GOS :: Volume #5

#417: Nine Heavenly Flame

Shi Yan were not many said that smiled putting out a hand, Blood Vein Ring is emitting misty bloody glow, that Earthcore Flame escape came, vanished in his Blood Vein Ring suddenly does not see. 石岩不多说,微笑着伸手,血纹戒冒出蒙蒙血光,那地心火飞逸过来,霍然在他血纹戒内消失不见。 Meanwhile, Profound Ice Cold Flame also crashes into Blood Vein Ring, suddenly submerges. 同时,玄冰寒焰也坠入血纹戒内,瞬息间没入其中。 Has essence of Sun flame strength really!” “真的有太阳之精的炎力!” Zhao Feng eyes appears burning hot rays of light, pleasantly surprised looks at Shi Yan, „hadn't boy, I just felt wrong?” 赵峰双眸显出炙热的光芒,惊喜之极的看着石岩,“小子,我刚刚没有感觉错吧?” Good, in it indeed has essence of Sun flame strength.” Shi Yan nods. “不错,它里面的确有太阳之精的炎力。”石岩点头。 Regarding our types with the aid of strength of cultivation Sun person, the flame strength of essence of Sun, is the most precious treasure, if can draw support essence of cultivation Sun, I think that my Martial Skills, will obtain enormous breakthrough.” Zhao Feng vision brilliant, „, if can draw support the essence of Sun, comprehended deeper First Level time Intent Domain, I could enter into the boundary of God Passage.” “对于我们这种借助太阳之力修炼的人来说,太阳之精的炎力,乃是最为珍贵的宝物,如果能够借助于太阳之精修炼一番,我想我的武技,将会获得极大的突破。”赵峰目光灼灼,“要是能够借助于太阳之精,领悟了更深一层次的意境,我或许可以迈入通神之境啊。” Shi Yan lowly chuckled, shook the head, that is me.” 石岩嘿嘿低笑,摇了摇头,“那属于我。” Can the words, later taking advantage of my cultivation some time, I do not want that essence of Sun power, I want, so long as can feel, making my short distance watch burning down of Fiery Flame, with flame strength characteristics that in the essence of Sun releases, what kind of?” Zhao Feng hope looks to Shi Yan, the whole face anticipation. “可以的话,以后借我修炼一段时间,我不要那太阳之精的力量,我只要,只要可以感受一下,让我近距离观看火炎的焚烧,和太阳之精中释放的炎力特点,怎么样?”赵峰祈求的看向石岩,满脸期待。 Shi Yan knitting the brows head, hesitant, lightly said: „If only such, that issue is not big.” 石岩皱了皱眉头,犹豫了一下,才淡淡道:“如果只是那样的话,那问题不大。” Zhao Feng, laughs pleasantly surprised, approves him to be really kind continually. 赵峰惊喜之极,哈哈大笑起来,连赞他够意思。 That rolls Fiery Flame, what is?” Li Yue cannot bear ask. “那团火炎,到底是什么?”李悦忍不住问道。 Un, should be Heavenly Flame of new promote, came from ten thousand years of volcano, had own consciousness, the absorption of being in luck the essence of Sun. Now has not known its potential in a big way, since said that Earth Flame had the consciousness, even if Heavenly Flame, then it should also be Heavenly Flame.” Shi Yan explained. “嗯,应该算是一种新晋的天火吧,来自于万年火山,拥有了自己的意识,走运的吸收了太阳之精。现在还不知道它潜力有多大,不过既然说地火有了意识,就算是天火,那它应该也是天火了。”石岩解释了一番。 Heavenly Flame?!” 天火?!” Zhao Feng and Li Yue even Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, one face admire is looking at him, expressed admiration. 赵峰李悦甚至彩衣赤霄等人,都一脸艳羡的望着他,啧啧称奇。 It is said in this in world, nine Heavenly Flame exists, if adds on your this Heavenly Flame, should be ten plants.” Zhao Feng sighed myriad, on our Divine Great Land, has been spreading the Heavenly Flame legend, person but who had Heavenly Flame, was extremely rare. Each same Heavenly Flame, as if there is unique effect, has to make the person for mystical power that it admires, your this fellow is really the good luck, can obtain Heavenly Flame unexpectedly.” “据说在这个世间,共有九种天火存在,如果加上你这个天火,应该算是十种了。”