GOS :: Volume #5

#407: Extends the aid

In people, Zuo Xu, only then cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Third Sky, the bosom was new promote enters, both were inferior compared with that Lao li and Lao Lun two brothers that he was strength weakest one. 众人中,左虚只有涅盘三重天之境的修为,怀是新晋进入的,比那劳里劳伦两兄弟都不如,他是实力最弱的一个。 Under the attacks of four disasters, Zuo Xu resistance also difficult, glittering that the body winds around the blue rays of light rain clothes, as if are having the shatter indication in four influences of disasters, Zuo Xu cultivation base, very difficult to survive under this day disaster. 在四种天灾的侵袭下,左虚抵御的也最为的艰难,身上缭绕的一件闪烁着蓝色光芒的蓑衣,在四种天灾的影响中似乎有着破碎的征兆,左虚修为,很难在这天灾下存活。 Before Shi Yan rushes, pulls taut Zuo Xu, gave a loud shout, makes an effort to fling Zuo Xu. 石岩冲上前,一把扯住左虚,大喝一声,用力将左虚甩了出去。 Different strength in a muscle erupts, at this moment Shi Yan obtained the infinite great strength likely, so under moves, Zuo Xu from four attacks of disasters, was thrown by him directly to the lakelet center. 一身肌肉中的异力爆发出来,这一刻石岩像是获得了无穷巨力,这般甩动下,左虚从四种天灾的侵袭中,直接被他扔向了小湖中心处。 Warrior of there all parties team, fast is climbing up the corpse ladder, Zuo Xu arrives at that same place, is inferior to think that got up Stone Ti with these people, climbs fast toward the place above. 那里各方团队的武者,都在快速攀爬尸梯,左虚一到那一块,不及多想,就跟着那些人上了石梯,快速往上方攀去。 Chi Xiao has Second Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, under the influence of disaster, ample force, slow in corpse ladder line toward that lakelet. 赤霄有着天位二重天之境修为,在天灾的影响下,还有余力,正缓慢的往那小湖中的尸梯行去。 Shi Yan shot a look at his one eyes, saw that Chi Xiao does not draw support the external force, will be safe and sound. 石岩只是瞥了他一眼,就看出赤霄就算是不借助于外力,也会安然无恙。 The mind is certain, Shi Yan no longer goes to manage Chi Xiao at once, in negative energy and rising suddenly of whole body muscle, he limps looks like Lao li and side the Lao Lun two brothers. 心神一定,石岩旋即不再去管赤霄,在负面之力浑身肌肉的暴涨中,他又蹒跚看来到劳里劳伦两兄弟身旁。 Sees Shi Yan to come, Lao li and Lao Lun two brothers are overjoyed, the eye has shone immediately. 一见石岩过来,劳里劳伦两兄弟大喜过望,眼睛马上都亮了起来。 Although two brothers are also Warrior on Divine Great Land, because Realm is slightly low, itself does not have the too fierce rare treasure non- body, when disaster also extremely difficult, Shi Yan comes, two people sound track Xie Manlian feel grateful. 两兄弟虽然也是神州大地上的武者,但因为境界略低,本身也没有太厉害的秘宝非身,在天灾中也是极为的艰难,石岩过来时,两人大声道谢满脸感激。 In this time two brothers realized that good of Shi Yan , compared with that Ai Ya, Shi Yan this type does not discard the procedure of teammate is to let two brothers is moved. 在这个时候两兄弟才意识到石岩的好,和那艾雅一比,石岩这种不舍弃队友的做法更是让两兄弟感动。 Walks!” “走!” Shi Yan sinks to drink, muscle block same places in two hand shiver, a vast infinite energy fluctuation, jumps to shoot from the arm instantaneously. 石岩沉喝,两手中的肌肉块一起颤动起来,一股浩瀚无穷的能量波动,从手臂中瞬间迸射而出。 Proposes one, Shi Yan is entering the boundary of Rampage Second Sky instantaneously, only thinks power that at this moment whole body has, endures compared with Third Sky of Sky Realm formidable Warrior. 