GOS :: Volume #8

#776: Scarlet mark!

Shi Yan Soul Altar, is obviously different from others, his Soul Altar similarly is Third Level, however, his Second Level Soul Altar, has been divided into three. 石岩灵魂祭台,和别人明显不一样,他灵魂祭台同样是三层,然而,他的第二层灵魂祭台,分成了三块。 Deep meaning sacrificial altar, inside is pasting the stars, space and Life and Death Deep Meaning, Heavenly Flame Altar, several Heavenly Flame precise formations. 一处奥义祭台,里面流转着星辰、空间、生死奥义,一处天火祭台,有几个天火凝炼形成。 Another, is a similar black hole dark area, does not have aura, has not fluctuated, to feeling that the person mystical not measures. 另外一处,则是一个类似黑洞的黑暗区,没有一丝气息,没有波动,给人一种神秘莫测的感觉。 Above Soul Altar, float Shi Yan Divine Soul, at this time, his Divine Soul spreads out turns into fleshly body phantom, another reduces ten times of him, such as together quiet shade, static sitting well above power deep meaning sacrificial altar, Heavenly Flame Altar and any sacrificial altar. 灵魂祭台上方,悬浮着石岩神魂,此时,他的神魂衍变成肉身虚影,另外一个缩小十倍的他,如一道幽影,静静的端坐在力量奥义祭台天火祭台和什么祭台之上。 His Divine Soul phantom is very pale, such as a wisp of ghost, the forehead place, appears a marvelous mark. 他的神魂虚影很淡,如一缕幽魂,眉心处,显出一个奇妙的印记。 That is one scarlet mark comprised of five bloody cloud clusters. 那是一个由五朵血腥云团组成的血色印记。 When his fleshly body forehead place, this mark has reappeared, in he precise became mystical sacrificial altar, that bloody cloud cluster mark, with inner world 5 Devils and Soul Gathering Bead same place, merged into one organic whole, vanished from his forehead, turns into his mystical sacrificial altar area. 曾经,在他肉身眉心处,这个印记浮现过,在他凝炼成神秘祭台时,那血腥云团印记,和心海五魔聚魂珠一起,融为一体,从他眉心消失,变成他的神秘祭台区。 Originally the mark has not vanished, but imprint in his Divine Soul, turned into the glamorous symbol of his Divine Soul forehead again. 原来印记从不曾消失,而是重新烙印在他神魂之内,变成了他神魂额头的显眼标志。 Five bloody cloud clusters, show five glow star arrangements, the scarlet mark like Blood Sea, very evil mystical, deep imprint in Divine Soul deep place. 五朵血腥的云团,呈五芒星排列,血色印记如血海,非常的邪恶神秘,深深的烙印在的神魂深处。 The mystical black clothed female, was paying attention at this time with rapt attention, is that scarlet mark of his Divine Soul forehead place, the dark green pupil, appears extremely complex the color that is difficult to distinguish, as if fell into some recollection, is lost in thought. 神秘的黑衣女子,这时候凝神注意着的,便是他神魂额头处的那血色印记,暗青色的眸子,显出极其复杂难辨的色彩,似乎陷入了某种回忆中,怔怔出神。 Shi Yan does not dare to act rashly, from this black clothed female, he perceived that lets his soul space energy aura, he believes that the opposite party must kill him, will be easy, does not have a point difficulty. 石岩不敢妄动,从这黑衣女子身上,他觉察到一股让他灵魂空间的能量气息,他相信,对方要杀他,将会轻而易举,没有一点的困难。 He does not know that in his Divine Soul forehead place, that mark once more reappeared, does not know that black clothed mystical female, all lines of sight, condense above the scarlet mark. 他自己并不知道,在他的神魂眉心处,那印记又再次浮现了出来,也不知道那黑衣神秘女子,所有的视线,都凝聚在血色印记之上。 The good half sound, that mystical black clothed female as if gradually to awake to turn around, extremely strange looks to him, „do you come from where?” 好半响,那神秘黑衣女子似乎渐渐醒转过来,极其古怪的看向他,“你来自于何处?” Shi Yan stunned, has gawked, spread the soul thought that „can I return to the main body first?” 石岩愕然,愣了一下,才传出了灵魂念头,“我能先返回本体么?” Your body, but can also use again?” The black clothed female pulls the mouth, such as the hell evil spirit, color of the face ridicule, is God King Realm Expert, casts God Body, receives the so heavy wound , can never restore, can you?” “你的身体,还能再用?”黑衣女子扯嘴,如地狱厉鬼,一脸嘲弄之色,“就算是神王境强者,铸成神体,受到如此重的创伤,也永不能恢复,你能?” Good.” The Shi Yan soul spreads the thought. “不错。”石岩灵魂传出念头。 