GOS :: Volume #8

#777: Devil Blood models the body!( Asked recommendation ticket ~~)

Pitch-dark days firm, Shi Yan static is lying down, motionless, the soul relaxes, is realizing from experience the change of body flesh and blood. 伸手不见五指的天牢中,石岩静静的躺着,一动不动,灵魂放松,体悟着身体血肉的变化。 A little bit dark red such as gem Immortal Devil Blood, from his blood vessel implosion, splashed bloody glow, changed into a marvelous restoration essence, emitted the whole body veins, skeleton and flesh and blood. 一滴滴殷红如宝石的不死魔血,从他血管内爆了出来,溅出血光,化为一股奇妙的恢复精华,散溢到了全身筋脉、骨骼、血肉。 Quick recovery of Immortal Rebirth Secret Art, besides taking advantage of Immortal Martial Spirit, but must draw support Immortal Devil Blood, Immortal Devil Blood are more, the speed of restoring will be also quicker. 不死重生诀的快速恢复,除了依仗不死武魂之外,还要借助于不死魔血,不死魔血越多,恢复的速度也会越快。 Ten drops of Immortal Devil Blood, change into the pure restoration source together, murmur is overflowing like the blood stream in his whole body, the Immortal Devil Blood place visited, these explode the broken veins, obtained huge life force likely, rapid is carrying on the growth. 十来滴不死魔血,一起化为精纯的恢复源泉,在他全身如血流般潺潺流溢着,不死魔血所过之处,那些爆碎的筋脉,像是得到了庞大的生机,被迅速的进行着生长。 A ratio cattle tendon does not know that the tenacious many time of veins, are wriggling slowly, the break place emerges little bloody glow, mounts the flour gruel, lets the veins connection together. 一根根比牛筋不知道坚韧多少倍的筋脉,缓缓蠕动着,断裂处涌现一点点血光,黏糊糊的,让筋脉连接在一块儿。 Explodes the broken skeleton, under the function of Immortal Devil Blood, as if grew, forms First Level hard bone, once bone forms, can absorb the strength of his fleshly body flesh and blood, gather pure power of his Essence Qi old tree, in the mystical way is moving in bone, making bone hard like the iron. 爆碎的骨骼,在不死魔血的作用下,也似乎重新生长了起来,形成一层硬硬的骨质,骨质一旦形成,就可以吸纳肉身血肉之力,聚集他精元古树的精纯力量,在骨质内以神秘的方式活动着,让骨质变得坚硬如铁。 Flesh and blood, had been covered by the First Level level blood-red liquid, the internal life force prosperous prestige, making the flesh and blood be full. 一块块血肉,被一层血红色的液体覆盖了,内部生机旺威,让血肉充盈起来。 Lies down on the ground, his anything does not think that lets loose the mind, by the Immortal Devil Blood spontaneous function, restores his fleshly body. 躺在地上,他什么都不想,放开心灵,由不死魔血自发作用,对他的肉身进行恢复。 If some bystanders looked that will discover he covers in dim bloody glow, the whole body veins vibrate, the skeleton transmits the pa pa resounding, the flesh and blood such as is gasified, the ciliary cell likely was bright. 如果有外人去看,会发现他笼罩在一圈黯淡的血光中,浑身筋脉抖动,骨骼传来啪啪脆响,血肉如被充了气,纤维细胞都像是鲜活了过来。 Exhausted aching, in Immortal Devil Blood and Immortal Rebirth Secret Art extremely fast restored to vanish slowly. 一身的疲惫酸疼,在不死魔血不死重生诀的极速恢复中慢慢的消失了。 Also does not know how long, he is gradually spooky the waking up sudden complexion does not change long time, the look has shone fiercely, in the darkness, splits a strange smiling face. 也不知道过去了多久,他渐渐幽幽醒来突然脸色微变不多时,眼神猛地亮了起来,在黑暗中,绽出一个诡异的笑容。 