一手提着一个,石岩瞬间进入暴走二重天之境,只觉这一刻浑身拥有的力量,堪比天位三重天之境的强大武者 Two violent forces fling itself preparation appropriate Brother Lao li, took advantage of somebody's authority to fly, after Zuo Xu, flew to that lakelet center. 两手猛力一甩本身就准备妥当的劳里兄弟,借势飞了出去,在左虚之后,也飞向了那小湖中心。 But at this time, Chi Xiao also arrived at that same place, has attracted Brother Lao li conveniently, led the side them. 而这个时候,赤霄也来到那一块,顺手吸了一下劳里兄弟,将他们带到了身旁。 Brother Lao li not hesitant hurried to mingle in the crowd, made use that corpse ladder. 劳里兄弟也不犹豫急忙混杂在人群中,趁势上了那尸梯。 Pitiful yells, shout suddenly along these Warrior mouths from outside, these get sucked at the disaster, Warrior guard who nobody rescues light covers with the rare treasure, starts unable to withstand disaster four harm of power of that day, as soon as the strength of defense vanishes, four disasters instantaneously will kill to the bang. 一声声惨叫,忽然从外沿那些武者口中呼喊出来,那些深陷在天灾,没有人搭救的武者身上的护身光罩和秘宝,开始承受不住那天灾四种力量的损害,一等防御之力消失,就会四种天灾瞬间给轰杀了。 Either was fired the ashes, either was destroyed completely the soul by thunder and lightning, or was torn into shreds by the storm either is frozen by the wind and frost. 要么被烧成灰烬,要么被雷电灭掉灵魂,要么被暴风撕碎要么被风霜冰冻。 Such a while time, ten people had died a tragic death, cannot enter lakelet Center unable again to approach that corpse ladder. 这么一会儿功夫,就有十来人惨死了,再也没能进入小湖〖中〗央没能靠近那尸梯。 Shi Yan turned head to look at one, discovered that once fell into Warrior of corpse ladder below five meters places to be able not by four influences of disasters, Chi Xiao also in that same place, the body was winding around the rich smog, dissipated, has not continued to consume the energy to resist all around disaster. 石岩扭头看了一眼,发现一旦落入尸梯下方五米处的武者就可以不受四种天灾的影响,赤霄也在那一块,身上缭绕着的浓郁烟雾,也都消散开来,没有继续耗费精力来抵御四周的天灾。 Relaxed slightly, Shi Yan the Cai Yi line goes toward is moving difficultly, Cai Yi the clothing has soaked at this time, appearance quite distressed. 稍稍松了一口气,石岩又往艰难挪动着的彩衣行去,彩衣此时衣衫湿透了,模样颇为的狼狈。 On her fair cheek, the sweat stain appears, in the beautiful pupil full is flurried restless, is coming imperial to move fully[ body] in power, copes with four disaster Ran to affect reluctantly. 她那白皙的脸蛋上,汗渍显现,美眸中满是慌乱不安,正全力来御动〖体〗内的力量,勉强对付着四种天灾苒影响。 In the Cai Yi sleeve cuff, dozens colored ribbons fly, these colored ribbon are dodging the five colored light corona, covers indistinctly her tender body. 彩衣袖口中,数十条彩带飞飞,那些彩带一条条闪着五彩光晕,隐约将她娇躯罩住。 Under the influences of four disasters, these colored ribbons that she puts, explodes to break to pieces one after another, whenever a colored ribbon explodes broken, Cai Yi can the complexion slightly changes, appears the panicked and disorderly table cicada-like insect mentioned in ancient texts. 在四种天灾的影响下,她放出来的那些彩带,一条接着一条爆碎开来,每当一条彩带爆碎,彩衣都会脸色微微一变,显出惊乱的表螓。 That colored ribbon, is the Cai Yi livelihood section imperial energy circle, once these colored ribbons vanished completely, Cai Yi completely will also expose, at once is given to embezzle by four disasters, the skeleton not saves. 那一条条彩带,就是彩衣赖以生存的段御能量圈,一旦那些彩带全部消失了,彩衣也会彻底暴露出来,旋即被四种天灾给吞没,尸骨无存。 