GOS :: Volume #5

#409: Rampage

Is careful this fellow, he was insane, do not walk with him was too near.” The middle-aged guy of that whole face scabs, coldly snorted, does not bear whisper that: At this time stirred any bureau, if really wants dead, I did not mind that helped him!”, Speech time, his eyes cold ice is cold, looks maliciously to Shi Yan, wants to attend to the Shi Yan situation conveniently. “小心这家伙,他已经疯了,不要和他走的太近了。”那满脸伤疤的中年汉子,冷哼一声,不耐的的嘀咕道:“这时候搅什么局啊,真要是想死,我不介意成全他!”,讲话的时候,他双眸冷冽冰寒,狠狠地看向石岩,一副想要顺手料理到石岩的态势。 Does not know that was his being hostile to has brought to the attention of Shi Yan, after a rave, Shi Yan of eyes cruel looks at people, that pair crazy, eye pupil of Bloodthirsty, suddenly looked to him. 不知道是不是他的敌视引起了石岩的注意,在一声狂吼之后,双眸暴戾看着众人的石岩,那一双疯狂、嗜血的眼眸,忽然瞄向了他。 What looks at? To refuse stubbornly?” He smiles cold, disdains saying: „Is Bedevilment great? However is only Warrior of Nirvana boundary, if you really want dead, I have tidied immediately up you!”, Tu Ke, this boy is our Divine Radiant Cult person, you dare he, I will not let off you!” The Zhao Feng violent shouted to clear the way. “看什么?想死不成?”他冷然一笑,不屑道:“入魔了不起啊?不过只是一个涅磐境的武者,你真要是想死,我马上就收拾了你!”,“突克,这小子是我们光明神教的人,你胆敢动他,我不会放过你!”赵峰暴喝道。 He was insane, do you want to shelter a lunatic?” Named Tu Ke that whole face wound insane middle-aged person, complexion cold severe, disdains jokes: This person, the willpower is not firm, unexpectedly when this key will accidentally discharge Bedevilment, I thought that he will revive, feared that will not have any achievement, you were leave alone he.”, Howling!” “他已经疯了,你想要庇护一个疯子?”名为突克的那满脸伤疯的中年人,脸色冷厉,不屑的讥笑道:“这种人,意志力不坚定,竟然会在这种关键的时候走火入魔,我看他就算是苏醒过来,怕是也没有什么作为,你还是别管他了。”,“嚎!” In this time, Shi Yan once more calls out one, such as crazy Demonic Beast, whole body gushes out the massive white fog, suddenly flushes away toward Tu Ke. 就在此时,石岩再次暴吼一声,如一头疯狂的妖兽,浑身涌出大量的白雾,突然朝着突克冲去。 The Tu Ke complexion ice is cold, sneers saying: Courts death!”, Tu Ke, do not act unreasonably!”, Zhao Feng drinks greatly, this fellow is my Divine Radiant Cult person, you cope with him, copes with our Divine Radiant Cult! If you dare to kill him, father must make you attractive!”, Our Pure Land, when has feared your Divine Radiant Cult.” 突克脸色冰寒,冷笑道:“找死!”,“突克,你别乱来啊!”,赵峰大喝,“这家伙是我光明神教的人,你对付他,就是对付我们光明神教!你要是胆敢杀他,老子必然要让你好看!”,“我们净土,何时怕过你们光明神教。” Tu Ke Jie Jie smiles strangely, saw that Shi Yan rushes ahead, his, side lost the rare treasure ancient human body conveniently, was given to grasp by him, that loses the rare treasure ancient human body fleshly body to be badly-damaged, did not have a point power source, but was grasped by Tu Ke, one group of bloody glow pour into that ancient Dead body plaster suddenly. 突克桀桀怪笑起来,眼看石岩冲杀过来,他随手一拉,旁边一具失去了秘宝的古尸,就被他给抓了过来,那失去秘宝的古尸肉身残破不堪,已经没了一点的力量源泉,但被突克一抓,一团血光忽然灌入那一具古尸体垩内。 The ancient human body clashes fiercely toward Shi Yan, midway time, flesh and blood of ancient human body has fallen off suddenly, only skeletons of remaining Blood Dripping Gem. 古尸猛地朝着石岩冲来,中途的时候,古尸的一身血肉忽然脱落了下来,只剩下一具血淋琳的骨架。 