GOS :: Volume #5

#412: Hit to distort!( Mid-Autumn Festival happy ~)

The boys, you are extremely indeed fierce, if given time, can become the nova that Divine Radiant Cult another raises slowly inevitably. ” 小子,你的确极其厉害,假以时日,必然能够成为光明神教的又一个冉冉升起的新星。” Xiao Ling is grinning fiendishly, this definitely is not I wants to see that has killed you, will weaken Divine Radiant Cult future power, my to ignore you will not grow.”, Xiao Ling of whole body metallization, grinning fiendishly, near body is firing into Shi Yan, fists and feet of metallizationis carrying destroying the hardest defenses metal Intent Domain, heavy bombing Shi Yan. 萧凌狞笑着,“这肯定不是我想要看到的,杀了你,就是消弱光明神教未来的力量,我是不会放任你成长的。”,浑身金属化的萧凌,狞笑着,近身冲向石岩,金属化的拳脚”携带着无坚不摧的金属意境,猛轰石岩 Shi Yan as if not know Xiao Ling close combat that metallization is fierce, the whole body muscle is shivering, unexpectedly with Xiao Ling dogfight together. 石岩似乎根本不知道金属化的萧凌的近战厉害,浑身肌肉颤抖着,竟和萧凌缠斗在一块儿。 They have not shown any secretnot to use any rare treasure, such dogfight like the boorish boorish fellow in together, the fists and feet quarrels, being heavily engaged that hits. 两人都没有施展任何秘技”没有动用任何的秘宝,就这么像粗野的莽夫一样缠斗在一块儿,拳脚相向,打的不可开交。 Mutation later Petrification Martial Spirit, with the bombardment that Xiao Ling's Diamond Martial Spirit meets the tough head-on with toughness, does not drop the wind unexpectedly. 异变之后的石化武魂,与萧凌的金刚武魂硬碰硬的轰击,竟然丝毫不落下风。 dang dang dang!” 当当当!” The deafening gold/metal iron hands over the engine knock, transmits from their bodies constantly. 震耳欲聋的金铁交击声,从两人的身上不迭传来。 When Xiao Ling close combatmetallized fleshly body that never suffers a loss, in the Shi Yan wanton bombing, unexpectedly also hit is on duty soundthat wild energy impact in him[ body], is shaking his flesh and blood, made him unexpectedly[ body] in dozens metal different functions as if could not withstand. 萧凌近战时”从来不曾吃亏的金属化肉身,在石岩的狂轰滥炸之中,竟然也被打的哐当直响”那种狂暴之极的能量冲击在他〖体〗内,震荡着的他的血肉,竟令他〖体〗内数十种金属异能似乎都承受不住。 In battle, Xiao Ling fleshly body, although is well, actually shaken blood flowing from every orifice, facial expression even more fierce fearsome. 交战中,萧凌肉身虽然无恙,却被震的七孔流血,神情愈加的狰狞可怖。 Reviews Shi Yan, under the Bedevilment condition as if no exceptionally, on the face has not appeared a bloodstain, does not know likely exhaustedly, does not know the pain, contends with Xiao Ling bombardment by the instinct fist vigor, meets the tough head-on with toughness with fleshly body of his metallization to rumbling. 反观石岩,入魔状态下似乎没有异常,脸上没有显现一丝血迹,像是不知疲惫,不知痛苦,以本能的拳劲来抗衡萧凌的轰击,和他金属化的肉身硬碰硬的对轰起来。 Shi Yan of boundary of crazy Bedevilment, in the heart has inexhaustible destruction cruel desire desire was enlarged infinitely makes his hysteria to be crazybecomes only knows to slaughter, only then instinct destruction desire. 疯狂入魔之境的石岩,心中有着无穷无尽的毁灭暴戾欲望这股欲望被无限放大令他歇斯底里的疯狂起来”变得只知杀戮,只有本能的破坏欲。 This is thorough vent of another situation. 这是另外一种形势的彻底发泄。 