赵峰感叹万千,“在我们神州大地上,一直流传着天火的传说,但拥有天火的人,却极其罕见。每一样天火,似乎都有着独特的功效,有着令人为之艳羡的神秘力量,你这家伙真是好运气,竟然可以得到天火。” Knows that has that nine Heavenly Flame?” In the Shi Yan heart moves, feigns optional asking. “知不知道到底有那九种天火?”石岩心中一动,佯装随意的问道。 He had also heard Heavenly Flame rumor, said that in this world, known Heavenly Flame, nine types, said that nine Heavenly Flame have the rank. 他也听说过天火的传言,说在这个世上,已知的天火,共有九种,说九种天火还有排名。 However the place of that quiet cloud, is Endless Sea, as if nobody knows that which several types nine Heavenly Flame are. 但是不论是那幽云之地,还是无尽海,似乎都没有人知道九种天火到底都是哪几种。 Zhao Feng and Li Yue come from Divine Great Land, Divine Great Land is all Warrior centers, if there Warrior knows nine Heavenly Flame names, should be the Divine Great Land person. 赵峰李悦来自于神州大地,神州大地又是所有武者的中心,如果说那里的武者知晓九种天火的名称,应该就是神州大地人了。 Primal Chaos Sacred Fire, World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Immemorial Antiquity Demonic Flame, Purgatory True Flame, Yin Spirit Ghost Flame, Vermilion Bird True Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Vanishing Corpse Flame!” 混沌圣火灭世雷炎九幽噬魂焰太古妖火炼狱真火阴灵鬼火朱雀真火玄冰寒焰毗绝尸火!” The Zhao Feng look is bright, is loud and clear saying: These nine Heavenly Flame, are the known Heavenly Flame names, on our Divine Great Land, has been spreading these nine Heavenly Flame mystical, but has what wondrous use as for these nine Heavenly Flame, has what mystical, we actually do not know. Perhaps, person who only then these have Heavenly Flame, knows the mystical functions of these nine Heavenly Flame, with these nine Heavenly Flame fearful places.” 赵峰眼神明亮,掷地有声道:“这九种天火,就是已知的天火名称,我们神州大地上,一直流传着这九种天火神秘,不过至于这九种天火到底有何妙用,有何神秘,我们却不知道。或许,只有那些拥有天火的人,才知道这九种天火神秘作用,和这九种天火的可怕之处。” Primal Chaos Sacred Fire, World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Immemorial Antiquity Demonic Flame, Purgatory True Flame, Yin Spirit Ghost Flame, Vermilion Bird True Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame and Vanishing Corpse Flame......” 混沌圣火灭世雷炎九幽噬魂焰太古妖火炼狱真火阴灵鬼火朱雀真火玄冰寒焰毗绝尸火……” Shi Yan muttered whispers, the eye slowly has also shone. 石岩喃喃低语,眼睛也慢慢亮了起来。 Primal Chaos Sacred Fire ranks first, that Vanishing Corpse Flame rank most end, each Heavenly Flame, as if can with the Warrior fusion, once Warrior fused Heavenly Flame, not only can obtain Heavenly Flame power, as if can also obtain.” looks at that Zhao Feng envies he. 混沌圣火排名第一,那毗绝尸火排名最末,每一种天火,似乎都可以和武者融合,一旦武者融合了天火,不但可以获得天火力量,似乎还能够得到更多。”赵峰羡慕的看着他。 Formerly Profound Ice Cold Flame continuously in the Shi Yan chest, when Earthcore Flame entered Blood Vein Ring, because the flame strength was too strong, in addition Profound Ice Cold Flame desirably restraining power, Zhao Feng they do not know that bunch of cold brightness, unexpectedly was of Profound Ice Cold Flame nine Heavenly Flame. 先前玄冰寒焰一直在石岩胸口,在地心火进入血纹戒的时候,因为炎力太强,加上玄冰寒焰刻意收敛的力量,以至于赵峰他们并不知道那一束寒光,竟然就是九种天火之一的玄冰寒焰 If they know Profound Ice Cold Flame and Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, at this time on the body of Shi Yan, does not know that will be startled the what kind situation. 