GOS :: Volume #5

#413: Sky Realm boundary!( Mid-Autumn Festival happy ~)

Chapter 402 第402章 Sky Realm boundary!( Mid-Autumn Festival happy ~) 天位境!(中秋节欢乐~) Boy, your as if breakthrough?” “小子,你似乎突破了?” Before Zhao Feng arrives at the Shi Yan body, looks at he, calls out in alarm earnestly suddenly, „did you enter into Sky Realm?” 赵峰走到石岩身前,认真地看着他,忽然惊叫起来,“你迈入天位之境了?” Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others the facial expression shakes, one face is astonished looking however to him, the complexion changes countenance. 赤霄彩衣等人神情一震,都一脸讶然的望向他,脸色动容。 Shi Yan smiled, the nod said: Seemingly indeed breakthrough.” 石岩笑了笑,点头道:“貌似的确突破了。” Speech time, he looks at the right hand palm, on the face appears the strange expression. 讲话的时候,他不由地望了望右手掌心,脸上显出奇异的表情。 Before the mystical different strength in whole body acupoint, fused with a blood, these mystical different strength converged in the blood, in his right hand palm, has formed three drops of extremely unusual dark red blood. 之前浑身穴道中的神秘异力,和一身鲜血融合,那些神秘异力汇入鲜血中,在他的右手掌心,形成了三滴极为奇特的殷红鲜血。 Three drops of blood, in the blood vessel of his palm, spread a very intense energy fluctuation. 三滴鲜血,在他掌心的血管中,传出一股非常强烈的能量波动。 In regards the control, he discovered that three drops of blood are the ruby are likely common, glittering and translucent carving, the beautiful flash eye, the control body, as if cannot cover up rays of light of that three drops of blood. 内视手心,他发现那三滴鲜血像是红宝石一般,晶莹剔透,非常的美丽耀目,就连手心的皮肉,似乎都遮掩不住那三滴鲜血的光芒 The blood of Immortal! 不死之血! In the Shi Yan heart light shout one, on the face full is pleasantly surprised, he listened to the Yang Family person to say very much long time ago, had the Immortal Martial Spirit Yang Family person, in some special environment, can be precise the blood of Immortal, said that the blood of Immortal has the extremely unusual function. 石岩心中轻喝一声,脸上满是惊喜,他很早就听杨家的人说过,身怀不死武魂杨家人,在某种特殊的环境下,可以凝炼出不死之血,说不死之血有着极为奇特的作用。 In the past that Yang Qingdi, with the aid in the blood of Immortal, figured out him not dead, even knows that he and Profound Ice Cold Flame had the relation. 当年那杨青帝,也是借助于不死之血,才算出他不曾死亡,甚至知道他和玄冰寒焰有了联系。 According to the view of Yang Family person, blood of wondrous use this Immortal is infinite, so long as knows the function, can draw support the blood of Immortal, achieves many the goal that is difficult to realize. 按照杨家人的说法,这不死之血妙用无穷,只要知道作用,可以借助于不死之血,达成许多很难实现的目的。 The three drops of dark red blood in palm, have the intense power fluctuation, flows the blood that to be entirely different from within the body, even has his spiritual fluctuation, as if in that three drops of blood center, is reposing his soul thought that making him give birth to these three drops of blood, has the feeling of marvelous life. 掌心中的三滴殷红的鲜血,有强烈的力量波动,和体内流淌的鲜血截然不同,其中甚至有着他的精神波动,仿佛在那三滴鲜血中央,寄托着他的灵魂念头,让他生出一种这三滴鲜血,有着奇妙生命的感觉。 He does not know that the wondrous use of blood of Immortal, does not know how to utilize the blood of this Immortal, but these three drops of unusual blood production, makes him like extremely. 他并不知道不死之血的妙用,不知道如何运用这不死之血,但这三滴不同寻常的鲜血产生,还是让他极为的欢喜。 That many Warrior essence, were transformed, in the Bedevilment condition, his bewildered entry Sky Realm, but also is precise the blood of three drops of Immortal, the tour of this Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, is the harvest is it may be said that rich. 