GOS :: Volume #8

#773: Purgatory command token

Amethyst palace district Zi Yao star right peak, is Princess Zi Yao resting palace, has been wielded by Princess Zi Yao, is the place of her cultivation. 紫晶殿县紫耀星的权利巅峰,也是紫耀公主寝宫,一直都由紫耀公主执掌,也是她的修炼之地。 However today, obviously is a little different, on the amethyst stair before amethyst palace gate, is standing erect two rows of guards. 然而今天,却明显有点不同,在紫晶殿门前的紫晶台阶上,竖立着两排护卫。 Behind the guard, the entrance place, God King Realm Third Sky Warrior, eyes closed is sitting well, aura is prolonged. 护卫后方,门口处,一个神王境三重天武者,闭目端坐着,气息绵长深幽。 That Warrior is Ao Gela Entourage, with him from the outside world return trip, Shi Yan had seen together. 武者奥格拉斯的扈从,和他一道从外界返程,石岩曾经见过。 Secret knitting the brows head, Shi Yan expression usual leads the way toward the amethyst palace gate, suddenly, in two rows of guards who on the stair waits for solemnly and respectfully, has blocked his way all of a sudden, the manner is bad, a person of speaker shouted to clear the way: Halts 暗暗皱了皱眉头,石岩神色如常的朝着紫晶殿门前行去,突地,在台阶上肃穆以待的两排护卫,将他的去路一下子堵住了,神态不善,一人扬声喝道:“止步” Two rows of guard 14 people, seven people, grasp the silver long gun|spear at the same time, the long gun|spear is brightly burnished, the cold brightness is swift and fierce. 两排护卫共14人,一边七人,手持银色长枪,长枪锃亮,寒光凌厉。 Ten four eyes eyeballs, shoot at Shi Yan together, vigilant meaning one was clear-sighted, their long-barrelled guns, trembles gently, spreads an uncommon energy fluctuation. 十四双眼睛,一起射向石岩,警惕的意味一眼明了,他们的长枪,也轻轻一颤,传出一股不凡的能量波动。 Is True God Realm cultivation base, 50% people, reach slanting True God peak Realm, compared with aura that on him reveals, but also wants vigorously many. 都是真神境界的修为,其中一半人,达斜真神巅峰境界,比他身上流露出来的气息,还要浑厚不少。 The Shi Yan complexion changes, coldly snorted, takes out waist Jade Token, this Jade Token is delivered me by the princess personally, lets my free appearing and disappearing amethyst palace, none who does not becomes I leaves several ears, did this amethyst palace change the master to be inadequate?” 石岩脸色一变,冷哼一声,将腰间玉牌取出,“这玉牌由公主殿下亲自交与我,让我自由出没紫晶殿,莫不成我才离开几耳,这紫晶殿就换了主人不成?” The guard sees Jade Token, expression is a little unusual, has not replied, suddenly looks to behind that person. 护卫见到玉牌,神色有点异样,没有答话,忽然瞧向身后那人。 Old man who has closed one's eyes tightly, suddenly leisure start to talk, expression desolately indifferently: „ Princess palace has gotten down the day of star, asked your majesty to ask for went just, before your highness just before leaving, told, she not , the Zi Yao star took responsibility by Ao Gela. Now Ao Gela in amethyst palace cultivation Realm, who can not be appointed to disturb, he enters beforehand has told, regardless of, before he has not awaked transfers, can not excel at rushing to the amethyst palace. 一直紧闭着眼睛的老者,忽然慢悠悠开口,语气冷淡漠然:“公主殿下去了天涅星,找陛下讨公道去了,殿下临走之前吩咐了,她不在的时候,紫耀星由奥格拉斯做主。现在奥格拉斯正在紫晶殿修炼境界,不得受任何人打搅,他进入之前吩咐过,不论何人,在他没有醒转之前,都不得擅闯紫晶殿。 