Kills wild energy that the magnetism explodes darkly, making a Lianna battleship completely crush, several hundred Warrior died a tragic death at the scene, including at least ten God King Realm Expert, because is inferior to run away, fleshly body meets a cruel death, having Soul Altar can survive. 暗殛磁爆的狂暴能量,让莉安娜一艘战舰彻底粉碎,数百武者当场惨死,其中有至少十名神王境强者,因为不及逃走,肉身粉身碎骨,只有灵魂祭台得以存活下来。 Was pulled into the explosion da Yang he and Lianna carry on the conversation the time a Warrior essence that by Lianna Entourage died, emerges his whole body acupoint. 莉安娜一名扈从扯入爆炸中龘央他和莉安娜进行交谈的时候死去的武者一身精气,都涌入他浑身穴窍 Way of that energy flow-injection, mystical is extremely unpredictable, achieves Source God Realm Lianna, the Dark Sky God Country five big feudal lord's heads, cannot realize, does not know that he in the Blood Dripping Gem pitiful condition, obtained anything. 那种能量流动注入的方式,极其的神秘难测,就连达到源神境莉安娜,天涅神国五大诸侯之首,都不能察觉,也不知道他在血淋琳的凄惨状态,到底得到了什么。 Full energy aura, rolling surges in his acupoint, in Divine Sense examines in his clear visible acupoint the mystical vortex, crazy gyrates. 充盈之极的能量气息,在他穴窍内滚滚涌动,神识内检他清晰的看见穴窍神秘的涡旋,疯狂的旋动起来。 In each acupoint, is having the astonishing great change vortex crazy fast rotation, negative will strip, in vortex da Yang, gradual appearance tip mystical different strength, these mystical different strength, once forms, will overflow from the heart of vortex, changes into one to bring the tremendous benefit to his whole body energy. 每一个穴窍内,都在发生着惊人的巨变涡旋狂速的转动着,将负面之多剥离,涡旋中龘央,逐渐的出现点滴神秘异力,那些神秘异力一旦形成,就会从涡旋之心流溢出去,化为一股对他全身带来巨大益处的能量 720 acupoint, each acupoint as if becomes piece of mystical heaven and earth, is having the purification essence, turns into the mystical different strength the effect. 720个的穴窍,每一个穴窍都仿佛自成一片神秘天地,都拥有着净化精气,变成神秘异力的功效。 He lies down on the ground, motionless, can actually the earth-shaking of sensation to acupoint, such as world live, turns into his consciousness to extend, has become a new world of his soul control. 他躺在地上,一动不动,却能感知到穴窍内的翻天覆地,如一个个世界活了过来,变成他的意识延伸,成了他灵魂掌控的一个新世界。 720 new world, hide in his acupoint, is having mystical power, purifies all. 720个新世界,藏匿在他穴窍中,拥有着神秘力量,净化一切。 In this period, negative energy that these purifications produced, then flooded in acupoint, making the world development in acupoint extend, became even more great. 其间,那些净化产生的负面之力,则是充斥在穴窍内,让穴窍内的世界拓展延伸,变得愈发的广阔无垠。 His Divine Sense thought that is pasting in acupoint, just like has an misconception. 他的神识念头,在一个个穴窍内流转着,俨然有种错觉。 He has become the only control of that 720 acupoint strange world. 他成了那720个穴窍诡异世界的唯一主宰。 He can control all, some of his even feelings, thought that mystical world, reduces the space in his acupoint, exists likely. 他能掌控其中的一切,他甚至有种感觉,觉得那一个个神秘的世界,缩小在他穴窍内的空间,像是真实存在的。 All, wait for him to inquire about that senses, harvests inside mystery. 一切,都等着他自己探寻,去感悟,去收获里面的奥妙。 Thick Negative Emotions, ripples in his heart lake, has one type cruelly, desperate, fear, bloodthirsty and hate Negative Emotions, Negative Emotions such as the dark abyss, can pull into his soul likely, lets his hysteria is crazy. 浓浓的负面情绪,在他心湖中荡漾,产生一种暴戾、绝望、恐惧、嗜杀、怨恨的负面情绪,负面情绪如黑暗的深渊,像是可以将他的灵魂扯入其中,让他歇斯底里的疯狂起来。 