GOS :: Volume #5

#408: Out-of-control

Choice. 选择。 Must have a choice, but these two choices, are not Shi Yan want, regardless of that choice, as if not suitable this situation. 总要有一个选择,可这两种选择,都不是石岩想要的,不论那种选择,似乎都不适合这个场合。 The best choice, should not by the influence of Negative Emotions. 最好的选择,应该是不受负面情绪的影响。 But Shi Yan knows fairly well, knows the eruption of each Negative Emotions, his heart in wicked side to infinite enlargement, even if his will, the heart demon that is also hard to resist the innermost feelings, is hard is maintaining sober. 石岩心中有数,知道每一次负面情绪的爆发,都会将他心中恶的一面给无限放大,就算是他的毅力,也难以抗拒内心的心魔,难以保持着清醒。 Billowing negative energy, cannot be restrained overflows from his whole body acupoint, these negative energy seep his whole body, seeps in he veins, skeleton and flesh and blood, affects his Sea of Consciousness, seems controlling his mood. 滚滚负面之力,不可抑止的从他浑身穴窍中流溢出来,那些负面之力渗透他全身,渗透进他一身的筋脉、骨骼、血肉之中,影响他的识海,似乎在控制他的心境。 In this choice, he lost himself gradually, the breath is loud, eyes gradually has become the scarlet red, in the eye has the rich cruel crazy meaning. 在这种选择中,他渐渐迷失了自己,呼吸粗重,双眸渐渐成了赤红色,眼中有着浓郁的暴戾疯狂之意。 Pa!, a foot steps on, wild power, pours into the ancient human body of sole. 啪!,,一脚踩开,一股狂暴的力量,灌入脚底的古尸。 The ancient human body of that connection corpse bridge, direct is ruptured, changes into that his foot steps on not to have the hashed meat of blood to crash below lakelet. 那一具连接尸桥的古尸,被他一脚踩的直接爆裂开来,化为一块块没有鲜血的碎肉坠落下方的小湖。 pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” A foot foot steps on, his place visited, each ancient human body was stepped on the smashing, crashes in abundance to below. 一脚脚踩下去,他所过之处,每一具古尸都被踩成粉碎,纷纷坠落向下面。 The corpse bridge started to break from his body. 尸桥从他身下开始断裂了。 Following connect the above ancient human body, lost and contact of above ancient human body, as if did not have some power support, suddenly drops in abundance. 下面一具具连通上方的古尸,失去了和上方古尸的联系,似乎没了某种力量的支撑,突然纷纷跌落下来。 Steps on surplus these Warrior that the ancient human body is coming up, calling out pitifully, is crashing with the ancient human body. 踩着古尸上来的剩余的那些武者,惨叫着,和古尸一起坠落下去。 After Shi Yan, all Warrior life force, were stepped on by his foot foot, when these Warrior fall into below lakelet in abundance, appalling fiercely shouted, passed on at once. 石岩之后,所有武者生机,都被他一脚脚踩断,当那些武者纷纷落入下方小湖时,一声声令人毛骨悚然的厉叫,旋即传了出来。 Still in corpse bridge above Cai Yi and the others, lowers the head looked that shows the panic-stricken expression. 还在尸桥上方的彩衣等人,低头一看,纷纷露出惊骇的表情。 Shi Yan certainly the roads of below these people. 石岩绝了下方那些人的路。 Drops Warrior of lakelet, immediately embezzling these people have looked by four disasters desperately, the hatred look, fell the body of Shi Yan together. 跌落小湖的武者,立即被四种天灾给吞没了这些人面露绝望,仇恨的眼神,一起落到了石岩的身上。 What a pity lost control of Shi Yan simply has not gone to look under, focuses on him of pupil scarlet-red, roared to ignore to continue to these people's pitiful yells to go toward the place above line along the corpse bridge. 