GOS :: Volume #5

#406: Seven Stars Arrow

Boy, are you also our god people?” “小子,你也是我们神教中人?” That facial features withered and yellow middle age guy, surprised looks at Shi Yan, the speaker shouted loudly, seemed somewhat inspired. 那面容枯黄的中年大汉,惊讶的看着石岩,扬声高呼,似乎有些振奋。 Shi Yan has gawked, is just thinking how to defend him of these disasters, suddenly has not ravelled that person of meaning, spoke thoughtlessly to ask anything. 石岩愣了一下,正想着如何来防御那些天灾的他,一时间没有弄明白那人的意思,随口问了一句什么。 „Are you our Divine Radiant Cult person? Stupid boy!” “你是不是我们光明神教的人?笨小子!” Guy snort|hum, but the manner be better than before, formerly he looked at to Shi Yan time, wished one could to extinguish Shi Yan directly has killed, but now is scolding stupid boy, may look like as if no what evil intention. 那大汉哼了一声,不过态度要比之前好许多,先前他看向石岩的时候,恨不得将石岩给直接灭杀了,但现在虽然骂着“笨小子”,可看起来却似乎没有什么恶意。 Shi Yan understands suddenly. 石岩霍然明白过来。 I come from Endless Sea, in body have Stars Martial Spirit, Endless Sea Three God Church, is the god branch, I......” “我来自于无尽海,身体中有星辰武魂,无尽海三神教,是神教分支,我……” That was right.” Does not wait for the Shi Yan lecture, he was impatient, called out: You come, we need to draw support your Strength of Stars, so long as you come out Seven Stars Arrow precise, integrated the strength of my big date, in addition Li Yue the strength of bright moonlight, decided however can break this anything mountains and rivers seal barrier.” “那就对了。”不等石岩讲完,他已经迫不及待了,叫道:“你过来吧,我们需要借助于你的星辰之力,只要你将七星箭凝炼出来,融入我的大日之力,再加上李悦的明月之力,定然可以破掉这什么山河印屏障。” Side him, feminine Warrior of another now Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, nodded. 在他身旁,另外一今天位三重天境的女性武者,也点了点头 This Divine Radiant Cult Warrior that called Li Yue, the look was ordinary, the body was extremely thin, the facial expression was also quite pale, has not undergone the illumination of sunlight likely for a long time. 这个叫李悦光明神教武者,相貌普通,身子极瘦,脸容也颇为苍白,像是很长时间没有经过日光的照射。 She when discovered that Shi Yan displays Star Shield, was surprised, has recognized Star Shield her, subconscious has regarded one of us Shi Yan, the manner on face also good many. 她在发现石岩施展出星盾的时候,也是惊讶了一下,认出了星盾的她,下意识的将石岩当成了自家人,脸上的态度也好了不少。 When has not seen Shi Yan displays Star Shield, she looks to the Shi Yan look, cold. 在没有看到石岩施展出星盾的时候,她看向石岩的眼神,最为的冷冽。 Is the Divine Radiant Cult person.” Cai Yi reminded in a low voice. “是光明神教的人。”彩衣低声提醒了一下。 Shi Yan stunnedhas thoughtnodded, moves toward Zuo Shi gently suddenly, held Zuo Shito move toward that lakelet Center directly. Zuo Shi look one hurried, was pulled by him is moving toward the lakelet, on the small face full is the doubts is puzzled. 石岩愕然”想了一下”轻轻点了点头,忽然走向左诗,一把抓住了左诗”直接走向那小湖〖中〗央左诗眼神一慌,被他扯着走向小湖,小脸上满是疑惑不解。 Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu neglect one, the facial expression one happily, saw the Shi Yan regard. Zuo Shi cultivation base is lowest, only then the strength of Earth Realm boundary, she keeps borderto fear that cannot resist the disaster that these come, although around the silver lakelet magnetic field, making the speed that the disaster approached slow down, may under the responsibility according to this trend, how long unable to want, the disaster will cover. 