GOS :: Volume #5

#416: Restores the original design

The space was shattered! 空间破碎! The storm, roaring flame, thunder and lightning and frost ice four different strength entire old city, as if receive attracting of that Gate of Heaven to pull, quickly, crazy will emerge that soon to burst in Gate of Heaven that. 整个古城中的暴风、烈焰、雷电冰霜四种异力,似乎受到那天门的吸扯,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,疯狂的涌入那即将破裂的天门之中。 Shi Yan stands under, looks at these disasters pours into Gate of Heaven, the space slit that the looks at space appears, the facial expression shocks. 石岩站在下方,看着那些天灾注入天门之中,看着天上显现出来的空间缝隙,神情震撼。 heaven and earth has the mutation, airborne revealed that the dazzling ray, from that ray, visibles faintly the five colors variegated space turbulent flow. 天地发生异变,空中显露中耀眼的光线,从那光线之中,隐约可见五彩斑斓的空间乱流。 In an intermittent violent rumbled sound, that Gate of Heaven ballooning, is changing into a small luminous spot finally, mystical above this old city vanishes. 在一阵阵猛烈的轰鸣声中,那天门鼓胀着,最终化为一个小小的光点,在这古城上方神秘消失。 The old city restored suddenly tranquilly. 古城忽然恢复了宁静。 Demonic Beast of these accumulations, as if also know that lost the significance that continues to protect, left from this old city unexpectedly in abundance, departed here. 就连那些聚集的妖兽,似乎也知道失去了继续守护的意义,竟纷纷从这古城内离开,飞出了这儿。 Surrounding four four look like mountain range, shortly will cave, in the rumbled sound, four looks like mountain range to change into the flat land, looked like the sand table is levelled. 周围的四座四象山脉,在顷刻间塌陷了,在轰鸣声,四象山脉化为平地,就像是沙盘被抹平了。 Milky Way that the space interweaves, slowly changes pale, was the river water is drained likely, lost beforehand mystical quickly. 天上交织的天河,慢慢的变淡,像是河水被抽干了,也很快失去了之前的神秘 Graceful silhouette, looked under one from upper air together distantly, changes into one bunch of stream ray, leaves toward the distant place, does not see gradually. 一道曼妙的身影,从高空之中遥遥看了一眼下方,化为一束流光,往远处离开,渐渐不见。 Shi Yan frowns, stares at that beautiful figure to look at a while, complexion gloomy gets down gradually. 石岩皱着眉头,盯着那道倩影看了一会儿,脸色渐渐阴沉下来。 Although is separated by extremely far, but he saw, that beautiful figure should missing Ai Ya. 虽然相隔极远,可他还是看见了,那倩影应该正是失踪的艾雅 Shi Yan does not know why this woman in the space, does not know she has any bitter experience, her departure, making Shi Yan know that this old city perhaps did not have anything the place that was worth accepting as a memento. 石岩不知道这女人为什么会在天上,不知道她有什么遭遇,她的离开,让石岩知道这古城或许没有什么值得留念的地方了。 Really, interweaves, numerous Warrior that in that Milky Way went on an expedition, starts to fly toward outside, no longer continues to stop over in the old city. 果然,在那天河交织点,原先征战的众多武者,也都开始往外面飞去,不再继续逗留在古城之内。 These people as if know, in old city possibly no longer has the rare treasure to appear, knows that continues to remain, harvest anything. 这些人似乎都知道,古城内可能不再有秘宝出现,知道继续留下来,也收获不到什么。 That thick «Refiner's Secret of Success» in that Gate of Heaven ancient human body hand, seems the reason that the old city has, this «Refiner's Secret of Success» was obtained by Shi Yan, entire Exotic Land all sorts of strange, vanishes in abundance, this means likely the old city will not have any mystical again. 天门古尸手中的那一本厚厚的《炼器要诀》,似乎乃是古城存在的原因,这《炼器要诀》被石岩得到了,整个异地的种种诡异,也随之纷纷消失,这像是意味着古城不会再有任何的神秘 That Demonic Beast skeleton, explodes the broken that instant in Gate of Heaven, explodes the dry and hard fragment, scatters in old city each corner. 那一具妖兽尸骨,也在天门爆碎的那一霎,炸成干硬的碎片,散落在古城各个角落。 Space silhouette, as if saw the Shi Yan person under, they descend slowly, gradually is close toward Shi Yan. 天上一道道身影,似乎看到了石岩人在下方,他们慢慢降落下来,逐渐朝着石岩接近。 Frowns, looked at a while toward the space, what discovers after is Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao one line, Shi Yan relaxed, has not continued to support this to alert. 