GOS :: Volume #5

#419: The sentiment selects

1 building there, since is so dangerous, why you also do want to go back?” 1楼“那里既然这么危险,你为什么还要回去?” Zuo Shi puzzled light shouted one, Shi Yan, you can return to the place of quiet cloud for the time being, I thought your grandfather, if knows that your breakthrough arrived at Sky Realm, going crazy that can like. You return to Merchant Union now, Shi Family and our Zuo Family collaborate together, can perhaps press God Blessed Empire and that Raging Fire Empire.” 左诗不解的轻呼一声,“石岩,你可以暂且返回幽云之地,我想你爷爷如果知道你突破天位之境,会欢喜的发疯的。你现在返回商盟,石家和我们左家一起联手,说不定可以压过神佑帝国和那烈火帝国。” „The place of quiet cloud was too small......” Shi Yan to shake the head, words that opportunity arrived, I will make you go to Merchant Union, sought for a more suitable cultivation place to you.” “幽云之地太小了……”石岩摇了摇头,“时机到的话,我会让你去商盟,给你们找寻一个更加适合修炼的地方。” Found!” “找到了!” Lao li calls out loudly in the distant place. 劳里在远处大声嚎叫起来。 The Shi Yan facial expression moves, said to Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu: For the time being did not discuss, we pass, has a look at this island, has any mysterious place.” 石岩神情一动,对左诗左虚道:“暂且不谈了,我们过去吧,看看这小岛的底下,到底有什么神奇的地方。” After Shi Yan and Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi three people rush, discovered that Zhao Feng, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi have stood in that pitch-dark cave entrance, other Divine Radiant Cult people, in rapid clash from other direction. 石岩左虚左诗三人赶到后,发现赵峰赤霄彩衣已经站在那黑漆漆的洞口了,另外一些光明神教的人,也在迅速从别的方向冲来。 That is not a big cavern, in the cavern emits continuously yin cold aura, stands in that cave entrance, thought that has the cold wind to inject the body, making the person unable to stop the back to send coolly, thought that in the hole is hiding the alarmed and afraid bad risk. 那是一个不大的洞穴,洞穴中冒出缕缕阴寒的气息,站在那洞口,都觉得有寒风吹入身体,让人止不住背脊发凉,觉得洞中潜藏着让人惊惧的凶险。 long time, Li Yue is not leading the surplus Divine Radiant Cult believers, has caught up, looks with Shi Yan together to cave entrance. 多时,李悦带着剩余的光明神教的教徒,也赶了过来,和石岩一起望向洞口。 Should be here.” Zhao Feng lowered the head to look, shook the head, anything could not see, inside can also impediment Divine Sense, be actually same as Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist elsewhere.” “应该就是这里了。”赵峰垂头看了一下,摇了摇头,“什么都看不见,里面也可以阻隔神识,倒是和暗磁雾瘴的别处一样。” The group spoke, the person's shadow, flushed together suddenly, screamed loudly: Walks quickly!” 一行人讲话的时候,一道人影,忽然从中冲出来,大声尖叫道:“快走!” An arm thick or thin rattan, such as the ghost hand general, si from the cavern shoots fiercely, twines instantaneously that person of body. 一条手臂粗细的藤条,如鬼手一般,猛地从洞穴内亖射出来,瞬间将那人身体缠绕住。 The rattan one binds his body, from the rattan, spread the strong fierce suction strength suddenly, this person of blood, flows to the rattan, in very short time, a he blood was drained. 藤条一将他身体裹住,从藤条之中,突然传出了强猛的吸吮力,这人的一身鲜血,汩汩流向藤条,在很短的时间,他一身的鲜血都被抽干了。 Is opening the eye, he has not fallen into the hole, directly died certainly. 睁大着眼睛,他还未落入洞内,就直接死绝了。 The people complexion sends coldly. 众人脸色发寒。 Zuo Shi and Grandpa Zuo, do not go, finds a safe place to treat outside.” Shi Yan takes the bull by the horns, urged their one hurriedly, „was too dangerous, you not only anything busy could not add on the past, instead will also implicate us.” 左诗左爷爷,你们不要进去了,就在外面找个安全的地方待着吧。”石岩当机立断,急忙叮嘱了他们一声,“里面太危险了,你们过去不但什么忙都帮不上,反而还会拖累我们。” His these words said is very impolite. 他这番话说的很不客气。 Zuo Xu look one gloomy, knew that own cultivation base is too weak, but nods, held Zuo Shi, said in a soft voice: Xiao Shi, do not go, Shi Yan has not spoken incorrectly, we indeed cannot help, yeah.” 