The skeleton of that ancient human body whole body, under the stimulation of power, explodes to shoot unexpectedly, thick long bone, changes into blood from the pores of the feetto shoot a maliciously all on the body of Shi Yan. 那古尸全身的骨架,在一种力量的激发下,蓦地爆射开来,一狠狠粗长的骨头,化为一条条血箭”尽数射在石岩的身上。 Sonorous!” The sound that gold/metal Tiejiao strikes, conveys from the Shi Yan chest, the incisive bone that fresh blood drip flowings, punctures on him, likely is the bombardment in the hardest stone, the Shi Yan chest jumps the shooting place luminous spot, bursts not to burst unexpectedly including the body besides the clothing ”. “铿锵!”,金铁交击的声音,从石岩胸口传来,那鲜血淋漓的尖锐骨头,刺在他身上,像是轰击在最为坚硬的石头上,石岩胸口迸射处光点,除了衣衫破裂之外”竟连皮肉都没有破裂开来。 The Tu Ke eye narrows the eyes, on the face appears shocking expression. 突克眼睛一眯,脸上显出震惊的神色 Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, is one dull, some do not dare to believe looks to Shi Yan. 赵峰李悦等人,也是一呆,有些不敢置信的看向石岩 Tu Ke has Third Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, Pure Land various Martial Skills mystiques, went out of strange fierce, this takes a Warrior bone as the attack method of bone lanceis Pure Landbone Blood Spear, „ might is infinite, the general defense rare treasure is very difficult to resist. 突克有着天位三重天之境修为,净土的各种武技秘法,又走出了名的诡异凶悍,这以武者一身骨头为骨矛的攻击法门”是净土的“化骨血矛,“威力无穷,一般的防御秘宝都很难抵挡。 Shi Yan only fleshly body, hard anti- that maliciously Blood Spear the thorn strikes, the whole body is unexpectedly well, so the change, lets surrounding Warrior is the complexion one cold, the backbone is one cold, immediately has a very scared feeling. 石岩单凭肉身,硬抗了那一狠狠“血矛”的刺击,竟然全身无恙,如此变化,让周围的武者都是脸色一寒,脊梁骨都是一冷,顿时生出一种非常恐慌的感觉来。 Is this boy normal humanity? Why does fleshly body of this fellow, compare general Demonic Beast also to want powerful unexpectedly? 这小子是不是正常的人类?为什么这家伙的肉身,竟比一般的妖兽还要强悍 The people do not control self emits this thought to come, looks at again to Shi Yan time, reveals the look that dreads completely, subconscious toward retreat one step, for fear that Bedevilment condition even Shi Yan, has regarded the game to regard them. 众人不自禁的冒出这种念头来,再看向石岩的时候,全部露出忌惮的眼神,下意识的往后退了一步,生怕入魔状态平的石岩,将他们当成了猎物来看待。 Ha Ha Tu Ke, you are not good. ” Zhao Feng also prepares to get rid to rescue, sees Shi Yan to be safe and sound, he was suddenly happy, fall about, your Pure Land secret, indeed was inferior evidently our Divine Radiant Cult, our believers have not used including the rare treasure, your this melts bone Blood Spear to take him not to have the means that really makes me have to suspect that your Pure Land has unearned reputation.” “哈哈”突克,你不行啊。”赵峰还准备出手相救,一见石岩安然无恙,他忽然乐了,忍不住大笑起来,“看样子你们净土的秘技,的确是不如我们光明神教啊,我们这教徒连秘宝都没有动用,你这化骨血矛却拿他没有办法,真是让我不得不怀疑,你们净土是不是浪得虚名啊。” Li Yue also reveals to ridicule happy expression quietly, the look quite disdains, said lightly: „The Pure Land that big reputation, was flattered evidently, today sees, originally also mediocre.”, Tu Ke and these Pure Land Warrior, complexions are pale, look gloomy gets down suddenly. 