Has Jade Token that the princess issues, impassable?” Shi Yan was cold the face, Henry, „did this Zi Yao star, none who does not become is not calculation that the princess said?” “有公主殿下颁发的玉牌,也不能通行?”石岩冷着脸,亨了一声,“这紫耀星,莫不成不是公主殿下说的算?” Dissolute that old man calls out one, the whole body releases extremely swift and fierce aura, such as the sharp sword leaves the hole, eye that shuts tightly, opens fiercely, sharp is staring at him, „the Zi Yao star is the princess is certainly biggest, this point will forever not change, but princess is not at now, she has also told, she, Ao Gela does not take responsibility for her. Now Ao Gela in amethyst palace cultivation, does not allow to disturb, regardless of you whether has Jade Token, does not permit to intrude, otherwise does not take it ill me not to be impolite “放肆”那老者暴喝一声,周身释放出一股极其凌厉的气息,如利剑出窍,紧闭的眼睛,也猛地睁开,锋利的盯着他,“紫耀星当然是公主最大,这一点永不会改变,但现在公主不在,她也吩咐过,她不在之时,奥格拉斯替她做主。如今奥格拉斯在紫晶殿修炼,绝不容打搅,不论你是否有玉牌,都不准闯入,否则休怪我不客气” When this person spoke, the sound was liberal, in the broad plaster field many Warrior heard, cannot help but collected to wait and see. 此人讲话之时,声音阔大,广垩场上很多武者听到,不由得凑上来观望。 Warrior of many other palace , the knitting the brows leader, came to see exactly had anything. 还有不少别的宫殿的武者,也都皱着眉头行了出来,来看到底发生了什么。 long time, Shi Yan had not seen a Devil Clan grand guy, is naked the upper part, braved to come out he from a palace about, then snort|hum, suddenly arrived at side Shi Yan, to calling that old man ridiculed: Ewen, your highness, although is not, but aren't east you one's turn you to manage west the tube? Your what manages, but also wants my this majordomo to do?” 多时,石岩曾经见过的一个魔族的雄伟大汉,赤裸着上半身,也从一处宫殿内冒了出来他一出头,便哼了一声,瞬息间来到石岩身旁,冲吆喝的那老者讥讽道:“尤恩,殿下虽然不在,但你轮不到你来管东管西吧?你什么都管,还要我这个大管家干什么?” The old man complexion is solemn and respectful, said seriously: I protect the amethyst palace for Ao Gela, when his cultivation, some Realm meanness, did not intrude ripping to crush by God's Domain carefully.” 那老者脸色肃穆,一本正经道:“我是为奥格拉斯防护紫晶殿,以免他修炼之时,一些境界低微者,不小心闯入被神之领域给撕成粉碎了。” The words, this old man closes the eye, as if not want with that Devil Clan guy concave suo. 话罢,这老者又闭上眼睛,似乎不想和那魔族大汉凹嗦。 The majordomo is standing outside the amethyst palace, the calm face looks to the interior, as if has also emitted the power induction, small a while, the knitting the brows head, inquired Shi Yan: „Do you have the thing to draw in inside?” 大管家在紫晶殿外站着,沉着脸看向内部,似乎也放出了力量感应,小一会儿,才皱了皱眉头,询问身旁石岩:“你有东西拉在里面没?” No.” Shi Yan shook the head, the callous look stayed a while on that Ewen, said indifferently. “没有。”石岩摇了摇头,冷酷的眼神在那尤恩身上停留了一会儿,淡然说道。 Comes with me, before princess just before leaving, has the arrangement to you.” This Devil Clan guy turns around to get out of the way, upward goes toward the broad plaster field, Shi Yan from attending to following. “跟我来吧,公主殿下临走之前,对你有过安排。”这魔族大汉转身走开,往广垩场上行去,石岩自顾跟随。 How matter?” In that guy behind, the inquiry that he probed. “怎么一回事?”在那大汉身后,他试探的询问了一句。 . After ` Ao Gela returns, said that has discovered Bergh, Anter and the others the skeletons, but the trail of Prince Du Feng had not discovered. ” That Devil Clan guy hesitant, has turned around, princess worried that Prince Du Feng by the violent treachery, went to the day star to ask your majesty to ask for the explanation personally, before she just before leaving, indeed confessed that the Zi Yao star takes responsibility by Ao Gela temporarily. Beforehand time...... Also is this.” 。‘奥格拉斯返回后,说发现了伯格、安特等人的尸骨,但镀封王子的踪迹没有发现。”那魔族大汉犹豫了一下,转过身来,“公主担心镀封王子遭了毒手,亲自去天涅星找陛下讨说法了,她临走之前,的确交代紫耀星暂时由奥格拉斯做主。以前的时候……也是这样。” Shi Yan nodded, indicated to understand. 石岩点了点头,表示明白。 Your not familiar Zi Yao star, even if you deeply the princess trusts the deep affection, she is impossible to make you wield the Zi Yao star all, you will mess up.” The Devil Clan guy explained that princess regards as important you extremely, otherwise, will not come to give you Jade Token.” “你不熟悉紫耀星,就算是你深得公主信任厚爱,她不可能让你来执掌紫耀星的一切,你会弄糟的。”魔族大汉解释了一句,“公主极其看重你,要不然,不会一过来就将玉牌交给你。” Shi Yan continues to nod. 石岩继续点头。 This is the princess gives you, purgatory command token, says the certificate of purgatory field extremely.” Devil Clan guy two are taking together the non- gold/metal Feiyu sign, but the treasure heavy giving Shi Yan, the whole face is respectful. “这是公主交给你,炼狱令牌,去极道炼狱场的凭证。”魔族大汉两手拿着一块非金非玉的牌子,珍而重之的交给石岩,满脸恭敬。 His respectful, not in view of Shi Yan, but aims at that purgatory command token itself. 他的恭敬,不是针对石岩,而是针对那炼狱令牌本身。 Shi Yan presses firmly between the fingers command token conveniently, looks with rapt attention, discovers the triangle on command token, only then a bones of the dead imperial crown, bones of the dead imperial crown below fresh blood drip flowings, got up by several pale bone, he feels purgatory command token, immediately has a cruel mood of bloodthirsty, in command token as if there is innumerable ghosts in roar. 石岩顺手将令牌捏住,凝神一看,发现三角形的令牌上,只有一个白骨皇冠,白骨皇冠下方鲜血淋漓,被几根苍白的骨头支起来,他摸着炼狱令牌,顿时生出一股嗜杀的暴戾情绪,令牌内仿佛有无数的冤魂在厉啸着。 Purgatory command token is your majesty quenchings personally, the scarlet bones of the dead imperial crown, is the symbol of god Country Imperial family.” That Devil Clan guy explained solemnly and respectfully. “炼狱令牌乃是陛下亲手淬炼而成,血色白骨皇冠,乃是神国皇室的徽记。”那魔族大汉肃穆解释。 Shi Yan nods, closes one's eyes to stroke gently the bones of the dead imperial crown on command token, only thinks Blood Qi to rise dramatically, has the desire that plants to unable to control to slaughter unexpectedly. 石岩点头,闭着眼睛摩挲着令牌上的白骨皇冠,只觉血气飙升,竟有种要控制不住要大开杀戒的欲望来。 Had a scare, he does not dare to induce, receives Imaginary Space Ring that purgatory command token hurriedly, this asked: „When princess leaves, but also there is anything to confess.” 