那么多武者的一身精气,被转化,在入魔的境况中,他莫名其妙的进入天位之境,还凝炼出三滴不死之血,这一趟暗磁雾瘴之行,可谓是收获丰富。 Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, the opening mouth, the look is panic-stricken. 赤霄彩衣等人,张大嘴,眼神惊骇莫名。 Especially Cai Yi and Brother Lao li, they and Shi Yan move in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist together, but also remembers initially sees Shi Yan time, he as if only then Second Sky of Nirvana Realm cultivation base, in the several months time, he from Second Sky of Nirvana Realm, enters Third Sky, now enters into Sky Realm. 尤其是彩衣劳里兄弟,他们和石岩一道在暗磁雾瘴中活动,还记得初见石岩的时候,他似乎只有涅槃二重天之境修为,在短短几个月的时间,他从涅槃二重天之境,进入三重天,如今又迈入天位之境 This is the astonishing cultivation speed! 这是何等惊人的修炼速度啊! With own eyes the looks at Shi Yan step by step advancement, feared that is Cai Yi and Lao li does not believe that some people can in such a short time, again and again breakthrough. 要不是亲眼看着石岩一步步进境,怕是彩衣劳里都不相信,有人能够在那么短的时间内,连连突破 Ha Ha, fierce fierce, boy is really astonishing, not only can massacre Tu Ke and Xiao Leng, unexpectedly can also breakthrough arrive at Sky Realm, the future is limitless!” Zhao Feng actually very happy, him, Shi Yan is fierce, in the future in Divine Radiant Cult Earth Realm also even more honored, introduces Divine Radiant Cult him Shi Yan, naturally can also gain more advantage. “哈哈,厉害厉害,小子果然让人吃惊,不但可以杀掉突克和萧堎,居然还能够突破天位之境,前途不可限量啊!”赵峰倒是很高兴,在他来看,石岩越是厉害,将来在光明神教地位也会愈加的尊贵,将石岩引入光明神教的他,自然也可以获得更多的好处。 Shi Yan from Xiao Leng hand, took that Imaginary Space Ring, is pinching that Imaginary Space Ring, Xiao Hai of indifferent looks at not far away, said: What's wrong, isn't convinced?” 石岩从萧堎手上,将那幻空戒拿了下来,捏着那一枚幻空戒,冷眼看着不远处的萧海,道:“怎么,不服气是吧?” Xiao Hai and three Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, stand in the one side at this time, hatred looks at he, has not actually acted rashly. 萧海和三名武魂殿武者,此时站在一旁,仇恨的看着他,却没有轻举妄动。 Hears the provocation of Shi Yan, Xiao Hai is restraining by force the violent anger, suddenly moves toward surplus these Pure Land Warrior quietly, Pure Land these people, saw that Xiao Hai and the others came, immediately responded, that Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, drank one lowly, said: Perhaps we with joint forces, can resist the Divine Radiant Cult person.” 听到石岩的挑衅,萧海强压着暴怒,忽然悄悄走向剩余的那些净土武者,净土的那些人,看到萧海等人过来,马上反应过来,其中那天位三重天之境武者,低喝一声,道:“我们合力,或许才可以抵挡光明神教的人。” Xiao Hemmed nods, stands with the Pure Land person in together, does not dare to get rid as before. 萧海默默点头,和净土的人站在一块儿,依旧不敢出手。 At this time, this place strongest side, without doubt is Divine Radiant Cult Zhao Feng and Shi Yan and the others, after two sides collaborated, has the overwhelming superiority, even if were Martial Spirit Palace and Pure Land collaborates, may not exceed Zhao Feng and the others. 这时候,此地最强的一方,无疑乃是光明神教赵峰石岩等人,两方联手之后,有着压倒性的优势,就算是武魂殿净土联手,也不一定能够胜过赵峰等人。 Naturally, above not solely only then Martial Spirit Palace and Pure Land Warrior, ten Sky Realm Second Sky and First Sky Warrior, these people as if know situation subtlety, subconscious also goes toward the direction line that Xiao Hai and the others gathered. 当然,上面不单单只有武魂殿净土武者,还有十来名天位二重天一重天武者,这些人似乎知道形势的微妙,下意识的也往萧海等人聚集的方向行去。 