GOS :: Volume #8

#774: The brilliance of gathering moon/month!

Amethyst War Chariot soars to the heavens... If purple lightning, tears sea of clouds together, goes directly to ice-cold dark Outer Territory. 紫晶战车冲霄而出…如一道紫色闪电,撕裂云海,直达冰冷幽暗的域外 Treated in January in the Zi Yao star the time is less, because of departure of Zi Yao, he has to go out once more, navigated in Outer Territory again. 紫耀星不过待了一月时间不到,因为紫耀的离开,他又不得不再次外出,重新在域外航行。 Sits on War Chariot indifferently, Shi Yan is looking into the vast starry sky, Divine Sense is faintly recognizable, the thought is scattered, such consciousness to move fast, lost consideration anything. 漠然坐在战车上,石岩眺望着浩瀚星空,神识飘渺不定,念头分散,就这么意识飘忽着,出神的思量着什么。 Amethyst War Chariot does not use him careworn, according to the scheduled path, is speeding along at the electricity general speed. 紫晶战车不用他劳神,按照预定的轨迹,以电一般的速度飞驰着。 The journey of Zi Yao star and purgatory star is too not far, at this War Chariot speed, most half a month, then can achieve the purgatory star, participates in the so-called side saying that the purgatory field whets. 紫耀星和炼狱星的路途不算太远,以这战车的速度来看,最多半月光景,便可以达到炼狱星,参加所谓的极道炼狱场磨砺。 In boundless Star Sea, he has a lonely Desolate lonesome feeling in vain, in strong nerve, cannot help but soft a point. 在无垠的星海内,他徒然生出一股孤独荒寂的感觉来,里韧的神经,也不由得柔软了一分。 Lie Yan Star Field is enormous, inexhaustible general, however here, he is only a bystander, does not have the relatives and friends, does not have the familiar thing, has not been keeping thinking about sweetheart. 烈焰星域极大,无穷无尽一般,然而在这里,他只是一个外人,没有亲朋好友,没有熟悉的事物,没有惦记着的情人。 Here all, are extremely as if far with the side that he leaves, his all alone in this piece of star territory wanderer, has been remembering Bao Ao and Jie Ji and the others subconsciously. 这里的一切,似乎和他离的极远极远,他孤身一人在这片星域闯荡着,下意识的想起了暴骜桀棘等人。 Does not know that you are well? 不知你们是否安好? Arrives with him, only then that two Devil Clan Expert, for extension and power of race, does not hesitate to put down all, coming Outer Territory to seek for the solution. 和他一起到来的,只有那两个魔族强者,为了种族的延续和强盛,不惜放下一切,来域外找寻解决之道。 From the present, solves the method that Grace Mainland energy dries up, had found. 从现在来看,解决神恩大陆能量枯竭的方法,已经找到了。 That Bao Ao and Jie Ji life does not know to fall from the sky, that war, he and Fei Ji run away quietly, Bao Ao and Jie Ji and the others will definitely stay behind enters the war, has enormously possibly becomes the cannon fodders? 只是,那暴骜桀棘的生命不知道有没有陨灭,那一战,他和菲姬悄然逃走,暴骜桀棘等人必然会留下参战,有极大可能成为炮灰? In Shi Yan heart helpless, looks at vault of heaven star point smiles bitterly, do not blame me, even if stays behind, I could not help your mouth, regardless of you were living whether, I promised you, after coming the date to return to Grace Mainland, will certainly to places of these Devil Clan finding a place to live, making them be separated from god graciousness big association 石岩心中无奈,看着苍穹星点苦笑一声,“别怪我,即便是留下,我也帮不了你们口不论你们是否还活着,我答应你们,来日重返神恩大陆以后,必将给那些魔族一个安身之地,让他们脱离神恩大协” The goal of leaving, does not dare to forget that for the Grace Mainland the people of relatives and friends and these caring, he must search peaceful meeting the star of life in Lie Yan Star Field as soon as possible, the tight person is admitting these him. 