GOS :: Volume #5

#418: The bottom is unusual

1 building this is an island, the island Ancient Times tree, everywhere is the fresh flower, heaven and earth Spiritual Qi is in groups rich. 1楼这是一座小岛,岛上古树成群,遍地都是鲜花,天地灵气浓郁无比。 Different with the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist elsewhere region, although this island surrounding winds around richly, in the island does not have smog. 暗磁雾瘴别处区域不同,这小岛外围虽然浓郁缭绕,岛内却没有一点烟雾。 Sees the place of seeing, is the old tree towering to the skies, rows, crowded incomparable, here does not have Demonic Beast to appear and disappear in all directions, likely is a paradise, making person whole body relax, thought that here cultivation, should be comfortable. 入目所见之处,全是参天古树,一排排的,密集无比,这儿也没有妖兽四处出没,像是一个世外桃源,让人浑身放松,觉得在这儿修炼,应该会非常舒服。 Shi Yan one line of pass through the dense fog, after arriving here, lets loose Divine Sense quietly, suddenly discovered that Divine Sense is here unzoned, Divine Sense spread comes, various life trend on island can shine immediately in Sea of Consciousness. 石岩一行人穿过迷雾,降临了这儿之后,悄悄放开神识,竟然发现神识在这里并不受限制,神识扩散开来,岛上的各种生命动态马上可以在识海中映照出来。 Nobody.” “没有人啊。” Zhao Feng has Third Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, he comes Divine Sense spread, quick has covered the entire islands, had not actually discovered that a life trace, such an a hundred flowers in full bloom heaven and earth Spiritual Qi rich place, according to the truth should not be this appearance. 赵峰有着天位三重天之境修为,他将神识扩散开来,很快就笼罩了整座岛屿,却没有发现一丝的生命痕迹,这么一个百花盛开天地灵气浓郁的地方,按道理不应该是这个样子。 Warrior that came from that Divine Great Land, definitely the part arrives at this, seeks possibly has Divine Soul on island, so long as these Warrior appear on the island, should come Divine Sense spread, is good to feel the unusuality on island, seeks for the possible opportunity. 从那神州大地过来的武者,肯定有一部分来到这一块,来找寻可能存在岛上的神魂,那些武者只要在岛上出现,应该都会将神识扩散开来,好感受岛上的异常,寻找可能出现的机遇。 Chi Xiao, Li Yue and the others, is the whole face doubts, Divine Sense spreads, has achieved nothing. 赤霄李悦等人,也都是满脸疑惑,神识蔓延开来,一无所获。 Does not suit.” “不对劲。” Shi Yan frowns, here definitely has any strange place, will otherwise not have Warrior to appear, we can come, others definitely can also come, we can spread Divine Sense exit, other Warrior naturally is also same. According to the truth, we one arrives on this island, should be discovered immediately, is impossible not to have reconnaissance Divine Sense to seek.” 石岩皱着眉头,“这里肯定有什么古怪的地方,不然不会没有一个武者出现,我们能够过来,别人肯定也可以过来,我们可以扩散神识出去,别的武者自然也是一样。按照道理,我们一在这岛上降临,应该立即就会被人发现,不可能没有勘察的神识寻上来。” Everybody is careful, I thought that here is not normal, perhaps also will want the bad risk compared with that Exotic Land.” The Zhao Feng complexion sinks, looks dignified, everybody gathers at together, do not disperse, we enter in the island together the center, noses this island carefully.” “大家都小心一点,我看这里也不正常,说不定会比那一处异地还要凶险。”赵峰脸色一沉,神情凝重,“大家聚集在一块儿,不要分散开来,我们一起进入岛上中心,将这小岛仔细查探一番。” The people also nod, gathers at mutually together, has not dispersed. 众人同时点头,相互聚集在一块儿,都没有分散。 Old trees towering to the skies, proliferate in the islands, looks, this islands by the thick forest covering, the person walked in the forest, the line of sight blocked from by the branches and leaves of these old trees, cannot look far. 一株株参天古树,遍布在岛屿上,一眼望去,这岛屿被浓密的森林给覆盖了,人在森林中行走,视线都被那些古树的枝叶遮住,看不了多远。 The group march forward on the island slowly, does not worry, marches forward, pays attention unusual form, so long as there is any slightest sign of trouble, will stare at careful observation. 一行人在岛上缓缓行进,也不着急,行进中,都留意身旁的异状,只要有什么风吹草动,都会盯上仔细观察 Thump! Thump!” “咚!