Early experienced he, immediately holds the breath with rapt attention, cannot think that is maintaining the purity of Soul Altar. 在此期间,早有经验的他,马上屏息凝神,不敢多想,保持着灵魂祭台的清净。 Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold air/Qi, in his thought fluctuates, overflows quietly, turns into bright silver Cold Qi, gave to bind his entire Divine Soul. 玄冰寒焰的冰寒之气,在他的念头变幻中,悄悄流溢出来,变成亮银色的寒气,将他整个神魂都给裹住了。 Extremely cold aura, breaks in Divine Soul da Yang, he because of Negative Emotions the sane consciousness, but gradually losing control, is peaceful, all cruel thoughts, likely by frozen, had been contained in the cradle, has not made his Bedevilment crazy. 极寒气息,冲入神魂中龘央,他因为负面情绪而渐渐失控的理智意识,又重新安宁下来,所有暴戾的念头,都像是被冰封了,被遏制在摇篮中,没有让他入魔疯狂。 In Soul Altar, his Sea of Consciousness rippling aliquation level ripples, Sea of Consciousness as if obtains injection of power, extends quietly, each wisp of Divine Sense, as if had been quenchinged by Heavenly Flame, becomes even more pure. 灵魂祭台内,他识海荡漾起层层涟漪,识海似乎获得力量的注入,悄悄延伸,每一缕神识,都似乎被天火淬炼了,变得愈发的精纯。 Shi Yan Divine Soul trembles, suddenly spilled over a clear(ly) to become aware, windmill that Soul Altar such as circled in flight, by slow to quick gyrated. 石岩神魂震颤,忽然泛出一股明悟来,灵魂祭台如飞旋的风车,也由慢至快的旋动起来。 The life and death, spaces and stars three deep meanings, in his soul power deep meaning sacrificial altar, were combed likely, distinguishes right from wrong, simultaneously emits a marvelous fluctuation, in the ripples with his Sea of Consciousness achieves the marvelous relation...... Let his soul cannot help but shiver, spills over a profound comprehension. 生死、空间、星辰三种奥义,在他的灵魂力量奥义祭台内,像是被梳理了一番,泾渭分明,同时散溢出一股奇妙的波动,和他识海内的涟漪达成奇妙的联系……让他灵魂不由得颤抖起来,泛出一股深刻的领悟。 He was suddenly crazy. 他忽然痴了。 Similar to thing moon chilly energy under Lunar Star, is similar to Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, achieved the relation with the solar source essence...... 如同在月星下方东西月亮之清冷能量,如同在日星爆碎场内,和太阳源精达成了联系…… At this moment, he quite the same as does not know himself, Divine Soul was similar to the ghost of starry sky, in slowly was having a good swim, the keen induction perceived energy of heaven and earth, the essences and bases of comprehension in world all sorts of deep meanings. 这一刻,他又浑然不知自己,神魂如同成了星空的一道幽魂,在慢慢的畅游着,敏锐的感应觉察天地之力,领悟世间种种奥义的精髓和根本。 In he does not have under the condition of consciousness, his broken explodes the broken body, restores at the naked eye obvious speed. 在他没有意识的状态下,他的残破爆碎的身体,以肉眼可见的速度恢复起来。 Veins, alarmed appears from the flesh and blood, such as the earthworm is common, unexpectedly fast is wriggling, the interconnection, the veins chart of tedious being hard spoken language, in his within the body, appears once again. 一根根筋脉,触目惊心的从血肉内显现出来,如蚯蚓一般,居然飞快的蠕动着,相互连接,繁琐难以言语的筋脉图,在他体内,又一次重新显现出来。 Flesh and blood were full energy, the muscle fiber such as by the mystical different strength filling up, transmitted the resonance of muscle, fleshly body ballooning, flesh and blood appearances, slowly became must be tenacious, the iron stone that such as most was hard to be stave, has been full of a energy sense of reality of explosion. 