离开的目的,并没有敢忘记,为了神恩大陆亲友和那些惦记的人,他要尽快在烈焰星域寻觅一处安会的生命之星,将那些他着紧的人接纳过来。 The Zi Yao star, is a good place, the premise is, he must Ao Gela this stealth troublesome solving. 紫耀星,算是一个不错的地方,前提是,他要将奥格拉斯这个隐形的麻烦给解决了。 An ice-cold smiling face, appears from the corners of the mouth, Shi Yan hesitates for a long time, sudden forehead. 一丝冰冷的笑容,从嘴角浮现出来,石岩沉吟许久,突然一点眉心 The soul thought that goes directly to Heavenly Flame Altar together, has locked Vermilion Bird True Flame, goes to our native lands from Lie Yan Star Field, how long needs? Un, I meant that is riding amethyst War Chariot, you give me an accurate figure.” 一道灵魂念头,直达天火祭台,锁定了朱雀真火,“从烈焰星域去我们的故土,需要多久?嗯,我是说,乘坐着紫晶战车,你给我个准确的数字。” „.” Vermilion Bird True Flame had a scare obviously, disturbed a while, leisure response: Takes very for a long time, at least several years. Initially I left from the native land, am relying on wisp of Vermilion Bird aura, rushed to here, at least had more than 100 years. This War Chariot speed, fully start , the need probably 20 years, can leave to native land mouth this are all smooth situations.” “啊。”朱雀真火显然被吓了一跳,忐忑了一会儿,才慢悠悠的回应:“需要很久,至少数十年的时间。当初我从故土离开,依循着一缕朱雀气息,一路赶到这儿,至少有了100多年的时间。这战车的速度,全力启动,也需要大概20年,才能开赴到故土口这还是一切顺利的情况。” The Shi Yan eye shrinks, in heart imposing, can be so long?” 石岩眼睛一缩,心中凛然,“要这么久?” Least 20 years.” Vermilion Bird True Flame affirmed very much, luck not good words, flowered 100 years, is very normal.” “最少20年。”朱雀真火很肯定,“运气不好的话,花个100年的时间,也是很正常的。” Said?” “怎么说?” Arrives at Lie Yan Star Field from the native land, needs to shuttle back and forth many ice-cold deathly silence star territories, these star territories do not have the life to survive, do not have the star of life, desolated had already dried up energy. In these regions, is containing the enormous bad risk, carelessly, then meets the soul to extinguish broken. I am the shape of pure soul, this line also dangerous numerous, your words, while amethyst War Chariot, so long as bumps into not a wonderful bad risk, War Chariot will explode broken. But you , will be very easy to be ruined by these Outer Territory big terrifying.” “从故土来到烈焰星域,需要穿梭许多冰冷死寂的星域,那些星域没有生命存活,没有生命之星,早已荒芜枯竭了能量。在那些区域,蕴藏着极大的凶险,一个不慎,便会灵魂碎灭。我是纯灵魂的形态,这一路行来还危险重重,你的话,趁着紫晶战车,只要碰到一处不妙的凶险,战车就会爆碎。而你,也会很容易被那些域外的大恐怖毁掉。” Shi Yan is silent, deeply frowned. 石岩默然,深深地皱起眉头。 He knows that Vermilion Bird True Flame is not the nonsense, since arrives Lie Yan Star Field, he has the explicit understanding to the bad risk that Outer Territory often can see, knows that in many regions, has to be similar to the Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field this kind of Outer Territory wild place. 他知道朱雀真火不是胡说,自从驾临烈焰星域,他对域外时常可以见到的凶险有着明确的认识,知道在很多区域,都有类似于日星爆碎场这类的域外狂暴之地。 What is more helpless, to it seems like said along the way, but also has to pass through these regions. 更让人无奈的是,对沿途看来说,还不得不经过那些区域。 It is not careful, by big terrifying stirring, the Soul Altar smashing is not the impossible matter. 