GOS :: Volume #5

#405: Evil and cruel scheme

little girl bringing death, I am becoming meet you anxiously!” 小丫头急着送死,那我就成会你!” Lakelet Center, whole face scabs Warrior of Sky Realm Third Sky boundary, the complexion sinks, suddenly raises hand to grasp. 小湖〖中〗央,一个满脸伤疤的天位三重天境的武者,脸色一沉,忽然扬手一抓。 Giant palm that precise becomes by Essence Qi, clear appears in the space, that palm one mu place was big, covers to Ai Ya, the palm center has transmitted the strong fierce suction. 精元凝炼而成的巨大手掌,清晰的在天上显现出来,那手掌有一亩地大,覆盖向艾雅,手掌中心传来了强猛的吸力。 Stands with him in another now Third Sky of Sky Realm Warrior together, on the face reveals the ridicule that disdains, paces slowly, he shrinks to extend like lightning in the left hand of sleeve cuff, the crystal light of bolt of white silk, precise become a giant clear python, worries is firing into Shi Yan and the others. 和他站在一块儿的另外一今天位三重天之境武者,脸上露出不屑的讥笑,缓缓踱步走来,他缩在袖口的左手闪电般伸出来,一道道匹练似的晶光,凝炼成一条巨大的晶莹蟒蛇,撕咬着冲向石岩等人。 The corpse ladder of space, at this time, dropped to the altitude that soon can climb up finally. 天上的尸梯,在这时候,终于下降到快要可以攀爬的高度。 Shi Yan one line of discolored, in heart obloquied that Ai Ya extremely worried, attracted the attention of these Expert, saw that Expert came, and was precise a clear python, Shi Yan and Cai Yi do not dare to hesitate, started to get rid to deal. 石岩一行人勃然变色,心中大骂艾雅太过着急,吸引了那些强者的注意,眼看那一名强者过来,并且凝炼出一条晶莹蟒蛇,石岩彩衣不敢犹豫,纷纷开始出手应对。 Shi Yan, nurses Xiao Shi to me.”, Chi Xiao calls out several suddenly, at once a dusky sphere comes out from his sleeve cuff escape, in that sphere the rich mist fast dissipation comes, forms a ash-gray smog gathering place instantaneously, detains the clear python that flies. 石岩,给我看护好小诗。”,赤霄突然暴喝数声,旋即一个灰蒙蒙的圆球从他袖口飞逸出来,那圆球中浓郁的雾气快速散逸开来,瞬间形成一片灰色烟雾聚集之地,去拦阻那飞来的晶莹蟒蛇。 Cai Yi is cold the face, releases for flight the ring on snow arm, rings are rotating in the midair turning round, in shining rays of light, the ring border emits the sharp blade, swift and fierce delimiting to that clear python. Zuo Xu, Lao li and Lao Lun have not moved, the god quietly is solemn and respectful, does not dare one to relax. 彩衣寒着脸,也将雪臂上的圆环放飞出去,一个个圆环在半空滴溜溜地转动着,在灿灿光芒中,圆环边沿冒出锋利的刀刃,凌厉的划向那一条晶莹蟒蛇。左虚劳里劳伦没有动,却神悄肃穆,不敢有一丝放松。 The clear python is swaying from side to side the body, is pleased as punch, ten meterssnakewood is clear, this python when flies, suddenly blowout together crystal light. 晶莹的蟒蛇扭动着身子,摇头摆尾,有十米长”身上的蛇纹都清清楚楚,这蟒蛇在飞来的时候,忽然喷出一道晶光。 The bolt of white silk crystal light, is a sharp sword of destroying the hardest defensespunctures the fog barrier that Chi Xiao puts likely directly, hits on rings that fiercely, in Cai Yi releases for flight. 匹练般的晶光,像是一支无坚不摧的利剑”直接刺破赤霄放出来的灰雾屏障,猛地撞击在彩衣放飞出来的一个个圆环上。 That side along bringing the ring of knife point, was being hit by that crystal light, the path of flight completely changed, toward in all directions[ stirs up] shoots. 那边沿带着刀锋的圆环,被那晶光一撞,飞行的轨迹全部变了,朝着四处〖激〗射开来。 Cai Yi elegant face one white, comes under the influence of this impulse, the tender body trembled trembling ” the first successive retreat three steps, the none remaining in look in vain one dark. 