The situation in field, distinguished right from wrong immediately. 场中的形势,马上泾渭分明了。 Zhao Feng and Shi Yan is a big association, surplus Warrior, arrive together, alert looks to Shi Yan, Zhao Feng and the others, for fear that Shi Yan they suddenly strike a vicious blow. 赵峰石岩为一个大团体,剩余的武者,走到一块儿,戒备的看向石岩赵峰等人,生怕石岩他们突然下毒手。 Can kill them?” On Cai Yi face one cold, is eager to try to say. “要不要杀了他们?”彩衣脸上一冷,跃跃欲试道。 Chi Xiao knitting the brows head, has not spoken slightly, but looks to Shi Yan. 赤霄微微皱了皱眉头,没有讲话,而是看向石岩 Shi Yan has gawked, looks at collaboration of that surplus team, looked at Zhao Feng and Li Yue, suddenly smiled, said indifferently: Evenly matched, words that fights at risk of life, no one can ask for the advantage.” 石岩愣了一下,望了望那剩余团队的联手,又看了看赵峰李悦,忽然笑了笑,淡然道:“势均力敌,拼死一战的话,谁也讨不到好处。” The slight bow of Zhao Feng appreciation, said in a low voice: If really makes war with these people comprehensively, although we are insufficient to suffer a loss, but damages is definitely unavoidable. Now all people when we are the threats , to continue the battle to get down with these people, not necessarily can fall the advantage.” 赵峰赞赏的微微点头,低声道:“真要是和那些人全面开战,我们虽然不至于吃亏,但损伤肯定是难免的。现在所有人都当我们是威胁,和这些人继续争斗下去,不见得能够落到好处。” This Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, Exotic Land, there must also many Warrior gather, at this time has consumed too many power, if bumps into many Warrior in that Exotic Land, we feared that will suffer a loss.” Li Yue knits the brows to say. “这暗磁雾瘴,还有一处异地呢,那里应当还有许多武者聚集,这时候消耗了太多的力量,要是在那一处异地碰到更多的武者,我们怕是会吃亏。”李悦皱眉道。 Un.” “嗯。” Shi Yan looks to Xiao Hai and the others, the facial expression faint say|way: We search for the goal respectively , to continue to kill the ancient human body, harvests rare treasure.” 石岩看向萧海等人,神情淡漠道:“那我们各自搜寻目标,继续强杀古尸,来收获秘宝吧。” Should like this.” Zhao Feng chuckled, is wanting to come these people, does not dare to provoke we, now we can feel relieved that the bold killing ancient human body sought for the rare treasure.” “就应该这样。”赵峰嘿嘿笑着,“想来那些人,也不敢挑衅我们,现在我们可以放心大胆的杀古尸来找寻秘宝了。” Vicissitude the ancient human body, is circling in flight in midair, seems receiving the influence of some power, cannot leave here. 浮沉着的古尸,在半空飞旋着,似乎受着某种力量的影响,并不能离开这儿。 These ancient human bodies have restriction, if the Warrior non- active threat they, the ancient human body cannot get rid on own initiative, only when the ancient human body discovered that received to threaten, fully will resist. 这些古尸身有禁制,如果武者不主动攻击他们,古尸不会主动出手,只有当古尸发现受到威胁了,才会全力抵挡。 Ancient human body the source of power, came from the rare treasure of chest, 11 ancient human bodies strengths, is only equivalent to general Sky Realm boundary Warrior, the threat is not big. 古尸的力量之源,来自于胸口的秘宝,11具古尸的实力,也只是相当于一般的天位武者,威胁并不算大。 Set the policy, the people start to take action at once. 定下方针了,众人旋即开始行动。 Zhao Feng, Li Yue and these Divine Radiant Cult people, start the ancient human body that chooses to start, Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others , the attention is centralized, toward the surrounding vicissitude the ancient human body looks. 赵峰李悦和那些光明神教的人,开始挑选下手的古尸,赤霄彩衣等人,也注意力集中,朝着周围浮沉着的古尸望去。 Shi Yan getting rid, instead forcefully has not been breaking actually anxiously that Xiao Leng Imaginary Space Ring, explores with the mind. 