GOS :: Volume #5

#415: Refiner's Secret of Success

That inside energy fluctuation is violent, besides beyond thunder and lightning, frost ice, roaring flame and storm four fearful different strength, tertiary restriction, I, cannot break. ” 那里面能量波动非常猛烈,除了雷电冰霜、烈焰、暴风四种可怕的异力之外,还有三重禁制,就连我,也不能冲入。” Profound Ice Cold Flame from Shi Yan chest communication. 玄冰寒焰石岩胸口传讯 Stands under the body of that Demonic Beast, Shi Yan frowns, quietly giant eye pupil of observation that Demonic Beast. 站在那妖兽的身下,石岩皱着眉头,悄悄观察妖兽的巨大眼瞳。 Has felt a while secretly, he discovers that inside power fluctuation indeed extreme terrifying ” , if not draw support the external force, he does not have the confidence to enter that Gate of Heaven. 暗暗感受了一会儿,他发现那里面的力量波动的确极为的恐怖”如果不借助于外力,他也没有信心可以进入那天门 „Don't you have that to eradicate all barrier restriction rare treasures?”, Profound Ice Cold Flame spreads the news to read once more, perhaps you can draw support from that same rare treasure, enters Gate of Heaven Center, knows secret.” “你不是有那个可以破除一切结界禁制的一样秘宝么?”,玄冰寒焰再次传出讯念,“或许你可以借助那一样秘宝,来进入天门〖中〗央,来知晓其中的秘密。” The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, in the eye are many a happy expression two to take out Cloud Broken Heaven Edge, wisp of Divine Sense pours intoand soul communication: Can enter that Gate of Heaven?”, Above Flowing Clouds Heaven Breaking Shuttle, emits dawn the light suddenly, that Cloud Broken Heaven Edge acme, has aimed at Gate of Heaven faintly, projects a wisp of silver none remaining, shines above Gate of Heaven. 石岩神情一震,眼中不由多了一丝笑意二取出流云破天棱,将一缕神念注入其中”和其中的灵魂沟通:“可不可以进入那天门么?”,流云破天梭之上,霍然冒出蒙蒙亮光,那流云破天棱的尖端,隐隐指向了天门,其中射出一缕银色精光,照耀在天门之上。 Half sound, a wisp of response transmits: Can enter inside, but needs you[ body] in 50% Essence Qi make a connection with barrier to come.” 半响,一缕回应从中传来:“可以进入里面,不过需要你〖体〗内一半的精元来打通结界来。” Shi Yan has thought that slight bowresponded: Good, I pour into Essence Qi now, you make a connection with passage that enters, I must go.”, The words,[ body] in Essence Qi same wells up like the rivers, in abundance irrigation to Cloud Broken Heaven Edge. 石岩想了一下,微微点头”回应道:“好,我现在注入精元,你打通进入的通道,我要进去。”,话罢,〖体〗内的精元如河流一样涌出来,纷纷灌注向流云破天棱 Under his Essence Qi crazy irrigation, this Cloud Broken Heaven Edge projects bright silver rays of lightone bunch of glares to shine suddenly, punctures fiercely above that Gate of Heaven. 在他的精元疯狂灌注下,这流云破天棱骤然射出亮银色的光芒”一束强光照耀出来,猛地刺在那天门上方。 Collapses!” “崩!” Shakes huge tremorto transmit from that Gate of Heaven entrance, a silver ecliptic, appears from that Gate of Heaven mouth. 一震巨大的颤动”从那天门的门口传来,一个银色光道,从那天门口显现出来。 Shi Yan has not thought that immediately changes into one bunch of star lightalong that silver ecliptic, drills into Gate of Heaven directly, vanishes instantaneously. 石岩没有多想,马上化为一束星光”沿着那银色光道,直接钻入天门,瞬间消失在内。 ...... K ……k A piece of white singular space, only then a decayed dry corpse that dry corpse wears a green long gown, sits cross-legged to sit, the left hand is taking a thick ancient bookas if the content in earnest reading ancient book. 一片白茫茫的奇异空间,只有一具腐朽的干尸那干尸穿一身青色长袍,盘膝坐地,左手拿着一本厚厚的古书”似乎在认真的研读古书上的内容。 This singular spaceshould be God Realm Expert constructs precise by the big supernatural power in this space, Shi Yan remembered immediately initially entered the space that Star God Ouyang Zhi that came out precise, here scene, with there, although was not quite same, but felt that was similar. 这个奇异空间”应该是神境强者以大法力凝炼构建出来在这空间内,石岩马上想起当初进入星神欧阳治那凝炼出来的空间,这里的场景,和那里虽然不太一样,不过感觉却非常相似。 Here should also be God Realm Expert, constructs by own power, is not abyss battlefield that type spreads many years of ancient Gate of Heaven, is Elementary God Realm Expert fiddles with. 