一个不小心,被其中的大恐怖给搅拌进去了,灵魂祭台粉碎并不是不可能的事。 He was suddenly silent, in heart does not know whether to laugh or cry, thought that infinitely seems to be remote to that native land, policy that already set, became is unattainable. 他忽然沉默了下来,心中哭笑不得,觉得离那故土似乎无限遥远起来,那早就定下的方针,也变得遥不可及了。 You, if goes back, the simple methods, not necessarily must such make a long and wearisome journey.” Suddenly, in his Sea of Consciousness, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame has transmitted the soul fluctuation spookily. “你若要回去,有一个简单的方法,不一定非要这么长途跋涉。”突然,在他识海内,九幽噬魂焰幽幽传来了灵魂波动。 In Heavenly Flame, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame is not the equivalent highest, but he has placed third, naturally has the place of his great strength, his understanding to various situations, is more profound than other Heavenly Flame. 天火中,九幽噬魂焰并非等阶最高者,可他一直排名第三,自然有他的强大之处,他对各种情况的认识,也比别的天火深刻一些。 The Shi Yan eye has shone slightly, what straightforward procedure has?” 石岩眼睛微微亮了,“有什么简单方法?” If your comprehension to the space power deep meaning, reaches extremely deep Realm and altitude, you can the bridge of precise space, connect you and native land, forms space passage.” Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame optional response, „, so long as you can induce there, knows that the general position, had a stronger comprehension to Space Deep Meaning, you can bridge over layer upon layer the space, such as constructs Spatial Teleportation, Grace Mainland and Lie Yan Star Field direct intercommunication! “若你对空间力量奥义的领悟,达到一个极深的境界和高度,你可以凝炼空间之桥,将你和故土连接起来,形成空间通道。”九幽噬魂焰随意的回应,“只要你能感应到那儿,知道大概的方位,对空间奥义有了更强的领悟,你可以跨过层层空间,如构建空间传送阵般,将神恩大陆烈焰星域直接互通! The Shi Yan body shakes crazily, the eye blows out astonishing rays of light. 石岩身躯狂震,眼睛爆出惊人的光芒 Good! 不错! Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame has indeed given a simple solution, and has the successful possibility very much, Strength of Space, one of the time most marvelous power deep meanings, it seems like said to Space Deep Meaning cultivation that the space intercommunication is not difficult. 九幽噬魂焰的确给出了一个简单的解决方法,并且很有成功的可能,空间之力,这时间最为奇妙的力量奥义之一,对空间奥义修炼看来说,空间互通一点都不困难。 The premise is, to the comprehension of Space Deep Meaning, must reach. A profound Realm rank, oneself also has to have formidable power. 前提是,对空间奥义的领悟,要达。一个高深的境界级别,自身也有拥有强大的力量 Considers the possibility earnestly, Shi Yan is hesitating half sound, suddenly carved mouth chuckled, was puzzled by a he biggest difficult problem, as if suddenly was easily solved. 认真思量着可能性,石岩沉吟半响,突然刻嘴嘿嘿笑了起来,困扰他最大的一个难题,似乎忽然迎刃而解了。 He stabilizes. 他又安定下来。 The amethyst war seeks to continue like the electricity crazily. 紫晶战牟继续如电般狂冲着。 On this day, eyes closed maintains mental tranquility, understands clearly to attempt sensation space mysterious him in secret, suddenly wakes up, opens eyes, on the face spills over the pleasantly surprised color. 这一天,闭目养神,暗中洞悉试图感知空间奥妙的他,突然醒来,睁开眼,脸上泛出惊喜的色彩。 