一块块血肉充盈了能量,肌肉纤维如被神秘异力给填满了,传来肌肉的共鸣,肉体鼓胀着,血肉一块块的显现,慢慢的变得坚韧,如最难以破碎的铁石,充满了一股爆炸的能量质感。 The whole body skeleton pa pa straight sound, in pore seeps out mounting of contamination stench to stick the material, that is the fleshly body sediment, discharges outside the body by his Immortal Rebirth Secret Art and Immortal Devil Blood stiffly. 浑身骨骼啪啪直响,毛细孔中渗出污秽腥臭的黏糊物质,那是肉身的渣滓,被他不死重生诀不死魔血硬生生排出体外。 Warrior when entering step, will absorb massive heaven and earth energy, in Divine Crystal, the dead explodes in the broken Essence Qi old tree, in various rare treasure medicinal pills, has that type to fleshly body flesh and blood powerful energy. 武者在进阶时,会吸收大量的天地能量,神晶中,死者爆碎的精元古树内,各类秘宝丹药内,都有那种对肉身血肉有力的能量 However, any energy, is not true clean stainless, can the sediment exist remnantly. 然而,任何一种能量,都不是真正的干净无垢,都会残能渣滓存在。 Expert, in fleshly body quenchings, must discharge outside the body these dregs, quite makes the flesh and blood clean, this can display in a big way all sorts of power, in veins speed of energy circulation, will speed up. 一个强者,在肉身淬炼中,都要将那些渣滓排出体外,好让血肉干净剔透,这样才可以将种种力量发挥到最大,筋脉内能量流转的速度,也会加快。 Rejects from within the body the contamination, is matter that each Warrior needs to handle, regardless of the what kind stage, so long as cultivation martial arts, so long as absorbs heaven and earth energy, or swallows medicinal pills, will produce the sediment. 将污秽从体内剔除,是每一个武者都需要做的事情,不论何种阶段,只要修炼武道,只要吸收天地能量,亦或者吞服丹药,都会产生渣滓。 These can the sediment, affect flowing of body energy remnantly, making fleshly body have the slit, becomes insufficiently clean, is not very firm, is easy to let outside world power, invades into the country into from the slit gap. 那些残能渣滓,会影响身体能量的流动,让肉身有缝隙,变得不够干净,不够坚固,容易让外界力量,从缝隙缺口内侵入。 Quenchinging of Warrior to body, is main, then must eliminate these impure dregs. 武者对身体的淬炼,最主要的,便是要将那些不纯的渣滓清除掉。 His Immortal Rebirth Secret Art to the fleshly body reorganization time, a basic effect, then sediment elimination within the body. 不死重生诀肉身重组的时候,一个基本的功效,便是将体内的渣滓清除。 However, after an elimination, along with Realm breakthrough, along with absorbing energy, will also produce the new sediment, will affect the circulation of power. 然而,一次清除后,随着境界突破,随着吸收能量,还会产生新的渣滓,还是会影响力量的流转。 Therefore, innumerable quenching, purifications, will make Warrior fleshly body even more tenacious powerful, to elimination of body sediment, is essential one step. 因此,无数次的淬炼,一次次的净化,会让武者肉身变得愈发的坚韧强悍,对身体渣滓的排除,也是必不可少的一个步骤。 These mount to stick, the rank stink obvious contamination, is the body sediment, is his fleshly body becomes a more tenacious checkpoint. 那些黏糊的,腥臭味明显的污秽,便是身体渣滓,是他肉身变得更加强韧的一道关卡。 In quietly unconsciously, his Immortal Devil Blood and Immortal Rebirth Secret Art catches up together, to his body, has carried on the flushing once again, making his flesh and blood the flaw are getting fewer and fewer, making the flesh and blood unable to have more slits to appear, causes injury of outside world to his body, becomes non- may enter. 