Divine Sense moves, he suddenly discovered that exerts in his Soul Altar some power, removes tidal, he also had the Soul Altar control power immediately. 神识一动,他忽然发现施加在他灵魂祭台的某种力量,潮水般褪去,他马上又有了灵魂祭台的掌控权。 Soul Altar fluctuated, changes into wisp of light, is hidden in his main body again. 灵魂祭台浮动了一下,化为一缕光,重新在他本体隐没。 Shi Yan opens eyes, is feeling the pain of body, such side lies down in void, float, gains ground to look up at the black clothed female, grins the forced smile, is not my strategic point you.” 石岩睁开眼,感受着身体的痛楚,就这么侧躺在虚空,悬浮着,抬头仰视着黑衣女子,咧嘴苦笑,“不是我要害你。” nodded, that black clothed female acknowledged indifferently that can look, your anything does not know that the opposite party wants you to work as the cannon fodder, has not kept an idea of your life.” 点了点头,那黑衣女子漠然承认,“看得出来,你什么都不知道,对方要你当炮灰,没有留你一命的想法。” Shi Yan look one cold, in the heart anger is torrential. 石岩眼神一冷,心中怒意滔滔。 He can affirm that some people fudged in amethyst War Chariot, as if accurate expectation he will stop over in Lunar Star, knows that this black clothed female meets way place, puts in War Chariot some terrifying thing, suddenly stimulates. 他可以肯定,有人在紫晶战车动了手脚,似乎准确的预料到他会在月星逗留,也知道这黑衣女子会途径此地,将某种恐怖的东西放入战车,突然激发出来。 The goal, must make him die, lets the battleship of that black clothed female one and is affected. 其目的,就是要让他死,让那黑衣女子的战舰一并遭受波及。 This absolutely is a big plot, some people deliberately planning is planning him, plans that black clothed female. 这绝对是一个大阴谋,有人在处心积虑的算计他,算计那黑衣女子。 First chatted, if matter eternal truth opposite party the result of expectation.” The black clothed female is calm, „, if kills the magnetism to explode darkly all smoothly, you will die, anything not remaining. My battleship, will crush several, my this is very difficult to confess. You ride amethyst War Chariot to come, amethyst War Chariot belongs to Princess Zi Yao alone, I will calculate on the tent Zi Yao, I will make Zi Yao pay the price......” “先谈谈如果事情真如对方的预料的结果。”黑衣女子冷静自如,“如果暗殛磁爆一切顺利,你会死,什么都不会剩下。我的战舰,会粉碎几艘,我这趟很难交代。你乘坐紫晶战车而来,紫晶战车独属于紫耀公主,我会将帐算到紫耀头上,我会让紫耀付出代价……” Shi Yan nods, hurting of neck tearing, said following her speculation: Good, the opposite party goal, must arouse with the hatred of your Princess Zi Yao, lets you and Zi Yao steps onto the opposite, making you retaliate Zi Yao.” 石岩点头,脖颈撕裂的疼,顺着她的推测说道:“不错,对方的目的,是要激起和你紫耀公主的仇恨,让你和紫耀走上对立面,让你报复紫耀。” Who can be?” That black clothed female whispered, suddenly said: Who are you? You come from where, relates with Zi Yao what, why comes?” “会是谁?”那黑衣女子嘀咕了一句,忽然道:“你是谁?你来自于何处,和紫耀什么关系,为何而来?” This black clothed female's status to Shi Yan, as if attention extremely, the dark green eye pupil deep place, flashes through the extremely surprised color. 这黑衣女子对石岩的身份,似乎极其的关注,暗青色的眼瞳深处,闪过极其惊奇之色。 „......” Shi Yan has gawked, has organized under the train of thought that I come from low Level Continent, some time ago became one of Your Highness Zi Yao followers, I came, took purgatory command token that Princess Zi Yao has granted, must go to say extremely the purgatory field quenchinged. I called Shi Yan.” “呃……”石岩愣了一下,组织了下思绪,“我来自于一处低等级大陆,不久前才成为紫耀殿下的跟随者之一,我来,是拿了紫耀公主赐予的炼狱令牌,要去极道炼狱场淬炼。我叫石岩。” Inferior Continent?” The black clothed female eyes reveal different light slightly, „did you affirm?” 低等级大陆?”黑衣女子眼睛微微亮出异光,“你肯定?” I affirmed.” Shi Yan nodded, on our Continent, strongest Warrior, has True God Realm. Before coming Lie Yan Star Field, I have not left, until presenting this place, knows that the vast starry sky mystical is boundless.” “我肯定。”石岩点了点头,“在我们大陆上,最强的武者,也只有真神境。来烈焰星域之前,我不曾离开过,直到出现此地,才知道浩瀚星空的神秘无垠。” Black clothed female deeply looks at he, has not spoken for a long time, the good half sound, twittering, not to know that said anything, Shi Yan has not heard. 