GOS :: Volume #5

#411: Diamond Martial Spirit

That person looked at Shi Yan one, then the facial expression shakes, the Sea of Consciousness fierce earth tremor trembling, the desire of bloodthirsty, could not stop from heart generally flood, had one type to destroy the crazy desires of all lives. 那人只是望了石岩一眼,便神情一震,识海猛地颤了颤,一般嗜杀的欲望,止不住从心底泛起,生出一种想要毁灭一切生灵的疯狂欲望来。 It is not good! 不好! In heart one cold, he restrains the happy expression hurriedly, comes whole body power precise, the preparation deals with the attack of Shi Yan. 心中一凛,他急忙收敛笑意,将全身力量凝炼开来,准备来应付石岩的来袭。 The person of boundary of Bedevilment, is very difficult have the reason saying that the goal of so long as by him being stared, very uncomfortable outside world environment change, can do only, kills the person of Bedevilment condition, otherwise he will tie down you not to put, will massacre you to finish. 入魔之境的人,很难有理智可言,只要被他盯上的目标,很难受外界环境改变,唯一能做的,就是将入魔状态的人杀死,不然他会缠住你不放,杀掉你才会结束。 In that person of heart bright as snow, therefore discovered that the Shi Yan condition, knows how immediately should deal. 那人心中雪亮,因此一发现石岩的状态,立即就知道应该怎么应对了。 Slow one slow, first kills this boy! This fellow stays here, will only bother, he lives is threatening to anybody!”, That person looks back on coldly snorted one, prevents in the team also in the partner of attack ancient human body, lets these person of branch targets. “缓一缓,先干掉这小子!这家伙留在这儿,只会搅局,他活着对任何人都是威胁!”,那人回首冷哼一声,阻止团队中还在攻击古尸的伙伴,让那些人转移目标。 This team, came from Divine Great Land Martial Spirit Palace, is one of the Divine Great Land seven ancient faction, has the glorious history, was majestically located a Divine Great Land several thousand years of ancient sect, in the faction various Martial Spirit multiplies the pinnacle, almost on any Warrior, had unique Martial Spirit. 这个团队,来自于神州大地武魂殿,也是神州大地古派之一,有着悠久的历史,乃是雄踞神州大地数万年的古老宗派,派内各种武魂繁衍到了极致,几乎任何一个武者身上,都有独特的武魂 Speech Xiao Zi, is the leading person of this team, is one of the Martial Spirit Palace surrounding protects buddhist law, will be the future Elder candidate. 讲话的萧渍,是这个团队的带队人,也是武魂殿外围的一名护法,是将来的长老候选人。 So long as Xiao Zi enters into the boundary of God Passage, after the inspection of Martial Spirit Palace, can reach the Martial Spirit Palace Elder position, obtains the wealth in Martial Spirit Palace Earth Realm, must exceed the nowadays Protector position by far. 只要萧渍迈入通神之境,经过武魂殿的考核了,就能够荣登武魂殿长老职位,不论是在武魂殿地位还是获得财富,都要远远胜过现今的护法职位。 He comes Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, to obtain the Sacred level rare treasure, will prepare for the Elder inspection of future Martial Spirit Palace. 他来暗磁雾瘴,就是为了获得圣级秘宝,为将来武魂殿长老考核做准备。 Divine Great Land seven ancient faction, are unfriendlyhas struggled, Xiao Ling this time in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, has killed many other influence Warrior, running free with the current, has almost not come across any setback all the way. 神州大地的七古派,相互间并不友好”一直明争暗斗,萧凌这次在暗磁雾瘴中,也杀了不少别的势力武者,一路上顺风顺水,几乎没有遇到什么挫折。 Even if Shi Yan does not look for him, perhaps for here rare treasure, he also finally will start to Shi Yan and the others. 就算石岩不找上他,为了这儿的秘宝,说不定他也会最后对石岩等人下手。 Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others and Tu Ke battle, is just right for his regard, therefore collaborates in Zhao Feng and Chi Xiao these people, came from the dry Pure Land team startshim not to participate to Tu Ke these, but stares at these car(riage) corpses to start, wants to seize the chance to harvest many rare treasures. 赵峰李悦等人和突克的交战,正合他的心意,所以在赵峰赤霄这些人联手,对突克这些来自干净土的团队下手的时候”他没有参与,只是盯着那些车尸下手,想要趁机收获更多的秘宝。 In his heart has own plan, wants to wait for Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, with mutually wounded time that Tu Ke this side fights, then gets rid to clean up the aftermath, at one fell swoop gets down Zhao Feng and Tu Ke these two Fang Renya, gain biggest benefit. 他心里面有着自己的算盘,想等赵峰李悦等人,和突克这一方斗的两败俱伤的时候,然后再出手收拾残局,一举将赵峰突克这两方人压下来,获取最大的利益。 After Shi Yan clashes, he paid attention observation, discovered that Tu Ke died, Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others had the huge superiority. 石岩冲上来之后,他留意观察了一下,发现突克已死,赵峰李悦等人占据了巨大的优势。 This is not he wants to see obviously. 这显然不是他想要看到的。 Therefore, Shi Yan comesinstead to be just right for his regard, after calls out, these come from Martial Spirit Palace Warrior similarly, understood his regard, is sneering looks at Shi Yan, wants to seize the chance to destroy completely Bedevilment Shi Yan first. 因此,石岩一来”反而正合他的心意,一声暴喝之后,那些同样来自于武魂殿武者,都明白了他的心意,都冷笑着看着石岩,想要先趁机灭掉入魔石岩 Including Xiao Zi, altogether seven Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, Xiao Zi and another Xiao Hai, in Third Sky of Sky Realm ” the other five people, three in Second Sky of Sky Realm, this influence, are in the lakelet a strongest side, these seven people have regarded the goal Shi Yan together, they have the absolute self-confidence. 萧渍在内,一共有七名武魂殿武者,其中萧渍和另一位萧海,都在天位三重天之境”剩余的五人,有三个在天位二重天之境,这一股势力,本来就是小湖中最强的一方,这七人一起将石岩当成了目标,他们有着绝对的自信。 „It is not good!”, Zuo Shi cannot bear shout tenderly, said anxiously: Grandfather, Shi Yan has the danger, that seven fellows were too fierce, Shi Yan feared that cannot support!”, Zuo Xu is also the complexion changes, dignified nodded, said: Two now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, the boundaries of three Second Sky, two now First Sky of Sky Realm. This power, is more formidable than that Divine Radiant Cult and Pure Land, light depends on Shi Yan one person, must suffer a loss.” “不好!”,左诗忍不住娇呼起来,急切道:“爷爷,石岩有危险,那七个家伙太厉害了,石岩怕是支撑不住啊!”,左虚也是脸色一变,神情凝重的点了点头,道:“两今天位三重天境,三个二重天之境,还有两今天位一重天之境。这一股力量,比那光明神教净土都要强大,光靠石岩一人,显然要吃大亏。” What to do grandfather?” Zuo Shi is helpless, said anxiously: I am only Earth Level, feared that cannot help “怎么办爷爷?”左诗手足无措,焦急道:“我只是地位之境,怕是帮不上忙啊” Be not thinking helped.”, Zuo Xu shook the head, grabs her, „ you came up, a blink time, will be put to death by these people, even if I passes by, change anything. “别想着帮忙了。”,左虚摇了摇头,一把抓着她,“你上去了,一眨眼功夫,就会被那些人诛杀,就算是我过去,也改变不了什么。 The Zuo Shi whole face is anxious, shouts toward Zhao Feng and Li Yue direction: Shi Yan has the danger.” 