GOS :: Volume #5

#414: secret gate

Shi Yan?, Chi Xiao is starting to that ancient human body, discovered suddenly Shi Yan vanished, yells hurriedly. 石岩呢?,赤霄正对那一具古尸下手,冷不防发现石岩消失了,急忙叫喊起来。 Zuo Xu has referred to not far away corpse ladder direction, the facial features are strange, he got down., „ What?” 左虚指了指不远处的尸梯方向,面容古怪,“他下去了。,“什么?” The Chi Xiao complexion changes, does not understand saying: Why can he get down?” 赤霄脸色一变,不理解道:“他为什么会下去?” At this time everybody in fighting for ancient human body rare treasure, the people arrived here with great difficulty, sought for the goal, for the rare treasure was being the battle, but Shi Yan when will soon harvest the achievement, suddenly got down. 这时候人人都在争抢古尸身上的秘宝,众人好不容易来到这儿,找寻到了目标,都在为了秘宝为争斗,可石岩偏偏在即将收获成果的时候,忽然下去了。 Let alone he did not understand that all discovered this unusual Warrior, is reveals the doubts expression. 别说他不理解了,所有发现这个异常的武者,都是露出疑惑的神色 Zhao Feng and Li Yue neglect one, did not understand, but at this time, everybody was fighting for the rare treasure, if gets down to seek for Shi Yan at this time, did not say that will be given to cover by that four disasters, even if they can live by luck, feared that cannot obtain here rare treasure again. 赵峰李悦忽视一眼,也是不理解,不过这时候,大家都在为秘宝而战,如果此时下去找寻石岩,不说会被那四种天灾给覆盖,就算是他们能够侥幸活下来,怕是也再也得不到这儿的秘宝了。 Therefore, Zhao Feng dot Li Yue, although the doubts of whole face, have not actually followed Shi Yan to get down. 因此,赵峰李悦虽然满脸的疑惑,却也没有跟随石岩下去。 Warrior in field, saw that Shi Yan has gotten down suddenly, secretly relaxed, a heart that evil star is not, can relax slightly. 场内的武者,见到石岩忽然下去了,都暗暗松了一口气,心道那煞星不在,就可以稍稍放松一下了。 In these person of eyes, the threat of Shi Yan, must be bigger than any person. 在那些人眼中,石岩的威胁,要大于任何一个人。 Were few Shi Yan such importantly struggled the match unexpectedly, they were certainly glad happy, basic, no matter Shi Yan got down to make anything. 少去了石岩这么个重要的竟争对手,他们当然乐得高兴,根本不管石岩到底下去做什么。 Grandfather, can Shi Yan have matter? Why can he get down?” Zuo Shi stands that Stone Ti direction, lowers the head looks at, the discovery line of sight seemed actually hindered, anything cannot see. “爷爷,石岩会不会有事啊?为什么他会下去?”左诗站到那石梯的方向,低头看着,却发现视线似乎被阻碍了,什么都看不见。 He definitely has his plan, Shi Yan this boy cannot regard by the common sense, if he does not have the matter, definitely will not get down at this time., Zuo Xu comforts saying: „ Relax, the boy will not have the matter, he is more intelligent than anybody, I think that this getting down, definitely has other discovery., To a Zuo Xu such saying, Zuo Shi felt relieved, but in that Stone Ti position, under looks at. “他肯定有自己的打算,石岩这小子不能够以常理来看待,他如果不是有事,肯定不会在这个时候下去的。,左虚宽慰道:“放心吧,那小子不会有事的,他比任何人都聪明,我想他这次下去,肯定有别的发现的。,给左虚这么一说,左诗才放下心来,不过还是在那石梯的方位,愣愣地看着下方。 Silver lakelet, four disasters cover, whole body is hoodwinking star light Shi Yan, the facial features are dignified, feel Star Shield power to pass, he deeply inspired, walks toward outside of silver lakelet. 银色小湖处,四种天灾覆盖过来,浑身蒙着星光的石岩,面容凝重,感受着星盾力量流逝,他深深吸了一口气,朝着银色小湖的外边走去。 