GOS :: Volume #8

#775: Kills the magnetism to explode darkly

Shi Yan wakes up fiercely. 石岩猛地醒来。 Amethyst War Chariot under body spreads a fluctuation of terrifying, the amethyst is splitting the innumerable lines on face extremely instantaneously, may be called ruinous power, cannot be restrained soon will erupt! 身下的紫晶战车传出一阵极其恐怖的波动,紫晶在瞬间裂开无数细纹,一股堪称毁灭性的力量,不可抑止的即将爆发出来! terrifying of that energy is fierce, wants fearful many compared with the volcano nucleus that initially Zi Yao put, as if can give the smashing to explode jia to be ordinary star of this life life, evil incomparable. If sees the ghosts and demons, Shi Yan is inferior to think, Space Deep Meaning in Soul Altar pasts, whole body power was promoted the pinnacle all of a sudden. 能量恐怖凶猛,比当初紫耀放出来的火山晶核还要可怕的多,仿佛能够将一今生命之星都给粉碎爆袈一般,邪恶无比。如见鬼魅,石岩不及多想,灵魂祭台内的空间奥义流转开来,浑身力量被一下子提升到了极致。 Space Deep Meaning marvelous achieves marvelous resonating with the Outer Territory space, at this moment, side him, suddenly appears the countless space slits, splits the five colors dazzling bold light. 空间奥义的奇妙和域外空间达成奇妙的共振,这一刻,在他身旁,突然显出数不尽的空间缝隙,绽出五彩炫目的豪光。 Space ripple, appear to ripple at present from him, he mentioned all power, fleshly body instantaneous was withered, the Rampage Third Sky formation, innumerable negative energy had stimulated to movement all of a sudden, he broke in layer upon layer in the space stack-up mark circle reckless, acting boldly regardless of one's safety clashes to go toward present Lunar Star crazily. 一圈圈的空间波纹,从他眼前浮现荡漾开来,他提起所有力量,肉身瞬间干瘪下来,暴走三重天形成,无数负面之力被一下子催动了,他不顾一切的冲入了层层空间层叠纹圈内,奋不顾身的朝着眼前的月星狂冲而去。 The fluctuation of behind world-shaking, urged to send to the pinnacle, ripped power reacted of jia vault of heaven, unexpectedly eruption! 身后惊天动地的波动,催发到了极致,撕袈苍穹的力量震动,蓦地爆发! Among the flashes, dazzling bright execute, such as the sharpest knife, splutters ten sides. 一霎那间,一道道炫目的亮毙,如最锋利的刀子,溅射十方。 Complementary waves that fire explosion forms, the speed quickly is extremely extremely fast, fierce ruthless severe to pinnacle, he surmounts the slit that the space forms, was broken, the naked eye obvious space mighty current, spurts from the slit crazily. If sun and moon exploded has broken to pieces, the splendid light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), trillion rays of light wild tearing, made into the fragment his behind space ripple, these energy were closely associated, eruption violent ominous crazy, the bang shot in his back. 那火爆炸形成的余波,速度极快极快,凶猛狠厉到了极致,就连他跨越空间形成的缝隙,都被震碎了,肉眼可见的空间洪流,从缝隙内狂喷而出。如日月爆碎了,华光万丈,亿万光芒狂暴撕裂,将他身后的空间波纹打成碎片,那些能量如影随形,爆发的猛烈凶狂,轰射在他后背。 Shortly, his dorsal covered with blood, dark golden bone appears a maliciously. 顷刻间,他后背血肉模糊,一狠狠暗金色的骨头都显现出来。 Strives to stimulate to movement whole body power, Soul Altar is maintaining rapid gyration, likely is arc afterimage, his to shooting at Lunar Star. 勉力催动全身力量,灵魂祭台保持着飞速的旋动,像是一条弧线残影,他一头冲射向月星 Wild energy, gave to explode his back, waist and cerebellum has broken to pieces, flesh and blood flying in all directions, tenacious such as his powerful body, could not withstand the prestige of complementary waves, the soul is trembling, Wang body felt weak, such as had been embezzled dark, immediately stupor in the past. 