这里应该也是神境强者,以自身的力量构建出来的,不是深渊战场那种流传多年的古老天门,是后天神境强者自己捣鼓出来。 This Gate of Heaven will not have too many mysterious generally, does not have very fierce bad risk to exist, the area is also limited. 这种天门一般不会有太多的玄秘,也没有很厉害的凶险存在,疆域的面积也有限。 Stands in this strange space, Shi Yan looks all around is the white fog that ” discovery sees pleasantis boundlessfarther region anything unable to see. 站在这个奇异的空间,石岩环顾四周”发现入眼所见的”都是白雾茫茫”更远的区域什么都看不见。 Hesitant, he did not have to wait and see that ancient human bodyfirst to walk randomly a while in this white space anxiously, actually had achieved nothing. 犹豫了一下,他没有急着去观望那古尸”先在这白茫茫的空间游走了一会儿,却一无所获。 In big space, as if only then such ancient human bodyin addition, did not have any thing again. 偌大一个空间中,似乎只有那么一具古尸”除此之外,再也没有了任何的事物。 Discovered that all roots are mysterious, perhapsShi Yan before that ancient human body body then slowly paces to arrive at that ancient corpse, surplus Essence Qi gather Star Shield and Dark Light Shield spread quietlycomes together, careful is guarding, for fear that also by the bad risk that by that ancient human body possibly has affecting. 发现一切的根源奥妙,或许都在那一具古尸身上以后”石岩这才缓缓踱步来到那古尸身前,剩余的精元悄悄聚集开来”星盾乌光盾一起扩散开来,小心的提防着,生怕还被那古尸旁边可能存在的凶险给波及到。 Stems from him to anticipate, when he arrives at that ancient corpse to put togetherhas concentrated on to defend him, has not met any bad risk, has not felt restriction barrier. 出乎他意料,等到他来到那古尸身拼了”全神贯注防御着的他,也没有遇到任何的凶险,没有感受到一点禁制结界 Leaves was near, he can see on that ancient human body is holding four large character Refiner's Secret of Success on that thick ancient book! 离的近了,他可以看到那古尸手上捧着的那本厚厚古书上的四个大字一炼器要诀 Un? 嗯? In the Shi Yan heart moves, eye has shone. 石岩心中一动,眼睛随之亮了起来。 Is this Exotic Land that ancient Refiner Master hiding place? 难道这是异地那古炼器师的藏身之处? Stopped over in this Exotic Land was so longhe through all sorts of slight observation, knows that this Exotic Land should be a Refiner Master accumulation placehere has many Refiner furnaces, has many loses the function the Refiner material, refined the good end product rare treasure. 在这异地中逗留了那么久”他通过种种细微的观察,知道这异地应该就是炼器师聚集的一个场所”这儿有着许多炼器的熔炉,有着很多失去作用的炼器材料,还有一些炼制好的成品秘宝。 Very obviously, in this Exotic Land, definitely has fierce Refiner Master to exist before, although does not know why these Refiner Master vanished in abundance, but Shi Yan can affirm that here all, are related with Refiner Master. 很显然,这异地之内,之前肯定有着许多厉害的炼器师存在,虽然不知道为什么那些炼器师纷纷消失了,但石岩可以肯定,这儿的一切,都和炼器师有关。 In the ancient time, Refiner Master is the same with the Alchemist master, is the important constituent parts of Warrior. 在古时代,炼器师炼药师一样,都是武者的重要构成部分。 In the ancient time, is modern timesRefiner Master and Alchemist master, enjoys honored Earth Realm in Warrior, each Refiner Master and Alchemist master, is in itself uncommon Warrior, the rare treasure that Refiner Master refines, with medicinal pills that Alchemist master refines, is Warrior promotes the strength the important attribute. 不论是在古时代,还是近代”炼器师炼药师,在武者中都享有尊贵的地位,每一个炼器师炼药师,本身都是一名不凡的武者,炼器师炼制出来的秘宝,和那炼药师炼制出来的丹药,乃是武者增进实力的重要因素。 Warrior, if grasps the fierce rare treasure, and has various unusual medicinal pills, then in cultivation, when battles with the personcan obtain the huge boost, if Refiner Master Realm is profound, can refine Sacred level and god rare treasure, then this Refiner Masterwill be all Warrior for the object who it will respect to flatter. 一名武者,若是手持厉害的秘宝,并且有着各类奇特的丹药,那么不论是在修炼之中,还是在与人交战的时候”都能够获得巨大的助力,一名炼器师如果境界高深,可以炼制出圣级、神教的秘宝,那么这一名炼器师”将会是所有武者为之尊敬讨好的对象。 