咚咚!” The sad sound, has downloaded from the foot, in the place bottom deep place of island, has reacted to spread, that reacted frequency is slow, actually as if goes directly to the mind of person, has the strange function of long jab heart. 沉闷的声响,从脚下传了出来,在小岛的地底深处,有震动传出,那震动频率缓慢,却似乎直达人的心灵,有种直击心脏的奇异作用。 Bang bang Peng! “嘭嘭嘭! The heartbeat of people, gradual acceleration, sad reacted of that island Shangdi bottom, can inspire the frequency of heartbeat likely, along with spreading of that reacted, Shi Yan and the others the heartbeat frequencies was getting quicker and quicker. 众人的心跳,逐渐的加速,那岛上地底的沉闷震动,像是可以引动心跳的频率,随着那震动的传出,石岩等人的心跳频率越来越快了。 Un?” “嗯?” Zhao Feng look glittering leaves one bunch of astonished rays of light, felt?” 赵峰眼神闪烁出一束惊异的光芒,“都感觉到了吧?” People together dignified nod. 众人一起神情凝重的点头。 Perhaps the unusuality of this island, came from the center of earth, the peace in island surface, should be only the representation, everybody should not be confused.” “这小岛的异常,或许来自于地心,岛面上的安静,应该只是表象,大家不要被迷惑了。” Zhao Feng deeply inspired, facial expression gradual gloomy gets up, I want in the place bottom, definitely to exist strangely, we are careful. Perhaps if the frequency of heart to certain situation, we will go crazy quickly. The more rapidness of heart beat, will affect our judgments and reason, making us anxious, was extremely anxious, finally possibly by own mood about.” 赵峰深深吸了一口气,神情逐渐的阴沉起来,“我想在地底之中,肯定存在着古怪,我们都小心一点。如果心脏的频率快到一定地步,我们说不定会发疯。心脏跳动的越快,会影响我们的判断和理智,让我们紧张,太过紧张了,最终可能会被自己的情绪左右。” , Zhao Feng deeply looks at Shi Yan, sinking sound track: Particularly you!” 顿了一下,赵峰深深地看着石岩,沉声道:“尤其是你!” Shi Yan is somewhat awkward, nodded, felt relieved reason that gently, formerly lost the reason, had the reason. I will not lose reason again suddenly, this time I come under the following influence, should be able to be consistent with you.” 石岩有些尴尬,轻轻点了点头,“放心吧,先前之所以失去理智,是有原因的。我不会再突然失去理智,这次我受到下面的影响,应该会和你们一致的。” Whose can Divine Sense, penetrate to the place bottom?” Li Yue hesitant a while, the complexion changed, has discovered anything likely, my Divine Sense, the bottom ten zhang (3.33 m) cannot, in the place bottom of this island, as if have some type barrier that thoroughly hinders Divine Sense to enter.” “有谁的神识,可以穿透向地底么?”李悦犹豫了一会儿,脸色微变,像是发现了什么,“我的神识,连深入地底十丈都不能,在这小岛的地底内,似乎有着某种阻碍神识进入的结界在。” Gave her such a saying, people also Divine Sense spread to place bottom, confirms her view. 给她这么一说,众人也都纷纷将神识扩散向地底,来验证她的说法。 Shi Yan Divine Sense, falls fiercely to the place bottom, however, thoroughly the bottom five zhang (3.33 m), immediately have encountered the thick hindrance. 石岩神识,也猛地坠向地底,然而,才深入地底五丈,就立即遇到了厚厚的阻碍。 In the place bottom, has to hinder the Divine Sense thorough thick barrier, his Divine Sense, falls into the bottom, was lived by innumerable rope restraint likely, the pulling strength that more thoroughly the bottom, receives is stronger. 在地底之内,有着阻碍神识深入的厚厚屏障,他的神识,落入地底内,像是被无数根绳索束缚住,越是深入地底,受到的拉扯力越强。 Forces Divine Sense spread to the place bottom six zhang (3.33 m), Divine Sense that he emits the strength has used up, cannot penetrate that to fear one inch. 勉强将神识扩散向地底六丈,他放出的神识已经力竭了,再也不能深入那怕一寸。 Can affirm.” Zhao Feng serious looks to the people, if as expected, the unusuality of this island, should in the center of earth, um, we look now, can look find to enter the entrance of center of earth. I think, if in this island also has Warrior, should in the center of earth, others be able to enter the center of earth, I think us certainly.” “可以肯定了。”赵峰郑重的看向众人,“不出意外的话,这小岛的异常,应该就在地心了,嗯,我们现在找找,看看能不能找到进入地心的入口。