GOS :: Volume #5

#420: Swallows the empty spirit

Shi Yan and Cai Yi side-by-side, have used for ten minutes, finally arrived in the bottom. 石岩彩衣肩并肩,用了十分钟时间,终于来到了地底之中。 In the bottom has heavenly dwelling, but likely is the midheaven, has a huge swamp area. 地底之内别有洞天,里而像是中空的,有着一片巨大的沼泽区。 In swamp, grows is having the strange trees of many rattan, these trees assume the human form, each ten meters high, and is moving in swamp slowly, ghosts, wander around in swamp, sends out the ice-cold evil thought that can affect Sea of Consciousness of person. 沼泽内,生长着有着许多藤条的怪异树木,那些树木呈人形,每一株都有十米高,并且在沼泽内缓缓移动着,一道道幽魂,在沼泽内四处游荡着,散发出冰冷的邪恶念头,能够影响人的识海 These ghosts, brave oil green rays of light, the swamp water fluid, is green spooky, is very strange, gloomy, is ghost that swamp shines is likely ordinary. 那些幽魂,冒着油绿色的光芒,沼泽的水液,也是绿幽幽的,将沼泽照耀的很是诡异,阴森森的,像是鬼界一般。 Dozens Nirvana and Sky Realm Warrior, disperses in swamp each direction, facial expressions with deep veneration, with these human form strange trees and ghost battles. 数十名涅盘天位之境武者,分散在沼泽的各个方向,一个个神情肃然,都在和那些人形的怪树和幽魂争斗。 Has the Warrior body dead, the whole body blood will be drained, spirit undying soul, rapidly by these ghost assimilation, becomes the ghost, stares to have Warrior that humanity lives to release the soul fluctuation of terrifying. 一具有武者身死,浑身血液就会被抽干,灵魂不灭,会迅速被那些幽魂同化,也成为幽魂,盯着有着人类生息的武者释放出恐怖的灵魂波动。 In swamp, all Warrior gathers mutually, is making the battle, Zhao Feng and Li You and his party, in the left ten meters places of Shi Yan whereabouts, are dealing with these Fujiki and ghosts, facial expression quite dignified. 沼泽内,各方武者相互聚集起来,都在做着争斗,其中赵峰、李忧一行人,就在石岩下落的左侧十米处,也在应付着那些藤树和幽魂,神情颇为的凝重。 After Shi Yan and Cai Yi get down, has not stopped, immediately arrives at the position that Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others were. 石岩彩衣下来以后,没有多做停留,立即来到了赵峰赤霄等人所在的方位。 Shi Yan is careful, these cane monsters and empty spirits, are formidabe. Various swords and power attacks, to empty spirit invalid, is containing Intent Domain the attack of soul class, can empty give the elimination spirit. These cane monster this are situated in the biological and plant kind of foreign matter, can slurp the person blood, expands itself with the person blood, should not be twined by these rattan. 石岩小心,这些藤妖和虚灵,非常难对付。刀剑和各种力量攻击,对虚灵无效,只有蕴藏着意境的灵魂类的攻击,才能够将虚灵给消灭。还有那些藤妖这是介于生物和植物一类的异物,能够吸食人血,用人血来壮大自己,千万不要被那些藤条缠绕住了。 Zhao Feng look at him to come, immediately drank to call loud, reminded him to pay attention these cane monsters and empty spirits. 赵峰一看他过来了,马上高声喝叫起来,提醒他留意那些藤妖和虚灵。 Cane monster can shell this type of thing to be evil with power different, these rattan have the corner thorn, once punctures the body of person, will dig in the blood vessel, gives the suck dry the blood of Warrior. Also do not have by these rattan windings in empty has fearful soul corrosion strength spirit, once empty were drilled into Sea of Consciousness spirit, empty spirit will be given the control.” “藤妖可以用力量轰击这种东西非常邪异,那些藤条有棱刺,一旦刺破人的身体,就会扎入血管,将武者的鲜血给吸干。