Shi Yan coldly looked at her, in the eye flashes through a hesitant meaning. 石岩冷冷望了一眼她,眼中闪过一丝犹豫之意。 This Cai Yi and Ai Ya were hard-to-control that the Ai Ya clever trick prevail, making him guard against the heart to be heavier a point, subconscious Cai Yi and a Ai Ya return kind of person. 彩衣艾雅都是难以控制的那种,艾雅的诡计得逞,令他提防心更重了一分,下意识的将彩衣艾雅归位一类人。 He does not know, if under rescuing Cai Yi, in some moment of future, this woman can with Ai Ya one, regards the object who her plans. 他不知道如果救下彩衣,在将来的某一刻,这女人会不会和艾雅一眼,也将她当成算计的对象。 Lake bottom time, he looked at the Cai Yi wonderful ketone body completely, even also once got rid frivolously, he believes that Cai Yi decides however hates to the marrow of the bones to him. 湖底的时候,他将彩衣的美妙酮体全部看了一遍,甚至还曾出手轻薄,他相信彩衣定然对他恨之入骨。 Has this hatred heart, Cai Yi will be law-abiding in the future, will be perhaps same as Ai Ya, frequently is thinking copes with him. 有这仇恨心在,彩衣将来不一定会安分,说不定也会和艾雅一样,时刻想着对付他。 Had this idea, Shi Yan has not wanted to rescue Cai Yi on some, wanted, whatever she ran its own course. 有了这个想法,石岩就有些不想搭救彩衣,想要任由她自生自灭。 Shi Yan!”, Cai Yi screamed suddenly that a face was in a panic restless, you had said that before the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist matter had not ended, were we also the companions? Do you still remember your words? If you remember really that helps my!” The Cai Yi eye pupil looks maliciously to him, on the tender and beautiful face full is the urgent meaning. 石岩!”,彩衣忽然尖叫起来,一脸仓皇不安,“你曾经说过,在暗磁雾瘴的事情没有结束之前,我们还算是同伴?你还记得你的这番话吗?如果你真的记得,就帮我一把!”彩衣眼眸狠狠地看向他,娇艳的脸上满是急迫之意。 Shi Yan coldly snorted, this continues to struggle, utilizes is hiding power, gradually moved toward her. 石岩冷哼一声,这才继续挣扎,运用一身潜藏着的力量,一步步走向了她。 I naturally remember that I am not Ai Ya that slut, I had said words, naturally can select presently., Arrives at side Cai Yi, the Shi Yan extending year embraces her slender waist, makes an effort to tow to entrain her, with the light of stars the body covers, comes to cover her tender body, helping her resist outside world four violations of disasters. “我自然记得,我又不是艾雅贱人,我说过的话,自然会点现。,来到彩衣身旁,石岩伸年揽住她那纤细的腰肢,用力拖拽着她,用身上笼罩的星辰之光,来将她的娇躯覆盖,帮助她来抵御外界的四种天灾的侵害。 Cai Yi by slender waist that he embraces, the facial expression is stagnated, the body also slightly trembles, she lowered the head suddenly, inspired gently, said in a low voice: This time you helped me, I remember, previous time in lakelet you to our frivolousness, I...... When I have not occurred.” 彩衣被他揽住的细腰,神情一滞,身子也微微一颤,她忽然低下头,轻轻吸了一口气,低声道:“这次你帮我了,我会记得,上一次在小湖中你对我们的轻薄,我……我就当没有发生过。” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 The fragrance of gladdening the heart, enters mouth and nose from Cai Yi Yi, is hugging her waist, is feeling that astonishing elasticity, in the Shi Yan heart, suddenly remembers the enticing/charming and gentle scene in that lakelet, somewhat is unexpectedly capricious. 沁人心脾的芳香,从彩衣的身上逸入口鼻,搂着她的腰肢,感受着那惊人的弹性,石岩心中不由一荡,忽然想起在那小湖中的旖旎场景,竟有些心猿意马起来。 Walks quickly!” “快走!” The nose clothes saw him to be out of sorts suddenly, does not know that he thought anything, drank hurriedly tenderly. 