我想如果这小岛上还有武者的话,应该都在地心之内了,别人可以进入地心,我想我们一定也可以。” Un, definitely has the entrance.” Cai Yi speech time, takes out a sapphire bangle from Imaginary Space Ring, that bangle one appears swiftly in her white hands, immediately sends out three bunches of azure light, azure light shoots toward the place bottom, penetrated the earth barrier unexpectedly, thorough underground. “嗯,肯定有入口的。”彩衣讲话的时候,从幻空戒中取出一个青玉手镯,那手镯倏一在她玉手中显现出来,立即散发出三束青光,青光直朝着地底射去,竟穿透了大地的屏障,一路深入地下。 Cai Yi closes one's eyes slowly, grips tightly that hand of bangle, has become the color of green emerald, glittering and translucent carving, is really beautiful. 彩衣缓缓闭上眼,紧握手镯的那一只手,成了绿翡翠的颜色,晶莹剔透,煞是美丽。 When three bunches of azure light fall into the bottom, the Cai Yi black eyebrows deep lock, in the induction of earnest place, half sound, the Cai Yi tender body is trembling likely suddenly, opens the eye fiercely, startled surprisingly said: „The bottom has the fight!” 三束青光落入地底时,彩衣黛眉深锁,像是在认真地的感应着,半响,彩衣霍然娇躯一颤,猛地睁开眼睛,惊奇道:“地底有战斗!” The people facial expression changes countenance. 众人神情动容。 My this azure spirit bangle, knows that Exotic Land, over the two days I induced well, knows that this azure spirit bangle can explore different energy. Just light of seepage earth my three bunches of azure spirit, realized that at least ten different energy attacked mutually, was very obvious, in the bottom, decided however has various Warrior at the battle.” “我这青灵手镯,得知那异地,这两天我好好感应,才知道这青灵手镯可以探索到不同的能量来。刚刚我三束青灵之光渗透大地,察觉到至少十来种不同的能量相互冲击,很显然,地底之内,定然有着各种武者在争斗。” Cai Yi is grasping that azure spirit bangle, calm explained to the people. 彩衣握着那青灵手镯,冷静的对众人解释。 Definitely is the following person, has discovered anything, will otherwise not fight.” Zhao Feng Hehe smiles, like we meet these Sacred level rare treasures the time, only then saw lets benefit that the person is jealous, mutually will slaughter, our judgments cannot have the mistake evidently, the unusuality of this Exotic Land, originated from completely underground.” “肯定是下面的人,发现了什么,不然不会战斗的。”赵峰嘿嘿一笑,“就像我们遇到那些圣级秘宝的时候一样,只有见到了让人眼红的利益,才会相互厮杀,看样子我们的判断不会有错的,这异地的异常,全部是来源于地下了。” Looks for the entrance!” “找入口!” The Shi Yan brow raises, cracks into a smile, separates to seek, above this island, should not have any bad risk evidently, everybody disperses respectively, so long as has discovered the entrance, immediately said. Although this island area is not small, but our these many dispersions seek together, should be able to be very easy to discover the entrance.” 石岩眉头一扬,咧嘴一笑,“分开来寻找,看样子这小岛上方,应该不会有什么凶险,大家各自散开,只要发现了入口,立即吆喝。这小岛面积虽然不小,但我们这么多分散一起寻找,应该可以很容易找出入口来。” Disperses.” “散开来吧。” The people of Zhao Feng to these Divine Radiant Cult told, oneself flies away in advance, pushes to the front, goes toward this island center. 赵峰对那些光明神教的人吩咐了一句,自己先行飞开来,一马当先,朝着这小岛中心而去。 Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li, under hint of Shi Yan, disperses from here, goes in four directions. 彩衣赤霄劳里兄弟,在石岩的示意之下,也都从这儿散开来,往四个方向而去。 Shi Yan has not moved, stands as before is freezing. 石岩并未行动,依旧站在原地不动。 Divine Radiant Cult has seven people, Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li is divided into the three parties, these many people move together, how long should unable to want, can search for this island, he does not strive, can enjoy the achievement, therefore was lazing. 光明神教有七人,彩衣赤霄劳里兄弟又分成三方,这么多人一起行动,应该要不了多久,就能够将这小岛搜遍,他就算是不出力,也可以享受成果,所以就偷懒了。 Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi prepared dispersing to search, saw him to remain, this master female two has gawked, stopped is freezing. 左虚左诗本来准备散开来搜索,一见他留下来了,这爷女俩愣了一下,也都停在原地不动了。 Grandpa Zuo, after this matter, you sooner return to Merchant Union.” 