彩衣俏脸一白,受到这冲击力的影响,娇躯颤了颤”一连后退三步,眼神中的精光徒然一暗。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In lakelet another two teams of Warrior , the mutual battle gets up, starts to rob first to rush to Stone Ti the situation. 小湖中另外两队武者,也相互争斗起来,开始抢夺第一个冲上石梯的先机。 Ai Ya emits mountains and rivers seal, in forehead has one bunch of purple light turnovers to be uncertain, that bunch of purple light and mountains and rivers seal achieves the relation, is broader, has covered in a short time the purple lakelet that she closes right up against that purple light and communication of mountains and rivers sealmakes this mountains and rivers seal form the purple brook that extends. 艾雅放出山河印,眉心中有一束紫光吞吐不定,那一束紫光和山河印达成联系,她靠着那紫光和山河印的沟通”令这山河印形成的紫色溪流延伸的更加宽阔,在短时间内就覆盖了紫色小湖。 A sad imposing manner, oppresses from that purple brook, Warrior in all lakelet, ” are the mind shakes under this formidable pressure, immediately was affected, has one type to be hard to break through the feeling of that brook. 一种沉闷的气势,从那紫色溪流中压迫下来,所有小湖中的武者,在这一股强大的压力下”都是心神一震,顿时受到影响,生出一种难以冲破那溪流的感觉来。 Shi Yan is no exception. 石岩也不例外。 That purple lakelet influence mind Sea of Consciousness ability, the intermittent spiritual fluctuation transmits unexpectedly from mountains and rivers India , China, comes through purple brook spread, is affecting Warrior in entire lakelet. 那紫色小湖竟有一种影响心神识海的能力,阵阵精神波动从山河印中传递出去,通过紫色溪流扩散开来,影响着整个小湖中的武者 FaintWarrior in lakelet, the spiritual fluctuation by mountains and rivers seal was affected Sea of Consciousness, ” the look appears a confused meaning. 隐隐中”小湖中的武者,都被山河印的精神波动影响了识海,恍惚间”都眼神显出一丝迷茫之意。 The Ai Ya diving posture plunders suddenly. 艾雅忽然飞身掠走。 The body like the lightning, ” her first approached Stone Ti while people confused that instant, in the lakelet Warrior has not responded, she has mounted Stone Ti, fast interweaves to select Gu Pa to get up toward the space following the corpse ladder. 身如闪电,趁着众人迷茫的那一霎”她第一个靠近了石梯,在小湖中武者尚未反应过来的时候,她已登上石梯,快速的顺着尸梯朝着天上交织点辜爬起来。 5 Devils in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, suddenly in the confusedness that in his Sea of Consciousness in Ping Yan has appeared, shortly will eliminate, Shi Yan restored instantaneously soberly, then saw that Ai Ya climbs up the corpse ladder fast, first fires into interweaving of space rivers. 石岩识海中的五魔,忽然在他识海中动了一平眼中显现出来的迷茫,顷刻间消泯,石岩瞬间恢复了清醒,然后就见到艾雅快速爬上尸梯,第一个冲向天上河流的交织点。 motherfucker!”, Shi Yan could not bear explode a vulgar language. 妈的!”,石岩忍不住爆了一句粗话。 Ai Ya also planned unexpectedly them! 艾雅竟将他们也算计进去了! She does not have the plan and Shi Yan from the start they mounts Stone Ti together, reason that she puts ahead of time mountains and rivers seal, an attention of attraction team, but to let Chi Xiao and Cai Yi blocks for her, used Chi Xiao and Cai Yi, won to oneself the time that the mountains and rivers seal might released. 她压根就没有打算和石岩他们一起登上石梯,她之所以提前将山河印放出来,吸引其中一个团队的注意力,只是为了让赤霄彩衣为她挡住一下,利用赤霄彩衣了,给自己争取将山河印威力释放出来的时间。 