GOS :: Volume #5

#410: Was mistaken

Ten have the ancient human body, the vicissitudes in Milky Way, chest ancient formation of each ancient human body, ancient formation Center is mounting the same rare treasure. 十来具古尸,在天河中浮浮沉沉,每一具古尸的胸口都有一个古阵法,古阵法〖中〗央都镶嵌着一样秘宝。 Zhao Feng and Li Yue these Divine Radiant Cult people, in Shi Yan launches the attack after that Tu Ke, slightly one hesitantalso toward looking like does Pure Land these people to begin ” the battle of Divine Radiant Cult and Pure Landmakes here numerous Warrior be affected. 赵峰李悦这些光明神教的人,在石岩率先对那突克发动攻击以后,略一犹豫”也都朝看来自干净土的那些人动手”光明神教净土的交战”令这儿的众多武者都受到波及。 Chi Xiao, Cai Yi, Lao li and the others, saw Shi Yan crazy stares at Tu Ke not to put, lest Shi Yan receives the Pure Land joint bang to kill, flushed, stares at Pure Land Warrior not to put. 赤霄彩衣劳里等人,看到石岩疯狂的盯着突克不放,唯恐石岩受到净土的合力轰杀,也都冲了上来,盯着净土武者不放。 Pure Land altogether has Warrior of two Nirvana Origin Third Sky boundaries, Tu Ke stares by Shi Yan, Clone does not have the technique, is tired out by dealing with the chase of Shi Yan, remaining that Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, then collaborating to sphere by Zhao Feng and Li Yue, Zhao Feng with Level and Li Yue of this person stared by, appears quite distressed. 净土共有两名涅巢三重天境的武者,突克石岩盯上,分身无术,疲于应付着石岩的追逐,剩下的那一位天位三重天之境武者,则是被赵峰李悦给联手围住,这人被同等级赵峰李悦盯上,也显得颇为的狼狈。 Divine Radiant Cult Zhao Feng this group of peopleoverall strength not inferior Pure Land Warrior, in addition Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and Brother Lao li, this evenly matched fight, one reversed the aspect, enabling Divine Radiant Cult to occupy these Pure Land Warrior ghosts who winning sidehas killed to call again and again. 光明神教赵峰这群人”整体实力本来就不逊色净土武者,加上赤霄彩衣劳里兄弟,这场本来势均力敌的战斗,一下扭转了局面,使得光明神教占据了上风”杀的那些净土武者一个个鬼叫连连。 The surroundings are waiting and seeing these Warriorlook at Divine Radiant Cult and Chi Xiao one group of people, made war slightly oneto give way to traffic hesitant with Pure Land ” , to continue to start to these ancient human bodies. 周围观望著的那些武者”一看光明神教赤霄一帮人,已经和净土开战了”略一犹豫”都避让开来,继续对那些古尸下手。 The ancient human body does not extinguish, the rare treasures of their chest will not crash, letting the people to obtain these rare treasures. 古尸不灭,他们胸口的秘宝就不会坠落下来,让众人不能得到这些秘宝。 These people start to the ancient human body with joint forces, rushes to the rare treasure of ancient human body chest to go, when secret Yu has not flown to fall from the ancient human body, these people will not attack mutually. 这些人合力对古尸下手,都是奔着古尸胸口的秘宝而去,在秘宇没有从古尸身上飞落的时候,那些人不会相互攻击。 But once rare treasure dew comes out, collaborated to cope with the ancient human body Warrior, will immediately slaughter for the rare treasure together. Whenever person of lucky acquired rare treasureis wild with joy, receives Imaginary Space Ring the rare treasure hurriedly, defends with the team of side in prevents some people to rob together ”. 可一旦秘宝露出来,本来联手对付古尸的武者,为了秘宝又会马上厮杀在一块儿。每当有一人幸运的获得秘宝”都是欣喜若狂,将秘宝急忙收入幻空戒,和自己方的团队守在一块儿”防止有人来强夺。 Scene Chaos cannot withstand. 场面混乱不堪。 