千万不要被那些藤条缠绕上了还有虚灵有着非常可怕的灵魂腐蚀力,一旦被虚灵钻入识海了,就会被虚灵给控制。” Chi Xiao is critical situation is dealing with a cane monster rattan, the body is winding around the rich smog, his whole person in smog partly visible, once has the rattan to come, his concealing in the smog deep place, making these rattan be hard to seek for his position. 赤霄如临大敌的应付着一个藤妖的藤条,身上缭绕着浓郁的烟雾,他整个人在烟雾中若隐若现一旦有藤条过来,他就会隐匿在烟雾深处,让那些藤条难以找寻出他的方位来。 Li Yue and Brother Lao li, consider are only dealing with the empty spirit, not having the leisure to remind Shi Yan, discovered that he came, finds time to explain the cane monster and empty spirit fierce place. 李悦劳里兄弟,只顾着应付虚灵,没有闲暇提醒石岩,发现他过来了,才抽空说明藤妖和虚灵的厉害之处。 Three cane monsters, the rhizome grips in swamp, can actually move cleverly, as if there is foot same motion to be quick. 三个藤妖,根茎扎在沼泽内,却可以灵巧的活动,仿佛有脚一样行动还非常快捷。 Ten empty spirits, wind around in the Zhao Feng, Li Yue and other person sides, as if understands the methodicalness, every time together attacks, simultaneously releases the violent spiritual fluctuation attacked to Divine Radiant Cult and Chi Xiao and the others. 十来个虚灵,缭绕在赵峰李悦等人身侧,似乎懂得章法,每一次都一起冲击上来,同时释放出猛烈的精神波动冲着光明神教赤霄等人攻击。 Under these spiritual fluctuations, Zhao Feng and Li Yue were also accomplishing a task with ease that dealt with may Brother Lao li somewhat be miserable beyond description, their complexion ugly unceasing retreat under these spiritual fluctuations, was defending stubbornly Sea of Consciousness firmly, lived to fear by these empty spirits occupying the mind. 在那些精神波动下,赵峰李悦还算是应付的游刃有余可劳里兄弟就有些苦不堪言了,两人脸色难看的在那些精神波动之下不断的后退,牢牢守着识海,生恐被那些虚灵给占据了心神。 Shi Yan paid attention observation, discovered that had many Warrior looks to be empty, the pupil presented the green, with these empty spirit cane monster same places, toward entering Warrior attack. 石岩留心观察了一下,发现有许多武者眼神空洞,瞳孔呈现出绿色,和那些虚灵藤妖一起,也在朝着进入的武者攻击。 These people obviously are also Warrior, as if by empty spirit occupying Sea of Consciousness, became did not have own consciousness, received the empty spirit control completely, only knew to the expansion attack of other Warrior machinery. 那些人明显也是武者,却似乎被虚灵给占据了识海,变得没有了自己的意识,完全受到虚灵的操控,只知道冲着别的武者机械的展开攻击。 After Shi Yan and Cai Yi arrive at this together, the war circle that also joins immediately, with Chi Xiao, Zhao Feng and the others together, attacks to these cane monsters. 石岩彩衣来到这一块儿之后,也马上加入的战圈,和赤霄赵峰等人一道儿,对那些藤妖攻击。 Shi Yan has swept one, in discovery this swamp has many Warrior, because people with cane monster and empty spirit battle, in leaping the anger falls in the crag, he cannot see clearly the appearance of these people, has equaled sketchily, he knows that here at least has the many Warrior team. 石岩只是扫了一眼,就发现这沼泽内有着许多武者,只是因为众人都在和藤妖、虚灵交战,在腾怒跌岩中,他也看不清那些人的面目,粗略的合计了一下,他就知道这儿至少有七八个武者团队。 A farther position, as if also has the battle to occur, because is separated by too far, before he arrives at this island very much ugly clearly, his Essence Qi restored to come through Monster Core, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame restored 70-80% power, now is dormant in Blood Vein Ring, momentarily can be corresponding his summon to brave. 更远的方位,似乎也有争斗发生,但因为相隔太远,他很难看清楚来到这小岛之前,他一身精元已通过妖晶恢复过来,玄冰寒焰地心火恢复了七八成的力量,如今都在血纹戒内蛰伏着,随时可以相应他的召唤冒出来。 