左虚眼神一黯,自知自己的修为太弱,无奈点头,一把抓住了左诗,轻声道:“小诗,不要进去了,石岩没有说错,我们的确帮不上忙,哎。” Although Zuo Shi is eager to try, but gave him such a saying , can only comply, at once is worried looked to Chi Xiao and Shi Yan, small sound track: You, inside is very carefully strange, if were too dangerous, do not snatch any thing, comes out from inside earlier, is living, can enjoy the advantage that obtains, if died, that anything did not have.” 左诗虽然跃跃欲试,但给他这么一说,也只能答应下来,旋即担心的看向赤霄石岩,小声道:“你们小心一点啊,里面很古怪,如果太危险了,不要抢什么东西,从里面早点出来吧,只有活着,才能享用得到的好处,要是没命了,那就什么都没了。” Un.” “嗯。” Shi Yan smiled, nods the head said: understood, I maintaining life to regard the first duty, if discovered really the matter may not be, I will come up earlier.” 石岩笑了笑,颔首道:“知道了,我会将保命当成首先任务,如果真的发现事不可为,我会早点上来的。” Can get down?” Zhao Feng is excited, rubs hands, chuckled said: Is the dangerous place, more has the treasure, everybody is careful, a while by these rattan not tying down.” “可以下去了吧?”赵峰兴奋无比,搓着手,嘿嘿笑道:“越是危险的地方,越是有宝贝,大家都小心一点,一会儿不要被那些藤条给缠住了。” The people nod dignifiedly. 众人凝重点头。 Zhao Feng no longer talks too much, laughing, is crashing to the following cavern. 赵峰不再多言,哈哈大笑着,率先坠落向下面的洞穴。 Li Yue and these Divine Radiant Cult people, does not have many to hesitate, after Zhao Feng, one by one grazes, sneaks toward the place bottom. 李悦和那些光明神教的人,也没有多少犹豫,在赵峰之后,一一飞掠下来,一路往地底潜入。 Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li follow. 赤霄劳里兄弟紧随其后。 You leave first.” Shi Yan looks to Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi. “你们先离开吧。”石岩看向左虚左诗 These two slightly one hesitant, has not said anything, leaves from this cave cave entrance, vanishes in the jungle of distant place quickly. 这两人略一犹豫,也没有多说什么,就从这石洞的洞口离开,很快消失在远处的丛林。 Outside only remaining Shi Yan and Cai Yi they. 外面只剩下石岩彩衣两人。 Cai Yi not anxiously entry, but is looks to him who full Han anticipates, has not spoken, but a pair of beautiful pupil, actually appears anticipation expression. 彩衣没有急着进入,而是满含期待的看向他,没有说话,但一双美眸,却显出期待的神色 A bright green dress, the cheek is fair, eye that a reflection image can speak, such hope is looking at him. 一身鲜艳的绿色裙装,脸蛋白皙滑腻,一双像是会说话的眼睛,就这么祈求的望着他。 „Do you such worry?” Shi Yan frowns, neither cold nor hot say|way. “你这么着急?”石岩皱着眉头,不冷不热道。 Underwent the experience of that Exotic Land, I think that you should be able to trust me.” Cai Yi facial expression one positive, said naturally: I am different from Ai Ya, I will not be shameless, I know that this you helped us be too many all the way, at crucial moment, to your paying kindness with enmity, I will not guarantee!” “经过了那异地的经历,我想你应该可以信任我了。”彩衣神情一正,大大方方道:“我和艾雅不一样,我不会那么无耻,我知道这一路上你帮了我们太多,不会在关键的时候,对你恩将仇报,我保证!” This reason is insufficiently full.” A Shi Yan face indifferently. “这个理由还是不够充分。”石岩一脸漠然。 Under that is definitely dangerous, in my soul has your restriction, cannot display complete power.” Cai Yi angry is staring him, your how this, others such asked you, in that lakelet, although I had the incorrect place, but didn't you have?” “那下面肯定非常危险,我灵魂之中有你的禁制,不能将全部的力量发挥出来。”彩衣气恼的瞪着他,“你这人怎么这样啊,人家都这么求你了,在那小湖中,虽然我有不对的地方,可你难道就没有么?” Cai Yi neck spills over a ruddiness, the appearance is somewhat charming, did not have past very ruthless actually. 彩衣脖颈泛出一丝红润,模样有些娇羞,倒是没有了以往的狠辣 Shi Yan grins silent smiled, good, in that lakelet, I indeed has the incorrect place, but this is also sees you to think the strategic point I, I will be unbearably angry will do. If you got rid to aid me to be the same at that time, I definitely not that to your.” 石岩咧嘴无声笑了笑,“不错,在那小湖内,我的确有不对的地方,不过这也是看到你们想要害我,我气不过才会那么做。