石岩倒是并没有急着出手,反而将那萧堎的幻空戒强行破开来,用心神来探索。 Xiao Leng Imaginary Space Ring, is divided into three small spaces, in a space, is piling up various class cultivation materials, is putting many gold/metal Tielei Refiner ores, a space, is placing the daily necessities and food, in surplus space, is Crystal Stone and bottle pot, with several types of rare treasures. 萧堎的幻空戒,分成三个小空间,一处空间之中,堆放着各类的修炼材料,放着许多金铁类的炼器矿石,还有一处空间,则是摆放着日用品和食物,剩余一处空间中,则是晶石和瓶罐,和几样秘宝。 That is the same knife and fork that he formerly succeeded in obtaining, emits the deep blue halo, the starting ice cold biting cold, in the knife and fork, has astonishing Cold Qi unexpectedly. 那一样他先前到手的刀叉,放出湛蓝色的光晕,入手冰寒彻骨,刀叉之内,竟有着惊人的寒气 Has traced a that knife and fork, the Shi Yan finger somewhat is icy cold, his body to Profound Ice Cold Flame transforming, the finger will be perhaps frozen stiff. 摸了一把那刀叉,石岩手指都有些冰凉,要不是他身体给玄冰寒焰给改造过,说不定手指都会冻僵。 Cold attribute rare treasure. 寒属性的秘宝。 Shi Yan secret nodded, received own Imaginary Space Ring this knife and fork, Xiao Leng Imaginary Space Ring, was wrapped by him on the finger, the thing that even must come white, do not want white, he naturally cannot waste. 石岩暗暗点了点头,就将这刀叉收入了自己的幻空戒,那萧堎的幻空戒,也被他套在手指上,平白得来的东西,不要白不要,他自然不会浪费。 Xiao Hai of distant place, looks at he wraps Imaginary Space Ring of Xiao leng, the look is the hatred, actually very good to be controlling itself, has not flushed rashly. 远处的萧海,看着他将萧堎的幻空戒套起来,眼神全是恨意,却又很好的控制着自己,没有冒然冲上来。 No matter Shi Yan also he, but also looked at his one eyes distantly, Hehe sneers. 石岩也不管他,还遥遥看了他一眼,嘿嘿冷笑一声。 In Xiao Haiyan hatred was thicker, a hatred of face, is breathing unceasingly, seemed reminding itself do not impulse. 萧海眼中的恨意更浓了,一脸的怨毒,不断地呼吸着,似乎在提醒自己不要冲动。 This time Zhao Feng, Li Yue and other Divine Radiant Cult the people, stared to an ancient human body, that ancient human body chest has the emerald green colored armor, the armor seems reduced in that ancient formation together, does not see clearly, actually spreads misty emerald green colored rays of light, likely is the emerald gloss. 此时的赵峰李悦光明神教的人,已盯向了一名古尸,那古尸胸口有着一块翠绿色的铠甲,铠甲在那古阵法之中似乎被缩小了,看不清楚,却传出蒙蒙翠绿色的光芒,像是翡翠的光泽。 That ancient human body, were encircled by Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, does not make him be separated from the line of sight, making that ancient human body be also hard to break through their defensive powers. 那一个古尸,被赵峰李悦等人围起来,不让他脱离视线,让那古尸也难以冲破他们的防御力。 Took a look at one, Shi Yan knows that ancient human body should unable to escape from Zhao Feng and the others capturing and killing, that emerald green colored armor, will definitely fall to Zhao Feng and other manpower. 只是瞅了一眼,石岩就知道那古尸应该逃不出赵峰等人的捕杀,那翠绿色的铠甲,肯定会落到赵峰等人手上。 He looked at Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others, Cai Yi and Chi Xiao are staring at the ancient human body, in ancient formation of chest, mounts a silver dagger same, the dagger is emitting the silver light, seems providing the source of power for that ancient human body, that ancient human body does not have life force, actually in Cai Yi, Chi Xiao and the others under the attacks, continuously whole body emits the swift and fierce silver light. 他又看了看彩衣赤霄等人,彩衣赤霄盯着的古尸,胸口的古阵法之内,镶嵌着一把银色匕首,匕首一样放出银光,似乎为那古尸提供着力量之源,那古尸没有生机,却在彩衣赤霄等人的攻击之下,缕缕浑身冒出道道凌厉之极的银光。 