左诗满脸焦急,朝着赵峰李悦的方向喊道:“石岩有危险呀。” Zhao Feng and Li Yue are coping with other Pure Land Warrior, hears Zuo Shi loudly shout, turned head to look at one, at once Zhao Feng shouts abuse:, Xiao Zi your old dog, is too not concerned about face, your many people, cope with our junior, knows ashamed?”, Is he brings death, could not complain about us.” Xiao Zi grins fiendishly, the left hand arm has become the color of pure gold, Diamond Martial Spirit displays, his whole body has a gold/metal spirit of destroying the hardest defenses, as if can the only left hand, be able to break in world all barriers. 赵峰李悦正在对付剩余的一名净土武者,听到左诗喝声,都回头看了一眼,旋即赵峰破口大骂道:,“萧渍你个老狗,太不要脸了吧,你们这么多人,对付我们一个小辈,知不知道羞耻?”,“是他自己过来送死的,怨不得我们。”萧渍狞笑起来,左手臂成了纯金的颜色,金刚武魂施展出来,他浑身自有一股无坚不摧的金之锐气,似乎能够单凭一只左手,就可以破掉世间的一切屏障。 The Martial Spirit Palace sacred place, approaches the Divine Great Land Five Elements space gold/metal space, Xiao Ling in order to arrives at peak own Diamond Martial Spirit cultivation, meditation in that gold/metal space 30 years, having made Diamond Martial Spirit collect gold/metal space dozens metal different functions, whole body has been able shortly to metallize, fleshly body endures compared with the same gold/metal Xi rare treasure simply. 武魂殿的圣地,靠近神州大地五行空间的金空间,萧凌为了能够将自己的金刚武魂修炼巅峰,在那金空间中苦修了30年,让金刚武魂采集了金空间的数十种金属异能,浑身可以在顷刻间金属化,肉身简直堪比一样金系的秘宝。 Diamond Martial Spirit was Martial Spirit Palace has spread ten thousand years of Sacred level Martial Spirit, once has used, whole body metallization, not only the body has the Diamond general defensive power, the hands and feet will also turn into the sharp instrument, extremely fearful, the might was also shocking. 金刚武魂乃是武魂殿流传了万年的圣级武魂,一旦动用了,全身金属化,不但身体有着金刚一般的防御力,手脚也会变成锐器,极为的可怕,威力也是骇人听闻。 At this time Xiao Zi a left arm metallization, sees Shi Yan to clash, direct precise ten metal different functions in within the body, have not adopted any other methods, so is simple, a fist bang has approached Shi Yan. 此时萧渍只是将一条左臂金属化,看到石岩冲来,直接凝炼十种体内的金属异能,没有采取任何别的手段,就这么简简单单,一拳轰向了石岩 The metal different light explodes shoots! 金属异光爆射! His metal arm, suddenly likely becomes the gold/metal sword that a handle Kimmy has sparkled, punctures directly in the Shi Yan chest. 他那条金属手臂,突然像是成了一柄金米闪闪的金剑,直接刺在石岩胸口。 Works as!” Shi Yan that clashes crazily, the muscle of chest transmits the sound that gold/metal Tiejiao strikes fiercely, the body potential that he clashes crazily, is stagnated slightly, strangely stopped in the midair that this fights with the fists. “当!”,狂冲上来的石岩,胸口的肌肉猛地传来金铁交击的声响,他狂冲的身势,被这一拳打的微微一滞,就在半空之中诡异的停了下来。 Ten metal different functions, by the contact of this fist, break in the Shi Yan chest loudly. 十种金属异能,透过这一拳的接触,轰然冲入石岩胸口。 The mystical different strength in chest trillion muscle fiber, gather immediately, changes into the innumerable tiny energy rays, twines to that ten metal different functions, prevents the violation of that metal different functions to his fleshly body. 胸口亿万肌纤维中的神秘异力,马上聚集起来,化为无数股细小的能量光线,缠绕向那十种金属异能上面,阻止那金属异能对他肉身的侵害。 Safe and sound! 安然无恙! He in half feast has stagnated a while, suddenly explodes roars, the blood-red light beam that in eyes shoots, flies to shoot fiercely. 他在半宴中凝滞了一会儿后,突然爆吼一声,双眸中射出来的血红色光束,猛地飞射出去。 