiendishly„the prisoner in empire, Outer Territory Marauder, the bandits and thieves, blood-thirsty lunatic. They can say the grinding burr of purgatory field extremely, if you can also participate say the purgatory field extremely, they, can be your match.” “有什么?”大汉咧嘴狞笑起来”“帝国的囚犯,域外掠夺者,盗贼,嗜杀成性的疯子。他们会是极道炼狱场的磨砺石,如果你还能参加极道炼狱场,他们,会是你的对手。” What meaning?” Shi Yan stunned, inquired again that with said extremely the purgatory field was related?” “什么意思?”石岩愕然,再次询问起来,“和极道炼狱场有关?” , Your his motherfucker took purgatory command token, unexpectedly does not know that said what extremely the purgatory field is?” Guy look strangely1 Bo Zi, are you Lie Yan Star Field person? Too ignorant?” ,“你他妈的拿了炼狱令牌,居然不知道极道炼狱场是什么?”大汉眼神怪异之极”“1卜子,你是不是烈焰星域的人?太无知了吧?” Shi Yan hollow laugh, had not explained. 石岩干笑一声,没有解释。 The guys have arrived at end, waves, was disinclined to continuearrived at the purgatory star, if the Sir made you live, you will participate said extremely tempering of purgatory field, to that time, you knows they were useful.” 大汉已走到尽头,挥挥手,也懒得继续多说”“已经到了炼狱星了,如果大人让你活,你会参加极道炼狱场的磨砺,到了那时候,你就知道他们有什么用了。” During the speech, the guy walked, Shi Yan at once with seven. 讲话间,大汉已走了出去,石岩旋即跟七。 The dim light dodges, he appears in the deck of bone ship, the green spooky bone is extremely strange, sends out bleeding rank ice cold aura. 幽光一闪,他出现在骨船的甲板上,绿幽幽的骨头极其怪异,散发出血腥冰寒的气息 In the deck, several hundred Warrior are standing erect, the atmosphere does not breathe heavily, a thick smell of blood, releases from the bodies of these Warrior, collects scarlet mighty current that a naked eye cannot see, at each Warrior body but actually. 甲板上,数百名武者竖立着,大气不喘,一股浓稠的血腥味,从那些武者的身上释放出来,汇集成一股肉眼看不见的血色洪流,处在每一名武者身倒。 The Shi Yan complexion changes, feeling that some types place hell Blood Sea, whole body is not comfortable. 石岩脸色一变,有种身处地狱血海的感觉,浑身都不自在起来。 Anna subordinates Warrior of bloody regiment, each blood-thirsty, is the lunatic butcher, runs amuck Lie Yan Star Field, makes the alarmed murder case in the stars of innumerable life, does not know that has killed many people. lì安娜麾下的血腥军团的武者,每一个都嗜杀成性,是疯子屠夫,横行烈焰星域,在无数生命之星造下触目惊心的血案,不知道杀了多少人。 On these Warrior, has Bloodthirsty aura, because kills people too many, the air/Qi of blood ghost, as if can directly affect the Warrior soul richly. 在那些武者身上,都有嗜血气息,因为杀人太多,血煞之气浓郁之极,似乎可以直接影响武者的灵魂。 Falls in the deck, his soul spills over the intense restlessness, he believes that if willpower insufficiently firmness, here, the knee will possibly become tender, Realm will abate large scale, cannot have the courage of battle to come out. 落在甲板上,他灵魂都泛出强烈的不安,他相信,如果意志力不够坚定者,在这儿,可能会膝盖发软,境界会大幅度的消退,根本生不出交战的勇气出来。 Numerous bloody Warrior front, a black clothed silhouette static stagnation, motionless, is looking into the distant place, seems waiting for anything. 众多血腥武者前方,一个黑衣身影静静的停滞着,一动不动,眺望着远处,似乎在等候着什么。 Sir in you.” “大人在等你。” The guy puts out a hand to aim at the front, back, such as the stone stands erect motionless, looks to the look of that black clothed female, has the worship and awe of most burning hot. 那大汉伸手指向前方,背脊一挺,如石头般屹立不动,看向那黑衣女子的眼神,有着最炙热的崇拜和敬畏。 In his eyes, that black clothed female is his god. 在他的眼中,那黑衣女子便是他的神。 Shi Yan knits the brows, passes through side such as bloody stone Warrior, the line of sight is moving fast, looks all around. 石岩皱眉,在一个个如血腥石头般的武者身旁走过,视线飘忽着,环顾四周。
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