赤霄左虚忽视一眼,神情一喜,看出了石岩的心意。左诗修为最低,只有地位境的实力,她留在边沿”怕是抵挡不住那些过来的天灾,虽然银色小湖周围的磁场,令天灾逼近的速度减缓了许多,可按照这个趋势下责,要不了多久,天灾还是会覆盖过来。 Shi Yan the Zuo Shi belt to lakelet Center, can make her contact the disaster of surrounding slowly, perhaps waited for that time, the barrier that Ai Ya kept to be explained that she can seize the chance to fire into the space, then avoided moving with the disaster. 石岩左诗带向小湖〖中〗央,可以让她最慢接触到外围的天灾,说不定等那个时候,艾雅留下来的屏障已被破解,她就可以趁机冲向天上,进而避免和天灾碰触。 Who is the doll?” Surface yellow guy, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan brought Zuo Shi togetherfrowns to ask one. “那女娃是谁?”面黄的大汉,眼见石岩左诗一同带来”皱着眉头问了一句。 My wife.” “我老婆。” Shi Yan smiled, looked calm, tightens secretly has been gripping tightly the big hand of Zuo Shi. 石岩笑了笑,神情自若,暗地里紧了紧握着左诗的大手。 Some Zuo Shi also resistances, secretly blamed Shi Yan to be bewildered, but she shot a look at behind at will, saw after the expression that Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu relaxedimmediately understood. 左诗本来还有些抗拒,暗地里责怪石岩莫名其妙,但她随意瞥了一眼身后,看到赤霄左虚松了一口气的表情之后”马上就明白了过来。 Shi Yan this is must guarantee her. 石岩这是要保她啊。 Zuo Shi is somewhat affected, has not struggled, coordination smiles cleverlyfollowed Shi Yan. 左诗有些感动,没有挣扎,配合的轻轻一笑”乖巧的跟着石岩走了过来。 These come from Divine Radiant Cult Warrior, listening to Shi Yan saying that Zuo Shi was his wifealso no longer says anything, five Warrior also initiative sadly opened the body, was Shi Yan they make a scrap space. 那些来自于光明神教武者,听石岩左诗是他老婆”也就不再多说什么,五名武者还主动恻开身子,为石岩两人腾出一小块空间来。 You understood that displays Seven Stars Arrow?” Li Yue inquired. “你懂得施展七星箭吗?”李悦询问道。 Does not understand.” Shi Yan shakes the head. “不懂。”石岩摇头。 Using Strength of Stars, forms Big Dipper, can you know?” Li Yue asked again. “运用星辰之力,形成七星阵,你总该知道吧?”李悦再问。 Big Dipper?” Shi Yan eye one bright, nodded, this I should understand how to transport again.” “七星阵?”石岩眼睛一亮,点了点头,“这个我应该懂得怎么运再。” Is very good, immediately displays, remaining gave me and Zhao Feng on the line.” Li Yue shouted to clear the way. “很好,立即施展出来,剩下的交给我和赵峰就行了。”李悦喝道。 Quickly!” Named Zhao Feng facial features withered and yellow Warrior, urged Shi Yan hurriedly. “快一点!”名叫赵峰的面容枯黄的武者,也急忙催促石岩 Lakelet Center, another two strongest teams, as if know that Divine Radiant Cult some mystique, hears Seven Stars Arrow and a Big Dipper view, is the eye one bright, nobody spoke to scold Shi Yan, but was the vision brilliant looked to him. 小湖〖中〗央,另外两个最强的团队,似乎知道光明神教的某种秘法,听到七星箭和七星阵的说法,都是眼睛一亮,没有人出言来呵斥石岩,而是目光灼灼的看向他。 Under the gaze of people, Shi Yan imperial moves Stars Martial Spirit by the mind, gathers star point, forms seven groups in his top of the head according to the light group that Big Dipper Star Chart arranges, is this?” Shi Yan indefinite asking. 