左爷爷,这次事情过后,你们还是早些返回商盟吧。” Shi Yan has hesitated, suddenly face urging Zuo Xu with deep veneration, from the Endless Sea process. There present situation I, although too did not understand, but I can actually affirm, present Endless Sea inevitably extreme Chaos. When I leaves from Endless Sea, the Fourth Devil Area demon people lifts the invasion, separated was so long, I think that perhaps these deep people and demon people together arrived at Endless Sea, if you there the way, will decide however will have the bad risk.” 石岩沉吟了一下,忽然一脸肃然的叮嘱左虚,“不要从无尽海经过。那里现在的情况我虽然不太了解,但我却可以肯定,如今的无尽海必然极为的混乱。我从无尽海离开之时,第四魔域的魔人大举入侵,隔了这么久,我想那些冥人和魔人说不定一起来到了无尽海,你们若是途径那儿,定然会有凶险。” Such remarks, the Zuo Xu complexion slightly changes, the shock said: Demon person? Deep person?” 此话一出,左虚脸色微微一变,震惊道:“魔人?冥人?” Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 Did not say that these two alien races, already did disappear from Grace Mainland? We in Merchant Union there, from some ancient fables, knows that has existences of these two big alien races, but we have not actually seen the people of these two big alien races, did they arrive at Endless Sea really? Now in Endless Sea?” “不是说这两个异族,早就从神恩大陆消失了么?我们在商盟那里,从一些古老的传说中,也知道有这两大异族的存在,但我们却从来没有见过这两大异族的人,他们真的来到无尽海了?现在就在无尽海?” Un, Endless Sea life extinguish, numerous Warrior had been killed by these two big alien races, Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area, are field littered with corpses, many common people were also affected, yeah, is a long story......” “嗯,无尽海已生灵涂炭,众多武者被这两大异族袭杀,伽罗海域垣罗海域,更是尸横遍野,许多平民百姓也受到波及,哎,一言难尽……” Mentioned Endless Sea, Shi Yan also was very depressed, when he left from Endless Sea, knows that there definitely afterward will be erupting the race war. 说起无尽海,石岩也很是郁闷,他从无尽海离开之时,就知道那里必然会在随后爆发种族大战。 Cao Family Cao Qiudao and Martial Spirit Palace Yang Yitian, is extremely the powerful character, these two collaborate, in addition Endless Sea advancing together of all influence altogether draws back, demon person and deep person, if cannot arrive at Endless Sea together, who wins who defeated/carrying was very difficult to say. 曹家曹秋道武魂殿阳翼天,也是极为强悍的人物,这两人联手,再加上无尽海的各方势力的共进共退,魔人和冥人如果不能一同降临无尽海,谁胜谁负很难说。 However a little he can affirm that was this fight should not be easy to finish. 不过有一点他可以肯定,那就是这场战斗应该没那么容易结束。 After Yang Family escapes into Fourth Devil Area, did not have any news, although that Chi Yan said that Yang Qingdi must die without doubt, but Shi Yan always thought that person had not been killed easily, Yang Qingdi is Endless Sea most outstanding Expert, and is quite intelligent. 杨家遁入第四魔域之后,一直没有任何的消息,虽然那赤阎杨青帝必死无疑,但石岩总觉得那人没那么容易被杀,杨青帝乃是无尽海最为出类拔萃的强者,并且极为聪明。 According to the truth, he should have the subsequent party. 按照道理讲,他应该有后手。 In that Endless Sea, has the Yang Family person, has the fight, necessity that for him, has. 在那无尽海,有杨家人,有战斗,对他来说,就有回去的必要。 Is the Chaos region, he more is easy to strengthen cultivation base through mystical Martial Spirit, now entered Sky Realm, he needs massive Essence Qi to seek breakthrough, that Endless Sea Chaos, is one is quite obviously suitable his cultivation the good place. 越是混乱的区域,他越是容易通过神秘武魂来增强修为,如今进入了天位之境,他需要大量的精元来寻求突破,那无尽海混乱,显然乃是一处极为适合他修炼的好地方。 The body of Linda and Xia Shenchuan dies, in him at present, regarding Chi Yan Devil Emperor, Shi Yan has the faith that must kill! 琳达夏神川的身死,就在他眼前,对于赤阎魔帝,石岩有着必杀的信念! The appearance of Lang Xun, making Di Shan and Yu Rou have to betray for extension of race, for him, this is the greatest shame! 波旬的出现,让帝山羽柔不得不为了种族的延续而背叛,对他来说,这是莫大的羞辱! He comes Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist to accumulate power, to again kill, should be his thing, robs. 他来暗磁雾瘴积累力量,就是为了重新杀回去,将本该属于他的东西,抢夺回来。 ...... ……
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