By this Chaos scene influence, did not have Zuo Xu and Sai two master grandsons only. Zuo Xu by a roar of Shi Yan, Sea of Consciousness that shook is trembled trembledmind to be damaged, in addition knew that own Realm was insufficient, could not ask for any advantage/cheap in the Warrior hands of that many Sky Realm boundaries, he has not started to these rare treasures. 唯一不受这混乱场面影响的,只有左虚、左井两爷孙。左虚石岩的一吼,震的识海颤了一颤”心神受损,加上自知自己的境界不够,在那么多天位境的武者手中讨不到什么便宜,他就没有对那些秘宝下手。 Also a littlehe worried that the Zuo Shi safety, for fear that Zuo Shi will be fought to affect, therefore has kept side Zuo Shi. 还有一点”他担心左诗的安危,生怕左诗会受到战斗波及,所以才一直留在左诗身旁。 In intense battle, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi they, once discovered that may have the bad risk to approach, will transform several illusory images immediately, draws support confusing of illusory image, unflustered flees from the place of danger. 在激烈的交战中,左虚左诗两人,一旦发现可能会有凶险靠近,会马上幻化出几道幻影,借助于幻影的迷惑,从容不迫的从危险之地逃离开来。 Did not strive for active, cherished only the hope of avoiding mistakes, Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi procedure, making their securities have the safeguard. 不求有功,但求无过,左虚左诗的做法,让他们的安全有了保障。 Everybody's goal, is here ancient human body rare treasure, when the people discovered that Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi have not read to the rare treasure corruptly, after has not adopted any made their discontented actions, to Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi has not started, this made them instead become safest two. 大家的目标,都是这儿古尸身上的秘宝,当人们发现左虚左诗对秘宝没有贪念,没有采取任何令他们不满的举动以后,也都没有对左虚左诗下手,这让他们反而成了最安全的两人。 Under Shi Yan Bedevilment condition, cruel and crazy, Bloodthirsty aura, whole body winds around rich negative white fogin these white fog as if to have the intense spiritual fluctuation, so long as anybody will approach himto come under the influences of these negative spirits, Sea of Consciousness will fall into the crazy boundary. Zuo Xu observation, is discovering the Shi Yan place visited quietly, but also in Warrior of battle, gives way to traffic in abundance. 石岩入魔状态下,一身的暴戾、疯狂、嗜血气息,浑身缭绕着浓郁的负面白雾”那些白雾之中似乎有着强烈的精神波动,任何人只要靠近了他”都会受到那些负面精神的影响,识海会陷入疯狂之境。左虚悄悄观察着,发现石岩所过之处,还在交战的武者,纷纷避让。 Person who these have not given way to traffic, the negative white fog that so long as wound around by Shi Yan on moving, has been able the eye socket flood red, immediately has one type crazily, the Bloodthirsty expression. 那些没有避让开来的人,只要被石岩身上缭绕的负面白雾给碰触了,都会眼眶泛红,顿时生出一种疯狂、嗜血的表情来。 He not only Bedevilment, has as if been able to pull into that type to make the person others together for Negative Emotions that it crazy secret realmin that white smog floods, lets normal Warrior sufficiently, shortly will turn into most savage Demonic Beast, will lose the reason, companion does not let off. Zuo Xu secret heart startled, had the new understanding to Shi Yan, severe warning Zuo Shi, before Shi Yan has not restored the reason, cannot approach him absolutely, so as to avoid by his Negative Emotions affecting. Zuo Shi smiles, does not care at allis only curious looks at Shi Yan, in beautiful pupil different luminous spotpoint, likely is very excited. 