鼻衣见他忽然失神了一下,也不知道他想些什么,急忙娇喝起来。 Shi Yan quickly awakens, nodded, grins to sneer saying: Relax, this lakelet has the huge influence regarding the disaster, weakened these roaring flame and thunder and lightning might, otherwise few people can support the present. Since I dare to remain to save you, has confidence to be safe and sound.”, So was saying, he is hugging the waist of Cai Yi, suddenly sinks to drink one,[ body] in various energy erupt suddenly. 石岩幡然醒悟,点了点头,咧嘴冷笑道:“放心吧,这小湖对于天灾有着巨大的影响,已经减弱了这些烈焰、雷电的威力,要不然没有几人可以支撑到现在的。我既然胆敢留下来救你们,就有把握可以安然无恙。”,这般说着,他搂着彩衣的腰肢,忽然沉喝一声,〖体〗内各种能量霍然爆发出来。 Such as the terrifying imposing manner of mountain, releases fiercely from him, in[ body] under the impact irrigation of various power, the Shi Yan strength is greatly infinite, a point star light that covers, seemed strengthened the might, that star point is moving crowded, forms marvelous Star Chart faintly. 一股如山似的恐怖气势,猛地从他身上释放开来,在〖体〗内各种力量的冲击灌注下,石岩力大无穷,就连身上笼罩的点点星光,都似乎被增强了威力,那一个个星点密集的活动着,隐隐形成奇妙的星图 The roaring flame, storm, thunder and lightning and energy of snow frost attacks, falls into on that Star Chart, was affected by Star Chart, causes Star Chart[ stirs up] projects bunch of star light, the star light and that four day natural disasters strength hit mutually, splutters many energy luminous spots. 烈焰、暴风、雷电、雪霜的能量冲击进来,一落入那星图上,就受到了星图的影响,使得星图〖激〗射出一束束星光,星光和那四种天灾异力相互撞击开来,溅射出更多的能量光点。 Under the defense of Star Shield, Shi Yan is safe and sound, draws support fleshly body powerful, is dragging Cai Yi good step by step to that corpse ladder. 星盾的防御下,石岩安然无恙,借助于肉身强悍,拖着彩衣一步步行向那尸梯。 At this time Chi Xiao on corpse ladder, fast climbed up toward the place above, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan hugs Cai Yi to come, Chi Xiao complexion one happy, to Shi Yan nodded, shouted to clear the way lowly: Young fellow!” 此时赤霄已上了尸梯,正快速朝着上方攀爬,眼见石岩搂着彩衣过来,赤霄脸色一喜,冲石岩点了点头,低喝道:“好小子!” Shi Yan smiled, brings Cai Yi to the safe region, suddenly the imposing manner rises, a wild energy fluctuation, erupts suddenly from him. 石岩笑了笑,将彩衣带到安全的区域,突然气势疯涨,一股狂暴的能量波动,突然从他身上爆发开来。 Was pushing these Warrior, simultaneously realized that the arrival of Shi Yan, is feeling the intense fluctuation that transmits from Shi Yan, these people are the look change, immediately is honest. 本来推挤着的那些武者,同时察觉到石岩的到来,感受着从石岩身上传来的强烈波动,这些人都是眼神一变,马上老实下来。 We walk.” “我们走。” Shi Yan coldly snorted, unflustered passes through from these people, first let on Cai Yi the corpse ladder, at once after Cai Yi, a foot pedal on the first ancient human body. 石岩冷哼一声,从容不迫的从这些人中穿过去,先让彩衣上了尸梯,旋即才在彩衣之后,一脚踏在第一具古尸身上。 Cai Yi under the asylum of Shi Yan, fast climbs up toward the place above of corpse ladder, the slender beautiful leg is swaying, two pieces of buttocks petals are quite moving, make somewhat dazzling and intoxicating, cannot stop has one type that Shi Yan under her body looks intensely holds the desire. 彩衣石岩的庇护下,快速的朝着尸梯的上方攀爬,修长的美腿晃荡着,两片臀瓣颇为动人,让她身下的石岩看的有些目眩神迷,止不住生出一种强烈的占有欲望。 It is not good! 不好! In Shi Yan heart one cold, immediately realized these Negative Emotions started to manifest suddenly slowly. 