黑衣女子深深地看着他,许久没有讲话,好半响,才呢喃了一句,不知道说了什么,石岩是没有听见。 „Sorry that makes such aspect, is not I wants to see.” The activity of Shi Yan pain, thought suddenly the wound of body, already gradual slowly restores, veins that breaks, as if wriggles, must reconnect. “很抱歉,造成这样的局面,不是我想看到的。”石岩痛苦的活动了一下,忽然觉得身体的创伤,已逐渐的慢慢恢复起来,就连断裂的筋脉,也似乎蠕动起来,要重新连接起来。 The black clothed female is lost in thought that as if has not cared about the condition of his body, the good half sound, saying: You suspected that is who?” 黑衣女子怔怔出神,似乎没有在意他身体的状况,好半响,才说道:“你怀疑是谁?” Fellow who called Ao Gela, I heard...... He is the Ao Guduo nephew, is deep Ao Guduo thinking highly. Purgatory command token in my hand, should be him, Your Highness Princess Zi Yao gives me, perhaps caused that his envy and hate, will seize the chance to cope with me.” Shi Yan not hesitant, immediately replied. “一个叫奥格拉斯的家伙,我听说……他是奥古多的侄儿,深得奥古多器重。我手中的炼狱令牌,本来应该属于他,紫耀公主殿下交给我,或许引得他的忌恨,才会趁机对付我。”石岩没有犹豫,立即回答。 This is also his speculation, believes that this was the fact. 这也是他自己的推测,也相信这便是事实了。 In the Zi Yao star, he self-examines has not offended others, from others' body, had not perceived that must kill his evil intention, only then that Ao Gela. 紫耀星,他自问没有得罪过别人,也没有从别人的身上,觉察到非要杀他的恶意,只有那奥格拉斯。 Ao Gela, the nephew of Ao Guduo that fellow......” black clothed female whispered, the dark green eye pupil, lightens severe light suddenly, coldly snorted said: Boy of acting recklessly!” 奥格拉斯,奥古多那家伙的侄儿……”黑衣女子嘀咕了一句,暗青色的眼眸,突然闪出厉光,冷哼道:“不知死活的小子!” Shi Yan with amazement, he from this woman, induced crazy cruel killing intent, if that type had essence Killing Intent, such as the flame, as if can burning out all lives. 石岩骇然,他从这女人身上,感应到了疯狂的暴戾杀意,那种如有实质的杀念,如火光般,似乎能够烧尽一切生灵。 He realized suddenly that Ao Gela feared was annoys to trouble greatly. 他忽然意识到,那奥格拉斯怕是惹上大麻烦了。 „Do you as if have the fortuitous encounter?” The black clothed female silent for a long time, said suddenly: In your Divine Soul, forehead forehead, there is a marvelous scarlet mark, that mark...... You from where?” The look of black clothed female, is suddenly swift and fierce, once as if Shi Yan reply does not suit, her fierce under killer, will not then give the Shi Yan second opportunity. “你似乎有过奇遇?”黑衣女子沉默了许久,忽然说道:“在你的神魂内,额头眉心,有一个奇妙的血色印记,那印记……你得自何处?”黑衣女子的眼神,突然凌厉起来,似乎一旦石岩回答的不对劲,她便会猛下杀手,绝不给石岩第二次机会。 Shi Yan one dull. 石岩一呆。 Has gawked some little time, he is precise Soul Consciousness, disperses one wisp, really the discovery in his Divine Soul forehead place, that vanished the unusual mark, again appears, but after Soul Altar enters Sea of Consciousness, becomes extremely pale, probably is still desalinating, quick will vanish to be the same. 愣了好一会儿,他自己将灵魂意识凝炼,分散一缕,果然发现在他神魂眉心处,那消失了的奇特印记,再一次显现出来,只是在灵魂祭台进入识海以后,变得极其淡,好像还在淡化下去,很快就会消失一样。 From our Continent, because my cultivation mystique is special, why does not know, bewildered on imprint. Until now, I do not know mark what, does not know that its function and is representing anything.”, He steadily looked to the black clothed female, faintly reason that thinks that black clothed female has not killed him, perhaps is related with the mark, inquiry that probes: You...... Knows?” “得自我们的大陆,因为我修炼的秘法特殊,不知道为何,莫名其妙的就烙印了下来。至今,我也不知道印记何,不知道它的作用和代表着什么。”顿了一下,他目不转睛的看向黑衣女子,隐隐觉得那黑衣女子之所以没有杀他,或许和印记有关,不由地试探的询问起来:“你……知道?” The black clothed female has not replied, is still staring him, as to see whether he is lying. 黑衣女子没有答话,依然瞪着他,似乎想要看出他是否在说谎。 The Shi Yan look does not dare disorderly one, such silent looks to her, did not say a word. 石岩眼神不敢凌乱一丝,也这么沉默的看向她,一言不发。 