Reason that Ling Bao Sect can be majestically located for many years on Divine Great Land, has massive Refiner Master and Alchemist master with this sect cannot separate, perhaps if Ling Bao Sect not that many high Level Refiner Master and Alchemist master, Ling Bao Sect cannot become one of the Divine Great Land seven big ancient faction. 灵宝宗之所以能够在神州大地上雄踞多年,和这个宗派有着大量的炼器师炼药师分不开,如果灵宝宗没有那么多的高等级炼器师炼药师,或许灵宝宗也不能成为神州大地七大古派之一。 In brief, Refiner Master in this worldabsolutely is an extremely honored kind of person, receives the respect of all Warrior, more is formidable Refiner Mastermore enjoys all sorts of privileges. 总之,炼器师在这个世上”绝对是极为尊贵的一类人,受到所有武者的尊敬,越是强大的炼器师”越是享有种种特权。 This Alchemist master, although makes decent for many years, maintains is actually reading the ancient book the posture, Shi Yan does not know that this Refiner Master is existence of what kind Level, but he, since can construct Gate of Heaven to come outhe at least is also God Realm Warrior, but Refiner Master will regard the life main pursue Refiner generally, Warrior Level, is only for Refiner must condition. 这一名炼药师,虽然风化多年,却保持着研读古书的姿势,石岩并不知道这一名炼器师乃是何种等级的存在,不过他既然可以构建出天门出来”他至少也是一名神境武者,而炼器师一般会将炼器当成人生最主要的追求,武者等级,只是为了炼器所必须的条件。 In general, Refiner Master, if has God Realm cultivation base, is worst, this Refiner Master should also be Sacred level Refiner Master, can refine the Sacred level rare treasure to come out. 一般来说,一名炼器师如果有着神境修为,最不济,这名炼器师也应该是圣级炼器师,可以炼制出圣级的秘宝出来。 Sacred level Refiner Master! 圣级炼器师 The Shi Yan facial expression changed countenanceeye to shine. 石岩神情动容”眼睛都亮了起来。 On entire Grace Mainland, Divine level Refiner Master as if already vanished, now rumor fiercest Refiner Master, is only Sacred level Refiner Master, can refine the Sacred level rare treasure. 整个神恩大陆上,神级炼器师似乎早已绝迹了,如今传言最为厉害的炼器师,也只是圣级炼器师,可以炼制圣级的秘宝。 Spirit Yu sect, as if also merely has two Sacred level Refiner Master, is Ling Bao Sect depending on being majestically located the Divine Great Land most effective safeguard. 就连灵宇宗,似乎也仅仅只有两名圣级炼器师,乃是灵宝宗赖以雄踞神州大地最有力的保障。 The Shi Yan two illumination, closely stare in the Refiner Master hand of that decency is holding thick «Refiner's Secret of Success»heartbeat accelerates, cannot be restrained giving birth held the desire. 石岩两眼发光,紧紧盯着那风化的炼器师手中捧着的厚厚的《炼器要诀》”心跳加速,不可抑止的生出了占有的欲望。 Does not know that can have the bad risk? 不知道会不会有凶险? Is guarding secretly, Shi Yan puts out a hand, grasps that thick «Refiner's Secret of Success», the skin is purple redglittering of a star light on the hand back. 暗暗提防着,石岩伸手,去抓那一本厚厚的《炼器要诀》,皮肤呈紫红色”点点星光在手背上闪烁着。 He is careful. 他非常小心。 A finger, moves that «Refiner's Secret of Success» swiftly, an extremely violent spiritual fluctuationsuddenly releases from that ancient book. 一根手指,倏一碰触到那一本《炼器要诀》,一股极为猛烈的精神波动”突然从那本古书上面释放开来。 In a flash, Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness drags, the mind as if by a spirit Soul Restriction system of mystical locking, has pondered as if cannot. 一瞬间,石岩识海都为之摇曳,心灵似乎被一种神秘的灵魂禁制给锁住了,连思考似乎都不能了。 Good severe! 好厉鲁! The Shi Yan receiving hand courageously, complexion changed, is busy at holding the breath with rapt attention, stable mind. 石岩当机立断的收手,脸色变了变,忙屏息凝神,稳固心灵。 The finger loosens from that «Refiner's Secret of Success», without a trace that formidable spiritual fluctuation, vanishes suddenly. 手指从那《炼器要诀》上一松开来,那种强大的精神波动,忽然间消失的无影无踪。 As if so long as does not move that ancient bookon ancient book not to have the slight spiritual fluctuation to transmit, however, so long as moved, that spiritual fluctuation can lock the mind of person, ran metal into cracks Warrior direct spirit Soul Restriction. 似乎只要不碰触那本古书”古书上面就不会有丝毫的精神波动传来,然而,只要一碰触到了,那精神波动就能够锁定人的心神,将武者直接灵魂禁锢住。 