他不但自己入魔了,似乎还可以将别人一起扯入那种令人为之疯狂的秘境”那白色烟雾中充斥的负面情绪,足以让一个正常的武者,在顷刻间变成最为凶残妖兽,会失去理智,连身边的同伴都不放过。左虚暗暗心惊,对石岩有了新的认识,严厉的警告左诗,在石岩没有恢复理智之前,绝对不能靠近他,免得被他的负面情绪给影响了。左诗嘻嘻笑笑,满不在乎”只是好奇的看着石岩,美眸中异光点”点,像是非常〖兴〗奋 In the field most regrets is Tu Kehe by a Shi Yan fist bombardment in left Yao, wild, the evil power invasion body of Bloodthirsty was made that waist side bone explode broken several by one ”, at this time that cruel, Bloodthirsty evil power also in him[ body] will wreak havocto make him complete power stimulate to movement very much difficultly. 场中最后悔的可谓是突克”他被石岩一拳轰击在左腰,被一股狂暴、嗜血的邪恶力量侵入身体”令那腰侧的骨头爆碎的好几块,这时候那暴戾、嗜血的邪恶力量还在他〖体〗内肆虐着”让他很难将全部的力量催动出来。 Under this condition, Tu Ke also has the ample force to get rid, howevernumerous formidable Martial Skills from dry Pure Land, shells after the Shi Yan body, cannot break Shi Yan fleshly body, even cannot hinder Shi Yan that to fear. 这种状态下,突克还有余力出手,然而”众多来自干净土的强大武技,轰击在石岩身上之后,都不能破掉石岩肉身,甚至不能阻碍石岩那怕一下。 Muscle is trembling lightly, all sorts of wild different strength in[ body] in such as goes full steam ahead general, Shi Yan at this moment fleshly body defensive power, energy that the whole body explodes, reaches the altitude of never having entered into. 一身肌肉轻颤着,种种狂暴的异力在〖体〗内如万马奔腾一般,石岩这一刻不论是肉身的防御力,还是全身爆出来的能量,都达到了从来不曾迈入的高度。 Under the boundary of Bedevilment, he power seems to be easier not to have the limit displays, tedious mysterious Martial Skills in various a carved inscription when mindreleases, not only by the influence of Bedevilment, instead is obtained the huge amplification effect. 入魔之境下,他一身的力量似乎更容易没有限制的施展出来,各类铭刻在脑海中的繁琐玄奥武技”释放出时,不但不受入魔的影响,反而获得了巨大的增幅效果。 Ordinary might very astonishing energyhits in his hand, becomes terrifying even more. 平常威力就很惊人的能量”在他手上打出来,变得愈加的恐怖 The boundary of Rampage Second Sky, Bedevilment condition, whole body the utilization of various power instinctperfect explodes. 暴走二重天之境,入魔状态,全身的各类力量本能的运用起来”被完美的爆出来。 Tu Ke discovered that he was mistaken. 突克发现他真的看走眼了。 Obviously only then Nirvana Origin Third Sky Realm, imposing manner that however Shi Yan rises suddenly suddenly, that fierce, terrifying and evil energy impact, but also brings sufficiently the energetic raging tide that various types are affecting the will of the people, the attack of fleshly body, is the spiritual attack, makes Tu Ke be miserable beyond description. 明明只有涅巢三重天境界,然而石岩突然暴涨的气势,那狂烈、恐怖、邪恶的能量冲击,还带着各种足以影响人心的精神狂潮,不论是肉身的攻击,还是精神上的侵袭,都让突克苦不堪言。 Various kind of secrets have used, he cannot injure to Shi Yan fleshly body as before, instead suffers setbackssituation more and more disadvantageous to him under the attack of Shi Yan again and again. 各类秘技都动用了,他依旧不能伤害到石岩肉身,反而在石岩的攻击下连连受挫”形势越来越对他不利。 Zhao Feng!”, Tu Ke silhouette like the electricity, transfers fast has fended the attack of Shi Yan, can't bear call out in alarmthis boy is really your Divine Radiant Cult person? I know that your Divine Radiant Cult has several today to bestow on the astonishing junior, but have this fellow I never listened why?” 