Time that and Warrior of that whole face scabs, the big hand grasps, came under the mountains and rivers seal influence, cannot truly completely play the might of that big hand imprint. 其中那满脸伤疤的武者,大手抓来的时候,已经受到山河印影响,没能真正将那大手印的威力全部发挥出来。 In that person of eye appears a confused meaning, Ai Ya has seized the opportunity, started mountains and rivers seal biggest power, seizes the chance to affect Sea of Consciousness of all people, first has fired into the corpse ladder, became entered the person of stone ladder first. 在那人眼中显出一丝迷茫之意时,艾雅看准了时机,发动了山河印最大的力量,趁机影响所有人的识海,第一个冲向了尸梯,成了最先进入石梯的人。 Ai Ya has not regarded the companion to regard Shi Yan one line of obviously, this days continuously and Shi Yan and the others stayed in together, perhaps to wait for this moment, making Shi Yan attract the attention for them, is good to draw support others cope with Shi Yan they the time, seizes the chance to fire into the corpse ladder. 艾雅显然没有将石岩一行人当成同伴来看待,这段日子一直和石岩等人呆在一块儿,说不定就是为了等候这一刻,让石岩为他们吸引注意力,好借助于别人对付石岩他们的时候,趁机冲向尸梯。 She achieved. 她做到了。 Ai Ya climbs up on the stone ladder fast, that hangs below mountains and rivers seal, brooks that forms, instantaneous precise becomes together, releases a sincere defense barrier. 艾雅在石梯上快速攀爬,那悬在下方的山河印,形成的一条条溪流,瞬间凝炼成一块儿,释放出一股厚重的防御屏障来。 Under the space interweaving luminous spot, the purple rivers that mountains and rivers seal forms, has become a new barrier, massive purple rays of light, when she rushes to the corpse ladder, gathers she does not want any at corpse ladder most under a body of ancient human body, pursues after her. 在天上交织光点之下,山河印形成的紫色河流,成了一道新的屏障,其中大量的紫色光芒,在她冲上尸梯的时候,聚集在尸梯最下方的一具古尸的身上她是不想让任何一个人,在她之后追上来啊。 Good virulent woman!” “好恶毒的女人!” That whole face scabs Warrior of Third Sky of Sky Realm, gloomy the face was scolding one, the big hand imprint that transforms grasps to that leaves the people recent that ancient human body, was actually swung by ancient human body purple rays of light one side, his big hand imprint cannot grasp unexpectedly to the ancient human body, cannot give the crumb purple light that mountains and rivers India , China past. 那满脸伤疤的天位三重天之境武者,阴沉着脸骂了一句,幻化出来的大手印抓向那离众人最近的那一具古尸,却被古尸身上的紫色光芒荡到一旁,他那大手印竟不能抓向古尸,更加不能将山河印中流转出来的紫光给捏碎了。 Has not thought that unexpectedly your say|way, your several juniors, the plans are actually deceitful.” Another leaves Warrior of crystal light python precise, is cold the face, coldly looks at Shi Yan, Chi Xiao and Cai Yi, that woman walked first, you must be buried along with the dead for her, want sole possession , must a little come to understand that is good.” “没想到竟然着了你们的道儿,你们几个小辈,心机倒是狡诈。”另外一个凝炼出晶光蟒蛇的武者,寒着脸,冷冷看着石岩赤霄彩衣,“那女人先走了,你们要为她陪葬,想要独吞,也要有点觉悟才行。” In lakelet, numerous Warrior tries the purple creek barrier that breaks through mountains and rivers seal to come out precise, while manner bad looking to Shi Yan and the others. 小湖中,众多武者一边尝试冲破山河印凝炼出来的紫色小河屏障,一边都态度不善的望向石岩等人。 This slut!”, Whore!”, Mother woman!”, Cai Yi, Lao li and Lao Lun three people, clenching jaws obloquies that complexion ugly. “这贱人!”,“婊子!”,“妈妇!”,彩衣劳里劳伦三人,咬牙切齿的大骂起来,脸色难看至极。 