如果你们当时出手援助我一样,我肯定不会那么对你的。” Mentioned the enticing/charming and gentle scene under that lakelet, his remembering cannot help but initially the Cai Yi luster of the skin exposed beautiful condition, the look also changed meaning, became burning hot quite gets up. 说起那小湖之下的旖旎场景,他不由自主的想起当初彩衣玉体裸露的美态了,眼神也变了意味,变得颇为的炙热起来。 Under his gaze, Cai Yi awkward, is staring him maliciously, shouted to clear the way angry tenderly: Puzzled puzzled!” 在他的注视下,彩衣大为尴尬,狠狠地瞪着他,恼怒娇喝道:“不解就不解!” So was saying, under she wants to enter in that hole. 这般说着,她就要下入那洞内。 Was good, I help you untie and that's the end.” Shi Yan makes noise to prevent suddenly. “行了,我帮你解开就是了。”石岩忽然出声阻止。 Cai Yi beautiful pupil fiercely one bright, anchors the body hurriedly, smiling turning around looks to him, said in a soft voice: I know that your sentiment does not have. Your this fellow, is actually very easy getting along with, so long as others good intentions to you, you everywhere will not be thinking injuring someone, otherwise you cannot continuously take care of Zuo Shi that girl.” 彩衣美眸猛地一亮,急忙停住身子,笑盈盈的转身看向他,柔声道:“我就知道,你这人并不是真的一点感情都没有。你这家伙,其实很好相处,只要别人善意对你,你并不会处处想着害人,要不然你也不会一直照顾左诗那丫头了。” Since Zuo Shi appears, Shi Yan this all the way, is Zuo Shi and Zuo Xu considers at times. 自从左诗出现以后,石岩这一路上,时时都为左诗左虚着想。 Cai Yi observation for a long time, has discovered Shi Yan in secret actually not likely stemming from the admire, before because Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi, knew with him that he does not give a thought to own danger, at times helps them. 彩衣暗中观察了许久,倒是发现石岩不像是出于爱慕,只是因为左虚左诗之前和他认识,他就不顾自身危险,时时帮助两人。 Paid attention to look was so long, Cai Yi knows finally Shi Yan did not look like unfeeling that she imagined, she envied Zuo Shi actually at heart, envied Shi Yan to her meticulous take care of. 留意看了那么久,彩衣终于知道石岩并不是像她想象的那么冷酷无情,她其实心里非常羡慕左诗,羡慕石岩对她的无微不至的照顾 Guessed that the Shi Yan real disposition comes, her envy and hate to the Shi Yan, quietly changed pale, instead wants to hit to relate with Shi Yan. 猜测出石岩的真实性格来,她对石岩的忌恨,悄悄变淡了许多,反而想和石岩打好关系。 I, if really ruthless, you and Lao li, already died.” Shi Yan coldly snorted, said lightly: If initially I did not save you to go to that corpse ladder in lakelet, you think that you can go on living?” “我要是真的无情无义,你和劳里,早就死掉了。”石岩冷哼一声,淡淡道:“当初如果我不在小湖中救你们去那尸梯,你以为你们可以活下去?” Knows your good intention.” Cai Yi smiles, the beautiful pupil is in high spirits, seems happy, right now can untie restriction to me?” “知道你好心啦。”彩衣嫣然一笑,美眸神采飞扬,似乎心情不错,“这下子可以给我解开禁制了吧?” Shi Yan nods, close your eyes, draws support the relation of that wisp of soul, entered her mind, will advocate that together restriction that the soul leaves behind in her, solving. 石岩点头,闭上眼,借助于那一缕灵魂的联系,进入了她脑海,将在她主魂留下的那一道禁制,给解掉了。 Cai Yi relaxed suddenly, reveals the tooth to smile gently, such as the fresh flower is in full bloom general, tender and beautiful moving. 彩衣忽然松了一口气,露齿轻轻笑了笑,如鲜花盛开一般,娇艳动人。 She to Shi Yan nodded, said smilingly in a low voice: Actually your this fellow, is very good, if early knows that you are this person, I in that lakelet, the to ignore you will definitely not manage. Un, but you have looked at my body, I will remember your, snort|hum!” 她笑盈盈的冲石岩点了点头,低声道:“其实你这家伙,真的很不错,如果早知道你是这种人,我在那小湖中,肯定不会放任你不管的。嗯,不过你看过我身子,我会记住你的,哼!” The words, Cai Yi lithe falling to the cavern, whole body pasts the five colors band of light, sneaks toward the place bottom slowly. 话罢,彩衣轻盈的落向洞穴,浑身流转出五彩的光带,缓缓朝着地底潜入。 Shi Yan one dull. 石岩一呆。 Looks at the tender body that Cai Yi that is diving gradually, partly makes a sound shook, grins Hehe to smile, after Cai Yi, has submerged cave. 