赵峰!”,突克身影如电,快速挪移闪避过石岩的攻击,忍不住惊叫起来”“这小子真是你们光明神教的人么?我知道你们光明神教有几今天赋惊人的小辈,可这家伙为什么我从来不曾听过?” Snort!” “哼!” The Zhao Feng whole face disdains, Hehe sneers saying: My Divine Radiant Cult background, imagines compared with you wants deep many! Occasionally braves 1-2 abnormal fellows, really in normal. Your Pure Land, is different has that type the anomaly that exceeds the ancestors, what a pity these people have not entered Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, this time you are provoke, calculates that you had bad luck.”, Zhao Feng is sneering, as before and Li Yue toward another Pure Land Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior wanton bombing, under collaboration of these two, that Pure Land Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, the facial expression, simply does not have the means to take the initiative offensive distressedly, has been drawing support various defense methods, deals with attack of Zhao Feng and Li Yue. 赵峰满脸不屑,嘿嘿冷笑道:“我光明神教底蕴,比你想象中要深厚的多!偶尔冒出来一两个变态的家伙,实在是在正常不过了。你们净土,不一样有那种超越先人的变态么,可惜那些人并未进入暗磁雾瘴,这次你又是自己挑衅,算你倒霉了。”,赵峰冷笑着,依旧和李悦朝着另外一名净土天位三重天之境武者狂轰滥炸,在这两人的联手下,那净土天位三重天之境武者,神情狼狈之极,根本没有办法采取主动的攻势,一直都在借助于各种的防御法门,来应付赵峰李悦的攻击。 In the Chaos scene, the person who comes under the Shi Yan Negative Emotions influence, does not know why ” moves unexpectedly slowly to Shi Yanreceives the control of some evil power likely, unexpectedly and Shi Yan collaborates, is following the Shi Yan action, starts to surround toward Tu Ke. 混乱的场面中,一些受到石岩负面情绪影响的人,不知为何”竟缓缓移动向石岩”像是受到某种邪恶力量的控制,居然和石岩联手,跟随着石岩的举动,也朝着突克开始进行围堵。 Although these people only then First Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base ”, but actually fierce does not fear, did not care about own casualtieseven to be willing to sacrifice own lifeto come to be Shi Yan strives to strike to kill that Tu Ke opportunity. 这些人虽然只有天位一重天之境修为”但却悍不畏死,根本不顾及自身的伤亡”甚至愿意牺牲自己的性命”来为石岩争取击杀那突克的时机。 Height body strong Warrior, eyes and Shi Yan are equally red, crazy roaredis fending while Tu Ke to his side unexpectedly, enclasped that Tu Ke fiercely stubbornly. 一名身高体壮的武者,双眸石岩一样赤红着,疯狂的咆哮着”竟趁着突克闪避到他的身旁,猛地一把将那突克死死抱紧。 pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” That person spreads huge thunderous soundbunch of lightnings to brave to transgress from his whole body, suddenly Tu Ke whole body winding. 那人身上传出巨大的雷鸣声”一束束闪电从他浑身冒逸出来,霍然将突克全身缠绕。 Tu Ke discolored, shouted to clear the way severely: go away!” 突克勃然变色,厉喝道:“滚开!” Scale optical glass, braves a piece by piece from Tu Ke, that optical glass is the dark blue, sharp incomparablerumbles completely in that person. 一片片鱼鳞般的光片,从突克身上冒出来,那光片呈深蓝色,锋利无比”全部轰在那人身上。 An instant, that person scatters on the whole body blood, body by that optical glass hacking splits one piece by piece. 只是一霎,那人就全身鲜血四溅,就连皮肉都被那光片给剐的裂开一片片。 However, under this condition, this persondoes not embrace him who continued fierce not to fear as before independently stubbornly ” seems prepares to sacrifice own life, but also was Shi Yan strives for the best getting rid opportunity. 