Ai Ya has used them, in does not attend to their life and death, seizes the chance to rush to Stone Ti, making them become being the target of public criticism, so the procedure, simply was vicious. 艾雅利用了他们,至他们的生死于不顾,趁机冲上石梯,使得他们成了众矢之的,如此做法,简直是狠毒之极。 Eye looks at surrounding these Warrior, in pupils the cold brightness is bright, the purple creek when has not formed space mountains and rivers seal breaks through, the anger is getting bigger and bigger, as if wished one could their swallow alive live record, the Cai Yi three people to send regards to the Ai Ya ancestor ten generations. 看着周围那些武者,一个个眸中寒光熠熠,在没有将天上山河印形成的紫色小河冲破的时候,怒气越来越大,似乎恨不得将他们生吞活录,彩衣三人将艾雅祖宗十代都问候了一遍。 Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu complexion big change, subconscious drawing back to Zuo Shi, look dignifiedly. 赤霄左虚脸色大变,下意识的退向左诗身旁,眼神凝重之极。 A pitiful yell transmits suddenly......, The border locates Warrior of Nirvana Origin boundary, looks at Shi Yan and the others, actually carelessly were embezzled with raw hate by the storm. 一声惨叫突然传来……,边沿处一名涅巢境的武者,凶狠地看着石岩等人,却不慎被暴风吞没。 In the storm, that person of body is torn to pieces, the internal organs were torn by the wind blade, the dead shape is extremely pitiful. 在暴风之中,那人身体支离破碎,内脏都被风刀撕裂出来,死状极其凄惨。 Disaster already. 天灾已至。 People facial expression big change. 众人神情大变。 Warrior of lakelet border place, to the speed, the might that the protecting oneself light will cover promote peak most quickly, toward the lakelet Center accumulation, while continues to gather power. 小湖边沿处的武者,以最快地速度,将护身光罩的威力提升到巅峰,一边朝着小湖〖中〗央聚集,一边继续聚集力量 Some scene Chaos come suddenly. 场面突然有些混乱开来。 These Warrior in lakelet, clench teeth to obloquy that attacks the defense barrier that mountains and rivers seal forms unceasingly, that purple rivers under the impacts of various rare treasures, have revealed weak, has the rivers slit to appear gradually. 小湖中的那些武者,咬着牙大骂,不断地冲击山河印形成的防御屏障,那紫色河流在各类秘宝的冲击之下,已显露出不支,渐渐有河流缝隙显现出来。 Several effective rare treasures, fly one after another from the Warrior hand of that several Third Sky of Sky Realm, these rare treasures in the shining crystal light, the bang shoot in the purple rivers of top of the head, breaks in the first ancient human body[ body] , the sputtering that winds around purple light that strikes that ancient human body on. 几种威力不凡的秘宝,接连从那几名天位三重天之境武者手中飞出来,那些秘宝在灿灿晶光中,轰射在头顶的紫色河流,冲入第一具古尸的〖体〗内,将那古尸身上缭绕的紫光击的溅射开来。 Got down according to this situation, how long cannot want, the mountains and rivers seal barrier that Ai Ya kept, will be broken through. 按这形势下去,要不了多久,艾雅留下来的山河印屏障,就会被冲破。 These many rare treasures catch up again and again, even if the Sacred level mountains and rivers seal, feared Spiritual Qi that will be directly hit completely will lose, directly has become scrap rock. 这么多秘宝连连发力,就算是圣级的山河印,怕是都会被直接打的灵气尽失,直接成了一块废石。 Ai Ya spelled lost a Sacred level secret treasure mountain river seal, must detain the people, the disaster that makes their soon come gave to submerge, must one and kills the people, is good rare treasure that had sole possession of the space to appear indistinctly. 