frost ice and thunder and lightning dot roaring flame and storm four disasters, are wreaking havoc in the old city, covers the entire old city. 冰霜雷电丶烈焰、暴风四种天灾,在古城中肆虐着,将整个古城笼罩起来。 Looked out a front, he discovered that under the influences of these four disasters, the old city the remnant of destroyed building, hundred meters high fortress, changed into piles of stones, avalanche under four disasters. 遥望了一眼前方,他发现在这四种天灾的影响下,古城已断壁残垣,一座座百米高的石堡,化为一堆堆石块,在四种天灾下崩塌了。 The silver lakelet surrounding, gathered hundred and thousand of various class Demonic Beast, these Demonic Beast are opening the big mouth, in the eye appears the ice cold cold light, is in sight to rays of light of space interweaves. 银色小湖外围,聚集了成百上千头各类的妖兽,那些妖兽一个个张着血盆大口,眼中显出冰寒的冷光,都在望向天上的光芒交织点。 A Shi Yan appearance, these Demonic Beast roared immediately, wanted to break in the folk song, him ripping smashing. 石岩一出现,那些妖兽马上吼叫起来,想要冲入小调中,将他给撕成粉碎。 Complexion one cold, the Shi Yan looks at Demonic Beast group, does not dare to act rashly, but continues to resist four influences of disasters with Star Shield. 脸色一寒,石岩看着妖兽群,不敢轻举妄动,只是继续用星盾来抵挡四种天灾的影响。 That many Demonic Beast, even if he is arrogant, does not dare to act unreasonably. 那么多的妖兽在,就算是他再自大,也不敢乱来。 Once by Demonic Beast submerging, in cannot utilize in the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist situation, he runs away absolutely difficultly dies. 一旦被妖兽给淹没了,在不能运用暗磁雾瘴的情况下,他绝对难逃一死。 Shouting of Profound Ice Cold Flame, but also is transmitting from that north, as if knows Shi Yan to get down, Profound Ice Cold Flame also leaves from that north probably, is approaching toward him quietly. 玄冰寒焰的呼喊,还在从那北方传来,似乎知道石岩下来,玄冰寒焰好像也从那北方离开,正悄悄朝着他靠近。 Felt the migration of Profound Ice Cold Flame, the Shi Yan mind relaxed slightly, continued to withdraw in the lakelet does not dare to move heedlessly, resisted four influences of disasters with Star Shield. 感受到了玄冰寒焰的移动,石岩心神稍稍放松了一下,继续龟缩在小湖中不敢乱动,用星盾来抵御四种天灾的影响。 These four disasters, have the destructive power that the unusual ear fears, Star Shield under the destruction of these four different functions, Strength of Stars fast passes. 这四种天灾,有着非常耳怕的破坏力,星盾在这四种异能的破坏下,星辰之力快速的流逝起来。 This is not good.” “这样不行啊。” The knitting the brows head, in the Shi Yan head is trying to find the solution fast. 皱了皱眉头,石岩脑袋中快速想着办法。 The Strength of Stars accumulation is not easy, is the light of absorption stars, collects little, this Strength of Stars not like Essence Qi, but can also through absorbing heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, absorbs Crystal Stone to restore. 星辰之力聚集不易,是吸收星辰之光,一点点地收集起来,这星辰之力不像精元,还可以通过吸收天地灵气,吸收晶石来恢复过来。 Once Strength of Stars has exhausted, he has the mysterious method to be hard to display, this will weaken his strength. 一旦星辰之力耗尽了,他有很多玄奥的手段将难以施展,这会消弱他的实力。 The tour of dark majestic noxious mist, had not ended, if Strength of Stars has early exhausted, following traveling schedule, much less safeguards. 暗礴雾瘴之行,尚未结束,一身的星辰之力如果早早耗尽了,接下来的行程,会少很多的保障。 