可惜失控了的石岩根本没有去看下方,赤红着眼眸的他,对那些人的惨叫咆哮置若罔闻继续沿着尸桥朝着上方行去。 The following pitiful yell sound, did not have living quickly, these Warrior that finally leaves behind are cultivation base low that they approach the corpse bridge with great difficulty, power was almost worn down by that four disasters completely, dropspower unable to support at this time once more finallyis embezzled by that four disasters thoroughly. 下面的惨叫声,很快没了生息,最后留下的那些武者都是修为较低的那种,他们好不容易才靠近尸桥,一身的力量几乎被那四种天灾消磨殆尽,此时再次落下”身上的力量终于支撑不住”被那四种天灾彻底吞没了。 long time, these Warrior did not become did not have life Dead body by that four disaster violent attacks, does not save the flesh and blood quickly. 多时,那些武者都成了一具具没有生命的尸体被那四种天灾猛烈的侵袭,很快连血肉都不存了。 Change of Shi Yan under regarding body knows nothing, gasps for breath as before, eyes is red, climbs toward the corpse bridge. 石岩对于身下的变化一无所知,依旧喘着气,双眸赤红,朝着尸桥攀登。 Milky Way interweaves, vicissitude of ancient human bodies in the rivers are grazing, the chests of these ancient human bodies portray ancient formation that profound Ommo is measuring, each ancient formation centralhas the same rare treasure as providing the power source. 天河交织点,一具具古尸在河流中浮沉飞掠着,这些古尸的胸口都刻画着玄奥莫测的古阵法,每一个古阵法中垩央”都有一样秘宝作为提供力量的源泉。 These ancient human bodies, chest is bringing the rare treasure, Warrior that attacks crazily. 这一具具古尸,胸口带着秘宝,正疯狂攻击上来的武者 Zhao Feng, Li Yue and the others, are also fighting for these ancient human body chests. The rare treasure, gets rid to the ancient human body with here many Warrior together, robs these rare treasures. 赵峰李悦等人,也在争抢那些古尸胸。的秘宝,和这里的许多武者一同对古尸出手,去抢夺那些秘宝。 Once an ancient human body were killed, the rare treasures of their chest, will be separated from their bodies at this time all Warrior, reckless getting rid, the mutual dogfight will fight for the rare treasure that these appear together. 一旦一具古尸被袭杀了,他们胸口的秘宝,就会脱离他们的身体这时候所有的武者,都会不顾一切的出手,相互缠斗在一块儿来争抢那些显现出来的秘宝。 Zuo Shi stands in the one side, does not dare to participate in this fight is only surprised looks at these Warrior crazy mutual attacks, looks at they slaughters for the rare treasure. 左诗站在一旁,不敢参与这场战斗只是惊奇的看着那些武者疯狂的相互攻击,看着他们为了秘宝厮杀到底。 After Zuo Xu comes up, but looked at this brutal fight, stands with Zuo Shi in together, urged her do not act rashly, do not cause others' attention. 左虚上来之后,只是望了一眼这残酷的战斗,就和左诗站在一块儿,叮嘱她不要妄动,千万不要引起别人的注意力。 Zuo Shi knows fairly well, is law-abiding, is only looks at, has not gotten rid one time. 左诗心中有数,也非常安分,一直都只是看着,没有出手一次。 Her not sticking one's neck outmade her at here actually very peaceful meeting, Warrior that coming up, was only for the rare treasure, when she has not displayed fought for the rare treasure desire, these people her have not regarded the threat to regard, nobody paid attention her. 她的明哲保身”令她在这儿倒是很安会,上来的武者,只是为了秘宝,当她没有表现出争抢秘宝欲望的时候,那些人也没有将她当成威胁来看待,没有人留意她。 