愣愣地望着彩衣那逐渐下潜的娇躯,半响才甩了甩头,咧嘴嘿嘿一笑,也在彩衣之后,潜入了石洞 In the dark cavern, can only see the color light that on Cai Yi pasts, the Shi Yan speed speeds up, after three seconds, arrives at side her, sneaks toward below with her shoulder to shoulder. 幽暗的洞穴中,只能看到彩衣身上流转出来的彩光,石岩速度加快,三秒后来到她身旁,和她并肩往下面潜入。 This cavern is extremely as if deep, they dived a while, anything had not seen, had not seen that in the cavern has rays of light glittering to come out. 这洞穴似乎极深,两人下潜了一会儿,什么都没有看到,也没有见到洞穴内有光芒闪烁出来。 Shi Yan, said , do you like Zuo Shi? Although the girl Realm is not high, but is actually very beautiful, if you like her, is very normal.” 石岩,说真的,你是不是喜欢左诗啊?那丫头虽然境界不高,但却是很美丽,你如果喜欢她,也是很正常的。” Cai Yi, in the submergence, turns head to look suddenly to him, curious asking. 身旁的彩衣,在下潜的时候,忽然扭头望向他,好奇的问道。 What matter manages your?” Shi Yan snort|hum, neither cold nor hot say|way: You manage well you, by here rattan twining, if really such, I being disinclined manage you.” “管你什么事?”石岩哼了一声,不冷不热道:“你还是管好你自己吧,别被这里的藤条给缠绕了,真要是那样,我才懒得管你。” You cannot.” “你不会的。” The Cai Yi smiling face is bright, after restriction in main soul relieves, her whole person has as if untied the heart knot, probably really no longer envy and hate Shi Yan to her frivolousness, face glowing with health, your this fellow, although looks like ruthless, but is actually not this, hee hee, I know.” 彩衣笑容灿烂,在主魂中的禁制解除之后,她整个人似乎解开了心结,好像真的不再忌恨石岩对她的轻薄,容光焕发了起来,“你这家伙,虽然看起来无情无义,但其实并不是这样,嘻嘻,我知道的。” „Did you none who does not become fall in love with me?” Shi Yan curls the lip, indifferent looks at she, I, although has traced you, but will actually not take responsibility, do not think that I because of this matter, will be deeply in love in you. The beautiful women, my this person of ruthless, will only be interested in your body, to your, does not have any interest, I do not like the plans too heavy woman.” “你莫不成爱上我了?”石岩撇嘴,冷眼看着她,“我虽然摸过你,但却不会负责任,你可别以为我会因为这事,就会钟情于你。美女,我这人无情无义,只会对你的身体感兴趣,对你本人,可没什么兴趣,我不喜欢心机太重的女人。” Perhaps yes, I really fell in love with you.” “是呀,我说不定真的爱上你了。” Cai Yi half real , half fake charmingly angry, Life Qi/angry, did not say smilingly: I listened to others saying that if man were interested in a body of woman, that left falls in love with a woman, is not far. I was also visited in any case by you light, was traced by you, you wanted me, has forgotten Zuo Shi that girl, is my man.” 彩衣半真半假的娇嗔一声,也不生气,笑盈盈道:“我听人家说,男人如果对一个女人的身体感兴趣,那离爱上一个女人,也不远了。反正我也被你看光,被你摸遍了,要不,你就要了我,忘了左诗那丫头,做我的男人吧。” You are sex-mad, has a look at the time situation to be good?” “你要花痴,也看看时间场合行不行?” Shi Yan touches the nose, some, but said: Early knows that did not relieve your spirit Soul Restriction to make, I discovered that you lost restraint, probably started the brain to have the issue. You want dead, no matter I, but rubbish with me, affects my vigilance.” 石岩摸了摸鼻子,有些无奈道:“早知道不解除你的灵魂禁制了,我发现一你失去束缚,好像就开始脑子有问题了。你想死,我不管,但别和我废话,来影响我的警惕性。” Really is the puzzled grace and bearing fellow!” “真是个不解风情的家伙!” Cai Yi white his eyes, look exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful, quite attractive. 彩衣白了他一眼,眼神千娇百媚,颇为的诱人。 They dive shoulder to shoulder, on her is stream ray glittering, her any slight expression fluctuates, clarity that Shi Yan can look, was hearing transmits the delicate fragrance that from her, listens her is resembling the happy as anger the charm in anger, Shi Yan actually strange to relax, thought that the tour of this place bottom, as if has not imagined is so fearful. 两人并肩下潜,她身上又是流光闪烁,她任何细微的表情变幻,石岩都可以看的清清楚楚,闻着从她身上传来的清香,听着她那似喜似怒的娇嗔,石岩倒是奇异的放松下来,觉得这次地底之行,似乎没想象中那么可怕了。 ...... ……
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