在众人的注视之下,石岩以心神御动星辰武魂,将一个个星点聚集起来,在他头顶形成七团按照北斗七星星图排列出来的光团,“是这样么?”石岩不确定的问道。 Is this!” Zhao Feng facial expression one happy, at once laughs, an flame strength of burning hot, in the radiant sunlight, pasts from him. “就是这样!”赵峰神情一喜,旋即哈哈大笑,一股炙热的炎力,在璀璨的日光中,从他身上流转出来。 Sunlight of one group of burning hots, flies fiercely, pours into Big Dipper Jinnouchi. 一团炙热的日光,猛地飞出来,注入七星阵之内。 At the same time, on that Li Yue also has the light of moonlight to past, another group of bright moonlight , the escape from her hand comes out, has poured into Big Dipper Jinnouchi. 同一时间,那李悦身上也有月华之光流转开来,另外一团皎洁的月光,也从她手上飞逸出来,也注入了七星阵之内。 You leave alone, remaining gave us to be good.” Urging that Li Yue does not feel relieved. “你别管了,剩下的交给我们就行了。”李悦不放心的叮嘱了一句。 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 One group of sunlight, one group of moonlight, seven Cluster light, collect in that Big Dipper. 一团日光,一团月光,七团星光,在那七星阵中汇集起来。 At once shakes the intense energy fluctuation, separately ripples from the sunlight and star light, seven Cluster light sudden resonances that fluctuation and Shi Yan release. 旋即一震强烈的能量波动,分别从日光和星光中荡漾开来,那波动和石岩释放出来的七团星光突然共鸣了。 Under the gaze of people, seven Cluster light that Shi Yan releases, the outbreak strange change, twists a Bow and Arrow appearance. 在众人的注视之下,石岩释放出来的七团星光,突然发生诡异的变化,扭曲成一个弓箭的模样来。 That group came from the Zhao Feng sunlight, with the Li Yue moonlight, fuses fiercely in together, forms a power astonishing light arrow, that light arrow directly builds , was been precise by the light of stars that draws a bow on. 那一团来自于赵峰的日光,和李悦的月光,猛地融合在一块儿,形成一支力量惊人的光箭,那光箭直接搭在了由星辰之光凝炼起来的那一张弓上。 The long bow elongates, an extremely violent power fluctuation, explodes suddenly. 长弓拉长,一股极为猛烈的力量波动,突然从中爆出来。 In a flash, the star light converges above that watt arrow, this arrow is only bringing the star light, on wild direction of fire bottommost ancient human body. 一瞬间,星光汇入那一支光箭之上,这光箭带着星光,狂暴的射向最下面的古尸身上。 The Intent Domain fluctuation that heaven and earth stars ancient do not extinguish, transmits suddenly, that light arrow collects sun and moon Strength of Stars, power rises suddenly, spreads extremely scary energy to fluctuate. 一股天地星辰亘古不灭的意境波动,突然从中传递开来,那光箭汇集日月星辰之力,力量暴涨,传出极为骇人的能量波动来。 Bang!” “轰!” A bottommost ancient human body, by this watt arrow direct bang, purple rays of light that the ancient human body body twined, was routed instantaneously. 最下面一具古尸,被这一支光箭直接轰中了,古尸身上缠绕的紫色光芒,瞬间被击溃。 Float in mountains and rivers seal that audiences head went against, in which energy as if directly is struck to disperse, the mountains and rivers printed rays of light to be dim, cannot maintain the purple rivers that these spread. 悬浮在众人头顶的山河印,其中的能量似乎被直接击散了,山河印光芒黯淡,再也不能维持那些蔓延出去的紫色河流。 Various kind of rare treasures fly in abundance, pounds completely in that mountains and rivers seal, this mountains and rivers seal swayed in the midair, Spiritual Qi did not have, suddenly dropped. 各类秘宝纷纷飞出来,全部砸在那山河印上,这山河印在半空晃荡了一下,灵气全无,忽然跌落下来。 