Xiao Ling meeting the tough head-on with toughness to striking gives the goal that he vented exactly, in the wanton bombing, he is releasing the heart destruction desire heartily, is indistinct, as if entered some mystical Intent Domain. 萧凌的硬碰硬的对击恰恰给了他发泄的目标,在狂轰滥炸中,他尽情释放着心底的破坏欲,隐约间,似乎进入了某种神秘意境 With Xiao Ling to war inhe[ body] in 720 acupoint, continue to purify negative energy to transform that type to his whole body beneficial mystical different strength. 和萧凌的对战中”他〖体〗内720个穴道,继续净化着负面能量来转化成那种对他全身有益的神秘异力。 Does not know how long so to have battled, these Yi enter his acupoint negative energy, the hand was purified finally. 不知道这般交战了多久,那些逸入他穴道的负面能量,终手被净化掉了。 A continuously mystical different strength, suddenly passes from his acupoint endosmosis, Shi Yan suddenly, likely sobered a while, in the look has appeared Divine Light of sudden enlightenment. 一缕缕神秘异力,忽然从他穴道内渗透起来,石岩瞬息间,像是清醒了一会儿,眼神中显出了一种顿悟的神光来。 The mystical different strength pasts his whole body mystical different strength and Essence Qi mix, broke in Blood Vein Ring loudly, a barrier in Blood Vein Ring, suddenly was broken through, remembers together the wave flies directly from Blood Vein Ring, drills into the Shi Yan mind. 神秘异力流转他全身一股神秘异力和精元混合,轰然冲入了血纹戒,血玟戒中的一道屏障,突然被冲破,一道记忆波直接从血纹戒中飞出来,钻入石岩的脑海。 Shortly, in him of this god secret realm, whole body trembles, the spirit sublimates, Sea of Consciousness drags continuously Divine Sense, expands suddenly in Sea of Consciousness. 顷刻间,在这种神秘境界的他,浑身一颤,精神升华,识海为之摇曳一缕缕神识,在识海之中忽然壮大起来。 The Sea of Consciousness area, suddenly fully expanded three times in such an instant! 识海的面积,在这么一霎忽然整整扩大了三倍! The change of Sea of Consciousness, is Realm breakthrough is bewildered, Shi Yan enters into First Sky of Sky Realm directly, made the Essence Qi old tree in that Essence Qi light group, started to rise one time! 识海的变化,乃是境界突破莫名其妙的,石岩直接迈入天位一重天之境,令那精元光团之中的精元古树,又开始疯涨了一倍! A comprehension of instinct, maps his heart suddenly, Shi Yan is once more crazy, the whole body blood unexpectedly and Negative Energy is fast precise. 一种本能的领悟,霍然映入他心田,石岩再次疯狂起来,浑身鲜血竟和负面力量快速凝炼起来。 Body that because originally the variation Petrification Martial Spirit muscle rises suddenlystrange is withered, that purple-red body, at this time has become terrifying blood-red. 本来因为变异石化武魂肌肉暴涨的身子”又诡异的干瘪下来,那紫红色的身体,此时成了恐怖血红色 A little bit dark red blood, with Negative Energy to mingle, braves to transgressactually from his pore not to fall unexpectedly, but covers his whole body body. 一滴滴殷红的鲜血,和负面力量混杂,竟从他毛孔中冒逸出来”却并不滑落,而是覆盖他全身皮肉。 Likely is a blood cocoon. 像是一个血茧。 Looked from afarShi Yan was moistened whole body the whole body smell of blood to soar to the heavens by the scarlet blood likely completely ”, to person an extremely evil feeling. 远远看去”石岩像是被猩红的鲜血沾满了全身”浑身血腥味冲天,给人一种极度邪恶的感觉。 Xiao Ling discolored. 萧凌勃然变色 He and Shi Yan have been battling, he can understand fast compared with anybody the change of Shi Yan fleshly body, ” Shi Yan imposing manner, rises suddenly at this moment unexpectedly once more one time! 