To come, Shi Yan decides to take risk with fleshly body and Dark Light Shield, comes the hard anti- here disaster. 这么想来,石岩决定冒险用肉身乌光盾,来硬抗这儿的天灾。 Thought, takes Essence Qi as energy source Dark Light Shield, suddenly offers a sacrifice, Dark Light Shield, his fleshly body also has become the purple red, god strange strength in a muscle, passes on suddenly from the whole body muscle fiber. 念头一起,以精元能量源泉的乌光盾,突然祭出来,乌光盾一出,他肉身也成了紫红色,一身肌肉中的神奇异力,霍然从浑身肌纤维中传出来。 Star Shield receives. 星盾收起。 Four the different functions of disasters, are reducing the energy defense on Dark Light Shield rapidly, the Essence Qi crazy irrigation on Dark Light Shield, is providing the continuous energy support for that Dark Light Shield. 四种天灾的异能,迅速消减着乌光盾上的能量防御,精元疯狂灌注在乌光盾上,为那乌光盾提供着源源不断的能量支撑。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” On Dark Light Shield transmits the strange sound, under the influence of that four disaster, this Dark Light Shield power passes fast extremely. 乌光盾上传来奇异的声响,在那四种天灾的影响下,这乌光盾力量流逝极为的快速。 Short a half minute, the Essence Qi of Shi Yan irrigation on Dark Light Shield, has consumed one-third. 短短半分钟的时间,石岩灌注在乌光盾上的精元,就消耗了1。 Quite fierce! Does not know that my body can block?, Shi Yan has such a thought that suddenly wants to challenge, has a look at this variation Petrification Martial Spirit, whether can withstand this degree of disaster. “好厉害!不知道我身体能不能挡得住?,石岩生出这么一个念头,忽然想要挑战一下,看看这变异的石化武魂,是否可以承受这种程度的天灾。 Suddenly he received Dark Light Shield, the different functions impacts of four roaring flame dot frost ice, thunder and lightning and storm, covered the whole body instantaneously, seeped directly to his whole body pore, drilled into his fleshly body each corner. 忽然他又收起了乌光盾,四种烈焰丶冰霜雷电、暴风的异能冲击,瞬间覆盖全身,直接渗透向他全身毛孔,钻入他肉身每一个角落。 Severe pain! 剧痛! The ache spreads the whole body, when the seepage of roaring flame, frost ice, thunder and lightning and storm, an extremely fearful pain, multiplies directly in his whole body. 疼痛蔓延全身,在烈焰、冰霜雷电、暴风的渗透之时,一种极其可怕的痛楚,直接在他浑身滋生出来。 If this painful average person withstood, feared that is the direct pain will faint, loses all defensive measures. 这种痛苦一般人若是承受了,怕是会直接痛晕过去,失去一切的防御手段。 He who may challenge the limit, the willpower is quite tenacious, under this pain, but clenches teeth the dying brace, not immediately stupor. 可一直都在挑战极限的他,意志力却极为坚韧,在这种痛楚之下,只是咬着牙死撑,并没有立即昏迷。 Different functions in muscle, like are the countless silk threads, fast accumulation in his body plaster, each muscle as if in shivering, energy in that muscle releasing. 一身肌肉中的异能,像是数不尽的丝线一样,在他体垩内快速的聚集起来,他每一块肌肉似乎都在颤抖着,将那肌肉中的能量给释放出来。 Four disasters attack, in energy by muscle resisting, his purple-red skin, has the extreme terrifying resistance likely, unexpectedly under four disasters, has not broken out the meat crack. 四种天灾侵袭进来,被肌肉中的能量给抵御着,他那紫红色的皮肤,像是有着极为恐怖的抗性,居然在四种天灾之下,没有劈开肉裂。 Profound Ice Cold Flame changes into one bunch of ice cold rays of light, flies from the north, crosses leader Demonic Beast, in the Shi Yan top of the head float. 