李悦也露出讥悄的笑意,眼神颇为不屑,淡淡道:“净土那么大的名声,看样子只是被人吹捧出来的,今日一见,原来也不过如此。”,突克和那些净土武者,一个个脸色铁青,眼神忽然阴沉下来。 In this time, Shi Yan once more rave, crazily has fired into that Tu Ke, the stars luminous spots, come out from his chest glittering, seems promoting stronger power support for his speed. 就在此时,石岩再次狂吼一声,疯狂冲向了那突克,一个个星辰光点,从他胸口闪烁出来,似乎在为他的速度提升更强的力量支撑。 If one bunch of star light, are only flash, before Shi Yan rushed to the body of Tu Ke, in the scarlet-red eye pupil, gushes out the terrifying spirit to fluctuate fiercely extremely. 如一束星光,只是一瞬间,石岩就冲到了突克的身前,赤红的眼眸中,猛地涌出极其恐怖的精神波动来。 Tu Ke is only and he looks one, Sea of Consciousness fiercely trembles, has to plant by endless Blood Sea is submerged, by countless skeleton twining the misconception of whole body. 突克只是和他对望一眼,识海就是猛地一颤,有种被无尽血海淹没,被累累尸骨给缠绕全身的错觉来。 „The look of this boy, can release the spiritual impact, be careful!”, Another Pure Land Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior, sees on the Tu Ke face appears one point of fan feels, suddenly calls out. “这小子的眼神,可以释放出精神冲击,小心!”,另外一个净土天位三重天之境武者,一见突克脸上显出一分迷感来,突然暴喝。 The Tu Ke look immediately returned to normal, in heart one cold, the body such as the snake swayed from side to side generally, an explosive of skeleton, passed from his body plaster constantly. 突克眼神立即恢复了正常,心中一寒,身子如蛇一般扭动了一下,一阵骨骼的爆响,不迭从他体垩内传了出来。 Skeleton blasting open, parched beans is the same pa pa to make noise, in the body plaster in the abnormal noise, the Tu Ke body appears dark blue rays of light comes, these rays of light such as the viscous water fluid covers his whole body, these green rays of light appear quite strange, misty, lodges like the evil spirit on him. 一身骨骼炸裂似的,炒豆子一样“啪啪”作响,在体垩内异响中,突克身上显出暗绿色的光芒来,那些光芒如粘稠的水液般覆盖他全身,那些绿色光芒显得颇为诡异,蒙蒙中,像是有一个厉鬼寄宿在他身上。 The time of when to Shi Yan rushing ahead, these green viscous liquids, swell suddenly, the green liquid fluctuates three green spooky devil claws, extends fiercely, whereabouts Shi Yan grasps. 待到石岩冲杀上来的时候,那些绿色粘稠的液体,忽然胀大开来,绿色液体变幻成三个绿幽幽的鬼爪,猛地伸出来,去向石岩抓来。 Closes the ghost hand green!” “绿瞑鬼手!” Tu Ke sneers, opened mouth puts out one bunch of rays of light, that rays of light is divided into three, drills into on that green and glossy devil claw separately. 突克冷笑,张口吐出一束光芒,那光芒一分为三,分别钻入那绿油油的鬼爪上。 Three devil claws, in rays of light by his mouth were flushed, on the devil claw appears three green eyeballs, is the hell evil spirit is peeping at world likely, spreads gloomy ice cold green light. 三只鬼爪,被他口中的光芒一冲,鬼爪上显出三个绿色的眼球来,像是地狱厉鬼在窥视人间界,传出阴森冰寒的绿光来。 An energetic thought of devour soul, transmits from that three ghost eye, through the Shi Yan scarlet red eye pupil, direct enters his Sea of Consciousness leisurely. 一股噬魂的精神意念,从那三只鬼眼中传递开来,通过石岩赤红色的眼眸,直接逸入他识海 You dare!” “你敢!” Zhao Feng roars, finally cannot bear get rid, makes one group of burning hots toward Tu Ke solar Divine Light, in Divine Light, visibles faintly the myriad things life that Sun nourishes, these lives under shining of Sun, can survive, can the multiplication life. 赵峰怒吼起来,终于忍不住出手,朝着突克打出一团炙热的太阳神光,神光中,隐约可见太阳滋养的万物生灵,那些生灵在太阳的照耀下,得以生存,得以繁衍生命。 