如果他们知道玄冰寒焰九幽噬魂焰,此时都在石岩的身上,也不知道会吃惊到何种地步了。 Shi Yan asked the news that he has wanted to know, does not want to say anything on Heavenly Flame much, therefore the smile looks to Zhao Feng and the others, said: „Did you just above, harvest what kind of?” 石岩问出了他想知道的消息,就不想在天火上多说什么了,所以微笑看向赵峰等人,道:“你们刚刚在上面,收获怎么样?” A Zhao Feng complexion happy, delicious say|way: We obtain four rare treasures, is Sacred level, three types in Sacred level First Rank, equally in Sacred level third rank! Hehe, this time really gained, even if on Divine Great Land, the Sacred level rare treasure were very rare, the Sacred level third rank rare treasure, was only then the important personages of some big influences can have, Ha Ha!” 赵峰脸色一喜,美滋滋道:“我们得到四种秘宝,都是圣级,其中三样在圣级一品,一样在圣级三品嘿嘿,这次真是赚到了,就算是在神州大地上,圣级的秘宝都很少见,圣级三品的秘宝,更是只有一些大势力的重要人物才可以持有,哈哈!” Speaking of the happy place, Zhao Feng could not bear complacent laughed. 说到高兴处,赵峰忍不住得意的大笑起来。 Rare treasure of Refiner Master refinement, is divided into Mortal level, Mystery level, Spirit level, Sacred level and Divine level five Level, each Level is divided into seventh rank, First Rank is most inferior, seventh rank is best, this Zhao Feng can obtain the third rank Sacred level rare treasure, is the fate is extremely indeed good, no wonder his happy. 炼器师炼制的秘宝,分为凡级玄级灵级圣级神级五个等级,每一个等级又分为七品,一品最次,七品最佳,这次赵峰能够得到三品圣级秘宝,的确是运道极佳,难怪他那么高兴了。 You?” Shi Yan looks to Chi Xiao and Cai Yi. “你们呢?”石岩又看向赤霄彩衣 Different Sacred level First Rank rare treasure.” Chi Xiao smiled, takes out a handle silver dagger si head, has raised, said: I took was the same.” “两样圣级一品的秘宝。”赤霄笑了笑,取出一柄银色匕亖首,扬了扬,道:“我拿了一样。” Chi Xiao looks like is also calm, but the look actually suddenly burning hot gets up. 赤霄看起来还算是淡定,不过眼神却骤然炙热起来。 Has place of quiet cloud Merchant Union in that the Spirit level rare treasure is very rare, not to mention Sacred level. 在那有幽云之地的商盟,就连灵级的秘宝都很少见,更别提圣级的了。 This Chi Xiao can in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, obtain the same Sacred level rare treasure, once in the future refining up the mind intercommunication with the Sacred level rare treasure, the strength of whole person significantly will be increased. 这次赤霄能够在暗磁雾瘴中,得到一样圣级秘宝,将来一旦和圣级秘宝炼到心神互通,整个人的实力将会大幅度的提升。 Chi Xiao is relying on the same Sacred level rare treasure, can perhaps become Merchant Union, Raging Fire Empire and God Blessed Empire in the future the most powerful person, becomes Warrior Paragon in the place of that quiet cloud, his naturally also heart lives to like. 赤霄凭借着一样圣级秘宝,说不定可以成为商盟烈火帝国神佑帝国未来最强悍的一人,在那幽云之地成为武者至尊,他自然也心生欢喜。 Good good.” Shi Yan smiles repeatedly nodded, also has to be the same?” “不错不错。”石岩笑着连连点头,“还有一样呢?” In my hands.” The Cai Yi sweet chuckle, has not taken the Imaginary Space Ring rare treasure, but looks like as if also extreme satisfaction, my luck is also good, has not thought really that this time in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, can harvest.” “在我手中。”彩衣嫣然轻笑,并未将幻空戒的秘宝取出来,不过看起来似乎也极为的满意,“我运气还算是不错,真没想到,这次在暗磁雾瘴中,真的能够有所收获。” Lao li and Lao Lun is a face envy, sigh oneself luck to be unsatisfactory, cannot harvest here. 