玄冰寒焰化为一束冰寒的光芒,从北方飞来,越过一头头妖兽,在石岩头顶悬浮着。 I lead you to go to a place, there, as if has any thing. However there has fearful barrier restriction, I cannot enter, perhaps you can.” “我带你去一个地方,在那里,似乎有着什么东西。不过那里有着非常可怕的结界禁制,就连我也不能进入,或许你可以的。” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, changes into ice flower at once, congeals in the Shi Yan chest. 玄冰寒焰传讯,旋即化为一朵冰huā,就在石岩胸口凝结起来。 An extreme woods cold cold air/Qi, is centered on Shi Yan suddenly, fills the air. 一股极度森寒的冷气,忽然以石岩为中心,弥漫开来。 Shortly, Shi Yan has become a huge ice sculpture, whole body braves astonishing Cold Qi, that ice piece under the influences of four disasters, ka ka makes noise, helping Shi Yan resist four influences of disasters. 顷刻间,石岩成了一具巨大的冰雕,浑身冒着惊人的寒气,那冰块在四种天灾的影响下,咔咔作响,帮助石岩来抵御四种天灾的影响。 Your did power restore?, Shi Yan pleasantly surprised say|way. “你力量恢复了?,石岩惊喜道。 Has not restored, but restored 70%, this also foot enough. Chill in the air that Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, it releases, including Demonic Beast of that leader, is alarmed and afraid, when these chill in the air fill the air, Demonic Beast that leader gathers, retreat comes in abundance. “还没有全部恢复,不过恢复了七成了,这也足够了。,玄冰寒焰传讯,它释放的寒意,连那一头头的妖兽,都为之惊惧,在那些寒意弥漫开来的时候,那一头头聚集的妖兽,纷纷后退开来。 Profound Ice Cold Flame by Blood Vein Ring restraint, in Blood Vein Ring, it never has been able to release true power. 玄冰寒焰一直被血纹戒束缚着,在血纹戒里面,它永远不能将真正的力量都释放出来。 Now it has been separated from Blood Vein Ring, changes into ice flower, attaches on the body of Shi Yan, Cold Qi that releases, can this old city, give to freeze simply completely. 如今它脱离了血纹戒,化为一朵冰huā,依附在石岩的身上,那释放出来的寒气,简直可以将这一座古城,都给全部冰冻起来。 Shi Yan remembers suddenly initially sees the Profound Ice Cold Flame scene. 石岩忽然想起初见玄冰寒焰的场景。 At that time, Profound Ice Cold Flame was relying on astonishing Cold Qi, gave frozen an island, and was precise leader Mysterious Ice Beast, the ice cold strength that at that time Profound Ice Cold Flame showed that calculated straight world-shaking, feared that was God Realm Expert, wanted to cope with it not to be easy. 那时候,玄冰寒焰凭借着惊人的寒气,将一座小岛都给冰封了,并且凝炼出一头头玄冰兽,那时玄冰寒焰展现出来的冰寒之力,算直惊天动地,怕是就连神境强者,想要对付它都不容易。 Profound Ice Cold Flame after is ancient Heavenly Flame, in the glorious years, has absorbed the numerous heaven and earth profound cold air/Qi, is among heaven and earth the most woods cold thing, is the life body in world most mystical. 玄冰寒焰毕竟乃是古老的天火,在悠久的岁月中,吸收了众多的天地玄寒之气,乃天地间最为森寒之物,是世间最为神秘的生命体。 It and Earthcore Flame is different, Earthcore Flame reaches the Heavenly Flame time too to be short, British however Earthcore Flame has absorbed the essence of Sun, but compared with Profound Ice Cold Flame, is well below. 它和还地心火不同,地心火荣登天火的时间还太短暂,英然地心火吸收了太阳之精,但和玄冰寒焰相比,还是远远不及的。 At this time Profound Ice Cold Flame true power will release, is centered on Shi Yan, Cold Qi fills the air, the earth starts to freeze. 此时玄冰寒焰将真正的力量释放开来,以石岩为中心,寒气弥漫开来,大地都开始冰冻开来。 