吓了一跳,他不敢多感应,急忙将那炼狱令牌收入幻空戒,这才问道:“公主殿下离开之时,还有什么交代。” Wants you to go to the purgatory star, said the purgatory field extremely then there, this amethyst War Chariot, was the princess delimits to you.” The guy puts out a hand a finger, brand-new amethyst War Chariot sparkles bright purple light in the distant place, very beautiful, wanted high grade more than surrounding these War Chariot obviously, said extremely the purgatory field soon opened, you took this purgatory command token to enter, to purgatory star, so long as you showed command token, naturally some people will receive, will give you to explain the situation.” “要你去炼狱星,极道炼狱场便在那儿,还有这一艘紫晶战车,也是公主划给你的。”那大汉伸手一指,一个崭新的紫晶战车在远处闪耀出明亮的紫光,非常的美丽,比周围的那些战车明显要高级了不少,“极道炼狱场快要开启了,你拿着这炼狱令牌可以进入,到了炼狱星,只要你出示令牌,自然会有人接待,会给你说明情况。” Shi Yan smiled, bows slightly, many thanks doesn't the majordomo, know the majordomo Gao given name?” 石岩笑了笑,略略躬身,“多谢大管家,不知大管家高姓大名?” Ai Fu.” Waste clan big branch hesitant, has squeezed a smiling face, sent out own name, his eye transferred the revolutions, has considered, suddenly small sound track: Because of this purgatory command token, the princess and Ao Gela as if has a quarrel, my person, had no intention to hear.” 艾弗拉。”靡族大汊犹豫了一下,才挤出了一个笑容,将自己的名字报出,他眼睛转了转,斟酌了一番,忽然小声道:“因为这一块炼狱令牌,公主殿下和奥格拉斯似乎有过一次争吵,我的人,无意听到了。” Shi Yan expression is startled, once more has bowed, earnestly looks at he, thanks.” 石岩神色一怔,顿了一下,再次鞠躬,认真地看着他,“谢谢。” Is impolite, you, the princess favor you carefully, do not make her disappointed. Said extremely the quota of purgatory field, very precious, the princess makes you go, really the side that you look at heavy extremely heavy. Now the princess needs to boost, but also looks at you in the future really to give the princess the help of force.” Ai Fu draws serious saying. “不客气,你小心一点,公主看好你,你不要令她失望了。极道炼狱场的名额,非常的宝贵,公主让你去,是真的将你看的极重极重。如今正是公主需要助力的时候,还望你未来真的可以给公主强力的帮助。”艾弗拉一脸严肃的说道。 He obviously is very loyal and devoted to Princess Zi Yao, is Zi Yao considers wholeheartedly, is favorable for Zi Yao, so long as is the Zi Yao instruction, he can do one's best does. 他很明显对紫耀公主忠心耿耿,一心一意为紫耀着想,对紫耀有利的,只要是紫耀吩咐的,他都会尽心尽力的去做。 Un, I understand that thanks once more.” Shi Yan said heavily that at once got up that amethyst War Chariot, discovered that restriction and barrier were erased, can imperial move by Divine Sense directly. “嗯,我明白,再次谢谢。”石岩沉重说道,旋即上了那紫晶战车,发现禁制结界都被抹除,可以直接以神识御动。 Own Soul Consciousness, entered in the amethyst War Chariot spiritual platform, Star Chart suddenly appears, engraves the Zi Yao star position, that purgatory star position, obvious has selected, the path of navigation is clear. 将自己的灵魂意识,进入了紫晶战车的灵台之内,一副星图就突然浮现出来,其中刻印着紫耀星的位置,那炼狱星的位置,也被明显的点了出来,航行的轨迹一目了然。 Looked at one, before Shi Yan knows Zi Yao just before leaving, really the intention for him arranges all, Star Chart has adjusted, anything does not need him careworn. 只是看了一眼,石岩就知道紫耀临走之前,真的用心为他安排好了一切,就连星图都调整过了,什么都不需要他劳神。 You inspect carefully, the person who War Chariot handles are many, before I have seen the Ao Gela person, has adjusted to this War Chariot.” Suddenly, that Ai Fu drew and said that intent has referred. “你仔细检查一下,战车经手的人很多,之前我见过奥格拉斯的人,也对这战车调整过。”忽然,那艾弗拉又说了一句,意有所指。 