Two bunches of bloody glow, flood cruelly, terrifying and desperate negative energetic raging tideshortly the birthplace to shoot at Xiao Lingby Xiao Zi neck, fierce earth-boring auger to Xiao Zi fleshly body. 两束血光,充斥着残暴、恐怖、绝望的负面精神狂潮”顷刻间贯射向萧凌”透过萧渍脖颈,猛地钻向萧渍肉身 motherfucker! Freak!” 妈的!怪胎!” Xiao Ling obloquies that shortlywhole body has become the color of metal, wins golden light and silver medal light braves on the body skin, like is the water fluid, covers his whole body rapidly. 萧凌大骂起来,顷刻间”全身成了金属的颜色,有金光和银光在身上皮肤上冒出来,像是水液一样,迅速覆盖他全身。 The short flash, in the Xiao Zi flesh and blood is containing metal different functions, from[ body] in wells up, covered whole bodyto make him become a metal odd person. 短短一瞬间,萧渍血肉中蕴藏着的金属异能,就从〖体〗内涌出来,覆盖了全身”让他成了一个金属怪人。 Energetic raging tide that Shi Yan to shooting, in his neck, following his nerve vein, wells up toward his mind. 石岩冲射过来的精神狂潮,在他脖颈之中,顺着他的神经脉络,一路往他脑海涌去。 Xiao Ling is sneering, the eye became gold/metal silver coins has planted the color, the cheeks have become gold/metal silver, the whole person became strange incomparablegives people one type likely is not the feeling of humanity. 萧凌冷笑着,眼睛成了一金一银两种颜色,脸颊也成了一金一银,整个人变得诡异无比”给人一种不像是人类的感觉。 These negative energetic raging tides, are flowing in his nerve vein, quilt he[ body] in metal different functions stopping up, the constitution have not been able to seep his head. 那些负面精神狂潮,在他神经脉络中流动着,被他〖体〗内的金属异能给堵住了,宪不能渗透他脑袋。 Boy, no wonder dies Tu Ke in your hands do not think that has killed Tu Ke, can strike to kill me similarly! ” Xiao Zi Hehe is grinning fiendishly, Tu Ke is not my match, once my metallization, same level Realm Warrior, who can break my fleshly body?”, Xiao Ling is extremely arroganthas not paid attention to Shi Yan from the start. “小子果然有一手,难怪连突克都死在你的手中”不过不要以为杀了突克,就可以同样击杀我!”萧渍嘿嘿狞笑着,“突克也不是我对手,一旦我金属化,同等境界武者,谁能破开我的肉身?”,萧凌狂妄无比”压根没有将石岩放在眼里。 That six Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, saw that Shi Yan could not injure Xiao Zi, does not worry actually, but was disperses, tagged along after other Warrior that Shi Yan came to block these. 那六名武魂殿武者,眼看石岩伤害不了萧渍,倒是不着急了,而是分散开来,将那些尾随石岩而来的另外一些武者拦住了。 Person who comes under the Shi Yan energetic raging tide influencehas First Sky of Sky Realm, eyes are red, as if by Shi Yan enslaving, saw that Shi Yan and person fight, immediately rush not awfully. 受到石岩精神狂潮影响的人”都只有天位一重天之境,一个个双眸赤红,似乎被石岩给奴役了,一见到石岩与人交手,马上不要命的冲杀上来。 That six Martial Spirit Palace Warrior, saw has First Sky of Sky Realm, expression was more relaxed, is laughing at unhurriedly getting rid, various usually rare Martial Spirit, display from them. 那六名武魂殿武者,看到过来的只有天位一重天之境,神色更加的轻松了,嗤笑着不慌不忙的出手,各类平常难得一见的武魂,纷纷从他们身上施展出来。 Either is the mind fluctuates, either is like the earth, either is fleshly body such as the water ............ 要么是心灵波动,要么是身如大地,要么是肉身如水………… Martial Spirit Palace these people, regarding the understanding of Martial Spirit, surpass most Warrior, they Martial Spirit will display, likely turned into another condition, intercepts the person who these come under the Shi Yan Negative Emotions influence together. 武魂殿的这些人,对于武魂的认识,超过大多数武者,他们将身上武魂施展开来,都像是变成了另外一种状态,将那些受到石岩负面情绪影响的人一起截住了。 