Another Pure Land Warrior side Tu Ke, snort|hum, silhouette in a flash, arrived at another side of Tu Ke, sleeve. Departs a round drum, a that round drum emergence, comes on the ballooning swiftly, spreads thump sad sound. 突克身旁的另外一个净土武者,哼了一声,身影一晃,就来到突克另外一侧,袖。中飞出一个圆鼓,那圆鼓倏一出现,就鼓胀开来,传出“咚咚的”沉闷声响。 Solar Divine Light that Zhao Feng rumbles, under the influence of that drumbeat, the myriad things life that appears, as if shaken withering away, vanishes one after another does not see. 赵峰轰出来的太阳神光,在那鼓声的影响下,其中显现出来的万物生灵,似乎被震的消亡开来,一个接着一个消失不见。 Pins on solar Divine Light Intent Domain, one was shaken the powder, this bunch of solar Divine Light might, reduces greatly, that person seizes the chance to pinch seal, in the round drum five different light dodge to pass, breaks in solar Divine Light instantaneously, that solar Divine Light power counter-balancing. 寄托在太阳神光意境,一被震散,这一束太阳神光的威力,也大大消减,那人趁机捏印,圆鼓中五道异光一闪而逝,瞬间冲入太阳神光中,将那太阳神光力量给抵消掉。 Ka!” “咔咔!” Three come from the Tu Ke devil claw, at this time has grasped on Shi Yan neck, that sharp such as the devil claw of blade, is harming the Shi Yan throat maliciously, spreads the appalling sound. 三只来自于突克的鬼爪,此时已抓在石岩脖颈上,那锋利如刀的鬼爪,狠狠地切害着石岩的喉管,传出让人毛骨悚然的声响。 Chi Xiao, Cai Yi and the others, see Shi Yan to meet the bad risk, neglects one, overran, must pass to help Shi Yan oppose the enemy. 赤霄彩衣等人,一见石岩遇到凶险,忽视一眼,纷纷冲了过去,要过去帮助石岩来对敌。 Brother Lao li also exude the roar, they shortly, will as if obtain some supernatural power, in the glove on hand spread verve fierce Intent Domain, killed unexpectedly together to Tu Ke and other Pure Land Warrior. 劳里兄弟也发出吼声,两人在顷刻间,似乎获得了某种神力,手上的手套中传出刚猛狂烈的意境,竟一起杀向了突克净土武者 Shi Yan neck was being cut by three devil claws, although spreads the sound that startled palpitated, but his neck had not been given tearing cutting by this devil claw, safe and sound. 石岩脖颈被三只鬼爪切割着,虽然传出了让人惊悸的声响,可他脖颈并未被这鬼爪给撕裂切割,安然无恙。 That closes ghost hand on to reveal green the ghost eye that is looking at each other with he scarlet red eyes pupil, ice cold cloudy severe evil Mental Energy, seeps his Sea of Consciousness, tries to give the influence his Sea of Consciousness, making him be hard to control own body, formed the effective defensive power......, „!” 那“绿瞑鬼手”上显露出来的鬼眼,和他赤红色的眼眸对视着,一种冰寒阴厉的邪恶精神力,渗透进他识海,试图将他识海给影响,令他难以控制自己的身体,形成有效的防御力来……,“嗷!” The Shi Yan rave, in scarlet red eyes, emits bunch of blood-red rays of light, a destruction, cruel, Bloodthirsty evil spiritual Intent Domain, breaks in the ghost eyes on that three devil claw directly. 石岩狂吼,赤红色的双眸之中,冒出一束束血红色光芒,一股毁灭、暴戾、嗜血的邪恶精神意境,直接冲入那三只鬼爪上的鬼眼。 That three ghost eye, explodes to break to pieces one after another, in the ghost eye came from Tu Ke Intent Domain, attacked torn to pieces. 那三只鬼眼,一个接着一个爆碎开来,鬼眼之中来自于突克意境,被冲击的支离破碎。 Tu Ke I, comes under the influence of that evil spiritual Intent Domain, the complexion changes, in the eye pupil as if has little bloody glow to appear. 就连突克本人,也受到那邪恶精神意境的影响,脸色一变,眼眸之中似乎有一点点血光显现出来。 Shi Yan puts out a hand, the arm is the purple red, wild power jumps to shoot fiercely, pats maliciously, in that three close in the ghost hand green. 