皱着眉头,朝着天上看了一会儿,发现下来的乃是赵峰赤霄一行人以后,石岩松了一口气,没有继续强撑这戒备下去。 Formerly when broke in Gate of Heaven, he has consumed the general spirit, at this time the condition was not good, if Warrior of space regarded the goal to start him, he under the present condition, will be somewhat will be dangerous. 先前冲入天门时,他消耗了一般的精神,这时候状态并不好,如果天上的武者都将他当成目标来下手,他在如今的状况下,还是会有些危险。 Zhao Feng and the others descend slowly, the group fall quickly on the Shi Yan side. 赵峰等人慢慢降落,很快地,一行人就在石岩的身旁落下来。 How under your boy did run comes?” Zhao Feng was thick the throat to shout, the whole face was surprised, what ghost your boy has done, why this did Exotic Land restore all of a sudden normally? Day after day on Milky Way, with that remaining several ancient human bodies, together disappears, what have you made?” “你小子怎么跑下面来了?”赵峰粗着嗓子喊了一声,满脸惊讶,“你小子搞了什么鬼,为什么这异地一下子恢复正常了?就连天上的天河,和那剩下的几个古尸,都一起不见了,你做了什么?” Li Yue and Chi Xiao one line , is also surprised looks at he, the doubts of whole face. 李悦赤霄一行人,也是惊讶的看着他,满脸的疑惑。 They formerly above that but also in hunting and killing the ancient human body, was discovering suddenly the old city had the huge change, ancient human bodies drill into the space slit that splits, suddenly disappearing trail. 他们先前在那上方,还在猎杀着古尸,冷不防发现古城发生了巨大的变化,一具具古尸纷纷钻入那裂开的空间缝隙内,眨眼间都不见了踪迹。 Zhao Feng and the others observation, had discovered that the mutation in this old city, seems related with Shi Yan, secret surprised, immediately starts to walk toward below. 赵峰等人观察了一下,发现这古城的异变,似乎和石岩有关,都暗暗惊奇,马上开始往下面走来。 Hunts and kills the ancient human body with them Warrior of these other influences, sees with own eyes the mutation formation of old city, knows the necessity that has not continued to keep, all leaves from here, toward another Exotic Land. 和他们一起猎杀古尸的那些别的势力的武者,眼见古城的异变形成,都知道没有继续留下来的必要,都全部从这儿离开,往另外一个异地去了。 How I do not know a matter.” Shi Yan shook the head, is not willing to say his fortuitous encounter. “我也不知道怎么一回事。”石岩摇了摇头,不愿意多说他的奇遇。 Refiner Master Refiner's Secret of Success, possibly is the old city most precious same treasure, although he cannot know this Refiner's Secret of Success precious degree temporarily, but falls into Imaginary Space Ring from Refiner's Secret of Success, the old city has such big mutation, he knows that this Refiner's Secret of Success had is important. 炼器师炼器要诀,可能乃是古城最为珍贵的一样宝物,虽然他暂时不能知晓这炼器要诀的珍贵程度,可是从炼器要诀落入幻空戒,古城就发生这么大的异变来看,他已经知道这炼器要诀有多么的重要了。 On Grace Mainland, Refiner Master was quite scarce, Refiner class precious secret, precious. 神恩大陆上,炼器师已经极为稀少,炼器类的珍贵秘技,更加的宝贵。 If makes the person know that here Refiner Master Refiner's Secret of Success, was obtained by him, refers to making trouble how to come erratically, perhaps will alarm on Divine Great Land Refiner Master of some most high-end, but each Refiner Master, and numerous God Realm Expert are maintaining the friendly relations. 如果让人知道这儿炼器师炼器要诀,被他得到,指不定会惹出多么的麻烦来,说不定会惊动神州大地上一些最为高端的炼器师,而每一名炼器师,都和众多神境强者保持着友好的关系。 If these high level Refiner Master, know in his hand to have such equally precious Refiner method, definitely will not hesitate at all costs looks for him, can do everything possible possesses of his Refiner's Secret of Success. 如果那些高阶的炼器师,知道他手中持有这么一样珍贵的炼器法门,必然会不惜一切代价的来找他,会想方设法的将他的炼器要诀占为己有。 Stayed such a long time in Grace Mainland, he to this world brutal early some profound understanding, knows that wants strength powerful, can act in a self-serving manner in this world simply, can restrain without any legal morals. 神恩大陆呆了这么长时间,他对这个世界的残酷早有了深刻的认识,知道只要实力强悍,在这个世界简直可以为所欲为,没有任何的法律道德可以约束的。 What hasn't discovered?” “没发现什么?” Zhao Feng is astonished however asks, in the eye glittering surprised rays of light, he seems to be curious, always thought that the mutation in this old city, has the inseparable relation with Shi Yan. 