You deal with this fellow, I help that brat.”, Zhao Feng urged Li Yue one, said dignified: This boy is quite special, if introduces the god him by us, the god must meet all sorts of grants us. I looked, this child was far from the pond the thing, we help him now, in the future he will bring the benefit that could not imagine to come to us.” “你来对付这家伙,我去帮助那臭小子。”,赵峰叮嘱了李悦一声,神情凝重道:“这小子极为特殊,若是由我们将他引入神教,神教必会种种的赏赐我们。我看出来了,此子绝非池中之物,我们现在帮助他,将来他会给我们带来想象不到的利益来。” Li Yue eye one bright, immediately understands that heavily nodded: Relax, a while I have tidied up this fellow, can help you!” 李悦眼睛一亮,马上明白过来,重重点头:“放心,一会儿我收拾了这家伙,也会来助你!” Divine Radiant Cult has the rigorous granting religious doctrine, if can the god extradite future Liang, that introduction, Earth Realm in god also meets when production costs rise , prices rise too, Zhao Feng discovered that Shi Yan in the boundary of Nirvana Origin Third Sky, unexpectedly after Tu Ke can kill, Shi Yan has regarded future god fiercest Expert to look at suddenly Zhao Feng, although is seemingly straightforward, actually the thoughts are exquisite, he knows, if he can lead into the god Shi Yan, making Shi Yan the god most dazzling nova, he will also surge upward along with the Shi Yan situation, obtained more rights and wealth in the god. 光明神教有着严谨的赏赐教义,如果能够神教引渡到未来的栋粱,那引进者,在神教中的地位也会水涨船高,赵峰发现石岩涅巢三重天之境,竟然连突克都可以干掉之后,已将石岩当成了未来神教最为厉害的强者看俄赵峰虽然貌似粗豪,其实心思非常细腻,他知道如果他可以将石岩带入神教,令石岩成为神教最为耀眼的新星,他也会随着石岩的形势高涨,在神教中获得更多的权利和财富。 Perhaps, he can through Shi Yan, accept the inheritance of some god mysterious secret, enters into the boundary of God Passage also perhaps. 或许,他可以通过石岩,来接受神教某种玄奥秘技的传承,迈入通神之境也说不定。 Therefore, saw that Xiao Ling wants to destroy Shi Yan, he worried immediately, no matter were also killed the incorrect match soon, directly flushed from that side. 因此,一看到那萧凌想要毁去石岩,他马上着急了,也不管被杀得快要不行的对手,直接就从那边冲了过来。 Xiao Hai, you copes with Zhao Feng.”, Sees him to come, Xiao Zi smiles cold, officially informed one toward his younger male cousin. “萧海,你去对付赵峰吧。”,看到他过来,萧渍冷然一笑,朝着他堂弟知会了一声。 Xiao Hai nod indicated to understand, indifferent transformed blurry silhouette, silhouette assumed the curving curve, the snake same entangles to Zhao Feng. 那萧海点头表示明白,冷漠的幻化出一条条迷糊的身影,一条条身影呈弯曲的曲线,蛇一样缠向了赵峰 Zhao Feng has not approached Shi Yan this, by that Xiao Hai surrounding, with is Third Sky of Sky Realm, Zhao Feng does not dare to be negligent, hurried precise power, copes that Xiao Hai. 赵峰尚未靠近石岩这一块,就被那萧海给困住了,同为天位三重天之境,赵峰不敢大意,急忙凝炼力量,来对付那萧海。 m: Recommends attractive new book «Arrogant», the book number: the z quite vigor, very warm-blooded new book, everybody can have a look. m:推荐一本好看的新书《飞扬跋扈》,书号:z颇劲,很热血的新书,大家可以看看。 The synopsis is as follows: Ye Feng: Manages your anything immortal second generation or the talent! Dares with my high-sounding talk, to dare to install compelling with me, making you know entirely anything is called arrogantly! 简介如下:叶锋:管你什么仙二代还是天才!敢跟我高调,敢跟我装逼者,让你们通通知道什么叫做飞扬跋扈! Ye Feng: Arrogant, I for Hero! Read the online literature to use grandly compared with the m in addition., In many patterns preferential benefit coverall official site promotion! 叶锋:飞扬跋扈,我为雄!读网络文学就用盛大比m加。,多款优惠套装官网促销中!
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