石岩伸手,手臂呈紫红色,狂暴的力量猛地迸射出来,狠狠地拍在那三只绿瞑鬼手上。 Pa! Pa! Pa! 啪!啪!啪! Three closes the ghost hand that comes out by Tu Ke precise green, explodes completely, changes into point green light, dissipates in heaven and earth. 三只由突克凝炼出来的绿瞑鬼手,全部爆裂开来,化为点点绿光,消散在天地之间。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” Tu Ke subconscious scream, you, only then does the boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, how possibly break closes the ghost hand that I come out precise green? Is impossible!” 突克下意识的尖叫起来,“你只有涅磐三重天之境,怎么可能破掉我凝炼出来的绿瞑鬼手?不可能!” Tu Ke was screaming, on the face revealed alarmed and afraid finally, evaded toward retreat hurriedly. 突克尖叫着,脸上终于露出一丝惊惧,急忙往后退避。 Shi Yan silhouette, was twisting same place strangely, at once suddenly reveals in the Tu Ke right hand place that the purple-red gigantic fist, rumbles maliciously in the Tu Ke waist side. 石岩身影,在原地诡异的扭曲了一下,旋即忽然在突克右手处显露出来,紫红色的硕大拳头,狠狠地轰在突克的腰侧。 The flash flood energy raging tide, is bringing the destruction, Bloodthirsty and crazy Intent Domain, pours into the Tu Ke body plaster instantaneously. 山洪爆发般的能量狂潮,带着毁灭、嗜血、疯狂的意境,瞬间灌入突克体垩内。 Under the energy impact of this terrifying, the sound of Tu Ke whole body skeleton explosive was louder, the waist even has the joint direct wearing out skin, highlights directly. 在这股恐怖能量冲击下,突克浑身骨骼爆响的声音更大了,腰间甚至有骨节直接穿破皮肤,直接突出来。 Tu Ke called out pitifully fiercely, the left waist blood like the river, is flowing, in the pitiful yell that could not stop, Tu Ke such as saw the malicious ghost, scared fast fending, does not dare to approach with Shi Yan. 突克猛地惨叫起来,左边腰身鲜血如河,止不住的流淌着,在惨叫中,突克如见恶鬼,恐慌的快速闪避,再也不敢和石岩靠近。 He was afraid. 他是真的害怕了。 Some Warrior that the surroundings wait and see, complexion one cold, looks to the Shi Yan vision, is more alarmed more and afraid. 周围观望的一些武者,脸色一寒,看向石岩的目光,更加的惊惧起来。 Only then Shi Yan of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, to differ the entire Level inferiority, made Third Sky of Sky Realm Tu Ke receive the heavy losses unexpectedly, what situation was this? 只有涅盘三重天之境的石岩,以相差了整整一个等级的劣势,竟让天位三重天之境突克受了重创,这是什么情况? Shi Yan, is really fierce!” 石岩,果然厉害啊!” Lao li Ha Ha laughs wildly, the whole body is pasting an arbitrary supernatural power, copes with First Sky of Sky Realm Pure Land Warrior with his younger brother Lao Lun, that Warrior that hits unexpectedly is also whole body braves the blood, as if links a point revolt not to have. 劳里哈哈狂笑,周身流转着一股蛮横的神力,和他弟弟劳伦一起对付一名天位一重天之境净土武者,竟打的那名武者也是浑身冒血,似乎连一点的反抗都没有。 Also is jumps the ranks the challenge, and occupies the absolute initiative. The Zuo Shi beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, Shi Yan of boundary of looks at that Bedevilment sends the invincible might greatly, some mind drag unexpectedly, thought that at this moment Bedevilment Shi Yan, instead has an evil different charm of difficult word. 也是越级挑战,并且占据绝对的主动。左诗美眸异彩涟涟,看着入魔之境的石岩大发神威,竟有些心神摇曳,觉得这一刻入魔石岩,反而更有一种难言的邪异魅力。
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