赵峰讶然问道,眼中闪烁着惊讶的光芒,他似乎非常好奇,总觉得这次古城的异变,和石岩有着密不可分的联系。 Cai Yi is also looks at he, in beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, hesitant, in a soft voice said: I always thought that we above fight, the thing that possibly obtains, is well below your harvest. Although, I do not know that you obtained anything, but this Exotic Land all mystical vanish suddenly, decides however is because has the treasure that most treasures, was obtained by somebody.” 彩衣也是怔怔的看着他,美眸中异彩涟涟,犹豫了一下,才轻声道:“我总觉得,我们在上面的争抢,可能得到的东西,远远不及你的收获。虽然,我并不知道你得到了什么,但这异地突然一切神秘消失,定然是因为有最为珍惜的宝物,被某人得到了。” Zhao Feng and Li Yue eye one bright, thought Cai Yi said is reasonable, full Han anticipates is looking at Shi Yan. 赵峰李悦眼睛一亮,都觉得彩衣说的有道理,满含期待的望着石岩 Boy, you said that we are very curious.” Zhao Feng chuckled, „the curiosity of person, can kill the person, this point I also know. But I want to know that you have anything to harvest, wants to know that in this Exotic Land, the most precious treasure, is any gadget.” “小子,你就说说吧,我们真的很好奇啊。”赵峰嘿嘿笑着,“人的好奇心,是能害死人的,这一点我也知道。但我还是想知道,你到底有什么收获,想知道这个异地之内,最为珍贵的宝物,到底是什么玩意。” Shi Yan shakes the head, the facial expression is indifferent, has not discovered anything.” 石岩还是摇头,神情冷漠,“真的没发现什么。” Anybody knows that Shi Yan this does not want to say. 任何人都知道石岩这是不想说。 Zhao Feng and Li Yue stared at him to look some little time, saw his manner to be firm, had no alternative, has not closely examined forcefully. 赵峰李悦盯着他看了好一会儿,见他态度坚决,也无可奈何,没有强行追问下去。 They have regarded Divine Radiant Cult Shi Yan in the future the most dazzling nova, but also the prospect can close right up against Shi Yan to promote own Earth Realm in Divine Radiant Cult, naturally does not want to offend Shi Yan at this time, therefore is not good to continue to closely examine. 两人将石岩当成了光明神教未来最为耀眼的新星,还都指望能够靠着石岩光明神教中提升自己的地位,自然不想在这个时候得罪石岩,所以才不好继续追问下去。 As for Chi Xiao, Cai Yi, Zuo Xu and the others, this is lucky the Shi Yan care all the way, can be safe and sound. 至于赤霄彩衣左虚等人,这一路上都多亏石岩照料,才能安然无恙。 They when facing Shi Yan, always thought that owes Shi Yan many, saw Shi Yan not to say that naturally was not inquisitive. 他们在面对石岩的时候,总觉得欠石岩许多,见石岩不想多说,自然更加不好问下去。 Un, I think that here should not the necessity that continues you to get down.” Shi Yan smiled, looks up the day, „should we leave here?” “嗯,我想这里应该没有继续你下来的必要了。”石岩笑了笑,抬头看了看天,“我们是不是应该离开这儿了?” I just saw Ai Ya that inexpensive si person!” “我刚刚看到艾雅那贱亖人了!” Cai Yi complexion one cold, look gloomy and cold gets up, that inexpensive si person is planning us all the way, at crucial moment, but also wanted with the aid in our deaths, came many wrested away here rare treasure, if there is an opportunity, I must certainly do accounts with her!” 彩衣脸色一寒,眼神阴冷起来,“那贱亖人一路上都在算计我们,在关键的时候,还想要借助于我们的死亡,来最多的霸占这儿的秘宝,如果有机会,我肯定要和她算账的!” Brother Lao li are the facial expression are also cloudy, Ai Ya very much has resentful reading. 劳里兄弟也是神情阴厉,都艾雅都很有怨念。 She leaves here first, if I guess right, I think that Ai Ya should go to another Exotic Land, knows that we went to there, should have the opportunity to see her again.” Shi Yan nods, facial expression also quite gloomy and cold, this woman viper feelings, all the way never regard the companion to cross us, if there is an opportunity, I will also cope with her!” “她最先离开这儿,如果我猜的没错,我想艾雅应该会去另外一个异地,知道我们去了那儿,应该有机会再见到她。”石岩点头,神情也颇为阴冷,“这女人蛇蝎心肠,一路上从来不曾将我们当成同伴过,如果有机会,我也会对付她!” Such being the case, can we be good together?” Zhao Feng grins to laugh, boy, I also want many matters to inquire you, um, the matter about Divine Radiant Cult, I thinks that you should also know, our Divine Radiant Cult, rules a region by force in Divine Great Land, is on Divine Great Land the most glorious sect, your this fellow is so outstanding, if in the future went to Divine Great Land, definitely by god please sacred place.” “既然如此,我们一道可好?”