狂暴的能量,将他后背、腰身、后脑都给爆碎了,血肉横飞,就连坚韧如他的强悍身体,都承受不了余波之威,灵魂震颤着,汪身乏力,如被黑暗吞没了,当即昏迷了过去。 Under Lunar Star, wild energy such as the sea fills the air, the ray sweeps across in all directions, the energy fluctuation of terrifying, enabling that battleship unable to withstand. 月星下方,狂暴的能量如海洋弥漫开来,光线席卷四面八方,恐怖能量波动,使得那一艘艘战舰也承受不住。 A recent battleship, shortly will be crushed, various clan Warrior that above drinks wine to gamble, have not formed God's Domain, changes into the powder powder instantaneously, has not remained including the flesh and blood. 最近的一艘战舰,在顷刻间被粉碎了,上面饮酒赌博的各族武者,没有形成神之领域的,瞬间化为齑粉,连血肉都没有留下来。 Achieves God King Realm, forms God Body and God's Domain, is equally difficult to run away the reacted complementary waves, wants firm God Body compared with the iron stone, splits bloody glow, flesh and blood fall off from the skeleton, change into the Blood Dripping Gem skeletons, only then Soul Altar escapes to leave instantaneously. 达到神王境界,形成神体神之领域者,一样难逃震动余波,比铁石还要坚固的神体,也绽出血光,一块块血肉从骨骼脱落,化为一具具血淋琳的骷髅,只有灵魂祭台瞬间遁离。 A cruel rave, in the battleship of front line, a whole body black clothing, the stature graceful female, whole face staggered Tang Hen alarmed, is exploding central to appear fiercely. 一声暴戾的狂吼,最前方的一艘战舰内,一个浑身黑色衣衫,身材曼妙的女子,满脸交错的唐痕触目惊心,猛地在爆炸中垩央显现。 The ripples of shape allomerics, release from her God's Domain, reverses heaven and earth natural law forcefully, forms guiding the energy mighty current, will explode power that forms to pull to one side, the dignified unceasing displaying supernatural power, pulls terrifying energy that these explosions are forming, returns toward the vast endless dark place. 一圈圈形同晶体的涟漪,从她的神之领域内释放开来,强行扭转天地规则,形成导引的能量洪流,将爆炸形成的力量牵向一边,神情凝重的不断的施展神力,拉扯着那些爆炸形成的恐怖能量,往浩瀚无尽的黑暗之处归去。 That black clothed female whole face scar asked to tremble, expression fierce like evil spirit, a bloodthirsty was wild with rage, in the look was angrily. 那黑衣女子满脸伤痕求颤着,神色狰狞如厉鬼,一身的嗜杀狂怒,眼神中都是愤然。 Under her power, these kill the fierce energy mighty current that the magnetism explodes forms darkly, was contained one side temporarily, pulls the bow to arrive, other battleships had not been harmed. 在她的力量下,那些暗殛磁爆形成的狂烈能量洪流,被暂时遏制,牵弓到一边,其余的战舰并未受到损害。 Only was exploded the bombardment the first battleship, changes into the ruins, that region, leaves behind scarlet skeletons, float Soul Altar, on sacrificial altar Divine Soul appears, releases the envy and hate aura to come out. 只有最先被爆炸轰击的战舰,化为废墟,那一处区域,留下一具具血色骷髅,还有一个个悬浮着的灵魂祭台,祭台神魂显现出来,都释放出忌恨的气息出来。 Kills reacted that the magnetism explodes darkly, lets on that battleship by luck not affected Warrior complexion is pale, clenches teeth, eyes is red, such as the wolf looked moves maliciously to a Lunar Star labor violent plaster, making near kilometer battleship of completely crush, several hundred Level Warrior tragic deaths, about 20 God King Realm Warrior lost God Body, has only left behind Soul Altar, cultivation commodities of numerous transportation, changes into the powder powder, became the Outer Territory sediment fluttered in the dark starry sky. 