在悄然不觉间,他不死魔血不死重生诀一起发力,对他的身体,又一次进行了冲洗,让他血肉之躯变得破绽越来越少,让血肉不会有更多的缝隙出现,使得外界对他身体的伤害,变得无孔可入。 Dark day firm. 黑暗的天牢中。 Shi Yan calmly is lying down, the soul is deserted, falls into the marvelous region, is carrying on the comprehension of deep meaning, to the sublimation of soul. 石岩静静躺着,灵魂空寂,陷入奇妙的境地内,在进行着奥义的领悟,对灵魂的升华。 But his body, was being restored, fleshly body is carrying on marvelous quenching. 而他的身体,则是被恢复着,肉身进行着奇妙的淬炼。 Let his soul and fleshly body one and profits, the mystical different strength that emits from his acupoint, the mystical different strength is full his whole body, helping him rapidly restore, lets his flesh and blood, such as the rare treasure is quenching. 让他灵魂和肉身一并受益的,是从他穴窍内散溢出来的神秘异力,神秘异力充盈他全身,帮助他快速恢复,让他的血肉之躯,如秘宝般淬炼着。 His soul, because stabilizes such as one, because is resisting affect of Negative Emotions, becomes very quiet, by understanding again to deep meaning, prevents Bedevilment of soul to be crazy. 他的灵魂,因为安定如一,因为在抵抗负面情绪的波及,变得非常静谧,以对奥义的再一次认识,来阻止了灵魂的入魔疯狂。 Naturally, benefit of this soul, far inferior previous time. 当然,这次灵魂的受益,远不及上一次。 After Underworld Clan that Yin Spirit encounters, black hole Soul Altar that he newly forms, jumps, one and gives to embezzle that person of Soul Altar, then forms one to make Soul Altar obtain the sublimation marvelous power, that power, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with his mystical Martial Spirit. 冥族阴灵交锋之后,他新形成的一处黑洞般的灵魂祭台,跳跃出来,将那人的灵魂祭台一并给吞没,进而形成一股让灵魂祭台获得升华的奇妙力量,那一股力量,和他神秘武魂有着异曲同工之妙。 Only different, is mystical Martial Spirit absorbs the essence of dead, in view of fleshly body energy, but that black hole Soul Altar, then aims at the soul. 唯一不同的,则是神秘武魂吸收死者的精气,针对肉身能量,而那黑洞般的灵魂祭台,则是针对灵魂。 Embezzles the soul, energy that forms, making his Soul Altar be quenchinged the sublimation. 吞没灵魂,形成的能量,让他灵魂祭台得到淬炼升华。 Both way is different, can actually to his huge profit, to the sublimation of Soul Altar, let his deep meaning power and Heavenly Flame particularly obtains the huge help, lets his Divine Soul, obtained some clear only energy. 两者方式不同,却都可以给他巨大的益处,尤其是对灵魂祭台的升华,让他的奥义力量天火都得到巨大的帮助,让他的神魂,也得到了某种澄净能量 In the dark day is absolutely firm, he not by disturbing of outside world, nobody knows that he had anything, person who he is one temporarily neglected. 绝对黑暗的天牢内,他不受外界的打搅,也没有人知道他发生了什么,他是一个被暂时忽略的人。 Including him, realized Ethereal to blur, quite the same as unconsciously strange change of fleshly body. 连他自己,都意识空灵模糊了,浑然不觉肉身的诡异变化。 Shadow that together and merges into one organic whole dark, is firm in the day, flashes in his side. 一道和黑暗融为一体的影子,在天牢内,在他身旁闪现出来。 A pair of dark green eye pupil, static staring he, was not saying a word, such as framed phantom-like, as if she, was the dark part, was the spirit of darkness. 一双暗青色的眼眸,静静的凝视着他,一言不发,如鬼魂般定格,似乎她自己,便是黑暗一部分,是黑暗之灵。 ? The new week, asked brothers and sisters' recommendation ticket, today decides however three!! ?新的一周,求兄弟姐妹们的推荐票,今天定然三更!!
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