赵峰咧嘴哈哈一笑,“小子,我还要许多事情要询问你,嗯,关于光明神教的事情,我想你也应该多知道一点,我们光明神教,在神州大地可是雄霸一方,乃是神州大地上最为悠久的宗派,你这家伙那么出色,将来如果去了神州大地,必然会被神教请上圣地的。” Divine Radiant Cult? 光明神教 In the Shi Yan heart moves, complexion had some subtle changes. 石岩心中一动,面色有了些微妙的变化。 According to the view of this Zhao Feng, Divine Radiant Cult is hides shortcomings extremely, and sect that extremely takes seriously the youth master, and on Divine Great Land one of the most formidable ancient faction. 按照这赵峰的说法,光明神教乃是极为护短,并且极为重视青年高手的宗派,并且还是神州大地上最为强大的古派之一。 This sect has the mystiques of related Stars Martial Spirit all sorts of fine mysterious, has the complete utilization Stars Martial Spirit method, compared with many that Three God Church various mystiques must improve. 这个宗派有着有关星辰武魂种种精奥的秘法,有着完整的运用星辰武魂的方法,要比三神教的各类秘法要完善的多。 If there is an opportunity to go to that Divine Great Land, can draw support Divine Radiant Cult power, he as if can indeed have many convenience on Divine Great Land. 如果有机会去那神州大地,可以借助于光明神教力量,他在神州大地上似乎的确可以有很多的便利。 If can draw support Divine Radiant Cult power , to promote own cultivation base, gains the experience, comprehends the Intent Domain deep meaning, this as if also good. 要是能够借助于光明神教力量,来提升自己的修为,增长见识,领悟到意境奥义,这似乎也不错。 Un, I think that I may go to Divine Great Land, but is not now.” Shi Yan has hesitated, shows a faint smile, friendly said to Zhao Feng: In Endless Sea, some of some of my matters has not solved, when the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist matter had ended, I will go to Endless Sea, if had finished the thoughts, I will go to Divine Great Land.” “嗯,我想我或许会去神州大地,不过不是现在。”石岩沉吟了一下,微微一笑,友好的对赵峰说道:“在无尽海,我还有一些事情没有解决,等暗磁雾瘴的事情结束了,我会去无尽海一趟,如果了却了心思,我会去神州大地上。” That bird place has anything to be quite dull.” Zhao Feng whispered, there corresponds our Divine Great Land, Warrior Level, is the multiplication of various Martial Skills and Martial Spirit, missed. Our Divine Great Land, is the Grace Mainland Warrior accumulation center, has all your sorts not to believe the marvelous thing that there, you there, can obtain all that you want!” “那鸟地方有什么好呆的。”赵峰嘀咕了一句,“那里相对应我们神州大地,不论是武者等级,还是各类武技武魂的繁衍,都差了许多。我们神州大地,才是神恩大陆武者的聚集中心,在那里有着你种种相信不到的奇妙事物来,你在那里,可以得到你想要的一切!” Shi Yan he he the nod, you do not need to induce me, if I in Endless Sea, have solved the matter, I naturally can go.” 石岩呵呵点头,“你不用诱导我,如果我在无尽海内,将事情解决了,我自然会去的。” We chatted well, I will tell us the god matter, told you to come in the future, how should seek for us.” Zhao Feng sees Shi Yan to have the plan of Endless Sea, no longer continues to mislead, chuckled, was saying: I can be your guide.” “我们好好谈谈,我会告诉我们神教的事情,告诉你将来过来了,应该如何寻找我们。”赵峰石岩是有来无尽海的打算的,也不再继续蛊惑,嘿嘿笑着,道:“我可以作为你的领路人的。” Un.” Shi Yan nods with a smile. “嗯。”石岩笑着点头。 Zhao Feng facial expression one happy, manner warm feelings. 赵峰神情一喜,态度更加热络了。 In this time, Fiery Flame of one group of burning hots, suddenly came from the distant place escape, lively comes toward Shi Yan. 就在此时,一团炙热的火炎,霍然从远处飞逸过来,轻快的往石岩而来。 The burning hot flame, covers this region completely, under that burning hot flame strength, Shi Yan Warrior, thinks the body to be uncomfortable in abundance, gathers power to resist hurriedly. 炙热的火光,将这一块区域全部笼罩,在那种炎热的炎力之下,石岩身旁的武者,纷纷觉得身体难受,急忙聚集力量来抵御。 The Zhao Feng eye projects together the none remaining suddenly, he is staring at that Earthcore Flame stubbornly, suddenly the violent shouted to clear the way: Has essence of Sun flame strength!” 赵峰眼睛骤然射出一道精光,他死死盯着那地心火,突然暴喝道:“有太阳之精的炎力!” Li Yue is also the eye one bright, changes countenance terrified. 李悦也是眼睛一亮,悚然动容。 ...... ……
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