暗殛磁爆的震动,让那战舰上侥幸没被波及的武者脸色铁青,咬着牙,双眸赤红,如豺狼般狠狠地看向月星工一个暴垩动,让近千米的战舰彻底粉碎,数百等级不等的武者惨死,近20名神王境武者失去了神体,只留下了灵魂祭台,众多输送的修炼物资,也大多数化为齑粉,成了域外的渣滓飘荡在黑暗星空。 The bloody smell, fills the air slowly from this, heard that the desire vomits, loses God Body, various clan Warrior that only then Soul Altar is in good health, Divine Soul spreads the sad and shrill howl, such as ghosts, suddenly toward the Lunar Star escape in the past. 血腥的气味,从这一块慢慢弥漫开来,闻之欲呕,失去神体,只有灵魂祭台健在的各族武者,神魂传出凄厉的啸声,如一条条鬼魂,忽然朝着月星飞逸过去。 The black clothed female float is exploding central, dark green eye pupil ice cold like blade, bloodthirsty crazy aura, emits from her whole body, making all around Warrior fearful and apprehensive. 黑衣女子悬浮在爆炸中垩央,暗青色的眼眸冰寒如刀,一股嗜杀疯狂的气息,从她浑身散溢开来,让周遭武者胆颤心惊。 The female yin cold the face, scars such as the small snake is wriggling on her cheeks, she seemed aroused all anger, such as a turbulent volcano, momentarily can erupt general. 那女子阴寒着脸,一道道伤痕如小蛇般在她脸颊上蠕动着,她似乎被激起了所有怒火,如一座汹涌的火山,随时都可以爆发一般。 Sir.” Achieves Third Sky of God King Realm, the flaw a black iron heavy armor tall and strong guy, the single knee is well-grounded, kneels to bend down void, said: „The fellow is riding, is amethyst War Chariot!” “大人。”一名达到神王三重天之境,瑕着一件黑铁重甲的魁梧大汉,单膝着地,虚空跪伏着,道:“那家伙乘坐着的,是紫晶战车!” The black clothed female drinks one severely, such as the malicious ghost roared, the person eardrum that in the hell punctured humming sound the straight sound, I must live!” Fierce roaring that she clenches jaws. 黑衣女子厉喝一声,如恶鬼在地狱咆哮,刺的人耳膜嗡嗡直响,“我要活的!”她咬牙切齿的厉声怒吼。 The tall and strong guy of black iron heavy armor, a smell of blood, such as has soaked the innumerable years in Blood Sea, that heavy armor is also the bloodstained, is scary, his heavily nodded, did not say a word, such as bloody glow, the illness flushed together, fell to that dazzling Lunar Star. 黑铁重甲的魁梧大汉,一身的血腥味,如在血海内浸泡了无数年,那重甲也是血迹斑斑,非常吓人,他重重点头,一言不发,如一道血光,疾冲出去,落向那耀眼的月星 On desolated Lunar Star, the earth becomes the silver, such as the metal of silvery bright, lightens the marvelous gloss. 荒芜的月星上,大地成银色,如银亮的金属,闪出奇妙的光泽。 Shi Yan breaks out the meat crack, has almost become a skeleton, the veins break broken, the dark golden skeleton also broke to pieces several, the five main internal organs (entrails) has covered entirely the broken bone, this and condition, the average person damn. 石岩劈开肉裂,几乎成了一具骨架,筋脉碎断,暗金色的骨骸也都碎断了好几根,就连五脏六腑都布满了碎骨,这和状态,一般人该死,去了。 But on him, life force as before unceasingly, static lying down on the ice-cold metal earth, two appears counter vast, is enduring the severe pain, adjusts the fleshly body condition. 可他身上,生机依旧不绝,静静的躺在冰冷的金属大地上,两眼显出一丝逆茫,正在忍受剧痛,调整肉身状况。 Amethyst War Chariot suddenly explodes jia, the wild complementary waves that forms, can crush slightly the star of small life simply, that and terrifying destruction explodes broken power, is his entire life only sees, he has never thought that one and explosion can go to so the situation. 