After Chi Xiao and Brother Lao li come up, arrives at the Zuo Shi side, is different from Zuo Shi, Brother Lao li looks at these rare treasures, looks at have the rare treasure ancient human body, reveals the hope the facial expression. 赤霄劳里兄弟上来之后,也来到左诗的身旁,和左诗不同,劳里兄弟看着那些秘宝,看着身怀秘宝的古尸,都露出渴望的神情来。 What kind of? Wants?” Lao li , etc. abandoned the clouds to approach, facial expression one happy, called out: We whether should also begin?”, Chi Xiao inspired, looks at this brutal fight, shook the head slightly, said: Wait a minute, Shi Yan will come immediately up, when he came to say again.”, Lao li they simultaneously nodded. “怎么样?要不要?”劳里等弃霄靠近了,神情一喜,叫道:“我们是否也该动手了?”,赤霄吸了一口气,看着这残酷的战斗,微微摇了摇头,道:“等一会儿,石岩马上就会上来了,等他过来再说。”,劳里两人同时点了点头 Here current of water very strange, side people, makes the person not realize, instead makes people think that these current of water are only the thing of illusory, does not have a wee bit influences to them. 这里水流非常奇异,处在众人身旁,却让人察觉不到,反而让人觉得那些水流只是虚幻之物,对他们没有一丁点儿的影响。 Their have smooth stony soil, that stony soil braves the white light, unceasingly the vicissitude, likely is being a boat. 他们脚下有一块平整的石地,那石地冒着白光,不断地浮沉着,像是一艘小船。 Warrior that coming up, majority are Sky Realm, 20 people, walk to enter this old city strength to be strongest, the battle of numerous Sky Realm Warrior, making here become the incomparable bad risk, carelessly, stared by these people, will end up to turn out a miserable fate. 上来的武者,大多数都是天位之境,有20来人,走进入这古城实力最强的,众多天位武者的交战,令这儿变得无比的凶险,一个不慎,被那些人盯上了,都会落得个凄凉的下场。 Although Chi Xiao has Second Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, may here, is not anything, this place Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior has six, Third Sky of Sky Realm has ten people, the surplus also majority are the fellow of Sky Realm First Sky boundary, the boundary of Liang Third Sky, besides Brother Lao li, has two. Zuo Shi is only Warrior of one by one position Earth Realm boundary. 赤霄虽然有着天位二重天之境修为,可在这里,也算不上什么,此地天位三重天之境武者就有六位,天位三重天之境的有十人,剩余的也大多数都是天位一重天境的家伙,涅粱三重天之境的,除了劳里兄弟之外,只有两人。左诗是唯一一地位境的武者 , Cai Yi also came upshe to look at a situation quickly, silently arrived by Chi Xiao and other peoplecomplexion to be dignified, said in a low voice: Shi Yan a little does not suit.” 很快地,彩衣也上来了”她只是看了一眼形势,就默默来到赤霄等人身旁”脸色凝重,低声道:“石岩有点不对劲。” Un?” “嗯?” Chi Xiao, Lao li, Zuo Shi and the others, reveal startled accommodates, simultaneously by-path: What's the matter?” 赤霄劳里左诗等人,都露出惊容,同时间道:“怎么回事?” I do not talk clearly.” Cai Yi shook the head, the complexion is very strange, I thought that he feared was Bedevilment?” “我也说不清楚。”彩衣摇了摇头,脸色很是怪异,“我觉得,他怕是入魔了?” Bedevilment?” 入魔?” The people complexion changes. 众人脸色一变。 On him has intense energy fluctuation, but he as if lost the reason, murderous aura soars to the heavens, as to destroy all. I do not know this condition what's the matter, but I just above him, thought that he as if links me to massacre, „... That feeling, very fearful!” “他身上有着非常强烈的能量波动,可他似乎已经失去了理智,杀气冲天,似乎想要毁灭一切。