然而,在这种状况下,此人依旧不放手”继续悍不畏死的死死搂抱住他”似乎就是准备牺牲自己的性命,还为石岩来争取最佳的出手时机。 Also focuses on Warrior of pupil scarlet-red, ” greedy person after him same plunged Tu Keto tie down Tu Ke from the back stubbornly, making Tu Ke that struggled fiercelypressure multiply. 又有一名赤红着眼眸的武者,在他之后”饿狼一样扑向了突克”从背后将突克死死缠住,令剧烈挣扎的突克”压力倍增。 Shi Yan gasps for breath, eyes is flooding cruel evil rays of light, did not say a word, before flickering to transfer to the Tu Ke body, once more. 石岩喘着气,双眸充斥着暴戾的邪恶光芒,一言不发,再次瞬移到突克身前。 Two inflatedSeal of Life and Death to gather at once folds in together ” ” that life and death under death Intent Domain, seal rose suddenly, fiercely seal to the forehead of Tu Ke. 两手虚抬”生死印旋即合叠在一块儿”在死亡意境之下”那生死,印暴涨开来,猛地印向突克的脑门。 Seal of Life and Death dodges to pass, from the forehead of Tu Ke, submerged his head directly. 生死印一闪而逝,从突克的脑门,直接没入了他的脑袋。 The Tu Ke eyes sudden delay, on the face appears the painful facial expression, as if will be struggling intenselyis wanting to invade the mind evil power to expel[ body]. 突克双眸突然呆滞,脸上显出痛苦的神情,似乎在激烈挣扎着”想要将侵入脑海的邪恶力量赶出〖体〗内。 Bang! Bang!” “轰!轰!” Two sad explosives, transmit from the head of Tu Ke suddenly, his head pounds likely maliciously in the watermelon of ground, explodes directly, the brain fluid and blood to mingle, splutter suddenly. 两声沉闷的爆响,突然从突克的脑袋中传来,他脑袋像是狠狠砸在地上的西瓜,直接爆炸开来,脑浆和鲜血混杂,突然溅射出去。 Third Sky of Sky Realm Tu Ke, such was killed to the bang by Shi Yan until death, the head was hit to explode. 天位三重天之境突克,就这么被石岩给轰杀至死,脑袋都被打爆了。 Still is fighting for the rare treasure many Warrior, hears explosive soundcannot help but to turn the head to look, complexion great changeslook fears. 还在争抢秘宝的许多武者,听到爆炸声”不由得别头一望,一个个脸色巨变”眼神恐惧无比。 Shi Yan has killed that Tu Ke, eyes is as before red, kills toward recent Warrior. 石岩杀了那突克,依旧双眸赤红着,朝着最近的一名武者杀去。 That is lakelet Centeranother team of Warrior, is Third Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base. 那是小湖〖中〗央”另外一队的武者,也是天位三重天之境修为 That person just put to death an ancient human bodyreceives Imaginary Space Ring the same knife and fork shape rare treasure, cheerful is laughing, called out again and again: Sacred level rare treasure! Absolutely is the Sacred level rare treasure! Ha Ha, this line not empty, this line not empty!” 那人刚刚将一具古尸诛杀”把一样刀叉形状的秘宝收入了幻空戒,正乐哈哈的大笑着,连连叫道:“圣级秘宝!绝对是圣级秘宝!哈哈,此行不虚,此行不虚啊!” Laughing, his two Divine Light is sparkling, starts to look all around, prepares again the pathfinding , to continue to rob the rare treasure that on these ancient human bodies carries. 哈哈大笑着,他两眼神光闪闪,又开始环顾四周,准备重新找寻目标,继续来抢夺那些古尸身上携带的秘宝。 In this time, he looked that to Shi Yan that flushed. 就在此时,他看向了冲上来的石岩 eyes is red Shi Yan, in eye socket bunch of blood-red rays of light, braves to transgress directly from the eyeball, the bloody glow length about three meters, are two scarlet blood belts flutter likely scary from his eyeextremely. 双眸赤红着的石岩,眼眶之中一束束血红色光芒,直接从眼球中冒逸出来,血光长三米左右,像是两条猩红的血带从他眼睛飘出来”极其的骇人。 ...... ……
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