紫晶战车的突然爆袈,形成的狂暴余波,简直可以粉碎略小的生命之星,那和恐怖毁灭的爆碎力量,是他生平仅见,他从来不曾想过,有一和爆炸可以达到如此地步。 If not he has the comprehension to Space Deep Meaning, at crucial moments does not hesitate completely the power stimulation of movement, even overdraws soul energy to make a connection with the space crack, he already unravelled. 若非他对空间奥义有着领悟,在关键时刻不惜将全部力量催动,甚至透支灵魂能量打通空间裂纹,他早就灰飞烟灭了。 However, sufficing that even if he ran away quickly, under the impact of that explosion complementary waves, almost fleshly body crushed, spirit rose sacrificial altar likely suffered the heavy losses, the consciousness was fuzzy, suddenly the reorganization of train of thought that became difficult. 然而,即便他逃的够快了,在那爆炸余波的冲击下,也几乎肉身粉碎掉,就连灵瑰祭台都像是遭受了重创,意识模糊,一时间就连思绪的重组,都变得艰难起来。 Among his ignorant, has not responded, but also indulges in the impact of that wild energy. 浑浑噩噩间,也没有反应过来,还沉溺在那狂暴能量的冲击中。 The ghosts of howling, are roaring in Soul Altar, across the bright ice-cold moonlight sea, flashes before suddenly in his line of sight. 一道道呼啸的鬼影,在灵魂祭台内怒吼着,穿过皎洁冰冷的月光海洋,忽然在他视线内闪现出来。 That hot ghost, loses God Body Expert Divine Soul, that Soul Altar is similar War Chariot that they ride, one after another, appears in his view. 那火鬼影,是一个个失去神体强者神魂,那灵魂祭台仿佛他们乘坐的战车,一个接着一个,在他眼帘内出现。 Expert Divine Soul, such as was killed the parents to be ordinary, aura that hates extremely angrily, appears from them, Soul Altar is gyrating, the potential must display God's Domain to come, kills the dregs to the bang him. 强者神魂,如被杀了父母一般,极度愤怒怨恨的气息,从他们身上显现出来,一个个,灵魂祭台旋动着,势要施展出神之领域来,将他给轰杀成渣。 Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 Tall and strong silhouette, black iron heavy armor, appears together suddenly, roared: Sir must live!” 一道魁梧之极的身影,一身黑铁重甲,突然显现出来,咆哮道:“大人要活的!” Dark energy, reveals from his hand, such as a dark perpetual flow, drops from the clouds, binds the Blood Dripping Gem body of Shi Yan. 一股幽暗的能量,从他手上流露出来,如一条幽暗的长河,从天而降,将石岩血淋琳身子裹住。 Shi Yan given that dark energy, cannot help but flew, whole body moves cannot move, Immortal Martial Spirit suspended to the restoration of flesh and blood, arrives at him quickly at present. 石岩在那幽暗的能量牵引下,不由自主的飞了起来,浑身动也不能动,就连不死武魂都暂停了对血肉的恢复,很快地来到他眼前。 Sits well Divine Soul on Soul Altar, the greedy person looks to him, wishes one could food its flesh and blood, gnawed his bone, chewed the smashing to swallow him. 一个个端坐在灵魂祭台上的神魂,饿狼般看向他,恨不得食其血肉,啃噬他骨头,将他嚼成粉碎吞咽下去。 Ties up in binding of that Dark River, he moves cannot move, was pulled Lunar Star forcefully, was led into the region that beforehand exploded again. 在那幽暗长河的裹缚下,他一动不能动,被强行拉扯出月星,重新被带入了之前爆炸的区域。 The whole body function received the heavy losses, he explodes the central place in that saw the sediment of battleship, saw float the broken bone and blood drop, smelled the smell of blood of thick monkey. 浑身机能受了重创,他在那爆炸中垩央处,见到了战舰的渣滓,看到了悬浮着的碎骨和血滴,闻到了浓猴的血腥味。 energy that naked eye is a to see, is surging quietly, converges his body leisurely. 一缕缕肉眼难见的能量,悄然间涌动着,慢悠悠的汇入他身体。 