Good!” “好了!” Zhao Feng laughs, shouts shouts to clear the way: We have broken through the barrier, must by us on first!”, Li Yue complexion one cold, looks to nearby these Warrior, coldly said: Understands a custom!” 赵峰哈哈大笑,吆喝道:“我们冲破了屏障,必须由我们先上!”,李悦脸色一寒,看向旁边那些武者,冷冷道:“懂点规矩吧!” On responsibility!” “上责!” Zhao Feng stared side these Divine Radiant Cult Warrior, calls out the urging. 赵峰瞪了一眼身旁的那些光明神教武者,暴喝催促。 Divine Radiant Cult these Warrior, in Zhao Feng under stares, awakens, climbs up hurriedly toward that Stone Ti. 光明神教的那些武者,在赵峰的一瞪之下,纷纷醒悟过来,急忙朝着那石梯攀爬起来。 The Shi Yan facial expression moves, suddenly has pushed Zuo Shi, the Zuo Shi footsteps are staggering, arrived by that corpse ladder, was being pushed by the Divine Radiant Cult believer, somewhat distressed on corpse ladder. 石岩神情一动,忽然推了一把左诗,左诗脚步跄踉着,也到了那尸梯旁边,被光明神教的教徒推挤着,有些狼狈的上了尸梯。 Zhao Feng and Li Yue see the Shi Yan procedure, but the knitting the brows head, has not said slightly anything actually. 赵峰李悦看到石岩的做法,只是微微皱了皱眉头,倒是并没有多说什么。 In their hearts, Shi Yan, since is the Divine Radiant Cult person, even if one of us, his wife cultivation base is mean, at this time under kept most bad risk, Shi Yan such does, they poured did not oppose. 在他们心中,石岩既然是光明神教的人,就算是自家人,他老婆修为低微,这时候留在下方最为凶险,石岩这么做,他们倒也不反对。 Shi Yan, they......”, Zuo Shi climb up to corpse ladder Center, suddenly remembers anything, cannot bear shout that the beautiful pupil looks distantly to Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao. 石岩,他们……”,左诗攀爬到尸梯〖中〗央,忽然想起什么,忍不住叫嚷起来,美眸遥遥看向左虚赤霄 Chi Xiao they, at this time by disaster submerging, whole body rays of light are bright, is supporting in the disaster by strenuous efforts, the facial expression is somewhat distressed. 赤霄他们,此时已被天灾给淹没了,一个个浑身光芒熠熠,正在天灾中苦苦支撑着,神情有些狼狈。 Zuo Shi cannot put down her master and grandfather. 左诗放不下她师傅和爷爷。 Leave alone that many, you first came up to say again.”, Shi Yan calls out. “别管那么多,你先上去再说。”,石岩暴喝。 Zuo Shi behind these Divine Radiant Cult Warrior, knits the brows the urging, Zuo Shi is helpless, must continue to climb up toward the place above. 左诗身后的那些光明神教武者,也皱眉催促,左诗无奈,只得继续朝着上方攀爬。 long time, Divine Radiant Cult these Warrior, all did not get up Stone Ti, at this time Zhao Feng and Li Yue simultaneously looked to Shi Yan, shouted to clear the way together: „, The brat do not waste everybody's time quickly.” 多时,光明神教的那些武者,全部上了石梯,这时候赵峰李悦同时看向石岩,一起喝道:“快一点,臭小子别浪费大家的时间。” I......” “我……” My anything, others are waiting!”, Zhao Feng stares, scolds: Others rush, you currently have the opportunity, what also to hesitate?” “我什么,别人都在等着呢!”,赵峰一瞪眼,骂道:“别人抢着上,你现在有机会,还犹豫什么?” Lakelet Center, another two teams of Warrior, already simultaneous approximation. 小湖〖中〗央,另外两队的武者,已同时逼近了过来。 Distant place Chi Xiao and the others, were covered by the disaster at this time, the forehead places the cold sweat, as if extreme difficult of resistance, at this time he, if came up directly, perhaps Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu must forever stay here. 