So many relying on, him were not worried, being calm and composed even in press of work is dealing with the entanglements of these rattan, but also is paying attention to the surrounding condition in the sentiment quietly. 有这么多的凭仗在,他并不担心,好整以暇的应付着那些藤条的纠缠,还在情悄关注着周围的状况。 Is small...... Heart!” “小……心!” Color Song Jiao drank one, shouted to Shi Yan: Your behind!” 彩宋娇喝一声,冲石岩喊道:“你的身后!” An oil green empty spirit, changes into one bunch of green light, bypassed Lao li, plunged him suddenly. 一条油绿色的虚灵,化为一束绿光,绕过了劳里,霍然扑向了他。 That empty spirit is the soul evolves, does not have fleshly body, has extremely intense soul fluctuation, evil thoughts, advance one step to prick his mind fiercely, that empty spirit catches up at once, directly clashes toward his Sea of Consciousness. 那虚灵乃是灵魂衍变而成,没有肉身,却有着极为强烈的灵魂波动,一道道邪恶的念头,先行一步猛地刺入他脑海,那虚灵旋即赶上,直接朝着他的识海冲来。 Shi Yan has not returned to turn around, immediately perceived the mind stabbing pain is incomparable, such as by the innumerable steel acupuncture in the head, the ache was been incomparable. 石岩尚未回转身来,马上觉察到脑海刺痛无比,如被无数钢针刺在脑袋中,疼痛无比。 In the severe pain, he has the negligence of moment, such negligence of flash, then has given that empty spirit opportunity. 剧痛中,他有片刻的疏忽,就这么一瞬间的疏忽,便给了那虚灵的可乘之机。 green light, vanishes in his mind together suddenly. 一道绿光,骤然在他脑海中消失。 Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others complexion big change, Cai Yi is the beautiful pupil is also anxious, shouted to clear the way tenderly: Shi Yan, stands firm the mind, by the empty spirit not controlling!” 赵峰赤霄等人脸色大变,彩衣也是美眸焦急,娇喝道:“石岩,稳住心神,不要被虚灵给控制了!” The attack of this soul class, others rescue very much difficultly, Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and the others looks at helplessly empty breaks in his Sea of Consciousness spirit, is at wit's end. 这种灵魂类的侵袭,别人很难相救,赵峰赤霄等人眼睁睁的看着虚灵冲入他识海,也无计可施。 Each Warrior Sea of Consciousness, is holds the soul the mysterious place, others' Divine Sense broke in Sea of Consciousness, will only let Sea of Consciousness Chaos, perhaps instead will make Sea of Consciousness become wild, will speed up the empty spirit control. 每一个武者识海,都是容纳生魂的玄秘之地,别人的神识冲入识海了,只会让识海更加混乱,说不定反而会令识海变得狂暴起来,会加快虚灵的掌控。 Therefore, sees Shi Yan breaking in Sea of Consciousness by empty spirit, Zhao Feng and the others does not dare to break in Divine Sense rashly, they know, once such does, will only make Shi Yan more chaotic. 因此,见到石岩被虚灵给冲入识海,赵峰等人也不敢冒然将神识冲入,他们知道一旦这么做,只会让石岩更乱。 With the empty spirit fight, can only depend upon own soul cultivation base, depends upon the formidable willpower, if cannot resist the empty spirit control, will degenerate into its slave, thorough perishes. 和虚灵的战斗,只能依靠自己的灵魂修为,依靠强大的意志力,如果不能抵挡虚灵的掌控,就会沦为它的奴隶,彻底的沉沦下去。 Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and other people were startled, on bamboo cane monster, but also diverts attention to look to him, did not know him to be able on the bamboo in the past. 赵峰赤霄彩衣等人大吃一惊,在应竹着藤妖的时候,还都分心看向他,不知道他能不能应竹过去。 In Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness. 石岩识海中。 That thorough empty spirit, has caused his Sea of Consciousness mutation, entire Sea of Consciousness innumerable wisp of Divine Sense, shortly as if suddenly become weak, one fearful spiritual fluctuation, ripples from that empty spirit, has flooded his entire Sea of Consciousness. 