Shi Yan has gawked, lets loose the Divine Sense thought that feels the War Chariot internal energy fluctuation, some little time, he smiled, said: Should not have the issue.” 石岩愣了一下,放开神识意念,感受战车内部的能量波动,好一会儿,他笑了笑,道:“应该没问题。” Before, the followers of many your highness, for the princess pledging to fight to the death potency, went through fire or water not to refuse under any circumstances. But some people, bewildered has been missing, does not know why the reason......” Ai Fu drew whispered low voice, turned head to look at a direction of amethyst palace. “以前,有很多殿下的追随者,为公主誓死效力,赴汤蹈火在所不辞。可有些人,莫名其妙的失踪了,也不知道因何原因……”艾弗拉小声嘀咕了一句,扭头看了一眼紫晶殿的方向。 The Shi Yan look changes, in heart with amazement. 石岩眼神一变,心中骇然。 Initially when he and blood slaughter Ka Tuo said goodbye, Ka Tuo had said let his careful Zi Yao, said her many follower bewildered was missing dead, said that Zi Yao was an extremely dangerous role. 当初他和血屠卡托道别时,卡托曾经说过让他小心紫耀,说她的很多追随者都莫名其妙的失踪死亡了,说紫耀是个极其危险的角色。 The association has these words that Ai Fu draws, as if lightning passed over gently and swiftly in the mind together, Shi Yan understood anything likely suddenly. 联想起艾弗拉的这一番话,仿佛一道电光在脑海掠过,石岩像是忽然明白了什么。 You are careful.” Ai Fu drew did not say again, nodded, then left from this. “你自己小心谨慎一点。”艾弗拉再没有多说,点了点头,便从这一块离开。 After his silhouette gradual disappearance, Shi Yan by Divine Sense actuation amethyst War Chariot, changes into together the purple lightning, shoots up to the sky from the Zi Yao star. 待到他身影逐渐的消失以后,石岩才以神念驱动紫晶战车,化为一道紫色闪电,从紫耀星冲天而起。 Amethyst War Chariot is quenchinged by the amethyst, the amethyst is also unusual Crystal Stone, can attach the strength of Divine Crystal, each amethyst War Chariot, has Divine Crystal to provide the energy support, this War Chariot energy jumps shoots, flies to flee that mildew that toward the space, secret observation War Chariot Shi Yan, has had a sleep suddenly. 紫晶战车由紫晶淬炼而成,紫晶也是一种奇特的晶石,可以附有神晶之力,每一个紫晶战车内部,都有神晶提供能量支撑,这战车能量迸射,朝着天上飞窜的那一霉,一直暗暗观察战车石岩,忽有所觉。 Stands on War Chariot, his line of sight fell to the amethyst palace, stared to amethyst palace central First Level, on a spacious flat roof. 站在战车上,他的视线落向了紫晶殿,凝视向紫晶殿中央一层,一处宽敞的露台上。 On that flat roof, Ao Gela silhouette of golden hair is tiny, is sitting well silently, from his Soul Altar, as if transgressed a wisp of light fluctuation, he seems also gains ground, looked at one toward Shi Yan War Chariot. 在那露台上,一头金发的奥格拉身影渺小,默默端坐着,从他的灵魂祭台内,似乎逸出了一缕淡淡的波动,他好似也抬起头,朝着石岩战车瞄了一眼。 Shi Yan and his line of sight, are separated by ten thousand meters, has looked at each other void. 石岩和他的视线,相隔万米,虚空对视了一下。 Scoff! 嗤! Void, as if a little spark splits to shoot, in the spark has some being in sharp opposition swift and fierce aura. 虚空中,仿佛有一点火花绽射出来,火花中有着某种针锋相对的凌厉气息 Shi Yan grins, lowly chuckled, expression is callous. 石岩咧嘴,嘿嘿低笑一声,神色冷酷。 Ao Gela standing firm, closed the eyes slowly, aura is distant. 奥格拉斯屹然不动,缓缓阖上眼,气息悠远宁静。
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