远处的赤霄等人,此时被天灾覆盖,额头身处冷汗,似乎抵御的极为困难,此时他若是直接上去了,说不定赤霄左虚就要永远留在这儿了。 I can wait a while.”, Shi Yan cracks into a smile, makes concessions on own initiative, said to Zhao Feng and Li Yue: You go first, my a while came up.” “我可以等一会儿的。”,石岩咧嘴一笑,主动退让开来,冲赵峰李悦道:“你们先去吧,我一会儿就上来了。” Zhao Feng and Li Yue stare, at once scolds Shi Yan this boy not know how to appreciate kindness, scolded in the sound, these two already before others came up, one after the other has mounted Stone Ti, climbed up toward the place above. 赵峰李悦一愣,旋即纷纷骂石岩这小子不识抬举,骂声中,这两人已经在别人上来之前,一前一后登上了石梯,朝着上方攀爬起来。 Two!”, Shi Yan calls. “两位!”,石岩吆喝起来。 „Do you have what concubine matter? Really troublesome!” The Zhao Feng anger shouted to clear the way. “你还有什妾事情?真是麻烦!”赵峰怒喝道。 Help looks after my wife, is god people, I will remember aid that you extend.”, The Shi Yan plea said. “帮忙照看点我老婆,都是神教中人,我会记住你们伸出的援手。”,石岩恳求道。 Zuo Shi came up first, but above will face anything, no one talks clearly, he cannot with Zuo Shi together, feared that Zuo Shi will receive the above bad risk to affect, can only beg friendship superficial Zhao Feng and Li Yue to help to look. 左诗先上去了,可上面会面对什么,谁也说不清楚,他不能和左诗一道,又怕左诗会受到上方的凶险波及,只能央求交情浅薄的赵峰李悦来帮忙照看。 Zhao Feng coldly snorted, the complexion is somewhat disgruntled, brat pages of nonsense, actually morning a point comes up, was stupid! That rare treasure were not many, coming anything unable to obtain lately.”, Speech time, the Zhao Feng speed speeds up suddenly, vanishes in the fog gradually. 赵峰冷哼一声,脸色有些不悦,“臭小子废话连篇,却早一点上来,笨死了!那秘宝可不多,来迟了什么都得不到。”,讲话的时候,赵峰速度骤然加快,渐渐在云雾中消失。 Lakelet Center, another two teams of formidable Warrior, while this opportunity, in abundance got up the corpse ladder, along corpse ladder upward. 小湖〖中〗央,另外两队强大的武者,趁此时机,也都纷纷上了尸梯,沿着尸梯一路往上。 Shi Yan turns head suddenly, Star Shield offers a sacrifice , the whole body skin has been the purple red, has drilled into these disaster Center. 石岩突然回头,星盾祭出,浑身皮肤呈了紫红色,一头钻入了那些天灾〖中〗央 thunder and lightning, roaring flame, storm and wind and frost sweep across together, covers lakelet edge, these four types come from four look like mountain range Strange Energy, as if there is fearful destructive power regarding various types of defense light covers, Star Shield under these four disasters, spreads ka ka, the resounding, momentarily will as if rupture. 雷电、烈焰、暴风、风霜一起席卷过来,将小湖边缘处笼罩,这四种来自于四象山脉奇异力量,似乎对于各种防御光罩都有着可怕的破坏力,星盾在这四种天灾之下,传出“咔咔”,的脆响,似乎随时都会爆裂开来。 Under these four disasters, he just likes gets sucked into the mire, takes a walk somewhat to be difficult. 在这四种天灾之下,他犹如深陷泥沼,走动起来都有些艰难。 At this time he knows that Chi Xiao and the others were facing anything. 这时候他才知道赤霄等人面临着什么。 Drinks!” “喝!” A rave, the different strength in whole body muscle erupts, the Shi Yan potential like the brave fighter, fires into Zuo Xu, has pulled taut him. 一声狂吼,浑身肌肉中的异力爆发开来,石岩势如猛虎,冲向左虚,一把扯住了他。
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