那一条深入其中的虚灵,引起了他识海的异变,整个识海的无数缕神识,在顷刻间似乎忽然变得无力起来,一种可怕的精神波动,从那虚灵上荡漾开来,充斥了他整个识海 His look confusedly is suddenly empty. 他眼神骤然迷茫空洞起来。 Chi Xiao and the others see the Shi Yan look to be empty, is in the heart one cold, did not shout darkly wonderfully. 赤霄等人一见石岩眼神空荡,都是心中一寒,暗叫不妙。 The Cai Yi elegant face slightly changes, revealed expression that worries about, called to shout again: Defends the mind!” In this time, Shi Yan suddenly grins to smile, Hehe said: Relax, I am all right.” 彩衣俏脸微微一变,显露出担忧的神色,再次叫喊道:“守住心神!”就在此时,石岩忽然咧嘴笑了笑,嘿嘿道:“放心吧,我没事的。” In Sea of Consciousness is ambushing 5 Devils, changes into five huge phantom suddenly, plunges that empty spirit in Sea of Consciousness fiercely, that empty spirit in his Sea of Consciousness, appears the extremely flurried manner, does not dare to continue to remain unexpectedly, had discovered likely the how fearful thing, flees toward outside hurriedly. 识海内潜伏着的五魔,骤然化为五道巨大的虚影,在识海之中猛地扑向那虚灵,那虚灵在他识海之中,显现出极为慌乱的神态来,竟然不敢继续留下来,像是发现了多么可怕的东西,急忙朝着外面逃离。 5 Devils closes, that empty gives to tie down together spirit, opens the fang densely covered huge mouth unexpectedly, ate to the minute that empty spirit directly. 五魔一拥而上,一起将那虚灵给缠住,竟纷纷张开獠牙密布的巨口,直接将那虚灵给分食了。 In Sea of Consciousness, his main soul also opened the third eye, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame evil aura, spreads quietly. 识海之内,他的主魂也开启了第三只眼,九幽噬魂焰的邪恶气息,也悄悄散布开来。 Such instant, he restored the reason, unexpectedly by the empty spirit influence, so the accident, was actually not made Zhao Feng and the others have a scare. 只是那么一霎,他就又恢复了理智,居然一点不受虚灵的影响,如此变故,倒是让赵峰等人吓了一跳。 These empty gives me spirit.” “这些虚灵交给我吧。” When the people are panic-stricken, the Shi Yan complexion stares, slightly excitedly said: Do not cope empty worked, my fully enough.” 在众人惊骇之时,石岩脸色一愣,略显兴奋道:“不要对付虚灵了,我一人足够了。” Just after 5 Devils that empty spirit nibbled,...... He realized obviously 5 Devils expanded a point, but also somewhat has not given full expression, in that 5 Devils eye, empty spirit seems the medicament that one type makes up greatly, can strengthen their power. 刚刚五魔将那虚灵蚕食之后……他明显察觉到五魔壮大了一分,还都有些意犹未尽,在那五魔的眼中,虚灵似乎乃是一种大补的药剂,能够增强它们的力量 Some this discovery, Shi Yan has let loose the defense of soul directly, stands there is motionless, waits for empty spirit walking into a trap. 有了这个发现,石岩直接放开了灵魂的防御,就站在那儿不动,等候虚灵的自投罗网。 The empty spirit wisdom is not high, cannot absorb to teach the jade, discovered after Shi Yan does not garrison, these empty spirit changes into bunch of green light in abundance, direct drill to his Sea of Consciousness. Whenever empty falls into his Sea of Consciousness spirit, a discovery above Sea of Consciousness is floating 5 Devils, natural enemy aura of destruction all souls on his princess soul releases, want reckless flees. 虚灵智慧并不高,根本不能吸收教玉,发现石岩不设防之后,那些虚灵纷纷化为一束束绿光,直接钻向他识海。每当一个虚灵落入他识海,一发现在识海上方漂浮着的五魔,还有他郡主魂身上释放出来的毁灭一切灵魂的天敌气息,都想要不顾一切的逃离出去。 At this time that 5 Devils respectively will disperse, searched for these empty spirits in his Sea of Consciousness...... Day empty spirit to 5 Devils moving, looked like by the glue water sticking, could not move again. 