我不知道他这种状态怎么回事,但我刚刚在他上方,觉得他似乎连我都想要杀掉,,“…那种感觉,非常的可怕!” Such remarks, Chi Xiao and the others met unit to live panic-strickenly, looks together to the position of corpse bridge. 此话一出,赤霄等人会部惊骇住了,一起望向尸桥的方位。 Strong malignant influences, have welled up from there first, that malignant influences have the thick smell of blood, has soaked in Blood Sea likely generally, to person an extremely dangerous feeling. 一股浓烈之极的煞气,先是从那儿涌了出来,那煞气有着浓浓的血腥味,像是在血海之中浸泡过一般,给人一种极度危险的感觉。 In that strong malignant influences, eyes scarlet-red Shi Yan, reveals slowly. 在那浓烈的煞气中,双眸赤红的石岩,缓缓显露出来。 Chi Xiao, Zuo Shi, Cai Yi and the othersstared at his eye to look, was the facial expression shakes, seemed affected including Sea of Consciousness, immediately also had an intense destruction desire. 赤霄左诗彩衣等人”只是盯着他的眼睛看了一下,都是神情一震,似乎连识海都受到影响,顿时也生出一种强烈的毁灭欲望。 Cruel and crazy, Xu blood look, transmitsthis moment Shi Yan really not to be likely normal from the Shi Yan scarlet-red eye pupil deep place, such as evil spirit that drills from the hell deep place, wishes one could to give the tearing smashing all lives. 暴戾、疯狂、绪血的眼神,从石岩赤红的眼瞳深处传来”这一刻的石岩像是真的不正常了,如从地狱深处钻出来的厉鬼,恨不得将一切生灵都给撕裂粉碎。 He compared with the people in most formidable Demonic Beast that in Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist meets, but also appears terrifying many. 他比众人在暗磁雾瘴中所遇到的最强大的妖兽,还显得恐怖许多。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The Chi Xiao complexion drastic change, startled called out: Shi Yan feared that was real Bedevilment! This, this condition, does not know that will have anything!” 赤霄脸色剧变,惊叫道:“石岩怕是真的入魔了!这,这种状态,不知道会发生什么!” I have a look.” Zuo Shi is somewhat flurried, the subconsciousness wants by Shi Yan, asks that he had anything. “我去看看。”左诗有些慌乱,下意识想要到石岩旁边,问问他发生了什么。 Xiao Shi do not go!” 小诗别去!” Chi Xiao puts out a hand, held her stubbornly, said anxiously: Under Shi Yan this condition, will not have any reason to say, if you approach your him, perhaps will be regarded the object who destroys first by him! Do not go! Do not approach him!” 赤霄伸手,死死抓住了她,急切道:“石岩这种状态下,根本不会有任何的理智可言,你要是靠近你他,说不定会被他当成最先毁灭的对象!别去!千万不要靠近他!” But this, very dangerous!” Zuo Shi has worked loose several, discovered that cannot work loose after the Chi Xiao hand, cannot bear call out in alarm, yells loudly: Shi Yan, what is up? What's the matter? We are what kind, can help you?” “可他这样子,会很危险的啊!”左诗挣脱了几下,发现不能从赤霄手中挣脱之后,忍不住惊叫起来,大声叫喊:“石岩,你怎么啦?你到底怎么回事啊?我们要怎么样,才可以帮到你?” Cai Yi and Zuo Xu also look to him, is waiting for the reply of Shi Yan. 彩衣左虚也看向他,都在等候石岩的回答。 Howling!” “嚎!” Shi Yan sends out not a humanlike rave suddenly, air/Qi of inexhaustible evil spirit, roared with this, spreads over the region of entire battle. 石岩骤然发出一声不似人类的狂吼,一股无穷无尽的凶煞之气,随着这一声吼叫,传遍整个交战的区域。 All keeps here Warrior, Sea of Consciousness fiercely trembles, Brother Lao li are the body shake fiercely, the eye socket car(riage) wisp of blood overflows unexpectedly. Zuo Xu was also samein eye the blood remained, the fierce earth tremor trembling, showed the alarmed and afraid expression. 