他和石岩一直交战着,他比任何人都能够快速的了解到石岩肉身的变化,这一刻”石岩身上的气势,居然再次暴涨一倍! As comes, is wilder overbearing energy raging tide, one type can open the Heaven Rend place evil power, from Shi Yan[ body] in jumps to shoot. 随着而来的,则是更加狂暴霸道的能量狂潮,一种可以开天裂地的邪恶力量,从石岩〖体〗内迸射而出。 Collapses!” “崩!” A Shi Yan fist rumbles, the chest of Xiao Ling metallization, unexpectedly direct gets down hollowly a deep fist seal! 石岩一拳轰出,那萧凌金属化的胸口,竟然直接凹陷下去一个深深的拳印! Clear skeleton report, transmits from that Xiao Ling chest, his by dozens metal different functions have quenchinged the breastbone, as if cannot withstand this degree of bombing, explodes directly. 清楚的骨骼爆裂声,从那萧凌的胸口传来,他那被数十种金属异能淬炼过的胸骨,似乎根本承受不住这种程度的轰炸,直接爆裂开来。 Xiao Ling cannot bear call out pitifully, the subconscious start wants to fend. 萧凌忍不住惨叫起来,下意识的开始想要闪避。 Late! 迟了! Shi Yan that power rises suddenly, likely is most savage Demonic Beast, threw Xiao Ling, the savage wild fistraindrop same bombardment on Xiao Ling's body. 力量暴涨的石岩,像是最为凶残妖兽,扑上了萧凌,凶残狂暴的拳头”雨点一样轰击在萧凌的身上。 Body of Xiao Ling that metallizationjust likes by ten thousand tons great hammer bombardments, the skeleton explodes, fleshly body was made deep fist seal. 萧凌那金属化的身体”犹如被万吨的巨锤轰击,骨骼爆裂,肉身被打出一个个深深的拳印。 His the body of that metallization, twisted directly, likely was the metal hit distortion. 他那金属化的身体,直接扭曲了,像是金属被打的变形了。 Xiao Ling was calling out pitifully constantly, is actually not able to avoid, is spurted by the blood that Shi Yan hit crazily, body also hit twist deformation, gradually has become a sliver of shape, likely by Refiner Master with the treasure that the mystique quenchinged, appeared the sword shape. 萧凌不迭地惨叫着,却无从躲避,被石岩打的鲜血狂喷,身子也被打的扭曲变形,渐渐成了一个长条形状,像是被炼器师用秘法淬炼的宝物,呈剑状。 The surrounding some are still coping with the ancient human body Warrior, dumbstruck, looks at Shi Yan that does not dare to believe that such as saw the evil spirit to be ordinary. 周围一些还在对付古尸的武者,目瞪口呆,不敢置信的看着石岩,如见了厉鬼一般。 The people back sendsheart to live big terrifying coldly, the looks at Shi Yan look is alarmed and afraid, anybody cannot disregard evil power that at this moment * erupts. 众人背脊发寒”心生大恐怖,看着石岩眼神惊惧,没有任何人能够无视这一刻*名爆发出来的邪恶力量 , Xiao Ling fleshly body bone was hit to explode quickly, was known as that defensive power abnormal Diamond Martial Spirit, cannot withstand thrashing of Shi Yan unexpectedly, appalling of twist deformation. 很快地,萧凌肉身骨头都被打爆掉,号称防御力变态的金刚武魂,竟承受不住石岩的捶打,扭曲变形的让人毛骨悚然。 In Xiao Lingyan Divine Light, gradually is dim, an eyeball of that gold/metal silver, restored the original design. 萧凌眼中的神光,渐渐的黯淡下来,那一金一银的眼球,也恢复了原样。 He was killed.” “他被打死了。” Yes, Xiao Ling was killed stiffly.” “是啊,萧凌被硬生生打死了。” „Is the boy a person? Xiao Ling Diamond Martial Spirit, but was known as that Martial Spirit Palace defensive power strongest that did not say same level Realm Warrior, power of only body, cannot the rumbling broken Diamond Martial Spirit defensive power?” “那小子是不是人啊?萧凌的金刚武魂,可是号称武魂殿防御力最强的那种啊,不是说同等境界武者,单凭身体的力量,是根本不能轰破金刚武魂的防御力么?” Same level Warrior? Does the boy have the boundary of Nirvana Origin obviously?”, Was Xiao Lingtai was weak that boy, was too strong? ” “同级武者?