劳里劳伦都是一脸羡慕,叹息自己运气不佳,没能在这里有所收获。 Boy, should we leave?” Zhao Feng waited for a while, discovered in this old city not to have one person, cannot help but somewhat worried, „the fellow who these left, should go to another Exotic Land, we passed earlier, perhaps can also harvest Divine Soul, if were late, but anything could not obtain.” “小子,我们是不是应该离开了?”赵峰等了一会儿,发现这古城中没有了一人,不由得有些着急起来,“那些离开的家伙,应该都去另外一个异地了,我们早点过去,说不定还能收获神魂,若是迟了,可就什么都得不到了。” „Can you know the direction?” Shi Yan is astonished however said. “你可知道方向?”石岩讶然道。 Zhao Feng takes out one with the similar compass that Ai Ya has, has raised, the gadget of Ling Bao Sect refinement, can take one's bearings in any region, had this gadget, naturally cannot become lost.” 赵峰取出一个和那艾雅持有的相似的罗盘,扬了扬,“灵宝宗炼制的这玩意,可以在任何区域辨别方向,有了这玩意,自然不会迷路。” That is good.” Shi Yan eye one bright, said with a smile: Such being the case, we can start off.” “那就好。”石岩眼睛一亮,微笑道:“既然如此,那我们就可以上路了。” You?” Zhao Feng looks to Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, with us together?” “你们呢?”赵峰望向赤霄彩衣等人,“还是和我们一道么?” Chi Xiao and Cai Yi obtained the rare treasure, the confidence have risen sharply, nodded together. 赤霄彩衣得到了秘宝,信心大涨,一起点头。 Brother Lao li have not harvested here, but also counted on that can obtain some fortuitous encounters in another Exotic Land, naturally cannot the midway give up, is the nod indicates to with them together. 劳里兄弟在这儿没有收获,还指望能够在另外一处异地来得到些奇遇,自然不会中途放弃,也都是点头表示要和他们一道儿。 Zhao Feng is not willing to be a companion with them, but looks in the Shi Yan face, many did not say anything, took out the compass to distinguish a direction, said to Shi Yan: You and they follow us, another Exotic Land, should be very long to here, the most two days of time, should be able to rush.” 赵峰本不愿意和他们为伍,但看在石岩的面子上,也不好多说什么,取出罗盘辨别了一个方向,就对石岩道:“你和他们跟上我们,另外一个异地,离这儿应该很久,最多两天时间,应该就可以赶到了。” Good.” “好的。” Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 Zhao Feng and Li Yue neglect one, told that these Divine Radiant Cult people follow them, flies toward outside. 赵峰李悦忽视一眼,吩咐那些光明神教的人跟上他们,就率先朝着外面飞去。 Since here Gate of Heaven ruptured, this place all returned to normal, covers in the god thunder of surrounding, as if also no longer stopped over. 自从这儿的天门爆裂了,此地一切都恢复了正常,就连笼罩在外围的神雷,似乎也不再逗留了。 Before Shi Yan, was worried that these god thunder, Essence Qi has exhausted most probably, at this time the god thunder of surrounding after all, if still, him must continue with the aid in Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle power, can breakthrough exit, when the time comes Essence Qi has exhausted, if bumps into the bad risk suddenly, that difficultly managed. 石岩之前还担心那些神雷,毕竟一身精元耗尽了大半,这时候外围的神雷要是还在,他必须继续借助于流云破天梭力量,才可以突破出去,到时候一身精元耗尽了,若是突然碰到凶险,那就难办了。 Although Chi Xiao and Cai Yi are Realm are uncommon, but he is not willing his destiny, to hand over in others' hand, in that case, he must cost some time, first draws support from Monster Core, restored Essence Qi again. 虽然赤霄彩衣还算是境界不凡,可他不愿意将自己的命运,交到别人的手中,那样的话,他必须要多耗费一些时间,先借助妖晶,将精元恢复了再出发。 Without the god thunder of winding around surrounding, he then did not have these many worry, with Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others together, flies the horizon, pursues toward that Zhao Feng one line. 