Is cold the face, Shi Yan is not daring to move once more rashly, but is vision brilliant looks at that ancient book, discovered that the ancient book as if no any unusuality, after the finger loosens, does not have any mind telepathy. 寒着脸,石岩没有敢再次冒然行动,而是目光灼灼的看着那古书,发现古书似乎没有任何的异常,手指松开以后,也没有任何的精神感应。 But he actually knows that fearful spiritual fluctuation, came from the ancient book absolutely! Perhaps is that pages of copy clerks! In perhaps each page of paper, has the strong fierce spiritual fluctuation, so long as moves ” must by greatly the impact of spiritual fluctuation. 可他却知道,那一股可怕的精神波动,绝对是来自于古书!或许就是那一页页的文书!每一页纸张之中,说不定都有着强猛的精神波动,只要一碰触”必然要受到巨大的精神波动的冲击。 He who achieves the Sky Realm boundary, under this fearful spiritual fluctuation, is also at wit's end. 就连达到天位境的他,在这种可怕的精神波动下,也无计可施。 He finishes various Yin Demon Race kind of soul classes deep meanings, regarding the understanding of soul power, too be profoundly more than general Warrior, he now cannot resist that fearful spiritual fluctuation, he believes that has traded Warrior of other Sky Realm boundary, is hard absolutely under the spiritual fluctuation of that ancient book maintains safely. 他精修阴魅族各类灵魂类的奥义,对于灵魂力量的认识,要比一般的武者精深太多,就连他现在都不能抵御那种可怕的精神波动,他相信换了别的天位境的武者,也绝对难以在那古书的精神波动下保持安然。 Does not manage, first received said again that this ancient book absolutely was the Refiner Master precious space! 不管了,先收了再说,这古书绝对乃是炼器师的珍贵宇物! The Shi Yan look fluctuated a while, clenched teeth, finally set firm resolve, no matter this «Refiner's Secret of Success» is weirdfirst stores Imaginary Space Ring it, waited later takes your time to inquire about the mystery. 石岩眼神变幻了一会儿,咬了咬牙,终于下定了决心,不管这《炼器要诀》多么邪门”先将它存入幻空戒,留待以后慢慢来探寻其间的奥妙。 Puts out a hand once more, this time he uses Imaginary Space Ring to come to that ancient book, when moves to Imaginary Space Ring and that ancient book, launches the heart rays of light to flash throughthat ancient book to vanish hurriedly together quickly, in his Imaginary Space Ring peaceful is staying. 再次伸出手,这次他用幻空戒来对向那本古书,待到幻空戒和那古书碰触时,急忙展开心哦一道光芒闪过”那本古书倏地消失,在他幻空戒之内安静的呆着。 Not with finger direct contact this ancient book, powerful spiritual fluctuation in ancient book, has not triggered. 没有用手指直接接触这古书,古书之内的强大精神波动,也就没有触发。 The mind has felt, discovered that ancient book indeed was received by Imaginary Space Ring, he relaxedat once cautiously looks to that ancient human body, wants to have a look at this ancient book to have any difference. 心神感受了一下,发现那古书的确被幻空戒收起了,他才松了一口气”旋即小心翼翼的看向那古尸,想看看这古书有什么不同。 Peng! 嘭! Ancient human body[ body] intransmits an abnormal noise suddenly, at once this ancient book, changed into the light smoke strangely, vanishes in this singular space without the trace. 古尸〖体〗内”骤然传来一声异响,旋即这一具古书,诡异的化为了轻烟,就在这奇异空间内消失无踪。 The ancient human body of ancient book and this decency, has as if had the close relation, the ancient book one vanisheshe as if not to have the existence necessity from his hand, such vanished. 古书和这风化的古尸,似乎一直有着紧密的联系,古书一从他手中消失”他似乎也没有了存在的必要了,就这么消失了。 Not only so, along with the ancient human body change flying ash, this space also started to crack, appeared slits. 不但如此,随着古尸的化为飞灰,这个空间也开始崩裂了,显出一道道的缝隙来。 The Shi Yan complexion slightly changes, is inferior to think that immediately once more and Profound Ice Cold Flame achieves the relation. 石岩脸色微微一变,不及多想,马上再次和玄冰寒焰达成联系。 One bunch of silver color break-upsShi Yan has drilled into fiercely, following ecliptic that Cloud Broken Heaven Edge makes a connection with, flushes away toward outside. 一束银光闪过”石岩猛地钻入其中,顺着那流云破天棱打通的光道,往外面冲去。 In the space disintegration, Shi Yan changes into one bunch of star light, returns to the old city from that strange space. 在空间崩碎中,石岩化为一束星光,从那奇异的空间内重返古城。 , ,
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