那小子明明只有涅巢之境啊?”,“是萧凌太弱了”还是那小子,太强了?” „Did you say?” “你说呢?” I think that should be that boy is too abnormal.” “我想,应该是那小子太变态了吧。” Nearby Warrior whooping facial features have one type to be hard to be a worthy opponent bitterly and astringently the feeling of Shi Yan......, Xiao Ling died, but Shi Yan as if not know , to continue to stare at Xiao Ling fleshly body to thrash is being the pasta that Xiao Ling hits is likely ordinary, he pinches to rub at will. 旁边的武者议论纷纷一个个面容苦涩生出一种难以匹敌石岩的感觉来……,萧凌已死,可石岩似乎并不知晓,继续盯着萧凌的肉身捶打着将萧凌打的像是面团一般,随意他捏揉。 Big brother!”, Xiao Haimu zi completely crack ” a sorrow of face, in that Zhao Feng direction, face upwards to bellow. “大哥!”,萧海目眦尽裂”一脸的悲痛,在那赵峰的方向,仰天大吼。 Gets what one deserves!”, Zhao Feng Hehe is sneering, unprecedented carefree, thought that own judgment really right Shi Yan this boy absolutely is a talented person, may be Divine Radiant Cult in the future the most dazzling nova, so long as attached to Shi Yan this potential infinite seed, in the future he in Divine Radiant Cult Earth Realm, can certainly along with when production costs rise , prices rise too. “活该!”,赵峰嘿嘿冷笑着,前所未有的畅快,觉得自己的判断果然没错石岩这小子绝对是人才,或许会是光明神教将来最为耀眼的新星,只要依附上了石岩这个潜力无穷的种子,将来他在光明神教地位,一定可以随着水涨船高。 Bang!” “轰!” Xiao Ling fleshly body, explodes directly, the flesh and blood flying in all directions had made into two sections by Shi Yan from the waist abdomen directly. 萧凌的肉身,直接爆裂开来,血肉横飞被石岩从腰腹直接打成了两截。 Xiao Ling dies cannot die again, Shi Yan suddenly stopped, some standing of confusing there, as if do not know that had anything, is pondering any matter likely. 萧凌死的不能再死了,石岩才忽然停了下来,有些迷惑的站在那儿,似乎不知道发生了什么,像是在怔怔的思考着什么事情。 Nobody dares to disturb him. 没有人敢去打搅他。 People by far looks at he in this absent-minded condition, nobody bold past seized the chance to sneak attack him. 众人远远看着他就算是在这种失神的状态,也没有什么人胆大包天过去趁机偷袭他。 Was frightened by the performance of Shi Yan. 都被石岩的表现震慑到了。 Tu Ke was hit to explode the head, Xiao Ling is broken Diamond Martial Spirit stiffly, was divided into two sections by a fist, Shi Yan savage, has made the people fearfully all frightened! 突克被打爆脑袋,萧凌被硬生生打破金刚武魂,被一拳分成两截,石岩凶残,已让众人心寒让所有人为之恐惧! Many people stopped to getting rid of ancient human body, but looks from afar to Shi Yan, a facial expression for fear that own petty action, triggered Shi Yan discretely ominous crazy. 很多人停止了对古尸的出手,只是远远看向石岩,神情谨慎生怕自己的一个小动作,触发了石岩的凶狂。 Any is ended up to turn out a pitiful fate by person who he stares, this truth, Tu Ke and Xiao Ling died with the body to the people have proven. 任何被他盯上的人都会落得个凄惨的下场,这个道理,突克和萧凌用身死向众人证明过了。 Nobody dares to move. 没人敢动。 Zuo Shi has struggled, wants to have a look at situationactually stubbornly to be entrained by Zuo Xuis not permitting him to approach Shi Yan. 左诗挣扎了一下,想要过去看看情况”却被左虚死死拽着”不准他靠近石岩 That side Cai Yi, kills Pure Land First Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, is beautiful pupil astonished looks at he, on the face appears the extremely complex expression. 