没有缭绕外围的神雷,他便没了这么多的顾忌,和赤霄彩衣等人一道,飞上天际,往那赵峰一行人追去。 After the half day, above an float mountain peak, Zhao Feng one line has met one crowd of Demonic Beast, these have six levels of Demonic Beast groups, without consuming Zhao Feng their many time, was cleaned up cleanly. 半日后,在一个悬浮的山峰上方,赵峰一行人遇到了一群妖兽,那些只有六级的妖兽群,没有耗费赵峰他们多少的时间,就被清理干净了。 In the Zhao Feng team, several Realm low Warrior, Essence Qi loses is not small, Zhao Feng has to make the people keep rest a while, is good to draw support Monster Core supplements Essence Qi. 赵峰队伍之中,几个境界较低的武者,精元损耗不小,赵峰不得不让众人留下来休息一会儿,好借助于妖晶来补充精元 Shi Yan while this opportunity, takes out Monster Core in Imaginary Space Ring, with Chi Xiao, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi three people together, restores Essence Qi by Monster Core silently. 石岩趁着这个时机,取出幻空戒之中的妖晶,和赤霄左虚左诗三人一道,默默以妖晶恢复精元 The Chi Xiao three people were poverty-stricken, because obtains the Shi Yan support and help, has enough Monster Core to restore. 赤霄三人本来非常窘迫,因为得到石岩的支助,才有足够的妖晶来恢复。 Essence Qi of three people of this consumptions are all the way many, has been at does not have the surplus Monster Core conditions, but above the fight through this old city, they seizes the chance from the bodies of some dead, received to blow many Monster Core, before had been granted several Monster Core by Shi Yan, Monster Core finally is right now sufficient. 三人这一路上耗费的精元很多,一直处于没有剩余妖晶的状态,但通过这次古城上方的战斗,他们趁机从一些死者的身上,收刮了不少的妖晶,之前又被石岩赠与了几块妖晶,这下子妖晶终于够用了。 Enters into the Sky Realm boundary, one time of Shi Yan Essence Qi old tree enough growth, at this time restored Essence Qi slowly, the speed naturally. 迈入天位境,石岩精元古树足足增长的一倍有余,这时候恢复精元,速度自然也缓慢了下来。 Chi Xiao is the same with him, when draws support Monster Core restores Essence Qi, held a lot of time. 赤霄和他一样,在借助于妖晶恢复精元的时候,占有了很多的时间。 When Zhao Feng that side Warrior was already energetic, only then Shi Yan and Chi Xiao they, drawing support that but also continuation restores Essence Qi in Monster Core. 赵峰那边的武者早就精神十足的时候,只有石岩赤霄两人,还在继续的借助于妖晶来恢复精元 Because Zhao Feng knows, must draw support the Shi Yan place are many , the urging, has not been waiting with Li Yue and the others, continuously and other Shi Yan and Chi Xiao in great spirits stands , to continue to start, goes toward that another Exotic Land line. 赵峰因为知道以后要借助于石岩的地方很多,也就没有催促,和李悦等人一直等候着,一直等石岩赤霄精神奕奕的站起来,才继续启程,往那另外一个异地行去。 This time has not continued to meet Demonic Beast actually, all the way smoothly. 这次倒是没有继续遇到妖兽,一路上顺顺当当。 After two day, they arrive at another Exotic Land finally. 两日之后,他们终于来到另外一处异地 In that Exotic Land surrounding, winds around this rich ash-gray smog, but actually does not have bang sufficiently to kill the Shi Yan soul the god thunder to exist. 在那异地的外围,也缭绕这浓郁的灰色烟雾,不过其中倒是没有足以轰杀石岩灵魂的神雷存在。 Follows in Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others behind, Shi Yan, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi some people, arrived at this Exotic Land. 跟在赵峰李悦等人的身后,石岩赤霄彩衣一干人,也都降临了这一个异地 ...... ……
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