In his front, gigantic Lunar Star like the disc, the bright moonlight like the current of water, never the distant place pasts, likely is the innumerable rills, broke in Outer Territory, sprinkles to the star of peripheral life. 在他前方,硕大的月星如圆盘,皎洁的月光如水流,从不远处流转出来,像是无数条小溪,冲入了域外,洒落向周边的生命之星。 This is he in the Zi Yao star has seen one of the moon, together is at Dark Sky God Country with another two moon, is the stars of ten life brings the light from now on! Brings the brightness and holiness of moon, making the stars of these lives forever not dark, forever will bathe in the chilly moonlight. 这是他在紫耀星见过的月亮之一,和另外两个月亮一起处在天涅神国,为十来今生命之星带来光明!带来月亮的皎洁和圣洁,让那些生命之星永不会黑暗,永远沐浴在清冷的月光中。 In the eye, that moon incomparable gigantic, as if occupied all of his eye pupil, he leaves round bright moonlight, unexpectedly so near. 眼中,那一颗月亮无比的硕大,似乎占据了他眼瞳的一切,他离一轮明月,竟是如此的近。 Nearly to luminous of that bright moonlight, looked like the chilly river water irrigates from the head, making his whole body cool, cannot stop must shout loudly. 近到那明月的光亮,就像是清冷的河水从头上浇了下来,让他浑身清凉舒泰,止不住的要高呼。 Zhong opens both hands, Shi Yan closes the eye slightly, condenses secretly the thought that achieves to echo with Soul Altar, tries drawing to gather the moonlight. 仲开双手,石岩微微闭上眼睛,暗暗将念头凝聚起来,和灵魂祭台达成呼应,试图来将月光给收拢聚集起来。 Regardless of Solar Star or Lunar Star, is vast stars part, to Stars Deep Meaning, understands clearly to grasp Solar Star and Lunar Star mystery, is the progress and breakthrough on Realm. 不论日星还是月星,都是浩瀚星辰一部分,对星辰奥义来说,洞悉掌握日星月星的奥妙,是境界上的进步和突破 In Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, he draws support the production of solar source essence to Solar Star and has the way, understanding that some oneself were in sole possession , can therefore the absorb Sun flame energy, be able imperial to move the solar meteorite in Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, then makes these Realm Marauder that he is higher than in an extremely difficult situation. 日星爆碎场内,他借助于太阳源精对日星的生成和存在方式,有了自己独有的认识,所以可以吸纳太阳炎能,可以御动日星爆碎场内的太阳陨石,进而在其中让那些境界比他高的掠夺者狼狈不堪。 Sun, is the stars composes part, to his comprehension is also his Stars Deep Meaning purification breakthrough power. 太阳,是星辰组成一部分,对他的领悟也是他星辰奥义的净化突破的动力。 Similarly, moon is also the member of stars, to evolving and formation of moon, the moon/month can fluctuation knew that is to the new sensibility of Stars Deep Meaning. 同样的,月亮也是星辰的一份子,对月亮的衍变和形成,月能的变幻认识,就是对星辰奥义的新的感悟。 He on amethyst War Chariot peaceful in this way, motionless, Soul Altar slightly is shivering, in Divine Soul stars power profound truths imprint, as if was also activated. 他在紫晶战车上安静如斯,一动不动,灵魂祭台则是微微颤抖着,神魂内星辰力量奥义烙印,似乎也被激活了。 Closes one's eyes, the whole body pore lets loose, bathes in such as the running water moonlight, the experience that calming the mind, the chilliness under feeling moonlight illumination, sees clearly that moon internal energy to fluctuate. 闭着眼睛,浑身毛孔放开来,沐浴在如流水的月光中,静心的体会,感受月光照射下的清冷,洞察那月亮内部的能量变幻。 In his heart, in his Sea of Consciousness, in his Soul Altar, as if many in round water inverted image moon, float, releases the light moon/month to be able. 在他心底,在他识海,在他灵魂祭台内,似乎多了一轮水中倒影般的月亮,悬浮着,释放着淡淡的月能。 