艾雅是拼了失去一件圣级宝山河印,也要拦阻众人,让他们被即将过来的天灾给淹没,要将众人一并害死,好独吞天上隐约显现出来的秘宝。 Leaves a mountains and rivers seal, can actually obtain many rare treasures, good plan that this Ai Ya hits! 舍去一件山河印,却能获得更多的秘宝,这艾雅打的好算盘 motherfucker, this rare treasure definitely is Sacred level, otherwise the defensive power cannot so powerful!”, Shells Warrior of mountains and rivers seal again and again, shouting abuse, was cursing the virulence of Ai Ya, this inexpensive woman was wants to kill us!” 妈的,这秘宝肯定是圣级的,不然防御力不会如此强悍!”,连连轰击山河印的武者,破口大骂着,都在诅咒艾雅的恶毒,“这贱女人是想要害死我们所有人啊!” Mountains and rivers are printed with Intent Domain and power that the Ai Ya father exerts, her father in the boundary of God Passage Second Sky, wants to break the defense of mountains and rivers seal, does not have is so easy.” Cai Yi clenching teeth bitterly, this slut, the feelings are really virulent, the one had only known, initially should kill her first!”, Lao li and Lao Lun also gloomy face. “山河印有艾雅父亲施加的意境力量,她父亲在通神二重天之境,想要破掉山河印的防御,没那么容易的。”彩衣恨恨的咬着牙,,“这贱人,果然心肠恶毒,早知如此,当初就应该先杀了她!”,劳里劳伦阴沉着脸。 We are also a side of being deceived.” At this time, Shi Yan looked suddenly to lakelet Center these Warrior, frowns to explain: You also saw, the woman has planned us together, at this time everybody do not begin to dispute, finds the way to break the defense of this mountains and rivers seal to be good first.”, He saw these Warrior under the violent anger, had must the thought that they extinguish instantaneously kill. “我们也是受骗的一方。”这时候,石岩突然看向小湖〖中〗央的那些武者,皱着眉头解释道:“你们也看见了,那女人是将我们一起算计了,这时候大家不要再起争执了,还是想办法先破掉这山河印的防御才行。”,他看出了那些武者在暴怒之下,已有了要将他们瞬间灭杀的念头。 Once these many Warrior are crazy, even if he can protect oneself, Chi Xiao, Zuo Shi and the others cannot run away, to avoid these people loses to be sanely crazy, he has to speak the argument. 这么多武者一旦疯狂起来,就算是他可以自保,赤霄左诗等人也逃不出去,为了避免那些人失去理智疯狂起来,他不得不出言辩解。 Father does not haggle over with you now, after waiting to be out of the danger, again with you do accounts!”, Warrior of that whole face scabs calls out one, will focus on above mountains and rivers seal, will be cold the face to get rid to shell. “老子现在不和你们计较,等脱离危险之后,再和你们算账!”,那满脸伤疤的武者暴喝一声,又将注意力放在了山河印之上,寒着脸出手轰击。 Disaster that prepares to deal with.”, Shi Yan sighed one lightly, to Chi Xiao and Cai Yi nodded, but offered a sacrifice to Star Shield, a star light pasted from him, covered his whole body. “准备应付过来的天灾吧。”,石岩轻叹一声,冲赤霄彩衣点了点头,无奈祭出星盾,点点星光从他身上流转开来,将他全身都笼罩住。 Un? Star Shield?” “嗯?星盾?” In lakelet, facial features withered and yellow, keeps the rough middle-aged guy of whole face beard, in the eye is flashing through together the different light, surprised looking Shi Yan, called out:, Boy, are you also our god people?” 小湖中,一名面容枯黄,留着满脸胡须的粗犷中年大汉,眼中闪过一道异光,惊讶的望了望石岩,叫道:,“小子,你也是我们神教中人?” Shi Yan stares, suddenly had not pondered that spoke thoughtlessly to ask: „ What?, 石岩一愣,一时间没有细想,随口问道:“什么?,
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