Before that is, died a tragic death Jane Warrior essence, received his body plaster the adsorption of mystical Martial Spirit, is difficult to distinguish the way that by the gods, flows in his acupoint, is full his negative energy, wild and desperate, hate aura, becomes in this very obviously incisive, as if can affect the energetic will of person. 那是之前惨死简武者精气,受到他体垩内神秘武魂的吸附,以众神难辨的方式,流入他穴窍,充盈他的负面之力,狂暴、绝望、怨恨的气息,在这一块变得非常的明显尖锐,似乎能够影响人的精神意志。 He float in Dark River, body acupoint attracts the dead remnant energy spontaneously, he can understand clearly these person at the point of death beforehand mood. 他悬浮在幽暗长河内,身体穴窍自发吸引死者残能,他能洞悉到那些人临死之前的情绪。 Their fears, their despairs, they at the point of death to accepting as a memento in world, extreme anger! 他们的恐惧,他们的绝望,他们临死之间对世间的留念,还有极度的愤怒! In the Shi Yan heart flood a forced smile, the look hangs down, looks at his miserable type, the body of Blood Dripping Gem, is speechless for a while. 石岩心中泛起一丝苦笑,眼神低垂,看着他自己的惨样,血淋琳的身体,一时无言。 Has not died certainly, is very good! Very good!” A cruel crazy female voice, never the distant place makes a sound, the next quarter, that black clothed female appears in his line of sight, this woman puts out a hand to grasp, mystical power goes directly to the Shi Yan mind. “还没有死绝,很好!非常好!”一个暴戾疯狂的女声,从不远处响来,下一刻,那黑衣女子在他视线内显现出来,这女人伸手一抓,一股神秘力量直达石岩脑海。 His Soul Altar, uncontrolled swayingly, appears from the brain, alone floating in he explodes on the broken body. 他的灵魂祭台,不受控制的晃晃悠悠,从脑中浮现出来,孤零零的浮在他爆碎的身体上。 The bloodstains of innumerable deep obvious bone, the skeleton of rupturing, was broken to pieces the bone to insert the broken five main internal organs (entrails), breaks jia the veins, own condition, in god rose sweeps, clear shine in his innermost soul. 无数深可见骨的血痕,爆裂的骨骼,被碎骨插破的五脏六腑,断袈的筋脉,自身的状况,在神瑰的一扫一下,清晰的映照在他灵魂深处。 Shi Yan smiles bitterly, Divine Soul also transmits one to come dejected, at once was calm, spirit rose sacrificial altar moves slightly, looks to that black clothed female. 石岩不由地苦笑,神魂也传来一股颓然来,旋即冷静了下来,灵瑰祭台略略一动,看向那名黑衣女子。 ! 啊! Looked at one, his then Divine Soul shakes, had a scare for the appearance of this female, as if thought that is seeing the hell evil spirit, sprinkles the body not to be comfortable. 只是看了一眼,他便神魂一震,为这个女子的模样吓了一跳,仿佛觉得见着地狱厉鬼,泼身都不自在了。 Well!” “咦!” The black clothed female leaves stiffly his Soul Altar thing, looks with rapt attention, suddenly shouted one lightly, she has gawked for one second, fiercely fiercely shouted: All person go away!” 黑衣女子将他灵魂祭台硬生生物离出来,凝神一望,突然轻呼一声,她只是愣了一秒,猛地厉叫:“所有人都滚开!” Many angry Expert that will collect, have not looked at carefully Shi Yan Soul Altar with enough time, after her calls out, is the soul trembles, the eye spent, hurried gingerly hiding distant. 正要凑上来的不少愤怒的强者,尚未来得及端详石岩灵魂祭台,被她一声暴喝后,都是灵魂震颤,眼睛都花了,急忙战战兢兢的躲的远远的。 She and by Shi Yan, cannot see one person again, dares to approach without any Expert, she likely is the substantive owners of these battleships. 她和石岩旁边,再也见不着一人,没有任何强者胆敢靠近,她像是这些战舰的实质主人。 The black clothed female dark green pupil, flashes through together the different light, is staring at Shi Yan Soul Altar, suddenly has gawked. 黑衣女子暗青色的眸子,闪过一道异光,凝视着石岩灵魂祭台,忽然愣了起来。
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