His aura becomes long continuous, in the breath, as if had a weak moonlight. 他的气息变得悠长连绵,鼻息内,似乎有了一丝微弱之极的月光。 , These shine in his moonlight gradually, as if really has become the water fluid, unexpectedly marvelous submerges his body following the pore that he expands, on body, covers the First Level white light to be sleepy quietly, mystical not measured. 渐渐地,那些照射在他身上的月光,仿佛真成了水液,竟奇妙的顺着他扩张的毛细孔没入他身体,在身上,也悄悄蒙上一层白茫茫的光困,神秘莫测。 Desolate lonesome Outer Territory, under the bright bright moonlight, amethyst War Chariot stagnates motionless, such as together purple Crystal Stone. 荒寂的域外,皎洁的明月下,一艘紫晶战车凝滞不动,如一块紫色晶石 On War Chariot, a person outstretches arm, as if must hug the bright moonlight to be ordinary, the color of whole face being enchanted by, seemed to be fascinated, motionless, only then extremely faint moonlight aura, from him little overflows maternal aunt scene, as if has framed, under shining of moonlight, appears quite unusual. 战车上,一人伸开手臂,仿佛要拥抱明月一般,满脸迷醉之色,仿佛入了魔,一动不动,只有极其淡漠的月华气息,从他身上一点点的流溢出姨这个场景,似乎定格了,在月光的照耀下,显得颇为的奇特。 Several long near kilometer battleships, are made by the unusual bones of the dead, arrange shape of one bunch of lances, is speeding along by moon slowly. 十几艘长近千米战舰,由奇特的白骨制成,排列成一束长矛的形态,缓缓在月亮旁边飞驰着。 Above each battleship, has energy huge Warrior to stay and defend one's post, in deck, many Warrior once for a while flashes before, or was chatting, was gambling, some will be eating the food debris discarded at will, became the Outer Territory sediment is floating in all directions. 每一艘战舰上方,都有能量庞大的武者坐守着,在甲板上,很多武者时不时的闪现一下,或是在说笑,或是在赌博,也有的将吃着的食物残渣随意丢掉,变为域外的渣滓四处浮游着。 Warrior on many battleship, found under that moon the gib or derrick to make the unusual posture Shi Yan, these people were laughing, the look has the ridicule to disdain, extremely has not cared. 不少战舰上的武者,都瞧见了那月亮底下伸臂做奇特姿势的石岩,那些人嗤笑着,眼神有着讥讽不屑,没有太过在意。 Battleships, are separated by ten meters ten thousand meters to amethyst War Chariot, are navigating sluggishly, approaches gradually. 一艘艘战舰,离紫晶战车相隔十米万米不等,慢吞吞的航行着,渐渐靠近。 Quickly, amethyst War Chariot under Shi Yan body, why does not know, lightens purple wave light fiercely, in these wave light, there is a little blue glow light, slowly increases, weak energy aura, the instantaneous violent increases trillion times! 倏地,石岩身下的紫晶战车,不知为何,猛地闪出一圈圈紫色波光,在那些波光之内,有一点点蓝色的芒光,慢慢变大,微弱的能量气息,瞬间暴增亿万倍! The battleship group front, transmits one to ice the cold cruel female voice suddenly extremely: Fast evades that amethyst War Chariot! Is kills the magnetism to explode darkly! Damn!” 战舰群前方,突然传来一个极度冰寒暴戾的女声:“速避那紫晶战车!是暗殛磁爆!该死!” Her violent loudly shout, spreads over each battleship, on the battleship all formidable Warrior, such as sees the ghosts and demons, the complexion is pale, the reckless stimulation of movement battleship, avoids amethyst War Chariot that Shi Yan is at rapidly. 她的暴喝声,传遍每一艘战舰,战舰上所有的强大武者,如见鬼魅,脸色铁青,不顾一切的催动战舰,迅速躲避石岩所在的紫晶战车 Her so-called kills magnetism to explode darkly.” As if from amethyst War Chariot in Shi Yan body. 她所谓的“暗殛磁爆。”似乎来自于石岩身下的紫晶战车 „... “…
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