彩衣那边,将一名净土天位一重天之境武者杀死,也是美眸惊异的看着他,脸上显出极为复杂的表情。 Ok...... 算了吧…… Cai Yi thinks secretly. 彩衣暗暗想。 She also prepared to seek for the opportunity, calculates that with Shi Yan the lake bottom frivolous account, may after this change, she cancel this stupid decision thoroughly, decides to put behind that experience. 她本来还准备找寻时机,和石岩算算湖底轻薄的账,可经过这番变化,她已彻底打消了这个愚蠢的决定,决定忘却那一段经历。 Big brother, Shi Yan this fellow was too formidable, compared with our bloodlines, seems to be fearful!” “大哥,石岩这家伙太强大了,比我们的血脉,似乎还要可怕啊!” Lao Lun has been startled being startled, said to Lao li low voice. 劳伦怔了怔,小声对劳里说道。 Lao li nodded, said dignified: He has the graciousness to us , he we died several times. Although in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist does not have what true friendship, but we should to treat him honestly, is full of gratitude, this is most basic[ said that] virtue others have helped us, we must engrave on mind surely. ” 劳里点了点头,神情凝重道:“他对我们有恩,要不是他,我们已经死了好几次了。虽然暗磁雾瘴中没有什么真正的友情在,但我们应该以诚待他,知恩图报,这是最基本的〖道〗德”别人帮过我们,我们定要铭记在心。” I understand.” “我明白。” Ha Ha, the young fellow, I have not really misread you!”, Zhao Feng is laughing, no matter also abandons the sea raveto shout toward Shi Yan shouts to clear the way: „After and other Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist matters ended, I will definitely report the place above, told them in Endless Sea, our god core seed.” “哈哈,好小子,我果然没看错你!”,赵峰大笑着,也不管弃海的狂吼”朝着石岩吆喝道:“等暗磁雾瘴的事情结束之后,我必然会禀告上方,告诉他们在无尽海,还有一个我们神教的核心种子在。” The Divine Radiant Cult believer, the facial expression shakes, reveals the happy expression. 光明神教的教徒,神情一震,都露出喜色。 The Shi Yan body shakes slightly, after this cruel vent, as if restored reason graduallyconfused meaning in his looklittle disappearance. 石岩身子微微一震,经过这一番暴戾的发泄之后,似乎渐渐恢复了理智”他眼神中的迷茫之意”一点点的消失了。 Half sound, Shi Yan turns around suddenly, eyes restores the normal color, cruel and evil imposing manner, vanishes without the trace. 半响,石岩突然掉头,双眸恢复正常的颜色,身上的暴戾、邪恶之气势,也消失无踪。 Ai Ya that slut?”, He looks to Cai Yi, suddenly asked. 艾雅贱人呢?”,他看向彩衣,忽然发问。 Cai Yishook the head under his gaze gently, after I come up, has not seen her, does not know that she went to where.” 彩衣在他的注视下”轻轻摇了摇头,“我上来以后,就没有见到她,不知道她去了何处了。” If made me find that whore I certainly to make him attractive! ” Lao Lun cold voice said. “要是让我找到那婊子”我一定让他好看!”劳伦冷声道。 Shi Yan!” 石岩!” Did Zuo Shi call getting upyou to be all right finally cheerfully? Sobered? Knows that who I am?” 左诗终于欢快的叫了起来”“你没事吧?是不是清醒了?知不知道我是谁呀?” She makes an effort to brandish the arm, a joy of face, is very the excited appearance. 她用力挥舞着手臂,一脸的欣喜,很是〖兴〗奋的样子。 Shi Yan grins to smile, to her nodded, said: You are all right well, I also feared that I can injure you, just condition, I was unstabilized. ” 石岩咧嘴笑了笑,冲她点了点头,道:“你们都没事就好,我还怕我会伤了你们呢,刚刚的状态,连我自己”都不能控制。” All right, we are all right, he he.” Zuo Xu smiles embarrasedly, has wiped cold sweat, relaxed in secret. “没事,我们都没事,呵呵。”左虚讪讪笑着,抹了一把冷汗,暗中松了一口气。
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