The good half sound, that black clothed female snort|hum, today to have calculated that your luck is good.” 好半响,那黑衣女子哼了一声,“今天算你运气好。” The words, she has not continued to respond Shi Yan, flew away suddenly, waits to arrive at side that group of subordinates, shouted to clear the way: He is said extremely the purgatory field, you go to take away him, temporarily puts in the day to be firm.” 话罢,她并没有继续搭理石岩,突然间飞走了,等来到那一群麾下身旁,才喝道:“他是去极道炼狱场的,你去将他带走,暂时放入天牢。” Has Third Sky of God King Realm, a guy of black heavy armor, heard that the word complexion changes, said: Sir, the boy he, he has almost destroyed all our, he......” 有着神王三重天之境,一身黑色重甲的大汉,闻言脸色微变,道:“大人,那小子他,他差点毁了我们的一切,他……” Un?” The black clothed female knits the brows. “嗯?”黑衣女子皱眉。 Black armor great Han keeps silent suddenly, does not say a word, nodded, the diving posture gets out of the way immediately, in the past dragged away Shi Yan, drags into the previous bone battleship, lost into a thorough dark prison it, wicked saying: Boy, although does not know why Sir has not suffered you until death, but you did not live absolutely. So long as the Sir changes one's mind, I will get rid personally, making you taste completely society all torture, avenges a grievance for the brothers!” 黑甲巨汉忽然噤若寒蝉,一言不发,点了点头,立即飞身走开,过去将石岩拖走,拉入最前一艘骨质的战舰,将其丢入一间彻底黑暗的囚牢,恶狠狠的说道:“小子,虽然不知道大人为何没有将你折磨至死,但你绝对活不了。只要大人改变意见,我会亲自出手,让你尝尽人世间所有酷刑,为兄弟们报仇雪恨!” A day firm point light, the true darkness, has not put out a hand not to see the five fingers, the surroundings have the intense energy magnetic field, so long as if touches, smashing that will explode. 天牢没有一点光,真正的黑暗,伸手不见五指,周围有着强烈的能量磁场,似乎只要一碰及,就会将自己炸的粉碎。 That, could ask, who were you?” In dark day firm, Shi Yan frowns, shouted one lowly. “那个,能否问一下,你们是谁?”在黑暗的天牢中,石岩皱着眉头,低呼一声。 Bloody regiment that subordinates Sir Lianna.” That black armor guy coldly snorted, does not have the words proudly again, vanishes gradually does not see. “隶属莉安娜大人的血腥军团。”那黑甲大汉傲然冷哼一声,再没有话语,渐渐消失不见。 Lying down that Shi Yan whole body feels weak is firm in the dark day, the complexion great change, heart spills over a deep awe. 石岩浑身乏力的躺在黑暗的天牢,脸色巨变,心底泛出一股深深的敬畏。 Bloody regiment, Sir Lianna...... 血腥军团,莉安娜大人…… The status of his suddenly understood opposite party. 他忽然知道了对方的身份。 Dark Sky God Country, five big feudal lords, assume a side, the ominous flame is torrential, is under Du Tianji most terrifying five people. 天涅神国,有五大诸侯,坐镇一方,凶焰滔滔,乃是镀天奇之下最恐怖的五人。 In five big feudal lords, each arbitrary formidable, is the Dark Sky God Country development territory, is the Immortal legend, Source God Realm terrifying exists. 五大诸侯中,各个蛮横强大,为天涅神国开拓疆土,都是不朽的传说,源神境恐怖存在。 In five people, only then only the one by one famous female, the subordinates are the bloody regiment, accomplishes the innumerable murder cases in Lie Yan Star Field, compared with blood slaughter Ka Tuo does not know that savage terrifying many times, slaughtered did not know the stars of many lives. 五人中,只有唯一一名女性,麾下便是血腥军团,在烈焰星域造就无数血案,比血屠卡托不知道凶残恐怖多少倍,屠戮了不知道多少生命之星。 This female ominous resounds through Lie Yan Star Field, Hidden League and Expert of Nine Star Chamber of Commerce these two influences, does not dare to conflict with her directly. 此女凶名响彻烈焰星域,就连幽盟九星商会这两股势力的强者,也都不敢和她正面冲突。 She is also deep the Du Tianji faith, must be in good graces compared with major prince princesses, is a Dark Sky God Country handle blood blade, slaughters the four directions. 她也深得镀天奇信赖,比各大王子公主都要得宠,是天涅神国的一柄血刀,屠戮四方。 This person, is Lianna, has blood night severe demon the female butcher of name, five big feudal lord's heads. 这人,便是莉安娜,有“血夜厉魔”之称的女屠夫,五大诸侯之首。 ...... ……
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