石岩心中一凛,立即意识到那些负面情绪已开始缓缓发作了。 Before he collected numerous Warrior Dead body quietly, absorbs on the Warrior massive essence that these just died, the richness of this time essence, went far beyond the past, realized until him soon could not withstand, stopped. 之前他悄悄收集了众多武者尸体,吸收了那些刚死的武者身上的大量精气,这次的精气之浓郁,远远超过以往,直到他察觉到快要承受不住的时候,才停了下来。 Now in whole body 720 acupoint, starts transpiration Negative Emotions, these mood manifest suddenly quietly, start to affect his will, is enlarging his innermost feelings evil side, enlarges his primitive boat instinct. 如今浑身720个穴窍之内,都开始流逸负面情绪,这些情绪悄悄发作,开始影响他的心志,在放大他内心邪恶的一面,放大他原始舟本能。 Essence that in this acupoint absorbs, wanted more vigorous, Negative Emotions that past can produce, will be more violent than the past. 这次穴窍中吸收的精气,比以往要浑厚许多,将会产生的负面情绪,也会比以往猛烈。 When the battle had not ended, once Negative Emotions erupts completely, perhaps he will lose control, falls into the fiercest cruel crazy boundary, perhaps meets does not divide the enemy and ourselves, extinguishes the desire that destroys the biology of all seeing, is humane worst side, is the source of heart demon! 在争斗尚未结束的时候,一旦负面情绪全部爆发出来,他说不定会失控,陷入最为狂烈的暴戾疯狂之境,说不定会不分敌我,将所有看到的生物灭蒂毁灭的欲望,也是人性最为邪恶的一面,是心魔的源头! When this desire was stimulated, perhaps he by his tenacious will, cannot control, must to that moment, he not know that really will have anything, he perhaps one and will ruin including Zuo Xu and Zuo Shi. 当这个欲望被激发了出来,他恐怕以他坚韧的心志,也控制不住,真要到了那一刻,他不知道将会发生什么,他说不定会连左虚左诗都一并毁掉。 Contains this cruel crazy method only, as if only then alleviates through the release desire, however, in the nowadays situation, he also has the time to release the desire? Who can give him time? 唯一遏制这种暴戾疯狂的方法,似乎只有通过释放欲望来缓解,然而,在现今的情况下,他又怎么有时间来释放欲望?谁能给他那个时间? The Shi Yan eyes burning hot, brilliant falls on place above Cai Yi that by the moving physique that in the sweat gets wet, looks at that buttocks petal and beautiful leg, the desire in his heart multiplies even more swift and violent. 石岩双眸炙热,灼灼地落在上方彩衣那被汗水沾湿的动人身姿上,看着那臀瓣和美腿,他心中的欲望滋生的愈加迅猛。 Side is the cruel bloodthirsty, side looks for vent of woman, these two choices are placed in front of him, made about him make things difficult. 一边是暴戾的嗜杀,一边是找女人的发泄,这两种选择摆在他面前,令他左右为难 Regardless of a that way, as if not suitable this time condition, once really by the heart demon controlling, enlarged innermost feelings evil side infinitely, he feared that the final result, will possibly surpass his control. 不论那一种方式,似乎都不适合此时的境况,一旦真的被心魔给控制了,将内心邪恶的一面无限放大了,他怕最终的结果,可能会超出他的掌控。 He does not want to lose control. 他不想失控。 In the heart is struggling, he is controlling himself vigorously, does not look above Cai Yi, does not go to think matter that any can shoulder his innermost feelings desire. 心中挣扎着,他极力控制着自己,不去看上方的彩衣,不去想任何能够挑起他内心欲望的事情。 Clenches teeth, the facial features are fierce, follow after Cai Yi, Shi Yan fast in that day two rivers toward the region line that interweave goes. 咬着牙,面容狰狞,跟在彩衣之后,石岩快速往那天上两条河流交织的区域行去。
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