这时候那五魔就会各自分散开来,在他识海内搜寻那些虚灵……旦虚灵给五魔给碰触到了,就像是被胶水给粘住了,再也动弹不得。 5 Devils extremely excited, grabs these empty spirits, greatly quickly made chewing motions in his Sea of Consciousness, delight of absorption. 五魔极为的兴奋,抓着那些虚灵,就在他的识海大快朵颐,吸收的不亦乐乎。 Soon escapes from his Sea of Consciousness empty spirit, was advocated the soul by him a third eye Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame evil light photo, immediately the soul flies to annihilate, without a trace of disappearance. 一条快要逃出他识海的虚灵,被他主魂的第三只眼睛九幽噬魂焰的邪光一照,立即魂飞湮灭,消失的无影无踪。 Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame has to extinguish kills all souls the evil abilities, these empty enters his Sea of Consciousness spirit, is brings death simply, an empty spirit cannot escape the Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame evil light to shine. 九幽噬魂焰有着灭杀一切灵魂的邪恶能力,那些虚灵进入他识海,简直就是送死的,没有一个虚灵可以逃脱九幽噬魂焰的邪光照耀。 Zhao Feng and the others saw with own eyes an only empty spirit, drills into his Sea of Consciousness, but he is with smile on the face, but also in looking around of being calm and composed even in press of work, seems seeking for more empty spirits, this makes Zhao Feng and the others simply speechless, heaves a deep sigh secretly, is strange ability shock that Shi Yan displays. 赵峰等人眼见一只只虚灵,纷纷钻入他识海,可他却面带笑容,还在好整以暇的东张西望,似乎在找寻更多的虚灵,这让赵峰等人简直无语,暗地里都摇头叹息,为石岩表现出来的诡异能力震惊不已。 , Winds around quickly in Zhao Feng and the others this empty spirit, by Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness 5 Devils nibbling cleanly. 很快地,缭绕在赵峰等人这一块的虚灵,都被石岩识海五魔给蚕食干净。 After that 5 Devils has absorbed the empty spirit, volumes expand, the image is getting more and more clear, the face becomes lifelike. 五魔吸收了虚灵以后,一个个体积壮大开来,形象越来越清晰,就连面孔都变得栩栩如生起来。 The stone looked that suddenly no longer satisfies this empty spirit. 石看忽然不再满足这一块的虚灵。 So the delicacy is placed in the front, if not enjoy well, too to waste? 如此美味摆在面前,要是不好好享用,岂不是太浪费了? I look other empty worked, you were careful that these cane monsters walked.” “我去找别的虚灵了,你们小心那些藤妖就走了。” Turned the head to officially inform that Cai Yi one, Shi Yan was laughing, left from Zhao Feng this, strolling generally walked randomly in swamp. 别头知会了那彩衣一声,石岩哈哈大笑着,从赵峰这一块离开,闲庭信步的一般在沼泽中游走起来。 These plunged other Warrior empty spirit, discovered after his Sea of Consciousness completely does not garrison,...... All hit the chicken blood to fire into him, taking place of the fallen flew into his Sea of Consciousness. 那些本来扑向别的武者的虚灵,发现他识海全然不设防之后……个个打了鸡血般冲向他,前仆后继的飞入他识海 All falls into his Sea of Consciousness empty spirit, cannot only enter, has become the 5 Devils supplement soul energy nutrient, one by one in his Sea of Consciousness by 5 Devils nibbling. 所有落入他识海的虚灵,只进不出,都成了五魔补充灵魂能量的养分,在他识海之内一一五魔给蚕食了。 Side these Warrior teams, had discovered quickly this exceptionally, shows the panic-stricken expression, secret observation Shi Yan. 旁的那些武者团队,很快发现了这个异常,一个个露出惊骇的表情,暗暗观察石岩 Shi Yan, I am Ye Changfeng, comes me , helping my!” 石岩,我是夜长风,过来我这边,帮我一下!” A familiar sound, suddenly after left one crowd of cane monsters transmits, hears the sound anxiously as if quite. 一个熟悉的声音,忽然从左侧一群藤妖之后传来,听声音似乎颇为的焦急。
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