These silver light as if extremely sharp, does not dare to touch Chi Xiao hardly, when copes with the ancient human body, has been moving aside, for fear that by that ancient human body silver light shooting. 那些银光似乎极为的锋利,就连赤霄都不敢硬碰,在对付古尸的时候,一直躲闪着,生怕会被那古尸身上的银光给射到身上。 Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi have not moved, stands firm in his side, but looks at Chi Xiao and the others captured and killed that ancient human body surprisedly. 左虚左诗没有活动,就在他身旁站定,只是惊奇地看着赤霄等人捕杀那古尸。 Looks at Zhao Feng and the others, looked at Chi Xiao, Shi Yan knows that gets down according to this condition, Zhao Feng they, are Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, should be able to cut to kill the ancient human body, then obtains ancient human body rare treasure. 望了望赵峰等人,又看了看赤霄,石岩知道按照这种状态下去,不论是赵峰他们,还是赤霄彩衣等人,应该都能够将古尸斩杀,进而得到古尸身上的秘宝。 Shi Yan looks up the ancient human body of vicissitude, looking around, prepares to choose an ancient human body, through hunting and killing the ancient human body harvests the same rare treasure. 石岩抬头望着浮沉的古尸,东张西望着,也准备挑选一个古尸,通过猎杀古尸来收获一样秘宝来。 In this time. 就在此时。 Palpitation of mind, ripples from his Sea of Consciousness, the Shi Yan eye dodges, holds the breath hurriedly with rapt attention, realizes from experience palpitation of this mind. 一股心灵的悸动,从他识海之中荡漾起来,石岩眼睛一闪,急忙屏息凝神,去体悟这心灵的悸动。 Shouting of Profound Ice Cold Flame! 玄冰寒焰的呼喊! Toward Profound Ice Cold Flame that north Black Tortoise Mountain runs away, does not know that stemming from the what kind reason, is using the mind to summon him unexpectedly, making him pass. 往那北方玄武山脉遁去的玄冰寒焰,不知出于何种原因,竟然在用心灵呼唤他,让他过去。 In recent years, because he has carried on the mind intercommunication with Profound Ice Cold Flame, between he and Profound Ice Cold Flame early had the subtle relation, based on this, he can definitely induce to Profound Ice Cold Flame aura, can realize the energetic thought of Profound Ice Cold Flame release. 这些年来,他因为和玄冰寒焰一直进行心灵互通,他和玄冰寒焰之间早有了微妙的联系,在一定范围内,他完全可以感应到玄冰寒焰气息,能够察觉到玄冰寒焰释放的精神意念。 Although does not know why Profound Ice Cold Flame summoned him, but he knows that Profound Ice Cold Flame will not harm him decidedly, but, below corpse ladder has destroyed, in that old city was flooding four disasters, at this time entered that Profound Ice Cold Flame position, must face four threats of disasters, this made Shi Yan somewhat discrete actually. 虽然不知道玄冰寒焰为何呼唤他,但他知道玄冰寒焰断然不会害他,只是,下方的尸梯已毁,那古城中又充斥着四种天灾,此时进入那玄冰寒焰的位置,必然要面对四种天灾的威胁,这倒是让石岩有些谨慎。 The summon of Profound Ice Cold Flame was even more anxious! 玄冰寒焰的呼唤愈加急切了! The Shi Yan complexion changes, has weighed carefully, suddenly the decision take risks to search. 石岩脸色微变,仔细衡量了一下,忽然决定冒险一探。 Four disasters are no doubt fearful, may just enter into Sky Realm, fleshly body powerful, and also just grasped Rampage Third Sky him, the confidence rises suddenly. 四种天灾固然可怕,可刚刚迈入天位之境,肉身强悍,并且又刚刚掌握暴走三重天的他,正是信心暴涨的时候。 You stay here, I get down.” “你们留在这儿,我下去一趟。” Officially informed Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi, does not wait for these two to closely examine, he diving posture sank from under corpse ladder. 知会了左虚左诗一声,不等这两人追问下去,他已飞身从底下尸梯沉落下去。 ...... …… : Holiday happy ~ RO :节日欢乐~RO
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