Then from north mountain range the strength of frost ice, as if also by Profound Ice Cold Flame controlling, strength of the frost ice continuously, started into four disaster most fearful one, under Profound Ice Cold Flame energy amplification, the strength of frost ice also starts release. 那来自于北方山脉冰霜之力,似乎也被玄冰寒焰给掌控了,一缕缕的冰霜之力,开始成为四种天灾最为可怕的一种,在玄冰寒焰能量增幅下,冰霜之力也开始更加的释放开来。 Demonic Beast that side eyes covetously, then gives way to traffic, carelessly by these extremely cold air/Qi moving, bodies stiffly, starts to ice up quickly, has become clear ice sculptures. 旁边虎视眈眈的妖兽,一头接着一头避让开来,不慎被那些极寒之气给碰触到的,一个个身体僵硬,很快地开始结冰,也成了一具具晶莹的冰雕。 They are irremovable thoroughly, froze. 只是,它们并不能移动,是被彻底的冻住了。 Shi Yan is different. 石岩却不同。 In his body plaster has Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, bone lou and veins, early had been transformed by Profound Ice Cold Flame, can adapt to here ice cold strength. 他体垩内有着玄冰寒焰寒力,一身的骨髅和筋脉,早早被玄冰寒焰改造过,可以适应这里的冰寒之力。 In addition Profound Ice Cold Flame careful the strongest Profound Ice Cold strength, will not have come to spread on him, therefore he, although with having thick freezing, but under muscle lead of explosive force, he can from the plaster by activity, but the speed naturally was affected, cannot likely in the normal condition that fast. 加上玄冰寒焰又小心的没有将最强的玄冰寒力,在他身上给扩散开来,所以他虽然同身有着厚厚的冰冻,但在肌肉的爆发力的带动之下,他还是可以自垩由的活动,只是速度自然受到影响,不能像正常情况下那么迅捷。 That direction!” “那个方向!” Profound Ice Cold Flame mind communication, is Shi Yan indicates the advance the path. 玄冰寒焰心灵传讯,为石岩指明前进的道路。 Shi Yan without demur, stimulates to movement whole body power, is leading thick ice rock, goes toward the direction line that it indicates. 石岩二话不说,催动浑身力量,带动着厚厚的冰岩,朝着它指明的方向行去。 Along the way, Profound Ice Cold Flame continues to release Cold Qi, its attaches to cold energy in ice rock, falls to lowly four influences of disasters, enabling Shi Yan fleshly body not to need to bear too many four influences of disaster. 沿途,玄冰寒焰继续释放着寒气,它那依附在冰岩之中的寒力,将四种天灾的影响降到最低,让石岩肉身可以不用承受太多的四种天灾的影响。 The stone difference place visited, Cold Qi overflows, although leader Demonic Beast wants to attack him crazily, may realize that the attack of cold energy, immediately makes concessions. 石差所过之处,寒气四溢,一头头妖兽虽然想要疯狂的攻击他,可一察觉到寒力的侵袭,都马上退让开来。 Without Gravitational Field, using Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, Shi Yan in the Demonic Beast group, is still well. 没有磁殛域场,却利用玄冰寒焰寒力,石岩妖兽群中,依然无恙。 As Profound Ice Cold Flame points out the direction unceasingly, Shi Yan returned to the broken old city, southwest the old city in direction an ancient temple, sees a gigantic incomparable Demonic Beast corpse. 随着玄冰寒焰不断地指明方向,石岩一路返回了残破的古城,在古城西南方向的一个古庙之中,见到一具硕大无比的妖兽尸身。 That Demonic Beast only then an eye, rays of light interweaves, has thunder and lightning, frost ice, roaring flame and storm four different functions crazy stacks to be precise, has formed indistinctly Gate of Heaven to elsewhere mystical. 妖兽只有一个眼睛,其中光芒交织,有雷电冰霜、烈焰、暴风四种异能疯狂的堆积凝炼,隐约形成了一个通往别处的神秘天门”来。
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