所有留在这里的武者,识海都是猛地一颤,劳里兄弟更是身体猛地一震,眼眶车竟有一缕鲜血溢出来。左虚也是一样”眼中鲜血留了出来,猛地颤了颤,露出惊惧之极的表情来。 Other two Liang Jing Warrioris also same as Brother Lao li, in the eye socket the blood class comes out, sat on the ground. 另外的两个涅粱境的武者”也和劳里兄弟一样,眼孔中鲜血流出来,一屁股坐在了地上。 A great roar of Shi Yan, is full the strength of wild evil spirit, in the air/Qi of this evil spirit also has the energetic raging tide, affected all Warrior Sea of Consciousness unexpectedly. 石岩的一声巨吼,充盈着狂暴之极的凶煞之力,这凶煞之气中还有精神狂潮,竟影响了所有武者识海 Realm lowest these Liang Jing WarriorSea of Consciousness raises the giant wave, is hard to control the mind, by the direct Sea of Consciousness riot of air/Qi of impact that evil spirit, this was met the eye socket to bleed. 境界最低的那些涅粱境的武者识海掀起巨大的波浪,难以控制心神,被那凶煞之气冲击的直接识海暴乱,这才会眼眶流血。 On the contrary is Zuo Shi, although the complexion is pallid, instead is safe and sound. 反倒是左诗,虽然脸色煞白,反而安然无恙。 Her Sea of Consciousness has not become, did not soar to the heavens the influence of malignant influences by Shi Yan this actually, Brother Liang Jing Lao li the mind is damaged, has her of Earth Realm boundary to be not affected. 识海未成,倒是不受石岩这冲天煞气的影响,以至于涅粱境的劳里兄弟心神受损,只有地位境的她却不受影响。 Cai Yi and Warrior of Chi Xiao these two now Sky Realm boundaries, is the look big change, suppresses the fluctuation of Sea of Consciousness hurriedly, controls Sea of Consciousness not to be affected by Shi Yan fully. 彩衣赤霄这两今天位境的武者,也是眼神大变,急忙来抑制识海的波动,全力来控制识海不受石岩影响。 Still came from in fierce combat these Divine Great Land Sky Realm boundary Warrior, ” actually completely stopped along with a sonic boom roar of Shi Yan, the facial expression big changes, looked to Shi Yan. 还在激战中的那些来自于神州大地天位武者,随着石岩的一声爆吼”却全部停了下来,一个个神情大变,纷纷看向了石岩 Brat, what do you do?” “臭小子,你搞什么?” The Zhao Feng complexion sinks, suddenly calls out one, „are you leave scary good, at this time accidentally discharged Bedevilment, do you want to commit suicide inadequately? The boys, hurry to hold the breath with rapt attention, sits do not move in the place, controls the mind fully, do not want to be too many.” 赵峰脸色一沉,突然暴喝一声,“你别吓人好不好,这时候走火入魔,你想自杀不成?小子,赶紧屏息凝神,坐在地方不要动,全力来控制心神,别想太多了。” Li Yue look glittering is uncertainlooks from afar to Shi Yan, suddenly said: These methods that Zhao Feng, you said that to him feared that is useless, his accidentally discharging Bedevilment, is not, but is perishing of will cultivation causes! This Bedevilment, through calming the mind to restore to subside, this fellow, feared that was cultivation some evil mystique, the mystique had the change, affected his state of mind, this situation was very difficult to reverse. ” 李悦眼神闪烁不定”远远看向石岩,忽然道:“赵峰,你说的那些方法,对他怕是没用的,他的这种走火入魔,不是修炼引起的”而是意志的沉沦!这种入魔,不是通过静心就可以恢复平息下来的,这家伙,怕是修炼了某种邪恶的秘法,秘法发生了变化,影响了他的神志,这种情况很难扭转。” „!” Zhao Feng calls out in alarm, dull looks at Shi Yan, suddenly does not know that did not know what to do. “啊!”赵峰惊叫起来,呆呆的看着石岩,一时间也不知道如何是好了。
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